#include "document.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include "../world/defaultgmsts.hpp" #ifndef Q_MOC_RUN #include #endif void CSMDoc::Document::addGmsts() { for (size_t i=0; i < CSMWorld::DefaultGmsts::FloatCount; ++i) { ESM::GameSetting gmst; gmst.mId = CSMWorld::DefaultGmsts::Floats[i]; gmst.mValue.setType (ESM::VT_Float); gmst.mValue.setFloat (CSMWorld::DefaultGmsts::FloatsDefaultValues[i]); getData().getGmsts().add (gmst); } for (size_t i=0; i < CSMWorld::DefaultGmsts::IntCount; ++i) { ESM::GameSetting gmst; gmst.mId = CSMWorld::DefaultGmsts::Ints[i]; gmst.mValue.setType (ESM::VT_Int); gmst.mValue.setInteger (CSMWorld::DefaultGmsts::IntsDefaultValues[i]); getData().getGmsts().add (gmst); } for (size_t i=0; i < CSMWorld::DefaultGmsts::StringCount; ++i) { ESM::GameSetting gmst; gmst.mId = CSMWorld::DefaultGmsts::Strings[i]; gmst.mValue.setType (ESM::VT_String); gmst.mValue.setString (""); getData().getGmsts().add (gmst); } } void CSMDoc::Document::addOptionalGmsts() { for (size_t i=0; i < CSMWorld::DefaultGmsts::OptionalFloatCount; ++i) { ESM::GameSetting gmst; gmst.mId = CSMWorld::DefaultGmsts::OptionalFloats[i]; gmst.blank(); gmst.mValue.setType (ESM::VT_Float); addOptionalGmst (gmst); } for (size_t i=0; i < CSMWorld::DefaultGmsts::OptionalIntCount; ++i) { ESM::GameSetting gmst; gmst.mId = CSMWorld::DefaultGmsts::OptionalInts[i]; gmst.blank(); gmst.mValue.setType (ESM::VT_Int); addOptionalGmst (gmst); } for (size_t i=0; i < CSMWorld::DefaultGmsts::OptionalStringCount; ++i) { ESM::GameSetting gmst; gmst.mId = CSMWorld::DefaultGmsts::OptionalStrings[i]; gmst.blank(); gmst.mValue.setType (ESM::VT_String); gmst.mValue.setString (""); addOptionalGmst (gmst); } } void CSMDoc::Document::addOptionalGlobals() { static const char *sGlobals[] = { "DaysPassed", "PCWerewolf", "PCYear", 0 }; for (int i=0; sGlobals[i]; ++i) { ESM::Global global; global.mId = sGlobals[i]; global.blank(); global.mValue.setType (ESM::VT_Long); if (i==0) global.mValue.setInteger (1); // dayspassed starts counting at 1 addOptionalGlobal (global); } } void CSMDoc::Document::addOptionalMagicEffects() { for (int i=ESM::MagicEffect::SummonFabricant; i<=ESM::MagicEffect::SummonCreature05; ++i) { ESM::MagicEffect effect; effect.mIndex = i; effect.mId = ESM::MagicEffect::indexToId (i); effect.blank(); addOptionalMagicEffect (effect); } } void CSMDoc::Document::addOptionalGmst (const ESM::GameSetting& gmst) { if (getData().getGmsts().searchId (gmst.mId)==-1) { CSMWorld::Record record; record.mBase = gmst; record.mState = CSMWorld::RecordBase::State_BaseOnly; getData().getGmsts().appendRecord (record); } } void CSMDoc::Document::addOptionalGlobal (const ESM::Global& global) { if (getData().getGlobals().searchId (global.mId)==-1) { CSMWorld::Record record; record.mBase = global; record.mState = CSMWorld::RecordBase::State_BaseOnly; getData().getGlobals().appendRecord (record); } } void CSMDoc::Document::addOptionalMagicEffect (const ESM::MagicEffect& magicEffect) { if (getData().getMagicEffects().searchId (magicEffect.mId)==-1) { CSMWorld::Record record; record.mBase = magicEffect; record.mState = CSMWorld::RecordBase::State_BaseOnly; getData().getMagicEffects().appendRecord (record); } } void CSMDoc::Document::createBase() { static const char *sGlobals[] = { "Day", "DaysPassed", "GameHour", "Month", "PCRace", "PCVampire", "PCWerewolf", "PCYear", 0 }; for (int i=0; sGlobals[i]; ++i) { ESM::Global record; record.mId = sGlobals[i]; record.mValue.setType (i==2 ? ESM::VT_Float : ESM::VT_Long); if (i==0 || i==1) record.mValue.setInteger (1); getData().getGlobals().add (record); } addGmsts(); for (int i=0; i<27; ++i) { ESM::Skill record; record.mIndex = i; record.mId = ESM::Skill::indexToId (record.mIndex); record.blank(); getData().getSkills().add (record); } static const char *sVoice[] = { "Intruder", "Attack", "Hello", "Thief", "Alarm", "Idle", "Flee", "Hit", 0 }; for (int i=0; sVoice[i]; ++i) { ESM::Dialogue record; record.mId = sVoice[i]; record.mType = ESM::Dialogue::Voice; record.blank(); getData().getTopics().add (record); } static const char *sGreetings[] = { "Greeting 0", "Greeting 1", "Greeting 2", "Greeting 3", "Greeting 4", "Greeting 5", "Greeting 6", "Greeting 7", "Greeting 8", "Greeting 9", 0 }; for (int i=0; sGreetings[i]; ++i) { ESM::Dialogue record; record.mId = sGreetings[i]; record.mType = ESM::Dialogue::Greeting; record.blank(); getData().getTopics().add (record); } static const char *sPersuasion[] = { "Intimidate Success", "Intimidate Fail", "Service Refusal", "Admire Success", "Taunt Success", "Bribe Success", "Info Refusal", "Admire Fail", "Taunt Fail", "Bribe Fail", 0 }; for (int i=0; sPersuasion[i]; ++i) { ESM::Dialogue record; record.mId = sPersuasion[i]; record.mType = ESM::Dialogue::Persuasion; record.blank(); getData().getTopics().add (record); } for (int i=0; i& files, bool new_, const boost::filesystem::path& savePath, const boost::filesystem::path& resDir, const Fallback::Map* fallback, ToUTF8::FromType encoding, CSMWorld::ResourcesManager& resourcesManager, const std::vector& blacklistedScripts) : mVFS(vfs), mSavePath (savePath), mContentFiles (files), mNew (new_), mData (encoding, vfs, resourcesManager, fallback, resDir), mTools (*this, encoding), mProjectPath ((configuration.getUserDataPath() / "projects") / (savePath.filename().string() + ".project")), mSavingOperation (*this, mProjectPath, encoding), mSaving (&mSavingOperation), mResDir(resDir), mFallbackMap(fallback), mRunner (mProjectPath), mDirty (false), mIdCompletionManager(mData) { if (mContentFiles.empty()) throw std::runtime_error ("Empty content file sequence"); if (!boost::filesystem::exists (mProjectPath)) { boost::filesystem::path customFiltersPath (configuration.getUserDataPath()); customFiltersPath /= "defaultfilters"; std::ofstream destination (mProjectPath.string().c_str(), std::ios::binary); if (boost::filesystem::exists (customFiltersPath)) { destination << std::ifstream(customFiltersPath.string().c_str(), std::ios::binary).rdbuf(); } else { destination << std::ifstream(std::string(mResDir.string() + "/defaultfilters").c_str(), std::ios::binary).rdbuf(); } } if (mNew) { if (mContentFiles.size()==1) createBase(); } mBlacklist.add (CSMWorld::UniversalId::Type_Script, blacklistedScripts); addOptionalGmsts(); addOptionalGlobals(); addOptionalMagicEffects(); connect (&mUndoStack, SIGNAL (cleanChanged (bool)), this, SLOT (modificationStateChanged (bool))); connect (&mTools, SIGNAL (progress (int, int, int)), this, SLOT (progress (int, int, int))); connect (&mTools, SIGNAL (done (int, bool)), this, SLOT (operationDone (int, bool))); connect (&mTools, SIGNAL (mergeDone (CSMDoc::Document*)), this, SIGNAL (mergeDone (CSMDoc::Document*))); connect (&mSaving, SIGNAL (progress (int, int, int)), this, SLOT (progress (int, int, int))); connect (&mSaving, SIGNAL (done (int, bool)), this, SLOT (operationDone (int, bool))); connect ( &mSaving, SIGNAL (reportMessage (const CSMDoc::Message&, int)), this, SLOT (reportMessage (const CSMDoc::Message&, int))); connect (&mRunner, SIGNAL (runStateChanged()), this, SLOT (runStateChanged())); } CSMDoc::Document::~Document() { } const VFS::Manager *CSMDoc::Document::getVFS() const { return mVFS; } QUndoStack& CSMDoc::Document::getUndoStack() { return mUndoStack; } int CSMDoc::Document::getState() const { int state = 0; if (!mUndoStack.isClean() || mDirty) state |= State_Modified; if (mSaving.isRunning()) state |= State_Locked | State_Saving | State_Operation; if (mRunner.isRunning()) state |= State_Locked | State_Running; if (int operations = mTools.getRunningOperations()) state |= State_Locked | State_Operation | operations; return state; } const boost::filesystem::path& CSMDoc::Document::getSavePath() const { return mSavePath; } const boost::filesystem::path& CSMDoc::Document::getProjectPath() const { return mProjectPath; } const std::vector& CSMDoc::Document::getContentFiles() const { return mContentFiles; } bool CSMDoc::Document::isNew() const { return mNew; } void CSMDoc::Document::save() { if (mSaving.isRunning()) throw std::logic_error ( "Failed to initiate save, because a save operation is already running."); mSaving.start(); emit stateChanged (getState(), this); } CSMWorld::UniversalId CSMDoc::Document::verify (const CSMWorld::UniversalId& reportId) { CSMWorld::UniversalId id = mTools.runVerifier (reportId); emit stateChanged (getState(), this); return id; } CSMWorld::UniversalId CSMDoc::Document::newSearch() { return mTools.newSearch(); } void CSMDoc::Document::runSearch (const CSMWorld::UniversalId& searchId, const CSMTools::Search& search) { mTools.runSearch (searchId, search); emit stateChanged (getState(), this); } void CSMDoc::Document::runMerge (std::unique_ptr target) { mTools.runMerge (std::move(target)); emit stateChanged (getState(), this); } void CSMDoc::Document::abortOperation (int type) { if (type==State_Saving) mSaving.abort(); else mTools.abortOperation (type); } void CSMDoc::Document::modificationStateChanged (bool clean) { emit stateChanged (getState(), this); } void CSMDoc::Document::reportMessage (const CSMDoc::Message& message, int type) { /// \todo find a better way to get these messages to the user. std::cout << message.mMessage << std::endl; } void CSMDoc::Document::operationDone (int type, bool failed) { if (type==CSMDoc::State_Saving && !failed) mDirty = false; emit stateChanged (getState(), this); } const CSMWorld::Data& CSMDoc::Document::getData() const { return mData; } CSMWorld::Data& CSMDoc::Document::getData() { return mData; } CSMTools::ReportModel *CSMDoc::Document::getReport (const CSMWorld::UniversalId& id) { return mTools.getReport (id); } bool CSMDoc::Document::isBlacklisted (const CSMWorld::UniversalId& id) const { return mBlacklist.isBlacklisted (id); } void CSMDoc::Document::startRunning (const std::string& profile, const std::string& startupInstruction) { std::vector contentFiles; for (std::vector::const_iterator iter (mContentFiles.begin()); iter!=mContentFiles.end(); ++iter) contentFiles.push_back (iter->filename().string()); mRunner.configure (getData().getDebugProfiles().getRecord (profile).get(), contentFiles, startupInstruction); int state = getState(); if (state & State_Modified) { // need to save first mRunner.start (true); new SaveWatcher (&mRunner, &mSaving); // no, that is not a memory leak. Qt is weird. if (!(state & State_Saving)) save(); } else mRunner.start(); } void CSMDoc::Document::stopRunning() { mRunner.stop(); } QTextDocument *CSMDoc::Document::getRunLog() { return mRunner.getLog(); } void CSMDoc::Document::runStateChanged() { emit stateChanged (getState(), this); } void CSMDoc::Document::progress (int current, int max, int type) { emit progress (current, max, type, 1, this); } CSMWorld::IdCompletionManager &CSMDoc::Document::getIdCompletionManager() { return mIdCompletionManager; } void CSMDoc::Document::flagAsDirty() { mDirty = true; }