#include "loadscpt.hpp"

namespace ESM

void Script::load(ESMReader &esm)
    esm.getHNT(data, "SCHD", 52);

    // List of local variables
    if (esm.isNextSub("SCVR"))
        int s = data.stringTableSize;
        char* tmp = new char[s];
        esm.getHExact(tmp, s);

        // Set up the list of variable names
        varNames.resize(data.numShorts + data.numLongs + data.numFloats);

        // The tmp buffer is a null-byte separated string list, we
        // just have to pick out one string at a time.
        char* str = tmp;
        for (size_t i = 0; i < varNames.size(); i++)
            varNames[i] = std::string(str);
            str += varNames[i].size() + 1;

            if (str - tmp > s)
                esm.fail("String table overflow");
        delete[] tmp;

    // Script data
    esm.getHNExact(&scriptData[0], scriptData.size(), "SCDT");

    // Script text
    scriptText = esm.getHNOString("SCTX");
