Fork 1
mirror of https://github.com/TES3MP/openmw-tes3mp.git synced 2025-03-03 18:19:40 +00:00
2012-03-15 16:01:41 +01:00

480 lines
14 KiB

#include "animation.hpp"
namespace MWRender{
std::map<std::string, int> Animation::mUniqueIDs;
std::string Animation::getUniqueID(std::string mesh){
int counter;
std::string copy = mesh;
std::transform(copy.begin(), copy.end(), copy.begin(), ::tolower);
if(mUniqueIDs.find(copy) == mUniqueIDs.end()){
counter = mUniqueIDs[copy] = 0;
mUniqueIDs[copy] = mUniqueIDs[copy] + 1;
counter = mUniqueIDs[copy];
std::stringstream out;
if(counter > 99 && counter < 1000)
out << "0";
else if(counter > 9)
out << "00";
out << "000";
out << counter;
return out.str();
void Animation::startScript(std::string groupname, int mode, int loops){
//If groupname is recognized set animate to true
//Set the start time and stop time
//How many times to loop
if(groupname == "all"){
animate = loops;
time = startTime;
else if(textmappings){
std::string startName = groupname + ": loop start";
std::string stopName = groupname + ": loop stop";
bool first = false;
if(loops > 1){
startName = groupname + ": loop start";
stopName = groupname + ": loop stop";
for(std::map<std::string, float>::iterator iter = textmappings->begin(); iter != textmappings->end(); iter++){
std::string current = iter->first.substr(0, startName.size());
std::transform(current.begin(), current.end(), current.begin(), ::tolower);
std::string current2 = iter->first.substr(0, stopName.size());
std::transform(current2.begin(), current2.end(), current2.begin(), ::tolower);
if(current == startName){
startTime = iter->second;
animate = loops;
time = startTime;
first = true;
if(current2 == stopName){
stopTime = iter->second;
startName = groupname + ": start";
stopName = groupname + ": stop";
for(std::map<std::string, float>::iterator iter = textmappings->begin(); iter != textmappings->end(); iter++){
std::string current = iter->first.substr(0, startName.size());
std::transform(current.begin(), current.end(), current.begin(), ::tolower);
std::string current2 = iter->first.substr(0, stopName.size());
std::transform(current2.begin(), current2.end(), current2.begin(), ::tolower);
if(current == startName){
startTime = iter->second;
animate = loops;
time = startTime;
first = true;
if(current2 == stopName){
stopTime = iter->second;
void Animation::stopScript(){
animate = 0;
void Animation::handleShapes(std::vector<Nif::NiTriShapeCopy>* allshapes, Ogre::Entity* creaturemodel, Ogre::SkeletonInstance *skel){
shapeNumber = 0;
std::vector<Nif::NiTriShapeCopy>::iterator allshapesiter;
for(allshapesiter = allshapes->begin(); allshapesiter != allshapes->end(); allshapesiter++)
//std::map<unsigned short, PosAndRot> vecPosRot;
Nif::NiTriShapeCopy& copy = *allshapesiter;
std::vector<Ogre::Vector3>* allvertices = &copy.vertices;
//std::set<unsigned int> vertices;
//std::set<unsigned int> normals;
//std::vector<Nif::NiSkinData::BoneInfoCopy> boneinfovector = copy.boneinfo;
std::map<int, std::vector<Nif::NiSkinData::IndividualWeight> >* verticesToChange = &copy.vertsToWeights;
//std::cout << "Name " << copy.sname << "\n";
Ogre::HardwareVertexBufferSharedPtr vbuf = creaturemodel->getMesh()->getSubMesh(copy.sname)->vertexData->vertexBufferBinding->getBuffer(0);
Ogre::Real* pReal = static_cast<Ogre::Real*>(vbuf->lock(Ogre::HardwareBuffer::HBL_NORMAL));
std::vector<Ogre::Vector3> initialVertices = copy.morph.getInitialVertices();
//Each shape has multiple indices
if(initialVertices.size() )
if(copy.vertices.size() == initialVertices.size())
//Create if it doesn't already exist
if(shapeIndexI.size() == static_cast<std::size_t> (shapeNumber))
std::vector<int> vec;
if(time >= copy.morph.getStartTime() && time <= copy.morph.getStopTime()){
float x;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < copy.morph.getAdditionalVertices().size(); i++){
int j = 0;
if(shapeIndexI[shapeNumber].size() <= i)
if(timeIndex(time,copy.morph.getRelevantTimes()[i],(shapeIndexI[shapeNumber])[i], j, x)){
int indexI = (shapeIndexI[shapeNumber])[i];
std::vector<Ogre::Vector3> relevantData = (copy.morph.getRelevantData()[i]);
float v1 = relevantData[indexI].x;
float v2 = relevantData[j].x;
float t = v1 + (v2 - v1) * x;
if ( t < 0 ) t = 0;
if ( t > 1 ) t = 1;
if( t != 0 && initialVertices.size() == copy.morph.getAdditionalVertices()[i].size())
for (unsigned int v = 0; v < initialVertices.size(); v++){
initialVertices[v] += ((copy.morph.getAdditionalVertices()[i])[v]) * t;
allvertices = &initialVertices;
if(verticesToChange->size() > 0){
for(std::map<int, std::vector<Nif::NiSkinData::IndividualWeight> >::iterator iter = verticesToChange->begin();
iter != verticesToChange->end(); iter++)
std::vector<Nif::NiSkinData::IndividualWeight> inds = iter->second;
int verIndex = iter->first;
Ogre::Vector3 currentVertex = (*allvertices)[verIndex];
Nif::NiSkinData::BoneInfoCopy* boneinfocopy = &(allshapesiter->boneinfo[inds[0].boneinfocopyindex]);
Ogre::Bone *bonePtr = 0;
Ogre::Vector3 vecPos;
Ogre::Quaternion vecRot;
std::map<Nif::NiSkinData::BoneInfoCopy*, PosAndRot>::iterator result = vecRotPos.find(boneinfocopy);
if(result == vecRotPos.end()){
bonePtr = skel->getBone(boneinfocopy->bonename);
vecPos = bonePtr->_getDerivedPosition() + bonePtr->_getDerivedOrientation() * boneinfocopy->trafo.trans;
vecRot = bonePtr->_getDerivedOrientation() * boneinfocopy->trafo.rotation;
PosAndRot both;
both.vecPos = vecPos;
both.vecRot = vecRot;
vecRotPos[boneinfocopy] = both;
PosAndRot both = result->second;
vecPos = both.vecPos;
vecRot = both.vecRot;
Ogre::Vector3 absVertPos = (vecPos + vecRot * currentVertex) * inds[0].weight;
for(std::size_t i = 1; i < inds.size(); i++){
boneinfocopy = &(allshapesiter->boneinfo[inds[i].boneinfocopyindex]);
result = vecRotPos.find(boneinfocopy);
if(result == vecRotPos.end()){
bonePtr = skel->getBone(boneinfocopy->bonename);
vecPos = bonePtr->_getDerivedPosition() + bonePtr->_getDerivedOrientation() * boneinfocopy->trafo.trans;
vecRot = bonePtr->_getDerivedOrientation() * boneinfocopy->trafo.rotation;
PosAndRot both;
both.vecPos = vecPos;
both.vecRot = vecRot;
vecRotPos[boneinfocopy] = both;
PosAndRot both = result->second;
vecPos = both.vecPos;
vecRot = both.vecRot;
absVertPos += (vecPos + vecRot * currentVertex) * inds[i].weight;
Ogre::Real* addr = (pReal + 3 * verIndex);
*addr = absVertPos.x;
*(addr+1) = absVertPos.y;
*(addr+2) = absVertPos.z;
//Ogre::Bone *bonePtr = creaturemodel->getSkeleton()->getBone(copy.bonename);
Ogre::Quaternion shaperot = copy.trafo.rotation;
Ogre::Vector3 shapetrans = copy.trafo.trans;
float shapescale = copy.trafo.scale;
std::vector<std::string> boneSequence = copy.boneSequence;
Ogre::Vector3 transmult;
Ogre::Quaternion rotmult;
float scale;
if(boneSequence.size() > 0){
std::vector<std::string>::iterator boneSequenceIter = boneSequence.begin();
Ogre::Bone *bonePtr = skel->getBone(*boneSequenceIter);
transmult = bonePtr->getPosition();
rotmult = bonePtr->getOrientation();
scale = bonePtr->getScale().x;
for(; boneSequenceIter != boneSequence.end(); boneSequenceIter++)
Ogre::Bone *bonePtr = creaturemodel->getSkeleton()->getBone(*boneSequenceIter);
// Computes C = B + AxC*scale
transmult = transmult + rotmult * bonePtr->getPosition();
rotmult = rotmult * bonePtr->getOrientation();
scale = scale * bonePtr->getScale().x;
//std::cout << "Bone:" << *boneSequenceIter << " ";
transmult = transmult + rotmult * shapetrans;
rotmult = rotmult * shaperot;
scale = shapescale * scale;
//std::cout << "Position: " << transmult << "Rotation: " << rotmult << "\n";
transmult = shapetrans;
rotmult = shaperot;
scale = shapescale;
// Computes C = B + AxC*scale
// final_vector = old_vector + old_rotation*new_vector*old_scale/
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < allvertices->size(); i++){
Ogre::Vector3 current = transmult + rotmult * (*allvertices)[i];
Ogre::Real* addr = pReal + i * 3;
*addr = current.x;
*(addr+1) = current.y;
*(addr + 2) = current.z;
for(int i = 0; i < allnormals.size(); i++){
Ogre::Vector3 current =rotmult * allnormals[i];
Ogre::Real* addr = pRealNormal + i * 3;
*addr = current.x;
*(addr+1) = current.y;
*(addr + 2) = current.z;
bool Animation::timeIndex( float time, const std::vector<float> & times, int & i, int & j, float & x ){
int count;
if ( (count = times.size()) > 0 )
if ( time <= times[0] )
i = j = 0;
x = 0.0;
return true;
if ( time >= times[count - 1] )
i = j = count - 1;
x = 0.0;
return true;
if ( i < 0 || i >= count )
i = 0;
float tI = times[i];
if ( time > tI )
j = i + 1;
float tJ;
while ( time >= ( tJ = times[j]) )
i = j++;
tI = tJ;
x = ( time - tI ) / ( tJ - tI );
return true;
else if ( time < tI )
j = i - 1;
float tJ;
while ( time <= ( tJ = times[j] ) )
i = j--;
tI = tJ;
x = ( time - tI ) / ( tJ - tI );
return true;
j = i;
x = 0.0;
return true;
return false;
void Animation::handleAnimationTransforms(){
Ogre::SkeletonInstance* skel = base->getSkeleton();
Ogre::Bone* b = skel->getRootBone();
b->setOrientation(Ogre::Real(.3),Ogre::Real(.3),Ogre::Real(.3), Ogre::Real(.3)); //This is a trick
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < entityparts.size(); i++){
//Ogre::SkeletonInstance* skel = entityparts[i]->getSkeleton();
//Ogre::Bone* b = skel->getRootBone();
//b->setOrientation(Ogre::Real(.3),Ogre::Real(.3),Ogre::Real(.3), Ogre::Real(.3));//This is a trick
std::vector<Nif::NiKeyframeData>::iterator iter;
int slot = 0;
for(iter = transformations->begin(); iter != transformations->end(); iter++){
if(time < iter->getStartTime() || time < startTime || time > iter->getStopTime())
float x;
float x2;
const std::vector<Ogre::Quaternion> & quats = iter->getQuat();
const std::vector<float> & ttime = iter->gettTime();
const std::vector<float> & rtime = iter->getrTime();
int rindexJ = rindexI[slot];
timeIndex(time, rtime, rindexI[slot], rindexJ, x2);
int tindexJ = tindexI[slot];
const std::vector<Ogre::Vector3> & translist1 = iter->getTranslist1();
timeIndex(time, ttime, tindexI[slot], tindexJ, x);
Ogre::Vector3 t;
Ogre::Quaternion r;
bool bTrans = translist1.size() > 0;
bool bQuats = quats.size() > 0;
Ogre::Bone* bone = skel->getBone(iter->getBonename());
Ogre::Vector3 v1 = translist1[tindexI[slot]];
Ogre::Vector3 v2 = translist1[tindexJ];
t = (v1 + (v2 - v1) * x);
r = Ogre::Quaternion::Slerp(x2, quats[rindexI[slot]], quats[rindexJ], true);