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synced 2025-03-27 15:10:27 +00:00
498 lines
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498 lines
16 KiB
#include "gamesettings.hpp"
#include "launchersettings.hpp"
#include <QTextCodec>
#include <QDir>
#include <QRegExp>
#include <components/files/configurationmanager.hpp>
const char Config::GameSettings::sContentKey[] = "content";
Config::GameSettings::GameSettings(Files::ConfigurationManager &cfg)
: mCfgMgr(cfg)
void Config::GameSettings::validatePaths()
QStringList paths = mSettings.values(QString("data"));
Files::PathContainer dataDirs;
for (const QString &path : paths)
QByteArray bytes = path.toUtf8();
dataDirs.push_back(Files::PathContainer::value_type(std::string(bytes.constData(), bytes.length())));
// Parse the data dirs to convert the tokenized paths
for (auto & dataDir : dataDirs) {
QString path = QString::fromUtf8(dataDir.string().c_str());
QDir dir(path);
if (dir.exists())
// Do the same for data-local
QString local = mSettings.value(QString("data-local"));
if (local.length() && local.at(0) == QChar('\"'))
local.remove(0, 1);
if (local.isEmpty())
QByteArray bytes = local.toUtf8();
dataDirs.push_back(Files::PathContainer::value_type(std::string(bytes.constData(), bytes.length())));
if (!dataDirs.empty()) {
QString path = QString::fromUtf8(dataDirs.front().string().c_str());
QDir dir(path);
if (dir.exists())
mDataLocal = path;
QStringList Config::GameSettings::values(const QString &key, const QStringList &defaultValues) const
if (!mSettings.values(key).isEmpty())
return mSettings.values(key);
return defaultValues;
bool Config::GameSettings::readFile(QTextStream &stream)
return readFile(stream, mSettings);
bool Config::GameSettings::readUserFile(QTextStream &stream)
return readFile(stream, mUserSettings);
bool Config::GameSettings::readFile(QTextStream &stream, QMultiMap<QString, QString> &settings)
QMultiMap<QString, QString> cache;
QRegExp keyRe("^([^=]+)\\s*=\\s*(.+)$");
while (!stream.atEnd()) {
QString line = stream.readLine();
if (line.isEmpty() || line.startsWith("#"))
if (keyRe.indexIn(line) != -1) {
QString key = keyRe.cap(1).trimmed();
QString value = keyRe.cap(2).trimmed();
// Don't remove composing entries
if (key != QLatin1String("data")
&& key != QLatin1String("fallback-archive")
&& key != QLatin1String("content")
&& key != QLatin1String("script-blacklist"))
if (key == QLatin1String("data")
|| key == QLatin1String("data-local")
|| key == QLatin1String("resources")
|| key == QLatin1String("load-savegame"))
// Path line (e.g. 'data=...'), so needs processing to deal with ampersands and quotes
// The following is based on boost::io::detail::quoted_manip.hpp, but calling those functions did not work as there are too may QStrings involved
QChar delim = '\"';
QChar escape = '&';
if (value.at(0) == delim)
QString valueOriginal = value;
value = "";
for (QString::const_iterator it = valueOriginal.begin() + 1; it != valueOriginal.end(); ++it)
if (*it == escape)
else if (*it == delim)
value += *it;
QStringList values = cache.values(key);
if (!values.contains(value)) {
cache.insert(key, value);
if (settings.isEmpty()) {
settings = cache; // This is the first time we read a file
return true;
// Merge the changed keys with those which didn't
return true;
bool Config::GameSettings::writeFile(QTextStream &stream)
// Iterate in reverse order to preserve insertion order
QMapIterator<QString, QString> i(mUserSettings);
while (i.hasPrevious()) {
// path lines (e.g. 'data=...') need quotes and ampersands escaping to match how boost::filesystem::path uses boost::io::quoted
if (i.key() == QLatin1String("data")
|| i.key() == QLatin1String("data-local")
|| i.key() == QLatin1String("resources")
|| i.key() == QLatin1String("load-savegame"))
stream << i.key() << "=";
// The following is based on boost::io::detail::quoted_manip.hpp, but calling those functions did not work as there are too may QStrings involved
QChar delim = '\"';
QChar escape = '&';
QString string = i.value();
stream << delim;
for (auto it : string)
if (it == delim || it == escape)
stream << escape;
stream << it;
stream << delim;
stream << '\n';
stream << i.key() << "=" << i.value() << "\n";
return true;
bool Config::GameSettings::isOrderedLine(const QString& line)
return line.contains(QRegExp("^\\s*fallback-archive\\s*="))
|| line.contains(QRegExp("^\\s*fallback\\s*="))
|| line.contains(QRegExp("^\\s*data\\s*="))
|| line.contains(QRegExp("^\\s*data-local\\s*="))
|| line.contains(QRegExp("^\\s*resources\\s*="))
|| line.contains(QRegExp("^\\s*content\\s*="));
// Policy:
// - Always ignore a line beginning with '#' or empty lines; added above a config
// entry.
// - If a line in file exists with matching key and first part of value (before ',',
// '\n', etc) also matches, then replace the line with that of mUserSettings.
// - else remove line
// - If there is no corresponding line in file, add at the end
// - Removed content items are saved as comments if the item had any comments.
// Content items prepended with '##' are considered previously removed.
bool Config::GameSettings::writeFileWithComments(QFile &file)
QTextStream stream(&file);
// slurp
std::vector<QString> fileCopy;
QString line = stream.readLine();
while (!line.isNull())
line = stream.readLine();
// empty file, no comments to keep
if (fileCopy.empty())
return writeFile(stream);
// start
// |
// | +----------------------------------------------------------+
// | | |
// v v |
// skip non-"ordered" lines (remove "ordered" lines) |
// | ^ |
// | | |
// | non-"ordered" line, write saved comments |
// | ^ |
// v | |
// blank or comment line, save in temp buffer <--------+ |
// | | | |
// | +------- comment line ------+ |
// v (special processing '##') |
// "ordered" line |
// | |
// v |
// save in a separate map of comments keyed by "ordered" line |
// | |
// +----------------------------------------------------------+
QRegExp settingRegex("^([^=]+)\\s*=\\s*([^,]+)(.*)$");
std::vector<QString> comments;
auto commentStart = fileCopy.end();
std::map<QString, std::vector<QString> > commentsMap;
for (auto iter = fileCopy.begin(); iter != fileCopy.end(); ++iter)
if (isOrderedLine(*iter))
// save in a separate map of comments keyed by "ordered" line
if (!comments.empty())
if (settingRegex.indexIn(*iter) != -1)
commentsMap[settingRegex.cap(1)+"="+settingRegex.cap(2)] = comments;
commentStart = fileCopy.end();
// else do nothing, malformed line
*iter = QString(); // "ordered" lines to be removed later
else if ((*iter).isEmpty() || (*iter).contains(QRegExp("^\\s*#")))
// comment line, save in temp buffer
if (comments.empty())
commentStart = iter;
// special removed content processing
if ((*iter).contains(QRegExp("^##content\\s*=")))
if (!comments.empty())
commentsMap[*iter] = comments;
commentStart = fileCopy.end();
*iter = QString(); // assume to be deleted later
int index = settingRegex.indexIn(*iter);
// blank or non-"ordered" line, write saved comments
if (!comments.empty() && index != -1 && settingRegex.captureCount() >= 2 &&
mUserSettings.find(settingRegex.cap(1)) != mUserSettings.end())
if (commentStart == fileCopy.end())
throw std::runtime_error("Config::GameSettings: failed to parse settings - iterator is past of end of settings file");
for (const auto & comment : comments)
*commentStart = comment;
commentStart = fileCopy.end();
// keep blank lines and non-"ordered" lines other than comments
// look for a key in the line
if (index == -1 || settingRegex.captureCount() < 2)
// no key or first part of value found in line, replace with a null string which
// will be remved later
*iter = QString();
commentStart = fileCopy.end();
// look for a matching key in user settings
*iter = QString(); // assume no match
QString key = settingRegex.cap(1);
QString keyVal = settingRegex.cap(1)+"="+settingRegex.cap(2);
QMultiMap<QString, QString>::const_iterator i = mUserSettings.find(key);
while (i != mUserSettings.end() && i.key() == key)
QString settingLine = i.key() + "=" + i.value();
if (settingRegex.indexIn(settingLine) != -1)
if ((settingRegex.cap(1)+"="+settingRegex.cap(2)) == keyVal)
*iter = settingLine;
// comments at top of file
for (auto & iter : fileCopy)
if (iter.isNull())
// Below is based on readFile() code, if that changes corresponding change may be
// required (for example duplicates may be inserted if the rules don't match)
if (/*(*iter).isEmpty() ||*/ iter.contains(QRegExp("^\\s*#")))
stream << iter << "\n";
// Iterate in reverse order to preserve insertion order
QString settingLine;
QMapIterator<QString, QString> it(mUserSettings);
while (it.hasPrevious())
if (it.key() == QLatin1String("data")
|| it.key() == QLatin1String("data-local")
|| it.key() == QLatin1String("resources")
|| it.key() == QLatin1String("load-savegame"))
settingLine = it.key() + "=";
// The following is based on boost::io::detail::quoted_manip.hpp, but calling those functions did not work as there are too may QStrings involved
QChar delim = '\"';
QChar escape = '&';
QString string = it.value();
settingLine += delim;
for (auto iter : string)
if (iter == delim || iter == escape)
settingLine += escape;
settingLine += iter;
settingLine += delim;
settingLine = it.key() + "=" + it.value();
if (settingRegex.indexIn(settingLine) != -1)
auto i = commentsMap.find(settingRegex.cap(1)+"="+settingRegex.cap(2));
// check if previous removed content item with comments
if (i == commentsMap.end())
i = commentsMap.find("##"+settingRegex.cap(1)+"="+settingRegex.cap(2));
if (i != commentsMap.end())
std::vector<QString> cLines = i->second;
for (const auto & cLine : cLines)
stream << cLine << "\n";
stream << settingLine << "\n";
// flush any removed settings
if (!commentsMap.empty())
auto i = commentsMap.begin();
for (; i != commentsMap.end(); ++i)
if (i->first.contains(QRegExp("^\\s*content\\s*=")))
std::vector<QString> cLines = i->second;
for (const auto & cLine : cLines)
stream << cLine << "\n";
// mark the content line entry for future preocessing
stream << "##" << i->first << "\n";
// flush any end comments
if (!comments.empty())
for (const auto & comment : comments)
stream << comment << "\n";
return true;
bool Config::GameSettings::hasMaster()
bool result = false;
QStringList content = mSettings.values(QString(Config::GameSettings::sContentKey));
for (int i = 0; i < content.count(); ++i)
if (content.at(i).endsWith(QLatin1String(".omwgame"), Qt::CaseInsensitive) || content.at(i).endsWith(QLatin1String(".esm"), Qt::CaseInsensitive))
result = true;
return result;
void Config::GameSettings::setContentList(const QStringList& fileNames)
for (const QString& fileName : fileNames)
setMultiValue(sContentKey, fileName);
QStringList Config::GameSettings::getContentList() const
// QMap returns multiple rows in LIFO order, so need to reverse
return Config::LauncherSettings::reverse(values(sContentKey));
void Config::GameSettings::clear()