mirror of
synced 2025-03-29 13:36:43 +00:00
The first part of the fix is to assign VBO/EBO's upon loading the array in the Nif reader. This avoids triggering the 'addVertexBufferObjectIfRequired' code path in osg::Geometry which has the race condition when two threads add the same Array at the same time. Essentially, we want the Arrays to be 'const' when they come out of the Nif reader.
The second part of the fix is to make sure not to create empty arrays in the Nif reader (importantly, not assigning a VBO to the empty array). This empty array would be deleted when the NIFFile is cleaned up, and the detachment of the VBO assigned to it (which is still in use by other arrays) would cause threading issues.
This rare crash bug was first introduced with commit a7c5beb7c5
. When using OSG dev version 3.5 the crashes were a little more prevalent, because 'addVertexBufferObjectIfRequired' in osg::Geometry is now used even when VBO's are disabled (as part of the VAO support changes).
340 lines
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340 lines
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#include "bulletnifloader.hpp"
#include <cstdio>
#include <vector>
#include <list>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <BulletCollision/CollisionShapes/btBoxShape.h>
#include <BulletCollision/CollisionShapes/btTriangleMesh.h>
#include <BulletCollision/CollisionShapes/btScaledBvhTriangleMeshShape.h>
#include <BulletCollision/CollisionShapes/btCompoundShape.h>
#include <components/misc/stringops.hpp>
#include <components/nif/node.hpp>
#include <components/nif/data.hpp>
#include <components/nif/property.hpp>
#include <components/nif/controller.hpp>
#include <components/nif/extra.hpp>
osg::Matrixf getWorldTransform(const Nif::Node *node)
if(node->parent != NULL)
return node->trafo.toMatrix() * getWorldTransform(node->parent);
return node->trafo.toMatrix();
btVector3 getbtVector(const osg::Vec3f &v)
return btVector3(v.x(), v.y(), v.z());
namespace NifBullet
: mCompoundShape(NULL)
, mStaticMesh(NULL)
osg::ref_ptr<Resource::BulletShape> BulletNifLoader::load(const Nif::NIFFilePtr nif)
mShape = new Resource::BulletShape;
mCompoundShape = NULL;
mStaticMesh = NULL;
if (nif->numRoots() < 1)
warn("Found no root nodes in NIF.");
return mShape;
Nif::Record *r = nif->getRoot(0);
assert(r != NULL);
Nif::Node *node = dynamic_cast<Nif::Node*>(r);
if (node == NULL)
warn("First root in file was not a node, but a " +
r->recName + ". Skipping file.");
return mShape;
if (findBoundingBox(node))
std::auto_ptr<btCompoundShape> compound (new btCompoundShape);
btBoxShape* boxShape = new btBoxShape(getbtVector(mShape->mCollisionBoxHalfExtents));
btTransform transform = btTransform::getIdentity();
compound->addChildShape(transform, boxShape);
mShape->mCollisionShape = compound.release();
return mShape;
bool autogenerated = hasAutoGeneratedCollision(node);
bool isAnimated = false;
// files with the name convention xmodel.nif usually have keyframes stored in a separate file xmodel.kf (see Animation::addAnimSource).
// assume all nodes in the file will be animated
std::string filename = nif->getFilename();
size_t slashpos = filename.find_last_of("/\\");
if (slashpos == std::string::npos)
slashpos = 0;
if (slashpos+1 < filename.size() && (filename[slashpos+1] == 'x' || filename[slashpos+1] == 'X'))
isAnimated = true;
handleNode(node, 0, autogenerated, isAnimated, autogenerated);
if (mCompoundShape)
mShape->mCollisionShape = mCompoundShape;
if (mStaticMesh)
btTransform trans;
mCompoundShape->addChildShape(trans, new Resource::TriangleMeshShape(mStaticMesh,true));
else if (mStaticMesh)
mShape->mCollisionShape = new Resource::TriangleMeshShape(mStaticMesh,true);
return mShape;
// Find a boundingBox in the node hierarchy.
// Return: use bounding box for collision?
bool BulletNifLoader::findBoundingBox(const Nif::Node* node, int flags)
flags |= node->flags;
if (node->hasBounds)
mShape->mCollisionBoxHalfExtents = node->boundXYZ;
mShape->mCollisionBoxTranslate = node->boundPos;
if (flags & Nif::NiNode::Flag_BBoxCollision)
return true;
const Nif::NiNode *ninode = dynamic_cast<const Nif::NiNode*>(node);
const Nif::NodeList &list = ninode->children;
for(size_t i = 0;i < list.length();i++)
bool found = findBoundingBox (list[i].getPtr());
if (found)
return true;
return false;
bool BulletNifLoader::hasAutoGeneratedCollision(const Nif::Node* rootNode)
const Nif::NiNode *ninode = dynamic_cast<const Nif::NiNode*>(rootNode);
const Nif::NodeList &list = ninode->children;
for(size_t i = 0;i < list.length();i++)
if(list[i].getPtr()->recType == Nif::RC_RootCollisionNode)
return false;
return true;
void BulletNifLoader::handleNode(const Nif::Node *node, int flags,
bool isCollisionNode, bool isAnimated, bool autogenerated)
// Accumulate the flags from all the child nodes. This works for all
// the flags we currently use, at least.
flags |= node->flags;
if (!node->controller.empty() && node->controller->recType == Nif::RC_NiKeyframeController
&& (node->controller->flags & Nif::NiNode::ControllerFlag_Active))
isAnimated = true;
isCollisionNode = isCollisionNode || (node->recType == Nif::RC_RootCollisionNode);
// Don't collide with AvoidNode shapes
if(node->recType == Nif::RC_AvoidNode)
flags |= 0x800;
// Check for extra data
Nif::Extra const *e = node;
while (!e->extra.empty())
// Get the next extra data in the list
e = e->extra.getPtr();
assert(e != NULL);
if (e->recType == Nif::RC_NiStringExtraData)
// String markers may contain important information
// affecting the entire subtree of this node
Nif::NiStringExtraData *sd = (Nif::NiStringExtraData*)e;
// not sure what the difference between NCO and NCC is, or if there even is one
if (sd->string == "NCO" || sd->string == "NCC")
// No collision. Use an internal flag setting to mark this.
flags |= 0x800;
else if (sd->string == "MRK" && autogenerated)
// Marker can still have collision if the model explicitely specifies it via a RootCollisionNode.
if (isCollisionNode)
// NOTE: a trishape with hasBounds=true, but no BBoxCollision flag should NOT go through handleNiTriShape!
// It must be ignored completely.
// (occurs in tr_ex_imp_wall_arch_04.nif)
if(!node->hasBounds && node->recType == Nif::RC_NiTriShape)
handleNiTriShape(static_cast<const Nif::NiTriShape*>(node), flags, getWorldTransform(node), isAnimated);
// For NiNodes, loop through children
const Nif::NiNode *ninode = dynamic_cast<const Nif::NiNode*>(node);
const Nif::NodeList &list = ninode->children;
for(size_t i = 0;i < list.length();i++)
handleNode(list[i].getPtr(), flags, isCollisionNode, isAnimated, autogenerated);
void BulletNifLoader::handleNiTriShape(const Nif::NiTriShape *shape, int flags, const osg::Matrixf &transform, bool isAnimated)
assert(shape != NULL);
// Interpret flags
bool hidden = (flags&Nif::NiNode::Flag_Hidden) != 0;
bool collide = (flags&Nif::NiNode::Flag_MeshCollision) != 0;
bool bbcollide = (flags&Nif::NiNode::Flag_BBoxCollision) != 0;
// If the object was marked "NCO" earlier, it shouldn't collide with
// anything. So don't do anything.
if ((flags & 0x800))
if (!collide && !bbcollide && hidden)
// This mesh apparently isn't being used for anything, so don't
// bother setting it up.
if (!shape->skin.empty())
isAnimated = false;
if (shape->data.empty())
const Nif::NiTriShapeData *data = shape->data.getPtr();
if (!data->triangles || !data->vertices)
if (isAnimated)
if (!mCompoundShape)
mCompoundShape = new btCompoundShape();
btTriangleMesh* childMesh = new btTriangleMesh();
const osg::Vec3Array& vertices = *data->vertices;
const osg::DrawElementsUShort& triangles = *data->triangles;
size_t numtris = data->triangles->size();
for(size_t i = 0;i < numtris;i+=3)
osg::Vec3f b1 = vertices[triangles[i+0]];
osg::Vec3f b2 = vertices[triangles[i+1]];
osg::Vec3f b3 = vertices[triangles[i+2]];
childMesh->addTriangle(getbtVector(b1), getbtVector(b2), getbtVector(b3));
Resource::TriangleMeshShape* childShape = new Resource::TriangleMeshShape(childMesh,true);
float scale = shape->trafo.scale;
const Nif::Node* parent = shape;
while (parent->parent)
parent = parent->parent;
scale *= parent->trafo.scale;
osg::Quat q = transform.getRotate();
osg::Vec3f v = transform.getTrans();
childShape->setLocalScaling(btVector3(scale, scale, scale));
btTransform trans(btQuaternion(q.x(), q.y(), q.z(), q.w()), btVector3(v.x(), v.y(), v.z()));
mShape->mAnimatedShapes.insert(std::make_pair(shape->recIndex, mCompoundShape->getNumChildShapes()));
mCompoundShape->addChildShape(trans, childShape);
if (!mStaticMesh)
mStaticMesh = new btTriangleMesh(false);
// Static shape, just transform all vertices into position
const osg::Vec3Array& vertices = *data->vertices;
const osg::DrawElementsUShort& triangles = *data->triangles;
size_t numtris = data->triangles->size();
for(size_t i = 0;i < numtris;i+=3)
osg::Vec3f b1 = vertices[triangles[i+0]]*transform;
osg::Vec3f b2 = vertices[triangles[i+1]]*transform;
osg::Vec3f b3 = vertices[triangles[i+2]]*transform;
mStaticMesh->addTriangle(getbtVector(b1), getbtVector(b2), getbtVector(b3));
} // namespace NifBullet