You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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#include <SDL2/SDL_events.h>
#include <SDL2/SDL_types.h>
namespace OIS
//! Keyboard scan codes
enum KeyCode
KC_ESCAPE = 0x01,
KC_1 = 0x02,
KC_2 = 0x03,
KC_3 = 0x04,
KC_4 = 0x05,
KC_5 = 0x06,
KC_6 = 0x07,
KC_7 = 0x08,
KC_8 = 0x09,
KC_9 = 0x0A,
KC_0 = 0x0B,
KC_MINUS = 0x0C, // - on main keyboard
KC_BACK = 0x0E, // backspace
KC_TAB = 0x0F,
KC_Q = 0x10,
KC_W = 0x11,
KC_E = 0x12,
KC_R = 0x13,
KC_T = 0x14,
KC_Y = 0x15,
KC_U = 0x16,
KC_I = 0x17,
KC_O = 0x18,
KC_P = 0x19,
KC_RETURN = 0x1C, // Enter on main keyboard
KC_A = 0x1E,
KC_S = 0x1F,
KC_D = 0x20,
KC_F = 0x21,
KC_G = 0x22,
KC_H = 0x23,
KC_J = 0x24,
KC_K = 0x25,
KC_L = 0x26,
KC_GRAVE = 0x29, // accent
KC_Z = 0x2C,
KC_X = 0x2D,
KC_C = 0x2E,
KC_V = 0x2F,
KC_B = 0x30,
KC_N = 0x31,
KC_M = 0x32,
KC_COMMA = 0x33,
KC_PERIOD = 0x34, // . on main keyboard
KC_SLASH = 0x35, // / on main keyboard
KC_RSHIFT = 0x36,
KC_MULTIPLY = 0x37, // * on numeric keypad
KC_LMENU = 0x38, // left Alt
KC_SPACE = 0x39,
KC_F1 = 0x3B,
KC_F2 = 0x3C,
KC_F3 = 0x3D,
KC_F4 = 0x3E,
KC_F5 = 0x3F,
KC_F6 = 0x40,
KC_F7 = 0x41,
KC_F8 = 0x42,
KC_F9 = 0x43,
KC_F10 = 0x44,
KC_NUMLOCK = 0x45,
KC_SCROLL = 0x46, // Scroll Lock
KC_NUMPAD7 = 0x47,
KC_NUMPAD8 = 0x48,
KC_NUMPAD9 = 0x49,
KC_SUBTRACT = 0x4A, // - on numeric keypad
KC_NUMPAD4 = 0x4B,
KC_NUMPAD5 = 0x4C,
KC_NUMPAD6 = 0x4D,
KC_ADD = 0x4E, // + on numeric keypad
KC_NUMPAD1 = 0x4F,
KC_NUMPAD2 = 0x50,
KC_NUMPAD3 = 0x51,
KC_NUMPAD0 = 0x52,
KC_DECIMAL = 0x53, // . on numeric keypad
KC_OEM_102 = 0x56, // < > | on UK/Germany keyboards
KC_F11 = 0x57,
KC_F12 = 0x58,
KC_F13 = 0x64, // (NEC PC98)
KC_F14 = 0x65, // (NEC PC98)
KC_F15 = 0x66, // (NEC PC98)
KC_KANA = 0x70, // (Japanese keyboard)
KC_ABNT_C1 = 0x73, // / ? on Portugese (Brazilian) keyboards
KC_CONVERT = 0x79, // (Japanese keyboard)
KC_NOCONVERT = 0x7B, // (Japanese keyboard)
KC_YEN = 0x7D, // (Japanese keyboard)
KC_ABNT_C2 = 0x7E, // Numpad . on Portugese (Brazilian) keyboards
KC_NUMPADEQUALS= 0x8D, // = on numeric keypad (NEC PC98)
KC_PREVTRACK = 0x90, // Previous Track (KC_CIRCUMFLEX on Japanese keyboard)
KC_AT = 0x91, // (NEC PC98)
KC_COLON = 0x92, // (NEC PC98)
KC_UNDERLINE = 0x93, // (NEC PC98)
KC_KANJI = 0x94, // (Japanese keyboard)
KC_STOP = 0x95, // (NEC PC98)
KC_AX = 0x96, // (Japan AX)
KC_UNLABELED = 0x97, // (J3100)
KC_NEXTTRACK = 0x99, // Next Track
KC_NUMPADENTER = 0x9C, // Enter on numeric keypad
KC_MUTE = 0xA0, // Mute
KC_CALCULATOR = 0xA1, // Calculator
KC_PLAYPAUSE = 0xA2, // Play / Pause
KC_MEDIASTOP = 0xA4, // Media Stop
KC_VOLUMEDOWN = 0xAE, // Volume -
KC_VOLUMEUP = 0xB0, // Volume +
KC_WEBHOME = 0xB2, // Web home
KC_NUMPADCOMMA = 0xB3, // , on numeric keypad (NEC PC98)
KC_DIVIDE = 0xB5, // / on numeric keypad
KC_SYSRQ = 0xB7,
KC_RMENU = 0xB8, // right Alt
KC_PAUSE = 0xC5, // Pause
KC_HOME = 0xC7, // Home on arrow keypad
KC_UP = 0xC8, // UpArrow on arrow keypad
KC_PGUP = 0xC9, // PgUp on arrow keypad
KC_LEFT = 0xCB, // LeftArrow on arrow keypad
KC_RIGHT = 0xCD, // RightArrow on arrow keypad
KC_END = 0xCF, // End on arrow keypad
KC_DOWN = 0xD0, // DownArrow on arrow keypad
KC_PGDOWN = 0xD1, // PgDn on arrow keypad
KC_INSERT = 0xD2, // Insert on arrow keypad
KC_DELETE = 0xD3, // Delete on arrow keypad
KC_LWIN = 0xDB, // Left Windows key
KC_RWIN = 0xDC, // Right Windows key
KC_APPS = 0xDD, // AppMenu key
KC_POWER = 0xDE, // System Power
KC_SLEEP = 0xDF, // System Sleep
KC_WAKE = 0xE3, // System Wake
KC_WEBSEARCH = 0xE5, // Web Search
KC_WEBFAVORITES= 0xE6, // Web Favorites
KC_WEBREFRESH = 0xE7, // Web Refresh
KC_WEBSTOP = 0xE8, // Web Stop
KC_WEBFORWARD = 0xE9, // Web Forward
KC_WEBBACK = 0xEA, // Web Back
KC_MYCOMPUTER = 0xEB, // My Computer
KC_MAIL = 0xEC, // Mail
KC_MEDIASELECT = 0xED // Media Select