Fork 1
mirror of https://github.com/TES3MP/openmw-tes3mp.git synced 2025-03-27 06:40:26 +00:00
scrawl 7d36a202a8 Implement cell loading threshold (Fixes #1874)
The cell loading threshold (default: 1024 units) prevents exterior cell loading until the player has travelled part-way into the next cell. This gets rid of excessive cell loadings when walking along an exterior cell border.

Lower the maximum allowed view distance in options menu to accomodate. Change setting name so that old settings files are upgraded.
2014-10-02 16:50:10 +02:00

345 lines
13 KiB

#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <components/settings/settings.hpp>
#include <components/translation/translation.hpp>
#include <components/loadinglistener/loadinglistener.hpp>
#include "../mwmechanics/stat.hpp"
#include "../mwgui/mode.hpp"
namespace MyGUI
class Gui;
class Widget;
class UString;
namespace OEngine
namespace GUI
class Layout;
namespace ESM
struct Class;
class ESMReader;
class ESMWriter;
namespace MWWorld
class CellStore;
class Ptr;
namespace MWGui
class Console;
class SpellWindow;
class TradeWindow;
class TravelWindow;
class SpellBuyingWindow;
class ConfirmationDialog;
class CountDialog;
class ScrollWindow;
class BookWindow;
class InventoryWindow;
class ContainerWindow;
class DialogueWindow;
class WindowModal;
enum ShowInDialogueMode {
namespace SFO
class CursorManager;
namespace MWBase
/// \brief Interface for widnow manager (implemented in MWGui)
class WindowManager
WindowManager (const WindowManager&);
///< not implemented
WindowManager& operator= (const WindowManager&);
///< not implemented
typedef std::vector<int> SkillList;
WindowManager() {}
virtual ~WindowManager() {}
* Should be called each frame to update windows/gui elements.
* This could mean updating sizes of gui elements or opening
* new dialogs.
virtual void update() = 0;
/// @note This method will block until the video finishes playing
/// (and will continually update the window while doing so)
virtual void playVideo(const std::string& name, bool allowSkipping) = 0;
virtual void setNewGame(bool newgame) = 0;
virtual void pushGuiMode (MWGui::GuiMode mode) = 0;
virtual void popGuiMode() = 0;
virtual void removeGuiMode (MWGui::GuiMode mode) = 0;
///< can be anywhere in the stack
virtual void updatePlayer() = 0;
virtual MWGui::GuiMode getMode() const = 0;
virtual bool containsMode(MWGui::GuiMode) const = 0;
virtual bool isGuiMode() const = 0;
virtual bool isConsoleMode() const = 0;
virtual void toggleVisible (MWGui::GuiWindow wnd) = 0;
virtual void forceHide(MWGui::GuiWindow wnd) = 0;
virtual void unsetForceHide(MWGui::GuiWindow wnd) = 0;
/// Disallow all inventory mode windows
virtual void disallowAll() = 0;
/// Allow one or more windows
virtual void allow (MWGui::GuiWindow wnd) = 0;
virtual bool isAllowed (MWGui::GuiWindow wnd) const = 0;
/// \todo investigate, if we really need to expose every single lousy UI element to the outside world
virtual MWGui::DialogueWindow* getDialogueWindow() = 0;
virtual MWGui::ContainerWindow* getContainerWindow() = 0;
virtual MWGui::InventoryWindow* getInventoryWindow() = 0;
virtual MWGui::BookWindow* getBookWindow() = 0;
virtual MWGui::ScrollWindow* getScrollWindow() = 0;
virtual MWGui::CountDialog* getCountDialog() = 0;
virtual MWGui::ConfirmationDialog* getConfirmationDialog() = 0;
virtual MWGui::TradeWindow* getTradeWindow() = 0;
virtual MWGui::SpellBuyingWindow* getSpellBuyingWindow() = 0;
virtual MWGui::TravelWindow* getTravelWindow() = 0;
virtual MWGui::SpellWindow* getSpellWindow() = 0;
virtual MWGui::Console* getConsole() = 0;
virtual void wmUpdateFps(float fps, unsigned int triangleCount, unsigned int batchCount) = 0;
/// Set value for the given ID.
virtual void setValue (const std::string& id, const MWMechanics::AttributeValue& value) = 0;
virtual void setValue (int parSkill, const MWMechanics::SkillValue& value) = 0;
virtual void setValue (const std::string& id, const MWMechanics::DynamicStat<float>& value) = 0;
virtual void setValue (const std::string& id, const std::string& value) = 0;
virtual void setValue (const std::string& id, int value) = 0;
/// Set time left for the player to start drowning (update the drowning bar)
/// @param time time left to start drowning
/// @param maxTime how long we can be underwater (in total) until drowning starts
virtual void setDrowningTimeLeft (float time, float maxTime) = 0;
virtual void setPlayerClass (const ESM::Class &class_) = 0;
///< set current class of player
virtual void configureSkills (const SkillList& major, const SkillList& minor) = 0;
///< configure skill groups, each set contains the skill ID for that group.
virtual void setReputation (int reputation) = 0;
///< set the current reputation value
virtual void setBounty (int bounty) = 0;
///< set the current bounty value
virtual void updateSkillArea() = 0;
///< update display of skills, factions, birth sign, reputation and bounty
virtual void changeCell(MWWorld::CellStore* cell) = 0;
///< change the active cell
virtual void setPlayerPos(int cellX, int cellY, const float x, const float y) = 0;
///< set player position in map space
virtual void setPlayerDir(const float x, const float y) = 0;
///< set player view direction in map space
virtual void setFocusObject(const MWWorld::Ptr& focus) = 0;
virtual void setFocusObjectScreenCoords(float min_x, float min_y, float max_x, float max_y) = 0;
virtual void setCursorVisible(bool visible) = 0;
virtual void getMousePosition(int &x, int &y) = 0;
virtual void getMousePosition(float &x, float &y) = 0;
virtual void setDragDrop(bool dragDrop) = 0;
virtual bool getWorldMouseOver() = 0;
virtual bool toggleFogOfWar() = 0;
virtual bool toggleFullHelp() = 0;
///< show extra info in item tooltips (owner, script)
virtual bool getFullHelp() const = 0;
virtual void setActiveMap(int x, int y, bool interior) = 0;
///< set the indices of the map texture that should be used
/// sets the visibility of the drowning bar
virtual void setDrowningBarVisibility(bool visible) = 0;
/// sets the visibility of the hud health/magicka/stamina bars
virtual void setHMSVisibility(bool visible) = 0;
/// sets the visibility of the hud minimap
virtual void setMinimapVisibility(bool visible) = 0;
virtual void setWeaponVisibility(bool visible) = 0;
virtual void setSpellVisibility(bool visible) = 0;
virtual void setSneakVisibility(bool visible) = 0;
virtual void activateQuickKey (int index) = 0;
virtual std::string getSelectedSpell() = 0;
virtual void setSelectedSpell(const std::string& spellId, int successChancePercent) = 0;
virtual void setSelectedEnchantItem(const MWWorld::Ptr& item) = 0;
virtual void setSelectedWeapon(const MWWorld::Ptr& item) = 0;
virtual void unsetSelectedSpell() = 0;
virtual void unsetSelectedWeapon() = 0;
virtual void showCrosshair(bool show) = 0;
virtual bool getSubtitlesEnabled() = 0;
virtual bool toggleGui() = 0;
virtual void disallowMouse() = 0;
virtual void allowMouse() = 0;
virtual void notifyInputActionBound() = 0;
virtual void addVisitedLocation(const std::string& name, int x, int y) = 0;
/// Hides dialog and schedules dialog to be deleted.
virtual void removeDialog(OEngine::GUI::Layout* dialog) = 0;
///Gracefully attempts to exit the topmost GUI mode
/** No guarentee of actually closing the window **/
virtual void exitCurrentGuiMode() = 0;
virtual void messageBox (const std::string& message, const std::vector<std::string>& buttons = std::vector<std::string>(), enum MWGui::ShowInDialogueMode showInDialogueMode = MWGui::ShowInDialogueMode_IfPossible) = 0;
virtual void staticMessageBox(const std::string& message) = 0;
virtual void removeStaticMessageBox() = 0;
/// returns the index of the pressed button or -1 if no button was pressed (->MessageBoxmanager->InteractiveMessageBox)
virtual int readPressedButton() = 0;
virtual void onFrame (float frameDuration) = 0;
/// \todo get rid of this stuff. Move it to the respective UI element classes, if needed.
virtual std::map<int, MWMechanics::SkillValue > getPlayerSkillValues() = 0;
virtual std::map<int, MWMechanics::AttributeValue > getPlayerAttributeValues() = 0;
virtual SkillList getPlayerMinorSkills() = 0;
virtual SkillList getPlayerMajorSkills() = 0;
* Fetches a GMST string from the store, if there is no setting with the given
* ID or it is not a string the default string is returned.
* @param id Identifier for the GMST setting, e.g. "aName"
* @param default Default value if the GMST setting cannot be used.
virtual std::string getGameSettingString(const std::string &id, const std::string &default_) = 0;
virtual void processChangedSettings(const Settings::CategorySettingVector& changed) = 0;
virtual void windowResized(int x, int y) = 0;
virtual void executeInConsole (const std::string& path) = 0;
virtual void enableRest() = 0;
virtual bool getRestEnabled() = 0;
virtual bool getJournalAllowed() = 0;
virtual bool getPlayerSleeping() = 0;
virtual void wakeUpPlayer() = 0;
virtual void showCompanionWindow(MWWorld::Ptr actor) = 0;
virtual void startSpellMaking(MWWorld::Ptr actor) = 0;
virtual void startEnchanting(MWWorld::Ptr actor) = 0;
virtual void startRecharge(MWWorld::Ptr soulgem) = 0;
virtual void startSelfEnchanting(MWWorld::Ptr soulgem) = 0;
virtual void startTraining(MWWorld::Ptr actor) = 0;
virtual void startRepair(MWWorld::Ptr actor) = 0;
virtual void startRepairItem(MWWorld::Ptr item) = 0;
virtual void showSoulgemDialog (MWWorld::Ptr item) = 0;
virtual void frameStarted(float dt) = 0;
virtual void changePointer (const std::string& name) = 0;
virtual void setEnemy (const MWWorld::Ptr& enemy) = 0;
virtual const Translation::Storage& getTranslationDataStorage() const = 0;
/// Warning: do not use MyGUI::InputManager::setKeyFocusWidget directly. Instead use this.
virtual void setKeyFocusWidget (MyGUI::Widget* widget) = 0;
virtual Loading::Listener* getLoadingScreen() = 0;
/// Should the cursor be visible?
virtual bool getCursorVisible() = 0;
/// Clear all savegame-specific data
virtual void clear() = 0;
virtual void write (ESM::ESMWriter& writer, Loading::Listener& progress) = 0;
virtual void readRecord (ESM::ESMReader& reader, int32_t type) = 0;
virtual int countSavedGameRecords() const = 0;
/// Does the current stack of GUI-windows permit saving?
virtual bool isSavingAllowed() const = 0;
/// Returns the current Modal
/** Used to send exit command to active Modal when Esc is pressed **/
virtual MWGui::WindowModal* getCurrentModal() const = 0;
/// Sets the current Modal
/** Used to send exit command to active Modal when Esc is pressed **/
virtual void addCurrentModal(MWGui::WindowModal* input) = 0;
/// Removes the top Modal
/** Used when one Modal adds another Modal
\param input Pointer to the current modal, to ensure proper modal is removed **/
virtual void removeCurrentModal(MWGui::WindowModal* input) = 0;
virtual void pinWindow (MWGui::GuiWindow window) = 0;
/// Fade the screen in, over \a time seconds
virtual void fadeScreenIn(const float time) = 0;
/// Fade the screen out to black, over \a time seconds
virtual void fadeScreenOut(const float time) = 0;
/// Fade the screen to a specified percentage of black, over \a time seconds
virtual void fadeScreenTo(const int percent, const float time) = 0;
/// Darken the screen by \a factor (1.0 = no darkening). Works independently from screen fading.
virtual void setScreenFactor (float factor) = 0;
virtual void toggleDebugWindow() = 0;