@ -1113,6 +1113,19 @@ bool CharacterController::updateCarriedLeftVisible(const int weaptype) const
return mAnimation->updateCarriedLeftVisible(weaptype);
float CharacterController::calculateWindUp() const
if (mCurrentWeapon.empty() || mWeaponType == ESM::Weapon::PickProbe || isRandomAttackAnimation(mCurrentWeapon))
return -1.f;
float minAttackTime = mAnimation->getTextKeyTime(mCurrentWeapon + ": " + mAttackType + " min attack");
float maxAttackTime = mAnimation->getTextKeyTime(mCurrentWeapon + ": " + mAttackType + " max attack");
if (minAttackTime == -1.f || minAttackTime >= maxAttackTime)
return -1.f;
return std::clamp((mAnimation->getCurrentTime(mCurrentWeapon) - minAttackTime) / (maxAttackTime - minAttackTime), 0.f, 1.f);
bool CharacterController::updateWeaponState()
const auto world = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld();
@ -1167,7 +1180,7 @@ bool CharacterController::updateWeaponState()
// Cancel attack if we no longer have ammunition
if (!ammunition)
if (mUpperBodyState == UpperBodyState::AttackPreWindUp || mUpperBodyState == UpperBodyState::AttackWindUp)
if (mUpperBodyState == UpperBodyState::AttackWindUp)
mUpperBodyState = UpperBodyState::WeaponEquipped;
@ -1497,32 +1510,8 @@ bool CharacterController::updateWeaponState()
std::string startKey = "start";
std::string stopKey = "stop";
bool autodisable = false;
if (mWeaponType == ESM::Weapon::PickProbe)
autodisable = true;
mUpperBodyState = UpperBodyState::AttackEnd;
// TODO: this will only work for the player, and needs to be fixed if NPCs should ever use lockpicks/probes.
MWWorld::Ptr target = world->getFacedObject();
std::string resultMessage, resultSound;
if (mWeapon.getType() == ESM::Lockpick::sRecordId)
Security(mPtr).pickLock(target, mWeapon, resultMessage, resultSound);
else if (mWeapon.getType() == ESM::Probe::sRecordId)
Security(mPtr).probeTrap(target, mWeapon, resultMessage, resultSound);
if (!resultMessage.empty())
if (!resultSound.empty())
sndMgr->playSound3D(target, resultSound, 1.0f, 1.0f);
else if (!isRandomAttackAnimation(mCurrentWeapon))
if (mWeaponType != ESM::Weapon::PickProbe && !isRandomAttackAnimation(mCurrentWeapon))
if (weapclass == ESM::WeaponType::Ranged || weapclass == ESM::WeaponType::Thrown)
mAttackType = "shoot";
@ -1547,23 +1536,14 @@ bool CharacterController::updateWeaponState()
// else if (mPtr != getPlayer()) use mAttackType set by AiCombat
startKey = mAttackType + ' ' + startKey;
stopKey = mAttackType + " min attack";
stopKey = mAttackType + " max attack";
mAnimation->play(mCurrentWeapon, priorityWeapon,
MWRender::Animation::BlendMask_All, autodisable,
MWRender::Animation::BlendMask_All, false,
weapSpeed, startKey, stopKey,
0.0f, 0);
if (mWeaponType != ESM::Weapon::PickProbe && mAnimation->getCurrentTime(mCurrentWeapon) != -1.f)
mUpperBodyState = UpperBodyState::AttackPreWindUp;
if (isRandomAttackAnimation(mCurrentWeapon))
mAttackStrength = std::min(1.f, 0.1f + Misc::Rng::rollClosedProbability(prng));
mUpperBodyState = UpperBodyState::AttackWindUp;
@ -1574,41 +1554,97 @@ bool CharacterController::updateWeaponState()
if (!animPlaying)
animPlaying = mAnimation->getInfo(mCurrentWeapon, &complete);
if (mUpperBodyState == UpperBodyState::AttackWindUp)
// Random attack and pick/probe animations never have wind up and are played to their end.
// Other animations must be released when the attack state is unset.
if (mUpperBodyState == UpperBodyState::AttackWindUp && (mWeaponType == ESM::Weapon::PickProbe || isRandomAttackAnimation(mCurrentWeapon) || !getAttackingOrSpell()))
mAttackStrength = complete;
if (!getAttackingOrSpell())
mUpperBodyState = UpperBodyState::AttackRelease;
if (mWeaponType == ESM::Weapon::PickProbe)
float minAttackTime = mAnimation->getTextKeyTime(mCurrentWeapon+": "+mAttackType+" "+"min attack");
float maxAttackTime = mAnimation->getTextKeyTime(mCurrentWeapon+": "+mAttackType+" "+"max attack");
if (minAttackTime == maxAttackTime)
// TODO: this will only work for the player, and needs to be fixed if NPCs should ever use lockpicks/probes.
MWWorld::Ptr target = world->getFacedObject();
if (!target.isEmpty())
// most creatures don't actually have an attack wind-up animation, so use a uniform random value
// (even some creatures that can use weapons don't have a wind-up animation either, e.g. Rieklings)
// Note: vanilla MW uses a random value for *all* non-player actors, but we probably don't need to go that far.
std::string resultMessage, resultSound;
if (mWeapon.getType() == ESM::Lockpick::sRecordId)
Security(mPtr).pickLock(target, mWeapon, resultMessage, resultSound);
else if (mWeapon.getType() == ESM::Probe::sRecordId)
Security(mPtr).probeTrap(target, mWeapon, resultMessage, resultSound);
if (!resultMessage.empty())
if (!resultSound.empty())
sndMgr->playSound3D(target, resultSound, 1.0f, 1.0f);
mAttackStrength = calculateWindUp();
if (mAttackStrength == -1.f)
mAttackStrength = std::min(1.f, 0.1f + Misc::Rng::rollClosedProbability(prng));
if (mWeaponType == ESM::Weapon::PickProbe || isRandomAttackAnimation(mCurrentWeapon))
mUpperBodyState = UpperBodyState::AttackEnd;
if (mUpperBodyState == UpperBodyState::AttackRelease)
// The release state might have been reached before reaching the wind-up section. We'll play the new section only when the wind-up section is reached.
float currentTime = mAnimation->getCurrentTime(mCurrentWeapon);
float minAttackTime = mAnimation->getTextKeyTime(mCurrentWeapon + ": " + mAttackType + " min attack");
float maxAttackTime = mAnimation->getTextKeyTime(mCurrentWeapon + ": " + mAttackType + " max attack");
if (minAttackTime <= currentTime && currentTime <= maxAttackTime)
std::string hit = mAttackType != "shoot" ? "hit" : "release";
float startPoint = 0.f;
// Skip a bit of the pre-hit section based on the attack strength
if (minAttackTime != -1.f && minAttackTime < maxAttackTime)
startPoint = 1.f - mAttackStrength;
float minHitTime = mAnimation->getTextKeyTime(mCurrentWeapon + ": " + mAttackType + " min hit");
float hitTime = mAnimation->getTextKeyTime(mCurrentWeapon + ": " + mAttackType + ' ' + hit);
if (maxAttackTime <= minHitTime && minHitTime < hitTime)
startPoint *= (minHitTime - maxAttackTime) / (hitTime - maxAttackTime);
mAnimation->play(mCurrentWeapon, priorityWeapon, MWRender::Animation::BlendMask_All, false, weapSpeed,
mAttackType + " max attack", mAttackType + ' ' + hit, startPoint, 0);
animPlaying = mAnimation->getInfo(mCurrentWeapon, &complete);
// Try playing the "follow" section if the attack animation ended naturally or didn't play at all.
if (!animPlaying || (currentTime >= maxAttackTime && complete >= 1.f))
std::string start = "follow start";
std::string stop = "follow stop";
if (mAttackType != "shoot")
std::string strength = mAttackStrength < 0.5f ? "small" : mAttackStrength < 1.f ? "medium" : "large";
start = strength + ' ' + start;
stop = strength + ' ' + stop;
if (animPlaying)
mAnimation->play(mCurrentWeapon, priorityWeapon,
MWRender::Animation::BlendMask_All, false,
weapSpeed, mAttackType+" max attack", mAttackType+" min hit",
1.0f-complete, 0);
mAnimation->play(mCurrentWeapon, priorityWeapon, MWRender::Animation::BlendMask_All, false, weapSpeed, mAttackType + ' ' + start, mAttackType + ' ' + stop, 0.0f, 0);
mUpperBodyState = UpperBodyState::AttackEnd;
complete = 0.f;
mUpperBodyState = UpperBodyState::AttackRelease;
animPlaying = mAnimation->getInfo(mCurrentWeapon, &complete);
if(!animPlaying || complete >= 1.f)
if (!animPlaying)
animPlaying = mAnimation->getInfo(mCurrentWeapon, &complete);
if (!animPlaying || complete >= 1.f)
if (mUpperBodyState == UpperBodyState::Equipping ||
mUpperBodyState == UpperBodyState::AttackEnd ||
@ -1628,81 +1664,12 @@ bool CharacterController::updateWeaponState()
mUpperBodyState = UpperBodyState::WeaponEquipped;
else if (mUpperBodyState == UpperBodyState::Unequipping)
mUpperBodyState = UpperBodyState::None;
if (complete >= 1.0f && !isRandomAttackAnimation(mCurrentWeapon))
std::string start, stop;
case UpperBodyState::AttackWindUp:
//hack to avoid body pos desync when jumping/sneaking in 'max attack' state
mAnimation->play(mCurrentWeapon, priorityWeapon,
MWRender::Animation::BlendMask_All, false,
0, mAttackType+" min attack", mAttackType+" max attack", 0.999f, 0);
case UpperBodyState::AttackPreWindUp:
case UpperBodyState::AttackRelease:
if (mUpperBodyState == UpperBodyState::AttackPreWindUp)
// If actor is already stopped preparing attack, do not play the "min attack -> max attack" part.
// Happens if the player did not hold the attack button.
// Note: if the "min attack"->"max attack" is a stub, "play" it anyway. Attack strength will be random.
float minAttackTime = mAnimation->getTextKeyTime(mCurrentWeapon+": "+mAttackType+" "+"min attack");
float maxAttackTime = mAnimation->getTextKeyTime(mCurrentWeapon+": "+mAttackType+" "+"max attack");
if (getAttackingOrSpell() || minAttackTime == maxAttackTime)
start = mAttackType+" min attack";
stop = mAttackType+" max attack";
mUpperBodyState = UpperBodyState::AttackWindUp;
std::string hit = mAttackType == "shoot" ? "release" : "hit";
start = mAttackType + " min hit";
stop = mAttackType + ' ' + hit;
mUpperBodyState = UpperBodyState::AttackHit;
case UpperBodyState::AttackHit:
start = "follow start";
stop = "follow stop";
if (mAttackType != "shoot")
std::string strength = mAttackStrength < 0.5f ? "small" : mAttackStrength < 1.f ? "medium" : "large";
start = strength + ' ' + start;
stop = strength + ' ' + stop;
start = mAttackType + ' ' + start;
stop = mAttackType + ' ' + stop;
mUpperBodyState = UpperBodyState::AttackEnd;
mAnimation->play(mCurrentWeapon, priorityWeapon, MWRender::Animation::BlendMask_All, false, weapSpeed, start, stop, 0.0f, 0);
if (animPlaying)
mUpperBodyState = UpperBodyState::None;
else if(complete >= 1.0f && isRandomAttackAnimation(mCurrentWeapon))
if (isRecovery())
mUpperBodyState = UpperBodyState::WeaponEquipped;
mAnimation->getInfo(mCurrentWeapon, &complete);
if (mUpperBodyState > UpperBodyState::WeaponEquipped && (weapclass == ESM::WeaponType::Ranged || weapclass == ESM::WeaponType::Thrown))
@ -1710,8 +1677,14 @@ bool CharacterController::updateWeaponState()
// A smooth transition can be provided if a pre-wind-up section is defined. Random attack animations never have one.
if (mUpperBodyState == UpperBodyState::AttackPreWindUp && !isRandomAttackAnimation(mCurrentWeapon))
if (mUpperBodyState == UpperBodyState::AttackWindUp && !isRandomAttackAnimation(mCurrentWeapon))
float currentTime = mAnimation->getCurrentTime(mCurrentWeapon);
float minAttackTime = mAnimation->getTextKeyTime(mCurrentWeapon + ": " + mAttackType + " min attack");
float startTime = mAnimation->getTextKeyTime(mCurrentWeapon + ": " + mAttackType + " start");
if (startTime <= currentTime && currentTime < minAttackTime)
mAnimation->setPitchFactor((currentTime - startTime) / (minAttackTime - startTime));
else if (mUpperBodyState == UpperBodyState::AttackEnd)
// technically we do not need a pitch for crossbow reload animation,
@ -2603,8 +2576,7 @@ bool CharacterController::isRandomAttackAnimation(std::string_view group)
bool CharacterController::isAttackPreparing() const
return mUpperBodyState == UpperBodyState::AttackPreWindUp ||
mUpperBodyState == UpperBodyState::AttackWindUp;
return mUpperBodyState == UpperBodyState::AttackWindUp;
bool CharacterController::isCastingSpell() const
@ -2732,7 +2704,7 @@ void CharacterController::setHeadTrackTarget(const MWWorld::ConstPtr &target)
mHeadTrackTarget = target;
void CharacterController::playSwishSound(float attackStrength) const
void CharacterController::playSwishSound() const
ESM::WeaponType::Class weapclass = getWeaponType(mWeaponType)->mWeaponClass;
if (weapclass == ESM::WeaponType::Ranged || weapclass == ESM::WeaponType::Thrown)
@ -2753,9 +2725,9 @@ void CharacterController::playSwishSound(float attackStrength) const
soundId = "Weapon Swish";
if (attackStrength < 0.5f)
if (mAttackStrength < 0.5f)
pitch = 0.8f; // Weak attack
else if (attackStrength >= 1.f)
else if (mAttackStrength >= 1.f)
pitch = 1.2f; // Strong attack