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OpenMW - The completely unofficial reimplementation of Morrowind
Copyright (C) 2008 Nicolay Korslund
Email: < korslund@gmail.com >
WWW: http://openmw.snaptoad.com/
This file (gamesettings.mn) is part of the OpenMW package.
OpenMW is distributed as free software: you can redistribute it
and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
version 3, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
version 3 along with this program. If not, see
http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ .
// Contains all the game settings (GMST) variables of Morrowind,
// Tribunal and Bloodmoon. Based on "Morrowind Scripting for Dummies"
// (v9).
singleton GMST;
// Most of the comments are copied from MSfD. A bit of cleanup is
// still needed.
// Dirty GMST entries are handled automatically by the plugin loader,
// so we don't have to worry about this here.
// Sets the general effectiveness of the repair skill of the
// character, via the armorer's hammer used
float fRepairMult;
// Tells the game how many points of health are returned to the item
// when repaired
float fRepairAmountMult;
float fSpellValueMult;
float fSpellMakingValueMult;
// The setting for the price you pay at an enchanter to enchant an item. Linear.
float fEnchantmentValueMult;
// Sets the cost of Silt Strider and boat travel (I think). Multiplies
// cost of Travel. Raising it raises the cost of Fast Travel
float fTravelMult;
// Tells the game how much time elapses during this sort of travel
float fTravelTimeMult;
// Sets the cost of Guild Guide travel
float fMagesGuildTravel;
// Is compared to your alchemy skill to determine which of the effects
// of an ingredient you can see. -(Wakim, Iudas)
float fWortChanceValue;
float fMinWalkSpeed; // This is the minimum walking speed of the PC,
// regardless of stats, skills or encumbrance
float fMaxWalkSpeed; // This is the maximum walking speed of the PC,
// regardless of stats, skills, or encumbrance
// The actual walking speed of NPC's (and the PC) is set by checking
// various factors (Speed, Athletics, etc.) and assigning a value
// between fMinWalkSpeed and fMaxWalkSpeed based on that. The two
// settings dictate the spectrum of Walk Speeds
float fMinWalkSpeedCreature; // The same as for the PC, but if you
// badly encumber a creature it'll move
// veeerrry slowly. I've done this by
// accident.
float fMaxWalkSpeedCreature; // Same as above, they get faster, so they
// cover the speed spectrum more rapidly
float fEncumberedMoveEffect; // This sets how encumbrance affects
// walking and running speed, within the
// min/max limits set by other values.
float fBaseRunMultiplier; // Exactly as it says. Changing the value
// will increase/decrease base running
// speed. Dictates how much faster Running is
// than the current Walk Speed
float fAthleticsRunBonus; // Sets how Athletics affects running speed.
float fJumpAcrobaticsBase; // Sets the base jumping distance for the
// PC.
float fJumpAcroMultiplier; // Sets the multiplier for Acrobatics, which
// is why you can leap over tall buildings
// when your Acro is high enough.
float fJumpEncumbranceBase; // Effects how greatly jumping ability is
// effected by Encumbrance, but I'm unsure
// how
float fJumpEncumbranceMultiplier; // Effects how greatly jumping
// ability is effected by
// Encumbrance, but I'm unsure how
float fJumpRunMultiplier; // UNSURE. Presumably effects Jump Distance
// while running (it doesn't seem to effect
// height, but I could be wrong)
float fJumpMoveBase;
float fJumpMoveMult;
float fSwimWalkBase; // Multiplies your walking speed to achieve the
// swimming speed at a 'walk' Base swim speed
// while 'walking'
float fSwimRunBase; // Multiplies your running speed to achieve the
// swimming speed at a 'run'.
float fSwimWalkAthleticsMult; // Tells the game how Athletics affects
// 'walking' swimming speed. These low
// values keep you from flying through
// the water like you do on land when
// your Athletics is high.
float fSwimRunAthleticsMult; // Same as above.
float fSwimHeightScale; // Determines how close to the surface you have
// to be before the breathe indicator goes away
float fHoldBreathTime; // The number of seconds your PC can hold her
// breath. Base time that a character can remain
// underwater before incurring suffocation
// damage
float fHoldBreathEndMult; // How Endurance affects the time you can
// hold your breath. I believe this is a
// flat-out multiplier to End, added as
// seconds to HoldBreathTime.<Doesn't seem to
// work.>
float fSuffocationDamage; // The amount of health damage you take each
// second you suffocate
float fMinFlySpeed; // Exactly as it says. minimum flying speed.
float fMaxFlySpeed;
float fStromWindSpeed; // UNSURE - Determines altered walk speed during
// an ash or blight storm, but I'm unsure
// how. Might be a separate value from that
// entirely. might determine speed of storm
// particles /sprites(Dust, etc.) Interesting
// (possibally related) note, while treading
// water in an ash storm, I noticed I was moving
// slightly.
float fStromWalkMult; // Determines altered walk speed during an ash or
// blight storm, but I'm unsure how uses the
// getwindspeed to lower the PC movement speed
// during storms...
float fFallDamageDistanceMin; // The minimum distance you have to fall
// before you take damage. (Presumably in
// units) In game units each unit - .0.56
// inches
float fFallDistanceBase; // This will increase/decrease the distance
// needed to fall before you take damage.
float fFallDistanceMult; // Higher you are the more damage you take
// when you hit
float fFallAcroBase; // Acrobatics skill increases the distance you can
// fall before you take damage.
float fFallAcroMult; // Has to do w/ how the Acrobatics skill effects
// Fall Distance and Damage, but unsure how
int iMaxActivateDist; // Maximum distance for the player to be able to
// 'Activate' an object - approx 9 feet
int iMaxInfoDist; // Maximum distance for an Info message
// (object/NPC/creature name, etc.) to pop up in the
// Player's view
float fVanityDelay; // Seconds until VanityMode begins. the camera
// starts circling the player if there is no input
// via mouse or keyboard.
float fMaxHeadTrackDistance; // IIRC, this is the maximum distance an
// NPC or creature can be away from
// another NPC or creature and still
// trigger the 'head follow' routine you
// sometimes see. Put your PC in Balmora,
// let it go to Vanity View and you'll see
// your PC watch passing NPCs and 'follow'
// their movements for a certain amount of
// time.
float fInteriorHeadTrackMult; // UNSURE. something to do w/ the
// modifier for this in Interiors. Do
// they track at half-distance in
// Interiors?
// These values are used to set what weights are used to determine
// whether a piece of armor is light, medium, or heavy. Altering a
// value alters these categories for *all* armor of that type
// *everywhere* in the game. Rather nice, actually; I used it in redux
// to set weight categories for all of my armor types across the
// board.
int iHelmWeight;
int iPauldronWeight;
int iCuirassWeight;
int iGauntletWeight;
int iGreavesWeight;
int iBootsWeight;
int iShieldWeight;
// These values are used in conjunction with armor weights to set the
// weight classes (Light, Medium, Heavy).
float fLightMaxMod;
float fMedMaxMod;
// These two values dictate the range of AR for characters going
// Unarmored, based on the Unarmored skill. As they are, the settings
// produce a Maximum Unarmored AR of 65 (at 100 Unarmored skill),
// which you can see is some for of multiplication between the two
// settings. Reversing the values produces the same effect , so it
// seems the values are interchangeable (unless I missed
// something. could be wrong) - Changing one to 1.000 and the other to
// 0.0650 results in a max Unarmored AR of 650. The game multiplies
// the numbers and then multiplies the resulting number by 1000 to
// obtain the actual in-game Max Unarmored AR. Doesn't seem to effect
// Min AR independently, only max - Progression of AR (from low skill
// to high skill) appears to be hard-coded. It has also been found
// that the Unarmored skill doesn't work at all UNLESS atleast one
// item of armor is worn. (Forum Info / The other Felix)
float fUnarmoredBase1;
float fUnarmoredBase2;
int iBaseArmorSkill; // The Skill Level where in-game armors reach
// their base (i.e. 'In-Editor') AR value '
// Example: Glass Armor has a Base AR of 50. At
// Light Armor skill level 30 (as indicated
// above), it will read as having AR 50
// in-game. Before Skill Level 30, armors have
// diminished AR's from their Base Value, and
// after Skill Level 30, armors have higher AR's
// than their base until Skill Level reaches
// 100. I haven't figured out the game's scheme
// for determining the mult value yet
float fBlockStillBonus; // UNSURE. Presumably the amount that standing
// still increases the chance to block
float fDamageStrengthBase; // Your STR adds to the damage you do with
// weapons. This determines how much damage
// is added.
float fDamageStrengthMult; // Effects amount that Strength effects
// damage dealt in combat (Unsure of how
// this value relates to in-game effect)
float fSwingBlockBase;
float fSwingBlockMult;
float fFatigueBase; // How much fatigue you lose while
// walking. However, this appears to let you jump
// very high without getting hurt (Bug?. Forum Info
// / DinkumThinkum). All effect 'Fatigue' in-game,
// obviously. For separate actions, although not
// all of them actually have an effect in-game
// (I've never been able to get spells to reduce
// fatigue). They seem pretty self-explanatory, but
// I haven't tested them thoroughly
float fFatigueMult; // Used to determine successful chance of casting
// if you are fatigued
float fFatigueReturnBase; // How much fatigue you regain per
// second. This is why you don't actually
// fatigue while walking.
float fFatigueReturnMult; // How much fatigue returns per second while
// walking
float fEndFatigueMult;
float fFatigueAttackBase; // How much fatigue you lose with every melee
// attack you make
float fFatigueAttackMult;
float fWeaponFatigueMult;
float fFatigueBlockBase; // How much fatigue you lose blocking with a
// shield.
float fFatigueBlockMult; // This will increase the amount of fatigue
// lost when blocking with a shield.
float fWeaponFatigueBlockMult;
float fFatigueRunBase; // How much fatigue you lose running.
float fFatigueRunMult; // This one appears to work with encumbrance,the
// more encumbered the more fatigue you
// lose/second
float fFatigueJumpBase; // How much fatigue you lose jumping.
float fFatigueJumpMult; // Modifier for fatigue loss
float fFatigueSwimWalkBase; // How much fatigue you lose swimming at a
// 'walk'
float fFatigueSwimRunBase; // How much fatigue you lose swimming at a
// 'run'.
float fFatigueSwimWalkMult; // Modifier for fatigue loss
float fFatigueSwimRunMult; // Modifier for fatigue loss
float fFatigueSneakBase; // The base level of fatigue loss while
// sneaking
float fFatigueSneakMult; // Multiplier to that base level
float fMinHandToHandMult;
float fMaxHandToHandMult;
float fHandtoHandHealthPer;
float fCombatInvisoMult; // Reduce the chance to hit the PC when he is
// chameleoned or invisible
float fCombatKODamageMult;
float fCombatCriticalStrikeMult; // This one appears to only work if
// you hit someone unawares while
// sneaking. I never got it to do
// anything else. 4x damage from a
// successful sneak attack works when
// chameleoned or invisible
int iBlockMinChance; // Minimum chance of blocking with a shield
int iBlockMaxChance; // Maximum chance of blocking with a shield
float fLevelUpHealthEndMult; // Multiplies current END to get hit
// points added at level-up.
float fSoulGemMult; // A soul gem's monetary value is multiplied by
// this value to determine the soul capacity of a
// soul gem. Creatures with a soul value less than
// or equal to that capacity can float it; // in
// the gem.
float fEffectCostMult; // The setting for all magicka costs for all
// spell effects. Changing this will change what
// all spells and enchantments
// cost. Everything. Linear change. Doubling
// this makes all spells cost twice as much
// magicka, all enchanted items cost twice as
// many charges.
float fSpellPriceMult;
float fFatigueSpellBase;
float fFatigueSpellMult;
float fFatigueSpellCostMult;
float fPotionStrengthMult;
float fPotionT1MagMult;
float fPotionT1DurMult;
float fPotionMinUsefulDuration;
float fPotionT4BaseStrengthMult;
float fPotionT4EquipStrengthMult;
float fIngredientMult; // Min # of an ingredient required to make a potion
float fMagicItemCostMult;
float fMagicItemPriceMult;
float fMagicItemOnceMult;
float fMagicItemUsedMult;
float fMagicItemStrikeMult;
float fMagicItemConstantMult;
//UNUSED (? check the pdf again)
float fEnchantmentMult; // Setting for how much enchantment an item can
// hold based upon the value set in each
// individual item's property file. Linear, if
// an item in TESCS shows an enchantment value
// of 1200 (i.e. an exquisite ring) multiply it
// by fEnchantmentMult to get the actual
// enchantment you'll see in the make an
// enchanted item window.
float fEnchantmentChanceMult; // These affect the PC's chance of making
// an enchantment
float fPCbaseMagickaMult; // This sets the spell point multiplier for
// the PC with respect to INT (e.g., 1 x INT
// with this setting)
float fNPCbaseMagickaMult; // This does the same thing for NPCs.
float fAutoSpellChance;
float fAutoPCSpellChance;
int iAutoSpellTimesCanCast;
int iAutoSpellAttSkillMin;
int iAutoSpellAlterationMax;
int iAutoSpellConjurationMax;
int iAutoSpellDestructionMax;
int iAutoSpellIllusionMax;
int iAutoSpellMysticismMax;
int iAutoSpellRestorationMax;
int iAutoPCSpellMax;
int iAutoRepFacMod; // A positive modification to relations you get
// with people who belong to the same faction
int iAutoRepLevMod; // You can apparently add rep points with each
// level-up. I've never tried it.
int iMagicItemChargeOnce;
int iMagicItemChargeConst;
int iMagicItemChargeUse;
int iMagicItemChargeStrike;
// 1068-1071 effect the amount of charges auto-calculated on magic
// items based on their function. This value is the number of uses
// that the game will account for when calculating the max charges of
// a magic item (works universally, across the board with all 'ingame
// items '1068 is the setting for the number of charges an
// automatically calculated cast once effect enchanted item will
// have. Formula is BaseSpellEffectCost x
// iMagicItemChargeOnce. Linear. This way an item with a cast once
// effect will have exactly the number of charges needed to cast the
// effect upon it 1069 for const effect items 1070 is the setting for
// the multiplier for charges for automatically calculated cast when
// used effect enchanted items. See above for explanation. 1071 for ;
// //Cast on Strike; // items (charges are calculated to account for X
// 'uses' with this value as is)
int iMonthsToRespawn; // The time to respawn things like the Fighters
// Guild/Mages Guild chests, etc. How many months
// before a picked plant respawns
// ingredients. Chests in guilds respawn contents
// the same as any other chests.
float fCorpseClearDelay; // How many hours it takes before a
// non-persistent corpse disappears. Also
// controls time before certain temporary data
// is cleared if the object has not been in an
// active cell in that time (e.g. Talked to PC
// flag).
float fCorpseRespawnDelay; // How many hours it takes before a
// respawnable creature actually respawns
// (note that this doesn't seem to work
// properly).
float fBarterGoldResetDelay; // How many hours it takes before a trader
// resets it barter gold to its default
// value.
float fEncumbranceStrMult; // A straight multiplier to STR to see how
// much a PC/NPC/creature can carry.
float fPickLockMult; // Dictates amount that Lock pick difficulty
// raises according to Lock Level. Lower the value
// here, the harder it gets. Positive values make
// locks get easier with higher lock Levels
float fTrapCostMult; // Dictates difficulty of traps based on the spell
// cost of the spell assigned as trap. Lower the
// value here, the harder it gets to disarm
// (again, based on spell cost of assigned 'trap')
// The values is multiplied by the spell cost of a
// trap and then added to your chance of disarming
// it. Since it's set to zero, the trap spell's
// cost is not incorporated into the chance. So
// basically it's also unused.
float fMessageTimePerChar;
float fMagicItemRechargePerSecond; // This is the setting for the
// amount of charges restored to a
// charged magic item per second of
// game play. Linear. 0.05 x 20
// seconds = 1 charge restored.
int i1stPersonSneakDelta;
// If you barter with a merchant successfully, your disposition with
// that merchant increases by one and falls by 1 if you fail a barter
// attempt.
int iBarterSuccessDisposition;
int iBarterFailDisposition;
int iLevelupTotal; // How many skill points you need before you level
// up.
int iLevelupMajorMult; // How much each major skill is worth in
// points. E.g., if you set this to 2 then each
// point earned in a major skill counts as 2
// skill points for leveling up.
int iLevelupMinorMult; // Same as above, but for minor skills.
// I *think* - not sure if I remember this correctly - but I think
// this works like the above, but for skills governed by your two
// primary attributes. So if your primary attributes are STR and AGI,
// and you set 1087 to 2, then any major skill governed by one of
// these attributes which goes up by a point counts as 2 points for
// purposes of leveling.
int iLevelupMajorMultAttribute;
int iLevelupMinorMultAttribute;
int iLevelupMiscMultAttriubte;
int iLevelupSpecialization;
int iLevelUp01Mult;
int iLevelUp02Mult;
int iLevelUp03Mult;
int iLevelUp04Mult;
int iLevelUp05Mult;
int iLevelUp06Mult;
int iLevelUp07Mult;
int iLevelUp08Mult;
int iLevelUp09Mult;
int iLevelUp10Mult;
// The game keeps track of how many skill points you've gained since
// the last level up. If you gained 8 skill points in skills governed
// by AGI, then when you get to distribute attribute points whatever
// number is in place for iLevelUp08Mult will be used for AGI. So if
// this value is 4, you'll see a x 4 next to AGI when you level up
// (you'll get 4 points in AGI if you pick this during the leveling
// process).
int iSoulAmountForConstantEffect; // This is the setting for the
// minimum soul value to toggle the
// constant effect button in the
// enchantment creation window.
float fConstantEffectMult; // UNUSED
float fEnchantmentConstantDurationMult; // This setting is the
// multiplier for constant
// effect cast cost as compared
// to a 0 duration spell. so
// restore health 2-2 for 0
// secs, which costs 0.50 to
// cast as a spell, costs 0.5 x
// 100 = 50 as a constant
// effect.
float fEnchantmentConstantChanceMult;
float fWeaponDamageMult; // weapon damage during combat. depreciation
// as it were.
float fSeriousWoundMult; // UNUSED
float fKnockDownMult; // This sets the chance for a knock-down
// factored on how much damage you do in a
// single blow.
// Sets the base odds for a knockdown when the condition for it is met
int iKnockDownOddsBase;
int iKnockDownOddsMult;
float fCombatArmorMinMult;
float fHandToHandReach; // Sets the reach of HTH weapons. Values of
// less than 1.0 have no meaning.
float fVoiceIdleOdds; // Controls likelihood of an NPC 'speaking' a
// voice clip when Idle (Unsure of specifics)
int iVoiceAttackOdds; // Controls likelihood of an NPC 'speaking' a
// voice clip when attacking (Unsure of
// specifics)
int iVoiceHitOdds; // Controls likelihood of an NPC 'speaking' a voice
// clip when being hit (Unsure of specifics)
float fProjectileMinSpeed; // Sets the minimum speed of projectile weapons
float fProjectileMaxSpeed; // Dictates maximum speed of projectiles
// from bows and crossbows
float fThrownWeaponMinSpeed; // Sets the minimum speed of thrown weapons
float fThrownWeaponMaxSpeed; // Dictates Max speed of thrown weapons
float fTargetSpellMaxSpeed; // Sets the speed of spells. Double this
// and your spells will *zip* across the
// screen! Min speed is apparently
// hard-coded
float fProjectileThrownStoreChance; // The odds of getting arrows back
// when you loot a corpse. Thrown
// weapons also
int iPickMinChance; // Minimum pickpocketing chance (forum info /
// Iudas)
int iPickMaxChance; // Maximum pickpocketing chance (forum info /
// Iudas)
float fDispRaceMod; // You have better relations with your own race
// than with others.
// These determine how personality affect NPC disposition
float fDispPersonalityMult;
float fDispPersonalityBase;
// These determine how your rank in a faction will alter your
// relations with people that belong to that faction. This is why when
// you reach high ranks in a faction everyone in that faction suddenly
// becomes very friendly.
float fDispFactionMod;
float fDispFactionRankBase;
float fDispFactionRankMult;
float fDispCrimeMod; // This is multiplied by the player's crime level
// (bounty) to determine how that information
// affects an NPC's disposition towards the
// player.
float fDispDiseaseMod; // How much disposition is lowered when you're
// suffering from a disease.
int iDispAttackMod; // Not completely sure. NPC disposition modifier if
// PC attacks said NPC
float fDispWeaponDrawn; // How much disposition is lowered when you
// have a weapon drawn.
// I don't remember if these work the same as the previous barter
// disposition values, or if these are multipliers. These effect the
// long term disposition of the merchant
float fDispBargainSuccessMod;
float fDispBargainFailMod;
float fDispPickPocketMod; // NPC disposition modifier for catching the
// PC attempting to pickpocket them
int iDaysinPrisonMod; // Determines prison time based on your crime
// level.
float fDispAttacking; // Unsure. I believe it's an NPC Disposition
// modifier if the PC is attacking something
// other than the NPC, ie it effects
// non-combatants dispostion.
float fDispStealing; // Unsure - I believe it's an NPC Disposition
// modifier if the PC is stealing from someone
// other than the NPC it effects
int iDispTresspass; // NPC Disposition modifier for catching the PC
// 'trespassing'. Not sure what that exactly means
// in-game
int iDispKilling; // Unsure NPC Disposition modifier for witnessing the
// PC kill an innocent NPC (I think)
int iTrainingMod; // Determines training costs. The higher the value,
// the more training costs. Unsure of method of
// calculation
int iAlchemyMod; // Controls the value of player-made potions. Set to 0
// and player made potions have 0 value, set to 1 and
// player made potions have about 1/4 to 1/2 of what
// they have if you leave it at the default 2 (forum
// info / BeanCounter, Iudas).
float fBargainOfferBase; // This is multiplied by the item's value to
// determine what the merchant will offer when
// selling. Base value is also modified by PC
// level. Base amount that merchants will buy
// items from you for, in percentage points
// Believe it goes both ways, but I'm unsure
// how it would work the 'other way'
float fBargainOfferMulti; // Effects how much the merchant lowers his
// offers during a bargaining session
float fDispositionMod;
float fPersonalityMod;
float fLuckMod; // IIRC, this is multiplied by your Luck as a
// percentage to get a base increase to all skills.
float fReputationMod;
float fLevelMod;
float fBribe10Mod; // Dictates amount that NPC Disposition will raise
// on a successful 10 Gold Bribe. Don't believe it's
// in straight disposition points. Could be
// percentages - (Other factors like race, sex,
// opposing faction etc. reduce this amount
// significantly)
float fBribe100Mod; // Dictates amount that NPC Disposition will raise
// on a successful 100 Gold Bribe. See above.
float fBribe1000Mod; // Dictates amount that NPC Disposition will raise
// on a successful 1000 Gold Bribe. See above.
float fPerDieRollMult;
float fPerTempMult; // is used in just about every disposition
// modifying calculation.
int iPerMinChance;
int iPerMinChange;
// These all determine how fast you gain skill points in each
// skill. The lower the value, the faster you'll gain skill
// points. The values are multiplied by whatever rate you set for each
// individual skill.
float fSpecialSkillBonus;
float fMajorSkillBonus;
float fMinorSkillBonus;
float fMiscSkillBonus;
int iAlarmKilling;
int iAlarmAttack;
int iAlarmStealing;
int iAlarmPickPocket;
int iAlarmTresspass;
float fAlarmRadius; // When an NPC raises the alarm, this is the base
// radius for response by other affiliated NPCs.
// These set the gold value for crimes. I believe that fCrimeStealing
// is multiplied by the price of the item stolen.
int iCrimeKilling;
int iCrimeAttack;
float fCrimeStealing;
int iCrimePickPocket;
int iCrimeTresspass;
int iCrimeThreshold; // When NPC's start to react negatively to the PC
int iCrimeThresholdMultiplier;
float fCrimeGoldDiscountMult; // Thieves guild discount when you have a
// price on your head.
float fCrimeGoldTurnInMult; // Discount on the fine if you turn
// yourself in.
int iFightAttack;
int iFightAttacking;
int iFightDistanceBase;
float fFightDistanceMultiplier;
int iFightAlarmMult;
float fFightDispMult;
float fFightStealing;
int iFightPickpocket;
int iFightTrespass;
int iFightKilling;
int iFlee; // UNUSED
int iGreetDistanceMultiplier; // Used for those annoying voice
// greetings NPCs use when you get too
// close Specifically (if the
// Construction Set help is to be
// believed) this is multiplied by their
// hello rating to get the distance
// before they talk.
int iGreetDuration;
float fGreetDistanceReset; // How far away from an NPC you have to get
// before they check for a voice greeting
// again.
float fIdleChanceMultiplier; // Probability multiplier that an NPC will
// mumble something while standing idly
// near the PC
float fSneakUseDist; // Helps determine if you can sneak
float fSneakUseDelay; // Helps determine how long before the Sneak Icon
// come on
float fSneakDistanceBase; // see above
float fSneakDistanceMultiplier; // see above
float fSneakSpeedMultiplier; // Multiplied by base walking speed to see
// how fast you move while sneaking.
float fSneakViewMult; // Makes it more difficult to sneak when in view
// of an NPC.
float fSneakNoViewMult; // Makes it easier to sneak when you aren't in
// view.
float fSneakSkillMult;
float fSneakBootMult; // Multiplied by the boot value (weight?) to
// determine the reduction to Sneak skill.
float fCombatDistance; // Combined with weapon reach, determines the
// effective distance that hits can be obtained
float fCombatAngleXY;
float fCombatAngleZ;
float fCombatForceSideAngle;
float fCombatTorsoSideAngle;
float fCombatTorsoStartPercent;
float fCombatTorsoStopPercent;
float fCombatBlockLeftAngle;
float fCombatBlockRightAngle;
// Shields are worn on the left and partially block attacks from 90
// degrees left to 30 degrees right of the PC's facing.
float fCombatDelayCreature;
float fCombatDelayNPC;
float fAIMeleeWeaponMult; // Used in the determination of how far away
// an NPC will flee if they flee combat and
// the PC has a melee weapon in hand
float fAIRangeMeleeWeaponMult; // as above but the PC has a crossbow or Bow in hand
float fAIMagicSpellMult;
float fAIRangeMagicSpellMult; // As above but the PC has a spell readied
float fAIMeleeArmorMult;
float fAIMeleeSummWeaponMult;
float fAIFleeHealthMult; // Alters the opponents flee rating when health declines
float fAIFleeFleeMult; // Used to alter base flee ratings.
float fPickPocketMod;
// Multiplier to item's weight vs player's security. As far as I've
// tested it, chances are as follows:
// Enter/Leave inventory:
// Player.Sneak > d100 + Victim.Sneak
// Take items:
// Player.Security > d100 + fPickPocketMod * item Weight
// In the moment you successfully take an item, the inventory is
// reloaded (this is why sometimes items vanish or appear) and you
// have to make another Enter/Leave inventory check, so effectively
// both checks are made when taking items. When the victim can't
// detect you (sneaking, invisibility or chameleon) you always succeed
// in entering the inventory, though only chameleon will also help you
// in taking items and leaving the inventory. (JOG)
float fSleepRandMod; // Affects the chance of a mob waking the PC up
// while asleep in the wilderness.
float fSleepRestMod; // Unused (Thanks to Damar Stiehl for these two)
int iNumberCreatures;
float fAudioDefaultMinDistance;
float fAudioDefaultMaxDistance;
float fAudioVoiceDefaultMinDistance;
float fAudioVoiceDefaultMaxDistance;
float fAudioMinDistanceMult;
float fAudioMaxDistanceMult;
float fNPCHealthBarTime; // Controls delay before the Opponents health
// bar disappears
float fNPCHealthBarFade; // Controls how many seconds the bar float
// fades (rather than abruptly vanishing)
float fDifficultyMult;
float fMagicDetectRefreshRate;
float fMagicStartIconBlink; // The number of seconds a spell icon will
// fade before the spell runs out, on the
// lower right-hand corner of the screen.
float fMagicCreatureCastDelay;
float fDiseaseXferChance; // The chance of catching a disease if hit by
// a creature, or looting a diseased
// creature's corpse.
float fElementalShieldMult;
float fMagicSunBlockedMult; // Vampire weakness
float fWereWolfRunMult; // Werewolf run speed multiplier.
float fWereWolfSilverWeaponDamageMult; // The damage multiplier for
// silver weapon damage against
// all werewolves.
int iWereWolfBounty;
float fWereWolfStrength;
float fWereWolfAgility;
float fWereWolfEndurance;
float fWereWolfSpeed;
float fWereWolfHandtoHand;
float fWereWolfUnarmored;
float fWereWolfAthletics;
float fWereWolfAcrobatics;
float fWereWolfInteligence;
float fWereWolfWillPower;
float fWereWolfPersonality;
float fWereWolfLuck;
float fWereWolfBlock;
float fWereWolfArmorer;
float fWereWolfMediumArmor;
float fWereWolfHeavyARmor;
float fWereWolfBluntWeapon;
float fWereWolfLongBlade;
float fWereWolfAxe;
float fWereWolfSpear;
float fWereWolfDestruction;
float fWereWolfAlteration;
float fWereWolfIllusion;
float fWereWolfConjuration;
float fWereWolfMysticism;
float fWereWolfRestoration;
float fWereWolfEnchant;
float fWereWolfAlchemy;
float fWereWolfSecurity;
float fWereWolfSneak;
float fWereWolfLightArmor;
float fWereWolfShortBlade;
float fWereWolfMarksman;
float fWereWolfSpeechcraft;
// These are the skills and attributes for Werewolf form.
int iWereWolfLevelToAttack;
int iWereWolfFightMod;
int iWereWolfFleeMod;
float fWereWolfHealth;
float fWereWolfFatigue;
float fWereWolfMagica;
float fCombatDistaceWereWolfMod; // Determines the attack range of a
// Werewolf.
float fFleeDistance; // Determines how far away someone will flee.
// NOT documented in Scripting for Dummies.
float fWaterReflectUpdateAlways;
float fWaterReflectUpdateSeldom;
float fRestMagicMult;
char[] sMonthMorningstar;
char[] sMonthSunsdawn;
char[] sMonthFirstseed;
char[] sMonthRainshand;
char[] sMonthSecondseed;
char[] sMonthMidyear;
char[] sMonthSunsheight;
char[] sMonthLastseed;
char[] sMonthHeartfire;
char[] sMonthFrostfall;
char[] sMonthSunsdusk;
char[] sMonthEveningstar;
char[] sSpecialization;
char[] sSpecializationCombat;
char[] sSpecializationMagic;
char[] sSpecializationStealth;
char[] sSkillClassMajor;
char[] sSkillClassMinor;
char[] sSkillClassMisc;
char[] sRacialTraits;
char[] sHealthPerHourOfRest;
char[] sHealthPerLevel;
char[] sGoverningAttribute;
char[] sClass;
char[] sTraits;
char[] sJournal;
char[] sOK;
char[] sClose;
char[] sPrev;
char[] sNext;
char[] sTake;
char[] sWeaponTab;
char[] sApparelTab;
char[] sMagicTab;
char[] sMiscTab;
char[] sWornTab;
char[] sAllTab;
char[] sAttack;
char[] sUses;
char[] sQuality;
char[] sCharges;
char[] sArmorRating;
char[] sSlash;
char[] sThrust;
char[] sChop;
char[] sEncumbrance;
char[] sCondition;
char[] sWeight;
char[] sValue;
char[] sLight;
char[] sMedium;
char[] sHeavy;
char[] sCancel;
char[] sTakeAll;
char[] sUntilHealed;
char[] sRest;
char[] sWait;
char[] sRestIllegal;
char[] sGold;
char[] sMove;
char[] sTo;
char[] sActorInCombat;
char[] sArmor;
char[] sTopics;
char[] sService;
char[] sPersuasion;
char[] sBye;
char[] sGoodbye;
char[] sYes;
char[] sNo;
char[] sOn;
char[] sOff;
char[] sFull;
char[] sWorld;
char[] sExpelled;
char[] sExpelledMessage;
char[] sFavoriteSkills;
char[] sGame;
char[] sVideo;
char[] sAudio;
char[] sControls;
char[] sPrefs;
char[] sPreferences;
char[] sNewGame;
char[] sExitGame;
char[] sOptions;
char[] sSaveGame;
char[] sLoadGame;
char[] sDeleteGame;
char[] sSaveGameDenied;
char[] sSaveGameFailed;
char[] sSaveGameTooBig;
char[] sSaveGameNoMemory;
char[] sMaximumSaveGameMessage;
char[] sRender_Distance;
char[] sNear;
char[] sFar;
char[] sGamma_Correction;
char[] sLight_Gamma;
char[] sDark_Gamma;
char[] sSeldom;
char[] sAlways;
char[] sWaterTerrainReflect;
char[] sWaterReflectUpdate;
char[] sMaster;
char[] sVoice;
char[] sEffects;
char[] sFootsteps;
char[] sMusic;
char[] sTransparency_Menu;
char[] sMenu_Help_Delay;
char[] sAIDistance;
char[] sHigh;
char[] sLow;
char[] sDetail_Level;
char[] sMenus;
char[] sStrip;
char[] sReturnToGame;
char[] sForward;
char[] sBack;
char[] sLeft;
char[] sRight;
char[] sUse;
char[] sActivate;
char[] sReady_Weapon;
char[] sReady_Magic;
char[] sCrouch_Sneak;
char[] sRun;
char[] sAlways_Run;
char[] sAuto_Run;
char[] sJump;
char[] sNextWeapon;
char[] sPrevWeapon;
char[] sNextSpell;
char[] sPrevSpell;
char[] sTogglePOVCmd;
char[] sMenu_Mode;
char[] sJournalCmd;
char[] sRestKey;
char[] sQuickMenu;
char[] sQuick1Cmd;
char[] sQuick2Cmd;
char[] sQuick3Cmd;
char[] sQuick4Cmd;
char[] sQuick5Cmd;
char[] sQuick6Cmd;
char[] sQuick7Cmd;
char[] sQuick8Cmd;
char[] sQuick9Cmd;
char[] sQuick10Cmd;
char[] sQuickSaveCmd;
char[] sQuickLoadCmd;
char[] sKeyName_00;
char[] sKeyName_01;
char[] sKeyName_02;
char[] sKeyName_03;
char[] sKeyName_04;
char[] sKeyName_05;
char[] sKeyName_06;
char[] sKeyName_07;
char[] sKeyName_08;
char[] sKeyName_09;
char[] sKeyName_0A;
char[] sKeyName_0B;
char[] sKeyName_0C;
char[] sKeyName_0D;
char[] sKeyName_0E;
char[] sKeyName_0F;
char[] sKeyName_10;
char[] sKeyName_11;
char[] sKeyName_12;
char[] sKeyName_13;
char[] sKeyName_14;
char[] sKeyName_15;
char[] sKeyName_16;
char[] sKeyName_17;
char[] sKeyName_18;
char[] sKeyName_19;
char[] sKeyName_1A;
char[] sKeyName_1B;
char[] sKeyName_1C;
char[] sKeyName_1D;
char[] sKeyName_1E;
char[] sKeyName_1F;
char[] sKeyName_20;
char[] sKeyName_21;
char[] sKeyName_22;
char[] sKeyName_23;
char[] sKeyName_24;
char[] sKeyName_25;
char[] sKeyName_26;
char[] sKeyName_27;
char[] sKeyName_28;
char[] sKeyName_29;
char[] sKeyName_2A;
char[] sKeyName_2B;
char[] sKeyName_2C;
char[] sKeyName_2D;
char[] sKeyName_2E;
char[] sKeyName_2F;
char[] sKeyName_30;
char[] sKeyName_31;
char[] sKeyName_32;
char[] sKeyName_33;
char[] sKeyName_34;
char[] sKeyName_35;
char[] sKeyName_36;
char[] sKeyName_37;
char[] sKeyName_38;
char[] sKeyName_39;
char[] sKeyName_3A;
char[] sKeyName_3B;
char[] sKeyName_3C;
char[] sKeyName_3D;
char[] sKeyName_3E;
char[] sKeyName_3F;
char[] sKeyName_40;
char[] sKeyName_41;
char[] sKeyName_42;
char[] sKeyName_43;
char[] sKeyName_44;
char[] sKeyName_45;
char[] sKeyName_46;
char[] sKeyName_47;
char[] sKeyName_48;
char[] sKeyName_49;
char[] sKeyName_4A;
char[] sKeyName_4B;
char[] sKeyName_4C;
char[] sKeyName_4D;
char[] sKeyName_4E;
char[] sKeyName_4F;
char[] sKeyName_50;
char[] sKeyName_51;
char[] sKeyName_52;
char[] sKeyName_53;
char[] sKeyName_54;
char[] sKeyName_55;
char[] sKeyName_56;
char[] sKeyName_57;
char[] sKeyName_58;
char[] sKeyName_59;
char[] sKeyName_5A;
char[] sKeyName_5B;
char[] sKeyName_5C;
char[] sKeyName_5D;
char[] sKeyName_5E;
char[] sKeyName_5F;
char[] sKeyName_60;
char[] sKeyName_61;
char[] sKeyName_62;
char[] sKeyName_63;
char[] sKeyName_64;
char[] sKeyName_65;
char[] sKeyName_66;
char[] sKeyName_67;
char[] sKeyName_68;
char[] sKeyName_69;
char[] sKeyName_6A;
char[] sKeyName_6B;
char[] sKeyName_6C;
char[] sKeyName_6D;
char[] sKeyName_6E;
char[] sKeyName_6F;
char[] sKeyName_70;
char[] sKeyName_71;
char[] sKeyName_72;
char[] sKeyName_73;
char[] sKeyName_74;
char[] sKeyName_75;
char[] sKeyName_76;
char[] sKeyName_77;
char[] sKeyName_78;
char[] sKeyName_79;
char[] sKeyName_7A;
char[] sKeyName_7B;
char[] sKeyName_7C;
char[] sKeyName_7D;
char[] sKeyName_7E;
char[] sKeyName_7F;
char[] sKeyName_80;
char[] sKeyName_81;
char[] sKeyName_82;
char[] sKeyName_83;
char[] sKeyName_84;
char[] sKeyName_85;
char[] sKeyName_86;
char[] sKeyName_87;
char[] sKeyName_88;
char[] sKeyName_89;
char[] sKeyName_8A;
char[] sKeyName_8B;
char[] sKeyName_8C;
char[] sKeyName_8D;
char[] sKeyName_8E;
char[] sKeyName_8F;
char[] sKeyName_90;
char[] sKeyName_91;
char[] sKeyName_92;
char[] sKeyName_93;
char[] sKeyName_94;
char[] sKeyName_95;
char[] sKeyName_96;
char[] sKeyName_97;
char[] sKeyName_98;
char[] sKeyName_99;
char[] sKeyName_9A;
char[] sKeyName_9B;
char[] sKeyName_9C;
char[] sKeyName_9D;
char[] sKeyName_9E;
char[] sKeyName_9F;
char[] sKeyName_A0;
char[] sKeyName_A1;
char[] sKeyName_A2;
char[] sKeyName_A3;
char[] sKeyName_A4;
char[] sKeyName_A5;
char[] sKeyName_A6;
char[] sKeyName_A7;
char[] sKeyName_A8;
char[] sKeyName_A9;
char[] sKeyName_AA;
char[] sKeyName_AB;
char[] sKeyName_AC;
char[] sKeyName_AD;
char[] sKeyName_AE;
char[] sKeyName_AF;
char[] sKeyName_B0;
char[] sKeyName_B1;
char[] sKeyName_B2;
char[] sKeyName_B3;
char[] sKeyName_B4;
char[] sKeyName_B5;
char[] sKeyName_B6;
char[] sKeyName_B7;
char[] sKeyName_B8;
char[] sKeyName_B9;
char[] sKeyName_BA;
char[] sKeyName_BB;
char[] sKeyName_BC;
char[] sKeyName_BD;
char[] sKeyName_BE;
char[] sKeyName_BF;
char[] sKeyName_C0;
char[] sKeyName_C1;
char[] sKeyName_C2;
char[] sKeyName_C3;
char[] sKeyName_C4;
char[] sKeyName_C5;
char[] sKeyName_C6;
char[] sKeyName_C7;
char[] sKeyName_C8;
char[] sKeyName_C9;
char[] sKeyName_CA;
char[] sKeyName_CB;
char[] sKeyName_CC;
char[] sKeyName_CD;
char[] sKeyName_CE;
char[] sKeyName_CF;
char[] sKeyName_D0;
char[] sKeyName_D1;
char[] sKeyName_D2;
char[] sKeyName_D3;
char[] sKeyName_D4;
char[] sKeyName_D5;
char[] sKeyName_D6;
char[] sKeyName_D7;
char[] sKeyName_D8;
char[] sKeyName_D9;
char[] sKeyName_DA;
char[] sKeyName_DB;
char[] sKeyName_DC;
char[] sKeyName_DD;
char[] sKeyName_DE;
char[] sKeyName_DF;
char[] sKeyName_E0;
char[] sKeyName_E1;
char[] sKeyName_E2;
char[] sKeyName_E3;
char[] sKeyName_E4;
char[] sKeyName_E5;
char[] sKeyName_E6;
char[] sKeyName_E7;
char[] sKeyName_E8;
char[] sKeyName_E9;
char[] sKeyName_EA;
char[] sKeyName_EB;
char[] sKeyName_EC;
char[] sKeyName_ED;
char[] sKeyName_EE;
char[] sKeyName_EF;
char[] sKeyName_F0;
char[] sKeyName_F1;
char[] sKeyName_F2;
char[] sKeyName_F3;
char[] sKeyName_F4;
char[] sKeyName_F5;
char[] sKeyName_F6;
char[] sKeyName_F7;
char[] sKeyName_F8;
char[] sKeyName_F9;
char[] sKeyName_FA;
char[] sKeyName_FB;
char[] sKeyName_FC;
char[] sKeyName_FD;
char[] sKeyName_FE;
char[] sKeyName_FF;
char[] sForwardXbox;
char[] sBackXbox;
char[] sSlideLeftXbox;
char[] sSlideRightXbox;
char[] sMenuModeXbox;
char[] sActivateXbox;
char[] sUseXbox;
char[] sReadyItemXbox;
char[] sReadyMagicXbox;
char[] sCrouchXbox;
char[] sRunXbox;
char[] sToggleRunXbox;
char[] sJumpXbox;
char[] sTogglePOVXbox;
char[] sMenuNextXbox;
char[] sMenuPrevXbox;
char[] sJournalXbox;
char[] sQuick4Xbox;
char[] sQuick5Xbox;
char[] sQuick6Xbox;
char[] sQuick7Xbox;
char[] sQuick8Xbox;
char[] sQuick9Xbox;
char[] sQuick0Xbox;
char[] sOptionsMenuXbox;
char[] sSystemMenuXbox;
char[] sRestMenuXbox;
char[] sQuickSaveXbox;
char[] sQuickLoadXbox;
char[] sMoveUpXbox;
char[] sMoveDownXbox;
char[] sLookUpXbox;
char[] sLookDownXbox;
char[] sTurnLeftXbox;
char[] sTurnRightXbox;
char[] sNextWeaponXbox;
char[] sPrevWeaponXbox;
char[] sNextSpellXbox;
char[] sPrevSpellXbox;
char[] sDialogText1Xbox;
char[] sDialogText2Xbox;
char[] sDialogText3Xbox;
char[] sQuick_Save;
char[] sShadowText;
char[] sLockSuccess;
char[] sLockFail;
char[] sLockImpossible;
char[] sTrapSuccess;
char[] sTrapFail;
char[] sTrapImpossible;
char[] sTrapped;
char[] sLockLevel;
char[] sKeyUsed;
char[] sUnlocked;
char[] sBarter;
char[] sRepair;
char[] sSpells;
char[] sTraining;
char[] sTravel;
char[] sSpellmaking;
char[] sEnchanting;
char[] sJoystickNotFound;
char[] sJournalEntry;
char[] sDay;
char[] sCreate;
char[] sIngredients;
char[] sApparatus;
char[] sCreatedEffects;
char[] sOnetypeEffectMessage;
char[] sName;
char[] sNameTitle;
char[] sSelect;
char[] sBuy;
char[] sInfo;
char[] sMagicEffects;
char[] sOnce;
char[] sCostCharge;
char[] sCostChance;
char[] sAttributesMenu1;
char[] sBirthsignmenu1;
char[] sBirthsignmenu2;
char[] sChooseClassMenu1;
char[] sChooseClassMenu2;
char[] sChooseClassMenu3;
char[] sChooseClassMenu4;
char[] sCreateClassMenuWarning;
char[] sClassChoiceMenu1;
char[] sClassChoiceMenu2;
char[] sClassChoiceMenu3;
char[] sNotifyMessage1;
char[] sNotifyMessage2;
char[] sNotifyMessage3;
char[] sNotifyMessage4;
char[] sNotifyMessage4XBOX;
char[] sNotifyMessage5;
char[] sNotifyMessage6;
char[] sNotifyMessage6a;
char[] sNotifyMessage7;
char[] sNotifyMessage8;
char[] sNotifyMessage9;
char[] sNotifyMessage10;
char[] sNotifyMessage11;
char[] sNotifyMessage12;
char[] sNotifyMessage13;
char[] sNotifyMessage14;
char[] sNotifyMessage15;
char[] sNotifyMessage16;
char[] sNotifyMessage16_a;
char[] sNotifyMessage17;
char[] sNotifyMessage18;
char[] sNotifyMessage19;
char[] sNotifyMessage20;
char[] sNotifyMessage21;
char[] sNotifyMessage22;
char[] sNotifyMessage23;
char[] sNotifyMessage24;
char[] sNotifyMessage25;
char[] sNotifyMessage26;
char[] sNotifyMessage27;
char[] sNotifyMessage28;
char[] sNotifyMessage29;
char[] sNotifyMessage30;
char[] sNotifyMessage31;
char[] sNotifyMessage32;
char[] sNotifyMessage33;
char[] sNotifyMessage34;
char[] sNotifyMessage35;
char[] sNotifyMessage36;
char[] sNotifyMessage37;
char[] sNotifyMessage38;
char[] sNotifyMessage39;
char[] sNotifyMessage40;
char[] sNotifyMessage41;
char[] sNotifyMessage42;
char[] sNotifyMessage43;
char[] sNotifyMessage44;
char[] sNotifyMessage45;
char[] sNotifyMessage46;
char[] sNotifyMessage47;
char[] sNotifyMessage48;
char[] sNotifyMessage49;
char[] sNotifyMessage50;
char[] sNotifyMessage51;
char[] sNotifyMessage52;
char[] sNotifyMessage53;
char[] sNotifyMessage54;
char[] sNotifyMessage55;
char[] sNotifyMessage56;
char[] sNotifyMessage57;
char[] sNotifyMessage58;
char[] sNotifyMessage59;
char[] sNotifyMessage60;
char[] sNotifyMessage61;
char[] sNotifyMessage62;
char[] sNotifyMessage63;
char[] sNotifyMessage64;
char[] sNotifyMessage65;
char[] sNotifyMessage66;
char[] sNotifyMessage67;
char[] sInPrisonTitle;
char[] sInfoRefusal;
char[] sAdmireSuccess;
char[] sAdmireFail;
char[] sIntimidateSuccess;
char[] sIntimidateFail;
char[] sTauntSuccess;
char[] sTauntFail;
char[] sServiceRefusal;
char[] sBribeSuccess;
char[] sBribeFail;
char[] sBookSkillMessage;
char[] sLoadingMessage1;
char[] sLoadingMessage2;
char[] sLoadingMessage3;
char[] sLoadingMessage4;
char[] sLoadingMessage5;
char[] sLoadingMessage9;
char[] sLoadingMessage14;
char[] sLoadingMessage15;
char[] sInvalidSaveGameMsg;
char[] sInvalidSaveGameMsgXBOX;
char[] sLoadingErrorsMsg;
char[] sMissingMastersMsg;
char[] sChangedMastersMsg;
char[] sMastPlugMismatchMsg;
char[] sGeneralMastPlugMismatchMsg;
char[] sLoadLastSaveMsg;
char[] sMessage1;
char[] sMessage2;
char[] sMessage3;
char[] sMessage4;
char[] sMessage5;
char[] sMessageQuestionAnswer1;
char[] sMessageQuestionAnswer2;
char[] sMessageQuestionAnswer3;
char[] sBarterDialog1;
char[] sBarterDialog2;
char[] sBarterDialog3;
char[] sBarterDialog4;
char[] sBarterDialog5;
char[] sBarterDialog6;
char[] sBarterDialog7;
char[] sBarterDialog8;
char[] sBarterDialog9;
char[] sBarterDialog10;
char[] sBarterDialog11;
char[] sBarterDialog12;
char[] sInventoryMessage1;
char[] sInventoryMessage2;
char[] sInventoryMessage3;
char[] sInventoryMessage4;
char[] sInventoryMessage5;
char[] sContentsMessage1;
char[] sContentsMessage2;
char[] sContentsMessage3;
char[] sAttributeListTitle;
char[] sConsoleTitle;
char[] sCreateClassMenu1;
char[] sCreateClassMenu2;
char[] sCreateClassMenu3;
char[] sCreateClassMenuHelp1;
char[] sCreateClassMenuHelp2;
char[] sControlsMenu1;
char[] sControlsMenu2;
char[] sControlsMenu3;
char[] sControlsMenu4;
char[] sControlsMenu5;
char[] sControlsMenu6;
char[] sGameWithoutLauncherXbox;
char[] sDialogMenu1;
char[] sEnchantmentMenu1;
char[] sEnchantmentMenu2;
char[] sEnchantmentMenu3;
char[] sEnchantmentMenu4;
char[] sEnchantmentMenu5;
char[] sEnchantmentMenu6;
char[] sEnchantmentMenu7;
char[] sEnchantmentMenu8;
char[] sEnchantmentMenu9;
char[] sEnchantmentMenu10;
char[] sEnchantmentMenu11;
char[] sEnchantmentMenu12;
char[] sEnchantmentHelp1;
char[] sEnchantmentHelp2;
char[] sEnchantmentHelp3;
char[] sEnchantmentHelp4;
char[] sEnchantmentHelp5;
char[] sEnchantmentHelp6;
char[] sEnchantmentHelp7;
char[] sEnchantmentHelp8;
char[] sEnchantmentHelp9;
char[] sEnchantmentHelp10;
char[] sInputMenu1;
char[] sInventoryMenu1;
char[] sLevelUpMenu1;
char[] sLevelUpMenu2;
char[] sLevelUpMenu3;
char[] sLevelUpMenu4;
char[] sLevelUpMsg;
char[] sLevelUp;
char[] sRange;
char[] sArea;
char[] sMagnitude;
char[] sDuration;
char[] sDrain;
char[] sAbsorb;
char[] sFortify;
char[] sRestore;
char[] sDamage;
char[] spoint;
char[] spoints;
char[] spercent;
char[] sfor;
char[] ssecond;
char[] sseconds;
char[] sin;
char[] sfootarea;
char[] sfeet;
char[] sXTimes;
char[] sXTimesINT;
char[] sonword;
char[] sNone;
char[] sDone;
char[] sStartCell;
char[] sStartError;
char[] sStartCellError;
char[] sAdmire;
char[] sIntimidate;
char[] sTaunt;
char[] sBribe_10_Gold;
char[] sBribe_100_Gold;
char[] sBribe_1000_Gold;
char[] sPersuasionMenuTitle;
char[] sFast;
char[] sSlow;
char[] sBestAttack;
char[] sSubtitles;
char[] sMouseFlip;
char[] sCursorOff;
char[] sEnableJoystick;
char[] sXStrafe;
char[] sStrafe;
char[] sTurn;
char[] sMouseWheelUpShort;
char[] sMouseWheelDownShort;
char[] sMouse;
char[] sJoystickShort;
char[] sJoystickHatShort;
char[] sPickUp;
char[] sItemName;
char[] sNoName;
char[] sItem;
char[] sRaceMenu1;
char[] sRaceMenu2;
char[] sRaceMenu3;
char[] sRaceMenu4;
char[] sRaceMenu5;
char[] sRaceMenu6;
char[] sRaceMenu7;
char[] sRestMenu1;
char[] sRestMenu2;
char[] sRestMenu3;
char[] sRestMenu4;
char[] sSaveMenu1;
char[] sServiceRepairTitle;
char[] sServiceTravelTitle;
char[] sServiceTrainingTitle;
char[] sServiceTrainingWords;
char[] sServiceSpellsTitle;
char[] sSkillsMenu1;
char[] sBonusSkillTitle;
char[] sSpecializationMenu1;
char[] sSpellmakingMenuTitle;
char[] sSpellmakingMenu1;
char[] sSpellmakingHelp1;
char[] sSpellmakingHelp2;
char[] sSpellmakingHelp3;
char[] sSpellmakingHelp4;
char[] sSpellmakingHelp5;
char[] sSpellmakingHelp6;
char[] sKilledEssential;
char[] sCrimeMessage;
char[] sPotionSuccess;
char[] sMagicItem;
char[] sMagnitudeDes;
char[] sAreaDes;
char[] sDurationDes;
char[] sRangeDes;
char[] sCrimeHelp;
char[] sSoulGem;
char[] sCastCost;
char[] sTravelServiceTitle;
char[] sSpellServiceTitle;
char[] sRepairServiceTitle;
char[] sTrainingServiceTitle;
char[] sMortar;
char[] sCalcinator;
char[] sAlembic;
char[] sRetort;
char[] sQuestionMark;
char[] s3dAudio;
char[] s3dHardware;
char[] s3dSoftware;
char[] sYourGold;
char[] sSellerGold;
char[] sTotalCost;
char[] sTotalSold;
char[] sOffer;
char[] sLess;
char[] sMore;
char[] sInventory;
char[] sBookPageOne;
char[] sBookPageTwo;
char[] sDisposeofCorpse;
char[] sCaughtStealingMessage;
char[] sUserDefinedClass;
char[] sAsk;
char[] sEnchantItems;
char[] sSoulGemsWithSouls;
char[] sDoYouWantTo;
char[] sRechargeEnchantment;
char[] sMake_Enchantment;
char[] sSell;
char[] sEquip;
char[] sDrop;
char[] sContainer;
char[] sStats;
char[] sMap;
char[] sCenter;
char[] sSaveMenuHelp01;
char[] sSaveMenuHelp02;
char[] sSaveMenuHelp03;
char[] sSaveMenuHelp04;
char[] sSaveMenuHelp05;
char[] sSaveMenuHelp06;
char[] sBlocks;
char[] sFileSize;
char[] sSave;
char[] sDeleteSpell;
char[] sQuestionDeleteSpell;
char[] sDeleteSpellError;
char[] sLocal;
char[] sLoadFailedMessage;
char[] sShadows;
char[] sControlerVibration;
char[] sQuanityMenuMessage01;
char[] sQuanityMenuMessage02;
char[] sSex;
char[] sHair;
char[] sFace;
char[] sRepairFailed;
char[] sRepairSuccess;
char[] sHeal;
char[] sgp;
char[] sSetValueMessage01;
char[] sDelete;
char[] sVideoWarning;
char[] sResChangeWarning;
char[] sShift;
char[] sBackspace;
char[] sCustomClassName;
char[] sSpace;
char[] sInventorySelectNoItems;
char[] sInventorySelectNoSoul;
char[] sInventorySelectNoIngredients;
char[] sDisposeCorpseFail;
char[] sQuickMenuTitle;
char[] sQuickMenuInstruc;
char[] sQuickMenu1;
char[] sQuickMenu2;
char[] sQuickMenu3;
char[] sQuickMenu4;
char[] sQuickMenu5;
char[] sQuickMenu6;
char[] sMagicSelectTitle;
char[] sNextRank;
char[] sNeedOneSkill;
char[] sNeedTwoSkills;
char[] sand;
char[] sOneHanded;
char[] sTwoHanded;
char[] sType;
char[] sAt;
char[] sUnequip;
char[] sScrolldown;
char[] sScrollup;
char[] sSleepInterrupt;
char[] sSoultrapSuccess;
char[] sCantEquipWeapWarning;
char[] sOfferMenuTitle;
char[] sPowers;
char[] sBreath;
char[] sDifficulty;
char[] sEasy;
char[] sHard;
char[] sAttributeStrength;
char[] sAttributeIntelligence;
char[] sAttributeWillpower;
char[] sAttributeAgility;
char[] sAttributeSpeed;
char[] sAttributeEndurance;
char[] sAttributePersonality;
char[] sAttributeLuck;
char[] sSkillBlock;
char[] sSkillArmorer;
char[] sSkillMediumarmor;
char[] sSkillHeavyarmor;
char[] sSkillBluntweapon;
char[] sSkillLongblade;
char[] sSkillAxe;
char[] sSkillSpear;
char[] sSkillAthletics;
char[] sSkillEnchant;
char[] sSkillDestruction;
char[] sSkillAlteration;
char[] sSkillIllusion;
char[] sSkillConjuration;
char[] sSkillMysticism;
char[] sSkillRestoration;
char[] sSkillAlchemy;
char[] sSkillUnarmored;
char[] sSkillSecurity;
char[] sSkillSneak;
char[] sSkillAcrobatics;
char[] sSkillLightarmor;
char[] sSkillShortblade;
char[] sSkillMarksman;
char[] sSkillMercantile;
char[] sSkillSpeechcraft;
char[] sSkillHandtohand;
char[] sHealth;
char[] sRace;
char[] sLevel;
char[] sLevels;
char[] sFaction;
char[] sBirthSign;
char[] sBounty;
char[] sReputation;
char[] sSchool;
char[] sSkill;
char[] sSkillProgress;
char[] sSkillMaxReached;
char[] sLevelProgress;
char[] sMagic;
char[] sMagicMenu;
char[] sFatigue;
char[] sSkillsMenuReputationHelp;
char[] sStrDesc;
char[] sIntDesc;
char[] sWilDesc;
char[] sAgiDesc;
char[] sSpdDesc;
char[] sEndDesc;
char[] sPerDesc;
char[] sLucDesc;
char[] sFatDesc;
char[] sHealthDesc;
char[] sMagDesc;
char[] sDefaultCellname;
char[] sTargetCriticalStrike;
char[] sEffectWaterBreathing;
char[] sEffectSwiftSwim;
char[] sEffectWaterWalking;
char[] sEffectShield;
char[] sEffectFireShield;
char[] sEffectLightningShield;
char[] sEffectFrostShield;
char[] sEffectBurden;
char[] sEffectFeather;
char[] sEffectJump;
char[] sEffectLevitate;
char[] sEffectSlowFall;
char[] sEffectLock;
char[] sEffectOpen;
char[] sEffectFireDamage;
char[] sEffectShockDamage;
char[] sEffectFrostDamage;
char[] sEffectDrainAttribute;
char[] sEffectDrainHealth;
char[] sEffectDrainSpellpoints;
char[] sEffectDrainFatigue;
char[] sEffectDrainSkill;
char[] sEffectDamageAttribute;
char[] sEffectDamageHealth;
char[] sEffectDamageMagicka;
char[] sEffectDamageFatigue;
char[] sEffectDamageSkill;
char[] sEffectPoison;
char[] sEffectWeaknessToFire;
char[] sEffectWeaknessToFrost;
char[] sEffectWeaknessToShock;
char[] sEffectWeaknessToMagicka;
char[] sEffectWeaknessToCommonDisease;
char[] sEffectWeaknessToBlightDisease;
char[] sEffectWeaknessToCorprusDisease;
char[] sEffectWeaknessToPoison;
char[] sEffectWeaknessToNormalWeapons;
char[] sEffectDisintegrateWeapon;
char[] sEffectDisintegrateArmor;
char[] sEffectInvisibility;
char[] sEffectChameleon;
char[] sEffectLight;
char[] sEffectSanctuary;
char[] sEffectNightEye;
char[] sEffectCharm;
char[] sEffectParalyze;
char[] sEffectSilence;
char[] sEffectBlind;
char[] sEffectSound;
char[] sEffectCalmHumanoid;
char[] sEffectCalmCreature;
char[] sEffectFrenzyHumanoid;
char[] sEffectFrenzyCreature;
char[] sEffectDemoralizeHumanoid;
char[] sEffectDemoralizeCreature;
char[] sEffectRallyHumanoid;
char[] sEffectRallyCreature;
char[] sEffectDispel;
char[] sEffectSoultrap;
char[] sEffectTelekinesis;
char[] sEffectMark;
char[] sEffectRecall;
char[] sEffectDivineIntervention;
char[] sEffectAlmsiviIntervention;
char[] sEffectDetectAnimal;
char[] sEffectDetectEnchantment;
char[] sEffectDetectKey;
char[] sEffectSpellAbsorption;
char[] sEffectReflect;
char[] sEffectCureCommonDisease;
char[] sEffectCureBlightDisease;
char[] sEffectCureCorprusDisease;
char[] sEffectCurePoison;
char[] sEffectCureParalyzation;
char[] sEffectRestoreAttribute;
char[] sEffectRestoreHealth;
char[] sEffectRestoreSpellPoints;
char[] sEffectRestoreFatigue;
char[] sEffectRestoreSkill;
char[] sEffectFortifyAttribute;
char[] sEffectFortifyHealth;
char[] sEffectFortifySpellpoints;
char[] sEffectFortifyFatigue;
char[] sEffectFortifySkill;
char[] sEffectFortifyMagickaMultiplier;
char[] sEffectAbsorbAttribute;
char[] sEffectAbsorbHealth;
char[] sEffectAbsorbSpellPoints;
char[] sEffectAbsorbFatigue;
char[] sEffectAbsorbSkill;
char[] sEffectResistFire;
char[] sEffectResistFrost;
char[] sEffectResistShock;
char[] sEffectResistMagicka;
char[] sEffectResistCommonDisease;
char[] sEffectResistBlightDisease;
char[] sEffectResistCorprusDisease;
char[] sEffectResistPoison;
char[] sEffectResistNormalWeapons;
char[] sEffectResistParalysis;
char[] sEffectRemoveCurse;
char[] sEffectTurnUndead;
char[] sEffectSummonScamp;
char[] sEffectSummonClannfear;
char[] sEffectSummonDaedroth;
char[] sEffectSummonDremora;
char[] sEffectSummonAncestralGhost;
char[] sEffectSummonSkeletalMinion;
char[] sEffectSummonLeastBonewalker;
char[] sEffectSummonGreaterBonewalker;
char[] sEffectSummonBonelord;
char[] sEffectSummonWingedTwilight;
char[] sEffectSummonHunger;
char[] sEffectSummonGoldensaint;
char[] sEffectSummonFlameAtronach;
char[] sEffectSummonFrostAtronach;
char[] sEffectSummonStormAtronach;
char[] sEffectFortifyAttackBonus;
char[] sEffectCommandCreatures;
char[] sEffectCommandHumanoids;
char[] sEffectBoundDagger;
char[] sEffectBoundLongsword;
char[] sEffectBoundMace;
char[] sEffectBoundBattleAxe;
char[] sEffectBoundSpear;
char[] sEffectBoundLongbow;
char[] sEffectExtraSpell;
char[] sEffectBoundCuirass;
char[] sEffectBoundHelm;
char[] sEffectBoundBoots;
char[] sEffectBoundShield;
char[] sEffectBoundGloves;
char[] sEffectCorpus;
char[] sEffectVampirism;
char[] sEffectSummonCenturionSphere;
char[] sEffectSunDamage;
char[] sEffectStuntedMagicka;
char[] sSchoolAlteration;
char[] sSchoolConjuration;
char[] sSchoolDestruction;
char[] sSchoolIllusion;
char[] sSchoolMysticism;
char[] sSchoolRestoration;
char[] sTypeSpell;
char[] sTypeAbility;
char[] sTypeBlightDisease;
char[] sTypeDisease;
char[] sTypeCurse;
char[] sTypePower;
char[] sItemCastOnce;
char[] sItemCastWhenStrikes;
char[] sItemCastWhenUsed;
char[] sItemCastConstant;
char[] sRangeSelf;
char[] sRangeTouch;
char[] sRangeTarget;
char[] sMagicSkillFail;
char[] sMagicInsufficientSP;
char[] sMagicInsufficientCharge;
char[] sPowerAlreadyUsed;
char[] sMagicInvalidTarget;
char[] sMagicLockSuccess;
char[] sMagicOpenSuccess;
char[] sMagicTargetResistsWeapons;
char[] sMagicContractDisease;
char[] sMagicScampID;
char[] sMagicClannfearID;
char[] sMagicDaedrothID;
char[] sMagicDremoraID;
char[] sMagicAncestralGhostID;
char[] sMagicSkeletalMinionID;
char[] sMagicLeastBonewalkerID;
char[] sMagicGreaterBonewalkerID;
char[] sMagicBonelordID;
char[] sMagicWingedTwilightID;
char[] sMagicHungerID;
char[] sMagicGoldenSaintID;
char[] sMagicFlameAtronachID;
char[] sMagicFrostAtronachID;
char[] sMagicStormAtronachID;
char[] sMagicCenturionSphereID;
char[] sMagicBoundDaggerID;
char[] sMagicBoundLongswordID;
char[] sMagicBoundMaceID;
char[] sMagicBoundBattleAxeID;
char[] sMagicBoundSpearID;
char[] sMagicBoundLongbowID;
char[] sMagicBoundCuirassID;
char[] sMagicBoundHelmID;
char[] sMagicBoundBootsID;
char[] sMagicBoundShieldID;
char[] sMagicBoundLeftGauntletID;
char[] sMagicBoundRightGauntletID;
char[] sMagicCorprusWorsens;
char[] sMagicCannotRecast;
char[] sMagicPCResisted;
char[] sMagicTargetResisted;
char[] sMagicInvalidEffect;
char[] sAcrobat;
char[] sAgent;
char[] sArcher;
char[] sAssassin;
char[] sBarbarian;
char[] sBard;
char[] sBattlemage;
char[] sCrusader;
char[] sCustom;
char[] sHealer;
char[] sKnight;
char[] sMage;
char[] sMonk;
char[] sNightblade;
char[] sPilgrim;
char[] sRogue;
char[] sScout;
char[] sSorceror;
char[] sSpellsword;
char[] sThief;
char[] sWarrior;
char[] sWitchhunter;
// Not documented, from Tribunal and Bloodmoon
char[] sTeleportDisabled;
char[] sLevitateDisabled;
char[] sWerewolfRefusal;
char[] sWerewolfPopup;
char[] sWerewolfRestMessage;
char[] sWerewolfAlarmMessage;
char[] sMaxSale;
char[] sDeleteNote;
char[] sEditNote;
char[] sProfitValue;
char[] sCompanionShare;
char[] sCompanionWarningMessage;
char[] sCompanionWarningButtonOne;
char[] sCompanionWarningButtonTwo;
float fWereWolfMagicka;
float fWereWolfIntellegence;
float fWereWolfHeavyArmor;
float fWereWolfMerchantile;
float fCombatDistanceWerewolfMod;
char[] sEffectSummonFabricant;
char[] sEffectSummonCreature01;
char[] sEffectSummonCreature02;
char[] sEffectSummonCreature03;
char[] sEffectSummonCreature04;
char[] sEffectSummonCreature05;
char[] sMagicFabricantID;
char[] sMagicCreature01ID;
char[] sMagicCreature02ID;
char[] sMagicCreature03ID;
char[] sMagicCreature04ID;
char[] sMagicCreature05ID;