You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

4287 lines
146 KiB

#include "worldimp.hpp"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <osg/Group>
#include <osg/ComputeBoundsVisitor>
#include <BulletCollision/CollisionDispatch/btCollisionWorld.h>
#include <BulletCollision/CollisionShapes/btCompoundShape.h>
Start of tes3mp addition
Include additional headers for multiplayer purposes
#include <components/openmw-mp/TimedLog.hpp>
#include "../mwmp/Main.hpp"
#include "../mwmp/Networking.hpp"
#include "../mwmp/PlayerList.hpp"
#include "../mwmp/DedicatedPlayer.hpp"
#include "../mwmp/LocalActor.hpp"
#include "../mwmp/DedicatedActor.hpp"
#include "../mwmp/ObjectList.hpp"
#include "../mwmp/CellController.hpp"
#include "../mwmp/MechanicsHelper.hpp"
End of tes3mp addition
#include <components/debug/debuglog.hpp>
#include <components/esm/esmreader.hpp>
#include <components/esm/esmwriter.hpp>
#include <components/esm/cellid.hpp>
#include <components/misc/constants.hpp>
#include <components/misc/resourcehelpers.hpp>
#include <components/misc/rng.hpp>
#include <components/files/collections.hpp>
#include <components/resource/bulletshape.hpp>
#include <components/resource/resourcesystem.hpp>
#include <components/sceneutil/positionattitudetransform.hpp>
#include <components/detournavigator/debug.hpp>
#include <components/detournavigator/navigatorimpl.hpp>
#include <components/detournavigator/navigatorstub.hpp>
#include <components/detournavigator/recastglobalallocator.hpp>
#include "../mwbase/environment.hpp"
#include "../mwbase/soundmanager.hpp"
#include "../mwbase/mechanicsmanager.hpp"
#include "../mwbase/windowmanager.hpp"
#include "../mwbase/scriptmanager.hpp"
#include "../mwmechanics/creaturestats.hpp"
#include "../mwmechanics/npcstats.hpp"
#include "../mwmechanics/spellcasting.hpp"
#include "../mwmechanics/levelledlist.hpp"
#include "../mwmechanics/combat.hpp"
#include "../mwmechanics/aiavoiddoor.hpp" //Used to tell actors to avoid doors
#include "../mwrender/animation.hpp"
#include "../mwrender/npcanimation.hpp"
#include "../mwrender/renderingmanager.hpp"
#include "../mwrender/camera.hpp"
#include "../mwrender/vismask.hpp"
#include "../mwscript/globalscripts.hpp"
#include "../mwclass/door.hpp"
#include "../mwphysics/physicssystem.hpp"
#include "../mwphysics/actor.hpp"
#include "../mwphysics/collisiontype.hpp"
#include "../mwphysics/object.hpp"
#include "player.hpp"
#include "manualref.hpp"
#include "cellstore.hpp"
#include "containerstore.hpp"
#include "inventorystore.hpp"
#include "actionteleport.hpp"
#include "projectilemanager.hpp"
#include "weather.hpp"
#include "contentloader.hpp"
#include "esmloader.hpp"
// Wraps a value to (-PI, PI]
void wrap(float& rad)
const float pi = static_cast<float>(osg::PI);
if (rad>0)
rad = std::fmod(rad+pi, 2.0f*pi)-pi;
rad = std::fmod(rad-pi, 2.0f*pi)+pi;
namespace MWWorld
struct GameContentLoader : public ContentLoader
GameContentLoader(Loading::Listener& listener)
: ContentLoader(listener)
bool addLoader(const std::string& extension, ContentLoader* loader)
return mLoaders.insert(std::make_pair(extension, loader)).second;
void load(const boost::filesystem::path& filepath, int& index)
LoadersContainer::iterator it(mLoaders.find(Misc::StringUtils::lowerCase(filepath.extension().string())));
if (it != mLoaders.end())
it->second->load(filepath, index);
std::string msg("Cannot load file: ");
msg += filepath.string();
throw std::runtime_error(msg.c_str());
typedef std::map<std::string, ContentLoader*> LoadersContainer;
LoadersContainer mLoaders;
int World::getDaysPerMonth (int month) const
switch (month)
case 0: return 31;
case 1: return 28;
case 2: return 31;
case 3: return 30;
case 4: return 31;
case 5: return 30;
case 6: return 31;
case 7: return 31;
case 8: return 30;
case 9: return 31;
case 10: return 30;
case 11: return 31;
throw std::runtime_error ("month out of range");
void World::adjustSky()
if (mSky && (isCellExterior() || isCellQuasiExterior()))
mRendering->skySetDate (mDay->getInteger(), mMonth->getInteger());
World::World (
osgViewer::Viewer* viewer,
osg::ref_ptr<osg::Group> rootNode,
Resource::ResourceSystem* resourceSystem, SceneUtil::WorkQueue* workQueue,
const Files::Collections& fileCollections,
const std::vector<std::string>& contentFiles,
ToUTF8::Utf8Encoder* encoder, int activationDistanceOverride,
const std::string& startCell, const std::string& startupScript,
const std::string& resourcePath, const std::string& userDataPath)
: mResourceSystem(resourceSystem), mLocalScripts (mStore),
mSky (true), mCells (mStore, mEsm),
mGodMode(false), mScriptsEnabled(true), mContentFiles (contentFiles), mUserDataPath(userDataPath),
mActivationDistanceOverride (activationDistanceOverride),
mStartCell (startCell), mDistanceToFacedObject(-1), mTeleportEnabled(true),
mLevitationEnabled(true), mGoToJail(false), mDaysInPrison(0),
mPlayerTraveling(false), mPlayerInJail(false), mSpellPreloadTimer(0.f)
Loading::Listener* listener = MWBase::Environment::get().getWindowManager()->getLoadingScreen();
GameContentLoader gameContentLoader(*listener);
EsmLoader esmLoader(mStore, mEsm, encoder, *listener);
gameContentLoader.addLoader(".esm", &esmLoader);
gameContentLoader.addLoader(".esp", &esmLoader);
gameContentLoader.addLoader(".omwgame", &esmLoader);
gameContentLoader.addLoader(".omwaddon", &esmLoader);
gameContentLoader.addLoader(".project", &esmLoader);
loadContentFiles(fileCollections, contentFiles, gameContentLoader);
// insert records that may not be present in all versions of MW
if (mEsm[0].getFormat() == 0)
mSwimHeightScale = mStore.get<ESM::GameSetting>().find("fSwimHeightScale")->mValue.getFloat();
mPhysics.reset(new MWPhysics::PhysicsSystem(resourceSystem, rootNode));
if (auto navigatorSettings = DetourNavigator::makeSettingsFromSettingsManager())
navigatorSettings->mMaxClimb = MWPhysics::sStepSizeUp;
navigatorSettings->mMaxSlope = MWPhysics::sMaxSlope;
navigatorSettings->mSwimHeightScale = mSwimHeightScale;
mNavigator.reset(new DetourNavigator::NavigatorImpl(*navigatorSettings));
mNavigator.reset(new DetourNavigator::NavigatorStub());
mRendering.reset(new MWRender::RenderingManager(viewer, rootNode, resourceSystem, workQueue, resourcePath, *mNavigator));
mProjectileManager.reset(new ProjectileManager(mRendering->getLightRoot(), resourceSystem, mRendering.get(), mPhysics.get()));
mWeatherManager.reset(new MWWorld::WeatherManager(*mRendering, mStore));
mWorldScene.reset(new Scene(*mRendering.get(), mPhysics.get(), *mNavigator));
void World::fillGlobalVariables()
mGlobalVariables.fill (mStore);
mGameHour = &mGlobalVariables["gamehour"];
mDaysPassed = &mGlobalVariables["dayspassed"];
mDay = &mGlobalVariables["day"];
mMonth = &mGlobalVariables["month"];
mYear = &mGlobalVariables["year"];
mTimeScale = &mGlobalVariables["timescale"];
void World::startNewGame (bool bypass)
mGoToJail = false;
mLevitationEnabled = true;
mTeleportEnabled = true;
mGodMode = false;
mScriptsEnabled = true;
mSky = true;
// Rebuild player
// we don't want old weather to persist on a new game
// Note that if reset later, the initial ChangeWeather that the chargen script calls will be lost.
mWeatherManager.reset(new MWWorld::WeatherManager(*mRendering.get(), mStore));
if (!bypass)
// set new game mark
mGlobalVariables["chargenstate"].setInteger (1);
mGlobalVariables["chargenstate"].setInteger (-1);
if (bypass && !mStartCell.empty())
ESM::Position pos;
if (findExteriorPosition (mStartCell, pos))
changeToExteriorCell (pos, true);
adjustPosition(getPlayerPtr(), false);
findInteriorPosition (mStartCell, pos);
changeToInteriorCell (mStartCell, pos, true);
for (int i=0; i<5; ++i)
if (!getPlayerPtr().isInCell())
ESM::Position pos;
Start of tes3mp change (major)
Spawn at 0, -7 by default
const int cellSize = Constants::CellSizeInUnits;
pos.pos[0] = cellSize / 2;
pos.pos[1] = cellSize * -7 + cellSize / 2;
pos.pos[2] = 0;
pos.rot[0] = 0;
pos.rot[1] = 0;
pos.rot[2] = 0;
mWorldScene->changeToExteriorCell(pos, true);
End of tes3mp change (major)
if (!bypass)
const std::string& video = Fallback::Map::getString("Movies_New_Game");
if (!video.empty())
MWBase::Environment::get().getWindowManager()->playVideo(video, true);
// enable collision
if (!mPhysics->toggleCollisionMode())
void World::clear()
if (mPlayer)
mPlayer->getPlayer().getRefData() = RefData();
mPlayer->set(mStore.get<ESM::NPC>().find ("player"));
mGoToJail = false;
mTeleportEnabled = true;
mLevitationEnabled = true;
mPlayerTraveling = false;
mPlayerInJail = false;
int World::countSavedGameRecords() const
+1 // player record
+1 // weather record
+1 // actorId counter
+1 // levitation/teleport enabled state
+1; // camera
int World::countSavedGameCells() const
return mCells.countSavedGameRecords();
void World::write (ESM::ESMWriter& writer, Loading::Listener& progress) const
// Active cells could have a dirty fog of war, sync it to the CellStore first
for (CellStore* cellstore : mWorldScene->getActiveCells())
mStore.write (writer, progress); // dynamic Store must be written (and read) before Cells, so that
// references to custom made records will be recognized
mPlayer->write (writer, progress);
mCells.write (writer, progress);
mGlobalVariables.write (writer, progress);
mWeatherManager->write (writer, progress);
mProjectileManager->write (writer, progress);
writer.writeHNT("TELE", mTeleportEnabled);
writer.writeHNT("LEVT", mLevitationEnabled);
writer.writeHNT("FIRS", isFirstPerson());
void World::readRecord (ESM::ESMReader& reader, uint32_t type,
const std::map<int, int>& contentFileMap)
switch (type)
reader.getHNT(mTeleportEnabled, "TELE");
reader.getHNT(mLevitationEnabled, "LEVT");
mPlayer->readRecord(reader, type);
if (getPlayerPtr().isInCell())
mWorldScene->preloadCell(getPlayerPtr().getCell(), true);
if (getPlayerPtr().getCell()->isExterior())
if (!mStore.readRecord (reader, type) &&
!mGlobalVariables.readRecord (reader, type) &&
!mWeatherManager->readRecord (reader, type) &&
!mCells.readRecord (reader, type, contentFileMap)
&& !mProjectileManager->readRecord (reader, type)
throw std::runtime_error ("unknown record in saved game");
void World::ensureNeededRecords()
std::map<std::string, ESM::Variant> gmst;
// Companion (tribunal)
gmst["sCompanionShare"] = ESM::Variant("Companion Share");
gmst["sCompanionWarningMessage"] = ESM::Variant("Warning message");
gmst["sCompanionWarningButtonOne"] = ESM::Variant("Button 1");
gmst["sCompanionWarningButtonTwo"] = ESM::Variant("Button 2");
gmst["sProfitValue"] = ESM::Variant("Profit Value");
gmst["sTeleportDisabled"] = ESM::Variant("Teleport disabled");
gmst["sLevitateDisabled"] = ESM::Variant("Levitate disabled");
// Missing in unpatched MW 1.0
gmst["sDifficulty"] = ESM::Variant("Difficulty");
gmst["fDifficultyMult"] = ESM::Variant(5.f);
gmst["sAuto_Run"] = ESM::Variant("Auto Run");
gmst["sServiceRefusal"] = ESM::Variant("Service Refusal");
gmst["sNeedOneSkill"] = ESM::Variant("Need one skill");
gmst["sNeedTwoSkills"] = ESM::Variant("Need two skills");
gmst["sEasy"] = ESM::Variant("Easy");
gmst["sHard"] = ESM::Variant("Hard");
gmst["sDeleteNote"] = ESM::Variant("Delete Note");
gmst["sEditNote"] = ESM::Variant("Edit Note");
gmst["sAdmireSuccess"] = ESM::Variant("Admire Success");
gmst["sAdmireFail"] = ESM::Variant("Admire Fail");
gmst["sIntimidateSuccess"] = ESM::Variant("Intimidate Success");
gmst["sIntimidateFail"] = ESM::Variant("Intimidate Fail");
gmst["sTauntSuccess"] = ESM::Variant("Taunt Success");
gmst["sTauntFail"] = ESM::Variant("Taunt Fail");
gmst["sBribeSuccess"] = ESM::Variant("Bribe Success");
gmst["sBribeFail"] = ESM::Variant("Bribe Fail");
gmst["fNPCHealthBarTime"] = ESM::Variant(5.f);
gmst["fNPCHealthBarFade"] = ESM::Variant(1.f);
gmst["fFleeDistance"] = ESM::Variant(3000.f);
gmst["sMaxSale"] = ESM::Variant("Max Sale");
gmst["sAnd"] = ESM::Variant("and");
// Werewolf (BM)
gmst["fWereWolfRunMult"] = ESM::Variant(1.3f);
gmst["fWereWolfSilverWeaponDamageMult"] = ESM::Variant(2.f);
gmst["iWerewolfFightMod"] = ESM::Variant(100);
gmst["iWereWolfFleeMod"] = ESM::Variant(100);
gmst["iWereWolfLevelToAttack"] = ESM::Variant(20);
gmst["iWereWolfBounty"] = ESM::Variant(1000);
gmst["fCombatDistanceWerewolfMod"] = ESM::Variant(0.3f);
for (const auto &params : gmst)
if (!mStore.get<ESM::GameSetting>().search(params.first))
ESM::GameSetting record;
record.mId = params.first;
record.mValue = params.second;
std::map<std::string, ESM::Variant> globals;
// vanilla Morrowind does not define dayspassed.
globals["dayspassed"] = ESM::Variant(1); // but the addons start counting at 1 :(
globals["werewolfclawmult"] = ESM::Variant(25.f);
globals["pcknownwerewolf"] = ESM::Variant(0);
// following should exist in all versions of MW, but not necessarily in TCs
globals["gamehour"] = ESM::Variant(0.f);
globals["timescale"] = ESM::Variant(30.f);
globals["day"] = ESM::Variant(1);
globals["month"] = ESM::Variant(1);
globals["year"] = ESM::Variant(1);
globals["pcrace"] = ESM::Variant(0);
globals["pchascrimegold"] = ESM::Variant(0);
globals["pchasgolddiscount"] = ESM::Variant(0);
globals["crimegolddiscount"] = ESM::Variant(0);
globals["crimegoldturnin"] = ESM::Variant(0);
globals["pchasturnin"] = ESM::Variant(0);
for (const auto &params : globals)
if (!mStore.get<ESM::Global>().search(params.first))
ESM::Global record;
record.mId = params.first;
record.mValue = params.second;
std::map<std::string, std::string> statics;
// Total conversions from SureAI lack marker records
statics["divinemarker"] = "marker_divine.nif";
statics["doormarker"] = "marker_arrow.nif";
statics["northmarker"] = "marker_north.nif";
statics["templemarker"] = "marker_temple.nif";
statics["travelmarker"] = "marker_travel.nif";
for (const auto &params : statics)
if (!mStore.get<ESM::Static>().search(params.first))
ESM::Static record;
record.mId = params.first;
record.mModel = params.second;
std::map<std::string, std::string> doors;
doors["prisonmarker"] = "marker_prison.nif";
for (const auto &params : doors)
if (!mStore.get<ESM::Door>().search(params.first))
ESM::Door record;
record.mId = params.first;
record.mModel = params.second;
// Must be cleared before mRendering is destroyed
const ESM::Cell *World::getExterior (const std::string& cellName) const
// first try named cells
const ESM::Cell *cell = mStore.get<ESM::Cell>().searchExtByName (cellName);
if (cell)
return cell;
// didn't work -> now check for regions
for (const ESM::Region &region : mStore.get<ESM::Region>())
if (Misc::StringUtils::ciEqual(cellName, region.mName))
return mStore.get<ESM::Cell>().searchExtByRegion(region.mId);
return nullptr;
CellStore *World::getExterior (int x, int y)
return mCells.getExterior (x, y);
CellStore *World::getInterior (const std::string& name)
return mCells.getInterior (name);
CellStore *World::getCell (const ESM::CellId& id)
if (id.mPaged)
return getExterior (id.mIndex.mX, id.mIndex.mY);
return getInterior (id.mWorldspace);
void World::useDeathCamera()
if(mRendering->getCamera()->isVanityOrPreviewModeEnabled() )
MWWorld::Player& World::getPlayer()
return *mPlayer;
const MWWorld::ESMStore& World::getStore() const
return mStore;
Start of tes3mp addition
Make it possible to get the World's ESMStore as a non-const
MWWorld::ESMStore& World::getModifiableStore()
return mStore;
End of tes3mp addition
std::vector<ESM::ESMReader>& World::getEsmReader()
return mEsm;
LocalScripts& World::getLocalScripts()
return mLocalScripts;
bool World::hasCellChanged() const
return mWorldScene->hasCellChanged();
void World::setGlobalInt (const std::string& name, int value)
if (name=="gamehour")
setHour (value);
else if (name=="day")
setDay (value);
else if (name=="month")
setMonth (value);
mGlobalVariables[name].setInteger (value);
void World::setGlobalFloat (const std::string& name, float value)
if (name=="gamehour")
setHour (value);
else if (name=="day")
else if (name=="month")
mGlobalVariables[name].setFloat (value);
int World::getGlobalInt (const std::string& name) const
return mGlobalVariables[name].getInteger();
float World::getGlobalFloat (const std::string& name) const
return mGlobalVariables[name].getFloat();
char World::getGlobalVariableType (const std::string& name) const
return mGlobalVariables.getType (name);
std::string World::getCellName (const MWWorld::CellStore *cell) const
if (!cell)
cell = mWorldScene->getCurrentCell();
if (!cell->getCell()->isExterior() || !cell->getCell()->mName.empty())
return cell->getCell()->mName;
if (const ESM::Region* region = mStore.get<ESM::Region>().search (cell->getCell()->mRegion))
return region->mName;
return mStore.get<ESM::GameSetting>().find ("sDefaultCellname")->mValue.getString();
void World::removeRefScript (MWWorld::RefData *ref)
mLocalScripts.remove (ref);
Ptr World::searchPtr (const std::string& name, bool activeOnly, bool searchInContainers)
Ptr ret;
// the player is always in an active cell.
if (name=="player")
return mPlayer->getPlayer();
std::string lowerCaseName = Misc::StringUtils::lowerCase(name);
for (CellStore* cellstore : mWorldScene->getActiveCells())
// TODO: caching still doesn't work efficiently here (only works for the one CellStore that the reference is in)
Ptr ptr = mCells.getPtr (lowerCaseName, *cellstore, false);
if (!ptr.isEmpty())
return ptr;
if (!activeOnly)
ret = mCells.getPtr (lowerCaseName);
if (!ret.isEmpty())
return ret;
if (searchInContainers)
for (CellStore* cellstore : mWorldScene->getActiveCells())
Ptr ptr = cellstore->searchInContainer(lowerCaseName);
if (!ptr.isEmpty())
return ptr;
Ptr ptr = mPlayer->getPlayer().getClass()
return ptr;
Ptr World::getPtr (const std::string& name, bool activeOnly)
Ptr ret = searchPtr(name, activeOnly);
if (!ret.isEmpty())
return ret;
throw std::runtime_error ("unknown ID: " + name);
Ptr World::searchPtrViaActorId (int actorId)
// The player is not registered in any CellStore so must be checked manually
if (actorId == getPlayerPtr().getClass().getCreatureStats(getPlayerPtr()).getActorId())
return getPlayerPtr();
// Now search cells
return mWorldScene->searchPtrViaActorId (actorId);
Start of tes3mp addition
Make it possible to find a Ptr in any active cell based on its refNum and mpNum
Ptr World::searchPtrViaUniqueIndex(int refNum, int mpNum)
for (Scene::CellStoreCollection::const_iterator iter(mWorldScene->getActiveCells().begin());
iter != mWorldScene->getActiveCells().end(); ++iter)
CellStore* cellStore = *iter;
MWWorld::Ptr ptrFound = cellStore->searchExact(refNum, mpNum);
if (ptrFound)
return ptrFound;
return nullptr;
End of tes3mp addition
Start of tes3mp addition
Make it possible to update all Ptrs in active cells that have a certain refId
void World::updatePtrsWithRefId(std::string refId)
for (Scene::CellStoreCollection::const_iterator iter(mWorldScene->getActiveCells().begin());
iter != mWorldScene->getActiveCells().end(); ++iter)
CellStore* cellStore = *iter;
for (auto &mergedRef : cellStore->getMergedRefs())
if (Misc::StringUtils::ciEqual(refId, mergedRef->mRef.getRefId()))
MWWorld::Ptr ptr(mergedRef, cellStore);
const ESM::Position* position = &ptr.getRefData().getPosition();
const unsigned int refNum = ptr.getCellRef().getRefNum().mIndex;
const unsigned int mpNum = ptr.getCellRef().getMpNum();
MWWorld::ManualRef* reference = new MWWorld::ManualRef(getStore(), refId, 1);
MWWorld::Ptr newPtr = placeObject(reference->getPtr(), cellStore, *position);
// Update Ptrs for LocalActors and DedicatedActors
if (newPtr.getClass().isActor())
if (mwmp::Main::get().getCellController()->isLocalActor(refNum, mpNum))
mwmp::Main::get().getCellController()->getLocalActor(refNum, mpNum)->setPtr(newPtr);
else if (mwmp::Main::get().getCellController()->isDedicatedActor(refNum, mpNum))
mwmp::Main::get().getCellController()->getDedicatedActor(refNum, mpNum)->setPtr(newPtr);
End of tes3mp addition
struct FindContainerVisitor
ConstPtr mContainedPtr;
Ptr mResult;
FindContainerVisitor(const ConstPtr& containedPtr) : mContainedPtr(containedPtr) {}
bool operator() (Ptr ptr)
if (mContainedPtr.getContainerStore() == &ptr.getClass().getContainerStore(ptr))
mResult = ptr;
return false;
return true;
Ptr World::findContainer(const ConstPtr& ptr)
if (ptr.isInCell())
return Ptr();
Ptr player = getPlayerPtr();
if (ptr.getContainerStore() == &player.getClass().getContainerStore(player))
return player;
for (CellStore* cellstore : mWorldScene->getActiveCells())
FindContainerVisitor visitor(ptr);
if (visitor.mResult.isEmpty())
if (visitor.mResult.isEmpty())
if (!visitor.mResult.isEmpty())
return visitor.mResult;
return Ptr();
void World::addContainerScripts(const Ptr& reference, CellStore * cell)
if( reference.getTypeName()==typeid (ESM::Container).name() ||
reference.getTypeName()==typeid (ESM::NPC).name() ||
reference.getTypeName()==typeid (ESM::Creature).name())
MWWorld::ContainerStore& container = reference.getClass().getContainerStore(reference);
for(MWWorld::ContainerStoreIterator it = container.begin(); it != container.end(); ++it)
std::string script = it->getClass().getScript(*it);
if(script != "")
MWWorld::Ptr item = *it;
item.mCell = cell;
mLocalScripts.add (script, item);
void World::enable (const Ptr& reference)
// enable is a no-op for items in containers
if (!reference.isInCell())
if (!reference.getRefData().isEnabled())
if(mWorldScene->getActiveCells().find (reference.getCell()) != mWorldScene->getActiveCells().end() && reference.getRefData().getCount())
mWorldScene->addObjectToScene (reference);
void World::removeContainerScripts(const Ptr& reference)
if( reference.getTypeName()==typeid (ESM::Container).name() ||
reference.getTypeName()==typeid (ESM::NPC).name() ||
reference.getTypeName()==typeid (ESM::Creature).name())
MWWorld::ContainerStore& container = reference.getClass().getContainerStore(reference);
for(MWWorld::ContainerStoreIterator it = container.begin(); it != container.end(); ++it)
std::string script = it->getClass().getScript(*it);
if(script != "")
MWWorld::Ptr item = *it;
mLocalScripts.remove (item);
void World::disable (const Ptr& reference)
// disable is a no-op for items in containers
if (!reference.isInCell())
if (reference.getRefData().isEnabled())
if (reference == getPlayerPtr())
throw std::runtime_error("can not disable player object");
if(mWorldScene->getActiveCells().find (reference.getCell())!=mWorldScene->getActiveCells().end() && reference.getRefData().getCount())
mWorldScene->removeObjectFromScene (reference);
void World::advanceTime (double hours, bool incremental)
MWBase::Environment::get().getMechanicsManager()->advanceTime(static_cast<float>(hours * 3600));
mWeatherManager->advanceTime (hours, incremental);
if (!incremental)
hours += mGameHour->getFloat();
setHour (hours);
int days = static_cast<int>(hours / 24);
if (days>0)
mDaysPassed->setInteger (
days + mDaysPassed->getInteger());
void World::setHour (double hour)
if (hour<0)
hour = 0;
int days = static_cast<int>(hour / 24);
hour = std::fmod (hour, 24);
if (days>0)
setDay (days + mDay->getInteger());
void World::setDay (int day)
if (day<1)
day = 1;
int month = mMonth->getInteger();
while (true)
int days = getDaysPerMonth (month);
if (day<=days)
if (month<11)
month = 0;
day -= days;
mRendering->skySetDate(day, month);
void World::setMonth (int month)
if (month<0)
month = 0;
int years = month / 12;
month = month % 12;
int days = getDaysPerMonth (month);
if (mDay->getInteger()>days)
mDay->setInteger (days);
mMonth->setInteger (month);
if (years>0)
mYear->setInteger (years+mYear->getInteger());
mRendering->skySetDate (mDay->getInteger(), month);
Start of tes3mp addition
Make it possible to set the year from elsewhere
void World::setYear(int year)
End of tes3mp addition
Start of tes3mp addition
Make it possible to set the number of days passed from elsewhere
void World::setDaysPassed(int days)
End of tes3mp addition
Start of tes3mp addition
Make it possible to set a custom timeScale from elsewhere
void World::setTimeScale(float timeScale)
End of tes3mp addition
int World::getDay() const
return mDay->getInteger();
int World::getMonth() const
return mMonth->getInteger();
int World::getYear() const
return mYear->getInteger();
std::string World::getMonthName (int month) const
if (month==-1)
month = getMonth();
const int months = 12;
if (month<0 || month>=months)
return "";
static const char *monthNames[months] =
"sMonthMorningstar", "sMonthSunsdawn", "sMonthFirstseed", "sMonthRainshand",
"sMonthSecondseed", "sMonthMidyear", "sMonthSunsheight", "sMonthLastseed",
"sMonthHeartfire", "sMonthFrostfall", "sMonthSunsdusk", "sMonthEveningstar"
return mStore.get<ESM::GameSetting>().find (monthNames[month])->mValue.getString();
TimeStamp World::getTimeStamp() const
return TimeStamp (mGameHour->getFloat(), mDaysPassed->getInteger());
bool World::toggleSky()
mSky = !mSky;
return mSky;
int World::getMasserPhase() const
return mRendering->skyGetMasserPhase();
int World::getSecundaPhase() const
return mRendering->skyGetSecundaPhase();
void World::setMoonColour (bool red)
mRendering->skySetMoonColour (red);
float World::getTimeScaleFactor() const
return mTimeScale->getFloat();
void World::changeToInteriorCell (const std::string& cellName, const ESM::Position& position, bool adjustPlayerPos, bool changeEvent)
if (changeEvent && mCurrentWorldSpace != cellName)
// changed worldspace
mCurrentWorldSpace = cellName;
mWorldScene->changeToInteriorCell(cellName, position, adjustPlayerPos, changeEvent);
addContainerScripts(getPlayerPtr(), getPlayerPtr().getCell());
void World::changeToExteriorCell (const ESM::Position& position, bool adjustPlayerPos, bool changeEvent)
if (changeEvent && mCurrentWorldSpace != ESM::CellId::sDefaultWorldspace)
// changed worldspace
mWorldScene->changeToExteriorCell(position, adjustPlayerPos, changeEvent);
addContainerScripts(getPlayerPtr(), getPlayerPtr().getCell());
void World::changeToCell (const ESM::CellId& cellId, const ESM::Position& position, bool adjustPlayerPos, bool changeEvent)
if (!changeEvent)
mCurrentWorldSpace = cellId.mWorldspace;
if (cellId.mPaged)
changeToExteriorCell (position, adjustPlayerPos, changeEvent);
changeToInteriorCell (cellId.mWorldspace, position, adjustPlayerPos, changeEvent);
void World::markCellAsUnchanged()
return mWorldScene->markCellAsUnchanged();
float World::getMaxActivationDistance ()
if (mActivationDistanceOverride >= 0)
return static_cast<float>(mActivationDistanceOverride);
static const int iMaxActivateDist = mStore.get<ESM::GameSetting>().find("iMaxActivateDist")->mValue.getInteger();
return static_cast<float>(iMaxActivateDist);
MWWorld::Ptr World::getFacedObject()
MWWorld::Ptr facedObject;
if (MWBase::Environment::get().getWindowManager()->isGuiMode() &&
facedObject = getFacedObject(getMaxActivationDistance() * 50, false);
float activationDistance = getActivationDistancePlusTelekinesis();
facedObject = getFacedObject(activationDistance, true);
if (!facedObject.isEmpty() && !facedObject.getClass().allowTelekinesis(facedObject)
&& mDistanceToFacedObject > getMaxActivationDistance() && !MWBase::Environment::get().getWindowManager()->isGuiMode())
return 0;
return facedObject;
float World::getDistanceToFacedObject()
return mDistanceToFacedObject;
osg::Matrixf World::getActorHeadTransform(const MWWorld::ConstPtr& actor) const
const MWRender::Animation *anim = mRendering->getAnimation(actor);
const osg::Node *node = anim->getNode("Head");
if(!node) node = anim->getNode("Bip01 Head");
osg::NodePathList nodepaths = node->getParentalNodePaths();
return osg::computeLocalToWorld(nodepaths[0]);
return osg::Matrixf::translate(actor.getRefData().getPosition().asVec3());
std::pair<MWWorld::Ptr,osg::Vec3f> World::getHitContact(const MWWorld::ConstPtr &ptr, float distance, std::vector<MWWorld::Ptr> &targets)
const ESM::Position &posdata = ptr.getRefData().getPosition();
osg::Quat rot = osg::Quat(posdata.rot[0], osg::Vec3f(-1,0,0)) * osg::Quat(posdata.rot[2], osg::Vec3f(0,0,-1));
osg::Vec3f halfExtents = mPhysics->getHalfExtents(ptr);
// the origin of hitbox is an actor's front, not center
distance += halfExtents.y();
// special cased for better aiming with the camera
// if we do not hit anything, will use the default approach as fallback
if (ptr == getPlayerPtr())
osg::Vec3f pos = getActorHeadTransform(ptr).getTrans();
std::pair<MWWorld::Ptr,osg::Vec3f> result = mPhysics->getHitContact(ptr, pos, rot, distance, targets);
return std::make_pair(result.first, result.second);
osg::Vec3f pos = ptr.getRefData().getPosition().asVec3();
// general case, compatible with all types of different creatures
// note: we intentionally do *not* use the collision box offset here, this is required to make
// some flying creatures work that have their collision box offset in the air
pos.z() += halfExtents.z();
std::pair<MWWorld::Ptr,osg::Vec3f> result = mPhysics->getHitContact(ptr, pos, rot, distance, targets);
return std::make_pair(MWWorld::Ptr(), osg::Vec3f());
return std::make_pair(result.first, result.second);
void World::deleteObject (const Ptr& ptr)
if (!ptr.getRefData().isDeleted() && ptr.getContainerStore() == nullptr)
if (ptr == getPlayerPtr())
throw std::runtime_error("can not delete player object");
if (ptr.isInCell()
&& mWorldScene->getActiveCells().find(ptr.getCell()) != mWorldScene->getActiveCells().end()
&& ptr.getRefData().isEnabled())
mWorldScene->removeObjectFromScene (ptr);
mLocalScripts.remove (ptr);
removeContainerScripts (ptr);
void World::undeleteObject(const Ptr& ptr)
if (!ptr.getCellRef().hasContentFile())
if (ptr.getRefData().isDeleted())
if (mWorldScene->getActiveCells().find(ptr.getCell()) != mWorldScene->getActiveCells().end()
&& ptr.getRefData().isEnabled())
std::string script = ptr.getClass().getScript(ptr);
if (!script.empty())
mLocalScripts.add(script, ptr);
addContainerScripts(ptr, ptr.getCell());
MWWorld::Ptr World::moveObject(const Ptr &ptr, CellStore* newCell, float x, float y, float z, bool movePhysics)
Start of tes3mp addition
If we choose to deny this move because it's part of an unapproved cell change, we should also revert the Ptr back to its
original coordinates, so keep track of them
ESM::Position originalPos = ptr.getRefData().getPosition();
End of tes3mp addition
ESM::Position pos = ptr.getRefData().getPosition();
pos.pos[0] = x;
pos.pos[1] = y;
pos.pos[2] = z;
osg::Vec3f vec(x, y, z);
CellStore *currCell = ptr.isInCell() ? ptr.getCell() : nullptr; // currCell == nullptr should only happen for player, during initial startup
bool isPlayer = ptr == mPlayer->getPlayer();
bool haveToMove = isPlayer || (currCell && mWorldScene->isCellActive(*currCell));
MWWorld::Ptr newPtr = ptr;
if (!isPlayer && !currCell)
throw std::runtime_error("Can not move actor \"" + ptr.getCellRef().getRefId() + "\" to another cell: current cell is nullptr");
if (!newCell)
throw std::runtime_error("Can not move actor \"" + ptr.getCellRef().getRefId() + "\" to another cell: new cell is nullptr");
if (currCell != newCell)
Start of tes3mp addition
Check if a DedicatedPlayer or DedicatedActor's new Ptr cell is the same as their packet cell, and deny the Ptr's movement and
cell change if it is not
if (mwmp::PlayerList::isDedicatedPlayer(ptr) &&
!mwmp::Main::get().getCellController()->isSameCell(mwmp::PlayerList::getPlayer(ptr)->cell, *newCell->getCell()))
return ptr;
else if (mwmp::Main::get().getCellController()->isDedicatedActor(ptr) &&
!mwmp::Main::get().getCellController()->isSameCell(mwmp::Main::get().getCellController()->getDedicatedActor(ptr)->cell, *newCell->getCell()))
return ptr;
End of tes3mp addition
if (isPlayer)
if (!newCell->isExterior())
changeToInteriorCell(Misc::StringUtils::lowerCase(newCell->getCell()->mName), pos, false);
if (mWorldScene->isCellActive(*newCell))
mWorldScene->changePlayerCell(newCell, pos, false);
mWorldScene->changeToExteriorCell(pos, false);
addContainerScripts (getPlayerPtr(), newCell);
newPtr = getPlayerPtr();
bool currCellActive = mWorldScene->isCellActive(*currCell);
bool newCellActive = mWorldScene->isCellActive(*newCell);
if (!currCellActive && newCellActive)
newPtr = currCell->moveTo(ptr, newCell);
std::string script = newPtr.getClass().getScript(newPtr);
if (!script.empty())
mLocalScripts.add(script, newPtr);
addContainerScripts(newPtr, newCell);
else if (!newCellActive && currCellActive)
removeContainerScripts (ptr);
haveToMove = false;
newPtr = currCell->moveTo(ptr, newCell);
else if (!currCellActive && !newCellActive)
newPtr = currCell->moveTo(ptr, newCell);
else // both cells active
newPtr = currCell->moveTo(ptr, newCell);
mRendering->updatePtr(ptr, newPtr);
MWBase::Environment::get().getSoundManager()->updatePtr (ptr, newPtr);
mPhysics->updatePtr(ptr, newPtr);
MWBase::MechanicsManager *mechMgr = MWBase::Environment::get().getMechanicsManager();
mechMgr->updateCell(ptr, newPtr);
std::string script =
if (!script.empty())
removeContainerScripts (ptr);
mLocalScripts.add(script, newPtr);
addContainerScripts (newPtr, newCell);
Start of tes3mp addition
Update the Ptrs of LocalActors, DedicatedPlayers and DedicatedActors
if (mwmp::Main::get().getCellController()->isLocalActor(ptr))
else if (mwmp::Main::get().getCellController()->isDedicatedActor(ptr))
else if (mwmp::PlayerList::isDedicatedPlayer(ptr))
End of tes3mp addition
if (haveToMove && newPtr.getRefData().getBaseNode())
mRendering->moveObject(newPtr, vec);
if (movePhysics)
mPhysics->updatePtr(ptr, newPtr);
if (const auto object = mPhysics->getObject(newPtr))
if (isPlayer)
return newPtr;
MWWorld::Ptr World::moveObjectImp(const Ptr& ptr, float x, float y, float z, bool movePhysics, bool moveToActive)
int cellX, cellY;
positionToIndex(x, y, cellX, cellY);
CellStore* cell = ptr.getCell();
CellStore* newCell = getExterior(cellX, cellY);
bool isCellActive = getPlayerPtr().isInCell() && getPlayerPtr().getCell()->isExterior() && mWorldScene->isCellActive(*newCell);
if (cell->isExterior() || (moveToActive && isCellActive && ptr.getClass().isActor()))
cell = newCell;
return moveObject(ptr, cell, x, y, z, movePhysics);
MWWorld::Ptr World::moveObject (const Ptr& ptr, float x, float y, float z, bool moveToActive)
return moveObjectImp(ptr, x, y, z, true, moveToActive);
void World::scaleObject (const Ptr& ptr, float scale)
if (mPhysics->getActor(ptr))
if (mPhysics->getActor(ptr))
else if (const auto object = mPhysics->getObject(ptr))
mShouldUpdateNavigator = updateNavigatorObject(object) || mShouldUpdateNavigator;
void World::rotateObjectImp (const Ptr& ptr, const osg::Vec3f& rot, bool adjust)
const float pi = static_cast<float>(osg::PI);
ESM::Position pos = ptr.getRefData().getPosition();
float *objRot = pos.rot;
objRot[0] += rot.x();
objRot[1] += rot.y();
objRot[2] += rot.z();
objRot[0] = rot.x();
objRot[1] = rot.y();
objRot[2] = rot.z();
/* HACK? Actors shouldn't really be rotating around X (or Y), but
* currently it's done so for rotating the camera, which needs
* clamping.
const float half_pi = pi/2.f;
if(objRot[0] < -half_pi) objRot[0] = -half_pi;
else if(objRot[0] > half_pi) objRot[0] = half_pi;
if(ptr.getRefData().getBaseNode() != 0)
mWorldScene->updateObjectRotation(ptr, true);
if (const auto object = mPhysics->getObject(ptr))
void World::adjustPosition(const Ptr &ptr, bool force)
osg::Vec3f pos (ptr.getRefData().getPosition().asVec3());
// will be adjusted when Ptr's cell becomes active
float terrainHeight = -std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
if (ptr.getCell()->isExterior())
terrainHeight = getTerrainHeightAt(pos);
if (pos.z() < terrainHeight)
pos.z() = terrainHeight;
pos.z() += 20; // place slightly above. will snap down to ground with code below
if (force || !ptr.getClass().isActor() || (!isFlying(ptr) && !isSwimming(ptr) && isActorCollisionEnabled(ptr)))
osg::Vec3f traced = mPhysics->traceDown(ptr, pos, Constants::CellSizeInUnits);
if (traced.z() < pos.z())
pos.z() = traced.z();
moveObject(ptr, ptr.getCell(), pos.x(), pos.y(), pos.z());
void World::fixPosition()
const MWWorld::Ptr actor = getPlayerPtr();
const float distance = 128.f;
ESM::Position esmPos = actor.getRefData().getPosition();
osg::Quat orientation(esmPos.rot[2], osg::Vec3f(0,0,-1));
osg::Vec3f pos (esmPos.asVec3());
int direction = 0;
int fallbackDirections[4] = {direction, (direction+3)%4, (direction+2)%4, (direction+1)%4};
osg::Vec3f targetPos = pos;
for (int i=0; i<4; ++i)
direction = fallbackDirections[i];
if (direction == 0) targetPos = pos + (orientation * osg::Vec3f(0,1,0)) * distance;
else if(direction == 1) targetPos = pos - (orientation * osg::Vec3f(0,1,0)) * distance;
else if(direction == 2) targetPos = pos - (orientation * osg::Vec3f(1,0,0)) * distance;
else if(direction == 3) targetPos = pos + (orientation * osg::Vec3f(1,0,0)) * distance;
// destination is free
if (!castRay(pos.x(), pos.y(), pos.z(), targetPos.x(), targetPos.y(), targetPos.z()))
targetPos.z() += distance / 2.f; // move up a bit to get out from geometry, will snap down later
osg::Vec3f traced = mPhysics->traceDown(actor, targetPos, Constants::CellSizeInUnits);
if (traced != pos)
esmPos.pos[0] = traced.x();
esmPos.pos[1] = traced.y();
esmPos.pos[2] = traced.z();
MWWorld::ActionTeleport(actor.getCell()->isExterior() ? "" : actor.getCell()->getCell()->mName, esmPos, false).execute(actor);
void World::rotateObject (const Ptr& ptr,float x,float y,float z, bool adjust)
rotateObjectImp(ptr, osg::Vec3f(x, y, z), adjust);
void World::rotateWorldObject (const Ptr& ptr, osg::Quat rotate)
if(ptr.getRefData().getBaseNode() != 0)
mRendering->rotateObject(ptr, rotate);
if (const auto object = mPhysics->getObject(ptr))
MWWorld::Ptr World::placeObject(const MWWorld::ConstPtr& ptr, MWWorld::CellStore* cell, ESM::Position pos)
return copyObjectToCell(ptr,cell,pos,ptr.getRefData().getCount(),false);
MWWorld::Ptr World::safePlaceObject(const ConstPtr &ptr, const ConstPtr &referenceObject, MWWorld::CellStore* referenceCell, int direction, float distance)
ESM::Position ipos = referenceObject.getRefData().getPosition();
osg::Vec3f pos(ipos.asVec3());
osg::Quat orientation(ipos.rot[2], osg::Vec3f(0,0,-1));
int fallbackDirections[4] = {direction, (direction+3)%4, (direction+2)%4, (direction+1)%4};
osg::Vec3f spawnPoint = pos;
for (int i=0; i<4; ++i)
direction = fallbackDirections[i];
if (direction == 0) spawnPoint = pos + (orientation * osg::Vec3f(0,1,0)) * distance;
else if(direction == 1) spawnPoint = pos - (orientation * osg::Vec3f(0,1,0)) * distance;
else if(direction == 2) spawnPoint = pos - (orientation * osg::Vec3f(1,0,0)) * distance;
else if(direction == 3) spawnPoint = pos + (orientation * osg::Vec3f(1,0,0)) * distance;
if (!ptr.getClass().isActor())
// check if spawn point is safe, fall back to another direction if not
spawnPoint.z() += 30; // move up a little to account for slopes, will snap down later
if (!castRay(spawnPoint.x(), spawnPoint.y(), spawnPoint.z(),
pos.x(), pos.y(), pos.z() + 20))
// safe
ipos.pos[0] = spawnPoint.x();
ipos.pos[1] = spawnPoint.y();
ipos.pos[2] = spawnPoint.z();
if (!referenceObject.getClass().isActor())
ipos.rot[0] = referenceObject.getRefData().getPosition().rot[0];
ipos.rot[1] = referenceObject.getRefData().getPosition().rot[1];
ipos.rot[0] = 0;
ipos.rot[1] = 0;
ipos.rot[2] = referenceObject.getRefData().getPosition().rot[2];
MWWorld::Ptr placed = copyObjectToCell(ptr, referenceCell, ipos, ptr.getRefData().getCount(), false);
adjustPosition(placed, true); // snap to ground
return placed;
void World::indexToPosition (int cellX, int cellY, float &x, float &y, bool centre) const
const int cellSize = Constants::CellSizeInUnits;
x = static_cast<float>(cellSize * cellX);
y = static_cast<float>(cellSize * cellY);
if (centre)
x += cellSize/2;
y += cellSize/2;
void World::positionToIndex (float x, float y, int &cellX, int &cellY) const
cellX = static_cast<int>(std::floor(x / Constants::CellSizeInUnits));
cellY = static_cast<int>(std::floor(y / Constants::CellSizeInUnits));
void World::queueMovement(const Ptr &ptr, const osg::Vec3f &velocity)
mPhysics->queueObjectMovement(ptr, velocity);
Start of tes3mp addition
Make it possible to set the inertial force of a Ptr directly
void World::setInertialForce(const Ptr& ptr, const osg::Vec3f &force)
MWPhysics::Actor *actor = mPhysics->getActor(ptr);
End of tes3mp addition
Start of tes3mp addition
Make it possible to set the physics framerate from elsewhere
void World::setPhysicsFramerate(float physFramerate)
End of tes3mp addition
void World::updateAnimatedCollisionShape(const Ptr &ptr)
void World::doPhysics(float duration)
const MWPhysics::PtrVelocityList &results = mPhysics->applyQueuedMovement(duration);
MWPhysics::PtrVelocityList::const_iterator player(results.end());
for(MWPhysics::PtrVelocityList::const_iterator iter(results.begin());iter != results.end();++iter)
if(iter->first == getPlayerPtr())
// Handle player last, in case a cell transition occurs
player = iter;
moveObjectImp(iter->first, iter->second.x(), iter->second.y(), iter->second.z(), false);
if(player != results.end())
moveObjectImp(player->first, player->second.x(), player->second.y(), player->second.z(), false);
void World::updateNavigator()
mPhysics->forEachAnimatedObject([&] (const MWPhysics::Object* object)
mShouldUpdateNavigator = updateNavigatorObject(object) || mShouldUpdateNavigator;
for (const auto& door : mDoorStates)
if (const auto object = mPhysics->getObject(door.first))
mShouldUpdateNavigator = updateNavigatorObject(object) || mShouldUpdateNavigator;
if (mShouldUpdateNavigator)
mShouldUpdateNavigator = false;
bool World::updateNavigatorObject(const MWPhysics::Object* object)
const DetourNavigator::ObjectShapes shapes {
return mNavigator->updateObject(DetourNavigator::ObjectId(object), shapes, object->getCollisionObject()->getWorldTransform());
bool World::castRay (float x1, float y1, float z1, float x2, float y2, float z2)
int mask = MWPhysics::CollisionType_World | MWPhysics::CollisionType_Door;
bool result = castRay(x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, mask);
return result;
bool World::castRay (float x1, float y1, float z1, float x2, float y2, float z2, int mask)
osg::Vec3f a(x1,y1,z1);
osg::Vec3f b(x2,y2,z2);
MWPhysics::PhysicsSystem::RayResult result = mPhysics->castRay(a, b, MWWorld::Ptr(), std::vector<MWWorld::Ptr>(), mask);
return result.mHit;
bool World::rotateDoor(const Ptr door, MWWorld::DoorState state, float duration)
const ESM::Position& objPos = door.getRefData().getPosition();
float oldRot = objPos.rot[2];
float minRot = door.getCellRef().getPosition().rot[2];
float maxRot = minRot + osg::DegreesToRadians(90.f);
float diff = duration * osg::DegreesToRadians(90.f);
float targetRot = std::min(std::max(minRot, oldRot + diff * (state == MWWorld::DoorState::Opening ? 1 : -1)), maxRot);
rotateObject(door, objPos.rot[0], objPos.rot[1], targetRot);
bool reached = (targetRot == maxRot && state != MWWorld::DoorState::Idle) || targetRot == minRot;
/// \todo should use convexSweepTest here
bool collisionWithActor = false;
std::vector<MWWorld::Ptr> collisions = mPhysics->getCollisions(door, MWPhysics::CollisionType_Door, MWPhysics::CollisionType_Actor);
for (MWWorld::Ptr& ptr : collisions)
if (ptr.getClass().isActor())
collisionWithActor = true;
// Collided with actor, ask actor to try to avoid door
if(ptr != getPlayerPtr() )
MWMechanics::AiSequence& seq = ptr.getClass().getCreatureStats(ptr).getAiSequence();
if(seq.getTypeId() != MWMechanics::AiPackage::TypeIdAvoidDoor) //Only add it once
// we need to undo the rotation
rotateObject(door, objPos.rot[0], objPos.rot[1], oldRot);
reached = false;
// Cancel door closing sound if collision with actor is detected
if (collisionWithActor)
const ESM::Door* ref = door.get<ESM::Door>()->mBase;
if (state == MWWorld::DoorState::Opening)
const std::string& openSound = ref->mOpenSound;
if (!openSound.empty() && MWBase::Environment::get().getSoundManager()->getSoundPlaying(door, openSound))
MWBase::Environment::get().getSoundManager()->stopSound3D(door, openSound);
else if (state == MWWorld::DoorState::Closing)
const std::string& closeSound = ref->mCloseSound;
if (!closeSound.empty() && MWBase::Environment::get().getSoundManager()->getSoundPlaying(door, closeSound))
MWBase::Environment::get().getSoundManager()->stopSound3D(door, closeSound);
// the rotation order we want to use
mWorldScene->updateObjectRotation(door, false);
return reached;
void World::processDoors(float duration)
auto it = mDoorStates.begin();
while (it != mDoorStates.end())
if (!mWorldScene->isCellActive(*it->first.getCell()) || !it->first.getRefData().getBaseNode())
// The door is no longer in an active cell, or it was disabled.
// Erase from mDoorStates, since we no longer need to move it.
// Once we load the door's cell again (or re-enable the door), Door::insertObject will reinsert to mDoorStates.
bool reached = rotateDoor(it->first, it->second, duration);
if (reached)
// Mark as non-moving
it->first.getClass().setDoorState(it->first, MWWorld::DoorState::Idle);
void World::setActorCollisionMode(const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr, bool internal, bool external)
MWPhysics::Actor *physicActor = mPhysics->getActor(ptr);
if (physicActor && physicActor->getCollisionMode() != internal)
bool World::isActorCollisionEnabled(const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr)
MWPhysics::Actor *physicActor = mPhysics->getActor(ptr);
return physicActor && physicActor->getCollisionMode();
bool World::toggleCollisionMode()
if (mPhysics->toggleCollisionMode())
adjustPosition(getPlayerPtr(), true);
return true;
return false;
bool World::toggleRenderMode (MWRender::RenderMode mode)
switch (mode)
case MWRender::Render_CollisionDebug:
return mPhysics->toggleDebugRendering();
return mRendering->toggleRenderMode(mode);
const ESM::Potion *World::createRecord (const ESM::Potion& record)
return mStore.insert(record);
const ESM::Class *World::createRecord (const ESM::Class& record)
return mStore.insert(record);
const ESM::Spell *World::createRecord (const ESM::Spell& record)
return mStore.insert(record);
const ESM::Cell *World::createRecord (const ESM::Cell& record)
return mStore.insert(record);
const ESM::CreatureLevList *World::createOverrideRecord(const ESM::CreatureLevList &record)
return mStore.overrideRecord(record);
const ESM::ItemLevList *World::createOverrideRecord(const ESM::ItemLevList &record)
return mStore.overrideRecord(record);
const ESM::NPC *World::createRecord(const ESM::NPC &record)
bool update = false;
if (Misc::StringUtils::ciEqual(record.mId, "player"))
const ESM::NPC *player =
update = record.isMale() != player->isMale() ||
!Misc::StringUtils::ciEqual(record.mRace, player->mRace) ||
!Misc::StringUtils::ciEqual(record.mHead, player->mHead) ||
!Misc::StringUtils::ciEqual(record.mHair, player->mHair);
const ESM::NPC *ret = mStore.insert(record);
if (update) {
return ret;
const ESM::Creature *World::createRecord(const ESM::Creature &record)
return mStore.insert(record);
const ESM::Armor *World::createRecord (const ESM::Armor& record)
return mStore.insert(record);
const ESM::Weapon *World::createRecord (const ESM::Weapon& record)
return mStore.insert(record);
const ESM::Clothing *World::createRecord (const ESM::Clothing& record)
return mStore.insert(record);
const ESM::Enchantment *World::createRecord (const ESM::Enchantment& record)
return mStore.insert(record);
const ESM::Book *World::createRecord (const ESM::Book& record)
return mStore.insert(record);
void World::update (float duration, bool paused)
if (mGoToJail && !paused)
// Reset "traveling" flag - there was a frame to detect traveling.
mPlayerTraveling = false;
// The same thing for "in jail" flag: reset it if:
// 1. Player was in jail
// 2. Jailing window was closed
if (mPlayerInJail && !mGoToJail && !MWBase::Environment::get().getWindowManager()->containsMode(MWGui::GM_Jail))
mPlayerInJail = false;
updateWeather(duration, paused);
if (!paused)
mWorldScene->update (duration, paused);
mSpellPreloadTimer -= duration;
if (mSpellPreloadTimer <= 0.f)
mSpellPreloadTimer = 0.1f;
void World::updatePhysics (float duration, bool paused)
if (!paused)
doPhysics (duration);
void World::updatePlayer()
MWWorld::Ptr player = getPlayerPtr();
// TODO: move to MWWorld::Player
if (player.getCell()->isExterior())
ESM::Position pos = player.getRefData().getPosition();
bool isWerewolf = player.getClass().getNpcStats(player).isWerewolf();
bool isFirstPerson = mRendering->getCamera()->isFirstPerson();
if (isWerewolf && isFirstPerson)
float werewolfFov = Fallback::Map::getFloat("General_Werewolf_FOV");
if (werewolfFov != 0)
// Sink the camera while sneaking
bool sneaking = player.getClass().getCreatureStats(getPlayerPtr()).getStance(MWMechanics::CreatureStats::Stance_Sneak);
bool swimming = isSwimming(player);
bool flying = isFlying(player);
static const float i1stPersonSneakDelta = mStore.get<ESM::GameSetting>().find("i1stPersonSneakDelta")->mValue.getFloat();
if (sneaking && !swimming && !flying)
int blind = static_cast<int>(player.getClass().getCreatureStats(player).getMagicEffects().get(ESM::MagicEffect::Blind).getMagnitude());
MWBase::Environment::get().getWindowManager()->setBlindness(std::max(0, std::min(100, blind)));
int nightEye = static_cast<int>(player.getClass().getCreatureStats(player).getMagicEffects().get(ESM::MagicEffect::NightEye).getMagnitude());
mRendering->setNightEyeFactor(std::min(1.f, (nightEye/100.f)));
osg::Vec3f focal, camera;
mRendering->getCamera()->getPosition(focal, camera);
float radius = mRendering->getNearClipDistance()*2.5f;
MWPhysics::PhysicsSystem::RayResult result = mPhysics->castSphere(focal, camera, radius);
if (result.mHit)
mRendering->getCamera()->setCameraDistance((result.mHitPos - focal).length() - radius, false, false);
void World::preloadSpells()
std::string selectedSpell = MWBase::Environment::get().getWindowManager()->getSelectedSpell();
if (!selectedSpell.empty())
const ESM::Spell* spell = mStore.get<ESM::Spell>().search(selectedSpell);
if (spell)
const MWWorld::Ptr& selectedEnchantItem = MWBase::Environment::get().getWindowManager()->getSelectedEnchantItem();
if (!selectedEnchantItem.isEmpty())
std::string enchantId = selectedEnchantItem.getClass().getEnchantment(selectedEnchantItem);
if (!enchantId.empty())
const ESM::Enchantment* ench = mStore.get<ESM::Enchantment>().search(selectedEnchantItem.getClass().getEnchantment(selectedEnchantItem));
if (ench)
const MWWorld::Ptr& selectedWeapon = MWBase::Environment::get().getWindowManager()->getSelectedWeapon();
if (!selectedWeapon.isEmpty())
std::string enchantId = selectedWeapon.getClass().getEnchantment(selectedWeapon);
if (!enchantId.empty())
const ESM::Enchantment* ench = mStore.get<ESM::Enchantment>().search(enchantId);
if (ench && ench->mData.mType == ESM::Enchantment::WhenStrikes)
void World::updateSoundListener()
const ESM::Position& refpos = getPlayerPtr().getRefData().getPosition();
osg::Vec3f listenerPos;
if (isFirstPerson())
listenerPos = mRendering->getCameraPosition();
listenerPos = refpos.asVec3() + osg::Vec3f(0, 0, 1.85f * mPhysics->getHalfExtents(getPlayerPtr()).z());
osg::Quat listenerOrient = osg::Quat(refpos.rot[1], osg::Vec3f(0,-1,0)) *
osg::Quat(refpos.rot[0], osg::Vec3f(-1,0,0)) *
osg::Quat(refpos.rot[2], osg::Vec3f(0,0,-1));
osg::Vec3f forward = listenerOrient * osg::Vec3f(0,1,0);
osg::Vec3f up = listenerOrient * osg::Vec3f(0,0,1);
bool underwater = isUnderwater(getPlayerPtr().getCell(), mRendering->getCameraPosition());
MWBase::Environment::get().getSoundManager()->setListenerPosDir(listenerPos, forward, up, underwater);
void World::updateWindowManager ()
// inform the GUI about focused object
MWWorld::Ptr object = getFacedObject ();
// retrieve object dimensions so we know where to place the floating label
if (!object.isEmpty ())
osg::Vec4f screenBounds = mRendering->getScreenBounds(object);
screenBounds.x(), screenBounds.y(), screenBounds.z(), screenBounds.w());
catch (std::exception& e)
Log(Debug::Error) << "Error updating window manager: " << e.what();
MWWorld::Ptr World::getFacedObject(float maxDistance, bool ignorePlayer)
const float camDist = mRendering->getCameraDistance();
maxDistance += camDist;
MWWorld::Ptr facedObject;
MWRender::RenderingManager::RayResult rayToObject;
if (MWBase::Environment::get().getWindowManager()->isGuiMode())
float x, y;
MWBase::Environment::get().getWindowManager()->getMousePosition(x, y);
rayToObject = mRendering->castCameraToViewportRay(x, y, maxDistance, ignorePlayer);
rayToObject = mRendering->castCameraToViewportRay(0.5f, 0.5f, maxDistance, ignorePlayer);
facedObject = rayToObject.mHitObject;
if (rayToObject.mHit)
mDistanceToFacedObject = (rayToObject.mRatio * maxDistance) - camDist;
mDistanceToFacedObject = -1;
return facedObject;
bool World::isCellExterior() const
const CellStore *currentCell = mWorldScene->getCurrentCell();
if (currentCell)
return currentCell->getCell()->isExterior();
return false;
bool World::isCellQuasiExterior() const
const CellStore *currentCell = mWorldScene->getCurrentCell();
if (currentCell)
if (!(currentCell->getCell()->mData.mFlags & ESM::Cell::QuasiEx))
return false;
return true;
return false;
int World::getCurrentWeather() const
return mWeatherManager->getWeatherID();
unsigned int World::getNightDayMode() const
return mWeatherManager->getNightDayMode();
void World::changeWeather(const std::string& region, const unsigned int id)
mWeatherManager->changeWeather(region, id);
Start of tes3mp addition
Make it possible to set a specific weather state for a region from elsewhere
in the code
void World::setRegionWeather(const std::string& region, const unsigned int currentWeather, const unsigned int nextWeather,
const unsigned int queuedWeather, const float transitionFactor, bool force)
mWeatherManager->setRegionWeather(region, currentWeather, nextWeather, queuedWeather, transitionFactor, force);
End of tes3mp addition
Start of tes3mp addition
Make it possible to check whether the local WeatherManager has the
ability to create weather changes
bool World::getWeatherCreationState()
return mWeatherManager->getWeatherCreationState();
End of tes3mp addition
Start of tes3mp addition
Make it possible to enable and disable the local WeatherManager's ability
to create weather changes
void World::setWeatherCreationState(bool state)
End of tes3mp addition
Start of tes3mp addition
Make it possible to send the current weather in a WorldWeather packet
when requested from elsewhere in the code
void World::sendWeather()
End of tes3mp addition
void World::modRegion(const std::string &regionid, const std::vector<char> &chances)
mWeatherManager->modRegion(regionid, chances);
osg::Vec2f World::getNorthVector (const CellStore* cell)
MWWorld::ConstPtr northmarker = cell->searchConst("northmarker");
if (northmarker.isEmpty())
return osg::Vec2f(0, 1);
osg::Quat orient (-northmarker.getRefData().getPosition().rot[2], osg::Vec3f(0,0,1));
osg::Vec3f dir = orient * osg::Vec3f(0,1,0);
osg::Vec2f d (dir.x(), dir.y());
return d;
struct GetDoorMarkerVisitor
GetDoorMarkerVisitor(std::vector<World::DoorMarker>& out)
: mOut(out)
std::vector<World::DoorMarker>& mOut;
bool operator()(const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr)
MWWorld::LiveCellRef<ESM::Door>& ref = *static_cast<MWWorld::LiveCellRef<ESM::Door>* >(ptr.getBase());
if (!ref.mData.isEnabled() || ref.mData.isDeleted())
return true;
if (ref.mRef.getTeleport())
World::DoorMarker newMarker; = MWClass::Door::getDestination(ref);
ESM::CellId cellid;
if (!ref.mRef.getDestCell().empty())
cellid.mWorldspace = ref.mRef.getDestCell();
cellid.mPaged = false;
cellid.mIndex.mX = 0;
cellid.mIndex.mY = 0;
cellid.mPaged = true;
newMarker.dest = cellid;
ESM::Position pos = ref.mData.getPosition ();
newMarker.x = pos.pos[0];
newMarker.y = pos.pos[1];
return true;
void World::getDoorMarkers (CellStore* cell, std::vector<World::DoorMarker>& out)
GetDoorMarkerVisitor visitor(out);
void World::setWaterHeight(const float height)
bool World::toggleWater()
return mRendering->toggleRenderMode(MWRender::Render_Water);
bool World::toggleWorld()
return mRendering->toggleRenderMode(MWRender::Render_Scene);
bool World::toggleBorders()
return mRendering->toggleBorders();
void World::PCDropped (const Ptr& item)
std::string script = item.getClass().getScript(item);
// Set OnPCDrop Variable on item's script, if it has a script with that variable declared
if(script != "")
item.getRefData().getLocals().setVarByInt(script, "onpcdrop", 1);
MWWorld::Ptr World::placeObject (const MWWorld::ConstPtr& object, float cursorX, float cursorY, int amount)
const float maxDist = 200.f;
MWRender::RenderingManager::RayResult result = mRendering->castCameraToViewportRay(cursorX, cursorY, maxDist, true, true);
CellStore* cell = getPlayerPtr().getCell();
ESM::Position pos = getPlayerPtr().getRefData().getPosition();
if (result.mHit)
pos.pos[0] = result.mHitPointWorld.x();
pos.pos[1] = result.mHitPointWorld.y();
pos.pos[2] = result.mHitPointWorld.z();
// We want only the Z part of the player's rotation
pos.rot[0] = 0;
pos.rot[1] = 0;
// copy the object and set its count
Ptr dropped = copyObjectToCell(object, cell, pos, amount, true);
// only the player place items in the world, so no need to check actor
return dropped;
bool World::canPlaceObject(float cursorX, float cursorY)
const float maxDist = 200.f;
MWRender::RenderingManager::RayResult result = mRendering->castCameraToViewportRay(cursorX, cursorY, maxDist, true, true);
if (result.mHit)
// check if the wanted position is on a flat surface, and not e.g. against a vertical wall
if (std::acos((result.mHitNormalWorld/result.mHitNormalWorld.length()) * osg::Vec3f(0,0,1)) >= osg::DegreesToRadians(30.f))
return false;
return true;
return false;
Ptr World::copyObjectToCell(const ConstPtr &object, CellStore* cell, ESM::Position pos, int count, bool adjustPos)
if (cell->isExterior())
int cellX, cellY;
positionToIndex(pos.pos[0], pos.pos[1], cellX, cellY);
cell = mCells.getExterior(cellX, cellY);
MWWorld::Ptr dropped =
object.getClass().copyToCell(object, *cell, pos, count);
// Reset some position values that could be uninitialized if this item came from a container
if (mWorldScene->isCellActive(*cell)) {
if (dropped.getRefData().isEnabled()) {
std::string script = dropped.getClass().getScript(dropped);
if (!script.empty()) {
mLocalScripts.add(script, dropped);
addContainerScripts(dropped, cell);
if (!object.getClass().isActor() && adjustPos && dropped.getRefData().getBaseNode())
// Adjust position so the location we wanted ends up in the middle of the object bounding box
osg::ComputeBoundsVisitor computeBounds;
osg::BoundingBox bounds = computeBounds.getBoundingBox();
if (bounds.valid())
bounds.set(bounds._min - pos.asVec3(), bounds._max - pos.asVec3());
osg::Vec3f adjust (
(bounds.xMin() + bounds.xMax()) / 2,
(bounds.yMin() + bounds.yMax()) / 2,
pos.pos[0] -= adjust.x();
pos.pos[1] -= adjust.y();
pos.pos[2] -= adjust.z();
moveObject(dropped, pos.pos[0], pos.pos[1], pos.pos[2]);
return dropped;
MWWorld::Ptr World::dropObjectOnGround (const Ptr& actor, const ConstPtr& object, int amount)
MWWorld::CellStore* cell = actor.getCell();
ESM::Position pos =
// We want only the Z part of the actor's rotation
pos.rot[0] = 0;
pos.rot[1] = 0;
osg::Vec3f orig = pos.asVec3();
orig.z() += 20;
osg::Vec3f dir (0, 0, -1);
float len = 1000000.0;
MWRender::RenderingManager::RayResult result = mRendering->castRay(orig, orig+dir*len, true, true);
if (result.mHit)
pos.pos[2] = result.mHitPointWorld.z();
// copy the object and set its count
Ptr dropped = copyObjectToCell(object, cell, pos, amount, true);
if(actor == mPlayer->getPlayer()) // Only call if dropped by player
return dropped;
void World::processChangedSettings(const Settings::CategorySettingVector& settings)
bool World::isFlying(const MWWorld::Ptr &ptr) const
return false;
const MWMechanics::CreatureStats &stats = ptr.getClass().getCreatureStats(ptr);
if (stats.isDead())
return false;
if (ptr.getClass().canFly(ptr))
return !stats.isParalyzed();
if(stats.getMagicEffects().get(ESM::MagicEffect::Levitate).getMagnitude() > 0
&& isLevitationEnabled())
return true;
const MWPhysics::Actor* actor = mPhysics->getActor(ptr);
return true;
return false;
bool World::isSlowFalling(const MWWorld::Ptr &ptr) const
return false;
const MWMechanics::CreatureStats &stats = ptr.getClass().getCreatureStats(ptr);
if(stats.getMagicEffects().get(ESM::MagicEffect::SlowFall).getMagnitude() > 0)
return true;
return false;
bool World::isSubmerged(const MWWorld::ConstPtr &object) const
return isUnderwater(object, 1.0f/mSwimHeightScale);
bool World::isSwimming(const MWWorld::ConstPtr &object) const
return isUnderwater(object, mSwimHeightScale);
bool World::isWading(const MWWorld::ConstPtr &object) const
const float kneeDeep = 0.25f;
return isUnderwater(object, kneeDeep);
bool World::isUnderwater(const MWWorld::ConstPtr &object, const float heightRatio) const
osg::Vec3f pos (object.getRefData().getPosition().asVec3());
pos.z() += heightRatio*2*mPhysics->getRenderingHalfExtents(object).z();
const CellStore *currCell = object.isInCell() ? object.getCell() : nullptr; // currCell == nullptr should only happen for player, during initial startup
return isUnderwater(currCell, pos);
bool World::isUnderwater(const MWWorld::CellStore* cell, const osg::Vec3f &pos) const
if (!cell)
return false;
if (!(cell->getCell()->hasWater())) {
return false;
return pos.z() < cell->getWaterLevel();
bool World::isWaterWalkingCastableOnTarget(const MWWorld::ConstPtr &target) const
const MWWorld::CellStore* cell = target.getCell();
if (!cell->getCell()->hasWater())
return true;
float waterlevel = cell->getWaterLevel();
// SwimHeightScale affects the upper z position an actor can swim to
// while in water. Based on observation from the original engine,
// the upper z position you get with a +1 SwimHeightScale is the depth
// limit for being able to cast water walking on an underwater target.
if (isUnderwater(target, mSwimHeightScale + 1) || (isUnderwater(cell, target.getRefData().getPosition().asVec3()) && !mPhysics->canMoveToWaterSurface(target, waterlevel)))
return false; // not castable if too deep or if not enough room to move actor to surface
return true;
bool World::isOnGround(const MWWorld::Ptr &ptr) const
return mPhysics->isOnGround(ptr);
void World::togglePOV()
bool World::isFirstPerson() const
return mRendering->getCamera()->isFirstPerson();
void World::togglePreviewMode(bool enable)
bool World::toggleVanityMode(bool enable)
return mRendering->toggleVanityMode(enable);
void World::allowVanityMode(bool allow)
void World::changeVanityModeScale(float factor)
bool World::vanityRotateCamera(float * rot)
return mRendering->vanityRotateCamera(rot);
void World::setCameraDistance(float dist, bool adjust, bool override_)
mRendering->setCameraDistance(dist, adjust, override_);
void World::setupPlayer()
const ESM::NPC *player = mStore.get<ESM::NPC>().find("player");
if (!mPlayer)
mPlayer.reset(new MWWorld::Player(player));
// Remove the old CharacterController
Ptr ptr = mPlayer->getPlayer();
void World::renderPlayer()
MWWorld::Ptr player = getPlayerPtr();
MWRender::NpcAnimation* anim = static_cast<MWRender::NpcAnimation*>(mRendering->getAnimation(player));
player.getClass().getInventoryStore(player).setInvListener(anim, player);
scaleObject(player, player.getCellRef().getScale()); // apply race height
rotateObject(player, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f, true);
std::string model = getPlayerPtr().getClass().getModel(getPlayerPtr());
model = Misc::ResourceHelpers::correctActorModelPath(model, mResourceSystem->getVFS());
mPhysics->addActor(getPlayerPtr(), model);
mDefaultHalfExtents = mPhysics->getOriginalHalfExtents(getPlayerPtr());
World::RestPermitted World::canRest () const
CellStore *currentCell = mWorldScene->getCurrentCell();
Ptr player = mPlayer->getPlayer();
RefData &refdata = player.getRefData();
osg::Vec3f playerPos(refdata.getPosition().asVec3());
const MWPhysics::Actor* actor = mPhysics->getActor(player);
if (!actor)
throw std::runtime_error("can't find player");
return Rest_EnemiesAreNearby;
if (isUnderwater(currentCell, playerPos) || isWalkingOnWater(player))
return Rest_PlayerIsUnderwater;
if ((actor->getCollisionMode() && !mPhysics->isOnSolidGround(player)) || isFlying(player))
return Rest_PlayerIsInAir;
if((currentCell->getCell()->mData.mFlags&ESM::Cell::NoSleep) || player.getClass().getNpcStats(player).isWerewolf())
return Rest_OnlyWaiting;
return Rest_Allowed;
MWRender::Animation* World::getAnimation(const MWWorld::Ptr &ptr)
return mRendering->getAnimation(ptr);
const MWRender::Animation* World::getAnimation(const MWWorld::ConstPtr &ptr) const
return mRendering->getAnimation(ptr);
void World::screenshot(osg::Image* image, int w, int h)
mRendering->screenshot(image, w, h);
bool World::screenshot360(osg::Image* image, std::string settingStr)
return mRendering->screenshot360(image,settingStr);
void World::activateDoor(const MWWorld::Ptr& door)
auto state = door.getClass().getDoorState(door);
switch (state)
case MWWorld::DoorState::Idle:
if (door.getRefData().getPosition().rot[2] == door.getCellRef().getPosition().rot[2])
state = MWWorld::DoorState::Opening; // if closed, then open
state = MWWorld::DoorState::Closing; // if open, then close
case MWWorld::DoorState::Closing:
state = MWWorld::DoorState::Opening; // if closing, then open
case MWWorld::DoorState::Opening:
state = MWWorld::DoorState::Closing; // if opening, then close
Start of tes3mp addition
Send an ID_DOOR_STATE packet every time a door is activated
mwmp::ObjectList *objectList = mwmp::Main::get().getNetworking()->getObjectList();
objectList->packetOrigin = mwmp::CLIENT_GAMEPLAY;
objectList->addDoorState(door, state);
End of tes3mp addition
door.getClass().setDoorState(door, state);
mDoorStates[door] = state;
void World::activateDoor(const Ptr &door, MWWorld::DoorState state)
Start of tes3mp addition
Send an ID_DOOR_STATE packet every time a door is activated
mwmp::ObjectList *objectList = mwmp::Main::get().getNetworking()->getObjectList();
objectList->packetOrigin = mwmp::CLIENT_GAMEPLAY;
objectList->addDoorState(door, state);
End of tes3mp addition
door.getClass().setDoorState(door, state);
mDoorStates[door] = state;
if (state == MWWorld::DoorState::Idle)
rotateDoor(door, state, 1);
Start of tes3mp addition
Allow the saving of door states without going through World::activateDoor()
void World::saveDoorState(const Ptr &door, MWWorld::DoorState state)
mDoorStates[door] = state;
if (state == MWWorld::DoorState::Idle)
End of tes3mp addition
Start of tes3mp addition
Make it possible to check whether a cell is active
bool World::isCellActive(MWWorld::CellStore* cell)
return mWorldScene->isCellActive(*cell);
End of tes3mp addition
bool World::getPlayerStandingOn (const MWWorld::ConstPtr& object)
MWWorld::Ptr player = getPlayerPtr();
return mPhysics->isActorStandingOn(player, object);
bool World::getActorStandingOn (const MWWorld::ConstPtr& object)
std::vector<MWWorld::Ptr> actors;
mPhysics->getActorsStandingOn(object, actors);
return !actors.empty();
void World::getActorsStandingOn (const MWWorld::ConstPtr& object, std::vector<MWWorld::Ptr> &actors)
mPhysics->getActorsStandingOn(object, actors);
bool World::getPlayerCollidingWith (const MWWorld::ConstPtr& object)
MWWorld::Ptr player = getPlayerPtr();
return mPhysics->isActorCollidingWith(player, object);
bool World::getActorCollidingWith (const MWWorld::ConstPtr& object)
std::vector<MWWorld::Ptr> actors;
mPhysics->getActorsCollidingWith(object, actors);
return !actors.empty();
void World::hurtStandingActors(const ConstPtr &object, float healthPerSecond)
Start of tes3mp change (major)
Being in a menu should not prevent actors from being hurt in multiplayer,
so that check has been commented out
//if (MWBase::Environment::get().getWindowManager()->isGuiMode())
// return;
End of tes3mp change (major)
std::vector<MWWorld::Ptr> actors;
mPhysics->getActorsStandingOn(object, actors);
for (const Ptr &actor : actors)
MWMechanics::CreatureStats& stats = actor.getClass().getCreatureStats(actor);
if (stats.isDead())
mPhysics->markAsNonSolid (object);
if (actor == getPlayerPtr() && mGodMode)
MWMechanics::DynamicStat<float> health = stats.getHealth();
if (healthPerSecond > 0.0f)
if (actor == getPlayerPtr())
if (!MWBase::Environment::get().getSoundManager()->getSoundPlaying(actor, "Health Damage"))
MWBase::Environment::get().getSoundManager()->playSound3D(actor, "Health Damage", 1.0f, 1.0f);
void World::hurtCollidingActors(const ConstPtr &object, float healthPerSecond)
Start of tes3mp change (major)
Being in a menu should not prevent actors from being hurt in multiplayer,
so that check has been commented out
//if (MWBase::Environment::get().getWindowManager()->isGuiMode())
// return;
End of tes3mp change (major)
std::vector<Ptr> actors;
mPhysics->getActorsCollidingWith(object, actors);
for (const Ptr &actor : actors)
MWMechanics::CreatureStats& stats = actor.getClass().getCreatureStats(actor);
if (stats.isDead())
mPhysics->markAsNonSolid (object);
if (actor == getPlayerPtr() && mGodMode)
MWMechanics::DynamicStat<float> health = stats.getHealth();
if (healthPerSecond > 0.0f)
if (actor == getPlayerPtr())
if (!MWBase::Environment::get().getSoundManager()->getSoundPlaying(actor, "Health Damage"))
MWBase::Environment::get().getSoundManager()->playSound3D(actor, "Health Damage", 1.0f, 1.0f);
float World::getWindSpeed()
if (isCellExterior() || isCellQuasiExterior())
return mWeatherManager->getWindSpeed();
return 0.f;
bool World::isInStorm() const
if (isCellExterior() || isCellQuasiExterior())
return mWeatherManager->isInStorm();
return false;
osg::Vec3f World::getStormDirection() const
if (isCellExterior() || isCellQuasiExterior())
return mWeatherManager->getStormDirection();
return osg::Vec3f(0,1,0);
struct GetContainersOwnedByVisitor
GetContainersOwnedByVisitor(const MWWorld::ConstPtr& owner, std::vector<MWWorld::Ptr>& out)
: mOwner(owner)
, mOut(out)
MWWorld::ConstPtr mOwner;
std::vector<MWWorld::Ptr>& mOut;
bool operator()(const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr)
if (ptr.getRefData().isDeleted())
return true;
// vanilla Morrowind does not allow to sell items from containers with zero capacity
if (ptr.getClass().getCapacity(ptr) <= 0.f)
return true;
if (Misc::StringUtils::ciEqual(ptr.getCellRef().getOwner(), mOwner.getCellRef().getRefId()))
return true;
void World::getContainersOwnedBy (const MWWorld::ConstPtr& owner, std::vector<MWWorld::Ptr>& out)
for (CellStore* cellstore : mWorldScene->getActiveCells())
GetContainersOwnedByVisitor visitor (owner, out);
struct ListObjectsVisitor
std::vector<MWWorld::Ptr> mObjects;
bool operator() (Ptr ptr)
if (ptr.getRefData().getBaseNode())
return true;
void World::getItemsOwnedBy (const MWWorld::ConstPtr& npc, std::vector<MWWorld::Ptr>& out)
for (CellStore* cellstore : mWorldScene->getActiveCells())
ListObjectsVisitor visitor;
for (const Ptr &object : visitor.mObjects)
if (Misc::StringUtils::ciEqual(object.getCellRef().getOwner(), npc.getCellRef().getRefId()))
bool World::getLOS(const MWWorld::ConstPtr& actor, const MWWorld::ConstPtr& targetActor)
if (!targetActor.getRefData().isEnabled() || !actor.getRefData().isEnabled())
return false; // cannot get LOS unless both NPC's are enabled
if (!targetActor.getRefData().getBaseNode() || !actor.getRefData().getBaseNode())
return false; // not in active cell
return mPhysics->getLineOfSight(actor, targetActor);
float World::getDistToNearestRayHit(const osg::Vec3f& from, const osg::Vec3f& dir, float maxDist, bool includeWater)
osg::Vec3f to (dir);
to = from + (to * maxDist);
int collisionTypes = MWPhysics::CollisionType_World | MWPhysics::CollisionType_HeightMap | MWPhysics::CollisionType_Door;
if (includeWater) {
collisionTypes |= MWPhysics::CollisionType_Water;
MWPhysics::PhysicsSystem::RayResult result = mPhysics->castRay(from, to, MWWorld::Ptr(), std::vector<MWWorld::Ptr>(), collisionTypes);
if (!result.mHit)
return maxDist;
return (result.mHitPos - from).length();
void World::enableActorCollision(const MWWorld::Ptr& actor, bool enable)
MWPhysics::Actor *physicActor = mPhysics->getActor(actor);
if (physicActor)
bool World::findInteriorPosition(const std::string &name, ESM::Position &pos)
pos.rot[0] = pos.rot[1] = pos.rot[2] = 0;
pos.pos[0] = pos.pos[1] = pos.pos[2] = 0;
MWWorld::CellStore *cellStore = getInterior(name);
if (!cellStore)
return false;
std::vector<const MWWorld::CellRef *> sortedDoors;
for (const MWWorld::LiveCellRef<ESM::Door>& door : cellStore->getReadOnlyDoors().mList)
if (!door.mRef.getTeleport())
// Sort teleporting doors alphabetically, first by ID, then by destination cell to make search consistent
std::sort(sortedDoors.begin(), sortedDoors.end(), [] (const MWWorld::CellRef *lhs, const MWWorld::CellRef *rhs)
if (lhs->getRefId() != rhs->getRefId())
return lhs->getRefId() < rhs->getRefId();
return lhs->getDestCell() < rhs->getDestCell();
for (const MWWorld::CellRef* door : sortedDoors)
MWWorld::CellStore *source = nullptr;
// door to exterior
if (door->getDestCell().empty())
int x, y;
ESM::Position doorDest = door->getDoorDest();
positionToIndex(doorDest.pos[0], doorDest.pos[1], x, y);
source = getExterior(x, y);
// door to interior
source = getInterior(door->getDestCell());
if (source)
// Find door leading to our current teleport door
// and use its destination to position inside cell.
for (const MWWorld::LiveCellRef<ESM::Door>& destDoor : source->getReadOnlyDoors().mList)
if (Misc::StringUtils::ciEqual(name, destDoor.mRef.getDestCell()))
/// \note Using _any_ door pointed to the interior,
/// not the one pointed to current door.
pos = destDoor.mRef.getDoorDest();
pos.rot[0] = pos.rot[1] = pos.rot[2] = 0;
return true;
// Fall back to the first static location.
const MWWorld::CellRefList<ESM::Static>::List &statics = cellStore->getReadOnlyStatics().mList;
if (!statics.empty())
pos = statics.begin()->mRef.getPosition();
pos.rot[0] = pos.rot[1] = pos.rot[2] = 0;
return true;
return false;
bool World::findExteriorPosition(const std::string &name, ESM::Position &pos)
pos.rot[0] = pos.rot[1] = pos.rot[2] = 0;
const ESM::Cell *ext = getExterior(name);
if (!ext && name.find(',') != std::string::npos) {
try {
int x = std::stoi(name.substr(0, name.find(',')));
int y = std::stoi(name.substr(name.find(',')+1));
ext = getExterior(x, y)->getCell();
catch (const std::invalid_argument&)
// This exception can be ignored, as this means that name probably refers to a interior cell instead of comma separated coordinates
catch (const std::out_of_range&)
throw std::runtime_error("Cell coordinates out of range.");
if (ext) {
int x = ext->getGridX();
int y = ext->getGridY();
indexToPosition(x, y, pos.pos[0], pos.pos[1], true);
// Note: Z pos will be adjusted by adjustPosition later
pos.pos[2] = 0;
return true;
return false;
void World::enableTeleporting(bool enable)
mTeleportEnabled = enable;
bool World::isTeleportingEnabled() const
return mTeleportEnabled;
void World::enableLevitation(bool enable)
mLevitationEnabled = enable;
bool World::isLevitationEnabled() const
return mLevitationEnabled;
void World::reattachPlayerCamera()
bool World::getGodModeState()
return mGodMode;
bool World::toggleGodMode()
mGodMode = !mGodMode;
return mGodMode;
bool World::toggleScripts()
mScriptsEnabled = !mScriptsEnabled;
return mScriptsEnabled;
bool World::getScriptsEnabled() const
return mScriptsEnabled;
void World::loadContentFiles(const Files::Collections& fileCollections,
const std::vector<std::string>& content, ContentLoader& contentLoader)
int idx = 0;
for (const std::string &file : content)
boost::filesystem::path filename(file);
const Files::MultiDirCollection& col = fileCollections.getCollection(filename.extension().string());
if (col.doesExist(file))
contentLoader.load(col.getPath(file), idx);
std::string message = "Failed loading " + file + ": the content file does not exist";
throw std::runtime_error(message);
bool World::startSpellCast(const Ptr &actor)
MWMechanics::CreatureStats& stats = actor.getClass().getCreatureStats(actor);
std::string message;
bool fail = false;
bool isPlayer = (actor == getPlayerPtr());
std::string selectedSpell = stats.getSpells().getSelectedSpell();
if (!selectedSpell.empty())
Start of tes3mp addition
If the spell being cast does not exist on our client, ignore it
to avoid framelistener errors
if (getStore().get<ESM::Spell>().search(selectedSpell) == 0)
return false;
End of tes3mp addition
Start of tes3mp addition
Always start spells cast by DedicatedPlayers and DedicatedActors,
without unilaterally deducting any magicka for them on this client
if (mwmp::PlayerList::isDedicatedPlayer(actor) || mwmp::Main::get().getCellController()->isDedicatedActor(actor))
return true;
End of tes3mp addition
const ESM::Spell* spell = mStore.get<ESM::Spell>().find(selectedSpell);
// Check mana
bool godmode = (isPlayer && mGodMode);
MWMechanics::DynamicStat<float> magicka = stats.getMagicka();
if (magicka.getCurrent() < spell->mData.mCost && !godmode)
message = "#{sMagicInsufficientSP}";
fail = true;
// If this is a power, check if it was already used in the last 24h
if (!fail && spell->mData.mType == ESM::Spell::ST_Power && !stats.getSpells().canUsePower(spell))
message = "#{sPowerAlreadyUsed}";
fail = true;
// Reduce mana
if (!fail && !godmode)
magicka.setCurrent(magicka.getCurrent() - spell->mData.mCost);
if (isPlayer && fail)
return !fail;
void World::castSpell(const Ptr &actor, bool manualSpell)
MWMechanics::CreatureStats& stats = actor.getClass().getCreatureStats(actor);
// For AI actors, get combat targets to use in the ray cast. Only those targets will return a positive hit result.
std::vector<MWWorld::Ptr> targetActors;
if (!actor.isEmpty() && actor != MWMechanics::getPlayer() && !manualSpell)
const float fCombatDistance = mStore.get<ESM::GameSetting>().find("fCombatDistance")->mValue.getFloat();
osg::Vec3f hitPosition = actor.getRefData().getPosition().asVec3();
// for player we can take faced object first
MWWorld::Ptr target;
if (actor == MWMechanics::getPlayer())
target = getFacedObject();
// if the faced object can not be activated, do not use it
if (!target.isEmpty() && !target.getClass().hasToolTip(target))
target = nullptr;
if (target.isEmpty())
// For scripted spells we should not use hit contact
if (manualSpell)
if (actor != MWMechanics::getPlayer())
for (const MWMechanics::AiPackage* package : stats.getAiSequence())
if (package->getTypeId() == MWMechanics::AiPackage::TypeIdCast)
target = package->getTarget();
// For actor targets, we want to use hit contact with bounding boxes.
// This is to give a slight tolerance for errors, especially with creatures like the Skeleton that would be very hard to aim at otherwise.
// For object targets, we want the detailed shapes (rendering raycast).
// If we used the bounding boxes for static objects, then we would not be able to target e.g. objects lying on a shelf.
std::pair<MWWorld::Ptr,osg::Vec3f> result1 = getHitContact(actor, fCombatDistance, targetActors);
// Get the target to use for "on touch" effects, using the facing direction from Head node
osg::Vec3f origin = getActorHeadTransform(actor).getTrans();
osg::Quat orient = osg::Quat(actor.getRefData().getPosition().rot[0], osg::Vec3f(-1,0,0))
* osg::Quat(actor.getRefData().getPosition().rot[2], osg::Vec3f(0,0,-1));
osg::Vec3f direction = orient * osg::Vec3f(0,1,0);
float distance = getMaxActivationDistance();
osg::Vec3f dest = origin + direction * distance;
MWRender::RenderingManager::RayResult result2 = mRendering->castRay(origin, dest, true, true);
float dist1 = std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
float dist2 = std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
if (!result1.first.isEmpty() && result1.first.getClass().isActor())
dist1 = (origin - result1.second).length();
if (result2.mHit)
dist2 = (origin - result2.mHitPointWorld).length();
if (!result1.first.isEmpty() && result1.first.getClass().isActor())
target = result1.first;
hitPosition = result1.second;
if (dist1 > getMaxActivationDistance())
target = nullptr;
else if (result2.mHit)
target = result2.mHitObject;
hitPosition = result2.mHitPointWorld;
if (dist2 > getMaxActivationDistance() && !target.isEmpty() && !target.getClass().hasToolTip(target))
target = nullptr;
std::string selectedSpell = stats.getSpells().getSelectedSpell();
MWMechanics::CastSpell cast(actor, target, false, manualSpell);
cast.mHitPosition = hitPosition;
if (!selectedSpell.empty())
const ESM::Spell* spell = mStore.get<ESM::Spell>().find(selectedSpell);
else if (actor.getClass().hasInventoryStore(actor))
MWWorld::InventoryStore& inv = actor.getClass().getInventoryStore(actor);
if (inv.getSelectedEnchantItem() != inv.end())
Start of tes3mp change (minor)
If this actor is a LocalPlayer or LocalActor, get their Cast and prepare
it for sending
Set the cast details before going forward, in case it's a one use item that
will get removed (like a scroll)
mwmp::Cast *localCast = MechanicsHelper::getLocalCast(actor);
if (localCast)
localCast->type = mwmp::Cast::ITEM;
localCast->itemId = inv.getSelectedEnchantItem()->getCellRef().getRefId();
localCast->shouldSend = true;
End of tes3mp addition
void World::launchProjectile (MWWorld::Ptr& actor, MWWorld::Ptr& projectile,
const osg::Vec3f& worldPos, const osg::Quat& orient, MWWorld::Ptr& bow, float speed, float attackStrength)
// An initial position of projectile can be outside shooter's collision box, so any object between shooter and launch position will be ignored.
// To avoid this issue, we should check for impact immediately before launch the projectile.
// So we cast a 1-yard-length ray from shooter to launch position and check if there are collisions in this area.
// TODO: as a better solutuon we should handle projectiles during physics update, not during world update.
const osg::Vec3f sourcePos = worldPos + orient * osg::Vec3f(0,-1,0) * 64.f;
// Early out if the launch position is underwater
bool underwater = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->isUnderwater(MWMechanics::getPlayer().getCell(), worldPos);
if (underwater)
// For AI actors, get combat targets to use in the ray cast. Only those targets will return a positive hit result.
std::vector<MWWorld::Ptr> targetActors;
if (!actor.isEmpty() && actor.getClass().isActor() && actor != MWMechanics::getPlayer())
// Check for impact, if yes, handle hit, if not, launch projectile
MWPhysics::PhysicsSystem::RayResult result = mPhysics->castRay(sourcePos, worldPos, actor, targetActors, 0xff, MWPhysics::CollisionType_Projectile);
if (result.mHit)
MWMechanics::projectileHit(actor, result.mHitObject, bow, projectile, result.mHitPos, attackStrength);
mProjectileManager->launchProjectile(actor, projectile, worldPos, orient, bow, speed, attackStrength);
void World::launchMagicBolt (const std::string &spellId, const MWWorld::Ptr& caster, const osg::Vec3f& fallbackDirection)
mProjectileManager->launchMagicBolt(spellId, caster, fallbackDirection);
void World::applyLoopingParticles(const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr)
const MWWorld::Class &cls = ptr.getClass();
if (cls.isActor())
MWMechanics::ApplyLoopingParticlesVisitor visitor(ptr);
if (cls.hasInventoryStore(ptr))
const std::vector<std::string>& World::getContentFiles() const
return mContentFiles;
void World::breakInvisibility(const Ptr &actor)
if (actor.getClass().hasInventoryStore(actor))
// Normally updated once per frame, but here it is kinda important to do it right away.
bool World::useTorches() const
// If we are in exterior, check the weather manager.
// In interiors there are no precipitations and sun, so check the ambient
// Looks like pseudo-exteriors considered as interiors in this case
MWWorld::CellStore* cell = mPlayer->getPlayer().getCell();
if (cell->isExterior())
float hour = getTimeStamp().getHour();
return mWeatherManager->useTorches(hour);
uint32_t ambient = cell->getCell()->mAmbi.mAmbient;
int ambientTotal = (ambient & 0xff)
+ ((ambient>>8) & 0xff)
+ ((ambient>>16) & 0xff);
return !(cell->getCell()->mData.mFlags & ESM::Cell::NoSleep) && ambientTotal <= 201;
bool World::findInteriorPositionInWorldSpace(const MWWorld::CellStore* cell, osg::Vec3f& result)
if (cell->isExterior())
return false;
// Search for a 'nearest' exterior, counting each cell between the starting
// cell and the exterior as a distance of 1. Will fail for isolated interiors.
std::set< std::string >checkedCells;
std::set< std::string >currentCells;
std::set< std::string >nextCells;
nextCells.insert( cell->getCell()->mName );
while ( !nextCells.empty() ) {
currentCells = nextCells;
for (const std::string &currentCell : currentCells)
MWWorld::CellStore *next = getInterior(currentCell);
if ( !next ) continue;
// Check if any door in the cell leads to an exterior directly
for (const MWWorld::LiveCellRef<ESM::Door>& ref : next->getReadOnlyDoors().mList)
if (!ref.mRef.getTeleport()) continue;
if (ref.mRef.getDestCell().empty())
ESM::Position pos = ref.mRef.getDoorDest();
result = pos.asVec3();
return true;
std::string dest = ref.mRef.getDestCell();
if ( !checkedCells.count(dest) && !currentCells.count(dest) )
// No luck :(
return false;
MWWorld::ConstPtr World::getClosestMarker( const MWWorld::Ptr &ptr, const std::string &id )
if ( ptr.getCell()->isExterior() ) {
return getClosestMarkerFromExteriorPosition(mPlayer->getLastKnownExteriorPosition(), id);
// Search for a 'nearest' marker, counting each cell between the starting
// cell and the exterior as a distance of 1. If an exterior is found, jump
// to the nearest exterior marker, without further interior searching.
std::set< std::string >checkedCells;
std::set< std::string >currentCells;
std::set< std::string >nextCells;
MWWorld::ConstPtr closestMarker;
nextCells.insert( ptr.getCell()->getCell()->mName );
while ( !nextCells.empty() ) {
currentCells = nextCells;
for (const std::string &cell : currentCells) {
MWWorld::CellStore *next = getInterior(cell);
if ( !next ) continue;
closestMarker = next->searchConst( id );
if ( !closestMarker.isEmpty() )
return closestMarker;
// Check if any door in the cell leads to an exterior directly
for (const MWWorld::LiveCellRef<ESM::Door>& ref : next->getReadOnlyDoors().mList)
if (!ref.mRef.getTeleport()) continue;
if (ref.mRef.getDestCell().empty())
osg::Vec3f worldPos = ref.mRef.getDoorDest().asVec3();
return getClosestMarkerFromExteriorPosition(worldPos, id);
std::string dest = ref.mRef.getDestCell();
if ( !checkedCells.count(dest) && !currentCells.count(dest) )
return MWWorld::Ptr();
MWWorld::ConstPtr World::getClosestMarkerFromExteriorPosition( const osg::Vec3f& worldPos, const std::string &id ) {
MWWorld::ConstPtr closestMarker;
float closestDistance = std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
std::vector<MWWorld::Ptr> markers;
mCells.getExteriorPtrs(id, markers);
for (const Ptr& marker : markers)
osg::Vec3f markerPos = marker.getRefData().getPosition().asVec3();
float distance = (worldPos - markerPos).length2();
if (distance < closestDistance)
closestDistance = distance;
closestMarker = marker;
return closestMarker;
void World::rest(double hours)
void World::teleportToClosestMarker (const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr,
const std::string& id)
MWWorld::ConstPtr closestMarker = getClosestMarker( ptr, id );
if ( closestMarker.isEmpty() )
Log(Debug::Warning) << "Failed to teleport: no closest marker found";
std::string cellName;
if ( !closestMarker.mCell->isExterior() )
cellName = closestMarker.mCell->getCell()->mName;
MWWorld::ActionTeleport action(cellName, closestMarker.getRefData().getPosition(), false);
void World::updateWeather(float duration, bool paused)
bool isExterior = isCellExterior() || isCellQuasiExterior();
if (mPlayer->wasTeleported())
const std::string playerRegion = Misc::StringUtils::lowerCase(getPlayerPtr().getCell()->getCell()->mRegion);
mWeatherManager->playerTeleported(playerRegion, isExterior);
const TimeStamp time = getTimeStamp();
mWeatherManager->update(duration, paused, time, isExterior);
struct AddDetectedReferenceVisitor
AddDetectedReferenceVisitor(std::vector<Ptr>& out, const Ptr& detector, World::DetectionType type, float squaredDist)
: mOut(out), mDetector(detector), mSquaredDist(squaredDist), mType(type)
std::vector<Ptr>& mOut;
Ptr mDetector;
float mSquaredDist;
World::DetectionType mType;
bool operator() (const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr)
if ((ptr.getRefData().getPosition().asVec3() - mDetector.getRefData().getPosition().asVec3()).length2() >= mSquaredDist)
return true;
if (!ptr.getRefData().isEnabled() || ptr.getRefData().isDeleted())
return true;
// Consider references inside containers as well (except if we are looking for a Creature, they cannot be in containers)
bool isContainer = ptr.getClass().getTypeName() == typeid(ESM::Container).name();
if (mType != World::Detect_Creature && (ptr.getClass().isActor() || isContainer))
// but ignore containers without resolved content
if (isContainer && ptr.getRefData().getCustomData() == nullptr)
return true;
MWWorld::ContainerStore& store = ptr.getClass().getContainerStore(ptr);
for (MWWorld::ContainerStoreIterator it = store.begin(); it != store.end(); ++it)
if (needToAdd(*it, mDetector))
return true;
if (needToAdd(ptr, mDetector))
return true;
bool needToAdd (const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr, const MWWorld::Ptr& detector)
if (mType == World::Detect_Creature)
// If in werewolf form, this detects only NPCs, otherwise only creatures
if (detector.getClass().isNpc() && detector.getClass().getNpcStats(detector).isWerewolf())
if (ptr.getClass().getTypeName() != typeid(ESM::NPC).name())
return false;
else if (ptr.getClass().getTypeName() != typeid(ESM::Creature).name())
return false;
if (ptr.getClass().getCreatureStats(ptr).isDead())
return false;
if (mType == World::Detect_Key && !ptr.getClass().isKey(ptr))
return false;
if (mType == World::Detect_Enchantment && ptr.getClass().getEnchantment(ptr).empty())
return false;
return true;
void World::listDetectedReferences(const Ptr &ptr, std::vector<Ptr> &out, DetectionType type)
const MWMechanics::MagicEffects& effects = ptr.getClass().getCreatureStats(ptr).getMagicEffects();
float dist=0;
if (type == World::Detect_Creature)
dist = effects.get(ESM::MagicEffect::DetectAnimal).getMagnitude();
else if (type == World::Detect_Key)
dist = effects.get(ESM::MagicEffect::DetectKey).getMagnitude();
else if (type == World::Detect_Enchantment)
dist = effects.get(ESM::MagicEffect::DetectEnchantment).getMagnitude();
if (!dist)
dist = feetToGameUnits(dist);
AddDetectedReferenceVisitor visitor (out, ptr, type, dist*dist);
for (CellStore* cellStore : mWorldScene->getActiveCells())
float World::feetToGameUnits(float feet)
// Original engine rounds size upward
static const int unitsPerFoot = ceil(Constants::UnitsPerFoot);
return feet * unitsPerFoot;
float World::getActivationDistancePlusTelekinesis()
float telekinesisRangeBonus =
telekinesisRangeBonus = feetToGameUnits(telekinesisRangeBonus);
float activationDistance = getMaxActivationDistance() + telekinesisRangeBonus;
return activationDistance;
MWWorld::Ptr World::getPlayerPtr()
return mPlayer->getPlayer();
MWWorld::ConstPtr World::getPlayerConstPtr() const
return mPlayer->getConstPlayer();
void World::updateDialogueGlobals()
MWWorld::Ptr player = getPlayerPtr();
int bounty = player.getClass().getNpcStats(player).getBounty();
int playerGold = player.getClass().getContainerStore(player).count(ContainerStore::sGoldId);
static float fCrimeGoldDiscountMult = mStore.get<ESM::GameSetting>().find("fCrimeGoldDiscountMult")->mValue.getFloat();
static float fCrimeGoldTurnInMult = mStore.get<ESM::GameSetting>().find("fCrimeGoldTurnInMult")->mValue.getFloat();
int discount = static_cast<int>(bounty * fCrimeGoldDiscountMult);
int turnIn = static_cast<int>(bounty * fCrimeGoldTurnInMult);
if (bounty > 0)
discount = std::max(1, discount);
turnIn = std::max(1, turnIn);
mGlobalVariables["pchascrimegold"].setInteger((bounty <= playerGold) ? 1 : 0);
mGlobalVariables["pchasgolddiscount"].setInteger((discount <= playerGold) ? 1 : 0);
mGlobalVariables["pchasturnin"].setInteger((turnIn <= playerGold) ? 1 : 0);
void World::confiscateStolenItems(const Ptr &ptr)
MWWorld::ConstPtr prisonMarker = getClosestMarker( ptr, "prisonmarker" );
if ( prisonMarker.isEmpty() )
Log(Debug::Warning) << "Failed to confiscate items: no closest prison marker found.";
std::string prisonName = prisonMarker.getCellRef().getDestCell();
if ( prisonName.empty() )
Log(Debug::Warning) << "Failed to confiscate items: prison marker not linked to prison interior";
MWWorld::CellStore *prison = getInterior( prisonName );
if ( !prison )
Log(Debug::Warning) << "Failed to confiscate items: failed to load cell " << prisonName;
MWWorld::Ptr closestChest = prison->search( "stolen_goods" );
if (!closestChest.isEmpty()) //Found a close chest
MWBase::Environment::get().getMechanicsManager()->confiscateStolenItems(ptr, closestChest);
Log(Debug::Warning) << "Failed to confiscate items: no stolen_goods container found";
void World::goToJail()
if (!mGoToJail)
// Reset bounty and forget the crime now, but don't change cell yet (the player should be able to read the dialog text first)
mGoToJail = true;
mPlayerInJail = true;
MWWorld::Ptr player = getPlayerPtr();
int bounty = player.getClass().getNpcStats(player).getBounty();
static int iDaysinPrisonMod = mStore.get<ESM::GameSetting>().find("iDaysinPrisonMod")->mValue.getInteger();
mDaysInPrison = std::max(1, bounty / iDaysinPrisonMod);
mGoToJail = false;
bool World::isPlayerInJail() const
return mPlayerInJail;
void World::setPlayerTraveling(bool traveling)
mPlayerTraveling = traveling;
bool World::isPlayerTraveling() const
return mPlayerTraveling;
float World::getTerrainHeightAt(const osg::Vec3f& worldPos) const
return mRendering->getTerrainHeightAt(worldPos);
osg::Vec3f World::getHalfExtents(const ConstPtr& object, bool rendering) const
if (!object.getClass().isActor())
return mRendering->getHalfExtents(object);
// Handle actors separately because of bodyparts
if (rendering)
return mPhysics->getRenderingHalfExtents(object);
return mPhysics->getHalfExtents(object);
std::string World::exportSceneGraph(const Ptr &ptr)
std::string file = mUserDataPath + "/openmw.osgt";
mRendering->exportSceneGraph(ptr, file, "Ascii");
return file;
void World::spawnRandomCreature(const std::string &creatureList)
const ESM::CreatureLevList* list = mStore.get<ESM::CreatureLevList>().find(creatureList);
static int iNumberCreatures = mStore.get<ESM::GameSetting>().find("iNumberCreatures")->mValue.getInteger();
int numCreatures = 1 + Misc::Rng::rollDice(iNumberCreatures); // [1, iNumberCreatures]
for (int i=0; i<numCreatures; ++i)
std::string selectedCreature = MWMechanics::getLevelledItem(list, true);
if (selectedCreature.empty())
MWWorld::ManualRef ref(mStore, selectedCreature, 1);
Start of tes3mp change (major)
Send an ID_OBJECT_SPAWN packet every time a random creature is spawned, then delete
the creature and wait for the server to send it back with a unique mpNum of its own
MWWorld::Ptr ptr = safePlaceObject(ref.getPtr(), getPlayerPtr(), getPlayerPtr().getCell(), 0, 220.f);
mwmp::ObjectList *objectList = mwmp::Main::get().getNetworking()->getObjectList();
objectList->packetOrigin = mwmp::CLIENT_GAMEPLAY;
End of tes3mp change (major)
void World::spawnBloodEffect(const Ptr &ptr, const osg::Vec3f &worldPosition)
if (ptr == getPlayerPtr() && Settings::Manager::getBool("hit fader", "GUI"))
std::string texture = Fallback::Map::getString("Blood_Texture_" + std::to_string(ptr.getClass().getBloodTexture(ptr)));
if (texture.empty())
texture = Fallback::Map::getString("Blood_Texture_0");
std::string model = "meshes\\" + Fallback::Map::getString("Blood_Model_" + std::to_string(Misc::Rng::rollDice(3))); // [0, 2]
mRendering->spawnEffect(model, texture, worldPosition, 1.0f, false);
void World::spawnEffect(const std::string &model, const std::string &textureOverride, const osg::Vec3f &worldPos, float scale, bool isMagicVFX)
mRendering->spawnEffect(model, textureOverride, worldPos, scale, isMagicVFX);
void World::explodeSpell(const osg::Vec3f& origin, const ESM::EffectList& effects, const Ptr& caster, const Ptr& ignore, ESM::RangeType rangeType,
const std::string& id, const std::string& sourceName, const bool fromProjectile)
std::map<MWWorld::Ptr, std::vector<ESM::ENAMstruct> > toApply;
for (const ESM::ENAMstruct& effectInfo : effects.mList)
const ESM::MagicEffect* effect = mStore.get<ESM::MagicEffect>().find(effectInfo.mEffectID);
if (effectInfo.mRange != rangeType || (effectInfo.mArea <= 0 && !ignore.isEmpty() && ignore.getClass().isActor()))
continue; // Not right range type, or not area effect and hit an actor
if (fromProjectile && effectInfo.mArea <= 0)
continue; // Don't play explosion for projectiles with 0-area effects
if (!fromProjectile && effectInfo.mRange == ESM::RT_Touch && !ignore.isEmpty() && !ignore.getClass().isActor() && !ignore.getClass().hasToolTip(ignore))
continue; // Don't play explosion for touch spells on non-activatable objects except when spell is from the projectile enchantment
// Spawn the explosion orb effect
const ESM::Static* areaStatic;
if (!effect->mArea.empty())
areaStatic = mStore.get<ESM::Static>().find (effect->mArea);
areaStatic = mStore.get<ESM::Static>().find ("VFX_DefaultArea");
std::string texture = effect->mParticle;
if (effectInfo.mArea <= 0)
if (effectInfo.mRange == ESM::RT_Target)
mRendering->spawnEffect("meshes\\" + areaStatic->mModel, texture, origin, 1.0f);
mRendering->spawnEffect("meshes\\" + areaStatic->mModel, texture, origin, static_cast<float>(effectInfo.mArea * 2));
// Play explosion sound (make sure to use NoTrack, since we will delete the projectile now)
static const std::string schools[] = {
"alteration", "conjuration", "destruction", "illusion", "mysticism", "restoration"
MWBase::SoundManager *sndMgr = MWBase::Environment::get().getSoundManager();
sndMgr->playSound3D(origin, effect->mAreaSound, 1.0f, 1.0f);
sndMgr->playSound3D(origin, schools[effect->mData.mSchool]+" area", 1.0f, 1.0f);
// Get the actors in range of the effect
std::vector<MWWorld::Ptr> objects;
origin, feetToGameUnits(static_cast<float>(effectInfo.mArea)), objects);
for (const Ptr& affected : objects)
// Ignore actors without collisions here, otherwise it will be possible to hit actors outside processing range.
if (affected.getClass().isActor() && !isActorCollisionEnabled(affected))
// Now apply the appropriate effects to each actor in range
for (auto& applyPair : toApply)
MWWorld::Ptr source = caster;
// Vanilla-compatible behaviour of never applying the spell to the caster
// (could be changed by mods later)
if (applyPair.first == caster)
if (applyPair.first == ignore)
if (source.isEmpty())
source = applyPair.first;
MWMechanics::CastSpell cast(source, applyPair.first);
cast.mHitPosition = origin;
cast.mId = id;
cast.mSourceName = sourceName;
cast.mStack = false;
ESM::EffectList effectsToApply;
effectsToApply.mList = applyPair.second;
cast.inflict(applyPair.first, caster, effectsToApply, rangeType, false, true);
void World::activate(const Ptr &object, const Ptr &actor)
if (object.getRefData().activate())
std::shared_ptr<MWWorld::Action> action = (object.getClass().activate(object, actor));
action->execute (actor);
struct ResetActorsVisitor
bool operator() (Ptr ptr)
if (ptr.getClass().isActor() && ptr.getCellRef().hasContentFile())
if (ptr.getCell()->movedHere(ptr))
return true;
const ESM::Position& origPos = ptr.getCellRef().getPosition();
MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->moveObject(ptr, origPos.pos[0], origPos.pos[1], origPos.pos[2]);
MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->rotateObject(ptr, origPos.rot[0], origPos.rot[1], origPos.rot[2]);
ptr.getClass().adjustPosition(ptr, true);
return true;
void World::resetActors()
for (CellStore* cellstore : mWorldScene->getActiveCells())
ResetActorsVisitor visitor;
bool World::isWalkingOnWater(const ConstPtr &actor) const
const MWPhysics::Actor* physicActor = mPhysics->getActor(actor);
if (physicActor && physicActor->isWalkingOnWater())
return true;
return false;
osg::Vec3f World::aimToTarget(const ConstPtr &actor, const MWWorld::ConstPtr& target)
osg::Vec3f weaponPos = actor.getRefData().getPosition().asVec3();
weaponPos.z() += mPhysics->getHalfExtents(actor).z();
osg::Vec3f targetPos = mPhysics->getCollisionObjectPosition(target);
return (targetPos - weaponPos);
float World::getHitDistance(const ConstPtr &actor, const ConstPtr &target)
osg::Vec3f weaponPos = actor.getRefData().getPosition().asVec3();
osg::Vec3f halfExtents = mPhysics->getHalfExtents(actor);
weaponPos.z() += halfExtents.z();
return mPhysics->getHitDistance(weaponPos, target) - halfExtents.y();
void preload(MWWorld::Scene* scene, const ESMStore& store, const std::string& obj)
if (obj.empty())
MWWorld::ManualRef ref(store, obj);
std::string model = ref.getPtr().getClass().getModel(ref.getPtr());
if (!model.empty())
scene->preload(model, ref.getPtr().getClass().useAnim());
catch(std::exception& e)
void World::preloadEffects(const ESM::EffectList *effectList)
for (const ESM::ENAMstruct& effectInfo : effectList->mList)
const ESM::MagicEffect *effect = mStore.get<ESM::MagicEffect>().find(effectInfo.mEffectID);
if (MWMechanics::isSummoningEffect(effectInfo.mEffectID))
preload(mWorldScene.get(), mStore, "VFX_Summon_Start");
preload(mWorldScene.get(), mStore, MWMechanics::getSummonedCreature(effectInfo.mEffectID));
preload(mWorldScene.get(), mStore, effect->mCasting);
preload(mWorldScene.get(), mStore, effect->mHit);
if (effectInfo.mArea > 0)
preload(mWorldScene.get(), mStore, effect->mArea);
if (effectInfo.mRange == ESM::RT_Target)
preload(mWorldScene.get(), mStore, effect->mBolt);
DetourNavigator::Navigator* World::getNavigator() const
return mNavigator.get();
void World::updateActorPath(const MWWorld::ConstPtr& actor, const std::deque<osg::Vec3f>& path,
const osg::Vec3f& halfExtents, const osg::Vec3f& start, const osg::Vec3f& end) const
mRendering->updateActorPath(actor, path, halfExtents, start, end);
void World::removeActorPath(const MWWorld::ConstPtr& actor) const
void World::setNavMeshNumberToRender(const std::size_t value)
osg::Vec3f World::getPathfindingHalfExtents(const MWWorld::ConstPtr& actor) const
if (actor.isInCell() && actor.getCell()->isExterior())
return mDefaultHalfExtents; // Using default half extents for better performance
return getHalfExtents(actor);