-- @param #string extraParam Optional skill or attribute ID
-- @return #ActiveEffect if such an effect is active, nil otherwise
-- Completely removes the active effect from the actor.
-- This removes both the effects incurred by active spells and effect added by console, mwscript, or luascript.
-- @function [parent=#ActorActiveEffects] remove
-- @param self
-- @param #string effectId effect ID
-- @param #string extraParam Optional skill or attribute ID
-- Permanently modifies the magnitude of an active effect to be exactly equal to the provided value. This adds the effect to the list of active effects if not already active.
-- Note that although the modification is permanent, the magnitude will not stay equal to the value if any active spells with this effects are added/removed.
-- @function [parent=#ActorActiveEffects] set
-- @param self
-- @param #number value
-- @param #string effectId effect ID
-- @param #string extraParam Optional skill or attribute ID
-- Permanently modifies the magnitude of an active effect by increasing it by the provided value. This adds the effect to the list of active effects if not already active.
-- @function [parent=#ActorActiveEffects] modify
-- @param self
-- @param #number value
-- @param #string effectId effect ID
-- @param #string extraParam Optional skill or attribute ID
-- Return the active spells (@{#ActorActiveSpells}) currently affecting the given actor.
-- @function [parent=#Actor] activeSpells
@ -222,6 +247,12 @@
-- @param #any spellOrId @{openmw.core#Spell} or string spell id
-- @return true if spell is active, false otherwise
-- Remove the given spell and all its effects from the given actor's active spells.
-- @function [parent=#ActorActiveSpells] remove
-- @param self
-- @param #any spellOrId @{openmw.core#Spell} or string spell id
-- Return the spells (@{#ActorSpells}) of the given actor.