@ -20,21 +20,36 @@ namespace VFS
if ( prefix > 0 & & str [ prefix - 1 ] ! = ' \\ ' & & str [ prefix - 1 ] ! = ' / ' )
+ + prefix ;
for ( const auto & i : std : : filesystem : : recursive_directory_iterator ( mPath ) )
std : : filesystem : : recursive_directory_iterator iterator ( mPath ) ;
for ( auto it = std : : filesystem : : begin ( iterator ) , end = std : : filesystem : : end ( iterator ) ; it ! = end ; )
if ( std : : filesystem : : is_directory ( i ) )
continue ;
const std : : filesystem : : path & filePath = i . path ( ) ;
const std : : string proper = Files : : pathToUnicodeString ( filePath ) ;
VFS : : Path : : Normalized searchable ( std : : string_view { proper } . substr ( prefix ) ) ;
FileSystemArchiveFile file ( filePath ) ;
const auto inserted = mIndex . emplace ( std : : move ( searchable ) , std : : move ( file ) ) ;
if ( ! inserted . second )
Log ( Debug : : Warning )
< < " Found duplicate file for ' " < < proper
< < " ', please check your file system for two files with the same name in different cases. " ;
const auto & i = * it ;
if ( ! std : : filesystem : : is_directory ( i ) )
const std : : filesystem : : path & filePath = i . path ( ) ;
const std : : string proper = Files : : pathToUnicodeString ( filePath ) ;
VFS : : Path : : Normalized searchable ( std : : string_view { proper } . substr ( prefix ) ) ;
FileSystemArchiveFile file ( filePath ) ;
const auto inserted = mIndex . emplace ( std : : move ( searchable ) , std : : move ( file ) ) ;
if ( ! inserted . second )
Log ( Debug : : Warning )
< < " Found duplicate file for ' " < < proper
< < " ', please check your file system for two files with the same name in different cases. " ;
// Exception thrown by the operator++ may not contain the context of the error like what exact path caused
// the problem which makes it hard to understand what's going on when iteration happens over a directory
// with thousands of files and subdirectories.
const std : : filesystem : : path prevPath = i . path ( ) ;
std : : error_code ec ;
it . increment ( ec ) ;
if ( ec ! = std : : error_code ( ) )
throw std : : runtime_error ( " Failed to recursively iterate over \" " + Files : : pathToUnicodeString ( mPath )
+ " \" when incrementing to the next item from \" " + Files : : pathToUnicodeString ( prevPath )
+ " \" : " + ec . message ( ) ) ;