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scrawl 783594033a Optimize MWMechanics::Spells
Use pointers as map keys instead of string IDs. Resolves a nasty performance bottleneck on functions like hasCommonDisease() that previously had to look up all contained spells from the ESM store on every call. hasCommonDisease() is called hundreds of times per frame by the AI target update since it's used to calculate target disposition.

The total cost of hasCommonDisease() was 2.7% of the frame loop, now it's negligible.
2015-11-27 01:07:15 +01:00

560 lines
21 KiB

#include "aicombataction.hpp"
#include "../mwbase/environment.hpp"
#include "../mwbase/world.hpp"
#include "../mwworld/class.hpp"
#include "../mwworld/esmstore.hpp"
#include "../mwworld/inventorystore.hpp"
#include "../mwworld/actionequip.hpp"
#include "../mwmechanics/npcstats.hpp"
#include "../mwmechanics/spellcasting.hpp"
#include <components/esm/loadench.hpp>
#include <components/esm/loadmgef.hpp>
// RangeTypes using bitflags to allow multiple range types, as can be the case with spells having multiple effects.
enum RangeTypes
Self = 0x1,
Touch = 0x10,
Target = 0x100
int getRangeTypes (const ESM::EffectList& effects)
int types = 0;
for (std::vector<ESM::ENAMstruct>::const_iterator it = effects.mList.begin(); it != effects.mList.end(); ++it)
if (it->mRange == ESM::RT_Self)
types |= Self;
else if (it->mRange == ESM::RT_Touch)
types |= Touch;
else if (it->mRange == ESM::RT_Target)
types |= Target;
return types;
void suggestCombatRange(int rangeTypes, float& rangeAttack, float& rangeFollow)
if (rangeTypes & Touch)
rangeAttack = 100.f;
rangeFollow = 300.f;
else if (rangeTypes & Target)
rangeAttack = 1000.f;
rangeFollow = 0.f;
// For Self spells, distance doesn't matter, so back away slightly to avoid enemy hits
rangeAttack = 600.f;
rangeFollow = 0.f;
int numEffectsToCure (const MWWorld::Ptr& actor, int effectFilter=-1)
int toCure=0;
const MWMechanics::ActiveSpells& activeSpells = actor.getClass().getCreatureStats(actor).getActiveSpells();
for (MWMechanics::ActiveSpells::TIterator it = activeSpells.begin(); it != activeSpells.end(); ++it)
const MWMechanics::ActiveSpells::ActiveSpellParams& params = it->second;
for (std::vector<MWMechanics::ActiveSpells::ActiveEffect>::const_iterator effectIt = params.mEffects.begin();
effectIt != params.mEffects.end(); ++effectIt)
int effectId = effectIt->mEffectId;
if (effectFilter != -1 && effectId != effectFilter)
const ESM::MagicEffect* magicEffect = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getStore().get<ESM::MagicEffect>().find(effectId);
if (magicEffect->mData.mFlags & ESM::MagicEffect::Harmful
&& effectIt->mDuration > 3 // Don't attempt to cure if effect runs out shortly anyway
return toCure;
namespace MWMechanics
float ratePotion (const MWWorld::Ptr &item, const MWWorld::Ptr& actor)
if (item.getTypeName() != typeid(ESM::Potion).name())
return 0.f;
const ESM::Potion* potion = item.get<ESM::Potion>()->mBase;
return rateEffects(potion->mEffects, actor, MWWorld::Ptr());
float rateWeapon (const MWWorld::Ptr &item, const MWWorld::Ptr& actor, const MWWorld::Ptr& target, int type,
float arrowRating, float boltRating)
if (item.getTypeName() != typeid(ESM::Weapon).name())
return 0.f;
const ESM::Weapon* weapon = item.get<ESM::Weapon>()->mBase;
if (type != -1 && weapon->mData.mType != type)
return 0.f;
float rating=0.f;
if (weapon->mData.mType >= ESM::Weapon::MarksmanBow)
rating = (weapon->mData.mChop[0] + weapon->mData.mChop[1]) / 2.f;
for (int i=0; i<2; ++i)
rating += weapon->mData.mSlash[i];
rating += weapon->mData.mThrust[i];
rating += weapon->mData.mChop[i];
rating /= 6.f;
if (item.getClass().hasItemHealth(item))
if (item.getClass().getItemHealth(item) == 0)
return 0.f;
rating *= item.getClass().getItemHealth(item) / float(item.getClass().getItemMaxHealth(item));
if (weapon->mData.mType == ESM::Weapon::MarksmanBow)
if (arrowRating <= 0.f)
rating = 0.f;
rating += arrowRating;
else if (weapon->mData.mType == ESM::Weapon::MarksmanCrossbow)
if (boltRating <= 0.f)
rating = 0.f;
rating += boltRating;
if (!weapon->mEnchant.empty())
const ESM::Enchantment* enchantment = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getStore().get<ESM::Enchantment>().find(weapon->mEnchant);
if (enchantment->mData.mType == ESM::Enchantment::WhenStrikes
&& (item.getCellRef().getEnchantmentCharge() == -1
|| item.getCellRef().getEnchantmentCharge() >= enchantment->mData.mCost))
rating += rateEffects(enchantment->mEffects, actor, target);
int skill = item.getClass().getEquipmentSkill(item);
if (skill != -1)
rating *= actor.getClass().getSkill(actor, skill) / 100.f;
return rating;
float rateSpell(const ESM::Spell *spell, const MWWorld::Ptr &actor, const MWWorld::Ptr& target)
const CreatureStats& stats = actor.getClass().getCreatureStats(actor);
if (MWMechanics::getSpellSuccessChance(spell, actor) == 0)
return 0.f;
if (spell->mData.mType != ESM::Spell::ST_Spell)
return 0.f;
// Don't make use of racial bonus spells, like MW. Can be made optional later
if (actor.getClass().isNpc())
std::string raceid = actor.get<ESM::NPC>()->mBase->mRace;
const ESM::Race* race = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getStore().get<ESM::Race>().find(raceid);
if (race->mPowers.exists(spell->mId))
return 0.f;
if (spell->mData.mCost > stats.getMagicka().getCurrent())
return 0.f;
// Spells don't stack, so early out if the spell is still active on the target
int types = getRangeTypes(spell->mEffects);
if ((types & Self) && stats.getActiveSpells().isSpellActive(spell->mId))
return 0.f;
if ( ((types & Touch) || (types & Target)) && target.getClass().getCreatureStats(target).getActiveSpells().isSpellActive(spell->mId))
return 0.f;
return rateEffects(spell->mEffects, actor, target);
float rateMagicItem(const MWWorld::Ptr &ptr, const MWWorld::Ptr &actor, const MWWorld::Ptr& target)
if (ptr.getClass().getEnchantment(ptr).empty())
return 0.f;
const ESM::Enchantment* enchantment = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getStore().get<ESM::Enchantment>().find(ptr.getClass().getEnchantment(ptr));
if (enchantment->mData.mType == ESM::Enchantment::CastOnce)
return rateEffects(enchantment->mEffects, actor, target);
//if (!ptr.getClass().canBeEquipped(ptr, actor))
return 0.f;
float rateEffect(const ESM::ENAMstruct &effect, const MWWorld::Ptr &actor, const MWWorld::Ptr &target)
// NOTE: target may be empty
float rating = 1;
switch (effect.mEffectID)
case ESM::MagicEffect::Soultrap:
case ESM::MagicEffect::AlmsiviIntervention:
case ESM::MagicEffect::DivineIntervention:
case ESM::MagicEffect::CalmHumanoid:
case ESM::MagicEffect::CalmCreature:
case ESM::MagicEffect::FrenzyHumanoid:
case ESM::MagicEffect::FrenzyCreature:
case ESM::MagicEffect::DemoralizeHumanoid:
case ESM::MagicEffect::DemoralizeCreature:
case ESM::MagicEffect::RallyHumanoid:
case ESM::MagicEffect::RallyCreature:
case ESM::MagicEffect::Charm:
case ESM::MagicEffect::DetectAnimal:
case ESM::MagicEffect::DetectEnchantment:
case ESM::MagicEffect::DetectKey:
case ESM::MagicEffect::Telekinesis:
case ESM::MagicEffect::Mark:
case ESM::MagicEffect::Recall:
case ESM::MagicEffect::Jump:
case ESM::MagicEffect::WaterBreathing:
case ESM::MagicEffect::SwiftSwim:
case ESM::MagicEffect::WaterWalking:
case ESM::MagicEffect::SlowFall:
case ESM::MagicEffect::Light:
case ESM::MagicEffect::Lock:
case ESM::MagicEffect::Open:
case ESM::MagicEffect::TurnUndead:
case ESM::MagicEffect::WeaknessToCommonDisease:
case ESM::MagicEffect::WeaknessToBlightDisease:
case ESM::MagicEffect::WeaknessToCorprusDisease:
case ESM::MagicEffect::CureCommonDisease:
case ESM::MagicEffect::CureBlightDisease:
case ESM::MagicEffect::CureCorprusDisease:
case ESM::MagicEffect::Invisibility:
return 0.f;
case ESM::MagicEffect::Feather:
if (actor.getClass().getEncumbrance(actor) - actor.getClass().getCapacity(actor) >= 0)
return 100.f;
return 0.f;
case ESM::MagicEffect::Levitate:
return 0.f; // AI isn't designed to take advantage of this, and could be perceived as unfair anyway
case ESM::MagicEffect::BoundBoots:
case ESM::MagicEffect::BoundHelm:
if (actor.getClass().isNpc())
// Beast races can't wear helmets or boots
std::string raceid = actor.get<ESM::NPC>()->mBase->mRace;
const ESM::Race* race = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getStore().get<ESM::Race>().find(raceid);
if (race->mData.mFlags & ESM::Race::Beast)
return 0.f;
// Intended fall-through
// Creatures can not wear armor
case ESM::MagicEffect::BoundCuirass:
case ESM::MagicEffect::BoundGloves:
if (!actor.getClass().isNpc())
return 0.f;
case ESM::MagicEffect::RestoreHealth:
case ESM::MagicEffect::RestoreMagicka:
case ESM::MagicEffect::RestoreFatigue:
if (effect.mRange == ESM::RT_Self)
int priority = 1;
if (effect.mEffectID == ESM::MagicEffect::RestoreHealth)
priority = 10;
const DynamicStat<float>& current = actor.getClass().getCreatureStats(actor).
getDynamic(effect.mEffectID - ESM::MagicEffect::RestoreHealth);
float toHeal = (effect.mMagnMin + effect.mMagnMax)/2.f * effect.mDuration;
// Effect doesn't heal more than we need, *or* we are below 1/2 health
if (current.getModified() - current.getCurrent() > toHeal
|| current.getCurrent() < current.getModified()*0.5)
return 10000.f * priority
- (toHeal - (current.getModified()-current.getCurrent())); // prefer the most fitting potion
return -10000.f * priority; // Save for later
// Prefer Cure effects over Dispel, because Dispel also removes positive effects
case ESM::MagicEffect::Dispel:
return 1000.f * numEffectsToCure(actor);
case ESM::MagicEffect::CureParalyzation:
return 1001.f * numEffectsToCure(actor, ESM::MagicEffect::Paralyze);
case ESM::MagicEffect::CurePoison:
return 1001.f * numEffectsToCure(actor, ESM::MagicEffect::Poison);
case ESM::MagicEffect::DisintegrateArmor: // TODO: check if actor is wearing armor
case ESM::MagicEffect::DisintegrateWeapon: // TODO: check if actor is wearing weapon
case ESM::MagicEffect::DamageAttribute:
case ESM::MagicEffect::DrainAttribute:
if (!target.isEmpty() && target.getClass().getCreatureStats(target).getAttribute(effect.mAttribute).getModified() <= 0)
return 0.f;
if (effect.mAttribute >= 0 && effect.mAttribute < ESM::Attribute::Length)
const float attributePriorities[ESM::Attribute::Length] = {
1.0f, // Strength
0.5f, // Intelligence
0.6f, // Willpower
0.7f, // Agility
0.5f, // Speed
0.8f, // Endurance
0.7f, // Personality
0.3f // Luck
rating *= attributePriorities[effect.mAttribute];
case ESM::MagicEffect::DamageSkill:
case ESM::MagicEffect::DrainSkill:
if (target.isEmpty() || !target.getClass().isNpc())
return 0.f;
if (target.getClass().getNpcStats(target).getSkill(effect.mSkill).getModified() <= 0)
return 0.f;
// TODO: for non-cumulative effects (e.g. paralyze), check if the target is already suffering from them
// TODO: could take into account target's resistance/weakness against the effect
const ESM::MagicEffect* magicEffect = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getStore().get<ESM::MagicEffect>().find(effect.mEffectID);
rating *= magicEffect->mData.mBaseCost;
if (!(magicEffect->mData.mFlags & ESM::MagicEffect::NoMagnitude))
rating *= (effect.mMagnMin + effect.mMagnMax)/2.f;
if (!(magicEffect->mData.mFlags & ESM::MagicEffect::NoDuration))
rating *= effect.mDuration;
if (magicEffect->mData.mFlags & ESM::MagicEffect::Harmful)
rating *= -1.f;
// Currently treating all "on target" or "on touch" effects to target the enemy actor.
// Combat AI is egoistic, so doesn't consider applying positive effects to friendly actors.
if (effect.mRange != ESM::RT_Self)
rating *= -1.f;
return rating;
float rateEffects(const ESM::EffectList &list, const MWWorld::Ptr& actor, const MWWorld::Ptr& target)
// NOTE: target may be empty
float rating = 0.f;
for (std::vector<ESM::ENAMstruct>::const_iterator it = list.mList.begin(); it != list.mList.end(); ++it)
rating += rateEffect(*it, actor, target);
return rating;
void ActionSpell::prepare(const MWWorld::Ptr &actor)
if (actor.getClass().hasInventoryStore(actor))
MWWorld::InventoryStore& inv = actor.getClass().getInventoryStore(actor);
void ActionSpell::getCombatRange(float& rangeAttack, float& rangeFollow)
const ESM::Spell* spell = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getStore().get<ESM::Spell>().find(mSpellId);
int types = getRangeTypes(spell->mEffects);
suggestCombatRange(types, rangeAttack, rangeFollow);
void ActionEnchantedItem::prepare(const MWWorld::Ptr &actor)
void ActionEnchantedItem::getCombatRange(float& rangeAttack, float& rangeFollow)
const ESM::Enchantment* enchantment = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getStore().get<ESM::Enchantment>().find(mItem->getClass().getEnchantment(*mItem));
int types = getRangeTypes(enchantment->mEffects);
suggestCombatRange(types, rangeAttack, rangeFollow);
void ActionPotion::getCombatRange(float& rangeAttack, float& rangeFollow)
// distance doesn't matter, so back away slightly to avoid enemy hits
rangeAttack = 600.f;
rangeFollow = 0.f;
void ActionPotion::prepare(const MWWorld::Ptr &actor)
actor.getClass().apply(actor, mPotion.getCellRef().getRefId(), actor);
actor.getClass().getContainerStore(actor).remove(mPotion, 1, actor);
void ActionWeapon::prepare(const MWWorld::Ptr &actor)
if (actor.getClass().hasInventoryStore(actor))
if (mWeapon.isEmpty())
actor.getClass().getInventoryStore(actor).unequipSlot(MWWorld::InventoryStore::Slot_CarriedRight, actor);
MWWorld::ActionEquip equip(mWeapon);
if (!mAmmunition.isEmpty())
MWWorld::ActionEquip equip(mAmmunition);
void ActionWeapon::getCombatRange(float& rangeAttack, float& rangeFollow)
// Already done in AiCombat itself
boost::shared_ptr<Action> prepareNextAction(const MWWorld::Ptr &actor, const MWWorld::Ptr &target)
Spells& spells = actor.getClass().getCreatureStats(actor).getSpells();
float bestActionRating = 0.f;
// Default to hand-to-hand combat
boost::shared_ptr<Action> bestAction (new ActionWeapon(MWWorld::Ptr()));
if (actor.getClass().isNpc() && actor.getClass().getNpcStats(actor).isWerewolf())
return bestAction;
if (actor.getClass().hasInventoryStore(actor))
MWWorld::InventoryStore& store = actor.getClass().getInventoryStore(actor);
for (MWWorld::ContainerStoreIterator it = store.begin(); it != store.end(); ++it)
float rating = ratePotion(*it, actor);
if (rating > bestActionRating)
bestActionRating = rating;
bestAction.reset(new ActionPotion(*it));
for (MWWorld::ContainerStoreIterator it = store.begin(); it != store.end(); ++it)
float rating = rateMagicItem(*it, actor, target);
if (rating > bestActionRating)
bestActionRating = rating;
bestAction.reset(new ActionEnchantedItem(it));
float bestArrowRating = 0;
MWWorld::Ptr bestArrow;
for (MWWorld::ContainerStoreIterator it = store.begin(); it != store.end(); ++it)
float rating = rateWeapon(*it, actor, target, ESM::Weapon::Arrow);
if (rating > bestArrowRating)
bestArrowRating = rating;
bestArrow = *it;
float bestBoltRating = 0;
MWWorld::Ptr bestBolt;
for (MWWorld::ContainerStoreIterator it = store.begin(); it != store.end(); ++it)
float rating = rateWeapon(*it, actor, target, ESM::Weapon::Bolt);
if (rating > bestBoltRating)
bestBoltRating = rating;
bestBolt = *it;
for (MWWorld::ContainerStoreIterator it = store.begin(); it != store.end(); ++it)
std::vector<int> equipmentSlots = it->getClass().getEquipmentSlots(*it).first;
if (std::find(equipmentSlots.begin(), equipmentSlots.end(), (int)MWWorld::InventoryStore::Slot_CarriedRight)
== equipmentSlots.end())
float rating = rateWeapon(*it, actor, target, -1, bestArrowRating, bestBoltRating);
if (rating > bestActionRating)
const ESM::Weapon* weapon = it->get<ESM::Weapon>()->mBase;
MWWorld::Ptr ammo;
if (weapon->mData.mType == ESM::Weapon::MarksmanBow)
ammo = bestArrow;
else if (weapon->mData.mType == ESM::Weapon::MarksmanCrossbow)
ammo = bestBolt;
bestActionRating = rating;
bestAction.reset(new ActionWeapon(*it, ammo));
for (Spells::TIterator it = spells.begin(); it != spells.end(); ++it)
const ESM::Spell* spell = it->first;
float rating = rateSpell(spell, actor, target);
if (rating > bestActionRating)
bestActionRating = rating;
bestAction.reset(new ActionSpell(spell->mId));
if (bestAction.get())
return bestAction;