@ -10,84 +10,127 @@
namespace MWRender
namespace MWRender
/// Animation Easing/Blending functions
namespace Easings
float linear(float x)
// Animation Easing/Blending functions
namespace Easings
return x;
float sineOut(float x)
return sin((x * 3.14) / 2);
float sineIn(float x)
return 1 - cos((x * 3.14) / 2);
float sineInOut(float x)
return -(cos(3.14 * x) - 1) / 2;
float cubicOut(float t)
return 1 - powf(1 - t, 3);
float cubicIn(float x)
return powf(x, 3);
float linear(float x)
float cubicInOut(float x)
return x;
return x < 0.5 ? 4 * x * x * x : 1 - powf(-2 * x + 2, 3) / 2;
float sineOut(float x)
float quartOut(float t)
return sin((x * osg::PIf) / 2);
return 1 - powf(1 - t, 4);
float quartIn(float t)
float sineIn(float x)
return powf(t, 4);
return 1 - cos((x * osg::PIf) / 2);
float quartInOut(float x)
float sineInOut(float x)
return x < 0.5 ? 8 * x * x * x * x : 1 - powf(-2 * x + 2, 4) / 2;
return -(cos(osg::PIf * x) - 1) / 2;
float springOutGeneric(float x, float lambda, float w)
// Higher lambda = lower swing amplitude. 1 = 150% swing amplitude.
float cubicOut(float t)
// W corresponds to the amount of overswings, more = more. 4.71 = 1 overswing, 7.82 = 2
return 1 - expf(-lambda * x) * cos(w * x);
float t1 = 1 - t;
return 1 - (t1 * t1 * t1); // (1-t)^3
float springOutWeak(float x)
return springOutGeneric(x, 4, 4.71);
float cubicIn(float x)
float springOutMed(float x)
return x * x * x; // x^3
return springOutGeneric(x, 3, 4.71);
float cubicInOut(float x)
float springOutStrong(float x)
if (x < 0.5)
return springOutGeneric(x, 2, 4.71);
return 4 * x * x * x; // 4x^3
float springOutTooMuch(float x)
return springOutGeneric(x, 1, 4.71);
float x2 = -2 * x + 2;
return 1 - (x2 * x2 * x2) / 2; // (1 - (-2x + 2)^3)/2
float quartOut(float t)
float t1 = 1 - t;
return 1 - (t1 * t1 * t1 * t1); // (1-t)^4
float quartIn(float t)
return t * t * t * t; // t^4
float quartInOut(float x)
if (x < 0.5)
return 8 * x * x * x * x; // 8x^4
float x2 = -2 * x + 2;
return 1 - (x2 * x2 * x2 * x2) / 2; // 1 - ((-2x + 2)^4)/2
float springOutGeneric(float x, float lambda, float w)
// Higher lambda = lower swing amplitude. 1 = 150% swing amplitude.
// W corresponds to the amount of overswings, more = more. 4.71 = 1 overswing, 7.82 = 2
return 1 - expf(-lambda * x) * cos(w * x);
float springOutWeak(float x)
return springOutGeneric(x, 4, 4.71);
float springOutMed(float x)
return springOutGeneric(x, 3, 4.71);
float springOutStrong(float x)
return springOutGeneric(x, 2, 4.71);
float springOutTooMuch(float x)
return springOutGeneric(x, 1, 4.71);
const std::unordered_map<std::string, EasingFn> easingsMap = {
{ "linear", Easings::linear },
{ "sineOut", Easings::sineOut },
{ "sineIn", Easings::sineIn },
{ "sineInOut", Easings::sineInOut },
{ "cubicOut", Easings::cubicOut },
{ "cubicIn", Easings::cubicIn },
{ "cubicInOut", Easings::cubicInOut },
{ "quartOut", Easings::quartOut },
{ "quartIn", Easings::quartIn },
{ "quartInOut", Easings::quartInOut },
{ "springOutWeak", Easings::springOutWeak },
{ "springOutMed", Easings::springOutMed },
{ "springOutStrong", Easings::springOutStrong },
{ "springOutTooMuch", Easings::springOutTooMuch },
std::unordered_map<std::string, EasingFn> easingsMap = { { "linear", Easings::linear },
{ "sineOut", Easings::sineOut }, { "sineIn", Easings::sineIn }, { "sineInOut", Easings::sineInOut },
{ "cubicOut", Easings::cubicOut }, { "cubicIn", Easings::cubicIn }, { "cubicInOut", Easings::cubicInOut },
{ "quartOut", Easings::quartOut }, { "quartIn", Easings::quartIn }, { "quartInOut", Easings::quartInOut },
{ "springOutWeak", Easings::springOutWeak }, { "springOutMed", Easings::springOutMed },
{ "springOutStrong", Easings::springOutStrong }, { "springOutTooMuch", Easings::springOutTooMuch } };
osg::Vec3f vec3fLerp(float t, const osg::Vec3f& start, const osg::Vec3f& end)
osg::Vec3f vec3fLerp(float t, const osg::Vec3f& A, const osg::Vec3f& B)
return A + (B - A) * t;
return start + (end - start) * t;
@ -129,10 +172,10 @@ namespace MWRender
if (blendRule)
if (blendRule)
if (Easings::easingsMap.contains(blendRule->mEasing))
if (const auto it = Easings::easingsMap.find(blendRule->mEasing); it != Easings::easingsMap.end())
mEasingFn = it->second;
mBlendDuration = blendRule->mDuration;
mBlendDuration = blendRule->mDuration;
mEasingFn = Easings::easingsMap[blendRule->mEasing];