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synced 2025-02-07 04:15:31 +00:00
Colours are stored as ints in the backend but the conversion from QColor to int was broken.
350 lines
11 KiB
350 lines
11 KiB
#include "util.hpp"
#include <stdexcept>
#include <climits>
#include <cfloat>
#include <QUndoStack>
#include <QMetaProperty>
#include <QStyledItemDelegate>
#include <QLineEdit>
#include <QComboBox>
#include <QCheckBox>
#include <QPlainTextEdit>
#include <QEvent>
#include <QItemEditorFactory>
#include "../../model/world/commands.hpp"
#include "../../model/world/tablemimedata.hpp"
#include "../../model/world/commanddispatcher.hpp"
#include "../widget/coloreditor.hpp"
#include "../widget/droplineedit.hpp"
#include "dialoguespinbox.hpp"
#include "scriptedit.hpp"
CSVWorld::NastyTableModelHack::NastyTableModelHack (QAbstractItemModel& model)
: mModel (model)
int CSVWorld::NastyTableModelHack::rowCount (const QModelIndex & parent) const
return mModel.rowCount (parent);
int CSVWorld::NastyTableModelHack::columnCount (const QModelIndex & parent) const
return mModel.columnCount (parent);
QVariant CSVWorld::NastyTableModelHack::data (const QModelIndex & index, int role) const
return mModel.data (index, role);
bool CSVWorld::NastyTableModelHack::setData ( const QModelIndex &index, const QVariant &value, int role)
mData = value;
return true;
QVariant CSVWorld::NastyTableModelHack::getData() const
return mData;
CSVWorld::CommandDelegateFactory::~CommandDelegateFactory() {}
CSVWorld::CommandDelegateFactoryCollection *CSVWorld::CommandDelegateFactoryCollection::sThis = 0;
if (sThis)
throw std::logic_error ("multiple instances of CSVWorld::CommandDelegateFactoryCollection");
sThis = this;
sThis = 0;
for (std::map<CSMWorld::ColumnBase::Display, CommandDelegateFactory *>::iterator iter (
iter!=mFactories.end(); ++iter)
delete iter->second;
void CSVWorld::CommandDelegateFactoryCollection::add (CSMWorld::ColumnBase::Display display,
CommandDelegateFactory *factory)
mFactories.insert (std::make_pair (display, factory));
CSVWorld::CommandDelegate *CSVWorld::CommandDelegateFactoryCollection::makeDelegate (
CSMWorld::ColumnBase::Display display, CSMWorld::CommandDispatcher *dispatcher, CSMDoc::Document& document, QObject *parent) const
std::map<CSMWorld::ColumnBase::Display, CommandDelegateFactory *>::const_iterator iter =
mFactories.find (display);
if (iter!=mFactories.end())
return iter->second->makeDelegate (dispatcher, document, parent);
return new CommandDelegate (dispatcher, document, parent);
const CSVWorld::CommandDelegateFactoryCollection& CSVWorld::CommandDelegateFactoryCollection::get()
if (!sThis)
throw std::logic_error ("no instance of CSVWorld::CommandDelegateFactoryCollection");
return *sThis;
QUndoStack& CSVWorld::CommandDelegate::getUndoStack() const
return mDocument.getUndoStack();
CSMDoc::Document& CSVWorld::CommandDelegate::getDocument() const
return mDocument;
CSMWorld::ColumnBase::Display CSVWorld::CommandDelegate::getDisplayTypeFromIndex(const QModelIndex &index) const
int rawDisplay = index.data(CSMWorld::ColumnBase::Role_Display).toInt();
return static_cast<CSMWorld::ColumnBase::Display>(rawDisplay);
void CSVWorld::CommandDelegate::setModelDataImp (QWidget *editor, QAbstractItemModel *model,
const QModelIndex& index) const
if (!mCommandDispatcher)
QVariant variant;
// Color columns use a custom editor, so we need to fetch selected color from it.
CSVWidget::ColorEditor *colorEditor = qobject_cast<CSVWidget::ColorEditor *>(editor);
if (colorEditor != NULL)
QColor color = colorEditor->color();
variant = (color.blue() << 16) | (color.green() << 8) | (color.red());
NastyTableModelHack hack (*model);
QStyledItemDelegate::setModelData (editor, &hack, index);
variant = hack.getData();
if ((model->data (index)!=variant) && (model->flags(index) & Qt::ItemIsEditable))
mCommandDispatcher->executeModify (model, index, variant);
CSVWorld::CommandDelegate::CommandDelegate (CSMWorld::CommandDispatcher *commandDispatcher,
CSMDoc::Document& document, QObject *parent)
: QStyledItemDelegate (parent), mEditLock (false),
mCommandDispatcher (commandDispatcher), mDocument (document)
void CSVWorld::CommandDelegate::setModelData (QWidget *editor, QAbstractItemModel *model,
const QModelIndex& index) const
if (!mEditLock)
setModelDataImp (editor, model, index);
///< \todo provide some kind of feedback to the user, indicating that editing is currently not possible.
QWidget *CSVWorld::CommandDelegate::createEditor (QWidget *parent, const QStyleOptionViewItem& option,
const QModelIndex& index) const
CSMWorld::ColumnBase::Display display = getDisplayTypeFromIndex(index);
// This createEditor() method is called implicitly from tables.
// For boolean values in tables use the default editor (combobox).
// Checkboxes is looking ugly in the table view.
// TODO: Find a better solution?
if (display == CSMWorld::ColumnBase::Display_Boolean)
return QItemEditorFactory::defaultFactory()->createEditor(QVariant::Bool, parent);
// For tables the pop-up of the color editor should appear immediately after the editor creation
// (the third parameter of ColorEditor's constructor)
else if (display == CSMWorld::ColumnBase::Display_Colour)
int colorInt = index.data().toInt();
QColor color = QColor(colorInt & 0xff, (colorInt >> 8) & 0xff, (colorInt >> 16) & 0xff);
return new CSVWidget::ColorEditor(color, parent, true);
return createEditor (parent, option, index, display);
QWidget *CSVWorld::CommandDelegate::createEditor (QWidget *parent, const QStyleOptionViewItem& option,
const QModelIndex& index, CSMWorld::ColumnBase::Display display) const
QVariant variant = index.data();
if (!variant.isValid())
variant = index.data(Qt::DisplayRole);
if (!variant.isValid())
return 0;
// NOTE: for each editor type (e.g. QLineEdit) there needs to be a corresponding
// entry in CSVWorld::DialogueDelegateDispatcher::makeEditor()
switch (display)
case CSMWorld::ColumnBase::Display_Colour:
int colorInt = variant.toInt();
QColor color = QColor(colorInt & 0xff, (colorInt >> 8) & 0xff, (colorInt >> 16) & 0xff);
return new CSVWidget::ColorEditor(color, parent);
case CSMWorld::ColumnBase::Display_Integer:
DialogueSpinBox *sb = new DialogueSpinBox(parent);
sb->setRange(INT_MIN, INT_MAX);
return sb;
case CSMWorld::ColumnBase::Display_UnsignedInteger8:
DialogueSpinBox *sb = new DialogueSpinBox(parent);
sb->setRange(0, UCHAR_MAX);
return sb;
case CSMWorld::ColumnBase::Display_Var:
return new QLineEdit(parent);
case CSMWorld::ColumnBase::Display_Float:
DialogueDoubleSpinBox *dsb = new DialogueDoubleSpinBox(parent);
dsb->setRange(-FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX);
return dsb;
case CSMWorld::ColumnBase::Display_LongString:
QPlainTextEdit *edit = new QPlainTextEdit(parent);
edit->setUndoRedoEnabled (false);
return edit;
case CSMWorld::ColumnBase::Display_LongString256:
/// \todo implement size limit. QPlainTextEdit does not support a size limit.
QPlainTextEdit *edit = new QPlainTextEdit(parent);
edit->setUndoRedoEnabled (false);
return edit;
case CSMWorld::ColumnBase::Display_Boolean:
return new QCheckBox(parent);
case CSMWorld::ColumnBase::Display_ScriptLines:
return new ScriptEdit (mDocument, ScriptHighlighter::Mode_Console, parent);
case CSMWorld::ColumnBase::Display_String:
// For other Display types (that represent record IDs) with drop support IdCompletionDelegate is used
return new CSVWidget::DropLineEdit(display, parent);
case CSMWorld::ColumnBase::Display_String32:
// For other Display types (that represent record IDs) with drop support IdCompletionDelegate is used
CSVWidget::DropLineEdit *widget = new CSVWidget::DropLineEdit(display, parent);
widget->setMaxLength (32);
return widget;
return QStyledItemDelegate::createEditor (parent, option, index);
void CSVWorld::CommandDelegate::setEditLock (bool locked)
mEditLock = locked;
bool CSVWorld::CommandDelegate::isEditLocked() const
return mEditLock;
void CSVWorld::CommandDelegate::setEditorData (QWidget *editor, const QModelIndex& index) const
setEditorData (editor, index, false);
void CSVWorld::CommandDelegate::setEditorData (QWidget *editor, const QModelIndex& index, bool tryDisplay) const
QVariant variant = index.data(Qt::EditRole);
if (tryDisplay)
if (!variant.isValid())
variant = index.data(Qt::DisplayRole);
if (!variant.isValid())
QPlainTextEdit* plainTextEdit = qobject_cast<QPlainTextEdit*>(editor);
if(plainTextEdit) //for some reason it is easier to brake the loop here
if (plainTextEdit->toPlainText() == variant.toString())
// Color columns use a custom editor, so we need explicitly set a data for it
CSVWidget::ColorEditor *colorEditor = qobject_cast<CSVWidget::ColorEditor *>(editor);
if (colorEditor != NULL)
int colorInt = variant.toInt();
QColor color = QColor(colorInt & 0xff, (colorInt >> 8) & 0xff, (colorInt >> 16) & 0xff);
QByteArray n = editor->metaObject()->userProperty().name();
if (n == "dateTime")
if (editor->inherits("QTimeEdit"))
n = "time";
else if (editor->inherits("QDateEdit"))
n = "date";
if (!n.isEmpty())
if (!variant.isValid())
variant = QVariant(editor->property(n).userType(), (const void *)0);
editor->setProperty(n, variant);
void CSVWorld::CommandDelegate::settingChanged (const CSMPrefs::Setting *setting) {}