#include "npcanimation.hpp" #include "../mwworld/world.hpp" using namespace Ogre; using namespace NifOgre; namespace MWRender{ NpcAnimation::~NpcAnimation(){ } NpcAnimation::NpcAnimation(const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr, MWWorld::Environment& _env,OEngine::Render::OgreRenderer& _rend): Animation(_env,_rend){ ESMS::LiveCellRef *ref = ptr.get(); //assert (ref->base != NULL); //insertBegin(ptr, true, true); //Part selection on last character of the file string // " Tri Chest // * Tri Tail // : Tri Left Foot // < Tri Right Foot // > Tri Left Hand // ? Tri Right Hand // | Normal //Mirroring Parts on second to last character //suffix == '*' // vector = Ogre::Vector3(-1,1,1); // suffix == '?' // vector = Ogre::Vector3(1,-1,1); // suffix == '<' // vector = Ogre::Vector3(1,1,-1); std::string hairID = ref->base->hair; std::string headID = ref->base->head; std::string npcName = ref->base->name; std::string bodyRaceID = headID.substr(0, headID.find_last_of("head_") - 4); char secondtolast = bodyRaceID.at(bodyRaceID.length() - 2); bool female = tolower(secondtolast) == 'f'; bool beast = bodyRaceID == "b_n_khajiit_m_" || bodyRaceID == "b_n_khajiit_f_" || bodyRaceID == "b_n_argonian_m_" || bodyRaceID == "b_n_argonian_f_"; std::string smodel = "meshes\\base_anim.nif"; if(beast) smodel = "meshes\\base_animkna.nif"; insert = ptr.getRefData().getBaseNode(); assert(insert); NifOgre::NIFLoader::load(smodel); base = mRend.getScene()->createEntity(smodel); base->setSkipAnimationStateUpdate(true); //Magical line of code, this makes the bones //stay in the same place when we skipanim, or open a gui window if(transformations = (NIFLoader::getSingletonPtr())->getAnim(smodel)){ for(int init = 0; init < transformations->size(); init++){ rindexI.push_back(0); //a.rindexJ.push_back(0); tindexI.push_back(0); //a.tindexJ.push_back(0); } loop = false; stopTime = transformations->begin()->getStopTime(); //a.startTime = NIFLoader::getSingletonPtr()->getTime(item.smodel, "IdleSneak: Start"); startTime = transformations->begin()->getStartTime(); } insert->attachObject(base); if(bodyRaceID == "b_n_wood elf_f_" || bodyRaceID == "b_n_wood elf_m_") insert->scale(.9,.9,.9); std::string headModel = "meshes\\" + mEnvironment.mWorld->getStore().bodyParts.find(headID)->model; std::string hairModel = "meshes\\" + mEnvironment.mWorld->getStore().bodyParts.find(hairID)->model; const ESM::BodyPart *chest = mEnvironment.mWorld->getStore().bodyParts.search (bodyRaceID + "chest"); const ESM::BodyPart *upperleg = mEnvironment.mWorld->getStore().bodyParts.search (bodyRaceID + "upper leg"); const ESM::BodyPart *groin = mEnvironment.mWorld->getStore().bodyParts.search (bodyRaceID + "groin"); const ESM::BodyPart *arml = mEnvironment.mWorld->getStore().bodyParts.search (bodyRaceID + "upper arm"); //We need two const ESM::BodyPart *neck = mEnvironment.mWorld->getStore().bodyParts.search (bodyRaceID + "neck"); const ESM::BodyPart *knee = mEnvironment.mWorld->getStore().bodyParts.search (bodyRaceID + "knee"); const ESM::BodyPart *ankle = mEnvironment.mWorld->getStore().bodyParts.search (bodyRaceID + "ankle"); const ESM::BodyPart *foot = mEnvironment.mWorld->getStore().bodyParts.search (bodyRaceID + "foot"); const ESM::BodyPart *feet = mEnvironment.mWorld->getStore().bodyParts.search (bodyRaceID + "feet"); const ESM::BodyPart *tail = mEnvironment.mWorld->getStore().bodyParts.search (bodyRaceID + "tail"); const ESM::BodyPart *wristl = mEnvironment.mWorld->getStore().bodyParts.search (bodyRaceID + "wrist"); //We need two const ESM::BodyPart *forearml = mEnvironment.mWorld->getStore().bodyParts.search (bodyRaceID + "forearm"); //We need two const ESM::BodyPart *handl = mEnvironment.mWorld->getStore().bodyParts.search (bodyRaceID + "hand"); //We need two const ESM::BodyPart *hair = mEnvironment.mWorld->getStore().bodyParts.search(hairID); const ESM::BodyPart *head = mEnvironment.mWorld->getStore().bodyParts.search(headID); if(bodyRaceID == "b_n_argonian_f_") forearml = mEnvironment.mWorld->getStore().bodyParts.search ("b_n_argonian_m_forearm"); //We need two if(!handl) handl = mEnvironment.mWorld->getStore().bodyParts.search (bodyRaceID + "hands"); //const ESM::BodyPart* claviclel = environment.mWorld->getStore().bodyParts.search (bodyRaceID + "clavicle"); //const ESM::BodyPart* clavicler = claviclel; const ESM::BodyPart* handr = handl; const ESM::BodyPart* forearmr = forearml; const ESM::BodyPart* wristr = wristl; const ESM::BodyPart* armr = arml; if(upperleg){ insertBoundedPart("meshes\\" + upperleg->model + "*|", "Left Upper Leg"); insertBoundedPart("meshes\\" + upperleg->model, "Right Upper Leg"); } if(foot){ if(bodyRaceID.compare("b_n_khajiit_m_") == 0) { feet = foot; } else { insertBoundedPart("meshes\\" + foot->model, "Right Foot"); insertBoundedPart("meshes\\" + foot->model + "*|", "Left Foot"); } } if(groin){ insertBoundedPart("meshes\\" + groin->model, "Groin"); } if(knee) { insertBoundedPart("meshes\\" + knee->model + "*|", "Left Knee"); //e insertBoundedPart("meshes\\" + knee->model, "Right Knee"); //e } if(ankle){ insertBoundedPart("meshes\\" + ankle->model + "*|", "Left Ankle"); //Ogre::Quaternion(Ogre::Radian(3.14 / 4), Ogre::Vector3(1, 0, 0)),blank); //1,0,0, blank); insertBoundedPart("meshes\\" + ankle->model, "Right Ankle"); } if (armr){ insertBoundedPart("meshes\\" + armr->model, "Right Upper Arm"); } if(arml){ insertBoundedPart("meshes\\" + arml->model + "*|", "Left Upper Arm"); } if (forearmr) { insertBoundedPart("meshes\\" + forearmr->model, "Right Forearm"); } if(forearml) insertBoundedPart("meshes\\" + forearml->model + "*|", "Left Forearm"); if (wristr) { insertBoundedPart("meshes\\" + wristr->model, "Right Wrist"); } if(wristl) insertBoundedPart("meshes\\" + wristl->model + "*|", "Left Wrist"); /*if(claviclel) insertBoundedPart("meshes\\" + claviclel->model + "*|", "Left Clavicle", base); if(clavicler) insertBoundedPart("meshes\\" + clavicler->model , "Right Clavicle", base);*/ if(neck) { insertBoundedPart("meshes\\" + neck->model, "Neck"); } if(head) insertBoundedPart("meshes\\" + head->model, "Head"); if(hair) insertBoundedPart("meshes\\" + hair->model, "Head"); if (chest){ insertFreePart("meshes\\" + chest->model, ">\"", insert); } if (handr){ insertFreePart("meshes\\" + handr->model , ">?", insert); } if (handl){ insertFreePart("meshes\\" + handl->model, ">>", insert); } if(tail){ insertFreePart("meshes\\" + tail->model, ">*", insert); } if(feet){ std::string num = getUniqueID(feet->model); insertFreePart("meshes\\" + feet->model,"><", insert); insertFreePart("meshes\\" + feet->model,">:", insert); } } Ogre::Entity* NpcAnimation::insertBoundedPart(const std::string &mesh, std::string bonename){ NIFLoader::load(mesh); Entity* ent = mRend.getScene()->createEntity(mesh); base->attachObjectToBone(bonename, ent); return ent; } void NpcAnimation::insertFreePart(const std::string &mesh, const std::string suffix, Ogre::SceneNode* insert){ std::string meshNumbered = mesh + getUniqueID(mesh + suffix) + suffix; NIFLoader::load(meshNumbered); Ogre::Entity* ent = mRend.getScene()->createEntity(meshNumbered); insert->attachObject(ent); entityparts.push_back(ent); shapes = ((NIFLoader::getSingletonPtr())->getShapes(mesh + "0000" + suffix)); if(shapes){ shapeparts.push_back(shapes); handleShapes(shapes, ent, base->getSkeleton()); } } void NpcAnimation::runAnimation(float timepassed){ //Add the amount of time passed to time //Handle the animation transforms dependent on time //Handle the shapes dependent on animation transforms if(animate > 0){ time += timepassed; if(time > stopTime){ animate--; //std::cout << "Stopping the animation\n"; if(animate == 0) time = stopTime; else time = startTime + (time - stopTime); } handleAnimationTransforms(); // handleAnimationTransforms(base); //handleAnimationTransforms(hand); // std::vector*>::iterator shapepartsiter = shapeparts.begin(); std::vector::iterator entitypartsiter = entityparts.begin(); //int i = 0; while(shapepartsiter != shapeparts.end()) { std::vector* shapes = *shapepartsiter; //insert-> //insert->detachObject(hand->getName()); Ogre::Entity* theentity = *entitypartsiter; // handleAnimationTransforms(theentity); handleShapes(shapes, theentity, theentity->getSkeleton()); //insert->attachObject(hand); //std::cout << "Shape part size" << shapes->size() << "\n"; shapepartsiter++; entitypartsiter++; } } } }