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synced 2025-02-28 23:39:41 +00:00
conversion from 'const float' to 'int', possible loss of data conversion from 'double' to 'int', possible loss of data conversion from 'float' to 'int', possible loss of data
324 lines
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324 lines
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#include "pathfinding.hpp"
#include "OgreMath.h"
#include "OgreVector3.h"
#include "../mwbase/world.hpp"
#include "../mwbase/environment.hpp"
#include "../mwworld/esmstore.hpp"
#include "../mwworld/cellstore.hpp"
// Slightly cheaper version for comparisons.
// Caller needs to be careful for very short distances (i.e. less than 1)
// or when accumuating the results i.e. (a + b)^2 != a^2 + b^2
float distanceSquared(ESM::Pathgrid::Point point, Ogre::Vector3 pos)
return MWMechanics::PathFinder::MakeOgreVector3(point).squaredDistance(pos);
// Return the closest pathgrid point index from the specified position co
// -ordinates. NOTE: Does not check if there is a sensible way to get there
// (e.g. a cliff in front).
// NOTE: pos is expected to be in local co-ordinates, as is grid->mPoints
int getClosestPoint(const ESM::Pathgrid* grid, Ogre::Vector3 pos)
if(!grid || grid->mPoints.empty())
return -1;
float distanceBetween = distanceSquared(grid->mPoints[0], pos);
int closestIndex = 0;
// TODO: if this full scan causes performance problems mapping pathgrid
// points to a quadtree may help
for(unsigned int counter = 1; counter < grid->mPoints.size(); counter++)
float potentialDistBetween = distanceSquared(grid->mPoints[counter], pos);
if(potentialDistBetween < distanceBetween)
distanceBetween = potentialDistBetween;
closestIndex = counter;
return closestIndex;
// Chooses a reachable end pathgrid point. start is assumed reachable.
std::pair<int, bool> getClosestReachablePoint(const ESM::Pathgrid* grid,
const MWWorld::CellStore *cell,
Ogre::Vector3 pos, int start)
if(!grid || grid->mPoints.empty())
return std::pair<int, bool> (-1, false);
float distanceBetween = distanceSquared(grid->mPoints[0], pos);
int closestIndex = 0;
int closestReachableIndex = 0;
// TODO: if this full scan causes performance problems mapping pathgrid
// points to a quadtree may help
for(unsigned int counter = 1; counter < grid->mPoints.size(); counter++)
float potentialDistBetween = distanceSquared(grid->mPoints[counter], pos);
if(potentialDistBetween < distanceBetween)
// found a closer one
distanceBetween = potentialDistBetween;
closestIndex = counter;
if (cell->isPointConnected(start, counter))
closestReachableIndex = counter;
// AiWander has logic that depends on whether a path was created, deleting
// allowed nodes if not. Hence a path needs to be created even if the start
// and the end points are the same.
//if(start == closestReachableIndex)
//closestReachableIndex = -1; // couldn't find anyting other than start
return std::pair<int, bool>
(closestReachableIndex, closestReachableIndex == closestIndex);
namespace MWMechanics
float sqrDistanceZCorrected(ESM::Pathgrid::Point point, float x, float y, float z)
x -= point.mX;
y -= point.mY;
z -= point.mZ;
return (x * x + y * y + 0.1f * z * z);
float distance(ESM::Pathgrid::Point point, float x, float y, float z)
x -= point.mX;
y -= point.mY;
z -= point.mZ;
return sqrt(x * x + y * y + z * z);
float distance(ESM::Pathgrid::Point a, ESM::Pathgrid::Point b)
float x = static_cast<float>(a.mX - b.mX);
float y = static_cast<float>(a.mY - b.mY);
float z = static_cast<float>(a.mZ - b.mZ);
return sqrt(x * x + y * y + z * z);
: mIsPathConstructed(false),
void PathFinder::clearPath()
mIsPathConstructed = false;
* NOTE: This method may fail to find a path. The caller must check the
* result before using it. If there is no path the AI routies need to
* implement some other heuristics to reach the target.
* NOTE: It may be desirable to simply go directly to the endPoint if for
* example there are no pathgrids in this cell.
* NOTE: startPoint & endPoint are in world co-ordinates
* Updates mPath using aStarSearch() or ray test (if shortcut allowed).
* mPath consists of pathgrid points, except the last element which is
* endPoint. This may be useful where the endPoint is not on a pathgrid
* point (e.g. combat). However, if the caller has already chosen a
* pathgrid point (e.g. wander) then it may be worth while to call
* pop_back() to remove the redundant entry.
* mPathConstructed is set true if successful, false if not
* NOTE: co-ordinates must be converted prior to calling getClosestPoint()
* |
* | cell
* | +-----------+
* | | |
* | | |
* | | @ |
* | i | j |
* |<--->|<---->| |
* | +-----------+
* | k
* |<---------->| world
* +-----------------------------
* i = x value of cell itself (multiply by ESM::Land::REAL_SIZE to convert)
* j = @.x in local co-ordinates (i.e. within the cell)
* k = @.x in world co-ordinates
void PathFinder::buildPath(const ESM::Pathgrid::Point &startPoint,
const ESM::Pathgrid::Point &endPoint,
const MWWorld::CellStore* cell,
bool allowShortcuts)
// if there's a ray cast hit, can't take a direct path
if (!MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->castRay(
static_cast<float>(startPoint.mX), static_cast<float>(startPoint.mY), static_cast<float>(startPoint.mZ),
static_cast<float>(endPoint.mX), static_cast<float>(endPoint.mY), static_cast<float>(endPoint.mZ)))
mIsPathConstructed = true;
if(mCell != cell || !mPathgrid)
mCell = cell;
mPathgrid = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getStore().get<ESM::Pathgrid>().search(*mCell->getCell());
// Refer to AiWander reseach topic on openmw forums for some background.
// Maybe there is no pathgrid for this cell. Just go to destination and let
// physics take care of any blockages.
if(!mPathgrid || mPathgrid->mPoints.empty())
mIsPathConstructed = true;
// NOTE: getClosestPoint expects local co-ordinates
float xCell = 0;
float yCell = 0;
if (mCell->isExterior())
xCell = static_cast<float>(mCell->getCell()->mData.mX * ESM::Land::REAL_SIZE);
yCell = static_cast<float>(mCell->getCell()->mData.mY * ESM::Land::REAL_SIZE);
// NOTE: It is possible that getClosestPoint returns a pathgrind point index
// that is unreachable in some situations. e.g. actor is standing
// outside an area enclosed by walls, but there is a pathgrid
// point right behind the wall that is closer than any pathgrid
// point outside the wall
int startNode = getClosestPoint(mPathgrid,
Ogre::Vector3(startPoint.mX - xCell, startPoint.mY - yCell, static_cast<float>(startPoint.mZ)));
// Some cells don't have any pathgrids at all
if(startNode != -1)
std::pair<int, bool> endNode = getClosestReachablePoint(mPathgrid, cell,
Ogre::Vector3(endPoint.mX - xCell, endPoint.mY - yCell, static_cast<float>(endPoint.mZ)),
// this shouldn't really happen, but just in case
if(endNode.first != -1)
// AiWander has logic that depends on whether a path was created,
// deleting allowed nodes if not. Hence a path needs to be created
// even if the start and the end points are the same.
// NOTE: aStarSearch will return an empty path if the start and end
// nodes are the same
if(startNode == endNode.first)
mIsPathConstructed = true;
mPath = mCell->aStarSearch(startNode, endNode.first);
mIsPathConstructed = true;
// Add the destination (which may be different to the closest
// pathgrid point). However only add if endNode was the closest
// point to endPoint.
// This logic can fail in the opposite situate, e.g. endPoint may
// have been reachable but happened to be very close to an
// unreachable pathgrid point.
// The AI routines will have to deal with such situations.
mIsPathConstructed = false;
mIsPathConstructed = false;
mIsPathConstructed = false;
float PathFinder::getZAngleToNext(float x, float y) const
// This should never happen (programmers should have an if statement checking
// mIsPathConstructed that prevents this call if otherwise).
return 0.;
const ESM::Pathgrid::Point &nextPoint = *mPath.begin();
float directionX = nextPoint.mX - x;
float directionY = nextPoint.mY - y;
return Ogre::Math::ATan2(directionX,directionY).valueDegrees();
bool PathFinder::checkPathCompleted(float x, float y, float z, float tolerance)
return true;
ESM::Pathgrid::Point nextPoint = *mPath.begin();
if(sqrDistanceZCorrected(nextPoint, x, y, z) < tolerance*tolerance)
mIsPathConstructed = false;
return true;
return false;
// used by AiCombat, see header for the rationale
bool PathFinder::syncStart(const std::list<ESM::Pathgrid::Point> &path)
if (mPath.size() < 2)
return false; //nothing to pop
std::list<ESM::Pathgrid::Point>::const_iterator oldStart = path.begin();
std::list<ESM::Pathgrid::Point>::iterator iter = ++mPath.begin();
if( (*iter).mX == oldStart->mX
&& (*iter).mY == oldStart->mY
&& (*iter).mZ == oldStart->mZ)
return true;
return false;