Fork 1
mirror of https://github.com/TES3MP/openmw-tes3mp.git synced 2025-03-27 00:40:27 +00:00
scrawl 882e359008 Move attackStrength to the CharacterController, where it should have been to begin with
Only relevant for actors in active cells, so doesn't belong in CreatureStats. This change should slightly reduce the game's memory usage.
2015-06-26 05:15:07 +02:00

398 lines
14 KiB

#include "../mwworld/ptr.hpp"
#include <components/sceneutil/controller.hpp>
namespace ESM
struct Light;
namespace Resource
class ResourceSystem;
namespace NifOsg
class KeyframeHolder;
class KeyframeController;
namespace MWRender
class ResetAccumRootCallback;
class RotateController;
class EffectAnimationTime : public SceneUtil::ControllerSource
float mTime;
virtual float getValue(osg::NodeVisitor* nv);
void addTime(float duration);
void resetTime(float time);
float getTime() const;
EffectAnimationTime() : mTime(0) { }
/// @brief Detaches the node from its parent when the object goes out of scope.
class PartHolder
PartHolder(osg::ref_ptr<osg::Node> node);
osg::ref_ptr<osg::Node> getNode()
return mNode;
osg::ref_ptr<osg::Node> mNode;
typedef boost::shared_ptr<PartHolder> PartHolderPtr;
class Animation
enum Group {
Group_LowerBody = 1<<0,
Group_Torso = 1<<1,
Group_LeftArm = 1<<2,
Group_RightArm = 1<<3,
Group_UpperBody = Group_Torso | Group_LeftArm | Group_RightArm,
Group_All = Group_LowerBody | Group_UpperBody
class TextKeyListener
virtual void handleTextKey(const std::string &groupname, const std::multimap<float, std::string>::const_iterator &key,
const std::multimap<float, std::string>& map) = 0;
void setTextKeyListener(TextKeyListener* listener);
/* This is the number of *discrete* groups. */
static const size_t sNumGroups = 4;
class AnimationTime : public SceneUtil::ControllerSource
boost::shared_ptr<float> mTimePtr;
void setTimePtr(boost::shared_ptr<float> time)
{ mTimePtr = time; }
boost::shared_ptr<float> getTimePtr() const
{ return mTimePtr; }
virtual float getValue(osg::NodeVisitor* nv);
class NullAnimationTime : public SceneUtil::ControllerSource
virtual float getValue(osg::NodeVisitor *nv)
return 0.f;
struct AnimSource;
struct AnimState {
boost::shared_ptr<AnimSource> mSource;
float mStartTime;
float mLoopStartTime;
float mLoopStopTime;
float mStopTime;
typedef boost::shared_ptr<float> TimePtr;
TimePtr mTime;
float mSpeedMult;
bool mPlaying;
size_t mLoopCount;
int mPriority;
int mGroups;
bool mAutoDisable;
AnimState() : mStartTime(0.0f), mLoopStartTime(0.0f), mLoopStopTime(0.0f), mStopTime(0.0f),
mTime(new float), mSpeedMult(1.0f), mPlaying(false), mLoopCount(0),
mPriority(0), mGroups(0), mAutoDisable(true)
float getTime() const
return *mTime;
void setTime(float time)
*mTime = time;
typedef std::map<std::string,AnimState> AnimStateMap;
AnimStateMap mStates;
typedef std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<AnimSource> > AnimSourceList;
AnimSourceList mAnimSources;
osg::ref_ptr<osg::Group> mInsert;
osg::ref_ptr<osg::Node> mObjectRoot;
// The node expected to accumulate movement during movement animations.
osg::ref_ptr<osg::Node> mAccumRoot;
// The controller animating that node.
osg::ref_ptr<NifOsg::KeyframeController> mAccumCtrl;
// Used to reset the position of the accumulation root every frame - the movement should be applied to the physics system
osg::ref_ptr<ResetAccumRootCallback> mResetAccumRootCallback;
// Keep track of controllers that we added to our scene graph.
// We may need to rebuild these controllers when the active animation groups / sources change.
typedef std::multimap<osg::ref_ptr<osg::Node>, osg::ref_ptr<osg::NodeCallback> > ControllerMap;
ControllerMap mActiveControllers;
boost::shared_ptr<AnimationTime> mAnimationTimePtr[sNumGroups];
// Stored in all lowercase for a case-insensitive lookup
typedef std::map<std::string, osg::ref_ptr<osg::MatrixTransform> > NodeMap;
NodeMap mNodeMap;
MWWorld::Ptr mPtr;
Resource::ResourceSystem* mResourceSystem;
osg::Vec3f mAccumulate;
struct EffectParams
std::string mModelName; // Just here so we don't add the same effect twice
PartHolderPtr mObjects;
boost::shared_ptr<EffectAnimationTime> mAnimTime;
float mMaxControllerLength;
int mEffectId;
bool mLoop;
std::string mBoneName;
std::vector<EffectParams> mEffects;
TextKeyListener* mTextKeyListener;
osg::ref_ptr<RotateController> mHeadController;
float mHeadYawRadians;
float mHeadPitchRadians;
/* Sets the appropriate animations on the bone groups based on priority.
void resetActiveGroups();
size_t detectAnimGroup(osg::Node* node);
/* Updates the position of the accum root node for the given time, and
* returns the wanted movement vector from the previous time. */
void updatePosition(float oldtime, float newtime, osg::Vec3f& position);
/* Resets the animation to the time of the specified start marker, without
* moving anything, and set the end time to the specified stop marker. If
* the marker is not found, or if the markers are the same, it returns
* false.
bool reset(AnimState &state, const std::multimap<float, std::string> &keys,
const std::string &groupname, const std::string &start, const std::string &stop,
float startpoint, bool loopfallback);
void handleTextKey(AnimState &state, const std::string &groupname, const std::multimap<float, std::string>::const_iterator &key,
const std::multimap<float, std::string>& map);
/** Sets the root model of the object.
* Note that you must make sure all animation sources are cleared before reseting the object
* root. All nodes previously retrieved with getNode will also become invalidated.
* @param forceskeleton Wrap the object root in a Skeleton, even if it contains no skinned parts. Use this if you intend to add skinned parts manually.
* @param baseonly If true, then any meshes or particle systems in the model are ignored
* (useful for NPCs, where only the skeleton is needed for the root, and the actual NPC parts are then assembled from separate files).
void setObjectRoot(const std::string &model, bool forceskeleton, bool baseonly);
/* Adds the keyframe controllers in the specified model as a new animation source. Note that
* the filename portion of the provided model name will be prepended with 'x', and the .nif
* extension will be replaced with .kf. */
void addAnimSource(const std::string &model);
/** Adds an additional light to the given node using the specified ESM record. */
void addExtraLight(osg::ref_ptr<osg::Group> parent, const ESM::Light *light);
void clearAnimSources();
* Provided to allow derived classes adding their own controllers. Note, the controllers must be added to mActiveControllers
* so they get cleaned up properly on the next controller rebuild. A controller rebuild may be necessary to ensure correct ordering.
virtual void addControllers();
osg::Vec4f getEnchantmentColor(MWWorld::Ptr item);
void addGlow(osg::ref_ptr<osg::Node> node, osg::Vec4f glowColor);
Animation(const MWWorld::Ptr &ptr, osg::ref_ptr<osg::Group> parentNode, Resource::ResourceSystem* resourceSystem);
virtual ~Animation();
MWWorld::Ptr getPtr();
/// Set active flag on the object skeleton, if one exists.
/// @see SceneUtil::Skeleton::setActive
void setActive(bool active);
osg::Group* getOrCreateObjectRoot();
osg::Group* getObjectRoot();
* @brief Add an effect mesh attached to a bone or the insert scene node
* @param model
* @param effectId An ID for this effect by which you can identify it later. If this is not wanted, set to -1.
* @param loop Loop the effect. If false, it is removed automatically after it finishes playing. If true,
* you need to remove it manually using removeEffect when the effect should end.
* @param bonename Bone to attach to, or empty string to use the scene node instead
* @param texture override the texture specified in the model's materials - if empty, do not override
* @note Will not add an effect twice.
void addEffect (const std::string& model, int effectId, bool loop = false, const std::string& bonename = "", std::string texture = "");
void removeEffect (int effectId);
void getLoopingEffects (std::vector<int>& out);
virtual void updatePtr(const MWWorld::Ptr &ptr);
bool hasAnimation(const std::string &anim);
// Specifies the axis' to accumulate on. Non-accumulated axis will just
// move visually, but not affect the actual movement. Each x/y/z value
// should be on the scale of 0 to 1.
void setAccumulation(const osg::Vec3f& accum);
/** Plays an animation.
* \param groupname Name of the animation group to play.
* \param priority Priority of the animation. The animation will play on
* bone groups that don't have another animation set of a
* higher priority.
* \param groups Bone groups to play the animation on.
* \param autodisable Automatically disable the animation when it stops
* playing.
* \param speedmult Speed multiplier for the animation.
* \param start Key marker from which to start.
* \param stop Key marker to stop at.
* \param startpoint How far in between the two markers to start. 0 starts
* at the start marker, 1 starts at the stop marker.
* \param loops How many times to loop the animation. This will use the
* "loop start" and "loop stop" markers if they exist,
* otherwise it may fall back to "start" and "stop", but only if
* the \a loopFallback parameter is true.
* \param loopFallback Allow looping an animation that has no loop keys, i.e. fall back to use
* the "start" and "stop" keys for looping?
void play(const std::string &groupname, int priority, int groups, bool autodisable,
float speedmult, const std::string &start, const std::string &stop,
float startpoint, size_t loops, bool loopfallback=false);
/** If the given animation group is currently playing, set its remaining loop count to '0'.
void stopLooping(const std::string& groupName);
/** Adjust the speed multiplier of an already playing animation.
void adjustSpeedMult (const std::string& groupname, float speedmult);
/** Returns true if the named animation group is playing. */
bool isPlaying(const std::string &groupname) const;
/// Returns true if no important animations are currently playing on the upper body.
bool upperBodyReady() const;
/** Gets info about the given animation group.
* \param groupname Animation group to check.
* \param complete Stores completion amount (0 = at start key, 0.5 = half way between start and stop keys), etc.
* \param speedmult Stores the animation speed multiplier
* \return True if the animation is active, false otherwise.
bool getInfo(const std::string &groupname, float *complete=NULL, float *speedmult=NULL) const;
/// Get the absolute position in the animation track of the first text key with the given group.
float getStartTime(const std::string &groupname) const;
/// Get the absolute position in the animation track of the text key
float getTextKeyTime(const std::string &textKey) const;
/// Get the current absolute position in the animation track for the animation that is currently playing from the given group.
float getCurrentTime(const std::string& groupname) const;
/** Disables the specified animation group;
* \param groupname Animation group to disable.
void disable(const std::string &groupname);
void changeGroups(const std::string &groupname, int group);
/** Retrieves the velocity (in units per second) that the animation will move. */
float getVelocity(const std::string &groupname) const;
virtual osg::Vec3f runAnimation(float duration);
/// This is typically called as part of runAnimation, but may be called manually if needed.
void updateEffects(float duration);
/// Return a node with the specified name, or NULL if not existing.
/// @note The matching is case-insensitive.
const osg::Node* getNode(const std::string& name) const;
virtual void showWeapons(bool showWeapon) {}
virtual void showCarriedLeft(bool show) {}
virtual void setWeaponGroup(const std::string& group) {}
virtual void setVampire(bool vampire) {}
virtual void setAlpha(float alpha) {}
virtual void setPitchFactor(float factor) {}
virtual void attachArrow() {}
virtual void releaseArrow(float attackStrength) {}
virtual void enableHeadAnimation(bool enable) {}
// TODO: move outside of this class
/// Makes this object glow, by placing a Light in its center.
/// @param effect Controls the radius and intensity of the light.
virtual void setLightEffect(float effect) {}
virtual void setHeadPitch(float pitchRadians);
virtual void setHeadYaw(float yawRadians);
virtual float getHeadPitch() const;
virtual float getHeadYaw() const;
Animation(const Animation&);
void operator=(Animation&);
class ObjectAnimation : public Animation {
ObjectAnimation(const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr, const std::string &model, Resource::ResourceSystem* resourceSystem, bool animated, bool allowLight);