Fork 1
mirror of https://github.com/TES3MP/openmw-tes3mp.git synced 2025-03-29 23:06:45 +00:00
psi29a f90a049702 Merge branch 'movement_refactoring' into 'master'
Refactoring related to "smooth movement"

See merge request OpenMW/openmw!285

(cherry picked from commit 6eaf0a389d5aed3b74ab1a7cf89574612f964bdf)

e847b4c8 Split getSpeed() to getMaxSpeed() and getCurrentSpeed()
a96c46bc Refactor calculation of movement.mSpeedFactor
03ee9090 Use getMaxSpeed instead of getCurrentSpeed where it makes sense.
a178af5c Create helper functions `normalizeAngle` and `rotateVec2f`
2020-08-27 11:54:30 +00:00

377 lines
17 KiB

#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <osg/Vec4f>
#include "ptr.hpp"
#include "doorstate.hpp"
#include "../mwmechanics/creaturestats.hpp"
namespace ESM
struct ObjectState;
namespace MWRender
class RenderingInterface;
namespace MWPhysics
class PhysicsSystem;
namespace MWMechanics
class NpcStats;
struct Movement;
namespace MWGui
struct ToolTipInfo;
namespace ESM
struct Position;
namespace MWWorld
class ContainerStore;
class InventoryStore;
class CellStore;
class Action;
/// \brief Base class for referenceable esm records
class Class
static std::map<std::string, std::shared_ptr<Class> > sClasses;
std::string mTypeName;
// not implemented
Class (const Class&);
Class& operator= (const Class&);
std::shared_ptr<Action> defaultItemActivate(const Ptr &ptr, const Ptr &actor) const;
///< Generate default action for activating inventory items
virtual Ptr copyToCellImpl(const ConstPtr &ptr, CellStore &cell) const;
virtual ~Class();
const std::string& getTypeName() const {
return mTypeName;
virtual void insertObjectRendering (const Ptr& ptr, const std::string& mesh, MWRender::RenderingInterface& renderingInterface) const;
virtual void insertObject(const Ptr& ptr, const std::string& mesh, MWPhysics::PhysicsSystem& physics) const;
///< Add reference into a cell for rendering (default implementation: don't render anything).
virtual std::string getName (const ConstPtr& ptr) const = 0;
///< \return name or ID; can return an empty string.
virtual void adjustPosition(const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr, bool force) const;
///< Adjust position to stand on ground. Must be called post model load
/// @param force do this even if the ptr is flying
virtual MWMechanics::CreatureStats& getCreatureStats (const Ptr& ptr) const;
///< Return creature stats or throw an exception, if class does not have creature stats
/// (default implementation: throw an exception)
virtual bool hasToolTip (const ConstPtr& ptr) const;
///< @return true if this object has a tooltip when focused (default implementation: true)
virtual MWGui::ToolTipInfo getToolTipInfo (const ConstPtr& ptr, int count) const;
///< @return the content of the tool tip to be displayed. raises exception if the object has no tooltip.
virtual bool showsInInventory (const ConstPtr& ptr) const;
///< Return whether ptr shows in inventory views.
/// Hidden items are not displayed and cannot be (re)moved by the user.
/// \return True if shown, false if hidden.
virtual MWMechanics::NpcStats& getNpcStats (const Ptr& ptr) const;
///< Return NPC stats or throw an exception, if class does not have NPC stats
/// (default implementation: throw an exception)
virtual bool hasItemHealth (const ConstPtr& ptr) const;
///< \return Item health data available? (default implementation: false)
virtual int getItemHealth (const ConstPtr& ptr) const;
///< Return current item health or throw an exception if class does not have item health
virtual float getItemNormalizedHealth (const ConstPtr& ptr) const;
///< Return current item health re-scaled to maximum health
virtual int getItemMaxHealth (const ConstPtr& ptr) const;
///< Return item max health or throw an exception, if class does not have item health
/// (default implementation: throw an exception)
virtual void hit(const Ptr& ptr, float attackStrength, int type=-1) const;
///< Execute a melee hit, using the current weapon. This will check the relevant skills
/// of the given attacker, and whoever is hit.
/// \param attackStrength how long the attack was charged for, a value in 0-1 range.
/// \param type - type of attack, one of the MWMechanics::CreatureStats::AttackType
/// enums. ignored for creature attacks.
/// (default implementation: throw an exception)
virtual void onHit(const MWWorld::Ptr &ptr, float damage, bool ishealth, const MWWorld::Ptr &object, const MWWorld::Ptr &attacker, const osg::Vec3f &hitPosition, bool successful) const;
///< Alerts \a ptr that it's being hit for \a damage points to health if \a ishealth is
/// true (else fatigue) by \a object (sword, arrow, etc). \a attacker specifies the
/// actor responsible for the attack, and \a successful specifies if the hit is
/// successful or not.
virtual void block (const Ptr& ptr) const;
///< Play the appropriate sound for a blocked attack, depending on the currently equipped shield
/// (default implementation: throw an exception)
virtual std::shared_ptr<Action> activate (const Ptr& ptr, const Ptr& actor) const;
///< Generate action for activation (default implementation: return a null action).
virtual std::shared_ptr<Action> use (const Ptr& ptr, bool force=false)
///< Generate action for using via inventory menu (default implementation: return a
/// null action).
virtual ContainerStore& getContainerStore (const Ptr& ptr) const;
///< Return container store or throw an exception, if class does not have a
/// container store (default implementation: throw an exception)
virtual InventoryStore& getInventoryStore (const Ptr& ptr) const;
///< Return inventory store or throw an exception, if class does not have a
/// inventory store (default implementation: throw an exception)
virtual bool hasInventoryStore (const Ptr& ptr) const;
///< Does this object have an inventory store, i.e. equipment slots? (default implementation: false)
virtual bool canLock (const ConstPtr& ptr) const;
virtual void setRemainingUsageTime (const Ptr& ptr, float duration) const;
///< Sets the remaining duration of the object, such as an equippable light
/// source. (default implementation: throw an exception)
virtual float getRemainingUsageTime (const ConstPtr& ptr) const;
///< Returns the remaining duration of the object, such as an equippable light
/// source. (default implementation: -1, i.e. infinite)
virtual std::string getScript (const ConstPtr& ptr) const;
///< Return name of the script attached to ptr (default implementation: return an empty
/// string).
virtual float getWalkSpeed(const Ptr& ptr) const;
virtual float getRunSpeed(const Ptr& ptr) const;
virtual float getSwimSpeed(const Ptr& ptr) const;
/// Return maximal movement speed for the current state.
virtual float getMaxSpeed(const Ptr& ptr) const;
/// Return current movement speed.
virtual float getCurrentSpeed(const Ptr& ptr) const;
virtual float getJump(const MWWorld::Ptr &ptr) const;
///< Return jump velocity (not accounting for movement)
virtual MWMechanics::Movement& getMovementSettings (const Ptr& ptr) const;
///< Return desired movement.
virtual osg::Vec3f getRotationVector (const Ptr& ptr) const;
///< Return desired rotations, as euler angles. Sets getMovementSettings(ptr).mRotation to zero.
virtual std::pair<std::vector<int>, bool> getEquipmentSlots (const ConstPtr& ptr) const;
///< \return first: Return IDs of the slot this object can be equipped in; second: can object
/// stay stacked when equipped?
/// Default implementation: return (empty vector, false).
virtual int getEquipmentSkill (const ConstPtr& ptr)
/// Return the index of the skill this item corresponds to when equipped or -1, if there is
/// no such skill.
/// (default implementation: return -1)
virtual int getValue (const ConstPtr& ptr) const;
///< Return trade value of the object. Throws an exception, if the object can't be traded.
/// (default implementation: throws an exception)
virtual float getCapacity (const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr) const;
///< Return total weight that fits into the object. Throws an exception, if the object can't
/// hold other objects.
/// (default implementation: throws an exception)
virtual float getEncumbrance (const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr) const;
///< Returns total weight of objects inside this object (including modifications from magic
/// effects). Throws an exception, if the object can't hold other objects.
/// (default implementation: throws an exception)
virtual float getNormalizedEncumbrance (const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr) const;
///< Returns encumbrance re-scaled to capacity
virtual bool apply (const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr, const std::string& id,
const MWWorld::Ptr& actor) const;
///< Apply \a id on \a ptr.
/// \param actor Actor that is resposible for the ID being applied to \a ptr.
/// \return Any effect?
/// (default implementation: ignore and return false)
virtual void skillUsageSucceeded (const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr, int skill, int usageType, float extraFactor=1.f) const;
///< Inform actor \a ptr that a skill use has succeeded.
/// (default implementations: throws an exception)
virtual bool isEssential (const MWWorld::ConstPtr& ptr) const;
///< Is \a ptr essential? (i.e. may losing \a ptr make the game unwinnable)
/// (default implementation: return false)
virtual std::string getUpSoundId (const ConstPtr& ptr) const;
///< Return the up sound ID of \a ptr or throw an exception, if class does not support ID retrieval
/// (default implementation: throw an exception)
virtual std::string getDownSoundId (const ConstPtr& ptr) const;
///< Return the down sound ID of \a ptr or throw an exception, if class does not support ID retrieval
/// (default implementation: throw an exception)
virtual std::string getSoundIdFromSndGen(const Ptr &ptr, const std::string &type) const;
///< Returns the sound ID for \a ptr of the given soundgen \a type.
virtual float getArmorRating (const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr) const;
///< @return combined armor rating of this actor
virtual std::string getInventoryIcon (const MWWorld::ConstPtr& ptr) const;
///< Return name of inventory icon.
virtual std::string getEnchantment (const MWWorld::ConstPtr& ptr) const;
///< @return the enchantment ID if the object is enchanted, otherwise an empty string
/// (default implementation: return empty string)
virtual int getEnchantmentPoints (const MWWorld::ConstPtr& ptr) const;
///< @return the number of enchantment points available for possible enchanting
virtual void adjustScale(const MWWorld::ConstPtr& ptr, osg::Vec3f& scale, bool rendering) const;
/// @param rendering Indicates if the scale to adjust is for the rendering mesh, or for the collision mesh
virtual bool canSell (const MWWorld::ConstPtr& item, int npcServices) const;
///< Determine whether or not \a item can be sold to an npc with the given \a npcServices
virtual int getServices (const MWWorld::ConstPtr& actor) const;
virtual std::string getModel(const MWWorld::ConstPtr &ptr) const;
virtual bool useAnim() const;
///< Whether or not to use animated variant of model (default false)
virtual void getModelsToPreload(const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr, std::vector<std::string>& models) const;
///< Get a list of models to preload that this object may use (directly or indirectly). default implementation: list getModel().
virtual std::string applyEnchantment(const MWWorld::ConstPtr &ptr, const std::string& enchId, int enchCharge, const std::string& newName) const;
///< Creates a new record using \a ptr as template, with the given name and the given enchantment applied to it.
virtual std::pair<int, std::string> canBeEquipped(const MWWorld::ConstPtr &ptr, const MWWorld::Ptr &npc) const;
///< Return 0 if player cannot equip item. 1 if can equip. 2 if it's twohanded weapon. 3 if twohanded weapon conflicts with that.
/// Second item in the pair specifies the error message
virtual float getWeight (const MWWorld::ConstPtr& ptr) const;
virtual bool isPersistent (const MWWorld::ConstPtr& ptr) const;
virtual bool isKey (const MWWorld::ConstPtr& ptr) const { return false; }
virtual bool isGold(const MWWorld::ConstPtr& ptr) const { return false; }
virtual bool allowTelekinesis(const MWWorld::ConstPtr& ptr) const { return true; }
///< Return whether this class of object can be activated with telekinesis
/// Get a blood texture suitable for \a ptr (see Blood Texture 0-2 in Morrowind.ini)
virtual int getBloodTexture (const MWWorld::ConstPtr& ptr) const;
virtual Ptr copyToCell(const ConstPtr &ptr, CellStore &cell, int count) const;
virtual Ptr copyToCell(const ConstPtr &ptr, CellStore &cell, const ESM::Position &pos, int count) const;
virtual bool isActivator() const {
return false;
virtual bool isActor() const {
return false;
virtual bool isNpc() const {
return false;
virtual bool isDoor() const {
return false;
virtual bool isBipedal(const MWWorld::ConstPtr& ptr) const;
virtual bool canFly(const MWWorld::ConstPtr& ptr) const;
virtual bool canSwim(const MWWorld::ConstPtr& ptr) const;
virtual bool canWalk(const MWWorld::ConstPtr& ptr) const;
bool isPureWaterCreature(const MWWorld::ConstPtr& ptr) const;
bool isPureFlyingCreature(const MWWorld::ConstPtr& ptr) const;
bool isPureLandCreature(const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr) const;
bool isMobile(const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr) const;
virtual float getSkill(const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr, int skill) const;
virtual void readAdditionalState (const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr, const ESM::ObjectState& state)
///< Read additional state from \a state into \a ptr.
virtual void writeAdditionalState (const MWWorld::ConstPtr& ptr, ESM::ObjectState& state)
///< Write additional state from \a ptr into \a state.
static const Class& get (const std::string& key);
///< If there is no class for this \a key, an exception is thrown.
static void registerClass (const std::string& key, std::shared_ptr<Class> instance);
virtual int getBaseGold(const MWWorld::ConstPtr& ptr) const;
virtual bool isClass(const MWWorld::ConstPtr& ptr, const std::string &className) const;
virtual DoorState getDoorState (const MWWorld::ConstPtr &ptr) const;
/// This does not actually cause the door to move. Use World::activateDoor instead.
virtual void setDoorState (const MWWorld::Ptr &ptr, DoorState state) const;
virtual void respawn (const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr) const {}
virtual void restock (const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr) const {}
/// Returns sound id
virtual std::string getSound(const MWWorld::ConstPtr& ptr) const;
virtual int getBaseFightRating (const MWWorld::ConstPtr& ptr) const;
virtual std::string getPrimaryFaction (const MWWorld::ConstPtr& ptr) const;
virtual int getPrimaryFactionRank (const MWWorld::ConstPtr& ptr) const;
/// Get the effective armor rating, factoring in the actor's skills, for the given armor.
virtual float getEffectiveArmorRating(const MWWorld::ConstPtr& armor, const MWWorld::Ptr& actor) const;
virtual osg::Vec4f getEnchantmentColor(const MWWorld::ConstPtr& item) const;
virtual void setBaseAISetting(const std::string& id, MWMechanics::CreatureStats::AiSetting setting, int value) const;
virtual void modifyBaseInventory(const std::string& actorId, const std::string& itemId, int amount) const;