#ifndef _ESM_PGRD_H
#define _ESM_PGRD_H

#include "esm_reader.hpp"

namespace ESM

 * Path grid.
struct PathGrid
    struct DATAstruct
        int x, y; // Grid location, matches cell for exterior cells
        short s1; // ?? Usually but not always a power of 2. Doesn't seem
                  // to have any relation to the size of PGRC.
        short s2; // Number of path points? Size of PGRP block is always 16 * s2;
    }; // 12 bytes

#pragma pack(push, 1)
    struct Point // path grid point
        int x, y, z; // Location of point
        int unknown; // Possibly flag for coloring/user-placed vs auto-generated
    }; // 16 bytes

    struct Edge // path grid edge
        int v0, v1; // index of points connected with this edge
    }; // 8 bytes
#pragma pack(pop)

    std::string cell; // Cell name
    DATAstruct data;

    Point *points;
    int pointCount;
    Edge *edges;
    int edgeCount;

    ESM_Context context; // Context so we can return here later and
                         // finish the job
    void load(ESMReader &esm);
