@ -400,13 +400,13 @@ void MWSpellEffect::updateWidgets()
std : : string sec = " " + mWindowManager - > getGameSettingString ( " ssecond " , " " ) ;
std : : string secs = " " + mWindowManager - > getGameSettingString ( " sseconds " , " " ) ;
std : : string effectIDStr = effectID ToString( mEffectParams . mEffectID ) ;
std : : string effectIDStr = ESM: : MagicEffect : : effectId ToString( mEffectParams . mEffectID ) ;
std : : string spellLine = mWindowManager - > getGameSettingString ( effectIDStr , " " ) ;
if ( effectInvolvesSkill( effectIDStr ) & & mEffectParams . mSkill > = 0 & & mEffectParams . mSkill < ESM : : Skill : : Length )
if ( magicEffect- > mData . mFlags & ESM : : MagicEffect : : TargetSkill )
spellLine + = " " + mWindowManager - > getGameSettingString ( ESM : : Skill : : sSkillNameIds [ mEffectParams . mSkill ] , " " ) ;
if ( effectInvolvesAttribute( effectIDStr ) & & mEffectParams . mAttribute > = 0 & & mEffectParams . mAttribute < 8 )
if ( magicEffect- > mData . mFlags & ESM : : MagicEffect : : TargetAttribute )
static const char * attributes [ 8 ] = {
" sAttributeStrength " ,
@ -421,7 +421,7 @@ void MWSpellEffect::updateWidgets()
spellLine + = " " + mWindowManager - > getGameSettingString ( attributes [ mEffectParams . mAttribute ] , " " ) ;
if ( ( mEffectParams . mMagnMin > = 0 | | mEffectParams . mMagnMax > = 0 ) & & effectHasMagnitude ( effectIDStr ) )
if ( ( mEffectParams . mMagnMin > = 0 | | mEffectParams . mMagnMax > = 0 ) & & ! ( magicEffect - > mData . mFlags & ESM : : MagicEffect : : NoMagnitude ) )
if ( mEffectParams . mMagnMin = = mEffectParams . mMagnMax )
spellLine + = " " + boost : : lexical_cast < std : : string > ( mEffectParams . mMagnMin ) + " " + ( ( mEffectParams . mMagnMin = = 1 ) ? pt : pts ) ;
@ -434,7 +434,7 @@ void MWSpellEffect::updateWidgets()
// constant effects have no duration and no target
if ( ! mEffectParams . mIsConstant )
if ( mEffectParams . mDuration > = 0 & & effectHasDuration ( effectIDStr ) )
if ( mEffectParams . mDuration > = 0 & & ! ( magicEffect - > mData . mFlags & ESM : : MagicEffect : : NoDuration ) )
spellLine + = " " + mWindowManager - > getGameSettingString ( " sfor " , " " ) + " " + boost : : lexical_cast < std : : string > ( mEffectParams . mDuration ) + ( ( mEffectParams . mDuration = = 1 ) ? sec : secs ) ;
@ -463,267 +463,6 @@ void MWSpellEffect::updateWidgets()
std : : string MWSpellEffect : : effectIDToString ( const short effectID )
// Map effect ID to GMST name
// http://www.uesp.net/morrow/hints/mweffects.shtml
std : : map < short , std : : string > names ;
names [ 85 ] = " sEffectAbsorbAttribute " ;
names [ 88 ] = " sEffectAbsorbFatigue " ;
names [ 86 ] = " sEffectAbsorbHealth " ;
names [ 87 ] = " sEffectAbsorbSpellPoints " ;
names [ 89 ] = " sEffectAbsorbSkill " ;
names [ 63 ] = " sEffectAlmsiviIntervention " ;
names [ 47 ] = " sEffectBlind " ;
names [ 123 ] = " sEffectBoundBattleAxe " ;
names [ 129 ] = " sEffectBoundBoots " ;
names [ 127 ] = " sEffectBoundCuirass " ;
names [ 120 ] = " sEffectBoundDagger " ;
names [ 131 ] = " sEffectBoundGloves " ;
names [ 128 ] = " sEffectBoundHelm " ;
names [ 125 ] = " sEffectBoundLongbow " ;
names [ 121 ] = " sEffectBoundLongsword " ;
names [ 122 ] = " sEffectBoundMace " ;
names [ 130 ] = " sEffectBoundShield " ;
names [ 124 ] = " sEffectBoundSpear " ;
names [ 7 ] = " sEffectBurden " ;
names [ 50 ] = " sEffectCalmCreature " ;
names [ 49 ] = " sEffectCalmHumanoid " ;
names [ 40 ] = " sEffectChameleon " ;
names [ 44 ] = " sEffectCharm " ;
names [ 118 ] = " sEffectCommandCreatures " ;
names [ 119 ] = " sEffectCommandHumanoids " ;
names [ 132 ] = " sEffectCorpus " ; // NB this typo. (bethesda made it)
names [ 70 ] = " sEffectCureBlightDisease " ;
names [ 69 ] = " sEffectCureCommonDisease " ;
names [ 71 ] = " sEffectCureCorprusDisease " ;
names [ 73 ] = " sEffectCureParalyzation " ;
names [ 72 ] = " sEffectCurePoison " ;
names [ 22 ] = " sEffectDamageAttribute " ;
names [ 25 ] = " sEffectDamageFatigue " ;
names [ 23 ] = " sEffectDamageHealth " ;
names [ 24 ] = " sEffectDamageMagicka " ;
names [ 26 ] = " sEffectDamageSkill " ;
names [ 54 ] = " sEffectDemoralizeCreature " ;
names [ 53 ] = " sEffectDemoralizeHumanoid " ;
names [ 64 ] = " sEffectDetectAnimal " ;
names [ 65 ] = " sEffectDetectEnchantment " ;
names [ 66 ] = " sEffectDetectKey " ;
names [ 38 ] = " sEffectDisintegrateArmor " ;
names [ 37 ] = " sEffectDisintegrateWeapon " ;
names [ 57 ] = " sEffectDispel " ;
names [ 62 ] = " sEffectDivineIntervention " ;
names [ 17 ] = " sEffectDrainAttribute " ;
names [ 20 ] = " sEffectDrainFatigue " ;
names [ 18 ] = " sEffectDrainHealth " ;
names [ 19 ] = " sEffectDrainSpellpoints " ;
names [ 21 ] = " sEffectDrainSkill " ;
names [ 8 ] = " sEffectFeather " ;
names [ 14 ] = " sEffectFireDamage " ;
names [ 4 ] = " sEffectFireShield " ;
names [ 117 ] = " sEffectFortifyAttackBonus " ;
names [ 79 ] = " sEffectFortifyAttribute " ;
names [ 82 ] = " sEffectFortifyFatigue " ;
names [ 80 ] = " sEffectFortifyHealth " ;
names [ 81 ] = " sEffectFortifySpellpoints " ;
names [ 84 ] = " sEffectFortifyMagickaMultiplier " ;
names [ 83 ] = " sEffectFortifySkill " ;
names [ 52 ] = " sEffectFrenzyCreature " ;
names [ 51 ] = " sEffectFrenzyHumanoid " ;
names [ 16 ] = " sEffectFrostDamage " ;
names [ 6 ] = " sEffectFrostShield " ;
names [ 39 ] = " sEffectInvisibility " ;
names [ 9 ] = " sEffectJump " ;
names [ 10 ] = " sEffectLevitate " ;
names [ 41 ] = " sEffectLight " ;
names [ 5 ] = " sEffectLightningShield " ;
names [ 12 ] = " sEffectLock " ;
names [ 60 ] = " sEffectMark " ;
names [ 43 ] = " sEffectNightEye " ;
names [ 13 ] = " sEffectOpen " ;
names [ 45 ] = " sEffectParalyze " ;
names [ 27 ] = " sEffectPoison " ;
names [ 56 ] = " sEffectRallyCreature " ;
names [ 55 ] = " sEffectRallyHumanoid " ;
names [ 61 ] = " sEffectRecall " ;
names [ 68 ] = " sEffectReflect " ;
names [ 100 ] = " sEffectRemoveCurse " ;
names [ 95 ] = " sEffectResistBlightDisease " ;
names [ 94 ] = " sEffectResistCommonDisease " ;
names [ 96 ] = " sEffectResistCorprusDisease " ;
names [ 90 ] = " sEffectResistFire " ;
names [ 91 ] = " sEffectResistFrost " ;
names [ 93 ] = " sEffectResistMagicka " ;
names [ 98 ] = " sEffectResistNormalWeapons " ;
names [ 99 ] = " sEffectResistParalysis " ;
names [ 97 ] = " sEffectResistPoison " ;
names [ 92 ] = " sEffectResistShock " ;
names [ 74 ] = " sEffectRestoreAttribute " ;
names [ 77 ] = " sEffectRestoreFatigue " ;
names [ 75 ] = " sEffectRestoreHealth " ;
names [ 76 ] = " sEffectRestoreSpellPoints " ;
names [ 78 ] = " sEffectRestoreSkill " ;
names [ 42 ] = " sEffectSanctuary " ;
names [ 3 ] = " sEffectShield " ;
names [ 15 ] = " sEffectShockDamage " ;
names [ 46 ] = " sEffectSilence " ;
names [ 11 ] = " sEffectSlowFall " ;
names [ 58 ] = " sEffectSoultrap " ;
names [ 48 ] = " sEffectSound " ;
names [ 67 ] = " sEffectSpellAbsorption " ;
names [ 136 ] = " sEffectStuntedMagicka " ;
names [ 106 ] = " sEffectSummonAncestralGhost " ;
names [ 110 ] = " sEffectSummonBonelord " ;
names [ 108 ] = " sEffectSummonLeastBonewalker " ;
names [ 134 ] = " sEffectSummonCenturionSphere " ;
names [ 103 ] = " sEffectSummonClannfear " ;
names [ 104 ] = " sEffectSummonDaedroth " ;
names [ 105 ] = " sEffectSummonDremora " ;
names [ 114 ] = " sEffectSummonFlameAtronach " ;
names [ 115 ] = " sEffectSummonFrostAtronach " ;
names [ 113 ] = " sEffectSummonGoldenSaint " ;
names [ 109 ] = " sEffectSummonGreaterBonewalker " ;
names [ 112 ] = " sEffectSummonHunger " ;
names [ 102 ] = " sEffectSummonScamp " ;
names [ 107 ] = " sEffectSummonSkeletalMinion " ;
names [ 116 ] = " sEffectSummonStormAtronach " ;
names [ 111 ] = " sEffectSummonWingedTwilight " ;
names [ 135 ] = " sEffectSunDamage " ;
names [ 1 ] = " sEffectSwiftSwim " ;
names [ 59 ] = " sEffectTelekinesis " ;
names [ 101 ] = " sEffectTurnUndead " ;
names [ 133 ] = " sEffectVampirism " ;
names [ 0 ] = " sEffectWaterBreathing " ;
names [ 2 ] = " sEffectWaterWalking " ;
names [ 33 ] = " sEffectWeaknesstoBlightDisease " ;
names [ 32 ] = " sEffectWeaknesstoCommonDisease " ;
names [ 34 ] = " sEffectWeaknesstoCorprusDisease " ;
names [ 28 ] = " sEffectWeaknesstoFire " ;
names [ 29 ] = " sEffectWeaknesstoFrost " ;
names [ 31 ] = " sEffectWeaknesstoMagicka " ;
names [ 36 ] = " sEffectWeaknesstoNormalWeapons " ;
names [ 35 ] = " sEffectWeaknesstoPoison " ;
names [ 30 ] = " sEffectWeaknesstoShock " ;
// bloodmoon
names [ 138 ] = " sEffectSummonCreature01 " ;
names [ 139 ] = " sEffectSummonCreature02 " ;
names [ 140 ] = " sEffectSummonCreature03 " ;
names [ 141 ] = " sEffectSummonCreature04 " ;
names [ 142 ] = " sEffectSummonCreature05 " ;
// tribunal
names [ 137 ] = " sEffectSummonFabricant " ;
assert ( names . find ( effectID ) ! = names . end ( ) & & " Unimplemented effect type " ) ;
return names [ effectID ] ;
bool MWSpellEffect : : effectHasDuration ( const std : : string & effect )
// lists effects that have no duration (e.g. open lock)
std : : vector < std : : string > effectsWithoutDuration ;
effectsWithoutDuration . push_back ( " sEffectOpen " ) ;
effectsWithoutDuration . push_back ( " sEffectLock " ) ;
effectsWithoutDuration . push_back ( " sEffectDispel " ) ;
effectsWithoutDuration . push_back ( " sEffectSunDamage " ) ;
effectsWithoutDuration . push_back ( " sEffectCorpus " ) ;
effectsWithoutDuration . push_back ( " sEffectVampirism " ) ;
effectsWithoutDuration . push_back ( " sEffectMark " ) ;
effectsWithoutDuration . push_back ( " sEffectRecall " ) ;
effectsWithoutDuration . push_back ( " sEffectDivineIntervention " ) ;
effectsWithoutDuration . push_back ( " sEffectAlmsiviIntervention " ) ;
effectsWithoutDuration . push_back ( " sEffectCureCommonDisease " ) ;
effectsWithoutDuration . push_back ( " sEffectCureBlightDisease " ) ;
effectsWithoutDuration . push_back ( " sEffectCureCorprusDisease " ) ;
effectsWithoutDuration . push_back ( " sEffectCurePoison " ) ;
effectsWithoutDuration . push_back ( " sEffectCureParalyzation " ) ;
effectsWithoutDuration . push_back ( " sEffectRemoveCurse " ) ;
effectsWithoutDuration . push_back ( " sEffectRestoreAttribute " ) ;
return ( std : : find ( effectsWithoutDuration . begin ( ) , effectsWithoutDuration . end ( ) , effect ) = = effectsWithoutDuration . end ( ) ) ;
bool MWSpellEffect : : effectHasMagnitude ( const std : : string & effect )
// lists effects that have no magnitude (e.g. invisiblity)
std : : vector < std : : string > effectsWithoutMagnitude ;
effectsWithoutMagnitude . push_back ( " sEffectInvisibility " ) ;
effectsWithoutMagnitude . push_back ( " sEffectStuntedMagicka " ) ;
effectsWithoutMagnitude . push_back ( " sEffectParalyze " ) ;
effectsWithoutMagnitude . push_back ( " sEffectSoultrap " ) ;
effectsWithoutMagnitude . push_back ( " sEffectSilence " ) ;
effectsWithoutMagnitude . push_back ( " sEffectParalyze " ) ;
effectsWithoutMagnitude . push_back ( " sEffectInvisibility " ) ;
effectsWithoutMagnitude . push_back ( " sEffectWaterWalking " ) ;
effectsWithoutMagnitude . push_back ( " sEffectWaterBreathing " ) ;
effectsWithoutMagnitude . push_back ( " sEffectSummonScamp " ) ;
effectsWithoutMagnitude . push_back ( " sEffectSummonClannfear " ) ;
effectsWithoutMagnitude . push_back ( " sEffectSummonDaedroth " ) ;
effectsWithoutMagnitude . push_back ( " sEffectSummonDremora " ) ;
effectsWithoutMagnitude . push_back ( " sEffectSummonAncestralGhost " ) ;
effectsWithoutMagnitude . push_back ( " sEffectSummonSkeletalMinion " ) ;
effectsWithoutMagnitude . push_back ( " sEffectSummonBonewalker " ) ;
effectsWithoutMagnitude . push_back ( " sEffectSummonGreaterBonewalker " ) ;
effectsWithoutMagnitude . push_back ( " sEffectSummonBonelord " ) ;
effectsWithoutMagnitude . push_back ( " sEffectSummonWingedTwilight " ) ;
effectsWithoutMagnitude . push_back ( " sEffectSummonHunger " ) ;
effectsWithoutMagnitude . push_back ( " sEffectSummonGoldenSaint " ) ;
effectsWithoutMagnitude . push_back ( " sEffectSummonFlameAtronach " ) ;
effectsWithoutMagnitude . push_back ( " sEffectSummonFrostAtronach " ) ;
effectsWithoutMagnitude . push_back ( " sEffectSummonStormAtronach " ) ;
effectsWithoutMagnitude . push_back ( " sEffectSummonCenturionSphere " ) ;
effectsWithoutMagnitude . push_back ( " sEffectBoundDagger " ) ;
effectsWithoutMagnitude . push_back ( " sEffectBoundLongsword " ) ;
effectsWithoutMagnitude . push_back ( " sEffectBoundMace " ) ;
effectsWithoutMagnitude . push_back ( " sEffectBoundBattleAxe " ) ;
effectsWithoutMagnitude . push_back ( " sEffectBoundSpear " ) ;
effectsWithoutMagnitude . push_back ( " sEffectBoundLongbow " ) ;
effectsWithoutMagnitude . push_back ( " sEffectBoundCuirass " ) ;
effectsWithoutMagnitude . push_back ( " sEffectBoundHelm " ) ;
effectsWithoutMagnitude . push_back ( " sEffectBoundBoots " ) ;
effectsWithoutMagnitude . push_back ( " sEffectBoundShield " ) ;
effectsWithoutMagnitude . push_back ( " sEffectBoundGloves " ) ;
effectsWithoutMagnitude . push_back ( " sEffectStuntedMagicka " ) ;
effectsWithoutMagnitude . push_back ( " sEffectMark " ) ;
effectsWithoutMagnitude . push_back ( " sEffectRecall " ) ;
effectsWithoutMagnitude . push_back ( " sEffectDivineIntervention " ) ;
effectsWithoutMagnitude . push_back ( " sEffectAlmsiviIntervention " ) ;
effectsWithoutMagnitude . push_back ( " sEffectCureCommonDisease " ) ;
effectsWithoutMagnitude . push_back ( " sEffectCureBlightDisease " ) ;
effectsWithoutMagnitude . push_back ( " sEffectCureCorprusDisease " ) ;
effectsWithoutMagnitude . push_back ( " sEffectCurePoison " ) ;
effectsWithoutMagnitude . push_back ( " sEffectCureParalyzation " ) ;
effectsWithoutMagnitude . push_back ( " sEffectRemoveCurse " ) ;
effectsWithoutMagnitude . push_back ( " sEffectSummonCreature01 " ) ;
effectsWithoutMagnitude . push_back ( " sEffectSummonCreature02 " ) ;
effectsWithoutMagnitude . push_back ( " sEffectSummonCreature03 " ) ;
effectsWithoutMagnitude . push_back ( " sEffectSummonCreature04 " ) ;
effectsWithoutMagnitude . push_back ( " sEffectSummonCreature05 " ) ;
effectsWithoutMagnitude . push_back ( " sEffectSummonFabricant " ) ;
return ( std : : find ( effectsWithoutMagnitude . begin ( ) , effectsWithoutMagnitude . end ( ) , effect ) = = effectsWithoutMagnitude . end ( ) ) ;
bool MWSpellEffect : : effectInvolvesAttribute ( const std : : string & effect )
return ( effect = = " sEffectRestoreAttribute "
| | effect = = " sEffectAbsorbAttribute "
| | effect = = " sEffectDrainAttribute "
| | effect = = " sEffectFortifyAttribute "
| | effect = = " sEffectDamageAttribute " ) ;
bool MWSpellEffect : : effectInvolvesSkill ( const std : : string & effect )
return ( effect = = " sEffectRestoreSkill "
| | effect = = " sEffectAbsorbSkill "
| | effect = = " sEffectDrainSkill "
| | effect = = " sEffectFortifySkill "
| | effect = = " sEffectDamageSkill " ) ;
MWSpellEffect : : ~ MWSpellEffect ( )