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mirror of https://github.com/TES3MP/openmw-tes3mp.git synced 2025-03-03 18:19:40 +00:00

191 lines
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#include <memory>
#include <map>
#include <osg/Quat>
#include <osg/ref_ptr>
#include "../mwworld/ptr.hpp"
#include "collisiontype.hpp"
namespace osg
class Group;
namespace MWRender
class DebugDrawer;
namespace NifBullet
class BulletShapeManager;
namespace Resource
class ResourceSystem;
class btCollisionWorld;
class btBroadphaseInterface;
class btDefaultCollisionConfiguration;
class btCollisionDispatcher;
class btCollisionObject;
class btCollisionShape;
namespace MWPhysics
typedef std::vector<std::pair<MWWorld::Ptr,osg::Vec3f> > PtrVelocityList;
class HeightField;
class Object;
class Actor;
class PhysicsSystem
PhysicsSystem (Resource::ResourceSystem* resourceSystem, osg::ref_ptr<osg::Group> parentNode);
~PhysicsSystem ();
void enableWater(float height);
void setWaterHeight(float height);
void disableWater();
void addObject (const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr, const std::string& mesh);
void addActor (const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr, const std::string& mesh);
void updatePtr (const MWWorld::Ptr& old, const MWWorld::Ptr& updated);
Actor* getActor(const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr);
// Object or Actor
void remove (const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr);
void updateScale (const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr);
void updateRotation (const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr);
void updatePosition (const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr);
void addHeightField (float* heights, int x, int y, float triSize, float sqrtVerts);
void removeHeightField (int x, int y);
bool toggleCollisionMode();
void stepSimulation(float dt);
void debugDraw();
std::vector<MWWorld::Ptr> getCollisions(const MWWorld::Ptr &ptr, int collisionGroup, int collisionMask); ///< get handles this object collides with
osg::Vec3f traceDown(const MWWorld::Ptr &ptr, float maxHeight);
std::pair<MWWorld::Ptr, osg::Vec3f> getHitContact(const MWWorld::Ptr& actor,
const osg::Vec3f &origin,
const osg::Quat &orientation,
float queryDistance);
struct RayResult
bool mHit;
osg::Vec3f mHitPos;
osg::Vec3f mHitNormal;
MWWorld::Ptr mHitObject;
/// @param me Optional, a Ptr to ignore in the list of results
RayResult castRay(const osg::Vec3f &from, const osg::Vec3f &to, MWWorld::Ptr ignore = MWWorld::Ptr(), int mask =
CollisionType_World|CollisionType_HeightMap|CollisionType_Actor, int group=0xff);
RayResult castSphere(const osg::Vec3f& from, const osg::Vec3f& to, float radius);
/// Return true if actor1 can see actor2.
bool getLineOfSight(const MWWorld::Ptr& actor1, const MWWorld::Ptr& actor2);
bool isOnGround (const MWWorld::Ptr& actor);
osg::Vec3f getHalfExtents(const MWWorld::Ptr& actor);
/// Queues velocity movement for a Ptr. If a Ptr is already queued, its velocity will
/// be overwritten. Valid until the next call to applyQueuedMovement.
void queueObjectMovement(const MWWorld::Ptr &ptr, const osg::Vec3f &velocity);
/// Apply all queued movements, then clear the list.
const PtrVelocityList& applyQueuedMovement(float dt);
/// Clear the queued movements list without applying.
void clearQueuedMovement();
/// Return true if \a actor has been standing on \a object in this frame
/// This will trigger whenever the object is directly below the actor.
/// It doesn't matter if the actor is stationary or moving.
bool isActorStandingOn(const MWWorld::Ptr& actor, const MWWorld::Ptr& object) const;
/// Get the handle of all actors standing on \a object in this frame.
void getActorsStandingOn(const MWWorld::Ptr& object, std::vector<MWWorld::Ptr>& out) const;
/// Return true if \a actor has collided with \a object in this frame.
/// This will detect running into objects, but will not detect climbing stairs, stepping up a small object, etc.
bool isActorCollidingWith(const MWWorld::Ptr& actor, const MWWorld::Ptr& object) const;
/// Get the handle of all actors colliding with \a object in this frame.
void getActorsCollidingWith(const MWWorld::Ptr& object, std::vector<MWWorld::Ptr>& out) const;
bool toggleDebugRendering();
void updateWater();
btBroadphaseInterface* mBroadphase;
btDefaultCollisionConfiguration* mCollisionConfiguration;
btCollisionDispatcher* mDispatcher;
btCollisionWorld* mCollisionWorld;
std::auto_ptr<NifBullet::BulletShapeManager> mShapeManager;
typedef std::map<MWWorld::Ptr, Object*> ObjectMap;
ObjectMap mObjects;
typedef std::map<MWWorld::Ptr, Actor*> ActorMap;
ActorMap mActors;
typedef std::map<std::pair<int, int>, HeightField*> HeightFieldMap;
HeightFieldMap mHeightFields;
bool mDebugDrawEnabled;
// Tracks all movement collisions happening during a single frame. <actor handle, collided handle>
// This will detect e.g. running against a vertical wall. It will not detect climbing up stairs,
// stepping up small objects, etc.
typedef std::map<MWWorld::Ptr, MWWorld::Ptr> CollisionMap;
CollisionMap mCollisions;
CollisionMap mStandingCollisions;
// replaces all occurences of 'old' in the map by 'updated', no matter if its a key or value
void updateCollisionMapPtr(CollisionMap& map, const MWWorld::Ptr &old, const MWWorld::Ptr &updated);
PtrVelocityList mMovementQueue;
PtrVelocityList mMovementResults;
float mTimeAccum;
float mWaterHeight;
float mWaterEnabled;
std::auto_ptr<btCollisionObject> mWaterCollisionObject;
std::auto_ptr<btCollisionShape> mWaterCollisionShape;
std::auto_ptr<MWRender::DebugDrawer> mDebugDrawer;
osg::ref_ptr<osg::Group> mParentNode;
PhysicsSystem (const PhysicsSystem&);
PhysicsSystem& operator= (const PhysicsSystem&);