-- @param openmw.core#GameObject player The player that you want to check the disposition for.
-- @param openmw.core#GameObject player The player that you want to check the disposition for.
-- @return #number
-- @return #number
-- Returns the current base disposition of the provided NPC. This is their base disposition, before modifiers such as personality and faction relations are taken into account.
-- @function [parent=#NPC] getBaseDisposition
-- @param openmw.core#GameObject object
-- @param openmw.core#GameObject player The player that you want to check the disposition for.
-- @return #number
-- Set the base disposition of the provided NPC (only in global scripts or on self).
-- @function [parent=#NPC] setBaseDisposition
-- @param openmw.core#GameObject object
-- @param openmw.core#GameObject player The player that you want to set the disposition for.
-- @param #number value Base disposition is set to this value
-- Modify the base disposition of the provided NPC by a certain amount (only in global scripts or on self).
-- @function [parent=#NPC] modifyBaseDisposition
-- @param openmw.core#GameObject object
-- @param openmw.core#GameObject player The player that you want to modify the disposition for.
-- @param #number value Base disposition modification value