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synced 2025-03-03 12:49:40 +00:00
The cell loading threshold (default: 1024 units) prevents exterior cell loading until the player has travelled part-way into the next cell. This gets rid of excessive cell loadings when walking along an exterior cell border. Lower the maximum allowed view distance in options menu to accomodate. Change setting name so that old settings files are upgraded.
246 lines
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246 lines
6.9 KiB
#include <stdint.h>
#include "windowpinnablebase.hpp"
#include <components/esm/cellid.hpp>
namespace MWRender
class GlobalMap;
namespace ESM
class ESMReader;
class ESMWriter;
namespace Loading
class Listener;
namespace MWGui
struct CustomMarker
float mWorldX;
float mWorldY;
ESM::CellId mCell;
std::string mNote;
bool operator == (const CustomMarker& other)
return mNote == other.mNote && mCell == other.mCell && mWorldX == other.mWorldX && mWorldY == other.mWorldY;
void load (ESM::ESMReader& reader);
void save (ESM::ESMWriter& writer) const;
class CustomMarkerCollection
void addMarker(const CustomMarker& marker, bool triggerEvent=true);
void deleteMarker (const CustomMarker& marker);
void updateMarker(const CustomMarker& marker, const std::string& newNote);
void clear();
size_t size() const;
std::vector<CustomMarker>::const_iterator begin() const;
std::vector<CustomMarker>::const_iterator end() const;
typedef MyGUI::delegates::CMultiDelegate0 EventHandle_Void;
EventHandle_Void eventMarkersChanged;
std::vector<CustomMarker> mMarkers;
class LocalMapBase
LocalMapBase(CustomMarkerCollection& markers);
virtual ~LocalMapBase();
void init(MyGUI::ScrollView* widget, MyGUI::ImageBox* compass);
void setCellPrefix(const std::string& prefix);
void setActiveCell(const int x, const int y, bool interior=false);
void setPlayerDir(const float x, const float y);
void setPlayerPos(int cellX, int cellY, const float nx, const float ny);
void onFrame(float dt);
bool toggleFogOfWar();
struct MarkerPosition
bool interior;
int cellX;
int cellY;
float nX;
float nY;
int mCurX, mCurY;
bool mInterior;
MyGUI::ScrollView* mLocalMap;
MyGUI::ImageBox* mCompass;
std::string mPrefix;
bool mChanged;
bool mFogOfWar;
// Stores markers that were placed by a player. May be shared between multiple map views.
CustomMarkerCollection& mCustomMarkers;
std::vector<MyGUI::ImageBox*> mMapWidgets;
std::vector<MyGUI::ImageBox*> mFogWidgets;
// Keep track of created marker widgets, just to easily remove them later.
std::vector<MyGUI::Widget*> mDoorMarkerWidgets;
std::vector<MyGUI::Widget*> mMagicMarkerWidgets;
std::vector<MyGUI::Widget*> mCustomMarkerWidgets;
void updateCustomMarkers();
void applyFogOfWar();
MyGUI::IntPoint getMarkerPosition (float worldX, float worldY, MarkerPosition& markerPos);
virtual void notifyPlayerUpdate() {}
virtual void notifyMapChanged() {}
virtual void customMarkerCreated(MyGUI::Widget* marker) {}
virtual void doorMarkerCreated(MyGUI::Widget* marker) {}
void updateMagicMarkers();
void addDetectionMarkers(int type);
void redraw();
float mMarkerUpdateTimer;
float mLastDirectionX;
float mLastDirectionY;
class EditNoteDialog : public MWGui::WindowModal
virtual void open();
virtual void exit();
void showDeleteButton(bool show);
bool getDeleteButtonShown();
void setText(const std::string& text);
std::string getText();
typedef MyGUI::delegates::CMultiDelegate0 EventHandle_Void;
EventHandle_Void eventDeleteClicked;
EventHandle_Void eventOkClicked;
void onCancelButtonClicked(MyGUI::Widget* sender);
void onOkButtonClicked(MyGUI::Widget* sender);
void onDeleteButtonClicked(MyGUI::Widget* sender);
MyGUI::TextBox* mTextEdit;
MyGUI::Button* mOkButton;
MyGUI::Button* mCancelButton;
MyGUI::Button* mDeleteButton;
class MapWindow : public MWGui::WindowPinnableBase, public LocalMapBase, public NoDrop
MapWindow(CustomMarkerCollection& customMarkers, DragAndDrop* drag, const std::string& cacheDir);
virtual ~MapWindow();
void setCellName(const std::string& cellName);
virtual void setAlpha(float alpha);
void renderGlobalMap(Loading::Listener* loadingListener);
// adds the marker to the global map
void addVisitedLocation(const std::string& name, int x, int y);
// reveals this cell's map on the global map
void cellExplored(int x, int y);
void setGlobalMapPlayerPosition (float worldX, float worldY);
void setGlobalMapPlayerDir(const float x, const float y);
virtual void open();
void onFrame(float dt);
/// Clear all savegame-specific data
void clear();
void write (ESM::ESMWriter& writer, Loading::Listener& progress);
void readRecord (ESM::ESMReader& reader, int32_t type);
void onDragStart(MyGUI::Widget* _sender, int _left, int _top, MyGUI::MouseButton _id);
void onMouseDrag(MyGUI::Widget* _sender, int _left, int _top, MyGUI::MouseButton _id);
void onWorldButtonClicked(MyGUI::Widget* _sender);
void onMapDoubleClicked(MyGUI::Widget* sender);
void onCustomMarkerDoubleClicked(MyGUI::Widget* sender);
void onNoteEditOk();
void onNoteEditDelete();
void onNoteEditDeleteConfirm();
void onNoteDoubleClicked(MyGUI::Widget* sender);
void onChangeScrollWindowCoord(MyGUI::Widget* sender);
void globalMapUpdatePlayer();
MyGUI::ScrollView* mGlobalMap;
MyGUI::ImageBox* mGlobalMapImage;
MyGUI::ImageBox* mGlobalMapOverlay;
MyGUI::ImageBox* mPlayerArrowLocal;
MyGUI::ImageBox* mPlayerArrowGlobal;
MyGUI::Button* mButton;
MyGUI::IntPoint mLastDragPos;
bool mGlobal;
MyGUI::IntCoord mLastScrollWindowCoordinates;
// Markers on global map
typedef std::pair<int, int> CellId;
std::set<CellId> mMarkers;
// Cells that should be explored in the next frame (i.e. their map revealed on the global map)
// We can't do this immediately, because the map update is not immediate either (see mNeedMapUpdate in scene.cpp)
std::vector<CellId> mQueuedToExplore;
MyGUI::Button* mEventBoxGlobal;
MyGUI::Button* mEventBoxLocal;
MWRender::GlobalMap* mGlobalMapRender;
EditNoteDialog mEditNoteDialog;
CustomMarker mEditingMarker;
virtual void onPinToggled();
virtual void onTitleDoubleClicked();
virtual void doorMarkerCreated(MyGUI::Widget* marker);
virtual void customMarkerCreated(MyGUI::Widget *marker);
virtual void notifyPlayerUpdate();