Fork 1
mirror of https://github.com/TES3MP/openmw-tes3mp.git synced 2025-03-28 12:36:42 +00:00
Fil Krynicki 9095a45ba7 Bug 1047 Fix
Dialog links can no longer be highlighted if they appear in the
middle of the word. This is achieved by confirming that the
character before a match is not alphabetic, so that words
following hyphens can still potentially match.
2014-05-10 17:05:15 -04:00

208 lines
6.3 KiB

#include <map>
#include <locale>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm> // std::reverse
#include <components/misc/stringops.hpp>
namespace MWGui
template <typename string_t, typename value_t>
class KeywordSearch
typedef typename string_t::const_iterator Point;
struct Match
Point mBeg;
Point mEnd;
value_t mValue;
void seed (string_t keyword, value_t value)
seed_impl (/*std::move*/ (keyword), /*std::move*/ (value), 0, mRoot);
void clear ()
mRoot.mChildren.clear ();
mRoot.mKeyword.clear ();
bool containsKeyword (string_t keyword, value_t& value)
typename Entry::childen_t::iterator current;
typename Entry::childen_t::iterator next;
current = mRoot.mChildren.find (std::tolower (*keyword.begin(), mLocale));
if (current == mRoot.mChildren.end())
return false;
else if (current->second.mKeyword.size() && Misc::StringUtils::ciEqual(current->second.mKeyword, keyword))
value = current->second.mValue;
return true;
for (Point i = ++keyword.begin(); i != keyword.end(); ++i)
next = current->second.mChildren.find(std::tolower (*i, mLocale));
if (next == current->second.mChildren.end())
return false;
if (Misc::StringUtils::ciEqual(next->second.mKeyword, keyword))
value = next->second.mValue;
return true;
current = next;
return false;
bool search (Point beg, Point end, Match & match, bool matchSubword = true)
char prev = ' ';
for (Point i = beg; i != end; ++i)
// check if previous character marked start of new word
if (!matchSubword && isalpha(prev))
prev = *i;
prev = *i;
// check first character
typename Entry::childen_t::iterator candidate = mRoot.mChildren.find (std::tolower (*i, mLocale));
// no match, on to next character
if (candidate == mRoot.mChildren.end ())
// see how far the match goes
Point j = i;
// some keywords might be longer variations of other keywords, so we definitely need a list of candidates
// the first element in the pair is length of the match, i.e. depth from the first character on
std::vector< typename std::pair<int, typename Entry::childen_t::iterator> > candidates;
while ((j + 1) != end)
typename Entry::childen_t::iterator next = candidate->second.mChildren.find (std::tolower (*++j, mLocale));
if (next == candidate->second.mChildren.end ())
if (candidate->second.mKeyword.size() > 0)
candidates.push_back(std::make_pair((j-i), candidate));
candidate = next;
if (candidate->second.mKeyword.size() > 0)
candidates.push_back(std::make_pair((j-i), candidate));
if (candidates.empty())
continue; // didn't match enough to disambiguate, on to next character
// shorter candidates will be added to the vector first. however, we want to check against longer candidates first
std::reverse(candidates.begin(), candidates.end());
for (typename std::vector< std::pair<int, typename Entry::childen_t::iterator> >::iterator it = candidates.begin();
it != candidates.end(); ++it)
candidate = it->second;
// try to match the rest of the keyword
Point k = i + it->first;
typename string_t::const_iterator t = candidate->second.mKeyword.begin () + (k - i);
while (k != end && t != candidate->second.mKeyword.end ())
if (std::tolower (*k, mLocale) != std::tolower (*t, mLocale))
++k, ++t;
// didn't match full keyword, try the next candidate
if (t != candidate->second.mKeyword.end ())
// we did it, report the good news
match.mValue = candidate->second.mValue;
match.mBeg = i;
match.mEnd = k;
return true;
// no match in range, report the bad news
return false;
struct Entry
typedef std::map <wchar_t, Entry> childen_t;
string_t mKeyword;
value_t mValue;
childen_t mChildren;
void seed_impl (string_t keyword, value_t value, size_t depth, Entry & entry)
int ch = tolower (keyword.at (depth), mLocale);
typename Entry::childen_t::iterator j = entry.mChildren.find (ch);
if (j == entry.mChildren.end ())
entry.mChildren [ch].mValue = /*std::move*/ (value);
entry.mChildren [ch].mKeyword = /*std::move*/ (keyword);
if (j->second.mKeyword.size () > 0)
if (keyword == j->second.mKeyword)
throw std::runtime_error ("duplicate keyword inserted");
value_t pushValue = /*std::move*/ (j->second.mValue);
string_t pushKeyword = /*std::move*/ (j->second.mKeyword);
if (depth >= pushKeyword.size ())
throw std::runtime_error ("unexpected");
if (depth+1 < pushKeyword.size())
seed_impl (/*std::move*/ (pushKeyword), /*std::move*/ (pushValue), depth+1, j->second);
j->second.mKeyword.clear ();
if (depth+1 == keyword.size())
j->second.mKeyword = value;
else // depth+1 < keyword.size()
seed_impl (/*std::move*/ (keyword), /*std::move*/ (value), depth+1, j->second);
Entry mRoot;
std::locale mLocale;