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2021-11-18 15:19:54 +00:00
User interface reference
.. toctree::
Every widget is defined by a layout, which is a Lua table with the following fields (all of them are optional):
1. `type`: One of the available widget types from `openmw.ui.TYPE`.
2. | `props`: A Lua table, containing all the properties values.
| Properties define most of the information about the widget: its position, data it displays, etc.
| See the widget pages (table below) for details on specific properties.
| Properties of the basic Widget are inherited by all the other widgets.
3. | `events`: A Lua table, containing `openmw.async.callback` values, which trigger on various interactions with the widget.
| See the Widget pages for details on specific events.
| Events of the basic Widget are inherited by all the other widgets.
4. `content`: a Content (`openmw.ui.content`), which contains layouts for the children of this widget.
5. | `name`: an arbitrary string, the only limitatiion is it being unique within a `Content`.
| Helpful for navigatilng through the layouts.
2021-12-14 17:38:06 +00:00
6. `layer`: only applies for the root widget.
2021-11-18 15:19:54 +00:00
2021-12-14 17:38:06 +00:00
Layers control how widgets overlap - layers with higher indexes cover render over layers with lower indexes.
Widgets within the same layer which were added later overlap the ones created earlier.
A layer can also be set as non-interactive, which prevents all mouse interactions with the widgets in that layer.
.. TODO: Move this list when layers are de-hardcoded
Pre-defined OpenMW layers:
1. `HUD` interactive
2. `Windows` interactive
3. `Notification` non-interactive
4. `MessageBox` interactive
2021-11-18 15:19:54 +00:00
Element is the root widget of a layout.
It is an independent part of the UI, connected only to a specific layer, but not any other layouts.
Creating or destroying an element also creates/destroys all of its children.
A container holding all the widget's children. It has a few important differences from a Lua table:
1. All the keys are integers, i. e. it is an "array"
2. Holes are not allowed. At any point all keys from `1` to the highest `n` must contain a value.
3. | You can access the values by their `name` field as a `Content` key.
| While there is nothing preventing you from changing the `name` of a table inside a content, it is not supported, and will lead to undefined behaviour.
| If you have to change the name, assign a new table to the index instead.
.. TODO: Talk about skins/templates here when they are ready
2021-12-02 21:52:29 +00:00
| A table mapping event names to `openmw.async.callback` s.
| When an event triggers, the callback is called with two arguments:
an event-specific value, and that widget's layout table.
| See the Widget type pages for information on what events exist, and which first argument they pass.
2021-11-18 15:19:54 +00:00
Widget types
.. list-table::
:widths: 30 70
* - :ref:`Widget`
- Base widget type, all the other widget inherit its properties and events.
* - `Text`
- Displays text.
* - EditText
- Accepts text input from the user.
* - Window
- Can be moved and resized by the user.
.. code-block:: Lua
local core = require('openmw.core')
local async = require('openmw.async')
local ui = require('openmw.ui')
local v2 = require('openmw.util').vector2
local layout = {
layers = 'Windows',
type = ui.TYPE.Window,
skin = 'MW_Window', -- TODO: replace all skins here when they are properly implemented
props = {
size = v2(200, 250),
-- put the window in the middle of the screen
relativePosition = v2(0.5, 0.5),
anchor = v2(0.5, 0.5),
content = ui.content {
type = ui.TYPE.Text,
skin = 'SandText',
props = {
caption = 'Input password',
relativePosition = v2(0.5, 0),
anchor = v2(0.5, 0),
name = 'input',
type = ui.TYPE.TextEdit,
skin = "MW_TextEdit",
props = {
caption = '',
relativePosition = v2(0.5, 0.5),
anchor = v2(0.5, 0.5),
size = v2(125, 50),
events = {}
name = 'submit',
type = ui.TYPE.Text, -- TODO: replace with button when implemented
skin = "MW_Button",
props = {
caption = 'Submit',
-- position at the bottom
relativePosition = v2(0.5, 1.0),
anchor = v2(0.5, 1.0),
autoSize = false,
size = v2(75, 50),
events = {},
local element = nil
local input = layout.content.input
-- TODO: replace with a better event when TextEdit is finished
input.events.textInput = async:callback(function(text)
input.props.caption = input.props.caption .. text
local submit = layout.content.submit
submit.events.mouseClick = async:callback(function()
if input.props.caption == 'very secret password' then
if element then
print('wrong password', input.props.caption)
element = ui.create(layout)
PLAYER: scripts/requirePassword.lua