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synced 2025-03-28 14:36:43 +00:00
Store the index for the allowedSlots vector instead of the absolute slot index. This will more gracefully handle edge cases like the available slots for an item having changed when loading the game, or the "allows stacking" property having changed. However the main reason this was done is to ease work on the essimporter.
272 lines
12 KiB
272 lines
12 KiB
#include <iterator>
#include <map>
#include <components/esm/loadalch.hpp>
#include <components/esm/loadappa.hpp>
#include <components/esm/loadarmo.hpp>
#include <components/esm/loadbook.hpp>
#include <components/esm/loadclot.hpp>
#include <components/esm/loadingr.hpp>
#include <components/esm/loadlock.hpp>
#include <components/esm/loadligh.hpp>
#include <components/esm/loadmisc.hpp>
#include <components/esm/loadprob.hpp>
#include <components/esm/loadrepa.hpp>
#include <components/esm/loadweap.hpp>
#include "ptr.hpp"
#include "cellreflist.hpp"
namespace ESM
struct InventoryList;
struct InventoryState;
namespace MWWorld
class ContainerStoreIterator;
class ContainerStore
static const int Type_Potion = 0x0001;
static const int Type_Apparatus = 0x0002;
static const int Type_Armor = 0x0004;
static const int Type_Book = 0x0008;
static const int Type_Clothing = 0x0010;
static const int Type_Ingredient = 0x0020;
static const int Type_Light = 0x0040;
static const int Type_Lockpick = 0x0080;
static const int Type_Miscellaneous = 0x0100;
static const int Type_Probe = 0x0200;
static const int Type_Repair = 0x0400;
static const int Type_Weapon = 0x0800;
static const int Type_Last = Type_Weapon;
static const int Type_All = 0xffff;
static const std::string sGoldId;
MWWorld::CellRefList<ESM::Potion> potions;
MWWorld::CellRefList<ESM::Apparatus> appas;
MWWorld::CellRefList<ESM::Armor> armors;
MWWorld::CellRefList<ESM::Book> books;
MWWorld::CellRefList<ESM::Clothing> clothes;
MWWorld::CellRefList<ESM::Ingredient> ingreds;
MWWorld::CellRefList<ESM::Light> lights;
MWWorld::CellRefList<ESM::Lockpick> lockpicks;
MWWorld::CellRefList<ESM::Miscellaneous> miscItems;
MWWorld::CellRefList<ESM::Probe> probes;
MWWorld::CellRefList<ESM::Repair> repairs;
MWWorld::CellRefList<ESM::Weapon> weapons;
std::map<std::string, int> mLevelledItemMap;
///< Stores result of levelled item spawns. <refId, count>
/// This is used to remove the spawned item(s) if the levelled item is restocked.
mutable float mCachedWeight;
mutable bool mWeightUpToDate;
ContainerStoreIterator addImp (const Ptr& ptr, int count);
void addInitialItem (const std::string& id, const std::string& owner, const std::string& faction, int factionRank, int count, bool topLevel=true, const std::string& levItem = "");
template<typename T>
ContainerStoreIterator getState (CellRefList<T>& collection,
const ESM::ObjectState& state);
template<typename T>
void storeState (const LiveCellRef<T>& ref, ESM::ObjectState& state) const;
/// \todo make this method const once const-correct ContainerStoreIterators are available
template<typename T>
void storeStates (CellRefList<T>& collection,
std::vector<std::pair<ESM::ObjectState, int> >& states,
bool equipable = false);
virtual int getRelativeSlot (const MWWorld::ContainerStoreIterator& iter) const;
///< Return inventory slot that \a ref is in or -1 (if \a ref is not in a slot).
virtual void setRelativeSlot (const MWWorld::ContainerStoreIterator& iter, int slot);
///< Set slot for \a iter. Ignored if \a iter is an end iterator or if slot==-1.
virtual ~ContainerStore();
virtual ContainerStore* clone() { return new ContainerStore(*this); }
ContainerStoreIterator begin (int mask = Type_All);
ContainerStoreIterator end();
virtual ContainerStoreIterator add (const Ptr& itemPtr, int count, const Ptr& actorPtr, bool setOwner=false);
///< Add the item pointed to by \a ptr to this container. (Stacks automatically if needed)
/// \note The item pointed to is not required to exist beyond this function call.
/// \attention Do not add items to an existing stack by increasing the count instead of
/// calling this function!
/// @param setOwner Set the owner of the added item to \a actorPtr?
/// @return if stacking happened, return iterator to the item that was stacked against, otherwise iterator to the newly inserted item.
ContainerStoreIterator add(const std::string& id, int count, const Ptr& actorPtr);
///< Utility to construct a ManualRef and call add(ptr, count, actorPtr, true)
int remove(const std::string& itemId, int count, const Ptr& actor);
///< Remove \a count item(s) designated by \a itemId from this container.
/// @return the number of items actually removed
virtual int remove(const Ptr& item, int count, const Ptr& actor);
///< Remove \a count item(s) designated by \a item from this inventory.
/// @return the number of items actually removed
void unstack (const Ptr& ptr, const Ptr& container);
///< Unstack an item in this container. The item's count will be set to 1, then a new stack will be added with (origCount-1).
MWWorld::ContainerStoreIterator restack (const MWWorld::Ptr& item);
///< Attempt to re-stack an item in this container.
/// If a compatible stack is found, the item's count is added to that stack, then the original is deleted.
/// @return If the item was stacked, return the stack, otherwise return the old (untouched) item.
/// @return How many items with refID \a id are in this container?
int count (const std::string& id);
ContainerStoreIterator addNewStack (const Ptr& ptr, int count);
///< Add the item to this container (do not try to stack it onto existing items)
virtual void flagAsModified();
virtual bool stacks (const Ptr& ptr1, const Ptr& ptr2);
///< @return true if the two specified objects can stack with each other
void fill (const ESM::InventoryList& items, const std::string& owner, const std::string& faction, int factionRank, const MWWorld::ESMStore& store);
///< Insert items into *this.
void restock (const ESM::InventoryList& items, const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr, const std::string& owner, const std::string& faction, int factionRank);
virtual void clear();
///< Empty container.
float getWeight() const;
///< Return total weight of the items contained in *this.
static int getType (const Ptr& ptr);
///< This function throws an exception, if ptr does not point to an object, that can be
/// put into a container.
Ptr search (const std::string& id);
/// \todo make this method const once const-correct ContainerStoreIterators are available
virtual void writeState (ESM::InventoryState& state);
virtual void readState (const ESM::InventoryState& state);
friend class ContainerStoreIterator;
/// \brief Iteration over a subset of objects in a ContainerStore
/// \note The iterator will automatically skip over deleted objects.
class ContainerStoreIterator
: public std::iterator<std::forward_iterator_tag, Ptr, std::ptrdiff_t, Ptr *, Ptr&>
int mType;
int mMask;
ContainerStore *mContainer;
mutable Ptr mPtr;
MWWorld::CellRefList<ESM::Potion>::List::iterator mPotion;
MWWorld::CellRefList<ESM::Apparatus>::List::iterator mApparatus;
MWWorld::CellRefList<ESM::Armor>::List::iterator mArmor;
MWWorld::CellRefList<ESM::Book>::List::iterator mBook;
MWWorld::CellRefList<ESM::Clothing>::List::iterator mClothing;
MWWorld::CellRefList<ESM::Ingredient>::List::iterator mIngredient;
MWWorld::CellRefList<ESM::Light>::List::iterator mLight;
MWWorld::CellRefList<ESM::Lockpick>::List::iterator mLockpick;
MWWorld::CellRefList<ESM::Miscellaneous>::List::iterator mMiscellaneous;
MWWorld::CellRefList<ESM::Probe>::List::iterator mProbe;
MWWorld::CellRefList<ESM::Repair>::List::iterator mRepair;
MWWorld::CellRefList<ESM::Weapon>::List::iterator mWeapon;
ContainerStoreIterator (ContainerStore *container);
///< End-iterator
ContainerStoreIterator (int mask, ContainerStore *container);
///< Begin-iterator
// construct iterator using a CellRefList iterator
ContainerStoreIterator (ContainerStore *container, MWWorld::CellRefList<ESM::Potion>::List::iterator);
ContainerStoreIterator (ContainerStore *container, MWWorld::CellRefList<ESM::Apparatus>::List::iterator);
ContainerStoreIterator (ContainerStore *container, MWWorld::CellRefList<ESM::Armor>::List::iterator);
ContainerStoreIterator (ContainerStore *container, MWWorld::CellRefList<ESM::Book>::List::iterator);
ContainerStoreIterator (ContainerStore *container, MWWorld::CellRefList<ESM::Clothing>::List::iterator);
ContainerStoreIterator (ContainerStore *container, MWWorld::CellRefList<ESM::Ingredient>::List::iterator);
ContainerStoreIterator (ContainerStore *container, MWWorld::CellRefList<ESM::Light>::List::iterator);
ContainerStoreIterator (ContainerStore *container, MWWorld::CellRefList<ESM::Lockpick>::List::iterator);
ContainerStoreIterator (ContainerStore *container, MWWorld::CellRefList<ESM::Miscellaneous>::List::iterator);
ContainerStoreIterator (ContainerStore *container, MWWorld::CellRefList<ESM::Probe>::List::iterator);
ContainerStoreIterator (ContainerStore *container, MWWorld::CellRefList<ESM::Repair>::List::iterator);
ContainerStoreIterator (ContainerStore *container, MWWorld::CellRefList<ESM::Weapon>::List::iterator);
void copy (const ContainerStoreIterator& src);
void incType();
void nextType();
bool resetIterator();
///< Reset iterator for selected type.
/// \return Type not empty?
bool incIterator();
///< Increment iterator for selected type.
/// \return reached the end?
ContainerStoreIterator(const ContainerStoreIterator& src);
Ptr *operator->() const;
Ptr operator*() const;
ContainerStoreIterator& operator++();
ContainerStoreIterator operator++ (int);
ContainerStoreIterator& operator= (const ContainerStoreIterator& rhs);
bool isEqual (const ContainerStoreIterator& iter) const;
int getType() const;
const ContainerStore *getContainerStore() const;
friend class ContainerStore;
bool operator== (const ContainerStoreIterator& left, const ContainerStoreIterator& right);
bool operator!= (const ContainerStoreIterator& left, const ContainerStoreIterator& right);