#include "stream.hpp"
#include <span>
#include "reader.hpp"
// Read a range of elements into a dynamic buffer per-element
// This one should be used if the type cannot be read contiguously
// (e.g. quaternions)
template <class T>
void readRange(Bgsm::BGSMStream& stream, T* dest, size_t size)
for (T& value : std::span(dest, size))
// Read a range of elements into a dynamic buffer
// This one should be used if the type can be read contiguously as an array of a different type
// (e.g. osg::VecXf can be read as a float array of X elements)
template <class elementType, size_t numElements, class T>
void readAlignedRange(Files::IStreamPtr& stream, T* dest, size_t size)
static_assert(std::alignment_of_v<T> == std::alignment_of_v<elementType>);
static_assert(sizeof(T) == sizeof(elementType) * numElements);
Bgsm::readDynamicBufferOfType(stream, reinterpret_cast<elementType*>(dest), size * numElements);
namespace Bgsm
std::uint32_t BGSMStream::getVersion() const
return mReader.getVersion();
std::string BGSMStream::getSizedString(size_t length)
// Prevent potential memory allocation freezes; strings this long are not expected in BGSM
if (length > 1024)
throw std::runtime_error("Requested string length is too large: " + std::to_string(length));
std::string str(length, '\0');
mStream->read(str.data(), length);
if (mStream->bad())
throw std::runtime_error("Failed to read sized string of " + std::to_string(length) + " chars");
size_t end = str.find('\0');
if (end != std::string::npos)
return str;
void BGSMStream::getSizedStrings(std::vector<std::string>& vec, size_t size)
for (size_t i = 0; i < vec.size(); i++)
vec[i] = getSizedString();
template <>
void BGSMStream::read<osg::Vec2f>(osg::Vec2f& vec)
readBufferOfType(mStream, vec._v);
template <>
void BGSMStream::read<osg::Vec3f>(osg::Vec3f& vec)
readBufferOfType(mStream, vec._v);
template <>
void BGSMStream::read<osg::Vec4f>(osg::Vec4f& vec)
readBufferOfType(mStream, vec._v);
template <>
void BGSMStream::read<std::string>(std::string& str)
str = getSizedString();
template <>
void BGSMStream::read<osg::Vec2f>(osg::Vec2f* dest, size_t size)
readAlignedRange<float, 2>(mStream, dest, size);
template <>
void BGSMStream::read<osg::Vec3f>(osg::Vec3f* dest, size_t size)
readAlignedRange<float, 3>(mStream, dest, size);
template <>
void BGSMStream::read<osg::Vec4f>(osg::Vec4f* dest, size_t size)
readAlignedRange<float, 4>(mStream, dest, size);
template <>
void BGSMStream::read<std::string>(std::string* dest, size_t size)
for (std::string& value : std::span(dest, size))
value = getSizedString();