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synced 2025-03-28 17:06:41 +00:00
Add serverside script functions for determining the killers of both players and actors. Use unsigned ints for script functions returning an object or actor's refNumIndex or mpNum. Remove updateDeadState() from LocalPlayer and make its code part of updateStatsDynamic() for simplicity.
669 lines
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669 lines
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#define ACTORAPI \
{"ReadLastActorList", ActorFunctions::ReadLastActorList},\
{"ReadCellActorList", ActorFunctions::ReadCellActorList},\
{"InitializeActorList", ActorFunctions::InitializeActorList},\
{"GetActorListSize", ActorFunctions::GetActorListSize},\
{"GetActorListAction", ActorFunctions::GetActorListAction},\
{"GetActorCell", ActorFunctions::GetActorCell},\
{"GetActorRefId", ActorFunctions::GetActorRefId},\
{"GetActorRefNumIndex", ActorFunctions::GetActorRefNumIndex},\
{"GetActorMpNum", ActorFunctions::GetActorMpNum},\
{"GetActorPosX", ActorFunctions::GetActorPosX},\
{"GetActorPosY", ActorFunctions::GetActorPosY},\
{"GetActorPosZ", ActorFunctions::GetActorPosZ},\
{"GetActorRotX", ActorFunctions::GetActorRotX},\
{"GetActorRotY", ActorFunctions::GetActorRotY},\
{"GetActorRotZ", ActorFunctions::GetActorRotZ},\
{"GetActorHealthBase", ActorFunctions::GetActorHealthBase},\
{"GetActorHealthCurrent", ActorFunctions::GetActorHealthCurrent},\
{"GetActorHealthModified", ActorFunctions::GetActorHealthModified},\
{"GetActorMagickaBase", ActorFunctions::GetActorMagickaBase},\
{"GetActorMagickaCurrent", ActorFunctions::GetActorMagickaCurrent},\
{"GetActorMagickaModified", ActorFunctions::GetActorMagickaModified},\
{"GetActorFatigueBase", ActorFunctions::GetActorFatigueBase},\
{"GetActorFatigueCurrent", ActorFunctions::GetActorFatigueCurrent},\
{"GetActorFatigueModified", ActorFunctions::GetActorFatigueModified},\
{"GetActorEquipmentItemRefId", ActorFunctions::GetActorEquipmentItemRefId},\
{"GetActorEquipmentItemCount", ActorFunctions::GetActorEquipmentItemCount},\
{"GetActorEquipmentItemCharge", ActorFunctions::GetActorEquipmentItemCharge},\
{"GetActorEquipmentItemEnchantmentCharge", ActorFunctions::GetActorEquipmentItemEnchantmentCharge},\
{"DoesActorHavePlayerKiller", ActorFunctions::DoesActorHavePlayerKiller},\
{"GetActorKillerPid", ActorFunctions::GetActorKillerPid},\
{"GetActorKillerRefId", ActorFunctions::GetActorKillerRefId},\
{"GetActorKillerRefNumIndex", ActorFunctions::GetActorKillerRefNumIndex},\
{"GetActorKillerMpNum", ActorFunctions::GetActorKillerMpNum},\
{"GetActorKillerName", ActorFunctions::GetActorKillerName},\
{"DoesActorHavePosition", ActorFunctions::DoesActorHavePosition},\
{"DoesActorHaveStatsDynamic", ActorFunctions::DoesActorHaveStatsDynamic},\
{"SetActorListCell", ActorFunctions::SetActorListCell},\
{"SetActorListAction", ActorFunctions::SetActorListAction},\
{"SetActorCell", ActorFunctions::SetActorCell},\
{"SetActorRefId", ActorFunctions::SetActorRefId},\
{"SetActorRefNumIndex", ActorFunctions::SetActorRefNumIndex},\
{"SetActorMpNum", ActorFunctions::SetActorMpNum},\
{"SetActorPosition", ActorFunctions::SetActorPosition},\
{"SetActorRotation", ActorFunctions::SetActorRotation},\
{"SetActorHealthBase", ActorFunctions::SetActorHealthBase},\
{"SetActorHealthCurrent", ActorFunctions::SetActorHealthCurrent},\
{"SetActorHealthModified", ActorFunctions::SetActorHealthModified},\
{"SetActorMagickaBase", ActorFunctions::SetActorMagickaBase},\
{"SetActorMagickaCurrent", ActorFunctions::SetActorMagickaCurrent},\
{"SetActorMagickaModified", ActorFunctions::SetActorMagickaModified},\
{"SetActorFatigueBase", ActorFunctions::SetActorFatigueBase},\
{"SetActorFatigueCurrent", ActorFunctions::SetActorFatigueCurrent},\
{"SetActorFatigueModified", ActorFunctions::SetActorFatigueModified},\
{"SetActorAIAction", ActorFunctions::SetActorAIAction},\
{"SetActorAITargetToPlayer", ActorFunctions::SetActorAITargetToPlayer},\
{"SetActorAITargetToActor", ActorFunctions::SetActorAITargetToActor},\
{"EquipActorItem", ActorFunctions::EquipActorItem},\
{"UnequipActorItem", ActorFunctions::UnequipActorItem},\
{"AddActor", ActorFunctions::AddActor},\
{"SendActorList", ActorFunctions::SendActorList},\
{"SendActorAuthority", ActorFunctions::SendActorAuthority},\
{"SendActorPosition", ActorFunctions::SendActorPosition},\
{"SendActorStatsDynamic", ActorFunctions::SendActorStatsDynamic},\
{"SendActorEquipment", ActorFunctions::SendActorEquipment},\
{"SendActorAI", ActorFunctions::SendActorAI},\
{"SendActorCellChange", ActorFunctions::SendActorCellChange}
class ActorFunctions
* \brief Use the last actor list received by the server as the one being read.
* \return void
static void ReadLastActorList() noexcept;
* \brief Use the temporary actor list stored for a cell as the one being read.
* This type of actor list is used to store actor positions and dynamic stats and is deleted
* when the cell is unloaded.
* \param cellDescription The description of the cell whose actor list should be read.
* \return void
static void ReadCellActorList(const char* cellDescription) noexcept;
* \brief Clear the data from the last actor list sent by the server.
* This is used to initialize the sending of new Actor packets.
* \param pid The player ID to whom the actor list should be attached.
* \return void
static void InitializeActorList(unsigned short pid) noexcept;
* \brief Get the number of indexes in the read actor list.
* \return The number of indexes.
static unsigned int GetActorListSize() noexcept;
* \brief Get the action type used in the read actor list.
* \return The action type (0 for SET, 1 for ADD, 2 for REMOVE, 3 for REQUEST).
static unsigned char GetActorListAction() noexcept;
* \brief Get the cell description of the actor at a certain index in the read actor list.
* \param i The index of the actor.
* \return The cell description.
static const char *GetActorCell(unsigned int i) noexcept;
* \brief Get the refId of the actor at a certain index in the read actor list.
* \param i The index of the actor.
* \return The refId.
static const char *GetActorRefId(unsigned int i) noexcept;
* \brief Get the refNumIndex of the actor at a certain index in the read actor list.
* \param i The index of the actor.
* \return The refNumIndex.
static unsigned int GetActorRefNumIndex(unsigned int i) noexcept;
* \brief Get the mpNum of the actor at a certain index in the read actor list.
* \param i The index of the actor.
* \return The mpNum.
static unsigned int GetActorMpNum(unsigned int i) noexcept;
* \brief Get the X position of the actor at a certain index in the read actor list.
* \param i The index of the actor.
* \return The X position.
static double GetActorPosX(unsigned int i) noexcept;
* \brief Get the Y position of the actor at a certain index in the read actor list.
* \param i The index of the actor.
* \return The Y position.
static double GetActorPosY(unsigned int i) noexcept;
* \brief Get the Z position of the actor at a certain index in the read actor list.
* \param i The index of the actor.
* \return The Z position.
static double GetActorPosZ(unsigned int i) noexcept;
* \brief Get the X rotation of the actor at a certain index in the read actor list.
* \param i The index of the actor.
* \return The X rotation.
static double GetActorRotX(unsigned int i) noexcept;
* \brief Get the Y rotation of the actor at a certain index in the read actor list.
* \param i The index of the actor.
* \return The Y rotation.
static double GetActorRotY(unsigned int i) noexcept;
* \brief Get the Z rotation of the actor at a certain index in the read actor list.
* \param i The index of the actor.
* \return The Z rotation.
static double GetActorRotZ(unsigned int i) noexcept;
* \brief Get the base health of the actor at a certain index in the read actor list.
* \param i The index of the actor.
* \return The base health.
static double GetActorHealthBase(unsigned int i) noexcept;
* \brief Get the current health of the actor at a certain index in the read actor list.
* \param i The index of the actor.
* \return The current health.
static double GetActorHealthCurrent(unsigned int i) noexcept;
* \brief Get the modified health of the actor at a certain index in the read actor list.
* \param i The index of the actor.
* \return The modified health.
static double GetActorHealthModified(unsigned int i) noexcept;
* \brief Get the base magicka of the actor at a certain index in the read actor list.
* \param i The index of the actor.
* \return The base magicka.
static double GetActorMagickaBase(unsigned int i) noexcept;
* \brief Get the current magicka of the actor at a certain index in the read actor list.
* \param i The index of the actor.
* \return The current magicka.
static double GetActorMagickaCurrent(unsigned int i) noexcept;
* \brief Get the modified magicka of the actor at a certain index in the read actor list.
* \param i The index of the actor.
* \return The modified magicka.
static double GetActorMagickaModified(unsigned int i) noexcept;
* \brief Get the base fatigue of the actor at a certain index in the read actor list.
* \param i The index of the actor.
* \return The base fatigue.
static double GetActorFatigueBase(unsigned int i) noexcept;
* \brief Get the current fatigue of the actor at a certain index in the read actor list.
* \param i The index of the actor.
* \return The current fatigue.
static double GetActorFatigueCurrent(unsigned int i) noexcept;
* \brief Get the modified fatigue of the actor at a certain index in the read actor list.
* \param i The index of the actor.
* \return The modified fatigue.
static double GetActorFatigueModified(unsigned int i) noexcept;
* \brief Get the refId of the item in a certain slot of the equipment of the actor at a
* certain index in the read actor list.
* \param i The index of the actor.
* \param slot The slot of the equipment item.
* \return The refId.
static const char *GetActorEquipmentItemRefId(unsigned int i, unsigned short slot) noexcept;
* \brief Get the count of the item in a certain slot of the equipment of the actor at a
* certain index in the read actor list.
* \param i The index of the actor.
* \param slot The slot of the equipment item.
* \return The item count.
static int GetActorEquipmentItemCount(unsigned int i, unsigned short slot) noexcept;
* \brief Get the charge of the item in a certain slot of the equipment of the actor at a
* certain index in the read actor list.
* \param i The index of the actor.
* \param slot The slot of the equipment item.
* \return The charge.
static int GetActorEquipmentItemCharge(unsigned int i, unsigned short slot) noexcept;
* \brief Get the enchantment charge of the item in a certain slot of the equipment of the actor at a
* certain index in the read actor list.
* \param i The index of the actor.
* \param slot The slot of the equipment item.
* \return The enchantment charge.
static double GetActorEquipmentItemEnchantmentCharge(unsigned int i, unsigned short slot) noexcept;
* \brief Check whether the killer of the actor at a certain index in the read actor list is a player.
* \param i The index of the actor.
* \return Whether the actor was killed by a player.
static bool DoesActorHavePlayerKiller(unsigned int i) noexcept;
* \brief Get the player ID of the killer of the actor at a certain index in the read actor list.
* \param i The index of the actor.
* \return The player ID of the killer.
static int GetActorKillerPid(unsigned int i) noexcept;
* \brief Get the refId of the actor killer of the actor at a certain index in the read actor list.
* \param i The index of the actor.
* \return The refId of the killer.
static const char *GetActorKillerRefId(unsigned int i) noexcept;
* \brief Get the refNumIndex of the actor killer of the actor at a certain index in the read actor list.
* \param i The index of the actor.
* \return The refNumIndex of the killer.
static unsigned int GetActorKillerRefNumIndex(unsigned int i) noexcept;
* \brief Get the mpNum of the actor killer of the actor at a certain index in the read actor list.
* \param i The index of the actor.
* \return The mpNum of the killer.
static unsigned int GetActorKillerMpNum(unsigned int i) noexcept;
* \brief Get the name of the actor killer of the actor at a certain index in the read actor list.
* \param i The index of the actor.
* \return The name of the killer.
static const char *GetActorKillerName(unsigned int i) noexcept;
* \brief Check whether there is any positional data for the actor at a certain index in
* the read actor list.
* This is only useful when reading the actor list data recorded for a particular cell.
* \param i The index of the actor.
* \return Whether the read actor list contains positional data.
static bool DoesActorHavePosition(unsigned int i) noexcept;
* \brief Check whether there is any dynamic stats data for the actor at a certain index in
* the read actor list.
* This is only useful when reading the actor list data recorded for a particular cell.
* \param i The index of the actor.
* \return Whether the read actor list contains dynamic stats data.
static bool DoesActorHaveStatsDynamic(unsigned int i) noexcept;
* \brief Set the cell of the temporary actor list stored on the server.
* The cell is determined to be an exterior cell if it fits the pattern of a number followed
* by a comma followed by another number.
* \param cellDescription The description of the cell.
* \return void
static void SetActorListCell(const char* cellDescription) noexcept;
* \brief Set the action type of the temporary actor list stored on the server.
* \param action The action type (0 for SET, 1 for ADD, 2 for REMOVE, 3 for REQUEST).
* \return void
static void SetActorListAction(unsigned char action) noexcept;
* \brief Set the cell of the temporary actor stored on the server.
* Used for ActorCellChange packets, where a specific actor's cell now differs from that of the
* actor list.
* The cell is determined to be an exterior cell if it fits the pattern of a number followed
* by a comma followed by another number.
* \param cellDescription The description of the cell.
* \return void
static void SetActorCell(const char* cellDescription) noexcept;
* \brief Set the refId of the temporary actor stored on the server.
* \param refId The refId.
* \return void
static void SetActorRefId(const char* refId) noexcept;
* \brief Set the refNumIndex of the temporary actor stored on the server.
* \param refNumIndex The refNumIndex.
* \return void
static void SetActorRefNumIndex(int refNumIndex) noexcept;
* \brief Set the mpNum of the temporary actor stored on the server.
* \param mpNum The mpNum.
* \return void
static void SetActorMpNum(int mpNum) noexcept;
* \brief Set the position of the temporary actor stored on the server.
* \param x The X position.
* \param y The Y position.
* \param z The Z position.
* \return void
static void SetActorPosition(double x, double y, double z) noexcept;
* \brief Set the rotation of the temporary actor stored on the server.
* \param x The X rotation.
* \param y The Y rotation.
* \param z The Z rotation.
* \return void
static void SetActorRotation(double x, double y, double z) noexcept;
* \brief Set the base health of the temporary actor stored on the server.
* \param value The new value.
* \return void
static void SetActorHealthBase(double value) noexcept;
* \brief Set the current health of the temporary actor stored on the server.
* \param value The new value.
* \return void
static void SetActorHealthCurrent(double value) noexcept;
* \brief Set the modified health of the temporary actor stored on the server.
* \param value The new value.
* \return void
static void SetActorHealthModified(double value) noexcept;
* \brief Set the base magicka of the temporary actor stored on the server.
* \param value The new value.
* \return void
static void SetActorMagickaBase(double value) noexcept;
* \brief Set the current magicka of the temporary actor stored on the server.
* \param value The new value.
* \return void
static void SetActorMagickaCurrent(double value) noexcept;
* \brief Set the modified magicka of the temporary actor stored on the server.
* \param value The new value.
* \return void
static void SetActorMagickaModified(double value) noexcept;
* \brief Set the base fatigue of the temporary actor stored on the server.
* \param value The new value.
* \return void
static void SetActorFatigueBase(double value) noexcept;
* \brief Set the current fatigue of the temporary actor stored on the server.
* \param value The new value.
* \return void
static void SetActorFatigueCurrent(double value) noexcept;
* \brief Set the modified fatigue of the temporary actor stored on the server.
* \param value The new value.
* \return void
static void SetActorFatigueModified(double value) noexcept;
* \brief Set the AI action of the temporary actor stored on the server.
* \param action The new action.
* \return void
static void SetActorAIAction(unsigned int action) noexcept;
* \brief Set a player as the AI target of the temporary actor stored on the server.
* \param pid The player ID.
* \return void
static void SetActorAITargetToPlayer(unsigned short pid) noexcept;
* \brief Set another actor as the AI target of the temporary actor stored on the server.
* \param refNumIndex The refNumIndex of the target actor.
* \param mpNum The mpNum of the target actor.
* \return void
static void SetActorAITargetToActor(int refNumIndex, int mpNum) noexcept;
* \brief Equip an item in a certain slot of the equipment of the temporary actor stored
* on the server.
* \param slot The equipment slot.
* \param refId The refId of the item.
* \param count The count of the item.
* \param charge The charge of the item.
* \param enchantmentCharge The enchantment charge of the item.
* \return void
static void EquipActorItem(unsigned short slot, const char* refId, unsigned int count, int charge, double enchantmentCharge = -1) noexcept;
* \brief Unequip the item in a certain slot of the equipment of the temporary actor stored
* on the server.
* \param slot The equipment slot.
* \return void
static void UnequipActorItem(unsigned short slot) noexcept;
* \brief Add a copy of the server's temporary actor to the server's temporary actor list.
* In the process, the server's temporary actor will automatically be cleared so a new
* one can be set up.
* \return void
static void AddActor() noexcept;
* \brief Send an ActorList packet.
* It is sent only to the player for whom the current actor list was initialized.
* \return void
static void SendActorList() noexcept;
* \brief Send an ActorAuthority packet.
* The player for whom the current actor list was initialized is recorded in the server memory
* as the new actor authority for the actor list's cell.
* The packet is sent to that player as well as all other players who have the cell loaded.
* \return void
static void SendActorAuthority() noexcept;
* \brief Send an ActorPosition packet.
* It is sent only to the player for whom the current actor list was initialized.
* \return void
static void SendActorPosition() noexcept;
* \brief Send an ActorStatsDynamic packet.
* It is sent only to the player for whom the current actor list was initialized.
* \return void
static void SendActorStatsDynamic() noexcept;
* \brief Send an ActorEquipment packet.
* It is sent only to the player for whom the current actor list was initialized.
* \return void
static void SendActorEquipment() noexcept;
* \brief Send an ActorAI packet.
* It is sent only to the player for whom the current actor list was initialized.
* \return void
static void SendActorAI() noexcept;
* \brief Send an ActorCellChange packet.
* It is sent only to the player for whom the current actor list was initialized.
* \return void
static void SendActorCellChange() noexcept;