You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

134 lines
4.7 KiB

// Created by koncord on 23.01.16.
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <type_traits>
#include <RakNetTypes.h>
#include "Utils.hpp"
#ifdef _WIN32
#include <winsock2.h>
#ifdef _WIN32
typedef HMODULE lib_t;
typedef void* lib_t;
template<typename T> struct sizeof_void { enum { value = sizeof(T) }; };
template<> struct sizeof_void<void> { enum { value = 0 }; };
template<typename T, size_t t> struct TypeChar { static_assert(!t, "Unsupported type in variadic type list"); };
template<> struct TypeChar<bool, sizeof(bool)> { enum { value = 'b' }; };
template<typename T> struct TypeChar<T*, sizeof(void*)> { enum { value = 'p' }; };
template<> struct TypeChar<double*, sizeof(double*)> { enum { value = 'd' }; };
template<> struct TypeChar<RakNet::NetworkID**, sizeof(RakNet::NetworkID**)> { enum { value = 'n' }; };
template<typename T> struct TypeChar<T, sizeof(uint8_t)> { enum { value = std::is_signed<T>::value ? 'q' : 'i' }; };
template<typename T> struct TypeChar<T, sizeof(uint16_t)> { enum { value = std::is_signed<T>::value ? 'q' : 'i' }; };
template<typename T> struct TypeChar<T, sizeof(uint32_t)> { enum { value = std::is_signed<T>::value ? 'q' : 'i' }; };
template<typename T> struct TypeChar<T, sizeof(uint64_t)> { enum { value = std::is_signed<T>::value ? 'w' : 'l' }; };
template<> struct TypeChar<double, sizeof(double)> { enum { value = 'f' }; };
template<> struct TypeChar<char*, sizeof(char*)> { enum { value = 's' }; };
template<> struct TypeChar<const char*, sizeof(const char*)> { enum { value = 's' }; };
template<> struct TypeChar<void, sizeof_void<void>::value> { enum { value = 'v' }; };
template<const char t> struct CharType { static_assert(!t, "Unsupported type in variadic type list"); };
template<> struct CharType<'b'> { typedef bool type; };
template<> struct CharType<'p'> { typedef void* type; };
template<> struct CharType<'d'> { typedef double* type; };
template<> struct CharType<'n'> { typedef RakNet::NetworkID** type; };
template<> struct CharType<'q'> { typedef signed int type; };
template<> struct CharType<'i'> { typedef unsigned int type; };
template<> struct CharType<'w'> { typedef signed long long type; };
template<> struct CharType<'l'> { typedef unsigned long long type; };
template<> struct CharType<'f'> { typedef double type; };
template<> struct CharType<'s'> { typedef const char* type; };
template<> struct CharType<'v'> { typedef void type; };
template<typename... Types>
struct TypeString {
static constexpr char value[sizeof...(Types) + 1] = {
TypeChar<Types, sizeof(Types)>::value...
template<typename R, typename... Types>
using Function = R(*)(Types...);
template<typename R>
using FunctionEllipsis = R(*)(...);
struct ScriptIdentity
const char* types;
const char ret;
const unsigned int numargs;
constexpr bool matches(const char* types, const unsigned int N = 0) const
return N < numargs ? this->types[N] == types[N] && matches(types, N + 1) : this->types[N] == types[N];
template<typename R, typename... Types>
constexpr ScriptIdentity(Function<R, Types...>) : types(TypeString<Types...>::value), ret(TypeChar<R, sizeof_void<R>::value>::value), numargs(sizeof(TypeString<Types...>::value) - 1) {}
template<typename... Types>
using Callback = void (*)(Types...);
struct CallbackIdentity
const char* types;
const unsigned int numargs;
constexpr bool matches(const char* types, const unsigned int N = 0) const
return N < numargs ? this->types[N] == types[N] && matches(types, N + 1) : this->types[N] == types[N];
template<typename... Types>
constexpr CallbackIdentity(Callback<Types...>) : types(TypeString<Types...>::value), numargs(sizeof(TypeString<Types...>::value) - 1) {}
struct ScriptFunctionPointer : public ScriptIdentity
void *addr;
#if (!defined(__clang__) && defined(__GNUC__))
template<typename R, typename... Types>
constexpr ScriptFunctionPointer(Function<R, Types...> addr) : ScriptIdentity(addr), addr(reinterpret_cast<void*>(addr)) {}
template<typename R, typename... Types>
constexpr ScriptFunctionPointer(Function<R, Types...> addr) : ScriptIdentity(addr), addr(addr) {}
struct ScriptFunctionData
const char* name;
const ScriptFunctionPointer func;
constexpr ScriptFunctionData(const char* name, ScriptFunctionPointer func) : name(name), func(func) {}
struct ScriptCallbackData
const char* name;
const unsigned int index;
const CallbackIdentity callback;
template<size_t N>
constexpr ScriptCallbackData(const char(&name)[N], CallbackIdentity _callback) : name(name), index(Utils::hash(name)), callback(_callback) {}