mirror of
synced 2025-01-23 21:53:51 +00:00
commit d8564b8e501c98fa2e3cde582b8d06d7c78ba6ce Author: Mads Buvik Sandvei <madssandvei@protonmail.com> Date: Fri Oct 16 23:43:39 2020 +0200 bad assignment commit 84f66e4bf1050ce8a316a27f8b10dc2243e35406 Author: Mads Buvik Sandvei <madssandvei@protonmail.com> Date: Fri Oct 16 21:08:27 2020 +0200 Removed the approach of abstracting xr paths with enums. It is not turning out to be useful. Use the explicit paths instead. Added some default bindings for most currently available controllers, except the xbox controller. commit ae525d0a239c087a7344528634a078e0812af66d Author: Mads Buvik Sandvei <madssandvei@protonmail.com> Date: Fri Oct 16 21:05:37 2020 +0200 Cleaned up openxr extensions code. Upgraded openxr to version 1.0.12 to enable support for certain controllers. commit 2d71a5ecbf699c59f1fcdbebcad867fd28552929 Author: Mads Buvik Sandvei <madssandvei@protonmail.com> Date: Thu Sep 24 22:18:25 2020 +0200 simple_controller
324 lines
11 KiB
324 lines
11 KiB
#include "vrsession.hpp"
#include "vrgui.hpp"
#include "vrenvironment.hpp"
#include "vrinputmanager.hpp"
#include "openxrmanager.hpp"
#include "openxrswapchain.hpp"
#include "../mwinput/inputmanagerimp.hpp"
#include "../mwbase/environment.hpp"
#include "../mwbase/statemanager.hpp"
#include <components/debug/debuglog.hpp>
#include <components/sdlutil/sdlgraphicswindow.hpp>
#include <components/misc/stringops.hpp>
#include <osg/Camera>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
#include <array>
#include <iostream>
#include <time.h>
#include <thread>
#ifdef max
#undef max
#ifdef min
#undef min
namespace MWVR
: mXrSyncPhase{FramePhase::Cull}
mHandDirectedMovement = Settings::Manager::getBool("hand directed movement", "VR");
auto syncPhase = Settings::Manager::getString("openxr sync phase", "VR");
syncPhase = Misc::StringUtils::lowerCase(syncPhase);
if (syncPhase == "update")
mXrSyncPhase = FramePhase::Update;
else if (syncPhase == "cull")
mXrSyncPhase = FramePhase::Cull;
else if (syncPhase == "draw")
mXrSyncPhase = FramePhase::Draw;
else if (syncPhase == "swap")
mXrSyncPhase = FramePhase::Swap;
Log(Debug::Verbose) << "Invalid openxr sync phase " << syncPhase << ", defaulting to cull";
Log(Debug::Verbose) << "Using openxr sync phase " << syncPhase;
mUseSteadyClock = Settings::Manager::getBool("use steady clock", "VR");
if (mUseSteadyClock)
Log(Debug::Verbose) << "Using chrono::steady_clock instead of openxr predicted display times.";
osg::Matrix VRSession::projectionMatrix(FramePhase phase, Side side)
assert(((int)side) < 2);
auto fov = predictedPoses(VRSession::FramePhase::Update).view[(int)side].fov;
float near_ = Settings::Manager::getFloat("near clip", "Camera");
float far_ = Settings::Manager::getFloat("viewing distance", "Camera");
return fov.perspectiveMatrix(near_, far_);
osg::Matrix VRSession::viewMatrix(osg::Vec3 position, osg::Quat orientation)
position = position * Environment::get().unitsPerMeter();
float y = position.y();
float z = position.z();
position.y() = z;
position.z() = -y;
y = orientation.y();
z = orientation.z();
orientation.y() = z;
orientation.z() = -y;
osg::Matrix viewMatrix;
return viewMatrix;
osg::Matrix VRSession::viewMatrix(FramePhase phase, Side side, bool offset)
if (offset)
MWVR::Pose pose = predictedPoses(phase).view[(int)side].pose;
return viewMatrix(pose.position, pose.orientation);
MWVR::Pose pose = predictedPoses(phase).eye[(int)side];
osg::Vec3 position = pose.position * Environment::get().unitsPerMeter();
osg::Quat orientation = pose.orientation;
osg::Vec3d forward = orientation * osg::Vec3d(0, 1, 0);
osg::Vec3d up = orientation * osg::Vec3d(0, 0, 1);
osg::Matrix viewMatrix;
viewMatrix.makeLookAt(position, position + forward, up);
return viewMatrix;
bool VRSession::isRunning() const {
return true;
auto* xr = Environment::get().getManager();
return xr->xrSessionRunning();
void VRSession::swapBuffers(osg::GraphicsContext* gc, VRViewer& viewer)
auto* xr = Environment::get().getManager();
auto* frameMeta = getFrame(FramePhase::Swap).get();
auto leftView = viewer.getView("LeftEye");
auto rightView = viewer.getView("RightEye");
if (frameMeta->mShouldRender)
std::array<CompositionLayerProjectionView, 2> layerStack{};
layerStack[(int)Side::LEFT_SIDE].swapchain = &leftView->swapchain();
layerStack[(int)Side::RIGHT_SIDE].swapchain = &rightView->swapchain();
layerStack[(int)Side::LEFT_SIDE].pose = frameMeta->mPredictedPoses.eye[(int)Side::LEFT_SIDE] / mPlayerScale;
layerStack[(int)Side::RIGHT_SIDE].pose = frameMeta->mPredictedPoses.eye[(int)Side::RIGHT_SIDE] / mPlayerScale;
layerStack[(int)Side::LEFT_SIDE].fov = frameMeta->mPredictedPoses.view[(int)Side::LEFT_SIDE].fov;
layerStack[(int)Side::RIGHT_SIDE].fov = frameMeta->mPredictedPoses.view[(int)Side::RIGHT_SIDE].fov;
xr->endFrame(frameMeta->mFrameInfo, 1, layerStack);
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mMutex);
mLastRenderedFrame = frameMeta->mFrameNo;
getFrame(FramePhase::Swap) = nullptr;
void VRSession::beginPhase(FramePhase phase)
Log(Debug::Debug) << "beginPhase(" << ((int)phase) << ") " << std::this_thread::get_id();
auto& frame = getFrame(phase);
if (frame)
// Happens once during startup but can be ignored that time.
// TODO: This issue would be cleaned up if beginPhase(Update) was called at a more appropriate location.
Log(Debug::Warning) << "advanceFramePhase called with a frame alreay in the target phase";
if (phase == FramePhase::Update)
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mMutex);
FramePhase previousPhase = static_cast<FramePhase>((int)phase - 1);
if (!getFrame(previousPhase))
throw std::logic_error("beginPhase called without a frame");
frame = std::move(getFrame(previousPhase));
if (phase == mXrSyncPhase && frame->mShouldRender)
// We may reach this point before xrEndFrame of the previous frame
// Must wait or openxr will interpret another call to xrBeginFrame() as skipping a frame
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mMutex);
while (mLastRenderedFrame != mFrames - 1)
if (frame->mShouldRender)
std::unique_ptr<VRSession::VRFrameMeta>& VRSession::getFrame(FramePhase phase)
if ((unsigned int)phase >= mFrame.size())
throw std::logic_error("Invalid frame phase");
return mFrame[(int)phase];
void VRSession::prepareFrame()
auto* xr = Environment::get().getManager();
auto& frame = getFrame(FramePhase::Update);
frame.reset(new VRFrameMeta);
frame->mFrameNo = mFrames;
frame->mShouldRender = xr->xrSessionCanRender();
if (frame->mShouldRender)
frame->mFrameInfo = xr->waitFrame();
frame->mPredictedDisplayTime = frame->mFrameInfo.runtimePredictedDisplayTime;
PoseSet predictedPoses{};
predictedPoses.head = xr->getPredictedHeadPose(frame->mPredictedDisplayTime, ReferenceSpace::STAGE) * mPlayerScale;
auto hmdViews = xr->getPredictedViews(frame->mPredictedDisplayTime, ReferenceSpace::VIEW);
predictedPoses.view[(int)Side::LEFT_SIDE].pose = hmdViews[(int)Side::LEFT_SIDE].pose * mPlayerScale;
predictedPoses.view[(int)Side::RIGHT_SIDE].pose = hmdViews[(int)Side::RIGHT_SIDE].pose * mPlayerScale;
predictedPoses.view[(int)Side::LEFT_SIDE].fov = hmdViews[(int)Side::LEFT_SIDE].fov;
predictedPoses.view[(int)Side::RIGHT_SIDE].fov = hmdViews[(int)Side::RIGHT_SIDE].fov;
auto stageViews = xr->getPredictedViews(frame->mPredictedDisplayTime, ReferenceSpace::STAGE);
predictedPoses.eye[(int)Side::LEFT_SIDE] = stageViews[(int)Side::LEFT_SIDE].pose * mPlayerScale;
predictedPoses.eye[(int)Side::RIGHT_SIDE] = stageViews[(int)Side::RIGHT_SIDE].pose * mPlayerScale;
auto* input = Environment::get().getInputManager();
if (input)
predictedPoses.hands[(int)Side::LEFT_SIDE] = input->getLimbPose(frame->mPredictedDisplayTime, TrackedLimb::LEFT_HAND) * mPlayerScale;
predictedPoses.hands[(int)Side::RIGHT_SIDE] = input->getLimbPose(frame->mPredictedDisplayTime, TrackedLimb::RIGHT_HAND) * mPlayerScale;
frame->mPredictedPoses = predictedPoses;
const PoseSet& VRSession::predictedPoses(FramePhase phase)
auto& frame = getFrame(phase);
if (phase == FramePhase::Update && !frame)
if (!frame)
throw std::logic_error("Attempted to get poses from a phase with no current pose");
return frame->mPredictedPoses;
// OSG doesn't provide API to extract euler angles from a quat, but i need it.
// Credits goes to Dennis Bunfield, i just copied his formula https://narkive.com/v0re6547.4
void getEulerAngles(const osg::Quat& quat, float& yaw, float& pitch, float& roll)
// Now do the computation
osg::Matrixd m2(osg::Matrixd::rotate(quat));
double* mat = (double*)m2.ptr();
double angle_x = 0.0;
double angle_y = 0.0;
double angle_z = 0.0;
double D, C, tr_x, tr_y;
angle_y = D = asin(mat[2]); /* Calculate Y-axis angle */
C = cos(angle_y);
if (fabs(C) > 0.005) /* Test for Gimball lock? */
tr_x = mat[10] / C; /* No, so get X-axis angle */
tr_y = -mat[6] / C;
angle_x = atan2(tr_y, tr_x);
tr_x = mat[0] / C; /* Get Z-axis angle */
tr_y = -mat[1] / C;
angle_z = atan2(tr_y, tr_x);
else /* Gimball lock has occurred */
angle_x = 0; /* Set X-axis angle to zero
tr_x = mat[5]; /* And calculate Z-axis angle
tr_y = mat[4];
angle_z = atan2(tr_y, tr_x);
yaw = angle_z;
pitch = angle_x;
roll = angle_y;
void VRSession::movementAngles(float& yaw, float& pitch)
if (!getFrame(FramePhase::Update))
if (mHandDirectedMovement)
auto frameMeta = getFrame(FramePhase::Update).get();
float headYaw = 0.f;
float headPitch = 0.f;
float headsWillRoll = 0.f;
float handYaw = 0.f;
float handPitch = 0.f;
float handRoll = 0.f;
getEulerAngles(frameMeta->mPredictedPoses.head.orientation, headYaw, headPitch, headsWillRoll);
getEulerAngles(frameMeta->mPredictedPoses.hands[(int)Side::LEFT_SIDE].orientation, handYaw, handPitch, handRoll);
yaw = handYaw - headYaw;
pitch = handPitch - headPitch;