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OpenMW - The completely unofficial reimplementation of Morrowind
Copyright (C) 2008 Nicolay Korslund
Email: < korslund@gmail.com >
WWW: http://openmw.snaptoad.com/
This file (celldata.d) is part of the OpenMW package.
OpenMW is distributed as free software: you can redistribute it
and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
version 3, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
version 3 along with this program. If not, see
http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ .
module scene.celldata;
import std.stdio;
public import esm.esmmain;
import core.memory;
import monster.monster;
import util.reglist;
import ogre.ogre;
import ogre.bindings;
import sound.audio;
import scene.player;
// Generic version of a "live" object. Do we even need this at all?
// No, I don't think so.
struct GenLive(T)
// Instance of class GameObject or a derived class (depending on
// object type)
MonsterObject *obj;
T *m;
Placement *getPos()
assert(obj !is null);
// This belongs in HACK-land
return cast(Placement*)obj.getFloatPtr("x");
float getScale()
assert(obj !is null);
return obj.getFloat("scale");
alias GenLive!(Static) LiveStatic;
alias GenLive!(NPC) LiveNPC;
alias GenLive!(Activator) LiveActivator;
alias GenLive!(Potion) LivePotion;
alias GenLive!(Apparatus) LiveApparatus;
alias GenLive!(Ingredient) LiveIngredient;
alias GenLive!(Armor) LiveArmor;
alias GenLive!(Weapon) LiveWeapon;
alias GenLive!(Book) LiveBook;
alias GenLive!(Clothing) LiveClothing;
alias GenLive!(Tool) LiveTool;
alias GenLive!(Creature) LiveCreature;
alias GenLive!(Door) LiveDoor;
alias GenLive!(Misc) LiveMisc;
alias GenLive!(Container) LiveContainer;
// TODO: This is sort of redundant. Eliminate or rework it later.
struct LiveLight
MonsterObject *obj;
Light *m;
Placement *getPos()
assert(obj !is null);
// This belongs in HACK-land
return cast(Placement*)obj.getFloatPtr("x");
float getScale()
assert(obj !is null);
return obj.getFloat("scale");
NodePtr lightNode;
SoundInstance *loopSound;
class CellData
RegionManager reg;
InteriorCell *inCell;
ExteriorCell *exCell;
// Ambient light data
AMBIStruct ambi;
// Water height
int water;
// Linked lists that hold references to all the objects in the cell
RegionList!(LiveStatic) statics;
RegionList!(LiveMisc) miscItems;
RegionList!(LiveLight) lights;
RegionList!(LiveLight) statLights;
RegionList!(LiveNPC) npcs;
RegionList!(LiveContainer) containers;
RegionList!(LiveDoor) doors;
RegionList!(LiveActivator) activators;
RegionList!(LivePotion) potions;
RegionList!(LiveApparatus) appas;
RegionList!(LiveIngredient) ingredients;
RegionList!(LiveArmor) armors;
RegionList!(LiveWeapon) weapons;
RegionList!(LiveBook) books;
RegionList!(LiveTool) tools;
RegionList!(LiveClothing) clothes;
RegionList!(LiveCreature) creatures;
this(RegionManager r)
reg = r;
killCell(); // Make sure all data is initialized.
// Kills all data and initialize the object for reuse.
void killCell()
inCell = null;
exCell = null;
// Reset the lists
// Write some statistics
// Load an exterior cell
void loadExtCell(int x, int y)
exCell = cells.getExt(x, y);
writefln("Name: %s", exCell.name);
writefln("Region: %s", exCell.region.id);
esFile.restoreContext(exCell.context, reg);
// Always for exterior cells
water = 0;
Color mapColor;
esFile.readHExact(&mapColor, mapColor.sizeof);
const float cellWidth = 8192;
// TODO/FIXME: This is temporary
playerData.position.position[0] = x*cellWidth;
playerData.position.position[1] = y*cellWidth;
playerData.position.position[2] = 6000;
playerData.position.rotation[] = 0;
// Load an interior cell
void loadIntCell(char[] cName)
inCell = cells.getInt(cName);
writefln("Cell id: '%s'", cName);
writefln("Cell name: '%s'", cell.id);
esFile.restoreContext(inCell.context, reg);
// TODO: Read this in loadcell.d
if(esFile.isNextSub("INTV") || esFile.isNextSub("WHGT"))
water = esFile.getHInt();
//writefln("Water height: ", water);
if(inCell.flags & CellFlags.QuasiExt)
Region* reg = esFile.getHNOPtr!(Region)("RGNN", regions);
if(reg) writefln("Cell has region %s", reg.id);
else writefln("No region");
// Determine weather from this region
// Only for interior cells
esFile.readHNExact(&ambi, ambi.sizeof, "AMBI");
writefln("Ambient light: ", ambi.ambient.array);
writefln("Sunlight: ", ambi.sunlight.array);
writefln("Fog color: ", ambi.ambient.array);
writefln("Fog density: ", ambi.fogDensity);
void loadReferences()
// Now read all the references
// Number of references in the cell? Maximum once in each
// cell, but not always at the beginning, and not always
// right. In other words, completely useless. Strange
// people...
getHNOInt("NAM0", 0);
int refnum = getHNInt("FRMR"); // Reference number
char[] refr = getHNString("NAME"); // ID of object
// Used internally for optimizing
bool container;
bool door;
bool stat;
bool activator;
// Identify the referenced object by looking up the id
// string 'ref' in the global database of all
// cell-referencable objects.
Item itm = cellRefs.lookup(refr);
ItemT it = ItemT(itm);
MonsterObject *mo;
// These should be ordered according to how commonly they
// occur.
// Static mesh - probably the most common object type
if(Static *s = it.getStatic())
LiveStatic ls;
ls.m = s;
ls.obj = s.proto.clone();
mo = ls.obj;
stat = true;
// Misc items are also pretty common
else if(Misc *m = it.getMisc())
LiveMisc ls;
ls.m = m;
ls.obj = m.proto.clone();
mo = ls.obj;
// Lights and containers too
else if(Light *m = it.getLight())
LiveLight ls;
ls.m = m;
ls.obj = m.proto.clone();
mo = ls.obj;
bool carry = (m.data.flags&Light.Flags.Carry) != 0;
else if(Container *c = it.getContainer())
LiveContainer ls;
ls.m = c;
ls.obj = c.proto.clone();
mo = ls.obj;
container = true;
// From here on I doubt the order will matter much
else if(Door *d = it.getDoor())
LiveDoor ls;
ls.m = d;
ls.obj = d.proto.clone();
mo = ls.obj;
door = true;
// Activator?
else if(Activator *a = it.getActivator())
LiveActivator ls;
ls.m = a;
ls.obj = a.proto.clone();
mo = ls.obj;
activator = true;
// NPC?
else if(NPC *n = it.getNPC())
LiveNPC ls;
ls.m = n;
ls.obj = n.proto.clone();
mo = ls.obj;
else if(Potion *p = it.getPotion())
LivePotion ls;
ls.m = p;
ls.obj = p.proto.clone();
mo = ls.obj;
else if(Apparatus *m = it.getApparatus())
LiveApparatus ls;
ls.m = m;
ls.obj = m.proto.clone();
mo = ls.obj;
else if(Ingredient *m = it.getIngredient())
LiveIngredient ls;
ls.m = m;
ls.obj = m.proto.clone();
mo = ls.obj;
else if(Armor *m = it.getArmor())
LiveArmor ls;
ls.m = m;
ls.obj = m.proto.clone();
mo = ls.obj;
else if(Weapon *m = it.getWeapon())
LiveWeapon ls;
ls.m = m;
ls.obj = m.proto.clone();
mo = ls.obj;
else if(Book *m = it.getBook())
LiveBook ls;
ls.m = m;
ls.obj = m.proto.clone();
mo = ls.obj;
else if(Clothing *m = it.getClothing())
LiveClothing ls;
ls.m = m;
ls.obj = m.proto.clone();
mo = ls.obj;
else if(Tool *m = it.getPick())
LiveTool ls;
ls.m = m;
ls.obj = m.proto.clone();
mo = ls.obj;
else if(Tool *m = it.getProbe())
LiveTool ls;
ls.m = m;
ls.obj = m.proto.clone();
mo = ls.obj;
else if(Tool *m = it.getRepair())
LiveTool ls;
ls.m = m;
ls.obj = m.proto.clone();
mo = ls.obj;
else if(Creature *c = it.getCreature())
LiveCreature ls;
ls.m = c;
ls.obj = c.proto.clone();
mo = ls.obj;
else if(LeveledCreatures *l = it.getCreatureList)
// Create a creature, based on current player level.
LiveCreature ls;
ls.m = l.instCreature(*playerData.level);
if(ls.m != null)
// Note that this clones a creature object, not a
// leveled list object.
ls.obj = ls.m.proto.clone(); mo = ls.obj;
else fail(format(" UNKNOWN REFERENCE! Type ", cast(int)it.i.type));
// Now that the object has found it's place, load data
// into the object.
// Scale. Multiply with the existing scale value.
float *scale = getFloatPtr("scale");
*scale *= getHNOFloat("XSCL", 1.0);
// Statics only need the position data. Skip the rest
// as an optimization.
if(stat) goto readpos;
// The NPC that owns this object (and will get angry
// if you steal it)
setString8("owner", getHNOString("ANAM"));
// I have no idea, link to a global variable perhaps?
setString8("glob", getHNOString("BNAM"));
// ID of creature trapped in a soul gem (?)
setString8("soulID", getHNOString("XSOL"));
// ?? CNAM has a faction name, might be for
// objects/beds etc belonging to a faction.
char[] cnam = getHNOString("CNAM");
setString8("cnam", cnam);
// INDX might be PC faction rank required to use the
// item? Sometimes is -1.
if(cnam.length) setInt("indx", getHNInt("INDX"));
// Possibly weapon health, number of uses left or
// weapon magic charge?
setFloat("xchg", getHNOFloat("XCHG", 0.0));
// I have no idea, these are present some times, often
// along with owner (ANAM) and sometimes otherwise. Is
// NAM9 is always 1? INTV is usually one, but big for
// lights. Perhaps something to do with remaining
// light "charge". I haven't tried reading it as a
// float in those cases.
setInt("intv", getHNOInt("INTV", 0));
setInt("nam9", getHNOInt("NAM9", 0));
// Present for doors that teleport you to another
// cell.
if(door && isNextSub("DODT"))
setBool("teleport", true);
// Warning, HACK! Will be fixed when we implement
// structs in Monster.
Placement *p = cast(Placement*)getFloatPtr("destx");
readHExact(p, Placement.sizeof);
// Destination cell (optional?)
setString8("destCell", getHNOString("DNAM"));
if(door || container)
// Lock level (I think)
setInt("lockLevel", getHNOInt("FLTV", 0));
// For locked doors and containers
setString8("key", getHNOString("KNAM"));
setString8("trap", getHNOString("TNAM"));
// Occurs ONCE in Morrowind.esm, for an activator.
setInt("unam", getHNOByte("UNAM", 0));
// Occurs in Tribunal.esm, eg. in the cell
// "Mournhold, Plaza Brindisi Dorom", where it has
// the value 100.
setInt("fltv", getHNOInt("FLTV", 0));
// Position and rotation of this object within the
// cell
// TODO: This is a HACK. It assumes the class variable
// floats are placed consecutively in memory in the
// right order. This is true, but is a very bug prone
// method of doing this. Will fix when Monster gets
// structs. (See the DODT record above also.)
Placement *pos = cast(Placement*)getFloatPtr("x");
readHNExact(pos, Placement.sizeof, "DATA");
// TODO/FIXME: Very temporary. Set player position at
// the first door we find.
if(door && !playerData.posSet)
playerData.posSet = true;
*playerData.position = *pos;
} // End of while(hasMoreSubs)
} // End of loadReferences()
} // End of class CellData
CellFreelist cellList;
// Structure used as a free list for cell data objects and their
// respective regions.
struct CellFreelist
// We love static arrays! And 100 cells should be enough for
// everybody :)
CellData[100] list;
uint next;
// TODO: Figure out a good size to use here as well.
CellData get()
if(next) return list[--next];
// Since these are reused, there's no waste in allocating on the
// heap here. Also, this is only semi-runtime (executed when
// loading a cell), thus an occational GC slow down is not
// critical.
return new CellData(new RegionManager("CELL"));
void release(CellData r)
assert(next < list.length);
list[next++] = r;