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mirror of https://github.com/TES3MP/openmw-tes3mp.git synced 2025-03-27 04:40:28 +00:00
Lukasz Gromanowski 7c24ae9ac7 Issue #168 - Configuration cleanup - WIP
This is "work in progress" commit, it shall not be merged alone,
without succeeding commits (it's not fully functional).

Signed-off-by: Lukasz Gromanowski <lgromanowski@gmail.com>
2012-01-21 01:31:20 +01:00

64 lines
1.7 KiB

project (Components)
# source files
add_component_dir (bsa
bsa_archive bsa_file
add_component_dir (nif
controlled effect nif_types record controller extra node record_ptr data nif_file property
add_component_dir (nifogre
add_component_dir (nifbullet
add_component_dir (to_utf8
add_component_dir (file_finder
file_finder filename_less search
add_component_dir (esm_store
cell_store reclists store
add_component_dir (esm
attr defs esm_reader loadacti loadalch loadappa loadarmo loadbody loadbook loadbsgn loadcell
loadclas loadclot loadcont loadcrea loadcrec loaddial loaddoor loadench loadfact loadglob loadgmst
loadinfo loadingr loadland loadlevlist loadligh loadlocks loadltex loadmgef loadmisc loadnpcc
loadnpc loadpgrd loadrace loadregn loadscpt loadskil loadsndg loadsoun loadspel loadsscr loadstat
loadweap records
add_component_dir (misc
slice_array stringops
add_component_dir (files
linuxpath windowspath macospath fixedpath multidircollection collections fileops configurationmanager
add_component_dir (compiler
context controlparser errorhandler exception exprparser extensions fileparser generator
lineparser literals locals output parser scanner scriptparser skipparser streamerrorhandler
stringparser tokenloc
add_component_dir (interpreter
context controlopcodes genericopcodes installopcodes interpreter localopcodes mathopcodes
miscopcodes opcodes runtime scriptopcodes spatialopcodes types
add_library (components STATIC ${COMPONENT_FILES})
target_link_libraries (components ${Boost_LIBRARIES} ${OGRE_LIBRARIES})