@ -27,6 +27,38 @@ int CSVRender::InstanceMode::getSubModeFromId (const std::string& id) const
return id=="move" ? 0 : (id=="rotate" ? 1 : 2);
osg::Vec3f CSVRender::InstanceMode::quatToEuler(const osg::Quat& rot) const
const float Pi = 3.14159265f;
float x, y, z;
float test = 2 * (rot.w() * rot.y() + rot.x() * rot.z());
if (std::abs(test) >= 1.f)
x = atan2(rot.x(), rot.w());
y = (test > 0) ? (Pi / 2) : (-Pi / 2);
z = 0;
x = std::atan2(2 * (rot.w() * rot.x() - rot.y() * rot.z()), 1 - 2 * (rot.x() * rot.x() + rot.y() * rot.y()));
y = std::asin(test);
z = std::atan2(2 * (rot.w() * rot.z() - rot.x() * rot.y()), 1 - 2 * (rot.y() * rot.y() + rot.z() * rot.z()));
return osg::Vec3f(-x, -y, -z);
osg::Quat CSVRender::InstanceMode::eulerToQuat(const osg::Vec3f& euler) const
osg::Quat xr = osg::Quat(-euler[0], osg::Vec3f(1,0,0));
osg::Quat yr = osg::Quat(-euler[1], osg::Vec3f(0,1,0));
osg::Quat zr = osg::Quat(-euler[2], osg::Vec3f(0,0,1));
return zr * yr * xr;
CSVRender::InstanceMode::InstanceMode (WorldspaceWidget *worldspaceWidget, QWidget *parent)
: EditMode (worldspaceWidget, QIcon (":placeholder"), Mask_Reference, "Instance editing",
parent), mSubMode (0), mSubModeId ("move"), mSelectionMode (0), mDragMode (DragMode_None),
@ -44,14 +76,16 @@ void CSVRender::InstanceMode::activate (CSVWidget::SceneToolbar *toolbar)
"Rotate selected instances"
"<ul><li>Use {scene-edit-primary} to rotate instances freely</li>"
"<li>Use {scene-edit-secondary} to rotate instances within the grid</li>"
"<li>The center of the view acts as the axis of rotation</li>"
"<font color=Red>Not implemented yet</font color>");
"<font color=Red>Grid rotate not implemented yet</font color>");
mSubMode->addButton (":placeholder", "scale",
"Scale selected instances"
"<ul><li>Use {scene-edit-primary} to scale instances freely</li>"
"<li>Use {scene-edit-secondary} to scale instances along the grid</li>"
"<li>The scaling rate is based on how close the start of a drag is to the center of the screen</li>"
"<font color=Red>Not implemented yet</font color>");
"<font color=Red>Grid scale not implemented yet</font color>");
mSubMode->setButton (mSubModeId);
@ -151,6 +185,7 @@ bool CSVRender::InstanceMode::primaryEditStartDrag (const QPoint& pos)
if (mDragMode!=DragMode_None || mLocked)
return false;
WorldspaceHitResult hit = getWorldspaceWidget().mousePick (pos, getWorldspaceWidget().getInteractionMask());
if (hit.tag && CSMPrefs::get()["3D Scene Input"]["context-select"].isTrue())
@ -173,12 +208,33 @@ bool CSVRender::InstanceMode::primaryEditStartDrag (const QPoint& pos)
if (CSVRender::ObjectTag *objectTag = dynamic_cast<CSVRender::ObjectTag *> (iter->get()))
objectTag->mObject->setEdited (Object::Override_Position);
if (mSubModeId == "move")
objectTag->mObject->setEdited (Object::Override_Position);
mDragMode = DragMode_Move;
else if (mSubModeId == "rotate")
objectTag->mObject->setEdited (Object::Override_Rotation);
mDragMode = DragMode_Rotate;
else if (mSubModeId == "scale")
objectTag->mObject->setEdited (Object::Override_Scale);
mDragMode = DragMode_Scale;
// Calculate scale
int widgetWidth = getWorldspaceWidget().width();
int widgetHeight = getWorldspaceWidget().height();
int x = pos.x() - widgetWidth / 2;
int y = pos.y() - widgetHeight / 2;
mUnitScaleDist = std::sqrt(x * x + y * y);
// \todo check for sub-mode
if (CSVRender::ObjectMarkerTag *objectTag = dynamic_cast<CSVRender::ObjectMarkerTag *> (hit.tag.get()))
mDragAxis = objectTag->mAxis;
@ -186,8 +242,6 @@ bool CSVRender::InstanceMode::primaryEditStartDrag (const QPoint& pos)
mDragAxis = -1;
mDragMode = DragMode_Move;
return true;
@ -201,48 +255,139 @@ bool CSVRender::InstanceMode::secondaryEditStartDrag (const QPoint& pos)
void CSVRender::InstanceMode::drag (const QPoint& pos, int diffX, int diffY, double speedFactor)
osg::Vec3f eye;
osg::Vec3f centre;
osg::Vec3f up;
osg::Vec3f offset;
osg::Quat rotation;
getWorldspaceWidget().getCamera()->getViewMatrix().getLookAt (eye, centre, up);
if (mDragMode == DragMode_Move)
osg::Vec3f eye, centre, up;
getWorldspaceWidget().getCamera()->getViewMatrix().getLookAt (eye, centre, up);
osg::Vec3f offset;
if (diffY)
offset += up * diffY * speedFactor;
if (diffX)
offset += ((centre-eye) ^ up) * diffX * speedFactor;
if (diffY)
offset += up * diffY * speedFactor;
if (mDragAxis!=-1)
for (int i=0; i<3; ++i)
if (i!=mDragAxis)
offset[i] = 0;
else if (mDragMode == DragMode_Rotate)
osg::Vec3f eye, centre, up;
getWorldspaceWidget().getCamera()->getViewMatrix().getLookAt (eye, centre, up);
if (diffX)
offset += ((centre-eye) ^ up) * diffX * speedFactor;
osg::Vec3f camBack = eye - centre;
switch (mDragMode)
// Convert coordinate system
int widgetWidth = getWorldspaceWidget().width();
int widgetHeight = getWorldspaceWidget().height();
int newX = pos.x() - widgetWidth / 2;
int newY = -pos.y() + widgetHeight / 2;
int oldX = newX - diffX;
int oldY = newY - diffY; // diffY appears to already be flipped
osg::Vec3f oldVec = osg::Vec3f(oldX, oldY, 0);
osg::Vec3f newVec = osg::Vec3f(newX, newY, 0);
// Find angle and axis of rotation
float angle = std::acos(oldVec * newVec) * speedFactor;
if (((oldVec ^ newVec) * camBack < 0) ^ (camBack.z() < 0))
angle *= -1;
osg::Vec3f axis;
if (mDragAxis != -1)
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
if (i == mDragAxis)
axis[i] = 1;
axis[i] = 0;
if (camBack * axis < 0)
axis *= -1;
axis = camBack;
rotation = osg::Quat(angle, axis);
else if (mDragMode == DragMode_Scale)
case DragMode_Move:
int widgetWidth = getWorldspaceWidget().width();
int widgetHeight = getWorldspaceWidget().height();
int x = pos.x() - widgetWidth / 2;
int y = pos.y() - widgetHeight / 2;
float dist = std::sqrt(x * x + y * y);
float scale = dist / mUnitScaleDist;
// Only uniform scaling is currently supported
offset = osg::Vec3f(scale, scale, scale);
std::vector<osg::ref_ptr<TagBase> > selection = getWorldspaceWidget().getEdited (Mask_Reference);
for (std::vector<osg::ref_ptr<TagBase> >::iterator iter (selection.begin()); iter!=selection.end(); ++iter)
if (CSVRender::ObjectTag *objectTag = dynamic_cast<CSVRender::ObjectTag *> (iter->get()))
if (mDragAxis!=-1)
if (mDragMode == DragMode_Move)
ESM::Position position = objectTag->mObject->getPosition();
for (int i=0; i<3; ++i)
if (i!=mDragAxis)
offset[i] = 0;
std::vector<osg::ref_ptr<TagBase> > selection =
getWorldspaceWidget().getEdited (Mask_Reference);
position.pos[i] += offset[i];
for (std::vector<osg::ref_ptr<TagBase> >::iterator iter (selection.begin());
iter!=selection.end(); ++iter)
else if (mDragMode == DragMode_Rotate)
if (CSVRender::ObjectTag *objectTag = dynamic_cast<CSVRender::ObjectTag *> (iter->get()))
ESM::Position position = objectTag->mObject->getPosition();
osg::Quat currentRot = eulerToQuat(osg::Vec3f(position.rot[0], position.rot[1], position.rot[2]));
osg::Quat combined = currentRot * rotation;
osg::Vec3f euler = quatToEuler(combined);
// There appears to be a very rare rounding error that can cause asin to return NaN
if (!euler.isNaN())
ESM::Position position = objectTag->mObject->getPosition();
for (int i=0; i<3; ++i)
position.pos[i] += offset[i];
objectTag->mObject->setPosition (position.pos);
position.rot[0] = euler.x();
position.rot[1] = euler.y();
position.rot[2] = euler.z();
else if (mDragMode == DragMode_Scale)
// Reset scale
float scale = objectTag->mObject->getScale();
scale *= offset.x();
case DragMode_None: break;
objectTag->mObject->setScale (scale);
@ -258,6 +403,8 @@ void CSVRender::InstanceMode::dragCompleted(const QPoint& pos)
switch (mDragMode)
case DragMode_Move: description = "Move Instances"; break;
case DragMode_Rotate: description = "Rotate Instances"; break;
case DragMode_Scale: description = "Scale Instances"; break;
case DragMode_None: break;