#include "weapon.hpp"

#include <components/esm/loadweap.hpp>

#include "../mwbase/environment.hpp"
#include "../mwbase/world.hpp"
#include "../mwbase/windowmanager.hpp"

#include "../mwworld/ptr.hpp"
#include "../mwworld/actiontake.hpp"
#include "../mwworld/actionequip.hpp"
#include "../mwworld/inventorystore.hpp"
#include "../mwworld/cellstore.hpp"
#include "../mwworld/physicssystem.hpp"

#include "../mwgui/tooltips.hpp"

#include "../mwrender/objects.hpp"
#include "../mwrender/renderinginterface.hpp"

namespace MWClass
    void Weapon::insertObjectRendering (const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr, MWRender::RenderingInterface& renderingInterface) const
        const std::string model = getModel(ptr);
        if (!model.empty()) {
            MWRender::Objects& objects = renderingInterface.getObjects();
            objects.insertBegin(ptr, ptr.getRefData().isEnabled(), false);
            objects.insertMesh(ptr, model);

    void Weapon::insertObject(const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr, MWWorld::PhysicsSystem& physics) const
        const std::string model = getModel(ptr);

    std::string Weapon::getModel(const MWWorld::Ptr &ptr) const
        MWWorld::LiveCellRef<ESM::Weapon> *ref =
        assert(ref->mBase != NULL);

        const std::string &model = ref->mBase->mModel;
        if (!model.empty()) {
            return "meshes\\" + model;
        return "";

    std::string Weapon::getName (const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr) const
        MWWorld::LiveCellRef<ESM::Weapon> *ref =

        return ref->mBase->mName;

    boost::shared_ptr<MWWorld::Action> Weapon::activate (const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr,
        const MWWorld::Ptr& actor) const
        boost::shared_ptr<MWWorld::Action> action(new MWWorld::ActionTake (ptr));


        return action;

    bool Weapon::hasItemHealth (const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr) const
        return true;

    int Weapon::getItemMaxHealth (const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr) const
        MWWorld::LiveCellRef<ESM::Weapon> *ref =

        return ref->mBase->mData.mHealth;

    std::string Weapon::getScript (const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr) const
        MWWorld::LiveCellRef<ESM::Weapon> *ref =

        return ref->mBase->mScript;

    std::pair<std::vector<int>, bool> Weapon::getEquipmentSlots (const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr) const
        MWWorld::LiveCellRef<ESM::Weapon> *ref =

        std::vector<int> slots;
        bool stack = false;

        if (ref->mBase->mData.mType==ESM::Weapon::Arrow || ref->mBase->mData.mType==ESM::Weapon::Bolt)
            slots.push_back (int (MWWorld::InventoryStore::Slot_Ammunition));
            stack = true;
        else if (ref->mBase->mData.mType==ESM::Weapon::MarksmanThrown)
            slots.push_back (int (MWWorld::InventoryStore::Slot_CarriedRight));
            stack = true;
            slots.push_back (int (MWWorld::InventoryStore::Slot_CarriedRight));

        return std::make_pair (slots, stack);

    int Weapon::getEquipmentSkill (const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr) const
        MWWorld::LiveCellRef<ESM::Weapon> *ref =

        const int size = 12;

        static const int sMapping[size][2] =
            { ESM::Weapon::ShortBladeOneHand, ESM::Skill::ShortBlade },
            { ESM::Weapon::LongBladeOneHand, ESM::Skill::LongBlade },
            { ESM::Weapon::LongBladeTwoHand, ESM::Skill::LongBlade },
            { ESM::Weapon::BluntOneHand, ESM::Skill::BluntWeapon },
            { ESM::Weapon::BluntTwoClose, ESM::Skill::BluntWeapon },
            { ESM::Weapon::BluntTwoWide, ESM::Skill::BluntWeapon },
            { ESM::Weapon::SpearTwoWide, ESM::Skill::Spear },
            { ESM::Weapon::AxeOneHand, ESM::Skill::Axe },
            { ESM::Weapon::AxeTwoHand, ESM::Skill::Axe },
            { ESM::Weapon::MarksmanBow, ESM::Skill::Marksman },
            { ESM::Weapon::MarksmanCrossbow, ESM::Skill::Marksman },
            { ESM::Weapon::MarksmanThrown, ESM::Skill::Marksman }

        for (int i=0; i<size; ++i)
            if (sMapping[i][0]==ref->mBase->mData.mType)
                return sMapping[i][1];

        return -1;

    int Weapon::getValue (const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr) const
        MWWorld::LiveCellRef<ESM::Weapon> *ref =

        return ref->mBase->mData.mValue;

    void Weapon::registerSelf()
        boost::shared_ptr<Class> instance (new Weapon);

        registerClass (typeid (ESM::Weapon).name(), instance);

    std::string Weapon::getUpSoundId (const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr) const
        MWWorld::LiveCellRef<ESM::Weapon> *ref =

        int type = ref->mBase->mData.mType;
        // Ammo
        if (type == 12 || type == 13)
            return std::string("Item Ammo Up");
        // Bow
        if (type == 9)
            return std::string("Item Weapon Bow Up");
        // Crossbow
        if (type == 10)
            return std::string("Item Weapon Crossbow Up");
        // Longblades, One hand and Two
        if (type == 1 || type == 2)
            return std::string("Item Weapon Longblade Up");
        // Shortblade and thrown weapons
        // thrown weapons may not be entirely correct
        if (type == 0 || type == 11)
            return std::string("Item Weapon Shortblade Up");
        // Spear
        if (type == 6)
            return std::string("Item Weapon Spear Up");
        // Blunts and Axes
        if (type == 3 || type == 4 || type == 5 || type == 7 || type == 8)
            return std::string("Item Weapon Blunt Up");

        return std::string("Item Misc Up");

    std::string Weapon::getDownSoundId (const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr) const
        MWWorld::LiveCellRef<ESM::Weapon> *ref =

        int type = ref->mBase->mData.mType;
        // Ammo
        if (type == 12 || type == 13)
            return std::string("Item Ammo Down");
        // Bow
        if (type == 9)
            return std::string("Item Weapon Bow Down");
        // Crossbow
        if (type == 10)
            return std::string("Item Weapon Crossbow Down");
        // Longblades, One hand and Two
        if (type == 1 || type == 2)
            return std::string("Item Weapon Longblade Down");
        // Shortblade and thrown weapons
        // thrown weapons may not be entirely correct
        if (type == 0 || type == 11)
            return std::string("Item Weapon Shortblade Down");
        // Spear
        if (type == 6)
            return std::string("Item Weapon Spear Down");
        // Blunts and Axes
        if (type == 3 || type == 4 || type == 5 || type == 7 || type == 8)
            return std::string("Item Weapon Blunt Down");

        return std::string("Item Misc Down");

    std::string Weapon::getInventoryIcon (const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr) const
          MWWorld::LiveCellRef<ESM::Weapon> *ref =

        return ref->mBase->mIcon;

    bool Weapon::hasToolTip (const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr) const
        MWWorld::LiveCellRef<ESM::Weapon> *ref =

        return (ref->mBase->mName != "");

    MWGui::ToolTipInfo Weapon::getToolTipInfo (const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr) const
        MWWorld::LiveCellRef<ESM::Weapon> *ref =

        MWGui::ToolTipInfo info;
        info.caption = ref->mBase->mName + MWGui::ToolTips::getCountString(ptr.getRefData().getCount());
        info.icon = ref->mBase->mIcon;

        const MWWorld::ESMStore& store = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getStore();

        std::string text;

        // weapon type & damage. arrows / bolts don't have his info.
        if (ref->mBase->mData.mType < 12)
            text += "\n#{sType} ";

            std::map <int, std::pair <std::string, std::string> > mapping;
            mapping[ESM::Weapon::ShortBladeOneHand] = std::make_pair("sSkillShortblade", "sOneHanded");
            mapping[ESM::Weapon::LongBladeOneHand] = std::make_pair("sSkillLongblade", "sOneHanded");
            mapping[ESM::Weapon::LongBladeTwoHand] = std::make_pair("sSkillLongblade", "sTwoHanded");
            mapping[ESM::Weapon::BluntOneHand] = std::make_pair("sSkillBluntweapon", "sOneHanded");
            mapping[ESM::Weapon::BluntTwoClose] = std::make_pair("sSkillBluntweapon", "sTwoHanded");
            mapping[ESM::Weapon::BluntTwoWide] = std::make_pair("sSkillBluntweapon", "sTwoHanded");
            mapping[ESM::Weapon::SpearTwoWide] = std::make_pair("sSkillSpear", "sTwoHanded");
            mapping[ESM::Weapon::AxeOneHand] = std::make_pair("sSkillAxe", "sOneHanded");
            mapping[ESM::Weapon::AxeTwoHand] = std::make_pair("sSkillAxe", "sTwoHanded");
            mapping[ESM::Weapon::MarksmanBow] = std::make_pair("sSkillMarksman", "");
            mapping[ESM::Weapon::MarksmanCrossbow] = std::make_pair("sSkillMarksman", "");
            mapping[ESM::Weapon::MarksmanThrown] = std::make_pair("sSkillMarksman", "");

            std::string type = mapping[ref->mBase->mData.mType].first;
            std::string oneOrTwoHanded = mapping[ref->mBase->mData.mType].second;

            text += store.get<ESM::GameSetting>().find(type)->getString() +
                ((oneOrTwoHanded != "") ? ", " + store.get<ESM::GameSetting>().find(oneOrTwoHanded)->getString() : "");

            // weapon damage
            if (ref->mBase->mData.mType >= 9)
                // marksman
                text += "\n#{sAttack}: "
                    + MWGui::ToolTips::toString(static_cast<int>(ref->mBase->mData.mChop[0]))
                    + " - " + MWGui::ToolTips::toString(static_cast<int>(ref->mBase->mData.mChop[1]));
                // Chop
                text += "\n#{sChop}: "
                    + MWGui::ToolTips::toString(static_cast<int>(ref->mBase->mData.mChop[0]))
                    + " - " + MWGui::ToolTips::toString(static_cast<int>(ref->mBase->mData.mChop[1]));
                // Slash
                text += "\n#{sSlash}: "
                    + MWGui::ToolTips::toString(static_cast<int>(ref->mBase->mData.mSlash[0]))
                    + " - " + MWGui::ToolTips::toString(static_cast<int>(ref->mBase->mData.mSlash[1]));
                // Thrust
                text += "\n#{sThrust}: "
                    + MWGui::ToolTips::toString(static_cast<int>(ref->mBase->mData.mThrust[0]))
                    + " - " + MWGui::ToolTips::toString(static_cast<int>(ref->mBase->mData.mThrust[1]));

        /// \todo store the current weapon health somewhere
        if (ref->mBase->mData.mType < 11) // thrown weapons and arrows/bolts don't have health, only quantity
            text += "\n#{sCondition}: " + MWGui::ToolTips::toString(ref->mBase->mData.mHealth);

        text += "\n#{sWeight}: " + MWGui::ToolTips::toString(ref->mBase->mData.mWeight);
        text += MWGui::ToolTips::getValueString(ref->mBase->mData.mValue, "#{sValue}");

        info.enchant = ref->mBase->mEnchant;

        if (MWBase::Environment::get().getWindowManager()->getFullHelp()) {
            text += MWGui::ToolTips::getMiscString(ref->mRef.mOwner, "Owner");
            text += MWGui::ToolTips::getMiscString(ref->mBase->mScript, "Script");

        info.text = text;

        return info;

    std::string Weapon::getEnchantment (const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr) const
        MWWorld::LiveCellRef<ESM::Weapon> *ref =

        return ref->mBase->mEnchant;

    boost::shared_ptr<MWWorld::Action> Weapon::use (const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr) const
        boost::shared_ptr<MWWorld::Action> action(new MWWorld::ActionEquip(ptr));


        return action;

    Weapon::copyToCellImpl(const MWWorld::Ptr &ptr, MWWorld::CellStore &cell) const
        MWWorld::LiveCellRef<ESM::Weapon> *ref =

        return MWWorld::Ptr(&cell.mWeapons.insert(*ref), &cell);