mirror of
synced 2025-03-02 20:49:40 +00:00
Note, I suspect Rng::rollClosedProbability() is not needed. The only difference between it and rollProbability() is that one time in 37k (on Windows), it will give an output of 1.0. On some versions of Linux, the value of 1.0 will occur about 1 time in 4 billion.
935 lines
36 KiB
935 lines
36 KiB
#include "aicombat.hpp"
#include <OgreMath.h>
#include <openengine/misc/rng.hpp>
#include <components/esm/aisequence.hpp>
#include "../mwworld/class.hpp"
#include "../mwworld/timestamp.hpp"
#include "../mwworld/inventorystore.hpp"
#include "../mwworld/esmstore.hpp"
#include "../mwworld/cellstore.hpp"
#include "../mwbase/environment.hpp"
#include "../mwbase/mechanicsmanager.hpp"
#include "../mwbase/dialoguemanager.hpp"
#include "../mwrender/animation.hpp"
#include "creaturestats.hpp"
#include "steering.hpp"
#include "movement.hpp"
#include "character.hpp" // fixme: for getActiveWeapon
#include "aicombataction.hpp"
#include "combat.hpp"
//chooses an attack depending on probability to avoid uniformity
ESM::Weapon::AttackType chooseBestAttack(const ESM::Weapon* weapon, MWMechanics::Movement &movement);
void getMinMaxAttackDuration(const MWWorld::Ptr& actor, float (*fMinMaxDurations)[2]);
Ogre::Vector3 AimDirToMovingTarget(const MWWorld::Ptr& actor, const MWWorld::Ptr& target, const Ogre::Vector3& vLastTargetPos,
float duration, int weapType, float strength);
float getZAngleToDir(const Ogre::Vector3& dir)
return Ogre::Math::ATan2(dir.x,dir.y).valueDegrees();
float getXAngleToDir(const Ogre::Vector3& dir, float dirLen = 0.0f)
float len = (dirLen > 0.0f)? dirLen : dir.length();
return -Ogre::Math::ASin(dir.z / len).valueDegrees();
const float PATHFIND_Z_REACH = 50.0f;
// distance at which actor pays more attention to decide whether to shortcut or stick to pathgrid
const float PATHFIND_CAUTION_DIST = 500.0f;
// distance after which actor (failed previously to shortcut) will try again
const float PATHFIND_SHORTCUT_RETRY_DIST = 300.0f;
// cast up-down ray with some offset from actor position to check for pits/obstacles on the way to target;
// magnitude of pits/obstacles is defined by PATHFIND_Z_REACH
bool checkWayIsClear(const Ogre::Vector3& from, const Ogre::Vector3& to, float offsetXY)
if((to - from).length() >= PATHFIND_CAUTION_DIST || std::abs(from.z - to.z) <= PATHFIND_Z_REACH)
Ogre::Vector3 dir = to - from;
dir.z = 0;
float verticalOffset = 200; // instead of '200' here we want the height of the actor
Ogre::Vector3 _from = from + dir*offsetXY + Ogre::Vector3::UNIT_Z * verticalOffset;
// cast up-down ray and find height in world space of hit
float h = _from.z - MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getDistToNearestRayHit(_from, -Ogre::Vector3::UNIT_Z, verticalOffset + PATHFIND_Z_REACH + 1);
if(std::abs(from.z - h) <= PATHFIND_Z_REACH)
return true;
return false;
namespace MWMechanics
static const float DOOR_CHECK_INTERVAL = 1.5f; // same as AiWander
// NOTE: MIN_DIST_TO_DOOR_SQUARED is defined in obstacle.hpp
/// \brief This class holds the variables AiCombat needs which are deleted if the package becomes inactive.
struct AiCombatStorage : AiTemporaryBase
float mTimerAttack;
float mTimerReact;
float mTimerCombatMove;
bool mReadyToAttack;
bool mAttack;
bool mFollowTarget;
bool mCombatMove;
Ogre::Vector3 mLastTargetPos;
const MWWorld::CellStore* mCell;
boost::shared_ptr<Action> mCurrentAction;
float mActionCooldown;
float mStrength;
float mMinMaxAttackDuration[3][2];
bool mMinMaxAttackDurationInitialised;
bool mForceNoShortcut;
ESM::Position mShortcutFailPos;
Ogre::Vector3 mLastActorPos;
MWMechanics::Movement mMovement;
AiCombat::AiCombat(const MWWorld::Ptr& actor) :
AiCombat::AiCombat(const ESM::AiSequence::AiCombat *combat)
mTargetActorId = combat->mTargetActorId;
void AiCombat::init()
* Current AiCombat movement states (as of 0.29.0), ignoring the details of the
* attack states such as CombatMove, Strike and ReadyToAttack:
* +----(within strike range)----->attack--(beyond strike range)-->follow
* | | ^ | |
* | | | | |
* pursue<---(beyond follow range)-----+ +----(within strike range)---+ |
* ^ |
* | |
* +-------------------------(beyond follow range)--------------------+
* Below diagram is high level only, the code detail is a little different
* (but including those detail will just complicate the diagram w/o adding much)
* +----------(same)-------------->attack---------(same)---------->follow
* | |^^ |||
* | ||| |||
* | +--(same)-----------------+|+----------(same)------------+||
* | | | ||
* | | | (in range) ||
* | <---+ (too far) | ||
* pursue<-------------------------[door open]<-----+ ||
* ^^^ | ||
* ||| | ||
* ||+----------evade-----+ | ||
* || | [closed door] | ||
* |+----> maybe stuck, check --------------> back up, check door ||
* | ^ | ^ | ^ ||
* | | | | | | ||
* | | +---+ +---+ ||
* | +-------------------------------------------------------+|
* | |
* +---------------------------(same)---------------------------------+
* The new scheme is way too complicated, should really be implemented as a
* proper state machine.
* Use the Observer Pattern to co-ordinate attacks, provide intelligence on
* whether the target was hit, etc.
bool AiCombat::execute (const MWWorld::Ptr& actor, AiState& state, float duration)
// get or create temporary storage
AiCombatStorage& storage = state.get<AiCombatStorage>();
//General description
return true;
MWWorld::Ptr target = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->searchPtrViaActorId(mTargetActorId);
if (target.isEmpty())
return false;
if(!target.getRefData().getCount() || !target.getRefData().isEnabled() // Really we should be checking whether the target is currently registered
// with the MechanicsManager
|| target.getClass().getCreatureStats(target).isDead())
return true;
const MWWorld::Class& actorClass = actor.getClass();
MWBase::World* world = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld();
//Update every frame
bool& combatMove = storage.mCombatMove;
float& timerCombatMove = storage.mTimerCombatMove;
MWMechanics::Movement& movement = storage.mMovement;
timerCombatMove -= duration;
if( timerCombatMove <= 0)
timerCombatMove = 0;
movement.mPosition[1] = movement.mPosition[0] = 0;
combatMove = false;
actorClass.getMovementSettings(actor) = movement;
actorClass.getMovementSettings(actor).mRotation[0] = 0;
actorClass.getMovementSettings(actor).mRotation[2] = 0;
if(movement.mRotation[2] != 0)
if(zTurn(actor, Ogre::Degree(movement.mRotation[2]))) movement.mRotation[2] = 0;
if(movement.mRotation[0] != 0)
if(smoothTurn(actor, Ogre::Degree(movement.mRotation[0]), 0)) movement.mRotation[0] = 0;
//TODO: Some skills affect period of strikes.For berserk-like style period ~ 0.25f
float attacksPeriod = 1.0f;
ESM::Weapon::AttackType attackType;
bool& attack = storage.mAttack;
bool& readyToAttack = storage.mReadyToAttack;
float& timerAttack = storage.mTimerAttack;
bool& minMaxAttackDurationInitialised = storage.mMinMaxAttackDurationInitialised;
float (&minMaxAttackDuration)[3][2] = storage.mMinMaxAttackDuration;
if (!minMaxAttackDurationInitialised)
// TODO: this must be updated when a different weapon is equipped
getMinMaxAttackDuration(actor, minMaxAttackDuration);
minMaxAttackDurationInitialised = true;
if (timerAttack < 0) attack = false;
timerAttack -= duration;
timerAttack = -attacksPeriod;
attack = false;
float& actionCooldown = storage.mActionCooldown;
actionCooldown -= duration;
float& timerReact = storage.mTimerReact;
float tReaction = 0.25f;
if(timerReact < tReaction)
timerReact += duration;
return false;
//Update with period = tReaction
// Stop attacking if target is not seen
if (target.getClass().getCreatureStats(target).getMagicEffects().get(ESM::MagicEffect::Invisibility).getMagnitude() > 0
|| target.getClass().getCreatureStats(target).getMagicEffects().get(ESM::MagicEffect::Chameleon).getMagnitude() > 75)
movement.mPosition[1] = movement.mPosition[0] = 0;
return false; // TODO: run away instead of doing nothing
timerReact = 0;
const MWWorld::CellStore*& currentCell = storage.mCell;
bool cellChange = currentCell && (actor.getCell() != currentCell);
if(!currentCell || cellChange)
currentCell = actor.getCell();
MWRender::Animation* anim = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getAnimation(actor);
if (!anim) // shouldn't happen
return false;
actorClass.getCreatureStats(actor).setMovementFlag(CreatureStats::Flag_Run, true);
if (actionCooldown > 0)
return false;
float rangeAttack = 0;
float rangeFollow = 0;
boost::shared_ptr<Action>& currentAction = storage.mCurrentAction;
if (anim->upperBodyReady())
currentAction = prepareNextAction(actor, target);
actionCooldown = currentAction->getActionCooldown();
if (currentAction.get())
currentAction->getCombatRange(rangeAttack, rangeFollow);
// FIXME: consider moving this stuff to ActionWeapon::getCombatRange
const ESM::Weapon *weapon = NULL;
MWMechanics::WeaponType weaptype = WeapType_None;
float weapRange = 1.0f;
// Get weapon characteristics
if (actorClass.hasInventoryStore(actor))
// TODO: Check equipped weapon and equip a different one if we can't attack with it
// (e.g. no ammunition, or wrong type of ammunition equipped, etc. autoEquip is not very smart in this regard))
//Get weapon speed and range
MWWorld::ContainerStoreIterator weaponSlot =
MWMechanics::getActiveWeapon(actorClass.getCreatureStats(actor), actorClass.getInventoryStore(actor), &weaptype);
if (weaptype == WeapType_HandToHand)
static float fHandToHandReach =
weapRange = fHandToHandReach;
else if (weaptype != WeapType_PickProbe && weaptype != WeapType_Spell && weaptype != WeapType_None)
// All other WeapTypes are actually weapons, so get<ESM::Weapon> is safe.
weapon = weaponSlot->get<ESM::Weapon>()->mBase;
weapRange = weapon->mData.mReach;
weapRange *= 100.0f;
else //is creature
weaptype = actorClass.getCreatureStats(actor).getDrawState() == DrawState_Spell ? WeapType_Spell : WeapType_HandToHand;
weapRange = 150.0f; //TODO: use true attack range (the same problem in Creature::hit)
bool distantCombat = false;
if (weaptype != WeapType_Spell)
// TODO: move to ActionWeapon
if (weaptype == WeapType_BowAndArrow || weaptype == WeapType_Crossbow || weaptype == WeapType_Thrown)
rangeAttack = 1000;
rangeFollow = 0; // not needed in ranged combat
distantCombat = true;
rangeAttack = weapRange;
rangeFollow = 300;
distantCombat = (rangeAttack > 500);
weapRange = 150.f;
float& strength = storage.mStrength;
// start new attack
if(timerAttack <= -attacksPeriod)
attack = true; // attack starts just now
if (!distantCombat) attackType = chooseBestAttack(weapon, movement);
else attackType = ESM::Weapon::AT_Chop; // cause it's =0
strength = OEngine::Misc::Rng::rollClosedProbability();
// Note: may be 0 for some animations
timerAttack = minMaxAttackDuration[attackType][0] +
(minMaxAttackDuration[attackType][1] - minMaxAttackDuration[attackType][0]) * strength;
//say a provoking combat phrase
if (actor.getClass().isNpc())
const MWWorld::ESMStore &store = world->getStore();
int chance = store.get<ESM::GameSetting>().find("iVoiceAttackOdds")->getInt();
if (OEngine::Misc::Rng::roll0to99() < chance)
MWBase::Environment::get().getDialogueManager()->say(actor, "attack");
* Some notes on meanings of variables:
* rangeAttack:
* - Distance where attack using the actor's weapon is possible:
* longer for ranged weapons (obviously?) vs. melee weapons
* - Determined by weapon's reach parameter; hardcoded value
* for ranged weapon and for creatures
* - Once within this distance mFollowTarget is triggered
* rangeFollow:
* - Applies to melee weapons or hand to hand only (or creatures without
* weapons)
* - Distance a little further away than the actor's weapon reach
* i.e. rangeFollow > rangeAttack for melee weapons
* - Hardcoded value (0 for ranged weapons)
* - Once the target gets beyond this distance mFollowTarget is cleared
* and a path to the target needs to be found
* mFollowTarget:
* - Once triggered, the actor follows the target with LOS shortcut
* (the shortcut really only applies to cells where pathgrids are
* available, since the default path without pathgrids is direct to
* target even if LOS is not achieved)
ESM::Position pos = actor.getRefData().getPosition();
Ogre::Vector3 vActorPos(pos.pos);
Ogre::Vector3 vTargetPos(target.getRefData().getPosition().pos);
Ogre::Vector3 vDirToTarget = vTargetPos - vActorPos;
float distToTarget = vDirToTarget.length();
Ogre::Vector3& lastActorPos = storage.mLastActorPos;
bool& followTarget = storage.mFollowTarget;
bool isStuck = false;
float speed = 0.0f;
if(movement.mPosition[1] && (lastActorPos - vActorPos).length() < (speed = actorClass.getSpeed(actor)) * tReaction / 2)
isStuck = true;
lastActorPos = vActorPos;
// check if actor can move along z-axis
bool canMoveByZ = (actorClass.canSwim(actor) && world->isSwimming(actor))
|| world->isFlying(actor);
// for distant combat we should know if target is in LOS even if distToTarget < rangeAttack
bool inLOS = distantCombat ? world->getLOS(actor, target) : true;
// can't fight if attacker can't go where target is. E.g. A fish can't attack person on land.
if (distToTarget >= rangeAttack
&& !actorClass.isNpc() && !MWMechanics::isEnvironmentCompatible(actor, target))
// TODO: start fleeing?
movement.mPosition[0] = 0;
movement.mPosition[1] = 0;
movement.mPosition[2] = 0;
readyToAttack = false;
return false;
// (within attack dist) || (not quite attack dist while following)
if(inLOS && (distToTarget < rangeAttack || (distToTarget <= rangeFollow && followTarget && !isStuck)))
//Melee and Close-up combat
// getXAngleToDir determines vertical angle to target:
// if actor can move along z-axis it will control movement dir
// if can't - it will control correct aiming.
// note: in getZAngleToDir if we preserve dir.z then horizontal angle can be inaccurate
if (distantCombat)
Ogre::Vector3& lastTargetPos = storage.mLastTargetPos;
Ogre::Vector3 vAimDir = AimDirToMovingTarget(actor, target, lastTargetPos, tReaction, weaptype, strength);
lastTargetPos = vTargetPos;
movement.mRotation[0] = getXAngleToDir(vAimDir);
movement.mRotation[2] = getZAngleToDir(vAimDir);
movement.mRotation[0] = getXAngleToDir(vDirToTarget, distToTarget);
movement.mRotation[2] = getZAngleToDir(vDirToTarget);
// (not quite attack dist while following)
if (followTarget && distToTarget > rangeAttack)
//Close-up combat: just run up on target
movement.mPosition[1] = 1;
else // (within attack dist)
if(movement.mPosition[0] || movement.mPosition[1])
timerCombatMove = 0.1f + 0.1f * OEngine::Misc::Rng::rollClosedProbability();
combatMove = true;
// only NPCs are smart enough to use dodge movements
else if(actorClass.isNpc() && (!distantCombat || (distantCombat && distToTarget < rangeAttack/2)))
//apply sideway movement (kind of dodging) with some probability
if (OEngine::Misc::Rng::rollClosedProbability() < 0.25)
movement.mPosition[0] = OEngine::Misc::Rng::rollProbability() < 0.5 ? 1.0f : -1.0f;
timerCombatMove = 0.05f + 0.15f * OEngine::Misc::Rng::rollClosedProbability();
combatMove = true;
if(distantCombat && distToTarget < rangeAttack/4)
movement.mPosition[1] = -1;
readyToAttack = true;
//only once got in melee combat, actor is allowed to use close-up shortcutting
followTarget = true;
else // remote pathfinding
bool preferShortcut = false;
if (!distantCombat) inLOS = world->getLOS(actor, target);
// check if shortcut is available
bool& forceNoShortcut = storage.mForceNoShortcut;
ESM::Position& shortcutFailPos = storage.mShortcutFailPos;
if(inLOS && (!isStuck || readyToAttack)
&& (!forceNoShortcut || (Ogre::Vector3(shortcutFailPos.pos) - vActorPos).length() >= PATHFIND_SHORTCUT_RETRY_DIST))
if(speed == 0.0f) speed = actorClass.getSpeed(actor);
// maximum dist before pit/obstacle for actor to avoid them depending on his speed
float maxAvoidDist = tReaction * speed + speed / MAX_VEL_ANGULAR.valueRadians() * 2; // *2 - for reliability
preferShortcut = checkWayIsClear(vActorPos, vTargetPos, Ogre::Vector3(vDirToTarget.x, vDirToTarget.y, 0).length() > maxAvoidDist*1.5? maxAvoidDist : maxAvoidDist/2);
// don't use pathgrid when actor can move in 3 dimensions
if(canMoveByZ) preferShortcut = true;
if (canMoveByZ)
movement.mRotation[0] = getXAngleToDir(vDirToTarget, distToTarget);
movement.mRotation[2] = getZAngleToDir(vDirToTarget);
forceNoShortcut = false;
shortcutFailPos.pos[0] = shortcutFailPos.pos[1] = shortcutFailPos.pos[2] = 0;
else // if shortcut failed stick to path grid
if(!isStuck && shortcutFailPos.pos[0] == 0.0f && shortcutFailPos.pos[1] == 0.0f && shortcutFailPos.pos[2] == 0.0f)
forceNoShortcut = true;
shortcutFailPos = pos;
followTarget = false;
buildNewPath(actor, target); //may fail to build a path, check before use
//delete visited path node
// This works on the borders between the path grid and areas with no waypoints.
if(inLOS && mPathFinder.getPath().size() > 1)
// get point just before target
std::list<ESM::Pathgrid::Point>::const_iterator pntIter = --mPathFinder.getPath().end();
Ogre::Vector3 vBeforeTarget(PathFinder::MakeOgreVector3(*pntIter));
// if current actor pos is closer to target then last point of path (excluding target itself) then go straight on target
if(distToTarget <= (vTargetPos - vBeforeTarget).length())
movement.mRotation[2] = getZAngleToDir(vDirToTarget);
preferShortcut = true;
// if there is no new path, then go straight on target
movement.mRotation[2] = mPathFinder.getZAngleToNext(pos.pos[0], pos.pos[1]);
movement.mRotation[2] = getZAngleToDir(vDirToTarget);
movement.mPosition[1] = 1;
if (readyToAttack)
// to stop possible sideway moving after target moved out of attack range
combatMove = true;
timerCombatMove = 0;
readyToAttack = false;
if(!isStuck && distToTarget > rangeAttack && !distantCombat)
//special run attack; it shouldn't affect melee combat tactics
if(actorClass.getMovementSettings(actor).mPosition[1] == 1)
/* check if actor can overcome the distance = distToTarget - attackerWeapRange
less than in time of swinging with weapon (t_swing), then start attacking
float speed1 = actorClass.getSpeed(actor);
float speed2 = target.getClass().getSpeed(target);
if(target.getClass().getMovementSettings(target).mPosition[0] == 0
&& target.getClass().getMovementSettings(target).mPosition[1] == 0)
speed2 = 0;
float s1 = distToTarget - weapRange;
float t = s1/speed1;
float s2 = speed2 * t;
float t_swing =
minMaxAttackDuration[ESM::Weapon::AT_Thrust][0] +
(minMaxAttackDuration[ESM::Weapon::AT_Thrust][1] - minMaxAttackDuration[ESM::Weapon::AT_Thrust][0]) * OEngine::Misc::Rng::rollClosedProbability();
if (t + s2/speed1 <= t_swing)
readyToAttack = true;
if(timerAttack <= -attacksPeriod)
timerAttack = t_swing;
attack = true;
// NOTE: This section gets updated every tReaction, which is currently hard
// coded at 250ms or 1/4 second
// TODO: Add a parameter to vary DURATION_SAME_SPOT?
if((distToTarget > rangeAttack || followTarget) &&
mObstacleCheck.check(actor, tReaction)) // check if evasive action needed
// probably walking into another NPC TODO: untested in combat situation
// TODO: diagonal should have same animation as walk forward
// but doesn't seem to do that?
actor.getClass().getMovementSettings(actor).mPosition[0] = 1;
actor.getClass().getMovementSettings(actor).mPosition[1] = 0.1f;
// change the angle a bit, too
zTurn(actor, Ogre::Degree(mPathFinder.getZAngleToNext(pos.pos[0] + 1, pos.pos[1])));
followTarget = false;
// FIXME: can fool actors to stay behind doors, etc.
// Related to Bug#1102 and to some degree #1155 as well
return false;
void AiCombat::buildNewPath(const MWWorld::Ptr& actor, const MWWorld::Ptr& target)
Ogre::Vector3 newPathTarget = Ogre::Vector3(target.getRefData().getPosition().pos);
float dist;
ESM::Pathgrid::Point lastPt = mPathFinder.getPath().back();
Ogre::Vector3 currPathTarget(PathFinder::MakeOgreVector3(lastPt));
dist = (newPathTarget - currPathTarget).length();
else dist = 1e+38F; // necessarily construct a new path
float targetPosThreshold = (actor.getCell()->getCell()->isExterior())? 300.0f : 100.0f;
//construct new path only if target has moved away more than on [targetPosThreshold]
if(dist > targetPosThreshold)
ESM::Position pos = actor.getRefData().getPosition();
ESM::Pathgrid::Point start(PathFinder::MakePathgridPoint(pos));
ESM::Pathgrid::Point dest(PathFinder::MakePathgridPoint(newPathTarget));
mPathFinder.buildPath(start, dest, actor.getCell(), false);
PathFinder newPathFinder;
newPathFinder.buildPath(start, dest, actor.getCell(), false);
mPathFinder = newPathFinder;
int AiCombat::getTypeId() const
return TypeIdCombat;
unsigned int AiCombat::getPriority() const
return 1;
MWWorld::Ptr AiCombat::getTarget() const
return MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->searchPtrViaActorId(mTargetActorId);
AiCombat *MWMechanics::AiCombat::clone() const
return new AiCombat(*this);
void AiCombat::writeState(ESM::AiSequence::AiSequence &sequence) const
std::auto_ptr<ESM::AiSequence::AiCombat> combat(new ESM::AiSequence::AiCombat());
combat->mTargetActorId = mTargetActorId;
ESM::AiSequence::AiPackageContainer package;
package.mType = ESM::AiSequence::Ai_Combat;
package.mPackage = combat.release();
ESM::Weapon::AttackType chooseBestAttack(const ESM::Weapon* weapon, MWMechanics::Movement &movement)
ESM::Weapon::AttackType attackType;
if (weapon == NULL)
//hand-to-hand deal equal damage for each type
float roll = OEngine::Misc::Rng::rollClosedProbability();
if(roll <= 0.333f) //side punch
movement.mPosition[0] = OEngine::Misc::Rng::rollClosedProbability() ? 1.0f : -1.0f;
movement.mPosition[1] = 0;
attackType = ESM::Weapon::AT_Slash;
else if(roll <= 0.666f) //forward punch
movement.mPosition[1] = 1;
attackType = ESM::Weapon::AT_Thrust;
movement.mPosition[1] = movement.mPosition[0] = 0;
attackType = ESM::Weapon::AT_Chop;
//the more damage attackType deals the more probability it has
int slash = (weapon->mData.mSlash[0] + weapon->mData.mSlash[1])/2;
int chop = (weapon->mData.mChop[0] + weapon->mData.mChop[1])/2;
int thrust = (weapon->mData.mThrust[0] + weapon->mData.mThrust[1])/2;
float total = static_cast<float>(slash + chop + thrust);
float roll = OEngine::Misc::Rng::rollClosedProbability();
if(roll <= (slash/total))
movement.mPosition[0] = (OEngine::Misc::Rng::rollClosedProbability() < 0.5f) ? 1.0f : -1.0f;
movement.mPosition[1] = 0;
attackType = ESM::Weapon::AT_Slash;
else if(roll <= (slash + (thrust/total)))
movement.mPosition[1] = 1;
attackType = ESM::Weapon::AT_Thrust;
movement.mPosition[1] = movement.mPosition[0] = 0;
attackType = ESM::Weapon::AT_Chop;
return attackType;
void getMinMaxAttackDuration(const MWWorld::Ptr& actor, float (*fMinMaxDurations)[2])
if (!actor.getClass().hasInventoryStore(actor)) // creatures
fMinMaxDurations[0][0] = fMinMaxDurations[0][1] = 0.1f;
fMinMaxDurations[1][0] = fMinMaxDurations[1][1] = 0.1f;
fMinMaxDurations[2][0] = fMinMaxDurations[2][1] = 0.1f;
// get weapon information: type and speed
const ESM::Weapon *weapon = NULL;
MWMechanics::WeaponType weaptype = MWMechanics::WeapType_None;
MWWorld::ContainerStoreIterator weaponSlot =
MWMechanics::getActiveWeapon(actor.getClass().getCreatureStats(actor), actor.getClass().getInventoryStore(actor), &weaptype);
float weapSpeed;
if (weaptype != MWMechanics::WeapType_HandToHand
&& weaptype != MWMechanics::WeapType_Spell
&& weaptype != MWMechanics::WeapType_None)
weapon = weaponSlot->get<ESM::Weapon>()->mBase;
weapSpeed = weapon->mData.mSpeed;
else weapSpeed = 1.0f;
MWRender::Animation *anim = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getAnimation(actor);
std::string weapGroup;
MWMechanics::getWeaponGroup(weaptype, weapGroup);
weapGroup = weapGroup + ": ";
bool bRangedWeap = (weaptype >= MWMechanics::WeapType_BowAndArrow && weaptype <= MWMechanics::WeapType_Thrown);
const char *attackType[] = {"chop ", "slash ", "thrust ", "shoot "};
std::string textKey = "start";
std::string textKey2;
// get durations for each attack type
for (int i = 0; i < (bRangedWeap ? 1 : 3); i++)
float start1 = anim->getTextKeyTime(weapGroup + (bRangedWeap ? attackType[3] : attackType[i]) + textKey);
if (start1 < 0)
fMinMaxDurations[i][0] = fMinMaxDurations[i][1] = 0.1f;
textKey2 = "min attack";
float start2 = anim->getTextKeyTime(weapGroup + (bRangedWeap ? attackType[3] : attackType[i]) + textKey2);
fMinMaxDurations[i][0] = (start2 - start1) / weapSpeed;
textKey2 = "max attack";
start1 = anim->getTextKeyTime(weapGroup + (bRangedWeap ? attackType[3] : attackType[i]) + textKey2);
fMinMaxDurations[i][1] = fMinMaxDurations[i][0] + (start1 - start2) / weapSpeed;
Ogre::Vector3 AimDirToMovingTarget(const MWWorld::Ptr& actor, const MWWorld::Ptr& target, const Ogre::Vector3& vLastTargetPos,
float duration, int weapType, float strength)
float projSpeed;
// get projectile speed (depending on weapon type)
if (weapType == ESM::Weapon::MarksmanThrown)
static float fThrownWeaponMinSpeed =
static float fThrownWeaponMaxSpeed =
projSpeed =
fThrownWeaponMinSpeed + (fThrownWeaponMaxSpeed - fThrownWeaponMinSpeed) * strength;
static float fProjectileMinSpeed =
static float fProjectileMaxSpeed =
projSpeed =
fProjectileMinSpeed + (fProjectileMaxSpeed - fProjectileMinSpeed) * strength;
// idea: perpendicular to dir to target speed components of target move vector and projectile vector should be the same
Ogre::Vector3 vActorPos = Ogre::Vector3(actor.getRefData().getPosition().pos);
Ogre::Vector3 vTargetPos = Ogre::Vector3(target.getRefData().getPosition().pos);
Ogre::Vector3 vDirToTarget = vTargetPos - vActorPos;
float distToTarget = vDirToTarget.length();
Ogre::Vector3 vTargetMoveDir = vTargetPos - vLastTargetPos;
vTargetMoveDir /= duration; // |vTargetMoveDir| is target real speed in units/sec now
Ogre::Vector3 vPerpToDir = vDirToTarget.crossProduct(Ogre::Vector3::UNIT_Z);
float velPerp = vTargetMoveDir.dotProduct(vPerpToDir.normalisedCopy());
float velDir = vTargetMoveDir.dotProduct(vDirToTarget.normalisedCopy());
// time to collision between target and projectile
float t_collision;
float projVelDirSquared = projSpeed * projSpeed - velPerp * velPerp;
float projDistDiff = vDirToTarget.dotProduct(vTargetMoveDir.normalisedCopy());
projDistDiff = sqrt(distToTarget * distToTarget - projDistDiff * projDistDiff);
if (projVelDirSquared > 0)
t_collision = projDistDiff / (sqrt(projVelDirSquared) - velDir);
else t_collision = 0; // speed of projectile is not enough to reach moving target
return vTargetPos + vTargetMoveDir * t_collision - vActorPos;