-- @field #string id Record id of the spell or item used to cast the spell
-- @field #string id Record id of the spell or item used to cast the spell
-- @field #GameObject item The enchanted item used to cast the spell, or nil if the spell was not cast from an enchanted item. Note that if the spell was cast for a single-use enchantment such as a scroll, this will be nil.
-- @field #GameObject item The enchanted item used to cast the spell, or nil if the spell was not cast from an enchanted item. Note that if the spell was cast for a single-use enchantment such as a scroll, this will be nil.
-- @field #GameObject caster The caster object, or nil if the spell has no defined caster
-- @field #GameObject caster The caster object, or nil if the spell has no defined caster
-- @field #boolean fromEquipment If set, this spell is tied to an equipped item and can only be ended by unequipping the item.
-- @field #boolean temporary If set, this spell effect is temporary and should end on its own. Either after a single application or after its duration has run out.
-- @field #boolean affectsBaseValues If set, this spell affects the base values of affected stats, rather than modifying current values.
-- @field #boolean stackable If set, this spell can be applied multiple times. If not set, the same spell can only be applied once from the same source (where source is determined by caster + item). In vanilla rules, consumables are stackable while spells and enchantments are not.
-- @field #number activeSpellId A number uniquely identifying this active spell within the affected actor's list of active spells.
-- @field #list<#ActiveSpellEffect> effects The active effects (@{#ActiveSpellEffect}) of this spell.
-- @field #list<#ActiveSpellEffect> effects The active effects (@{#ActiveSpellEffect}) of this spell.
@ -369,7 +374,7 @@
-- @type Enchantment
-- @type Enchantment
-- @field #string id Enchantment id
-- @field #string id Enchantment id
-- @field #number type @{#EnchantmentType}
-- @field #number type @{#EnchantmentType}
-- @field #number autocalcFlag If set, the casting cost should be computer rather than reading the cost field
-- @field #boolean autocalcFlag If set, the casting cost should be computed based on the effect list rather than read from the cost field
-- @field #number cost
-- @field #number cost
-- @field #number charge Charge capacity. Should not be confused with current charge.
-- @field #number charge Charge capacity. Should not be confused with current charge.
-- @field #list<#MagicEffectWithParams> effects The effects (@{#MagicEffectWithParams}) of the enchantment
-- @field #list<#MagicEffectWithParams> effects The effects (@{#MagicEffectWithParams}) of the enchantment
@ -671,6 +676,8 @@
-- @field #number type @{#SpellType}
-- @field #number type @{#SpellType}
-- @field #number cost
-- @field #number cost
-- @field #list<#MagicEffectWithParams> effects The effects (@{#MagicEffectWithParams}) of the spell
-- @field #list<#MagicEffectWithParams> effects The effects (@{#MagicEffectWithParams}) of the spell
-- @field #boolean alwaysSucceedFlag If set, the spell should ignore skill checks and always succeed.
-- @field #boolean autocalcFlag If set, the casting cost should be computed based on the effect list rather than read from the cost field
-- @type MagicEffect
-- @type MagicEffect
@ -680,16 +687,28 @@
-- @field #string school Skill ID that is this effect's school
-- @field #string school Skill ID that is this effect's school
-- @field #number baseCost
-- @field #number baseCost
-- @field openmw.util#Color color
-- @field openmw.util#Color color
-- @field #boolean harmful
-- @field #boolean harmful If set, the effect is considered harmful and should elicit a hostile reaction from affected NPCs.
-- @field #boolean continuousVfx Whether the magic effect's vfx should loop or not
-- @field #boolean continuousVfx Whether the magic effect's vfx should loop or not
-- @field #boolean hasDuration If set, the magic effect has a duration. As an example, divine intervention has no duration while fire damage does.
-- @field #boolean hasMagnitude If set, the magic effect depends on a magnitude. As an example, cure common disease has no magnitude while chameleon does.
-- @field #boolean isAppliedOnce If set, the magic effect is applied fully on cast, rather than being continuously applied over the effect's duration. For example, chameleon is applied once, while fire damage is continuously applied for the duration.
-- @field #boolean casterLinked If set, it is implied the magic effect links back to the caster in some way and should end immediately or never be applied if the caster dies or is not an actor.
-- @field #boolean nonRecastable If set, this effect cannot be re-applied until it has ended. This is used by bound equipment spells.
-- @field #string particle Identifier of the particle texture
-- @field #string particle Identifier of the particle texture
-- @field #string castingStatic Identifier of the vfx static used for casting
-- @field #string castStatic Identifier of the vfx static used for casting
-- @field #string hitStatic Identifier of the vfx static used on hit
-- @field #string hitStatic Identifier of the vfx static used on hit
-- @field #string areaStatic Identifier of the vfx static used for AOE spells
-- @field #string areaStatic Identifier of the vfx static used for AOE spells
-- @field #string boltStatic Identifier of the projectile vfx static used for ranged spells
-- @field #string castSound Identifier of the sound used for casting
-- @field #string hitSound Identifier of the sound used on hit
-- @field #string areaSound Identifier of the sound used for AOE spells
-- @field #string boltSound Identifier of the projectile sound used for ranged spells
-- @type MagicEffectWithParams
-- @type MagicEffectWithParams
-- @field #MagicEffect effect @{#MagicEffect}
-- @field #MagicEffect effect @{#MagicEffect}
-- @field #string id ID of the associated @{#MagicEffect}
-- @field #string affectedSkill Optional skill ID
-- @field #string affectedSkill Optional skill ID
-- @field #string affectedAttribute Optional attribute ID
-- @field #string affectedAttribute Optional attribute ID
-- @field #number range
-- @field #number range
@ -697,6 +716,7 @@
-- @field #number magnitudeMin
-- @field #number magnitudeMin
-- @field #number magnitudeMax
-- @field #number magnitudeMax
-- @field #number duration
-- @field #number duration
-- @field #number index Index of this effect within the original list of @{#MagicEffectWithParams} of the spell/enchantment/potion this effect came from.
-- @type ActiveEffect
-- @type ActiveEffect
@ -708,6 +728,7 @@
-- @field #number magnitude current magnitude of the effect. Will be set to 0 when effect is removed or expires.
-- @field #number magnitude current magnitude of the effect. Will be set to 0 when effect is removed or expires.
-- @field #number magnitudeBase
-- @field #number magnitudeBase
-- @field #number magnitudeModifier
-- @field #number magnitudeModifier
-- @field #number index Index of this effect within the original list of @{#MagicEffectWithParams} of the spell/enchantment/potion this effect came from.
-- @param #any recordOrId record or string record ID of the active spell's source. valid records are @{openmw.core#Spell}, @{openmw.core#Enchantment}, #IngredientRecord, or #PotionRecord
-- @param #any recordOrId A record or string record ID. Valid records are @{openmw.core#Spell}, enchanted @{#Item}, @{#IngredientRecord}, or @{#PotionRecord}.
-- @return true if spell is active, false otherwise
-- @return true if spell is active, false otherwise
-- Remove the given spell and all its effects from the given actor's active spells.
-- If true, the actor has not used this power in the last 24h. Will return true for powers the actor does not have.
-- @param #any spellOrId A @{openmw.core#Spell} or string record id.
-- Remove an active spell based on active spell ID (see @{openmw.core#ActiveSpell.activeSpellId}). Can only be used in global scripts or on self. Can only be used to remove spells with the temporary flag set (see @{openmw.core#ActiveSpell.temporary}).
-- @function [parent=#ActorActiveSpells] remove
-- @function [parent=#ActorActiveSpells] remove
-- @param self
-- @param self
-- @param #any spellOrId @{openmw.core#Spell} or string spell id
-- @param #any id Active spell ID.
-- Adds a new spell to the list of active spells (only in global scripts or on self).
-- Note that this does not play any related VFX or sounds.
-- @function [parent=#ActorActiveSpells] add
-- @param self
-- @param #table options A table of parameters. Must contain the following required parameters:
-- * `id` - A string record ID. Valid records are @{openmw.core#Spell}, enchanted @{#Item}, @{#IngredientRecord}, or @{#PotionRecord}.
-- * `effects` - A list of indexes of the effects to be applied. These indexes must be in range of the record's list of @{openmw.core#MagicEffectWithParams}. Note that for Ingredients, normal ingredient consumption rules will be applied to effects.
-- And may contain the following optional parameters:
-- * `name` - The name to show in the list of active effects in the UI. Default: Name of the record identified by the id.
-- * `ignoreResistances` - If true, resistances will be ignored. Default: false
-- * `ignoreSpellAbsorption` - If true, spell absorption will not be applied. Default: false.
-- * `ignoreReflect` - If true, reflects will not be applied. Default: false.
-- * `caster` - A game object that identifies the caster. Default: nil
-- * `item` - A game object that identifies the specific enchanted item instance used to cast the spell. Default: nil
-- * `stackable` - If true, the spell will be able to stack. If false, existing instances of spells with the same id from the same source (where source is caster + item)
-- * `quiet` - If true, no messages will be printed if the spell is an Ingredient and it had no effect. Always true if the target is not the player.
-- @usage
-- -- Adds the effect of the chameleon spell to the character