#ifndef GAME_MWWORLD_CLASS_H #define GAME_MWWORLD_CLASS_H #include #include #include #include #include "action.hpp" namespace Ogre { class Vector3; } namespace MWRender { class RenderingInterface; } namespace MWMechanics { class CreatureStats; class NpcStats; struct Movement; } namespace MWGui { struct ToolTipInfo; } namespace ESM { struct Position; } namespace MWWorld { class Ptr; class ContainerStore; class InventoryStore; class PhysicsSystem; class CellStore; /// \brief Base class for referenceable esm records class Class { static std::map > sClasses; // not implemented Class (const Class&); Class& operator= (const Class&); protected: Class(); virtual Ptr copyToCellImpl(const Ptr &ptr, CellStore &cell) const; public: /// NPC-stances. enum Stance { Run, Sneak, Combat }; virtual ~Class(); virtual std::string getId (const Ptr& ptr) const; ///< Return ID of \a ptr or throw an exception, if class does not support ID retrieval /// (default implementation: throw an exception) virtual void insertObjectRendering (const Ptr& ptr, MWRender::RenderingInterface& renderingInterface) const; virtual void insertObject(const Ptr& ptr, MWWorld::PhysicsSystem& physics) const; ///< Add reference into a cell for rendering (default implementation: don't render anything). virtual std::string getName (const Ptr& ptr) const = 0; ///< \return name (the one that is to be presented to the user; not the internal one); /// can return an empty string. virtual void adjustPosition(const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr) const; ///< Adjust position to stand on ground. Must be called post model load virtual MWMechanics::CreatureStats& getCreatureStats (const Ptr& ptr) const; ///< Return creature stats or throw an exception, if class does not have creature stats /// (default implementation: throw an exceoption) virtual bool hasToolTip (const Ptr& ptr) const; ///< @return true if this object has a tooltip when focused (default implementation: false) virtual MWGui::ToolTipInfo getToolTipInfo (const Ptr& ptr) const; ///< @return the content of the tool tip to be displayed. raises exception if the object has no tooltip. virtual MWMechanics::NpcStats& getNpcStats (const Ptr& ptr) const; ///< Return NPC stats or throw an exception, if class does not have NPC stats /// (default implementation: throw an exceoption) virtual bool hasItemHealth (const Ptr& ptr) const; ///< \return Item health data available? (default implementation: false) virtual int getItemMaxHealth (const Ptr& ptr) const; ///< Return item max health or throw an exception, if class does not have item health /// (default implementation: throw an exceoption) virtual void attack(const Ptr& ptr, int type) const; ///< Execute a melee hit, using the current weapon. This will check the relevant skills /// of the given attacker, and whoever is hit. /// \a type - type of attack, one of the MWMechanics::CreatureStats::AttackType enums. /// ignored for creature attacks. /// (default implementation: throw an exceoption) virtual void setActorHealth(const Ptr& ptr, float health, const Ptr& attacker=Ptr()) const; ///< Sets a new current health value for the actor, optionally specifying the object causing /// the change. Use this instead of using CreatureStats directly as this will make sure the /// correct dialog and actor states are properly handled when being hurt or healed. /// (default implementation: throw an exceoption) virtual boost::shared_ptr activate (const Ptr& ptr, const Ptr& actor) const; ///< Generate action for activation (default implementation: return a null action). virtual boost::shared_ptr use (const Ptr& ptr) const; ///< Generate action for using via inventory menu (default implementation: return a /// null action). virtual ContainerStore& getContainerStore (const Ptr& ptr) const; ///< Return container store or throw an exception, if class does not have a /// container store (default implementation: throw an exceoption) virtual InventoryStore& getInventoryStore (const Ptr& ptr) const; ///< Return inventory store or throw an exception, if class does not have a /// inventory store (default implementation: throw an exceoption) virtual void lock (const Ptr& ptr, int lockLevel) const; ///< Lock object (default implementation: throw an exception) virtual void unlock (const Ptr& ptr) const; ///< Unlock object (default implementation: throw an exception) virtual std::string getScript (const Ptr& ptr) const; ///< Return name of the script attached to ptr (default implementation: return an empty /// string). virtual void setForceStance (const Ptr& ptr, Stance stance, bool force) const; ///< Force or unforce a stance. virtual void setStance (const Ptr& ptr, Stance stance, bool set) const; ///< Set or unset a stance. virtual bool getStance (const Ptr& ptr, Stance stance, bool ignoreForce = false) const; ///< Check if a stance is active or not. virtual float getSpeed (const Ptr& ptr) const; ///< Return movement speed. virtual float getJump(const MWWorld::Ptr &ptr) const; ///< Return jump velocity (not accounting for movement) virtual MWMechanics::Movement& getMovementSettings (const Ptr& ptr) const; ///< Return desired movement. virtual Ogre::Vector3 getMovementVector (const Ptr& ptr) const; ///< Return desired movement vector (determined based on movement settings, /// stance and stats). virtual Ogre::Vector3 getRotationVector (const Ptr& ptr) const; ///< Return desired rotations, as euler angles. virtual std::pair, bool> getEquipmentSlots (const Ptr& ptr) const; ///< \return first: Return IDs of the slot this object can be equipped in; second: can object /// stay stacked when equipped? /// /// Default implementation: return (empty vector, false). virtual int getEquipmentSkill (const Ptr& ptr) const; /// Return the index of the skill this item corresponds to when equiopped or -1, if there is /// no such skill. /// (default implementation: return -1) virtual int getValue (const Ptr& ptr) const; ///< Return trade value of the object. Throws an exception, if the object can't be traded. /// (default implementation: throws an exception) virtual float getCapacity (const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr) const; ///< Return total weight that fits into the object. Throws an exception, if the object can't /// hold other objects. /// (default implementation: throws an exception) virtual float getEncumbrance (const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr) const; ///< Returns total weight of objects inside this object (including modifications from magic /// effects). Throws an exception, if the object can't hold other objects. /// (default implementation: throws an exception) virtual bool apply (const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr, const std::string& id, const MWWorld::Ptr& actor) const; ///< Apply \a id on \a ptr. /// \param actor Actor that is resposible for the ID being applied to \a ptr. /// \return Any effect? /// /// (default implementation: ignore and return false) virtual void skillUsageSucceeded (const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr, int skill, int usageType) const; ///< Inform actor \a ptr that a skill use has succeeded. /// /// (default implementations: throws an exception) virtual bool isEssential (const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr) const; ///< Is \a ptr essential? (i.e. may losing \a ptr make the game unwinnable) /// /// (default implementation: return false) virtual bool hasDetected (const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr, const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr2) const; ///< Has \æ ptr detected \a ptr2? /// /// (default implementation: return false) static const Class& get (const std::string& key); ///< If there is no class for this \a key, an exception is thrown. static const Class& get (const Ptr& ptr); ///< If there is no class for this pointer, an exception is thrown. static void registerClass (const std::string& key, boost::shared_ptr instance); virtual std::string getUpSoundId (const Ptr& ptr) const; ///< Return the up sound ID of \a ptr or throw an exception, if class does not support ID retrieval /// (default implementation: throw an exception) virtual std::string getDownSoundId (const Ptr& ptr) const; ///< Return the down sound ID of \a ptr or throw an exception, if class does not support ID retrieval /// (default implementation: throw an exception) virtual std::string getSoundIdFromSndGen(const Ptr &ptr, const std::string &type) const; ///< Returns the sound ID for \a ptr of the given soundgen \a type. virtual float getArmorRating (const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr) const; ///< @return combined armor rating of this actor virtual std::string getInventoryIcon (const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr) const; ///< Return name of inventory icon. virtual std::string getEnchantment (const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr) const; ///< @return the enchantment ID if the object is enchanted, otherwise an empty string /// (default implementation: return empty string) virtual float getEnchantmentPoints (const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr) const; ///< @return the number of enchantment points available for possible enchanting virtual void adjustScale(const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr,float& scale) const; virtual void adjustRotation(const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr,float& x,float& y,float& z) const; virtual bool canSell (const MWWorld::Ptr& item, int npcServices) const; ///< Determine whether or not \a item can be sold to an npc with the given \a npcServices virtual int getServices (const MWWorld::Ptr& actor) const; virtual std::string getModel(const MWWorld::Ptr &ptr) const; virtual void applyEnchantment(const MWWorld::Ptr &ptr, const std::string& enchId, int enchCharge, const std::string& newName) const; virtual std::pair canBeEquipped(const MWWorld::Ptr &ptr, const MWWorld::Ptr &npc) const; ///< Return 0 if player cannot equip item. 1 if can equip. 2 if it's twohanded weapon. 3 if twohanded weapon conflicts with that. /// Second item in the pair specifies the error message virtual float getWeight (const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr) const; virtual bool isPersistent (const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr) const; virtual Ptr copyToCell(const Ptr &ptr, CellStore &cell) const; virtual Ptr copyToCell(const Ptr &ptr, CellStore &cell, const ESM::Position &pos) const; virtual bool isActor() const { return false; } }; } #endif