mirror of
synced 2025-03-27 05:10:26 +00:00
removed the old shader helper
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 1 additions and 346 deletions
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ source_group(game FILES ${GAME} ${GAME_HEADER})
add_openmw_dir (mwrender
add_openmw_dir (mwrender
renderingmanager debugging sky player animation npcanimation creatureanimation actors objects
renderingmanager debugging sky player animation npcanimation creatureanimation actors objects
renderinginterface localmap occlusionquery terrain terrainmaterial water shadows shaderhelper
renderinginterface localmap occlusionquery terrain terrainmaterial water shadows
@ -30,7 +30,6 @@
#include "../mwinput/inputmanager.hpp" // FIXME
#include "../mwinput/inputmanager.hpp" // FIXME
#include "shadows.hpp"
#include "shadows.hpp"
#include "shaderhelper.hpp"
#include "localmap.hpp"
#include "localmap.hpp"
#include "water.hpp"
#include "water.hpp"
#include "compositors.hpp"
#include "compositors.hpp"
@ -108,7 +107,6 @@ RenderingManager::RenderingManager (OEngine::Render::OgreRenderer& _rend, const
mShadows = new Shadows(&mRendering);
mShadows = new Shadows(&mRendering);
mShaderHelper = new ShaderHelper(this);
mTerrainManager = new TerrainManager(mRendering.getScene(), this);
mTerrainManager = new TerrainManager(mRendering.getScene(), this);
@ -132,7 +130,6 @@ RenderingManager::~RenderingManager ()
delete mPlayer;
delete mPlayer;
delete mSkyManager;
delete mSkyManager;
delete mDebugging;
delete mDebugging;
delete mShaderHelper;
delete mShadows;
delete mShadows;
delete mTerrainManager;
delete mTerrainManager;
delete mLocalMap;
delete mLocalMap;
@ -617,7 +614,6 @@ void RenderingManager::processChangedSettings(const Settings::CategorySettingVec
else if (it->second == "shader" && it->first == "Water")
else if (it->second == "shader" && it->first == "Water")
@ -52,7 +52,6 @@ namespace MWRender
class Shadows;
class Shadows;
class ShaderHelper;
class LocalMap;
class LocalMap;
class Water;
class Water;
class Compositors;
class Compositors;
@ -223,8 +222,6 @@ class RenderingManager: private RenderingInterface, public Ogre::WindowEventList
MWRender::Shadows* mShadows;
MWRender::Shadows* mShadows;
MWRender::ShaderHelper* mShaderHelper;
MWRender::Compositors* mCompositors;
MWRender::Compositors* mCompositors;
@ -1,309 +0,0 @@
#include "shaderhelper.hpp"
#include "renderingmanager.hpp"
#include "shadows.hpp"
#include <OgreHighLevelGpuProgramManager.h>
#include <OgreHighLevelGpuProgram.h>
#include <OgreGpuProgramParams.h>
#include <OgreShadowCameraSetupPSSM.h>
#include <components/settings/settings.hpp>
using namespace Ogre;
using namespace MWRender;
ShaderHelper::ShaderHelper(RenderingManager* rend)
mRendering = rend;
void ShaderHelper::applyShaders()
if (!Settings::Manager::getBool("shaders", "Objects")) return;
bool mrt = RenderingManager::useMRT();
bool shadows = Settings::Manager::getBool("enabled", "Shadows");
bool split = Settings::Manager::getBool("split", "Shadows");
// shader for normal rendering
createShader(mrt, shadows, split, "main");
// fallback shader without mrt and without shadows
// (useful for reflection and for minimap)
createShader(false, false, false, "main_fallback");
void ShaderHelper::createShader(const bool mrt, const bool shadows, const bool split, const std::string& name)
HighLevelGpuProgramManager& mgr = HighLevelGpuProgramManager::getSingleton();
const int numsplits = 3;
// the number of lights to support.
// when rendering an object, OGRE automatically picks the lights that are
// closest to the object being rendered. unfortunately this mechanism does
// not work perfectly for objects batched together (they will all use the same
// lights). to work around this, we are simply pushing the maximum number
// of lights here in order to minimize disappearing lights.
int num_lights = Settings::Manager::getInt("num lights", "Objects");
// vertex
HighLevelGpuProgramPtr vertex;
if (!mgr.getByName(name+"_vp").isNull())
vertex = mgr.createProgram(name+"_vp", ResourceGroupManager::DEFAULT_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME,
vertex->setParameter("profiles", "vs_4_0 vs_2_x vp40 arbvp1");
vertex->setParameter("entry_point", "main_vp");
StringUtil::StrStreamType outStream;
outStream <<
"void main_vp( \n"
" float4 position : POSITION, \n"
" float4 normal : NORMAL, \n"
" float4 colour : COLOR, \n"
" in float2 uv : TEXCOORD0, \n"
" out float2 oUV : TEXCOORD0, \n"
" out float4 oPosition : POSITION, \n"
" out float4 oPositionObjSpace : TEXCOORD1, \n"
" out float4 oNormal : TEXCOORD2, \n"
" out float oDepth : TEXCOORD3, \n"
" out float4 oVertexColour : TEXCOORD4, \n";
if (shadows && !split) outStream <<
" out float4 oLightSpacePos0 : TEXCOORD5, \n"
" uniform float4x4 worldMatrix, \n"
" uniform float4x4 texViewProjMatrix0, \n";
for (int i=0; i<numsplits; ++i)
outStream <<
" out float4 oLightSpacePos"<<i<<" : TEXCOORD"<<i+5<<", \n"
" uniform float4x4 texViewProjMatrix"<<i<<", \n";
outStream <<
" uniform float4x4 worldMatrix, \n";
outStream <<
" uniform float4x4 worldViewProj \n"
") \n"
"{ \n"
" oVertexColour = colour; \n"
" oUV = uv; \n"
" oNormal = normal; \n"
" oPosition = mul( worldViewProj, position ); \n"
" oDepth = oPosition.z; \n"
" oPositionObjSpace = position; \n";
if (shadows && !split) outStream <<
" oLightSpacePos0 = mul(texViewProjMatrix0, mul(worldMatrix, position)); \n";
outStream <<
" float4 wPos = mul(worldMatrix, position); \n";
for (int i=0; i<numsplits; ++i)
outStream <<
" oLightSpacePos"<<i<<" = mul(texViewProjMatrix"<<i<<", wPos); \n";
outStream <<
vertex->getDefaultParameters()->setNamedAutoConstant("worldViewProj", GpuProgramParameters::ACT_WORLDVIEWPROJ_MATRIX);
if (shadows)
vertex->getDefaultParameters()->setNamedAutoConstant("worldMatrix", GpuProgramParameters::ACT_WORLD_MATRIX);
if (!split)
vertex->getDefaultParameters()->setNamedAutoConstant("texViewProjMatrix0", GpuProgramParameters::ACT_TEXTURE_VIEWPROJ_MATRIX, 0);
for (int i=0; i<numsplits; ++i)
vertex->getDefaultParameters()->setNamedAutoConstant("texViewProjMatrix"+StringConverter::toString(i), GpuProgramParameters::ACT_TEXTURE_VIEWPROJ_MATRIX, i);
// fragment
HighLevelGpuProgramPtr fragment;
if (!mgr.getByName(name+"_fp").isNull())
fragment = mgr.createProgram(name+"_fp", ResourceGroupManager::DEFAULT_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME,
fragment->setParameter("profiles", "ps_4_0 ps_2_x fp40 arbfp1");
fragment->setParameter("entry_point", "main_fp");
StringUtil::StrStreamType outStream;
if (shadows) outStream <<
"float depthShadow(sampler2D shadowMap, float4 shadowMapPos, float2 offset) \n"
"{ \n"
" shadowMapPos /= shadowMapPos.w; \n"
" float3 o = float3(offset.xy, -offset.x) * 0.3f; \n"
" float c = (shadowMapPos.z <= tex2D(shadowMap, shadowMapPos.xy - o.xy).r) ? 1 : 0; // top left \n"
" c += (shadowMapPos.z <= tex2D(shadowMap, shadowMapPos.xy + o.xy).r) ? 1 : 0; // bottom right \n"
" c += (shadowMapPos.z <= tex2D(shadowMap, shadowMapPos.xy + o.zy).r) ? 1 : 0; // bottom left \n"
" c += (shadowMapPos.z <= tex2D(shadowMap, shadowMapPos.xy - o.zy).r) ? 1 : 0; // top right \n"
" return c / 4; \n"
"} \n";
outStream <<
"void main_fp( \n"
" in float2 uv : TEXCOORD0, \n"
" out float4 oColor : COLOR, \n"
" uniform sampler2D texture : register(s0), \n"
" float4 positionObjSpace : TEXCOORD1, \n"
" float4 normal : TEXCOORD2, \n"
" float iDepth : TEXCOORD3, \n"
" float4 vertexColour : TEXCOORD4, \n"
" uniform float4 fogColour, \n"
" uniform float4 fogParams, \n";
if (shadows) outStream <<
" uniform float4 shadowFar_fadeStart, \n";
if (shadows && !split) outStream <<
" uniform sampler2D shadowMap : register(s1), \n"
" float4 lightSpacePos0 : TEXCOORD5, \n"
" uniform float4 invShadowmapSize0, \n";
outStream <<
" uniform float4 pssmSplitPoints, \n";
for (int i=0; i<numsplits; ++i)
outStream <<
" uniform sampler2D shadowMap"<<i<<" : register(s"<<i+1<<"), \n"
" float4 lightSpacePos"<<i<<" : TEXCOORD"<<i+5<<", \n"
" uniform float4 invShadowmapSize"<<i<<", \n";
if (mrt) outStream <<
" out float4 oColor1 : COLOR1, \n"
" uniform float far, \n";
for (int i=0; i<num_lights; ++i)
outStream <<
" uniform float4 lightDiffuse"<<i<<", \n"
" uniform float4 lightPositionObjSpace"<<i<<", \n"
" uniform float4 lightAttenuation"<<i<<", \n";
outStream <<
" uniform float4 lightAmbient, \n"
" uniform float4 ambient, \n"
" uniform float4 diffuse, \n"
" uniform float4 emissive \n"
") \n"
"{ \n"
" float4 tex = tex2D(texture, uv); \n"
" float d; \n"
" float attn; \n"
" float3 lightDir; \n"
" float3 lightColour = float3(0, 0, 0); \n";
for (int i=0; i<num_lights; ++i)
outStream <<
" lightDir = lightPositionObjSpace"<<i<<".xyz - (positionObjSpace.xyz * lightPositionObjSpace"<<i<<".w); \n"
// pre-multiply light color with attenuation factor
" d = length( lightDir ); \n"
" attn = ( 1.0 / (( lightAttenuation"<<i<<".y ) + ( lightAttenuation"<<i<<".z * d ) + ( lightAttenuation"<<i<<".w * d * d ))); \n"
" lightDiffuse"<<i<<" *= attn; \n";
if (i == 0 && shadows)
outStream <<
" float shadow; \n";
if (!split) outStream <<
" shadow = depthShadow(shadowMap, lightSpacePos0, invShadowmapSize0.xy); \n";
for (int j=0; j<numsplits; ++j)
std::string channel;
if (j==0) channel = "x";
else if (j==1) channel = "y";
else if (j==2) channel = "z";
if (j==0)
outStream << " if (iDepth <= pssmSplitPoints." << channel << ") \n";
else if (j < numsplits - 1)
outStream << " else if (iDepth <= pssmSplitPoints." << channel << ") \n";
outStream << " else \n";
outStream <<
" { \n"
" shadow = depthShadow(shadowMap" << j << ", lightSpacePos" << j << ", invShadowmapSize" << j << ".xy); \n"
" } \n";
outStream <<
" float fadeRange = shadowFar_fadeStart.x - shadowFar_fadeStart.y; \n"
" float fade = 1-((iDepth - shadowFar_fadeStart.y) / fadeRange); \n"
" shadow = (iDepth > shadowFar_fadeStart.x) ? 1 : ((iDepth > shadowFar_fadeStart.y) ? 1-((1-shadow)*fade) : shadow); \n"
" lightColour.xyz += shadow * lit(dot(normalize(lightDir), normalize(normal)), 0, 0).y * lightDiffuse"<<i<<".xyz;\n";
else outStream <<
" lightColour.xyz += lit(dot(normalize(lightDir), normalize(normal)), 0, 0).y * lightDiffuse"<<i<<".xyz;\n";
outStream <<
" float3 lightingFinal = lightColour.xyz * diffuse.xyz + ambient.xyz * lightAmbient.xyz + emissive.xyz; \n"
" float fogValue = saturate((iDepth - fogParams.y) * fogParams.w); \n"
" oColor.xyz = saturate(lerp(lightingFinal * tex.xyz * vertexColour.xyz, fogColour.xyz, fogValue)); \n" // saturate output to prevent negative output colors - TODO: replace this once there is HDR-rendering
" oColor.a = tex.a * diffuse.a * vertexColour.a; \n";
if (mrt) outStream <<
" oColor1 = float4(iDepth / far, 0, 0, (oColor.a == 1)); \n"; // only write to MRT if alpha is 1
outStream <<
for (int i=0; i<num_lights; ++i)
fragment->getDefaultParameters()->setNamedAutoConstant("lightPositionObjSpace"+StringConverter::toString(i), GpuProgramParameters::ACT_LIGHT_POSITION_OBJECT_SPACE, i);
fragment->getDefaultParameters()->setNamedAutoConstant("lightDiffuse"+StringConverter::toString(i), GpuProgramParameters::ACT_LIGHT_DIFFUSE_COLOUR, i);
fragment->getDefaultParameters()->setNamedAutoConstant("lightAttenuation"+StringConverter::toString(i), GpuProgramParameters::ACT_LIGHT_ATTENUATION, i);
fragment->getDefaultParameters()->setNamedAutoConstant("emissive", GpuProgramParameters::ACT_SURFACE_EMISSIVE_COLOUR);
fragment->getDefaultParameters()->setNamedAutoConstant("diffuse", GpuProgramParameters::ACT_SURFACE_DIFFUSE_COLOUR);
fragment->getDefaultParameters()->setNamedAutoConstant("ambient", GpuProgramParameters::ACT_SURFACE_AMBIENT_COLOUR);
fragment->getDefaultParameters()->setNamedAutoConstant("lightAmbient", GpuProgramParameters::ACT_AMBIENT_LIGHT_COLOUR);
fragment->getDefaultParameters()->setNamedAutoConstant("fogColour", GpuProgramParameters::ACT_FOG_COLOUR);
fragment->getDefaultParameters()->setNamedAutoConstant("fogParams", GpuProgramParameters::ACT_FOG_PARAMS);
if (shadows)
fragment->getDefaultParameters()->setNamedConstant("shadowFar_fadeStart", Vector4(mRendering->getShadows()->getShadowFar(), mRendering->getShadows()->getFadeStart()*mRendering->getShadows()->getShadowFar(), 0, 0));
for (int i=0; i < (split ? numsplits : 1); ++i)
fragment->getDefaultParameters()->setNamedAutoConstant("invShadowmapSize" + StringConverter::toString(i), GpuProgramParameters::ACT_INVERSE_TEXTURE_SIZE, i+1);
if (split)
Vector4 splitPoints;
const PSSMShadowCameraSetup::SplitPointList& splitPointList = mRendering->getShadows()->getPSSMSetup()->getSplitPoints();
// Populate from split point 1, not 0, since split 0 isn't useful (usually 0)
for (int i = 1; i < numsplits; ++i)
splitPoints[i-1] = splitPointList[i];
fragment->getDefaultParameters()->setNamedConstant("pssmSplitPoints", splitPoints);
if (mrt)
fragment->getDefaultParameters()->setNamedAutoConstant("far", GpuProgramParameters::ACT_FAR_CLIP_DISTANCE);
@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
#include <string>
namespace MWRender
class RenderingManager;
/// \brief manages the main shader
class ShaderHelper
ShaderHelper(RenderingManager* rend);
void applyShaders();
///< apply new settings
RenderingManager* mRendering;
void createShader(const bool mrt, const bool shadows, const bool split, const std::string& name);
Reference in a new issue