Fork 1
mirror of https://github.com/TES3MP/openmw-tes3mp.git synced 2025-03-03 09:49:40 +00:00

277 lines
10 KiB

#include "cellstore.hpp"
#include <iostream>
#include "../mwbase/environment.hpp"
#include "../mwbase/world.hpp"
#include "ptr.hpp"
#include "esmstore.hpp"
#include "class.hpp"
#include "containerstore.hpp"
template<typename T>
MWWorld::Ptr searchInContainerList (MWWorld::CellRefList<T>& containerList, const std::string& id)
for (typename MWWorld::CellRefList<T>::List::iterator iter (containerList.mList.begin());
iter!=containerList.mList.end(); ++iter)
MWWorld::Ptr container (&*iter, 0);
MWWorld::Ptr ptr =
MWWorld::Class::get (container).getContainerStore (container).search (id);
if (!ptr.isEmpty())
return ptr;
return MWWorld::Ptr();
namespace MWWorld
template <typename X>
void CellRefList<X>::load(ESM::CellRef &ref, const MWWorld::ESMStore &esmStore)
// Get existing reference, in case we need to overwrite it.
typename std::list<LiveRef>::iterator iter = std::find(mList.begin(), mList.end(), ref.mRefnum);
// Skip this when reference was deleted.
// TODO: Support respawning references, in this case, we need to track it somehow.
if (ref.mDeleted) {
if (iter != mList.end())
// for throwing exception on unhandled record type
const MWWorld::Store<X> &store = esmStore.get<X>();
const X *ptr = store.search(ref.mRefID);
/// \note no longer redundant - changed to Store<X>::search(), don't throw
/// an exception on miss, try to continue (that's how MW does it, anyway)
if (ptr == NULL) {
std::cout << "Warning: could not resolve cell reference " << ref.mRefID << ", trying to continue anyway" << std::endl;
} else {
if (iter != mList.end())
*iter = LiveRef(ref, ptr);
mList.push_back(LiveRef(ref, ptr));
template<typename X> bool operator==(const LiveCellRef<X>& ref, int pRefnum)
return (ref.mRef.mRefnum == pRefnum);
CellStore::CellStore (const ESM::Cell *cell)
: mCell (cell), mState (State_Unloaded)
mWaterLevel = cell->mWater;
void CellStore::load (const MWWorld::ESMStore &store, std::vector<ESM::ESMReader> &esm)
if (mState!=State_Loaded)
if (mState==State_Preloaded)
std::cout << "loading cell " << mCell->getDescription() << std::endl;
loadRefs (store, esm);
mState = State_Loaded;
void CellStore::preload (const MWWorld::ESMStore &store, std::vector<ESM::ESMReader> &esm)
if (mState==State_Unloaded)
listRefs (store, esm);
mState = State_Preloaded;
void CellStore::listRefs(const MWWorld::ESMStore &store, std::vector<ESM::ESMReader> &esm)
assert (mCell);
if (mCell->mContextList.empty())
return; // this is a dynamically generated cell -> skipping.
// Load references from all plugins that do something with this cell.
for (size_t i = 0; i < mCell->mContextList.size(); i++)
// Reopen the ESM reader and seek to the right position.
int index = mCell->mContextList.at(i).index;
mCell->restore (esm[index], i);
ESM::CellRef ref;
// Get each reference in turn
while (mCell->getNextRef (esm[index], ref))
std::string lowerCase = Misc::StringUtils::lowerCase (ref.mRefID);
if (ref.mDeleted) {
// Right now, don't do anything. Where is "listRefs" actually used, anyway?
// Skipping for now...
mIds.push_back (lowerCase);
std::sort (mIds.begin(), mIds.end());
void CellStore::loadRefs(const MWWorld::ESMStore &store, std::vector<ESM::ESMReader> &esm)
assert (mCell);
if (mCell->mContextList.empty())
return; // this is a dynamically generated cell -> skipping.
// Load references from all plugins that do something with this cell.
for (size_t i = 0; i < mCell->mContextList.size(); i++)
// Reopen the ESM reader and seek to the right position.
int index = mCell->mContextList.at(i).index;
mCell->restore (esm[index], i);
ESM::CellRef ref;
// Get each reference in turn
while(mCell->getNextRef(esm[index], ref))
// Don't load reference if it was moved to a different cell.
std::string lowerCase = Misc::StringUtils::lowerCase(ref.mRefID);
ESM::MovedCellRefTracker::const_iterator iter = std::find(mCell->mMovedRefs.begin(), mCell->mMovedRefs.end(), ref.mRefnum);
if (iter != mCell->mMovedRefs.end()) {
int rec = store.find(ref.mRefID);
ref.mRefID = lowerCase;
/* We can optimize this further by storing the pointer to the
record itself in store.all, so that we don't need to look it
up again here. However, never optimize. There are infinite
opportunities to do that later.
case ESM::REC_ACTI: mActivators.load(ref, store); break;
case ESM::REC_ALCH: mPotions.load(ref, store); break;
case ESM::REC_APPA: mAppas.load(ref, store); break;
case ESM::REC_ARMO: mArmors.load(ref, store); break;
case ESM::REC_BOOK: mBooks.load(ref, store); break;
case ESM::REC_CLOT: mClothes.load(ref, store); break;
case ESM::REC_CONT: mContainers.load(ref, store); break;
case ESM::REC_CREA: mCreatures.load(ref, store); break;
case ESM::REC_DOOR: mDoors.load(ref, store); break;
case ESM::REC_INGR: mIngreds.load(ref, store); break;
case ESM::REC_LEVC: mCreatureLists.load(ref, store); break;
case ESM::REC_LEVI: mItemLists.load(ref, store); break;
case ESM::REC_LIGH: mLights.load(ref, store); break;
case ESM::REC_LOCK: mLockpicks.load(ref, store); break;
case ESM::REC_MISC: mMiscItems.load(ref, store); break;
case ESM::REC_NPC_: mNpcs.load(ref, store); break;
case ESM::REC_PROB: mProbes.load(ref, store); break;
case ESM::REC_REPA: mRepairs.load(ref, store); break;
case ESM::REC_STAT: mStatics.load(ref, store); break;
case ESM::REC_WEAP: mWeapons.load(ref, store); break;
case 0: std::cout << "Cell reference " + ref.mRefID + " not found!\n"; break;
std::cout << "WARNING: Ignoring reference '" << ref.mRefID << "' of unhandled type\n";
// Load moved references, from separately tracked list.
for (ESM::CellRefTracker::const_iterator it = mCell->mLeasedRefs.begin(); it != mCell->mLeasedRefs.end(); ++it)
// Doesn't seem to work in one line... huh? Too sleepy to check...
ESM::CellRef &ref = const_cast<ESM::CellRef&>(*it);
//ESM::CellRef &ref = const_cast<ESM::CellRef&>(it->second);
std::string lowerCase;
std::transform (ref.mRefID.begin(), ref.mRefID.end(), std::back_inserter (lowerCase),
(int(*)(int)) std::tolower);
int rec = store.find(ref.mRefID);
ref.mRefID = lowerCase;
/* We can optimize this further by storing the pointer to the
record itself in store.all, so that we don't need to look it
up again here. However, never optimize. There are infinite
opportunities to do that later.
case ESM::REC_ACTI: mActivators.load(ref, store); break;
case ESM::REC_ALCH: mPotions.load(ref, store); break;
case ESM::REC_APPA: mAppas.load(ref, store); break;
case ESM::REC_ARMO: mArmors.load(ref, store); break;
case ESM::REC_BOOK: mBooks.load(ref, store); break;
case ESM::REC_CLOT: mClothes.load(ref, store); break;
case ESM::REC_CONT: mContainers.load(ref, store); break;
case ESM::REC_CREA: mCreatures.load(ref, store); break;
case ESM::REC_DOOR: mDoors.load(ref, store); break;
case ESM::REC_INGR: mIngreds.load(ref, store); break;
case ESM::REC_LEVC: mCreatureLists.load(ref, store); break;
case ESM::REC_LEVI: mItemLists.load(ref, store); break;
case ESM::REC_LIGH: mLights.load(ref, store); break;
case ESM::REC_LOCK: mLockpicks.load(ref, store); break;
case ESM::REC_MISC: mMiscItems.load(ref, store); break;
case ESM::REC_NPC_: mNpcs.load(ref, store); break;
case ESM::REC_PROB: mProbes.load(ref, store); break;
case ESM::REC_REPA: mRepairs.load(ref, store); break;
case ESM::REC_STAT: mStatics.load(ref, store); break;
case ESM::REC_WEAP: mWeapons.load(ref, store); break;
case 0: std::cout << "Cell reference " + ref.mRefID + " not found!\n"; break;
std::cout << "WARNING: Ignoring reference '" << ref.mRefID << "' of unhandled type\n";
Ptr CellStore::searchInContainer (const std::string& id)
Ptr ptr = searchInContainerList (mContainers, id);
if (!ptr.isEmpty())
return ptr;
Ptr ptr = searchInContainerList (mCreatures, id);
if (!ptr.isEmpty())
return ptr;
Ptr ptr = searchInContainerList (mNpcs, id);
if (!ptr.isEmpty())
return ptr;
return Ptr();