mirror of
synced 2025-03-28 16:06:42 +00:00
548 lines
24 KiB
548 lines
24 KiB
#include "shadermanager.hpp"
#include <fstream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <sstream>
#include <regex>
#include <osg/Program>
#include <boost/filesystem/path.hpp>
#include <boost/filesystem/fstream.hpp>
#include <components/sceneutil/lightmanager.hpp>
#include <components/debug/debuglog.hpp>
#include <components/misc/stringops.hpp>
namespace Shader
: mLightingMethod(SceneUtil::LightingMethod::FFP)
void ShaderManager::setShaderPath(const std::string &path)
mPath = path;
void ShaderManager::setLightingMethod(SceneUtil::LightingMethod method)
mLightingMethod = method;
bool addLineDirectivesAfterConditionalBlocks(std::string& source)
for (size_t position = 0; position < source.length(); )
size_t foundPos = source.find("#endif", position);
foundPos = std::min(foundPos, source.find("#elif", position));
foundPos = std::min(foundPos, source.find("#else", position));
if (foundPos == std::string::npos)
foundPos = source.find_first_of("\n\r", foundPos);
foundPos = source.find_first_not_of("\n\r", foundPos);
if (foundPos == std::string::npos)
size_t lineDirectivePosition = source.rfind("#line", foundPos);
int lineNumber;
if (lineDirectivePosition != std::string::npos)
size_t lineNumberStart = lineDirectivePosition + std::string("#line ").length();
size_t lineNumberEnd = source.find_first_not_of("0123456789", lineNumberStart);
std::string lineNumberString = source.substr(lineNumberStart, lineNumberEnd - lineNumberStart);
lineNumber = std::stoi(lineNumberString) - 1;
lineDirectivePosition = 0;
lineNumber = 1;
lineNumber += std::count(source.begin() + lineDirectivePosition, source.begin() + foundPos, '\n');
source.replace(foundPos, 0, "#line " + std::to_string(lineNumber) + "\n");
position = foundPos;
return true;
// Recursively replaces include statements with the actual source of the included files.
// Adjusts #line statements accordingly and detects cyclic includes.
// includingFiles is the set of files that include this file directly or indirectly, and is intentionally not a reference to allow automatic cleanup.
static bool parseIncludes(boost::filesystem::path shaderPath, std::string& source, const std::string& fileName, int& fileNumber, std::set<boost::filesystem::path> includingFiles)
// An include is cyclic if it is being included by itself
if (includingFiles.insert(shaderPath/fileName).second == false)
Log(Debug::Error) << "Shader " << fileName << " error: Detected cyclic #includes";
return false;
Misc::StringUtils::replaceAll(source, "\r\n", "\n");
size_t foundPos = 0;
while ((foundPos = source.find("#include")) != std::string::npos)
size_t start = source.find('"', foundPos);
if (start == std::string::npos || start == source.size() - 1)
Log(Debug::Error) << "Shader " << fileName << " error: Invalid #include";
return false;
size_t end = source.find('"', start + 1);
if (end == std::string::npos)
Log(Debug::Error) << "Shader " << fileName << " error: Invalid #include";
return false;
std::string includeFilename = source.substr(start + 1, end - (start + 1));
boost::filesystem::path includePath = shaderPath / includeFilename;
// Determine the line number that will be used for the #line directive following the included source
size_t lineDirectivePosition = source.rfind("#line", foundPos);
int lineNumber;
if (lineDirectivePosition != std::string::npos)
size_t lineNumberStart = lineDirectivePosition + std::string("#line ").length();
size_t lineNumberEnd = source.find_first_not_of("0123456789", lineNumberStart);
std::string lineNumberString = source.substr(lineNumberStart, lineNumberEnd - lineNumberStart);
lineNumber = std::stoi(lineNumberString) - 1;
lineDirectivePosition = 0;
lineNumber = 0;
lineNumber += std::count(source.begin() + lineDirectivePosition, source.begin() + foundPos, '\n');
// Include the file recursively
boost::filesystem::ifstream includeFstream;
if (includeFstream.fail())
Log(Debug::Error) << "Shader " << fileName << " error: Failed to open include " << includePath.string();
return false;
int includedFileNumber = fileNumber++;
std::stringstream buffer;
buffer << includeFstream.rdbuf();
std::string stringRepresentation = buffer.str();
if (!addLineDirectivesAfterConditionalBlocks(stringRepresentation)
|| !parseIncludes(shaderPath, stringRepresentation, includeFilename, fileNumber, includingFiles))
Log(Debug::Error) << "In file included from " << fileName << "." << lineNumber;
return false;
std::stringstream toInsert;
toInsert << "#line 0 " << includedFileNumber << "\n" << stringRepresentation << "\n#line " << lineNumber << " 0\n";
source.replace(foundPos, (end - foundPos + 1), toInsert.str());
return true;
struct DeclarationMeta
std::string interpolationType;
std::string interfaceKeyword;
std::string type;
std::string identifier;
std::string mangledIdentifier;
// Mangle identifiers of the interface declarations of this shader source, updating all identifiers, and returning a list of the declarations for use in generating
// a geometry shader.
// IN/OUT source: The source to mangle
// IN interfaceKeywordPattern: A regular expression matching all interface keywords to look for (e.g. "out|varying" when mangling output variables). Must not contain subexpressions.
// IN mangleString: Identifiers are mangled by prepending this string. Must be a valid identifier prefix.
// OUT declarations: All mangled declarations are added to this vector. Includes interpolation, interface, and type information as well as both the mangled and unmangled identifier.
static void mangleInterface(std::string& source, const std::string& interfaceKeywordPattern, const std::string& mangleString, std::vector<DeclarationMeta>& declarations)
std::string commentPattern = "//.*";
std::regex commentRegex(commentPattern);
std::string commentlessSource = std::regex_replace(source, commentRegex, "");
std::string identifierPattern = "[a-zA-Z_][0-9a-zA-Z_]*";
std::string declarationPattern = "(centroid|flat)?\\s*\\b(" + interfaceKeywordPattern + ")\\s+(" + identifierPattern + ")\\s+(" + identifierPattern + ")\\s*;";
std::regex declarationRegex(declarationPattern);
std::vector<std::smatch> matches(std::sregex_iterator(commentlessSource.begin(), commentlessSource.end(), declarationRegex), std::sregex_iterator());
std::string replacementPattern;
for (auto& match : matches)
declarations.emplace_back(DeclarationMeta{ match[1].str(), match[2].str(), match[3].str(), match[4].str(), mangleString + match[4].str() });
if (!replacementPattern.empty())
replacementPattern += "|";
replacementPattern = replacementPattern + "(" + declarations.back().identifier + "\\b)";
if (!replacementPattern.empty())
std::regex replacementRegex(replacementPattern);
source = std::regex_replace(source, replacementRegex, mangleString + "$&");
static std::string generateGeometryShader(const std::string& geometryTemplate, const std::vector<DeclarationMeta>& declarations)
if (geometryTemplate.empty())
return "";
static std::map<std::string, std::string> overriddenForwardStatements =
{"linearDepth", "linearDepth = gl_Position.z;"},
{"euclideanDepth", "euclideanDepth = length(viewPos.xyz);"},
{"passViewPos", "passViewPos = viewPos.xyz;"},
" mat4 scalemat = mat4(0.25, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,\n"
" 0.0, -0.5, 0.0, 0.0,\n"
" 0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 0.0,\n"
" 0.25, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0);\n"
" vec4 texcoordProj = ((scalemat) * (gl_Position));\n"
" screenCoordsPassthrough = texcoordProj.xyw;\n"
" if(viewport == 1)\n"
" screenCoordsPassthrough.x += 0.5 * screenCoordsPassthrough.z;\n"
std::stringstream ssInputDeclarations;
std::stringstream ssOutputDeclarations;
std::stringstream ssForwardStatements;
std::stringstream ssExtraStatements;
std::set<std::string> identifiers;
for (auto& declaration : declarations)
if (!declaration.interpolationType.empty())
ssInputDeclarations << declaration.interpolationType << " ";
ssOutputDeclarations << declaration.interpolationType << " ";
ssInputDeclarations << "in " << declaration.type << " " << declaration.mangledIdentifier << "[3];\n";
ssOutputDeclarations << "out " << declaration.type << " " << declaration.identifier << ";\n";
if (overriddenForwardStatements.count(declaration.identifier) > 0)
ssForwardStatements << overriddenForwardStatements[declaration.identifier] << ";\n";
ssForwardStatements << " " << declaration.identifier << " = " << declaration.mangledIdentifier << "[vertex];\n";
// passViewPos output is required
if (identifiers.find("passViewPos") == identifiers.end())
Log(Debug::Error) << "Vertex shader is missing 'vec3 passViewPos' on its interface. Geometry shader will NOT work.";
return "";
std::string geometryShader = geometryTemplate;
geometryShader = std::regex_replace(geometryShader, std::regex("@INPUTS"), ssInputDeclarations.str());
geometryShader = std::regex_replace(geometryShader, std::regex("@OUTPUTS"), ssOutputDeclarations.str());
geometryShader = std::regex_replace(geometryShader, std::regex("@FORWARDING"), ssForwardStatements.str());
return geometryShader;
bool parseFors(std::string& source, const std::string& templateName)
const char escapeCharacter = '$';
size_t foundPos = 0;
while ((foundPos = source.find(escapeCharacter)) != std::string::npos)
size_t endPos = source.find_first_of(" \n\r()[].;,", foundPos);
if (endPos == std::string::npos)
Log(Debug::Error) << "Shader " << templateName << " error: Unexpected EOF";
return false;
std::string command = source.substr(foundPos + 1, endPos - (foundPos + 1));
if (command != "foreach")
Log(Debug::Error) << "Shader " << templateName << " error: Unknown shader directive: $" << command;
return false;
size_t iterNameStart = endPos + 1;
size_t iterNameEnd = source.find_first_of(" \n\r()[].;,", iterNameStart);
if (iterNameEnd == std::string::npos)
Log(Debug::Error) << "Shader " << templateName << " error: Unexpected EOF";
return false;
std::string iteratorName = "$" + source.substr(iterNameStart, iterNameEnd - iterNameStart);
size_t listStart = iterNameEnd + 1;
size_t listEnd = source.find_first_of("\n\r", listStart);
if (listEnd == std::string::npos)
Log(Debug::Error) << "Shader " << templateName << " error: Unexpected EOF";
return false;
std::string list = source.substr(listStart, listEnd - listStart);
std::vector<std::string> listElements;
if (list != "")
Misc::StringUtils::split(list, listElements, ",");
size_t contentStart = source.find_first_not_of("\n\r", listEnd);
size_t contentEnd = source.find("$endforeach", contentStart);
if (contentEnd == std::string::npos)
Log(Debug::Error) << "Shader " << templateName << " error: Unexpected EOF";
return false;
std::string content = source.substr(contentStart, contentEnd - contentStart);
size_t overallEnd = contentEnd + std::string("$endforeach").length();
size_t lineDirectivePosition = source.rfind("#line", overallEnd);
int lineNumber;
if (lineDirectivePosition != std::string::npos)
size_t lineNumberStart = lineDirectivePosition + std::string("#line ").length();
size_t lineNumberEnd = source.find_first_not_of("0123456789", lineNumberStart);
std::string lineNumberString = source.substr(lineNumberStart, lineNumberEnd - lineNumberStart);
lineNumber = std::stoi(lineNumberString);
lineDirectivePosition = 0;
lineNumber = 2;
lineNumber += std::count(source.begin() + lineDirectivePosition, source.begin() + overallEnd, '\n');
std::string replacement = "";
for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator element = listElements.cbegin(); element != listElements.cend(); element++)
std::string contentInstance = content;
size_t foundIterator;
while ((foundIterator = contentInstance.find(iteratorName)) != std::string::npos)
contentInstance.replace(foundIterator, iteratorName.length(), *element);
replacement += contentInstance;
replacement += "\n#line " + std::to_string(lineNumber);
source.replace(foundPos, overallEnd - foundPos, replacement);
return true;
bool parseDefines(std::string& source, const ShaderManager::DefineMap& defines,
const ShaderManager::DefineMap& globalDefines, const std::string& templateName)
const char escapeCharacter = '@';
size_t foundPos = 0;
std::vector<std::string> forIterators;
while ((foundPos = source.find(escapeCharacter)) != std::string::npos)
size_t endPos = source.find_first_of(" \n\r()[].;,", foundPos);
if (endPos == std::string::npos)
Log(Debug::Error) << "Shader " << templateName << " error: Unexpected EOF";
return false;
std::string define = source.substr(foundPos + 1, endPos - (foundPos + 1));
ShaderManager::DefineMap::const_iterator defineFound = defines.find(define);
ShaderManager::DefineMap::const_iterator globalDefineFound = globalDefines.find(define);
if (define == "foreach")
source.replace(foundPos, 1, "$");
size_t iterNameStart = endPos + 1;
size_t iterNameEnd = source.find_first_of(" \n\r()[].;,", iterNameStart);
if (iterNameEnd == std::string::npos)
Log(Debug::Error) << "Shader " << templateName << " error: Unexpected EOF";
return false;
forIterators.push_back(source.substr(iterNameStart, iterNameEnd - iterNameStart));
else if (define == "endforeach")
source.replace(foundPos, 1, "$");
if (forIterators.empty())
Log(Debug::Error) << "Shader " << templateName << " error: endforeach without foreach";
return false;
else if (std::find(forIterators.begin(), forIterators.end(), define) != forIterators.end())
source.replace(foundPos, 1, "$");
else if (defineFound != defines.end())
source.replace(foundPos, endPos - foundPos, defineFound->second);
else if (globalDefineFound != globalDefines.end())
source.replace(foundPos, endPos - foundPos, globalDefineFound->second);
Log(Debug::Error) << "Shader " << templateName << " error: Undefined " << define;
return false;
return true;
osg::ref_ptr<osg::Shader> ShaderManager::getShader(const std::string& templateName, const ShaderManager::DefineMap& defines, osg::Shader::Type shaderType)
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mMutex);
ShaderMap::iterator shaderIt = mShaders.find(std::make_pair(templateName, defines));
if (shaderIt == mShaders.end())
std::string shaderSource = getTemplateSource(templateName);
if (!parseDefines(shaderSource, defines, mGlobalDefines, templateName) || !parseFors(shaderSource, templateName))
// Add to the cache anyway to avoid logging the same error over and over.
mShaders.insert(std::make_pair(std::make_pair(templateName, defines), nullptr));
return nullptr;
osg::ref_ptr<osg::Shader> shader(new osg::Shader(shaderType));
// Assign a unique name to allow the SharedStateManager to compare shaders efficiently
static unsigned int counter = 0;
if (mGeometryShadersEnabled && defines.count("geometryShader") && defines.find("geometryShader")->second == "1" && shaderType == osg::Shader::VERTEX)
std::vector<DeclarationMeta> declarations;
mangleInterface(shaderSource, "out|varying", "vertex_", declarations);
std::string geometryTemplate = getTemplateSource("stereo_geometry.glsl");
std::string geometryShaderSource = generateGeometryShader(geometryTemplate, declarations);
if (!geometryShaderSource.empty())
osg::ref_ptr<osg::Shader> geometryShader(new osg::Shader(osg::Shader::GEOMETRY));
geometryShader->setName(shader->getName() + ".geom");
mGeometryShaders[shader] = geometryShader;
Log(Debug::Error) << "Failed to generate geometry shader for " << templateName;
shaderIt = mShaders.insert(std::make_pair(std::make_pair(templateName, defines), shader)).first;
return shaderIt->second;
osg::ref_ptr<osg::Program> ShaderManager::getProgram(osg::ref_ptr<osg::Shader> vertexShader, osg::ref_ptr<osg::Shader> fragmentShader)
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mMutex);
ProgramMap::iterator found = mPrograms.find(std::make_pair(vertexShader, fragmentShader));
if (found == mPrograms.end())
osg::ref_ptr<osg::Program> program(new osg::Program);
program->addBindAttribLocation("aOffset", 6);
program->addBindAttribLocation("aRotation", 7);
auto git = mGeometryShaders.find(vertexShader);
if (git != mGeometryShaders.end())
if (mLightingMethod == SceneUtil::LightingMethod::SingleUBO)
program->addBindUniformBlock("LightBufferBinding", static_cast<int>(UBOBinding::LightBuffer));
found = mPrograms.insert(std::make_pair(std::make_pair(vertexShader, fragmentShader), program)).first;
return found->second;
ShaderManager::DefineMap ShaderManager::getGlobalDefines()
return DefineMap(mGlobalDefines);
void ShaderManager::setStereoGeometryShaderEnabled(bool enabled)
mGeometryShadersEnabled = enabled;
bool ShaderManager::stereoGeometryShaderEnabled() const
return mGeometryShadersEnabled;
void ShaderManager::setGlobalDefines(DefineMap& globalDefines)
mGlobalDefines = globalDefines;
for (auto shaderMapElement : mShaders)
std::string templateId = shaderMapElement.first.first;
ShaderManager::DefineMap defines = shaderMapElement.first.second;
osg::ref_ptr<osg::Shader> shader = shaderMapElement.second;
if (shader == nullptr)
// I'm not sure how to handle a shader that was already broken as there's no way to get a potential replacement to the nodes that need it.
std::string shaderSource = mShaderTemplates[templateId];
if (!parseDefines(shaderSource, defines, mGlobalDefines, templateId) || !parseFors(shaderSource, templateId))
// We just broke the shader and there's no way to force existing objects back to fixed-function mode as we would when creating the shader.
// If we put a nullptr in the shader map, we just lose the ability to put a working one in later.
void ShaderManager::releaseGLObjects(osg::State* state)
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mMutex);
for (auto shader : mShaders)
if (shader.second != nullptr)
for (auto program : mPrograms)
std::string ShaderManager::getTemplateSource(const std::string& templateName)
// read the template if we haven't already
TemplateMap::iterator templateIt = mShaderTemplates.find(templateName);
if (templateIt == mShaderTemplates.end())
boost::filesystem::path path = (boost::filesystem::path(mPath) / templateName);
boost::filesystem::ifstream stream;
if (stream.fail())
Log(Debug::Error) << "Failed to open " << path.string();
return std::string();
std::stringstream buffer;
buffer << stream.rdbuf();
// parse includes
int fileNumber = 1;
std::string source = buffer.str();
if (!addLineDirectivesAfterConditionalBlocks(source)
|| !parseIncludes(boost::filesystem::path(mPath), source, templateName, fileNumber, {}))
return std::string();
templateIt = mShaderTemplates.insert(std::make_pair(templateName, source)).first;
return templateIt->second;