Fork 1
mirror of https://github.com/TES3MP/openmw-tes3mp.git synced 2025-01-29 01:15:31 +00:00

1226 lines
34 KiB

#include "bookpage.hpp"
#include "MyGUI_FontManager.h"
#include "MyGUI_RenderItem.h"
#include "MyGUI_RenderManager.h"
#include "MyGUI_TextureUtility.h"
#include "MyGUI_FactoryManager.h"
#include <platform/stdint.h>
#include <boost/function.hpp>
#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
#include <boost/make_shared.hpp>
#include <components/misc/utf8stream.hpp>
namespace MWGui
struct TypesetBook;
struct PageDisplay;
struct BookPage;
using namespace MyGUI;
using namespace MWGui;
static bool ucs_space (int code_point);
static bool ucs_line_break (int code_point);
static bool ucs_breaking_space (int code_point);
struct IBookTypesetter::IStyle { virtual ~IStyle () {} };
struct MWGui::TypesetBook : ITypesetBook
typedef std::vector <uint8_t> content;
typedef std::list <content> contents;
typedef utf8_stream::point utf8_point;
typedef std::pair <utf8_point, utf8_point> range;
struct Style : IBookTypesetter::IStyle
IFont* mFont;
Colour mHotColour;
Colour mActiveColour;
Colour mNormalColour;
interactive_id mInteractiveId;
bool match (IFont* tstFont, Colour tstHotColour, Colour tstActiveColour, Colour tstNormalColour, intptr_t tstInteractiveId)
return (mFont == tstFont) &&
partal_match (tstHotColour, tstActiveColour, tstNormalColour, tstInteractiveId);
bool match (char const * tstFont, Colour tstHotColour, Colour tstActiveColour, Colour tstNormalColour, intptr_t tstInteractiveId)
return (mFont->getResourceName () == tstFont) &&
partal_match (tstHotColour, tstActiveColour, tstNormalColour, tstInteractiveId);
bool partal_match (Colour tstHotColour, Colour tstActiveColour, Colour tstNormalColour, intptr_t tstInteractiveId)
(mHotColour == tstHotColour ) &&
(mActiveColour == tstActiveColour ) &&
(mNormalColour == tstNormalColour ) &&
(mInteractiveId == tstInteractiveId ) ;
typedef std::list <Style> styles;
struct Run
Style* mStyle;
range mRange;
int mLeft, mRight;
int mPrintableChars;
typedef std::vector <Run> runs;
struct Line
runs mRuns;
IntRect mRect;
typedef std::vector <Line> lines;
struct Section
lines mLines;
IntRect mRect;
typedef std::vector <Section> sections;
typedef std::pair <int, int> page;
typedef std::vector <page> pages;
pages mPages;
sections mSections;
contents mContents;
styles mStyles;
IntRect mRect;
virtual ~TypesetBook () {}
range addContent (IBookTypesetter::utf8_span Text)
contents::iterator i = mContents.insert (mContents.end (), content (Text.first, Text.second));
if (i->size () == 0)
return range (utf8_point (NULL), utf8_point (NULL));
utf8_point begin = &i->front ();
utf8_point end = &i->front () + i->size ();
return range (begin, end);
size_t pageCount () const { return mPages.size (); }
std::pair <int, int> getSize () const
return std::make_pair (mRect.width (), mRect.height ());
template <typename visitor>
void visitRuns (int top, int bottom, IFont* Font, visitor const & Visitor) const
for (sections::const_iterator i = mSections.begin (); i != mSections.end (); ++i)
if (top >= mRect.bottom || bottom <= i->mRect.top)
for (lines::const_iterator j = i->mLines.begin (); j != i->mLines.end (); ++j)
if (top >= j->mRect.bottom || bottom <= j->mRect.top)
for (runs::const_iterator k = j->mRuns.begin (); k != j->mRuns.end (); ++k)
if (!Font || k->mStyle->mFont == Font)
Visitor (*i, *j, *k);
template <typename visitor>
void visitRuns (int top, int bottom, visitor const & Visitor) const
visitRuns (top, bottom, NULL, Visitor);
Style * hitTest (int left, int top) const
for (sections::const_iterator i = mSections.begin (); i != mSections.end (); ++i)
if (top < i->mRect.top || top >= i->mRect.bottom)
int left1 = left - i->mRect.left;
for (lines::const_iterator j = i->mLines.begin (); j != i->mLines.end (); ++j)
if (top < j->mRect.top || top >= j->mRect.bottom)
int left2 = left1 - j->mRect.left;
for (runs::const_iterator k = j->mRuns.begin (); k != j->mRuns.end (); ++k)
if (left2 < k->mLeft || left2 >= k->mRight)
return k->mStyle;
return nullptr;
IFont* affectedFont (Style* Style)
for (styles::iterator i = mStyles.begin (); i != mStyles.end (); ++i)
if (&*i == Style)
return i->mFont;
return NULL;
struct Typesetter;
struct TypesetBook::Typesetter : IBookTypesetter
typedef TypesetBook book;
typedef boost::shared_ptr <book> book_ptr;
int mPageWidth;
int mPageHeight;
book_ptr mBook;
Section * mSection;
Line * mLine;
Run * mRun;
std::vector <alignment> mSectionAlignment;
book::content const * mCurrentContent;
alignment mCurrentAlignment;
Typesetter (size_t Width, size_t Height) :
mPageWidth (Width), mPageHeight(Height),
mSection (NULL), mLine (NULL), mRun (NULL),
mCurrentAlignment (alignLeft),
mCurrentContent (NULL)
mBook = boost::make_shared <book> ();
virtual ~Typesetter ()
IStyle * createStyle (char const * FontName, Colour FontColour)
for (styles::iterator i = mBook->mStyles.begin (); i != mBook->mStyles.end (); ++i)
if (i->match (FontName, FontColour, FontColour, FontColour, 0))
return &*i;
Style & style = *mBook->mStyles.insert (mBook->mStyles.end (), Style ());
style.mFont = FontManager::getInstance().getByName(FontName);
style.mHotColour = FontColour;
style.mActiveColour = FontColour;
style.mNormalColour = FontColour;
style.mInteractiveId = 0;
return &style;
IStyle* createHotStyle (IStyle * _BaseStyle, coulour NormalColour, coulour HoverColour, coulour ActiveColour, interactive_id Id, bool Unique)
Style* BaseStyle = dynamic_cast <Style*> (_BaseStyle);
if (!Unique)
for (styles::iterator i = mBook->mStyles.begin (); i != mBook->mStyles.end (); ++i)
if (i->match (BaseStyle->mFont, HoverColour, ActiveColour, NormalColour, Id))
return &*i;
Style & style = *mBook->mStyles.insert (mBook->mStyles.end (), Style ());
style.mFont = BaseStyle->mFont;
style.mHotColour = HoverColour;
style.mActiveColour = ActiveColour;
style.mNormalColour = NormalColour;
style.mInteractiveId = Id;
return &style;
void write (IStyle * _Style, utf8_span Text)
range text = mBook->addContent (Text);
write_impl (dynamic_cast <Style*> (_Style), text.first, text.second);
intptr_t add_content (utf8_span Text, bool Select)
contents::iterator i = mBook->mContents.insert (mBook->mContents.end (), content (Text.first, Text.second));
if (Select)
mCurrentContent = &(*i);
return reinterpret_cast <intptr_t> (&(*i));
void select_content (intptr_t contentHandle)
mCurrentContent = reinterpret_cast <content const *> (contentHandle);
void write (IStyle * style, size_t begin, size_t end)
assert (mCurrentContent != NULL);
assert (end <= mCurrentContent->size ());
assert (begin <= mCurrentContent->size ());
utf8_point begin_ = &mCurrentContent->front () + begin;
utf8_point end_ = &mCurrentContent->front () + end ;
write_impl (dynamic_cast <Style*> (style), begin_, end_);
void lineBreak (float margin)
assert (margin == 0); //TODO: figure out proper behavior here...
mRun = NULL;
mLine = NULL;
void sectionBreak (float margin)
if (mBook->mSections.size () > 0)
mRun = NULL;
mLine = NULL;
mSection = NULL;
if (mBook->mRect.bottom < (mBook->mSections.back ().mRect.bottom + margin))
mBook->mRect.bottom = (mBook->mSections.back ().mRect.bottom + margin);
void setSectionAlignment (alignment sectionAlignment)
if (mSection != NULL)
mSectionAlignment.back () = sectionAlignment;
mCurrentAlignment = sectionAlignment;
ITypesetBook::ptr complete ()
int curPageStart = 0;
int curPageStop = 0;
std::vector <alignment>::iterator sa = mSectionAlignment.begin ();
for (sections::iterator i = mBook->mSections.begin (); i != mBook->mSections.end (); ++i, ++sa)
// apply alignment to individual lines...
for (lines::iterator j = i->mLines.begin (); j != i->mLines.end (); ++j)
int width = j->mRect.width ();
int excess = mPageWidth - width;
switch (*sa)
case alignLeft: j->mRect.left = 0; break;
case alignCenter: j->mRect.left = excess/2; break;
case alignRight: j->mRect.left = excess; break;
j->mRect.right = j->mRect.left + width;
if (curPageStop == curPageStart)
curPageStart = i->mRect.top;
curPageStop = i->mRect.top;
int spaceLeft = mPageHeight - (curPageStop - curPageStart);
int sectionHeight = i->mRect.height ();
if (sectionHeight <= mPageHeight)
if (sectionHeight > spaceLeft)
assert (curPageStart != curPageStop);
mBook->mPages.push_back (page (curPageStart, curPageStop));
curPageStart = i->mRect.top;
curPageStop = i->mRect.bottom;
curPageStop = i->mRect.bottom;
//split section
if (curPageStart != curPageStop)
mBook->mPages.push_back (page (curPageStart, curPageStop));
return mBook;
void write_impl (Style * Style, utf8_stream::point _begin, utf8_stream::point _end)
int line_height = Style->mFont->getDefaultHeight ();
utf8_stream stream (_begin, _end);
while (!stream.eof ())
if (ucs_line_break (stream.peek ()))
stream.consume ();
mLine = NULL, mRun = NULL;
int word_width = 0;
int word_height = 0;
int space_width = 0;
int character_count = 0;
utf8_stream::point lead = stream.current ();
while (!stream.eof () && !ucs_line_break (stream.peek ()) && ucs_breaking_space (stream.peek ()))
GlyphInfo* gi = Style->mFont->getGlyphInfo (stream.peek ());
space_width += gi->advance;
stream.consume ();
utf8_stream::point origin = stream.current ();
while (!stream.eof () && !ucs_line_break (stream.peek ()) && !ucs_breaking_space (stream.peek ()))
GlyphInfo* gi = Style->mFont->getGlyphInfo (stream.peek ());
word_width += gi->advance + gi->bearingX;
word_height = line_height;
stream.consume ();
utf8_stream::point extent = stream.current ();
if (lead == extent)
int left = mLine ? mLine->mRect.right : 0;
if (left + space_width + word_width > mPageWidth)
mLine = NULL, mRun = NULL;
append_run (Style, origin, extent, extent - origin, word_width, mBook->mRect.bottom + word_height);
int top = mLine ? mLine->mRect.top : mBook->mRect.bottom;
append_run (Style, lead, extent, extent - origin, left + space_width + word_width, top + word_height);
void append_run (Style * style, utf8_stream::point begin, utf8_stream::point end, int pc, int right, int bottom)
if (mSection == NULL)
mBook->mSections.push_back (Section ());
mSection = &mBook->mSections.back ();
mSection->mRect = IntRect (0, mBook->mRect.bottom, 0, mBook->mRect.bottom);
mSectionAlignment.push_back (mCurrentAlignment);
if (mLine == NULL)
mSection->mLines.push_back (Line ());
mLine = &mSection->mLines.back ();
mLine->mRect = IntRect (0, mSection->mRect.bottom, 0, mBook->mRect.bottom);
if (mBook->mRect.right < right)
mBook->mRect.right = right;
if (mBook->mRect.bottom < bottom)
mBook->mRect.bottom = bottom;
if (mSection->mRect.right < right)
mSection->mRect.right = right;
if (mSection->mRect.bottom < bottom)
mSection->mRect.bottom = bottom;
if (mLine->mRect.right < right)
mLine->mRect.right = right;
if (mLine->mRect.bottom < bottom)
mLine->mRect.bottom = bottom;
if (mRun == NULL || mRun->mStyle != style || mRun->mRange.second != begin)
int left = mRun ? mRun->mRight : mLine->mRect.left;
mLine->mRuns.push_back (Run ());
mRun = &mLine->mRuns.back ();
mRun->mStyle = style;
mRun->mLeft = left;
mRun->mRight = right;
mRun->mRange.first = begin;
mRun->mRange.second = end;
mRun->mPrintableChars = pc;
//Run->Locale = Locale;
mRun->mRight = right;
mRun->mRange.second = end;
mRun->mPrintableChars += pc;
IBookTypesetter::ptr IBookTypesetter::create (int pageWidth, int pageHeight)
return boost::make_shared <TypesetBook::Typesetter> (pageWidth, pageHeight);
struct RenderXform
float clipTop;
float clipLeft;
float clipRight;
float clipBottom;
float absoluteLeft;
float absoluteTop;
float leftOffset;
float topOffset;
float pixScaleX;
float pixScaleY;
float hOffset;
float vOffset;
RenderXform (ICroppedRectangle* croppedParent, RenderTargetInfo const & renderTargetInfo)
clipTop = croppedParent->_getMarginTop ();
clipLeft = croppedParent->_getMarginLeft ();
clipRight = croppedParent->getWidth () - croppedParent->_getMarginRight ();
clipBottom = croppedParent->getHeight () - croppedParent->_getMarginBottom ();
absoluteLeft = croppedParent->getAbsoluteLeft();
absoluteTop = croppedParent->getAbsoluteTop();
leftOffset = renderTargetInfo.leftOffset;
topOffset = renderTargetInfo.topOffset;
pixScaleX = renderTargetInfo.pixScaleX;
pixScaleY = renderTargetInfo.pixScaleY;
hOffset = renderTargetInfo.hOffset;
vOffset = renderTargetInfo.vOffset;
bool clip (FloatRect & vr, FloatRect & tr)
if (vr.bottom <= clipTop || vr.right <= clipLeft ||
vr.left >= clipRight || vr.top >= clipBottom )
return false;
if (vr.top < clipTop)
tr.top += tr.height () * (clipTop - vr.top) / vr.height ();
vr.top = clipTop;
if (vr.left < clipLeft)
tr.left += tr.width () * (clipLeft - vr.left) / vr.width ();
vr.left = clipLeft;
if (vr.right > clipRight)
tr.right -= tr.width () * (vr.right - clipRight) / vr.width ();
vr.right = clipRight;
if (vr.bottom > clipBottom)
tr.bottom -= tr.height () * (vr.bottom - clipBottom) / vr.height ();
vr.bottom = clipBottom;
return true;
FloatPoint operator () (FloatPoint pt)
pt.left = absoluteLeft - leftOffset + pt.left;
pt.top = absoluteTop - topOffset + pt.top;
pt.left = +(((pixScaleX * pt.left + hOffset) * 2.0f) - 1.0f);
pt.top = -(((pixScaleY * pt.top + vOffset) * 2.0f) - 1.0f);
return pt;
struct GlyphStream
float mZ;
uint32_t mC;
IFont* mFont;
FloatPoint mOrigin;
FloatPoint mCursor;
Vertex* mVertices;
RenderXform mRenderXform;
MyGUI::VertexColourType mVertexColourType;
GlyphStream (IFont* font, float left, float top, float Z,
Vertex* vertices, RenderXform const & renderXform) :
mZ(Z), mOrigin (left, top),
mFont (font), mVertices (vertices),
mRenderXform (renderXform)
mVertexColourType = RenderManager::getInstance().getVertexFormat();
~GlyphStream ()
Vertex* end () const { return mVertices; }
void reset (float left, float top, Colour colour)
mC = texture_utility::toColourARGB(colour) | 0xFF000000;
texture_utility::convertColour(mC, mVertexColourType);
mCursor.left = mOrigin.left + left;
mCursor.top = mOrigin.top + top;
void emitGlyph (wchar_t ch)
GlyphInfo* gi = mFont->getGlyphInfo (ch);
FloatRect vr;
vr.left = mCursor.left + gi->bearingX;
vr.top = mCursor.top + gi->bearingY;
vr.right = vr.left + gi->width;
vr.bottom = vr.top + gi->height;
FloatRect tr = gi->uvRect;
if (mRenderXform.clip (vr, tr))
quad (vr, tr);
mCursor.left += gi->bearingX + gi->advance;
void emitSpace (wchar_t ch)
GlyphInfo* gi = mFont->getGlyphInfo (ch);
mCursor.left += gi->bearingX + gi->advance;
void quad (const FloatRect& vr, const FloatRect& tr)
vertex (vr.left, vr.top, tr.left, tr.top);
vertex (vr.right, vr.top, tr.right, tr.top);
vertex (vr.left, vr.bottom, tr.left, tr.bottom);
vertex (vr.right, vr.top, tr.right, tr.top);
vertex (vr.left, vr.bottom, tr.left, tr.bottom);
vertex (vr.right, vr.bottom, tr.right, tr.bottom);
void vertex (float X, float Y, float U, float V)
FloatPoint pt = mRenderXform (FloatPoint (X, Y));
mVertices->x = pt.left;
mVertices->y = pt.top ;
mVertices->z = mZ;
mVertices->u = U;
mVertices->v = V;
mVertices->colour = mC;
class MWGui::PageDisplay : public ISubWidgetText
typedef TypesetBook::Section Section;
typedef TypesetBook::Line Line;
typedef TypesetBook::Run Run;
struct TextFormat : ISubWidget
typedef IFont* id;
id mFont;
int mCountVertex;
ITexture* mTexture;
RenderItem* mRenderItem;
PageDisplay * mDisplay;
TextFormat (IFont* Id, PageDisplay * Display) :
mFont (Id),
mTexture (NULL),
mRenderItem (NULL),
mDisplay (Display),
mCountVertex (0)
void createDrawItem (ILayerNode* node)
assert (mRenderItem == NULL);
if (mTexture != NULL)
mRenderItem = node->addToRenderItem(mTexture, false, false);
mRenderItem->addDrawItem(this, mCountVertex);
void destroyDrawItem (ILayerNode* node)
assert (mTexture != NULL ? mRenderItem != NULL : mRenderItem == NULL);
if (mTexture != NULL)
mRenderItem->removeDrawItem (this);
mRenderItem = NULL;
void doRender() { mDisplay->doRender (*this); }
// this isn't really a sub-widget, its just a "drawitem" which
// should have its own interface
void createDrawItem(ITexture* _texture, ILayerNode* _node) {}
void destroyDrawItem() {};
typedef TypesetBook::Style style;
typedef std::map <TextFormat::id, TextFormat*> active_text_formats;
int mViewTop;
int mViewBottom;
style* mFocusItem;
bool mItemActive;
MouseButton mLastDown;
boost::function <void (intptr_t)> mLinkClicked;
boost::shared_ptr <TypesetBook> mBook;
size_t mPage;
ILayerNode* mNode;
active_text_formats mActiveTextFormats;
PageDisplay ()
mPage = -1;
void dirtyFocusItem ()
if (mFocusItem != 0)
IFont* Font = mBook->affectedFont (mFocusItem);
active_text_formats::iterator i = mActiveTextFormats.find (Font);
mNode->outOfDate (i->second->mRenderItem);
void onMouseLostFocus ()
if (!mBook)
dirtyFocusItem ();
mFocusItem = 0;
mItemActive = false;
void onMouseMove (int _left, int _top)
if (!mBook)
_left -= mCroppedParent->getAbsoluteLeft ();
_top -= mCroppedParent->getAbsoluteTop ();
style * Hit = mBook->hitTest (_left, mViewTop + _top);
if (mLastDown == MouseButton::None)
if (Hit != mFocusItem)
dirtyFocusItem ();
mFocusItem = Hit;
mItemActive = false;
dirtyFocusItem ();
if (mFocusItem != 0)
bool newItemActive = Hit == mFocusItem;
if (newItemActive != mItemActive)
mItemActive = newItemActive;
dirtyFocusItem ();
void onMouseButtonPressed (int _left, int _top, MouseButton _id)
if (!mBook)
_left -= mCroppedParent->getAbsoluteLeft ();
_top -= mCroppedParent->getAbsoluteTop ();
if (mLastDown == MouseButton::None)
mFocusItem = mBook->hitTest (_left, mViewTop + _top);
mItemActive = true;
dirtyFocusItem ();
mLastDown = _id;
void onMouseButtonReleased(int _left, int _top, MouseButton _id)
if (!mBook)
_left -= mCroppedParent->getAbsoluteLeft ();
_top -= mCroppedParent->getAbsoluteTop ();
if (mLastDown == _id)
style * mItem = mBook->hitTest (_left, mViewTop + _top);
bool clicked = mFocusItem == mItem;
mItemActive = false;
dirtyFocusItem ();
mLastDown = MouseButton::None;
if (clicked && mLinkClicked && mItem && mItem->mInteractiveId != 0)
mLinkClicked (mItem->mInteractiveId);
void showPage (ITypesetBook::ptr _Book, size_t newPage)
boost::shared_ptr <TypesetBook> newBook = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast <TypesetBook> (_Book);
if (mBook != newBook)
mFocusItem = nullptr;
mItemActive = 0;
for (active_text_formats::iterator i = mActiveTextFormats.begin (); i != mActiveTextFormats.end (); ++i)
if (mNode != NULL)
i->second->destroyDrawItem (mNode);
delete i->second;
mActiveTextFormats.clear ();
if (newBook != NULL)
createActiveFormats (newBook);
mBook = newBook;
mPage = newPage;
if (newPage < mBook->mPages.size ())
mViewTop = mBook->mPages [newPage].first;
mViewBottom = mBook->mPages [newPage].second;
mViewTop = 0;
mViewBottom = 0;
mBook.reset ();
mPage = -1;
mViewTop = 0;
mViewBottom = 0;
if (mBook && mPage != newPage)
if (mNode != NULL)
for (active_text_formats::iterator i = mActiveTextFormats.begin (); i != mActiveTextFormats.end (); ++i)
mPage = newPage;
if (newPage < mBook->mPages.size ())
mViewTop = mBook->mPages [newPage].first;
mViewBottom = mBook->mPages [newPage].second;
mViewTop = 0;
mViewBottom = 0;
struct createActiveFormat
PageDisplay * this_;
createActiveFormat (PageDisplay * this_) : this_ (this_) {}
void operator () (Section const & Section, Line const & Line, Run const & Run) const
IFont* Font = Run.mStyle->mFont;
active_text_formats::iterator j = this_->mActiveTextFormats.find (Font);
if (j == this_->mActiveTextFormats.end ())
TextFormat * textFormat = new TextFormat (Font, this_);
textFormat->mTexture = Font->getTextureFont ();
j = this_->mActiveTextFormats.insert (std::make_pair (Font, textFormat)).first;
j->second->mCountVertex += Run.mPrintableChars * 6;
void createActiveFormats (boost::shared_ptr <TypesetBook> newBook)
newBook->visitRuns (0, 0x7FFFFFFF, createActiveFormat (this));
if (mNode != NULL)
for (active_text_formats::iterator i = mActiveTextFormats.begin (); i != mActiveTextFormats.end (); ++i)
i->second->createDrawItem (mNode);
void setVisible (bool newVisible)
if (mVisible == newVisible)
mVisible = newVisible;
if (mVisible)
// reset input state
mLastDown = MouseButton::None;
mFocusItem = nullptr;
mItemActive = 0;
if (nullptr != mNode)
for (active_text_formats::iterator i = mActiveTextFormats.begin (); i != mActiveTextFormats.end (); ++i)
void createDrawItem(ITexture* _texture, ILayerNode* _node)
//test ();
mNode = _node;
for (active_text_formats::iterator i = mActiveTextFormats.begin (); i != mActiveTextFormats.end (); ++i)
i->second->createDrawItem (_node);
struct renderRun
PageDisplay * this_;
GlyphStream &glyphStream;
renderRun (PageDisplay * this_, GlyphStream &glyphStream) :
this_(this_), glyphStream (glyphStream)
void operator () (Section const & Section, Line const & Line, Run const & Run) const
bool isActive = Run.mStyle->mInteractiveId && (Run.mStyle == this_->mFocusItem);
Colour colour = isActive ? (this_->mItemActive ? Run.mStyle->mActiveColour: Run.mStyle->mHotColour) : Run.mStyle->mNormalColour;
glyphStream.reset (Section.mRect.left + Line.mRect.left + Run.mLeft, Line.mRect.top, colour);
utf8_stream stream (Run.mRange);
while (!stream.eof ())
utf8_stream::unicode_char code_point = stream.consume ();
if (!ucs_space (code_point))
glyphStream.emitGlyph (code_point);
glyphStream.emitSpace (code_point);
queue up rendering operations for this text format
void doRender(TextFormat & textFormat)
if (!mVisible)
Vertex* vertices = textFormat.mRenderItem->getCurrentVertexBuffer();
RenderXform renderXform (mCroppedParent, textFormat.mRenderItem->getRenderTarget()->getInfo());
GlyphStream glyphStream (textFormat.mFont, mCoord.left, mCoord.top-mViewTop,
-1 /*mNode->getNodeDepth()*/, vertices, renderXform);
int visit_top = (std::max) (mViewTop, mViewTop + int (renderXform.clipTop ));
int visit_bottom = (std::min) (mViewBottom, mViewTop + int (renderXform.clipBottom));
mBook->visitRuns (visit_top, visit_bottom, textFormat.mFont, renderRun (this, glyphStream));
textFormat.mRenderItem->setLastVertexCount(glyphStream.end () - vertices);
// ISubWidget should not necessarily be a drawitem
// in this case, it is not...
void doRender() { }
void _updateView ()
void _correctView()
_checkMargin ();
if (mNode != NULL)
for (active_text_formats::iterator i = mActiveTextFormats.begin (); i != mActiveTextFormats.end (); ++i)
mNode->outOfDate (i->second->mRenderItem);
void destroyDrawItem()
for (active_text_formats::iterator i = mActiveTextFormats.begin (); i != mActiveTextFormats.end (); ++i)
i->second->destroyDrawItem (mNode);
mNode = NULL;
class MWGui::BookPage : public IBookPage
void showPage (ITypesetBook::ptr Book, size_t Page)
if (PageDisplay* pd = dynamic_cast <PageDisplay*> (getSubWidgetText ()))
pd->showPage (Book, Page);
throw std::runtime_error ("The main sub-widget for a BookPage must be a PageDisplay.");
void adviseLinkClicked (boost::function <void (interactive_id)> linkClicked)
if (PageDisplay* pd = dynamic_cast <PageDisplay*> (getSubWidgetText ()))
pd->mLinkClicked = linkClicked;
void unadviseLinkClicked ()
if (PageDisplay* pd = dynamic_cast <PageDisplay*> (getSubWidgetText ()))
pd->mLinkClicked = boost::function <void (interactive_id)> ();
void onMouseLostFocus(Widget* _new)
if (PageDisplay* pd = dynamic_cast <PageDisplay*> (getSubWidgetText ()))
pd->onMouseLostFocus ();
Widget::onMouseLostFocus (_new);
void onMouseMove(int _left, int _top)
if (PageDisplay* pd = dynamic_cast <PageDisplay*> (getSubWidgetText ()))
pd->onMouseMove (_left, _top);
Widget::onMouseMove (_left, _top);
void onMouseButtonPressed (int _left, int _top, MouseButton _id)
if (PageDisplay* pd = dynamic_cast <PageDisplay*> (getSubWidgetText ()))
pd->onMouseButtonPressed (_left, _top, _id);
Widget::onMouseButtonPressed (_left, _top, _id);
void onMouseButtonReleased(int _left, int _top, MouseButton _id)
if (PageDisplay* pd = dynamic_cast <PageDisplay*> (getSubWidgetText ()))
pd->onMouseButtonReleased (_left, _top, _id);
Widget::onMouseButtonReleased (_left, _top, _id);
void IBookPage::registerMyGUIComponents ()
FactoryManager & factory = FactoryManager::getInstance();
static bool ucs_line_break (int code_point)
return code_point == '\n';
static bool ucs_space (int code_point)
switch (code_point)
case 0x0020: // SPACE
case 0x00A0: // NO-BREAK SPACE
case 0x1680: // OGHAM SPACE MARK
case 0x2000: // EN QUAD
case 0x2001: // EM QUAD
case 0x2002: // EN SPACE
case 0x2003: // EM SPACE
case 0x2004: // THREE-PER-EM SPACE
case 0x2005: // FOUR-PER-EM SPACE
case 0x2006: // SIX-PER-EM SPACE
case 0x2007: // FIGURE SPACE
case 0x2008: // PUNCTUATION SPACE
case 0x2009: // THIN SPACE
case 0x200A: // HAIR SPACE
case 0x200B: // ZERO WIDTH SPACE
case 0x3000: // IDEOGRAPHIC SPACE
return true;
return false;
static bool ucs_breaking_space (int code_point)
switch (code_point)
case 0x0020: // SPACE
//case 0x00A0: // NO-BREAK SPACE
case 0x1680: // OGHAM SPACE MARK
case 0x2000: // EN QUAD
case 0x2001: // EM QUAD
case 0x2002: // EN SPACE
case 0x2003: // EM SPACE
case 0x2004: // THREE-PER-EM SPACE
case 0x2005: // FOUR-PER-EM SPACE
case 0x2006: // SIX-PER-EM SPACE
case 0x2007: // FIGURE SPACE
case 0x2008: // PUNCTUATION SPACE
case 0x2009: // THIN SPACE
case 0x200A: // HAIR SPACE
case 0x200B: // ZERO WIDTH SPACE
case 0x3000: // IDEOGRAPHIC SPACE
return true;
return false;