You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

393 lines
14 KiB

#include <components/version/version.hpp>
#include <components/files/configurationmanager.hpp>
#include <components/files/escape.hpp>
#include <components/fallback/fallback.hpp>
#include <components/fallback/validate.hpp>
#include <components/debug/debugging.hpp>
#include <components/misc/rng.hpp>
#include "engine.hpp"
Start of tes3mp addition
Include the header of the multiplayer's Main class
#include "mwmp/Main.hpp"
End of tes3mp addition
#if defined(_WIN32)
#include <windows.h>
// makes __argc and __argv available on windows
#include <cstdlib>
#if (defined(__APPLE__) || defined(__linux) || defined(__unix) || defined(__posix))
#include <unistd.h>
Start of tes3mp addition
Include additional headers for multiplayer purposes
#include <components/openmw-mp/ErrorMessages.hpp>
#include <components/openmw-mp/TimedLog.hpp>
#include <components/openmw-mp/Utils.hpp>
#include <components/openmw-mp/Version.hpp>
End of tes3mp addition
* Workaround for problems with whitespaces in paths in older versions of Boost library
#if (BOOST_VERSION <= 104600)
namespace boost
inline boost::filesystem::path lexical_cast<boost::filesystem::path, std::string>(const std::string& arg)
return boost::filesystem::path(arg);
} /* namespace boost */
#endif /* (BOOST_VERSION <= 104600) */
using namespace Fallback;
* \brief Parses application command line and calls \ref Cfg::ConfigurationManager
* to parse configuration files.
* Results are directly written to \ref Engine class.
* \retval true - Everything goes OK
* \retval false - Error
bool parseOptions (int argc, char** argv, OMW::Engine& engine, Files::ConfigurationManager& cfgMgr)
// Create a local alias for brevity
namespace bpo = boost::program_options;
typedef std::vector<std::string> StringsVector;
bpo::options_description desc("Syntax: openmw <options>\nAllowed options");
("help", "print help message")
("version", "print version information and quit")
("data", bpo::value<Files::EscapePathContainer>()->default_value(Files::EscapePathContainer(), "data")
->multitoken()->composing(), "set data directories (later directories have higher priority)")
("data-local", bpo::value<Files::EscapeHashString>()->default_value(""),
"set local data directory (highest priority)")
("fallback-archive", bpo::value<Files::EscapeStringVector>()->default_value(Files::EscapeStringVector(), "fallback-archive")
->multitoken(), "set fallback BSA archives (later archives have higher priority)")
("resources", bpo::value<Files::EscapeHashString>()->default_value("resources"),
"set resources directory")
("start", bpo::value<Files::EscapeHashString>()->default_value(""),
"set initial cell")
("content", bpo::value<Files::EscapeStringVector>()->default_value(Files::EscapeStringVector(), "")
->multitoken(), "content file(s): esm/esp, or omwgame/omwaddon")
("no-sound", bpo::value<bool>()->implicit_value(true)
->default_value(false), "disable all sounds")
("script-all", bpo::value<bool>()->implicit_value(true)
->default_value(false), "compile all scripts (excluding dialogue scripts) at startup")
("script-all-dialogue", bpo::value<bool>()->implicit_value(true)
->default_value(false), "compile all dialogue scripts at startup")
("script-console", bpo::value<bool>()->implicit_value(true)
->default_value(false), "enable console-only script functionality")
("script-run", bpo::value<Files::EscapeHashString>()->default_value(""),
"select a file containing a list of console commands that is executed on startup")
("script-warn", bpo::value<int>()->implicit_value (1)
->default_value (1),
"handling of warnings when compiling scripts\n"
"\t0 - ignore warning\n"
"\t1 - show warning but consider script as correctly compiled anyway\n"
"\t2 - treat warnings as errors")
("script-blacklist", bpo::value<Files::EscapeStringVector>()->default_value(Files::EscapeStringVector(), "")
->multitoken(), "ignore the specified script (if the use of the blacklist is enabled)")
("script-blacklist-use", bpo::value<bool>()->implicit_value(true)
->default_value(true), "enable script blacklisting")
("load-savegame", bpo::value<Files::EscapeHashString>()->default_value(""),
"load a save game file on game startup (specify an absolute filename or a filename relative to the current working directory)")
("skip-menu", bpo::value<bool>()->implicit_value(true)
->default_value(false), "skip main menu on game startup")
("new-game", bpo::value<bool>()->implicit_value(true)
->default_value(false), "run new game sequence (ignored if skip-menu=0)")
("fs-strict", bpo::value<bool>()->implicit_value(true)
->default_value(false), "strict file system handling (no case folding)")
("encoding", bpo::value<Files::EscapeHashString>()->
"Character encoding used in OpenMW game messages:\n"
"\n\twin1250 - Central and Eastern European such as Polish, Czech, Slovak, Hungarian, Slovene, Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian (Latin script), Romanian and Albanian languages\n"
"\n\twin1251 - Cyrillic alphabet such as Russian, Bulgarian, Serbian Cyrillic and other languages\n"
"\n\twin1252 - Western European (Latin) alphabet, used by default")
("fallback", bpo::value<FallbackMap>()->default_value(FallbackMap(), "")
->multitoken()->composing(), "fallback values")
("no-grab", bpo::value<bool>()->implicit_value(true)->default_value(false), "Don't grab mouse cursor")
("export-fonts", bpo::value<bool>()->implicit_value(true)
->default_value(false), "Export Morrowind .fnt fonts to PNG image and XML file in current directory")
("activate-dist", bpo::value <int> ()->default_value (-1), "activation distance override")
("random-seed", bpo::value <unsigned int> ()
"seed value for random number generator")
Start of tes3mp addition
Parse options added by multiplayer
End of tes3mp addition
bpo::parsed_options valid_opts = bpo::command_line_parser(argc, argv)
bpo::variables_map variables;
// Runtime options override settings from all configs
bpo::store(valid_opts, variables);
if (variables.count ("help"))
std::cout << desc << std::endl;
return false;
if (variables.count ("version"))
cfgMgr.readConfiguration(variables, desc, true);
Version::Version v = Version::getOpenmwVersion(variables["resources"].as<Files::EscapeHashString>().toStdString());
std::cout << v.describe() << std::endl;
return false;
cfgMgr.readConfiguration(variables, desc);
Version::Version v = Version::getOpenmwVersion(variables["resources"].as<Files::EscapeHashString>().toStdString());
Start of tes3mp addition
Print the multiplayer version first
Utils::printVersion("TES3MP client", TES3MP_VERSION, v.mCommitHash, TES3MP_PROTO_VERSION);
End of tes3mp addition
Start of tes3mp change (minor)
Because there is no need to print the commit hash again, only print OpenMW's version
std::cout << "OpenMW version " << v.mVersion << std::endl;
End of tes3mp change (minor)
Start of tes3mp addition
Check for unmodified tes3mp-credits file on Windows; this makes it so people can't repackage official
releases with their own made-up credits, though it obviously has no bearing on unofficial releases that
change the checksum below
#ifdef _WIN32
std::string creditsPath = (cfgMgr.getLocalPath() / "tes3mp-credits").string();
unsigned int expectedChecksumInt = Utils::hexStrToInt(TES3MP_CREDITS_CHECKSUM);
bool hasValidCredits = Utils::doesFileHaveChecksum(creditsPath + ".md", expectedChecksumInt);
if (!hasValidCredits)
hasValidCredits = Utils::doesFileHaveChecksum(creditsPath + ".txt", expectedChecksumInt);
if (!hasValidCredits)
LOG_MESSAGE_SIMPLE(TimedLog::LOG_FATAL, "The client is shutting down");
return false;
End of tes3mp addition
// Font encoding settings
std::string encoding(variables["encoding"].as<Files::EscapeHashString>().toStdString());
std::cout << ToUTF8::encodingUsingMessage(encoding) << std::endl;
// directory settings
Files::PathContainer dataDirs(Files::EscapePath::toPathContainer(variables["data"].as<Files::EscapePathContainer>()));
std::string local(variables["data-local"].as<Files::EscapeHashString>().toStdString());
if (!local.empty())
if (local.front() == '\"')
local = local.substr(1, local.length() - 2);
// fallback archives
StringsVector archives = variables["fallback-archive"].as<Files::EscapeStringVector>().toStdStringVector();
for (StringsVector::const_iterator it = archives.begin(); it != archives.end(); ++it)
StringsVector content = variables["content"].as<Files::EscapeStringVector>().toStdStringVector();
if (content.empty())
Log(Debug::Error) << "No content file given (esm/esp, nor omwgame/omwaddon). Aborting...";
return false;
StringsVector::const_iterator it(content.begin());
StringsVector::const_iterator end(content.end());
for (; it != end; ++it)
// startup-settings
engine.setSkipMenu (variables["skip-menu"].as<bool>(), variables["new-game"].as<bool>());
if (!variables["skip-menu"].as<bool>() && variables["new-game"].as<bool>())
Log(Debug::Warning) << "Warning: new-game used without skip-menu -> ignoring it";
// scripts
engine.setScriptConsoleMode (variables["script-console"].as<bool>());
engine.setStartupScript (variables["script-run"].as<Files::EscapeHashString>().toStdString());
engine.setWarningsMode (variables["script-warn"].as<int>());
engine.setScriptBlacklist (variables["script-blacklist"].as<Files::EscapeStringVector>().toStdStringVector());
engine.setScriptBlacklistUse (variables["script-blacklist-use"].as<bool>());
engine.setSaveGameFile (variables["load-savegame"].as<Files::EscapeHashString>().toStdString());
// other settings
engine.setActivationDistanceOverride (variables["activate-dist"].as<int>());
engine.setRandomSeed(variables["random-seed"].as<unsigned int>());
Start of tes3mp addition
Configure multiplayer using parsed variables
End of tes3mp addition
return true;
int runApplication(int argc, char *argv[])
#ifdef __APPLE__
boost::filesystem::path binary_path = boost::filesystem::system_complete(boost::filesystem::path(argv[0]));
Files::ConfigurationManager cfgMgr;
std::unique_ptr<OMW::Engine> engine;
engine.reset(new OMW::Engine(cfgMgr));
if (parseOptions(argc, argv, *engine, cfgMgr))
return 0;
#ifdef ANDROID
extern "C" int SDL_main(int argc, char**argv)
int main(int argc, char**argv)
Start of tes3mp addition
Initialize the logger added for multiplayer
End of tes3mp addition
Start of tes3mp change (major)
Instead of logging information in openmw.log, use a more descriptive filename
that includes a timestamp
return wrapApplication(&runApplication, argc, argv, "/tes3mp-client-" + TimedLog::getFilenameTimestamp());
End of tes3mp change (major)
// Platform specific for Windows when there is no console built into the executable.
// Windows will call the WinMain function instead of main in this case, the normal
// main function is then called with the __argc and __argv parameters.
#if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(_CONSOLE)
int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nShowCmd)
return main(__argc, __argv);