  OpenMW - The completely unofficial reimplementation of Morrowind
  Copyright (C) 2008-2010  Nicolay Korslund
  Email: < korslund@gmail.com >
  WWW: http://openmw.sourceforge.net/

  This file (nif_file.cpp) is part of the OpenMW package.

  OpenMW is distributed as free software: you can redistribute it
  and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
  version 3, as published by the Free Software Foundation.

  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
  WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  General Public License for more details.

  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  version 3 along with this program. If not, see
  http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ .


#include "niffile.hpp"
#include "record.hpp"
#include "components/misc/stringops.hpp"

#include "extra.hpp"
#include "controlled.hpp"
#include "node.hpp"
#include "property.hpp"
#include "data.hpp"
#include "effect.hpp"
#include "controller.hpp"

#include <iostream>

//TODO: when threading is needed, enable these
//#include <boost/mutex.hpp>
#include <boost/thread/locks.hpp>

namespace Nif

class NIFFile::LoadedCache
    //TODO: enable this to make cache thread safe...
    //typedef boost::mutex mutex;
    struct mutex
        void lock () {};
        void unlock () {}
    typedef boost::lock_guard <mutex> lock_guard;
    typedef std::map < std::string, boost::weak_ptr <NIFFile> > loaded_map;
    typedef std::vector < boost::shared_ptr <NIFFile> > locked_files;

    static int sLockLevel;
    static mutex sProtector;
    static loaded_map sLoadedMap;
    static locked_files sLockedFiles;


    static ptr create (const std::string &name)
        lock_guard _ (sProtector);

        ptr result;

        // lookup the resource
        loaded_map::iterator i = sLoadedMap.find (name);

        if (i == sLoadedMap.end ()) // it doesn't existing currently,
        {                           // or hasn't in the very near past

            // create it now, for smoother threading if needed, the
            // loading should be performed outside of the sLoaderMap
            // lock and an alternate mechanism should be used to
            // synchronize threads competing to load the same resource
            result = boost::make_shared <NIFFile> (name, psudo_private_modifier());

            // if we are locking the cache add an extra reference
            // to keep the file in memory
            if (sLockLevel > 0)
                sLockedFiles.push_back (result);

            // stash a reference to the resource so that future
            // calls can benefit
            sLoadedMap [name] = boost::weak_ptr <NIFFile> (result);
        else // it may (probably) still exists
            // attempt to get the reference
            result = i->second.lock ();

            if (!result) // resource is in the process of being destroyed
                // create a new instance, to replace the one that has
                // begun the irreversible process of being destroyed
                result = boost::make_shared <NIFFile> (name, psudo_private_modifier());

                // respect the cache lock...
                if (sLockLevel > 0)
                    sLockedFiles.push_back (result);

                // we potentially overwrite an expired pointer here
                // but the other thread performing the delete on
                // the previous copy of this resource will detect it
                // and make sure not to erase the new reference
                sLoadedMap [name] = boost::weak_ptr <NIFFile> (result);

        // we made it!
        return result;

    static void release (NIFFile * file)
        lock_guard _ (sProtector);

        loaded_map::iterator i = sLoadedMap.find (file->filename);

        // its got to be in here, it just might not be us...
        assert (i != sLoadedMap.end ());

        // if weak_ptr is still expired, this resource hasn't been recreated
        // between the initiation of the final release due to destruction
        // of the last shared pointer and this thread acquiring the lock on
        // the loader map
        if (i->second.expired ())
            sLoadedMap.erase (i);

    static void lockCache ()
        lock_guard _ (sProtector);


    static void unlockCache ()
        locked_files resetList;

            lock_guard _ (sProtector);

            if (--sLockLevel)

        // this not necessary, but makes it clear that the
        // deletion of the locked cache entries is being done
        // outside the protection of sProtector
        resetList.clear ();

int NIFFile::LoadedCache::sLockLevel = 0;
NIFFile::LoadedCache::mutex NIFFile::LoadedCache::sProtector;
NIFFile::LoadedCache::loaded_map NIFFile::LoadedCache::sLoadedMap;
NIFFile::LoadedCache::locked_files NIFFile::LoadedCache::sLockedFiles;

// these three calls are forwarded to the cache implementation...
void NIFFile::lockCache ()     { LoadedCache::lockCache (); }
void NIFFile::unlockCache ()   { LoadedCache::unlockCache (); }
NIFFile::ptr NIFFile::create (const std::string &name) { return LoadedCache::create  (name); }

/// Open a NIF stream. The name is used for error messages.
NIFFile::NIFFile(const std::string &name, psudo_private_modifier)
    : ver(0)
    , filename(name)

    LoadedCache::release (this);

    for(std::size_t i=0; i<records.size(); i++)
        delete records[i];

template <typename NodeType> static Record* construct() { return new NodeType; }

struct RecordFactoryEntry {

    typedef Record* (*create_t) ();

    char const *    mName;
    create_t        mCreate;
    RecordType      mType;


/* These are all the record types we know how to read.

    This can be heavily optimized later if needed. For example, a
    hash table or a FSM-based parser could be used to look up
    node names.

static const RecordFactoryEntry recordFactories [] = {

    { "NiNode",                     &construct <NiNode                      >, RC_NiNode                        },
    { "AvoidNode",                  &construct <NiNode                      >, RC_AvoidNode                     },
    { "NiBSParticleNode",           &construct <NiNode                      >, RC_NiBSParticleNode              },
    { "NiBSAnimationNode",          &construct <NiNode                      >, RC_NiBSAnimationNode             },
    { "NiBillboardNode",            &construct <NiNode                      >, RC_NiBillboardNode               },
    { "NiTriShape",                 &construct <NiTriShape                  >, RC_NiTriShape                    },
    { "NiRotatingParticles",        &construct <NiRotatingParticles         >, RC_NiRotatingParticles           },
    { "NiAutoNormalParticles",      &construct <NiAutoNormalParticles       >, RC_NiAutoNormalParticles         },
    { "NiCamera",                   &construct <NiCamera                    >, RC_NiCamera                      },
    { "RootCollisionNode",          &construct <NiNode                      >, RC_RootCollisionNode             },
    { "NiTexturingProperty",        &construct <NiTexturingProperty         >, RC_NiTexturingProperty           },
    { "NiMaterialProperty",         &construct <NiMaterialProperty          >, RC_NiMaterialProperty            },
    { "NiZBufferProperty",          &construct <NiZBufferProperty           >, RC_NiZBufferProperty             },
    { "NiAlphaProperty",            &construct <NiAlphaProperty             >, RC_NiAlphaProperty               },
    { "NiVertexColorProperty",      &construct <NiVertexColorProperty       >, RC_NiVertexColorProperty         },
    { "NiShadeProperty",            &construct <NiShadeProperty             >, RC_NiShadeProperty               },
    { "NiDitherProperty",           &construct <NiDitherProperty            >, RC_NiDitherProperty              },
    { "NiWireframeProperty",        &construct <NiWireframeProperty         >, RC_NiWireframeProperty           },
    { "NiSpecularProperty",         &construct <NiSpecularProperty          >, RC_NiSpecularProperty            },
    { "NiStencilProperty",          &construct <NiStencilProperty           >, RC_NiStencilProperty             },
    { "NiVisController",            &construct <NiVisController             >, RC_NiVisController               },
    { "NiGeomMorpherController",    &construct <NiGeomMorpherController     >, RC_NiGeomMorpherController       },
    { "NiKeyframeController",       &construct <NiKeyframeController        >, RC_NiKeyframeController          },
    { "NiAlphaController",          &construct <NiAlphaController           >, RC_NiAlphaController             },
    { "NiUVController",             &construct <NiUVController              >, RC_NiUVController                },
    { "NiPathController",           &construct <NiPathController            >, RC_NiPathController              },
    { "NiMaterialColorController",  &construct <NiMaterialColorController   >, RC_NiMaterialColorController     },
    { "NiBSPArrayController",       &construct <NiBSPArrayController        >, RC_NiBSPArrayController          },
    { "NiParticleSystemController", &construct <NiParticleSystemController  >, RC_NiParticleSystemController    },
    { "NiFlipController",           &construct <NiFlipController            >, RC_NiFlipController              },
    { "NiAmbientLight",             &construct <NiLight                     >, RC_NiLight                       },
    { "NiDirectionalLight",         &construct <NiLight                     >, RC_NiLight                       },
    { "NiTextureEffect",            &construct <NiTextureEffect             >, RC_NiTextureEffect               },
    { "NiVertWeightsExtraData",     &construct <NiVertWeightsExtraData      >, RC_NiVertWeightsExtraData        },
    { "NiTextKeyExtraData",         &construct <NiTextKeyExtraData          >, RC_NiTextKeyExtraData            },
    { "NiStringExtraData",          &construct <NiStringExtraData           >, RC_NiStringExtraData             },
    { "NiGravity",                  &construct <NiGravity                   >, RC_NiGravity                     },
    { "NiPlanarCollider",           &construct <NiPlanarCollider            >, RC_NiPlanarCollider              },
    { "NiParticleGrowFade",         &construct <NiParticleGrowFade          >, RC_NiParticleGrowFade            },
    { "NiParticleColorModifier",    &construct <NiParticleColorModifier     >, RC_NiParticleColorModifier       },
    { "NiParticleRotation",         &construct <NiParticleRotation          >, RC_NiParticleRotation            },
    { "NiFloatData",                &construct <NiFloatData                 >, RC_NiFloatData                   },
    { "NiTriShapeData",             &construct <NiTriShapeData              >, RC_NiTriShapeData                },
    { "NiVisData",                  &construct <NiVisData                   >, RC_NiVisData                     },
    { "NiColorData",                &construct <NiColorData                 >, RC_NiColorData                   },
    { "NiPixelData",                &construct <NiPixelData                 >, RC_NiPixelData                   },
    { "NiMorphData",                &construct <NiMorphData                 >, RC_NiMorphData                   },
    { "NiKeyframeData",             &construct <NiKeyframeData              >, RC_NiKeyframeData                },
    { "NiSkinData",                 &construct <NiSkinData                  >, RC_NiSkinData                    },
    { "NiUVData",                   &construct <NiUVData                    >, RC_NiUVData                      },
    { "NiPosData",                  &construct <NiPosData                   >, RC_NiPosData                     },
    { "NiRotatingParticlesData",    &construct <NiRotatingParticlesData     >, RC_NiRotatingParticlesData       },
    { "NiAutoNormalParticlesData",  &construct <NiAutoNormalParticlesData   >, RC_NiAutoNormalParticlesData     },
    { "NiSequenceStreamHelper",     &construct <NiSequenceStreamHelper      >, RC_NiSequenceStreamHelper        },
    { "NiSourceTexture",            &construct <NiSourceTexture             >, RC_NiSourceTexture               },
    { "NiSkinInstance",             &construct <NiSkinInstance              >, RC_NiSkinInstance                },

static RecordFactoryEntry const * recordFactories_begin = &recordFactories [0];
static RecordFactoryEntry const * recordFactories_end   = &recordFactories [sizeof (recordFactories) / sizeof (recordFactories[0])];

RecordFactoryEntry const * lookupRecordFactory (char const * name)
    RecordFactoryEntry const * i;

    for (i = recordFactories_begin; i != recordFactories_end; ++i)
        if (strcmp (name, i->mName) == 0)

    if (i == recordFactories_end)
        return NULL;

    return i;

/* This file implements functions from the NIFFile class. It is also
   where we stash all the functions we couldn't add as inline
   definitions in the record types.

void NIFFile::parse()
    NIFStream nif (this, Ogre::ResourceGroupManager::getSingleton().openResource(filename));

  // Check the header string
  std::string head = nif.getString(40);
  if(head.compare(0, 22, "NetImmerse File Format") != 0)
    fail("Invalid NIF header");

  // Get BCD version
  ver = nif.getInt();
  if(ver != VER_MW)
    fail("Unsupported NIF version");

  // Number of records
  size_t recNum = nif.getInt();

  /* The format for seems to be a bit different. After the
     header, it contains the number of records, r (int), just like, but following that it contains a short x, followed by x
     strings. Then again by r shorts, one for each record, giving
     which of the above strings to use to identify the record. After
     this follows two ints (zero?) and then the record data. However
     we do not support or plan to support other versions yet.

  for(size_t i = 0;i < recNum;i++)
      Record *r = NULL;

      std::string rec = nif.getString();
        fail("Record number " + Ogre::StringConverter::toString(i) + " out of " + Ogre::StringConverter::toString(recNum) + " is blank.");

      RecordFactoryEntry const * entry = lookupRecordFactory (rec.c_str ());

      if (entry != NULL)
          r = entry->mCreate ();
          r->recType = entry->mType;
          fail("Unknown record type " + rec);

      assert(r != NULL);
      assert(r->recType != RC_MISSING);
      r->recName = rec;
      r->recIndex = i;
      records[i] = r;

      // Discard tranformations for the root node, otherwise some meshes
      // occasionally get wrong orientation. Only for NiNode-s for now, but
      // can be expanded if needed.
      // This should be rewritten when the method is cleaned up.
      if (0 == i && rec == "NiNode")
          static_cast<Nif::Node*>(r)->trafo = Nif::Transformation::getIdentity();

    size_t rootNum = nif.getUInt();

    for(size_t i = 0;i < rootNum;i++)
        intptr_t idx = nif.getInt();
        roots[i] = ((idx >= 0) ? records.at(idx) : NULL);

    // Once parsing is done, do post-processing.
    for(size_t i=0; i<recNum; i++)

/// \todo move to the write cpp file

void NiSkinInstance::post(NIFFile *nif)

    if(data.empty() || root.empty())
        nif->fail("NiSkinInstance missing root or data");

    size_t bnum = bones.length();
    if(bnum != data->bones.size())
        nif->fail("Mismatch in NiSkinData bone count");


    for(size_t i=0; i<bnum; i++)
            nif->fail("Oops: Missing bone! Don't know how to handle this.");
        bones[i]->makeBone(i, data->bones[i]);

void Node::getProperties(const Nif::NiTexturingProperty *&texprop,
                         const Nif::NiMaterialProperty *&matprop,
                         const Nif::NiAlphaProperty *&alphaprop,
                         const Nif::NiVertexColorProperty *&vertprop,
                         const Nif::NiZBufferProperty *&zprop,
                         const Nif::NiSpecularProperty *&specprop,
                         const Nif::NiWireframeProperty *&wireprop) const
        parent->getProperties(texprop, matprop, alphaprop, vertprop, zprop, specprop, wireprop);

    for(size_t i = 0;i < props.length();i++)
        // Entries may be empty

        const Nif::Property *pr = props[i].getPtr();
        if(pr->recType == Nif::RC_NiTexturingProperty)
            texprop = static_cast<const Nif::NiTexturingProperty*>(pr);
        else if(pr->recType == Nif::RC_NiMaterialProperty)
            matprop = static_cast<const Nif::NiMaterialProperty*>(pr);
        else if(pr->recType == Nif::RC_NiAlphaProperty)
            alphaprop = static_cast<const Nif::NiAlphaProperty*>(pr);
        else if(pr->recType == Nif::RC_NiVertexColorProperty)
            vertprop = static_cast<const Nif::NiVertexColorProperty*>(pr);
        else if(pr->recType == Nif::RC_NiZBufferProperty)
            zprop = static_cast<const Nif::NiZBufferProperty*>(pr);
        else if(pr->recType == Nif::RC_NiSpecularProperty)
            specprop = static_cast<const Nif::NiSpecularProperty*>(pr);
        else if(pr->recType == Nif::RC_NiWireframeProperty)
            wireprop = static_cast<const Nif::NiWireframeProperty*>(pr);
            std::cerr<< "Unhandled property type: "<<pr->recName <<std::endl;

Ogre::Matrix4 Node::getLocalTransform() const
    Ogre::Matrix4 mat4 = Ogre::Matrix4(Ogre::Matrix4::IDENTITY);
    mat4.makeTransform(trafo.pos, Ogre::Vector3(trafo.scale), Ogre::Quaternion(trafo.rotation));
    return mat4;

Ogre::Matrix4 Node::getWorldTransform() const
    if(parent != NULL)
        return parent->getWorldTransform() * getLocalTransform();
    return getLocalTransform();
