mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 09:09:40 +00:00
Replace osgAnimation bone underscore naming at load time, map bone instances, reset root bone transform each frame
This commit is contained in:
11 changed files with 211 additions and 60 deletions
@ -46,6 +46,7 @@
Bug #6657: Distant terrain tiles become black when using FWIW mod
Bug #6661: Saved games that have no preview screenshot cause issues or crashes
Bug #6716: mwscript comparison operator handling is too restrictive
Bug #6723: "Turn to movement direction" makes the player rotate wildly with COLLADA
Bug #6754: Beast to Non-beast transformation mod is not working on OpenMW
Bug #6758: Main menu background video can be stopped by opening the options menu
Bug #6807: Ultimate Galleon is not working properly
@ -530,6 +530,7 @@ namespace MWRender
, mHasMagicEffects(false)
, mAlpha(1.f)
, mPlayScriptedOnly(false)
, mRequiresBoneMap(false)
for (size_t i = 0; i < sNumBlendMasks; i++)
mAnimationTimePtr[i] = std::make_shared<AnimationTime>();
@ -964,8 +965,17 @@ namespace MWRender
if (!mNodeMapCreated && mObjectRoot)
SceneUtil::NodeMapVisitor visitor(mNodeMap);
// If the base of this animation is an osgAnimation, we should map the bones not matrix transforms
if (mRequiresBoneMap)
SceneUtil::NodeMapVisitorBoneOnly visitor(mNodeMap);
SceneUtil::NodeMapVisitor visitor(mNodeMap);
mNodeMapCreated = true;
return mNodeMap;
@ -1447,10 +1457,9 @@ namespace MWRender
osg::ref_ptr<osg::Node> created = getModelInstance(mResourceSystem, model, baseonly, inject, defaultSkeleton);
if (!forceskeleton)
osg::ref_ptr<osg::Node> created
= getModelInstance(mResourceSystem, model, baseonly, inject, defaultSkeleton);
mObjectRoot = created->asGroup();
if (!mObjectRoot)
@ -1466,8 +1475,6 @@ namespace MWRender
osg::ref_ptr<osg::Node> created
= getModelInstance(mResourceSystem, model, baseonly, inject, defaultSkeleton);
osg::ref_ptr<SceneUtil::Skeleton> skel = dynamic_cast<SceneUtil::Skeleton*>(created.get());
if (!skel)
@ -1479,6 +1486,10 @@ namespace MWRender
// osgAnimation formats with skeletons should have their nodemap be bone instances
// FIXME: better way to detect osgAnimation here instead of relying on extension?
mRequiresBoneMap = mSkeleton != nullptr && !Misc::StringUtils::ciEndsWith(model, "nif");
if (previousStateset)
@ -1791,6 +1802,7 @@ namespace MWRender
osg::ref_ptr<RotateController> controller(new RotateController(mObjectRoot.get()));
mActiveControllers.emplace_back(node, controller);
return controller;
@ -246,6 +246,7 @@ namespace MWRender
osg::ref_ptr<SceneUtil::LightListCallback> mLightListCallback;
bool mPlayScriptedOnly;
bool mRequiresBoneMap;
const NodeMap& getNodeMap() const;
@ -15,6 +15,13 @@ namespace Misc::StringUtils
bool operator()(char x, char y) const { return toLower(x) < toLower(y); }
inline std::string underscoresToSpaces(const std::string_view& oldName)
std::string newName(oldName);
std::replace(newName.begin(), newName.end(), '_', ' ');
return newName;
inline bool ciLess(std::string_view x, std::string_view y)
return std::lexicographical_compare(x.begin(), x.end(), y.begin(), y.end(), CiCharLess());
@ -37,11 +37,11 @@ namespace Resource
bool RetrieveAnimationsVisitor::belongsToLeftUpperExtremity(const std::string& name)
static const std::array boneNames = { "bip01_l_clavicle", "left_clavicle", "bip01_l_upperarm", "left_upper_arm",
"bip01_l_forearm", "bip01_l_hand", "left_hand", "left_wrist", "shield_bone", "bip01_l_pinky1",
"bip01_l_pinky2", "bip01_l_pinky3", "bip01_l_ring1", "bip01_l_ring2", "bip01_l_ring3", "bip01_l_middle1",
"bip01_l_middle2", "bip01_l_middle3", "bip01_l_pointer1", "bip01_l_pointer2", "bip01_l_pointer3",
"bip01_l_thumb1", "bip01_l_thumb2", "bip01_l_thumb3", "left_forearm" };
static const std::array boneNames = { "bip01 l clavicle", "left clavicle", "bip01 l upperarm", "left upper arm",
"bip01 l forearm", "bip01 l hand", "left hand", "left wrist", "shield bone", "bip01 l pinky1",
"bip01 l pinky2", "bip01 l pinky3", "bip01 l ring1", "bip01 l ring2", "bip01 l ring3", "bip01 l middle1",
"bip01 l middle2", "bip01 l middle3", "bip01 l pointer1", "bip01 l pointer2", "bip01 l pointer3",
"bip01 l thumb1", "bip01 l thumb2", "bip01 l thumb3", "left forearm" };
if (std::find(boneNames.begin(), boneNames.end(), name) != boneNames.end())
return true;
@ -51,11 +51,11 @@ namespace Resource
bool RetrieveAnimationsVisitor::belongsToRightUpperExtremity(const std::string& name)
static const std::array boneNames = { "bip01_r_clavicle", "right_clavicle", "bip01_r_upperarm",
"right_upper_arm", "bip01_r_forearm", "bip01_r_hand", "right_hand", "right_wrist", "bip01_r_thumb1",
"bip01_r_thumb2", "bip01_r_thumb3", "weapon_bone", "bip01_r_pinky1", "bip01_r_pinky2", "bip01_r_pinky3",
"bip01_r_ring1", "bip01_r_ring2", "bip01_r_ring3", "bip01_r_middle1", "bip01_r_middle2", "bip01_r_middle3",
"bip01_r_pointer1", "bip01_r_pointer2", "bip01_r_pointer3", "right_forearm" };
static const std::array boneNames = { "bip01 r clavicle", "right clavicle", "bip01 r upperarm",
"right upper arm", "bip01 r forearm", "bip01 r hand", "right hand", "right wrist", "bip01 r thumb1",
"bip01 r thumb2", "bip01 r thumb3", "weapon bone", "bip01 r pinky1", "bip01 r pinky2", "bip01 r pinky3",
"bip01 r ring1", "bip01 r ring2", "bip01 r ring3", "bip01 r middle1", "bip01 r middle2", "bip01 r middle3",
"bip01 r pointer1", "bip01 r pointer2", "bip01 r pointer3", "right forearm" };
if (std::find(boneNames.begin(), boneNames.end(), name) != boneNames.end())
return true;
@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ namespace Resource
bool RetrieveAnimationsVisitor::belongsToTorso(const std::string& name)
static const std::array boneNames
= { "bip01_spine1", "bip01_spine2", "bip01_neck", "bip01_head", "head", "neck", "chest", "groin" };
= { "bip01 spine1", "bip01 spine2", "bip01 neck", "bip01 head", "head", "neck", "chest", "groin" };
if (std::find(boneNames.begin(), boneNames.end(), name) != boneNames.end())
return true;
@ -88,9 +88,7 @@ namespace Resource
//"Default" is osg dae plugin's default naming scheme for unnamed animations
if (animation->getName() == "Default")
osg::ref_ptr<Resource::Animation> mergedAnimationTrack = new Resource::Animation;
const std::string animationName = animation->getName();
@ -99,6 +97,9 @@ namespace Resource
const osgAnimation::ChannelList& channels = animation->getChannels();
for (const auto& channel : channels)
// Repalce channel target name to match the renamed bones/transforms
if (name == "Bip01 R Clavicle")
if (!belongsToRightUpperExtremity(channel->getTargetName()))
@ -9,7 +9,10 @@
#include <osg/Node>
#include <osg/UserDataContainer>
#include <osgAnimation/Bone>
#include <osgAnimation/RigGeometry>
#include <osgAnimation/Skeleton>
#include <osgAnimation/UpdateBone>
#include <osgParticle/ParticleSystem>
@ -353,6 +356,66 @@ namespace Resource
std::vector<osg::ref_ptr<SceneUtil::RigGeometryHolder>> mRigGeometryHolders;
void updateVertexInfluenceMap(osgAnimation::RigGeometry& rig)
osgAnimation::VertexInfluenceMap* vertexInfluenceMap = rig.getInfluenceMap();
if (!vertexInfluenceMap)
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> renameList;
// Collecting updates
for (const auto& influence : *vertexInfluenceMap)
const std::string& oldBoneName = influence.first;
std::string newBoneName = Misc::StringUtils::underscoresToSpaces(oldBoneName);
if (newBoneName != oldBoneName)
renameList.emplace_back(oldBoneName, newBoneName);
// Applying updates (cant update map while iterating it!)
for (const auto& rename : renameList)
const std::string& oldName = rename.first;
const std::string& newName = rename.second;
// Check if new name already exists to avoid overwriting
if (vertexInfluenceMap->find(newName) == vertexInfluenceMap->end())
(*vertexInfluenceMap)[newName] = std::move((*vertexInfluenceMap)[oldName]);
class RenameBonesVisitor : public osg::NodeVisitor
: osg::NodeVisitor(osg::NodeVisitor::TRAVERSE_ALL_CHILDREN)
void apply(osg::MatrixTransform& node) override
// osgAnimation update callback name must match bone name/channel targets
osg::Callback* cb = node.getUpdateCallback();
while (cb)
osgAnimation::AnimationUpdateCallback<osg::NodeCallback>* animCb
= dynamic_cast<osgAnimation::AnimationUpdateCallback<osg::NodeCallback>*>(cb);
if (animCb)
cb = cb->getNestedCallback();
SceneManager::SceneManager(const VFS::Manager* vfs, Resource::ImageManager* imageManager,
Resource::NifFileManager* nifFileManager, double expiryDelay)
: ResourceManager(vfs, expiryDelay)
@ -556,6 +619,7 @@ namespace Resource
VFS::Path::NormalizedView normalizedFilename, std::istream& model, Resource::ImageManager* imageManager)
const std::string_view ext = Misc::getFileExtension(normalizedFilename.value());
const bool isColladaFile = ext == "dae";
osgDB::ReaderWriter* reader = osgDB::Registry::instance()->getReaderWriterForExtension(std::string(ext));
if (!reader)
@ -571,7 +635,7 @@ namespace Resource
// findFileCallback would be necessary. but findFileCallback does not support virtual files, so we can't
// implement it.
options->setReadFileCallback(new ImageReadCallback(imageManager));
if (ext == "dae")
if (isColladaFile)
const std::array<std::uint64_t, 2> fileHash = Files::getHash(normalizedFilename.value(), model);
@ -599,9 +663,13 @@ namespace Resource
for (osg::Node* foundRigNode : rigFinder.mFoundNodes)
if (foundRigNode->libraryName() == std::string("osgAnimation"))
if (foundRigNode->libraryName() == std::string_view("osgAnimation"))
osgAnimation::RigGeometry* foundRigGeometry = static_cast<osgAnimation::RigGeometry*>(foundRigNode);
if (isColladaFile)
osg::ref_ptr<SceneUtil::RigGeometryHolder> newRig
= new SceneUtil::RigGeometryHolder(*foundRigGeometry, osg::CopyOp::DEEP_COPY_ALL);
@ -616,13 +684,18 @@ namespace Resource
if (ext == "dae")
if (isColladaFile)
Resource::ColladaDescriptionVisitor colladaDescriptionVisitor;
if (colladaDescriptionVisitor.mSkeleton)
// Collada bones may have underscores in place of spaces due to a collada limitation
// we should rename the bones and update callbacks here at load time
Resource::RenameBonesVisitor renameBoneVisitor;
if (osg::Group* group = dynamic_cast<osg::Group*>(node))
group->removeChildren(0, group->getNumChildren());
@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
#include <yaml-cpp/yaml.h>
#include <components/misc/osguservalues.hpp>
#include <components/misc/strings/algorithm.hpp>
#include <components/resource/scenemanager.hpp>
#include <components/sceneutil/depth.hpp>
#include <components/shader/shadermanager.hpp>
@ -44,11 +45,15 @@ namespace SceneUtil
void ProcessExtraDataVisitor::apply(osg::Node& node)
// If an osgAnimation bone/transform, ensure underscores in name are replaced with spaces
// this is for compatibility reasons
if (node.libraryName() == std::string_view("osgAnimation") && node.className() == std::string_view("Bone"))
if (!mSceneMgr->getSoftParticles())
std::string source;
constexpr float defaultFalloffDepth = 300.f; // arbitrary value that simply looks good with common cases
if (node.getUserValue(Misc::OsgUserValues::sExtraData, source) && !source.empty())
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
#include <components/sceneutil/osgacontroller.hpp>
#include <osg/MatrixTransform>
#include <osg/Node>
#include <osg/NodeVisitor>
#include <osg/ref_ptr>
@ -9,6 +10,7 @@
#include <osgAnimation/Sampler>
#include <osgAnimation/UpdateMatrixTransform>
#include <components/misc/strings/algorithm.hpp>
#include <components/misc/strings/lower.hpp>
#include <components/resource/animation.hpp>
#include <components/sceneutil/controller.hpp>
@ -24,6 +26,10 @@ namespace SceneUtil
void LinkVisitor::link(osgAnimation::UpdateMatrixTransform* umt)
// If osgAnimation had underscores, we should update the umt name also
// otherwise the animation channel and updates wont be applied
const osgAnimation::ChannelList& channels = mAnimation->getChannels();
for (const auto& channel : channels)
@ -128,6 +134,47 @@ namespace SceneUtil
return osg::Vec3f();
osg::Matrixf OsgAnimationController::getTransformForNode(float time, const std::string& name) const
std::string animationName;
float newTime = time;
// Find the correct animation based on time
for (const EmulatedAnimation& emulatedAnimation : mEmulatedAnimations)
if (time >= emulatedAnimation.mStartTime && time <= emulatedAnimation.mStopTime)
newTime = time - emulatedAnimation.mStartTime;
animationName = emulatedAnimation.mName;
// Find the bone's transform track in animation
for (const auto& mergedAnimationTrack : mMergedAnimationTracks)
if (mergedAnimationTrack->getName() != animationName)
const osgAnimation::ChannelList& channels = mergedAnimationTrack->getChannels();
for (const auto& channel : channels)
if (!Misc::StringUtils::ciEqual(name, channel->getTargetName()) || channel->getName() != "transform")
if (osgAnimation::MatrixLinearSampler* templateSampler
= dynamic_cast<osgAnimation::MatrixLinearSampler*>(channel->getSampler()))
osg::Matrixf matrix;
templateSampler->getValueAt(newTime, matrix);
return matrix;
return osg::Matrixf::identity();
void OsgAnimationController::update(float time, const std::string& animationName)
for (const auto& mergedAnimationTrack : mMergedAnimationTracks)
@ -162,6 +209,12 @@ namespace SceneUtil
update(time - emulatedAnimation.mStartTime, emulatedAnimation.mName);
// Reset the transform of this node to whats in the animation
// we force this here because downstream some code relies on the bone having a non-modified transform
// as this is how the NIF controller behaves. RotationController is a good example of this.
// Without this here, it causes osgAnimation skeletons to spin wildly
static_cast<osg::MatrixTransform*>(node)->setMatrix(getTransformForNode(time, node->getName()));
traverse(node, nv);
@ -59,6 +59,9 @@ namespace SceneUtil
/// @brief Handles the location of the instance
osg::Vec3f getTranslation(float time) const override;
/// @brief Handles finding bone position in the animation
osg::Matrixf getTransformForNode(float time, const std::string& name) const;
/// @brief Calls animation track update()
void update(float time, const std::string& animationName);
@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
#include <osgParticle/ParticleSystem>
#include <osgAnimation/Bone>
#include <components/debug/debuglog.hpp>
#include <components/misc/strings/algorithm.hpp>
@ -13,7 +15,6 @@
namespace SceneUtil
bool FindByNameVisitor::checkGroup(osg::Group& group)
if (Misc::StringUtils::ciEqual(group.getName(), mNameToFind))
@ -22,35 +23,13 @@ namespace SceneUtil
return true;
// FIXME: can the nodes/bones be renamed at loading stage rather than each time?
// Convert underscores to whitespaces as a workaround for Collada (OpenMW's animation system uses
// whitespace-separated names)
std::string nodeName = group.getName();
std::replace(nodeName.begin(), nodeName.end(), '_', ' ');
if (Misc::StringUtils::ciEqual(nodeName, mNameToFind))
mFoundNode = &group;
return true;
return false;
void FindByClassVisitor::apply(osg::Node& node)
if (Misc::StringUtils::ciEqual(node.className(), mNameToFind))
// FIXME: can the nodes/bones be renamed at loading stage rather than each time?
// Convert underscores to whitespaces as a workaround for Collada (OpenMW's animation system uses
// whitespace-separated names)
std::string nodeName = node.className();
std::replace(nodeName.begin(), nodeName.end(), '_', ' ');
if (Misc::StringUtils::ciEqual(nodeName, mNameToFind))
@ -69,23 +48,19 @@ namespace SceneUtil
void FindByNameVisitor::apply(osg::Geometry&) {}
void NodeMapVisitorBoneOnly::apply(osg::MatrixTransform& trans)
// Choose first found bone in file
if (dynamic_cast<osgAnimation::Bone*>(&trans) != nullptr)
mMap.emplace(trans.getName(), &trans);
void NodeMapVisitor::apply(osg::MatrixTransform& trans)
// Choose first found node in file
if (trans.libraryName() == std::string_view("osgAnimation"))
std::string nodeName = trans.getName();
// FIXME: can the nodes/bones be renamed at loading stage rather than each time?
// Convert underscores to whitespaces as a workaround for Collada (OpenMW's animation system uses
// whitespace-separated names)
std::replace(nodeName.begin(), nodeName.end(), '_', ' ');
mMap.emplace(nodeName, &trans);
mMap.emplace(trans.getName(), &trans);
mMap.emplace(trans.getName(), &trans);
@ -70,6 +70,26 @@ namespace SceneUtil
NodeMap& mMap;
/// Maps names to bone nodes
class NodeMapVisitorBoneOnly : public osg::NodeVisitor
typedef std::unordered_map<std::string, osg::ref_ptr<osg::MatrixTransform>, Misc::StringUtils::CiHash,
NodeMapVisitorBoneOnly(NodeMap& map)
: osg::NodeVisitor(osg::NodeVisitor::TRAVERSE_ALL_CHILDREN)
, mMap(map)
void apply(osg::MatrixTransform& trans) override;
NodeMap& mMap;
/// @brief Base class for visitors that remove nodes from a scene graph.
/// Subclasses need to fill the mToRemove vector.
/// To use, node->accept(removeVisitor); removeVisitor.remove();
Reference in a new issue