diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md index a46f47f530..face13d193 100644 --- a/CHANGELOG.md +++ b/CHANGELOG.md @@ -1,7 +1,6 @@ 0.47.0 ------ - Bug #832: OpenMW-CS: Handle deleted references Bug #1662: Qt4 and Windows binaries crash if there's a non-ASCII character in a file path/config path Bug #1901: Actors colliding behaviour is different from vanilla Bug #1952: Incorrect particle lighting @@ -9,7 +8,7 @@ Bug #2311: Targeted scripts are not properly supported on non-unique RefIDs Bug #2473: Unable to overstock merchants Bug #2798: Mutable ESM records - Bug #2976 [reopened]: Issues combining settings from the command line and both config files + Bug #2976: [reopened]: Issues combining settings from the command line and both config files Bug #3137: Walking into a wall prevents jumping Bug #3372: Projectiles and magic bolts go through moving targets Bug #3676: NiParticleColorModifier isn't applied properly @@ -24,7 +23,7 @@ Bug #4201: Projectile-projectile collision Bug #4247: Cannot walk up stairs in Ebonheart docks Bug #4357: OpenMW-CS: TopicInfos index sorting and rearranging isn't fully functional - Bug #4363: Editor: Defect in Clone Function for Dialogue Info records + Bug #4363: OpenMW-CS: Defect in Clone Function for Dialogue Info records Bug #4447: Actor collision capsule shape allows looking through some walls Bug #4465: Collision shape overlapping causes twitching Bug #4476: Abot Gondoliers: player hangs in air during scenic travel @@ -34,6 +33,7 @@ Bug #4764: Data race in osg ParticleSystem Bug #4765: Data race in ChunkManager -> Array::setBinding Bug #4774: Guards are ignorant of an invisible player that tries to attack them + Bug #5026: Data races with rain intensity uniform set by sky and used by water Bug #5101: Hostile followers travel with the player Bug #5108: Savegame bloating due to inefficient fog textures format Bug #5165: Active spells should use real time intead of timestamps @@ -44,11 +44,11 @@ Bug #5367: Selecting a spell on an enchanted item per hotkey always plays the equip sound Bug #5369: Spawnpoint in the Grazelands doesn't produce oversized creatures Bug #5370: Opening an unlocked but trapped door uses the key - Bug #5384: openmw-cs: deleting an instance requires reload of scene window to show in editor + Bug #5384: OpenMW-CS: Deleting an instance requires reload of scene window to show in editor Bug #5387: Move/MoveWorld don't update the object's cell properly Bug #5391: Races Redone 1.2 bodies don't show on the inventory Bug #5397: NPC greeting does not reset if you leave + reenter area - Bug #5400: Editor: Verifier checks race of non-skin bodyparts + Bug #5400: OpenMW-CS: Verifier checks race of non-skin bodyparts Bug #5403: Enchantment effect doesn't show on an enemy during death animation Bug #5415: Environment maps in ebony cuirass and HiRez Armors Indoril cuirass don't work Bug #5416: Junk non-node records before the root node are not handled gracefully @@ -70,6 +70,7 @@ Bug #5499: Faction advance is available when requirements not met Bug #5502: Dead zone for analogue stick movement is too small Bug #5507: Sound volume is not clamped on ingame settings update + Bug #5525: Case-insensitive search in the inventory window does not work with non-ASCII characters Bug #5531: Actors flee using current rotation by axis x Bug #5539: Window resize breaks when going from a lower resolution to full screen resolution Bug #5548: Certain exhausted topics can be highlighted again even though there's no new dialogue @@ -93,27 +94,33 @@ Bug #5703: OpenMW-CS menu system crashing on XFCE Bug #5706: AI sequences stop looping after the saved game is reloaded Bug #5713: OpenMW-CS: Collada models are corrupted in Qt-based scene view - Bug #5731: Editor: skirts are invisible on characters + Bug #5731: OpenMW-CS: skirts are invisible on characters Bug #5739: Saving and loading the save a second or two before hitting the ground doesn't count fall damage Bug #5758: Paralyzed actors behavior is inconsistent with vanilla Bug #5762: Movement solver is insufficiently robust + Bug #5807: Video decoding crash on ARM Bug #5821: NPCs from mods getting removed if mod order was changed Bug #5835: OpenMW doesn't accept negative values for NPC's hello, alarm, fight, and flee Bug #5836: OpenMW dialogue/greeting/voice filter doesn't accept negative Ai values for NPC's hello, alarm, fight, and flee Bug #5838: Local map and other menus become blank in some locations while playing Wizards' Islands mod. Bug #5840: GetSoundPlaying "Health Damage" doesn't play when NPC hits target with shield effect ( vanilla engine behavior ) Bug #5841: Can't Cast Zero Cost Spells When Magicka is < 0 + Bug #5869: Guards can initiate arrest dialogue behind locked doors Bug #5871: The console appears if you type the Russian letter "Ё" in the name of the enchantment + Bug #5877: Effects appearing with empty icon + Bug #5899: Visible modal windows and dropdowns crashing game on exit Feature #390: 3rd person look "over the shoulder" + Feature #832: OpenMW-CS: Handle deleted references Feature #1536: Show more information about level on menu Feature #2386: Distant Statics in the form of Object Paging Feature #2404: Levelled List can not be placed into a container Feature #2686: Timestamps in openmw.log Feature #3171: OpenMW-CS: Instance drag selection Feature #4894: Consider actors as obstacles for pathfinding + Feature #4899: Alpha-To-Coverage Anti-Aliasing for alpha testing Feature #4977: Use the "default icon.tga" when an item's icon is not found Feature #5043: Head Bobbing - Feature #5199: Improve Scene Colors + Feature #5199: OpenMW-CS: Improve scene view colors Feature #5297: Add a search function to the "Datafiles" tab of the OpenMW launcher Feature #5362: Show the soul gems' trapped soul in count dialog Feature #5445: Handle NiLines @@ -122,7 +129,6 @@ Feature #5486: Fixes trainers to choose their training skills based on their base skill points Feature #5519: Code Patch tab in launcher Feature #5524: Resume failed script execution after reload - Feature #5525: Search fields tweaks (utf-8) Feature #5545: Option to allow stealing from an unconscious NPC during combat Feature #5563: Run physics update in background thread Feature #5579: MCP SetAngle enhancement diff --git a/CI/before_install.osx.sh b/CI/before_install.osx.sh index ba0ff00ca7..6dad0abc19 100755 --- a/CI/before_install.osx.sh +++ b/CI/before_install.osx.sh @@ -1,13 +1,19 @@ -#!/bin/sh -e +#!/bin/sh -ex # workaround python issue on travis HOMEBREW_NO_AUTO_UPDATE=1 brew uninstall --ignore-dependencies python@3.8 || true HOMEBREW_NO_AUTO_UPDATE=1 brew uninstall --ignore-dependencies python@3.9 || true +HOMEBREW_NO_AUTO_UPDATE=1 brew uninstall --ignore-dependencies qt@6 || true # Some of these tools can come from places other than brew, so check before installing command -v ccache >/dev/null 2>&1 || brew install ccache command -v cmake >/dev/null 2>&1 || brew install cmake -command -v qmake >/dev/null 2>&1 || brew install qt +command -v qmake >/dev/null 2>&1 || brew install qt@5 +export PATH="/usr/local/opt/qt@5/bin:$PATH" # needed to use qmake in none default path as qt now points to qt6 + +ccache --version +cmake --version +qmake --version curl -fSL -R -J https://downloads.openmw.org/osx/dependencies/openmw-deps-f8918dd.zip -o ~/openmw-deps.zip unzip -o ~/openmw-deps.zip -d /private/tmp/openmw-deps > /dev/null diff --git a/CI/before_script.osx.sh b/CI/before_script.osx.sh index 8f9be16e1a..36fa792991 100755 --- a/CI/before_script.osx.sh +++ b/CI/before_script.osx.sh @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ export CXX=clang++ export CC=clang DEPENDENCIES_ROOT="/private/tmp/openmw-deps/openmw-deps" -QT_PATH=$(brew --prefix qt) +QT_PATH=$(brew --prefix qt@5) CCACHE_EXECUTABLE=$(brew --prefix ccache)/bin/ccache mkdir build cd build diff --git a/CI/install_debian_deps.sh b/CI/install_debian_deps.sh index 82d2ff6819..3e7ab7fca3 100755 --- a/CI/install_debian_deps.sh +++ b/CI/install_debian_deps.sh @@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ declare -rA GROUPED_DEPS=( libsdl2-dev libqt5opengl5-dev libopenal-dev libunshield-dev libtinyxml-dev libbullet-dev liblz4-dev libpng-dev libjpeg-dev " + # TODO: add librecastnavigation-dev when debian is ready # These dependencies can alternatively be built and linked statically. [openmw-deps-dynamic]="libmygui-dev libopenscenegraph-dev" diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt index fdac00d1e5..fa11942050 100644 --- a/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/CMakeLists.txt @@ -16,6 +16,11 @@ endif() # Detect OS include(cmake/OSIdentity.cmake) +option(OPENMW_GL4ES_MANUAL_INIT "Manually initialize gl4es. This is more reliable on platforms without a windowing system. Requires gl4es to be configured with -DNOEGL=ON -DNO_LOADER=ON -DNO_INIT_CONSTRUCTOR=ON." OFF) +if(OPENMW_GL4ES_MANUAL_INIT) + add_definitions(-DOPENMW_GL4ES_MANUAL_INIT) +endif() + # Apps and tools option(BUILD_OPENMW "Build OpenMW" ON) option(BUILD_LAUNCHER "Build Launcher" ON) @@ -130,6 +135,7 @@ option(MYGUI_STATIC "Link static build of Mygui into the binaries" ${_mygui_stat option(OPENMW_USE_SYSTEM_RECASTNAVIGATION "Use system provided recastnavigation library" OFF) if(OPENMW_USE_SYSTEM_RECASTNAVIGATION) set(_recastnavigation_static_default OFF) + find_package(RecastNavigation REQUIRED) else() set(_recastnavigation_static_default ON) endif() diff --git a/apps/opencs/CMakeLists.txt b/apps/opencs/CMakeLists.txt index 8be1fa4d30..65575580ad 100644 --- a/apps/opencs/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/apps/opencs/CMakeLists.txt @@ -215,12 +215,16 @@ if(APPLE) endif(APPLE) target_link_libraries(openmw-cs - ${OSG_LIBRARIES} - ${OSGTEXT_LIBRARIES} - ${OSGUTIL_LIBRARIES} + # CMake's built-in OSG finder does not use pkgconfig, so we have to + # manually ensure the order is correct for inter-library dependencies. + # This only makes a difference with `-DOPENMW_USE_SYSTEM_OSG=ON -DOSG_STATIC=ON`. + # https://gitlab.kitware.com/cmake/cmake/-/issues/21701 ${OSGVIEWER_LIBRARIES} - ${OSGGA_LIBRARIES} ${OSGFX_LIBRARIES} + ${OSGGA_LIBRARIES} + ${OSGUTIL_LIBRARIES} + ${OSGTEXT_LIBRARIES} + ${OSG_LIBRARIES} ${EXTERN_OSGQT_LIBRARY} ${Boost_SYSTEM_LIBRARY} ${Boost_FILESYSTEM_LIBRARY} @@ -233,17 +237,24 @@ if(OSG_STATIC) add_library(openmw_cs_osg_plugins INTERFACE) foreach(_plugin ${USED_OSG_PLUGINS}) string(TOUPPER ${_plugin} _plugin_uc) - if (${_plugin_uc}_LIBRARY MATCHES "[/.]") + if(OPENMW_USE_SYSTEM_OSG) list(APPEND _osg_plugins_static_files ${${_plugin_uc}_LIBRARY}) else() list(APPEND _osg_plugins_static_files $) + target_link_libraries(openmw_cs_osg_plugins INTERFACE $) + add_dependencies(openmw_cs_osg_plugins ${${_plugin_uc}_LIBRARY}) endif() - target_link_libraries(openmw_cs_osg_plugins INTERFACE ${${_plugin_uc}_LIBRARY}) endforeach() # We use --whole-archive because OSG plugins use registration. get_whole_archive_options(_opts ${_osg_plugins_static_files}) target_link_options(openmw_cs_osg_plugins INTERFACE ${_opts}) target_link_libraries(openmw-cs openmw_cs_osg_plugins) + + if(OPENMW_USE_SYSTEM_OSG) + # OSG plugin pkgconfig files are missing these dependencies. + # https://github.com/openscenegraph/OpenSceneGraph/issues/1052 + target_link_libraries(openmw freetype jpeg png) + endif() endif(OSG_STATIC) target_link_libraries(openmw-cs Qt5::Widgets Qt5::Core Qt5::Network Qt5::OpenGL) diff --git a/apps/openmw/CMakeLists.txt b/apps/openmw/CMakeLists.txt index dda517c44b..5e5bb8a9f6 100644 --- a/apps/openmw/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/apps/openmw/CMakeLists.txt @@ -122,13 +122,18 @@ include_directories( ) target_link_libraries(openmw - ${OSG_LIBRARIES} + # CMake's built-in OSG finder does not use pkgconfig, so we have to + # manually ensure the order is correct for inter-library dependencies. + # This only makes a difference with `-DOPENMW_USE_SYSTEM_OSG=ON -DOSG_STATIC=ON`. + # https://gitlab.kitware.com/cmake/cmake/-/issues/21701 ${OSGPARTICLE_LIBRARIES} - ${OSGUTIL_LIBRARIES} - ${OSGDB_LIBRARIES} ${OSGVIEWER_LIBRARIES} ${OSGGA_LIBRARIES} ${OSGSHADOW_LIBRARIES} + ${OSGDB_LIBRARIES} + ${OSGUTIL_LIBRARIES} + ${OSG_LIBRARIES} + ${Boost_SYSTEM_LIBRARY} ${Boost_THREAD_LIBRARY} ${Boost_FILESYSTEM_LIBRARY} @@ -148,17 +153,24 @@ if(OSG_STATIC) add_library(openmw_osg_plugins INTERFACE) foreach(_plugin ${USED_OSG_PLUGINS}) string(TOUPPER ${_plugin} _plugin_uc) - if (${_plugin_uc}_LIBRARY MATCHES "[/.]") + if(OPENMW_USE_SYSTEM_OSG) list(APPEND _osg_plugins_static_files ${${_plugin_uc}_LIBRARY}) else() list(APPEND _osg_plugins_static_files $) + target_link_libraries(openmw_osg_plugins INTERFACE $) + add_dependencies(openmw_osg_plugins ${${_plugin_uc}_LIBRARY}) endif() - target_link_libraries(openmw_osg_plugins INTERFACE ${${_plugin_uc}_LIBRARY}) endforeach() # We use --whole-archive because OSG plugins use registration. get_whole_archive_options(_opts ${_osg_plugins_static_files}) target_link_options(openmw_osg_plugins INTERFACE ${_opts}) target_link_libraries(openmw openmw_osg_plugins) + + if(OPENMW_USE_SYSTEM_OSG) + # OSG plugin pkgconfig files are missing these dependencies. + # https://github.com/openscenegraph/OpenSceneGraph/issues/1052 + target_link_libraries(openmw freetype jpeg png) + endif() endif(OSG_STATIC) if (ANDROID) diff --git a/apps/openmw/mwbase/world.hpp b/apps/openmw/mwbase/world.hpp index 194e8f6956..27980f0705 100644 --- a/apps/openmw/mwbase/world.hpp +++ b/apps/openmw/mwbase/world.hpp @@ -539,6 +539,7 @@ namespace MWBase virtual void launchMagicBolt (const std::string& spellId, const MWWorld::Ptr& caster, const osg::Vec3f& fallbackDirection) = 0; virtual void launchProjectile (MWWorld::Ptr& actor, MWWorld::Ptr& projectile, const osg::Vec3f& worldPos, const osg::Quat& orient, MWWorld::Ptr& bow, float speed, float attackStrength) = 0; + virtual void updateProjectilesCasters() = 0; virtual void applyLoopingParticles(const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr) = 0; diff --git a/apps/openmw/mwgui/bookpage.hpp b/apps/openmw/mwgui/bookpage.hpp index 4e49b8f67e..f9fd930897 100644 --- a/apps/openmw/mwgui/bookpage.hpp +++ b/apps/openmw/mwgui/bookpage.hpp @@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ namespace MWGui { static const int fontHeight = MWBase::Environment::get().getWindowManager()->getFontHeight(); - MyGUI::GlyphInfo* gi = font->getGlyphInfo(ch); + const MyGUI::GlyphInfo* gi = font->getGlyphInfo(ch); if (gi) { const float scale = font->getDefaultHeight() / (float) fontHeight; diff --git a/apps/openmw/mwgui/layout.cpp b/apps/openmw/mwgui/layout.cpp index ae1c096599..9b9b9537f9 100644 --- a/apps/openmw/mwgui/layout.cpp +++ b/apps/openmw/mwgui/layout.cpp @@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ namespace MWGui void Layout::shutdown() { + setVisible(false); MyGUI::Gui::getInstance().destroyWidget(mMainWidget); mListWindowRoot.clear(); } diff --git a/apps/openmw/mwgui/spellicons.cpp b/apps/openmw/mwgui/spellicons.cpp index e6a10ee32b..405abfbae7 100644 --- a/apps/openmw/mwgui/spellicons.cpp +++ b/apps/openmw/mwgui/spellicons.cpp @@ -181,7 +181,9 @@ namespace MWGui } else if (mWidgetMap.find(effectId) != mWidgetMap.end()) { - mWidgetMap[effectId]->setVisible(false); + MyGUI::ImageBox* image = mWidgetMap[effectId]; + image->setVisible(false); + image->setAlpha(1.f); } } diff --git a/apps/openmw/mwgui/windowmanagerimp.cpp b/apps/openmw/mwgui/windowmanagerimp.cpp index 7da8cb7bd8..62b3d32d04 100644 --- a/apps/openmw/mwgui/windowmanagerimp.cpp +++ b/apps/openmw/mwgui/windowmanagerimp.cpp @@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ namespace MWGui , mWerewolfOverlayEnabled(Settings::Manager::getBool ("werewolf overlay", "GUI")) , mHudEnabled(true) , mCursorVisible(true) - , mCursorActive(false) + , mCursorActive(true) , mPlayerBounty(-1) , mGui(nullptr) , mGuiModes() @@ -503,8 +503,6 @@ namespace MWGui { mStatsWatcher.reset(); - mKeyboardNavigation.reset(); - MyGUI::LanguageManager::getInstance().eventRequestTag.clear(); MyGUI::PointerManager::getInstance().eventChangeMousePointer.clear(); MyGUI::InputManager::getInstance().eventChangeKeyFocus.clear(); @@ -523,6 +521,8 @@ namespace MWGui delete mCursorManager; delete mToolTips; + mKeyboardNavigation.reset(); + cleanupGarbage(); mFontLoader.reset(); diff --git a/apps/openmw/mwmechanics/aipursue.cpp b/apps/openmw/mwmechanics/aipursue.cpp index bfe860d6d9..5af73887cb 100644 --- a/apps/openmw/mwmechanics/aipursue.cpp +++ b/apps/openmw/mwmechanics/aipursue.cpp @@ -53,9 +53,14 @@ bool AiPursue::execute (const MWWorld::Ptr& actor, CharacterController& characte const float pathTolerance = 100.f; - if (pathTo(actor, dest, duration, pathTolerance) && - std::abs(dest.z() - actorPos.z()) < pathTolerance) // check the true distance in case the target is far away in Z-direction + // check the true distance in case the target is far away in Z-direction + bool reached = pathTo(actor, dest, duration, pathTolerance) && + std::abs(dest.z() - actorPos.z()) < pathTolerance; + + if (reached) { + if (!MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getLOS(target, actor)) + return false; MWBase::Environment::get().getWindowManager()->pushGuiMode(MWGui::GM_Dialogue, actor); //Arrest player when reached return true; } diff --git a/apps/openmw/mwmechanics/character.cpp b/apps/openmw/mwmechanics/character.cpp index 172ddb25cf..99f8632f3a 100644 --- a/apps/openmw/mwmechanics/character.cpp +++ b/apps/openmw/mwmechanics/character.cpp @@ -2920,8 +2920,8 @@ void CharacterController::updateHeadTracking(float duration) if (!head) return; - float zAngleRadians = 0.f; - float xAngleRadians = 0.f; + double zAngleRadians = 0.f; + double xAngleRadians = 0.f; if (!mHeadTrackTarget.isEmpty()) { @@ -2954,15 +2954,16 @@ void CharacterController::updateHeadTracking(float duration) const osg::Vec3f actorDirection = mPtr.getRefData().getBaseNode()->getAttitude() * osg::Vec3f(0,1,0); zAngleRadians = std::atan2(actorDirection.x(), actorDirection.y()) - std::atan2(direction.x(), direction.y()); + zAngleRadians = Misc::normalizeAngle(zAngleRadians - mAnimation->getHeadYaw()) + mAnimation->getHeadYaw(); + zAngleRadians *= (1 - direction.z() * direction.z()); xAngleRadians = std::asin(direction.z()); } const double xLimit = osg::DegreesToRadians(40.0); const double zLimit = osg::DegreesToRadians(30.0); double zLimitOffset = mAnimation->getUpperBodyYawRadians(); - xAngleRadians = osg::clampBetween(Misc::normalizeAngle(xAngleRadians), -xLimit, xLimit); - zAngleRadians = osg::clampBetween(Misc::normalizeAngle(zAngleRadians), - -zLimit + zLimitOffset, zLimit + zLimitOffset); + xAngleRadians = osg::clampBetween(xAngleRadians, -xLimit, xLimit); + zAngleRadians = osg::clampBetween(zAngleRadians, -zLimit + zLimitOffset, zLimit + zLimitOffset); float factor = duration*5; factor = std::min(factor, 1.f); diff --git a/apps/openmw/mwmechanics/combat.cpp b/apps/openmw/mwmechanics/combat.cpp index fd3f318117..9e5774ea9e 100644 --- a/apps/openmw/mwmechanics/combat.cpp +++ b/apps/openmw/mwmechanics/combat.cpp @@ -305,6 +305,10 @@ namespace MWMechanics void applyElementalShields(const MWWorld::Ptr &attacker, const MWWorld::Ptr &victim) { + // Don't let elemental shields harm the player in god mode. + bool godmode = attacker == getPlayer() && MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getGodModeState(); + if (godmode) + return; for (int i=0; i<3; ++i) { float magnitude = victim.getClass().getCreatureStats(victim).getMagicEffects().get(ESM::MagicEffect::FireShield+i).getMagnitude(); diff --git a/apps/openmw/mwphysics/actor.cpp b/apps/openmw/mwphysics/actor.cpp index 3b52ee934f..06abe72403 100644 --- a/apps/openmw/mwphysics/actor.cpp +++ b/apps/openmw/mwphysics/actor.cpp @@ -174,6 +174,9 @@ osg::Vec3f Actor::getCollisionObjectPosition() const bool Actor::setPosition(const osg::Vec3f& position) { std::scoped_lock lock(mPositionMutex); + // position is being forced, ignore simulation results until we sync up + if (mSkipSimulation) + return false; bool hasChanged = mPosition != position || mPositionOffset.length() != 0 || mWorldPositionChanged; mPreviousPosition = mPosition + mPositionOffset; mPosition = position + mPositionOffset; @@ -187,6 +190,17 @@ void Actor::adjustPosition(const osg::Vec3f& offset) mPositionOffset += offset; } +void Actor::applyOffsetChange() +{ + if (mPositionOffset.length() == 0) + return; + mWorldPosition += mPositionOffset; + mPosition += mPositionOffset; + mPreviousPosition += mPositionOffset; + mPositionOffset = osg::Vec3f(); + mWorldPositionChanged = true; +} + osg::Vec3f Actor::getPosition() const { return mPosition; diff --git a/apps/openmw/mwphysics/actor.hpp b/apps/openmw/mwphysics/actor.hpp index 9d129f2ba6..031125f40d 100644 --- a/apps/openmw/mwphysics/actor.hpp +++ b/apps/openmw/mwphysics/actor.hpp @@ -96,9 +96,16 @@ namespace MWPhysics * Returns true if the new position is different. */ bool setPosition(const osg::Vec3f& position); + + // force set actor position to be as in Ptr::RefData void updatePosition(); + + // register a position offset that will be applied during simulation. void adjustPosition(const osg::Vec3f& offset); + // apply position offset. Can't be called during simulation + void applyOffsetChange(); + osg::Vec3f getPosition() const; osg::Vec3f getPreviousPosition() const; diff --git a/apps/openmw/mwphysics/heightfield.cpp b/apps/openmw/mwphysics/heightfield.cpp index 34127fe3ae..e210bc3903 100644 --- a/apps/openmw/mwphysics/heightfield.cpp +++ b/apps/openmw/mwphysics/heightfield.cpp @@ -10,6 +10,12 @@ #include +#if BT_BULLET_VERSION < 310 +// Older Bullet versions only support `btScalar` heightfields. +// Our heightfield data is `float`. +// +// These functions handle conversion from `float` to `double` when +// `btScalar` is `double` (`BT_USE_DOUBLE_PRECISION`). namespace { template @@ -40,14 +46,18 @@ namespace return btScalarHeights.data(); } } +#endif namespace MWPhysics { HeightField::HeightField(const float* heights, int x, int y, float triSize, float sqrtVerts, float minH, float maxH, const osg::Object* holdObject, PhysicsTaskScheduler* scheduler) : mHoldObject(holdObject) +#if BT_BULLET_VERSION < 310 , mHeights(makeHeights(heights, sqrtVerts)) +#endif , mTaskScheduler(scheduler) { +#if BT_BULLET_VERSION < 310 mShape = std::make_unique( sqrtVerts, sqrtVerts, getHeights(heights, mHeights), @@ -55,6 +65,10 @@ namespace MWPhysics minH, maxH, 2, PHY_FLOAT, false ); +#else + mShape = std::make_unique( + sqrtVerts, sqrtVerts, heights, minH, maxH, 2, false); +#endif mShape->setUseDiamondSubdivision(true); mShape->setLocalScaling(btVector3(triSize, triSize, 1)); diff --git a/apps/openmw/mwphysics/heightfield.hpp b/apps/openmw/mwphysics/heightfield.hpp index c76f8b9437..93b2733f31 100644 --- a/apps/openmw/mwphysics/heightfield.hpp +++ b/apps/openmw/mwphysics/heightfield.hpp @@ -34,7 +34,9 @@ namespace MWPhysics std::unique_ptr mShape; std::unique_ptr mCollisionObject; osg::ref_ptr mHoldObject; +#if BT_BULLET_VERSION < 310 std::vector mHeights; +#endif PhysicsTaskScheduler* mTaskScheduler; diff --git a/apps/openmw/mwphysics/mtphysics.cpp b/apps/openmw/mwphysics/mtphysics.cpp index 754bb60afe..2b0db5b82c 100644 --- a/apps/openmw/mwphysics/mtphysics.cpp +++ b/apps/openmw/mwphysics/mtphysics.cpp @@ -492,6 +492,7 @@ namespace MWPhysics if (actor->setPosition(actorData.mPosition)) { std::scoped_lock lock(mCollisionWorldMutex); + actorData.mPosition = actor->getPosition(); // account for potential position change made by script actor->updateCollisionObjectPosition(); mCollisionWorld->updateSingleAabb(actor->getCollisionObject()); } diff --git a/apps/openmw/mwphysics/physicssystem.cpp b/apps/openmw/mwphysics/physicssystem.cpp index 382b348b93..dc9ab629a1 100644 --- a/apps/openmw/mwphysics/physicssystem.cpp +++ b/apps/openmw/mwphysics/physicssystem.cpp @@ -604,7 +604,9 @@ namespace MWPhysics return object->getCollisionObject(); return nullptr; }(); - assert(caster); + + if (caster == nullptr) + Log(Debug::Warning) << "No caster for projectile " << projectileId; ProjectileConvexCallback resultCallback(caster, btFrom, btTo, projectile); resultCallback.m_collisionFilterMask = 0xff; @@ -695,6 +697,15 @@ namespace MWPhysics return mProjectileId; } + void PhysicsSystem::setCaster(int projectileId, const MWWorld::Ptr& caster) + { + const auto foundProjectile = mProjectiles.find(projectileId); + assert(foundProjectile != mProjectiles.end()); + auto* projectile = foundProjectile->second.get(); + + projectile->setCaster(caster); + } + bool PhysicsSystem::toggleCollisionMode() { ActorMap::iterator found = mActors.find(MWMechanics::getPlayer()); @@ -950,6 +961,10 @@ namespace MWPhysics void ActorFrameData::updatePosition() { mActorRaw->updateWorldPosition(); + // If physics runs "fast enough", position are interpolated without simulation + // By calling this here, we are sure that offsets are applied at least once per frame, + // regardless of simulation speed. + mActorRaw->applyOffsetChange(); mPosition = mActorRaw->getPosition(); if (mMoveToWaterSurface) { diff --git a/apps/openmw/mwphysics/physicssystem.hpp b/apps/openmw/mwphysics/physicssystem.hpp index 57ebbadbb3..80b2d98bcf 100644 --- a/apps/openmw/mwphysics/physicssystem.hpp +++ b/apps/openmw/mwphysics/physicssystem.hpp @@ -125,6 +125,7 @@ namespace MWPhysics void addActor (const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr, const std::string& mesh); int addProjectile(const MWWorld::Ptr& caster, const osg::Vec3f& position, const std::string& mesh, bool computeRadius, bool canTraverseWater); + void setCaster(int projectileId, const MWWorld::Ptr& caster); void updateProjectile(const int projectileId, const osg::Vec3f &position) const; void removeProjectile(const int projectileId); diff --git a/apps/openmw/mwrender/animation.cpp b/apps/openmw/mwrender/animation.cpp index 7ccf653ea1..d8c7599358 100644 --- a/apps/openmw/mwrender/animation.cpp +++ b/apps/openmw/mwrender/animation.cpp @@ -1613,7 +1613,7 @@ namespace MWRender { bool exterior = mPtr.isInCell() && mPtr.getCell()->getCell()->isExterior(); - SceneUtil::addLight(parent, esmLight, Mask_ParticleSystem, Mask_Lighting, exterior, mResourceSystem->getSceneManager()->getFFPLighting()); + SceneUtil::addLight(parent, esmLight, Mask_ParticleSystem, Mask_Lighting, exterior); } void Animation::addEffect (const std::string& model, int effectId, bool loop, const std::string& bonename, const std::string& texture) diff --git a/apps/openmw/mwrender/characterpreview.cpp b/apps/openmw/mwrender/characterpreview.cpp index 5527dd98bb..63dd5ff70b 100644 --- a/apps/openmw/mwrender/characterpreview.cpp +++ b/apps/openmw/mwrender/characterpreview.cpp @@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ #include #include #include +#include #include #include @@ -20,6 +21,7 @@ #include #include #include +#include #include "../mwbase/environment.hpp" #include "../mwbase/world.hpp" @@ -84,7 +86,8 @@ namespace MWRender }; - // Set up alpha blending to Additive mode to avoid issues caused by transparent objects writing onto the alpha value of the FBO + // Set up alpha blending mode to avoid issues caused by transparent objects writing onto the alpha value of the FBO + // This makes the RTT have premultiplied alpha, though, so the source blend factor must be GL_ONE when it's applied class SetUpBlendVisitor : public osg::NodeVisitor { public: @@ -94,22 +97,40 @@ namespace MWRender void apply(osg::Node& node) override { - if (osg::StateSet* stateset = node.getStateSet()) + if (osg::ref_ptr stateset = node.getStateSet()) { + osg::ref_ptr newStateSet; if (stateset->getAttribute(osg::StateAttribute::BLENDFUNC) || stateset->getBinNumber() == osg::StateSet::TRANSPARENT_BIN) { - osg::ref_ptr newStateSet = new osg::StateSet(*stateset, osg::CopyOp::SHALLOW_COPY); osg::BlendFunc* blendFunc = static_cast(stateset->getAttribute(osg::StateAttribute::BLENDFUNC)); - osg::ref_ptr newBlendFunc = blendFunc ? new osg::BlendFunc(*blendFunc) : new osg::BlendFunc; - newBlendFunc->setDestinationAlpha(osg::BlendFunc::ONE); - newStateSet->setAttribute(newBlendFunc, osg::StateAttribute::ON); - node.setStateSet(newStateSet); + + if (blendFunc) + { + newStateSet = new osg::StateSet(*stateset, osg::CopyOp::SHALLOW_COPY); + node.setStateSet(newStateSet); + osg::ref_ptr newBlendFunc = new osg::BlendFunc(*blendFunc); + newStateSet->setAttribute(newBlendFunc, osg::StateAttribute::ON); + // I *think* (based on some by-hand maths) that the RGB and dest alpha factors are unchanged, and only dest determines source alpha factor + // This has the benefit of being idempotent if we assume nothing used glBlendFuncSeparate before we touched it + if (blendFunc->getDestination() == osg::BlendFunc::ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA) + newBlendFunc->setSourceAlpha(osg::BlendFunc::ONE); + else if (blendFunc->getDestination() == osg::BlendFunc::ONE) + newBlendFunc->setSourceAlpha(osg::BlendFunc::ZERO); + // Other setups barely exist in the wild and aren't worth supporting as they're not equippable gear + else + Log(Debug::Info) << "Unable to adjust blend mode for character preview. Source factor 0x" << std::hex << blendFunc->getSource() << ", destination factor 0x" << blendFunc->getDestination() << std::dec; + } } if (stateset->getMode(GL_BLEND) & osg::StateAttribute::ON) { + if (!newStateSet) + { + newStateSet = new osg::StateSet(*stateset, osg::CopyOp::SHALLOW_COPY); + node.setStateSet(newStateSet); + } // Disable noBlendAlphaEnv - stateset->setTextureMode(7, GL_TEXTURE_2D, osg::StateAttribute::OFF); - stateset->addUniform(mNoAlphaUniform); + newStateSet->setTextureMode(7, GL_TEXTURE_2D, osg::StateAttribute::OFF); + newStateSet->addUniform(mNoAlphaUniform); } } traverse(node); @@ -134,6 +155,7 @@ namespace MWRender mTexture->setInternalFormat(GL_RGBA); mTexture->setFilter(osg::Texture::MIN_FILTER, osg::Texture::LINEAR); mTexture->setFilter(osg::Texture::MAG_FILTER, osg::Texture::LINEAR); + mTexture->setUserValue("premultiplied alpha", true); mCamera = new osg::Camera; // hints that the camera is not relative to the master camera @@ -145,14 +167,16 @@ namespace MWRender mCamera->setProjectionMatrixAsPerspective(fovYDegrees, sizeX/static_cast(sizeY), 0.1f, 10000.f); // zNear and zFar are autocomputed mCamera->setViewport(0, 0, sizeX, sizeY); mCamera->setRenderOrder(osg::Camera::PRE_RENDER); - mCamera->attach(osg::Camera::COLOR_BUFFER, mTexture); + mCamera->attach(osg::Camera::COLOR_BUFFER, mTexture, 0, 0, false, Settings::Manager::getInt("antialiasing", "Video")); mCamera->setName("CharacterPreview"); mCamera->setComputeNearFarMode(osg::Camera::COMPUTE_NEAR_FAR_USING_BOUNDING_VOLUMES); mCamera->setCullMask(~(Mask_UpdateVisitor)); mCamera->setNodeMask(Mask_RenderToTexture); - osg::ref_ptr lightManager = new SceneUtil::LightManager(mResourceSystem->getSceneManager()->getFFPLighting()); + bool ffp = mResourceSystem->getSceneManager()->getLightingMethod() == SceneUtil::LightingMethod::FFP; + + osg::ref_ptr lightManager = new SceneUtil::LightManager(ffp); lightManager->setStartLight(1); osg::ref_ptr stateset = lightManager->getOrCreateStateSet(); stateset->setMode(GL_LIGHTING, osg::StateAttribute::ON); diff --git a/apps/openmw/mwrender/groundcover.cpp b/apps/openmw/mwrender/groundcover.cpp index 049118c904..0baa85c52a 100644 --- a/apps/openmw/mwrender/groundcover.cpp +++ b/apps/openmw/mwrender/groundcover.cpp @@ -1,5 +1,6 @@ #include "groundcover.hpp" +#include #include #include @@ -258,11 +259,16 @@ namespace MWRender // Keep link to original mesh to keep it in cache group->getOrCreateUserDataContainer()->addUserObject(new Resource::TemplateRef(temp)); + mSceneManager->reinstateRemovedState(node); + InstancingVisitor visitor(pair.second, worldCenter); node->accept(visitor); group->addChild(node); } + // Force a unified alpha handling instead of data from meshes + osg::ref_ptr alpha = new osg::AlphaFunc(osg::AlphaFunc::GEQUAL, 128.f / 255.f); + group->getOrCreateStateSet()->setAttributeAndModes(alpha.get(), osg::StateAttribute::ON); group->getBound(); group->setNodeMask(Mask_Groundcover); mSceneManager->recreateShaders(group, "groundcover", false, true); diff --git a/apps/openmw/mwrender/localmap.cpp b/apps/openmw/mwrender/localmap.cpp index 8b1dda841a..d572fe2d04 100644 --- a/apps/openmw/mwrender/localmap.cpp +++ b/apps/openmw/mwrender/localmap.cpp @@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ #include #include #include +#include #include #include #include @@ -223,12 +224,8 @@ osg::ref_ptr LocalMap::createOrthographicCamera(float x, float y, f SceneUtil::ShadowManager::disableShadowsForStateSet(stateset); // override sun for local map - if (!MWBase::Environment::get().getResourceSystem()->getSceneManager()->getFFPLighting()) - { - osg::ref_ptr sun = new SceneUtil::SunlightStateAttribute; - sun->setFromLight(light); - sun->setStateSet(stateset, osg::StateAttribute::ON|osg::StateAttribute::OVERRIDE); - } + auto lightingMethod = MWBase::Environment::get().getResourceSystem()->getSceneManager()->getLightingMethod(); + SceneUtil::configureStateSetSunOverride(lightingMethod, light, stateset); camera->addChild(lightSource); camera->setStateSet(stateset); @@ -248,7 +245,7 @@ void LocalMap::setupRenderToTexture(osg::ref_ptr camera, int x, int texture->setWrap(osg::Texture::WRAP_S, osg::Texture::CLAMP_TO_EDGE); texture->setWrap(osg::Texture::WRAP_T, osg::Texture::CLAMP_TO_EDGE); - camera->attach(osg::Camera::COLOR_BUFFER, texture); + SceneUtil::attachAlphaToCoverageFriendlyFramebufferToCamera(camera, osg::Camera::COLOR_BUFFER, texture); camera->addChild(mSceneRoot); mRoot->addChild(camera); diff --git a/apps/openmw/mwrender/renderingmanager.cpp b/apps/openmw/mwrender/renderingmanager.cpp index bbd7d06925..79f34c42ed 100644 --- a/apps/openmw/mwrender/renderingmanager.cpp +++ b/apps/openmw/mwrender/renderingmanager.cpp @@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ #include #include -#include #include #include #include @@ -26,6 +25,7 @@ #include #include +#include #include #include @@ -199,10 +199,13 @@ namespace MWRender , mFieldOfViewOverridden(false) , mFieldOfViewOverride(0.f) { + auto lightingModelString = Settings::Manager::getString("lighting method", "Shaders"); + bool usingFFPLighting = lightingModelString == "legacy" && SceneUtil::LightManager::isValidLightingModelString(lightingModelString); + resourceSystem->getSceneManager()->setParticleSystemMask(MWRender::Mask_ParticleSystem); resourceSystem->getSceneManager()->setShaderPath(resourcePath + "/shaders"); // Shadows and radial fog have problems with fixed-function mode - bool forceShaders = Settings::Manager::getBool("radial fog", "Shaders") || Settings::Manager::getBool("force shaders", "Shaders") || Settings::Manager::getBool("enable shadows", "Shadows"); + bool forceShaders = Settings::Manager::getBool("radial fog", "Shaders") || Settings::Manager::getBool("force shaders", "Shaders") || Settings::Manager::getBool("enable shadows", "Shadows") || usingFFPLighting; bool clampLighting = Settings::Manager::getBool("clamp lighting", "Shaders"); resourceSystem->getSceneManager()->setForceShaders(forceShaders); // FIXME: calling dummy method because terrain needs to know whether lighting is clamped @@ -213,11 +216,13 @@ namespace MWRender resourceSystem->getSceneManager()->setAutoUseSpecularMaps(Settings::Manager::getBool("auto use object specular maps", "Shaders")); resourceSystem->getSceneManager()->setSpecularMapPattern(Settings::Manager::getString("specular map pattern", "Shaders")); resourceSystem->getSceneManager()->setApplyLightingToEnvMaps(Settings::Manager::getBool("apply lighting to environment maps", "Shaders")); - bool useFFP = clampLighting || !forceShaders || !SceneUtil::LightManager::queryNonFFPLightingSupport(); - resourceSystem->getSceneManager()->setFFPLighting(useFFP); - resourceSystem->getSceneManager()->getShaderManager().setFFPLighting(useFFP); + resourceSystem->getSceneManager()->setConvertAlphaTestToAlphaToCoverage(Settings::Manager::getBool("antialias alpha test", "Shaders") && Settings::Manager::getInt("antialiasing", "Video") > 1); - osg::ref_ptr sceneRoot = new SceneUtil::LightManager(useFFP); + osg::ref_ptr sceneRoot = new SceneUtil::LightManager(!forceShaders || usingFFPLighting); + // Let LightManager choose which backend to use based, mostly depends on support for UBOs + resourceSystem->getSceneManager()->getShaderManager().setLightingMethod(sceneRoot->getLightingMethod()); + resourceSystem->getSceneManager()->setLightingMethod(sceneRoot->getLightingMethod()); + sceneRoot->setLightingMask(Mask_Lighting); mSceneRoot = sceneRoot; sceneRoot->setStartLight(1); @@ -242,9 +247,6 @@ namespace MWRender Shader::ShaderManager::DefineMap lightDefines = sceneRoot->getLightDefines(); Shader::ShaderManager::DefineMap globalDefines = mResourceSystem->getSceneManager()->getShaderManager().getGlobalDefines(); - for (auto itr = lightDefines.begin(); itr != lightDefines.end(); itr++) - globalDefines[itr->first] = itr->second; - for (auto itr = shadowDefines.begin(); itr != shadowDefines.end(); itr++) globalDefines[itr->first] = itr->second; @@ -252,6 +254,10 @@ namespace MWRender globalDefines["clamp"] = Settings::Manager::getBool("clamp lighting", "Shaders") ? "1" : "0"; globalDefines["preLightEnv"] = Settings::Manager::getBool("apply lighting to environment maps", "Shaders") ? "1" : "0"; globalDefines["radialFog"] = Settings::Manager::getBool("radial fog", "Shaders") ? "1" : "0"; + globalDefines["useGPUShader4"] = "0"; + + for (auto itr = lightDefines.begin(); itr != lightDefines.end(); itr++) + globalDefines[itr->first] = itr->second; float groundcoverDistance = (Constants::CellSizeInUnits * std::max(1, Settings::Manager::getInt("distance", "Groundcover")) - 1024) * 0.93; globalDefines["groundcoverFadeStart"] = std::to_string(groundcoverDistance * 0.9f); @@ -318,10 +324,6 @@ namespace MWRender groundcoverRoot->setName("Groundcover Root"); sceneRoot->addChild(groundcoverRoot); - // Force a unified alpha handling instead of data from meshes - osg::ref_ptr alpha = new osg::AlphaFunc(osg::AlphaFunc::GEQUAL, 128.f/255.f); - groundcoverRoot->getOrCreateStateSet()->setAttributeAndModes(alpha.get(), osg::StateAttribute::ON); - mGroundcoverUpdater = new GroundcoverUpdater; groundcoverRoot->addUpdateCallback(mGroundcoverUpdater); @@ -379,7 +381,6 @@ namespace MWRender mSky.reset(new SkyManager(sceneRoot, resourceSystem->getSceneManager())); mSky->setCamera(mViewer->getCamera()); - mSky->setRainIntensityUniform(mWater->getRainIntensityUniform()); source->setStateSetModes(*mRootNode->getOrCreateStateSet(), osg::StateAttribute::ON); @@ -418,6 +419,11 @@ namespace MWRender mRootNode->getOrCreateStateSet()->addUniform(new osg::Uniform("far", mViewDistance)); mRootNode->getOrCreateStateSet()->addUniform(new osg::Uniform("simpleWater", false)); + // Hopefully, anything genuinely requiring the default alpha func of GL_ALWAYS explicitly sets it + mRootNode->getOrCreateStateSet()->setAttribute(Shader::RemovedAlphaFunc::getInstance(GL_ALWAYS)); + // The transparent renderbin sets alpha testing on because that was faster on old GPUs. It's now slower and breaks things. + mRootNode->getOrCreateStateSet()->setMode(GL_ALPHA_TEST, osg::StateAttribute::OFF); + mUniformNear = mRootNode->getOrCreateStateSet()->getUniform("near"); mUniformFar = mRootNode->getOrCreateStateSet()->getUniform("far"); updateProjectionMatrix(); @@ -667,6 +673,9 @@ namespace MWRender mUnrefQueue->flush(mWorkQueue.get()); + float rainIntensity = mSky->getPrecipitationAlpha(); + mWater->setRainIntensity(rainIntensity); + if (!paused) { mEffectManager->update(dt); diff --git a/apps/openmw/mwrender/sky.cpp b/apps/openmw/mwrender/sky.cpp index 389944000c..f826416769 100644 --- a/apps/openmw/mwrender/sky.cpp +++ b/apps/openmw/mwrender/sky.cpp @@ -1113,7 +1113,6 @@ private: SkyManager::SkyManager(osg::Group* parentNode, Resource::SceneManager* sceneManager) : mSceneManager(sceneManager) , mCamera(nullptr) - , mRainIntensityUniform(nullptr) , mAtmosphereNightRoll(0.f) , mCreated(false) , mIsStorm(false) @@ -1139,7 +1138,7 @@ SkyManager::SkyManager(osg::Group* parentNode, Resource::SceneManager* sceneMana , mBaseWindSpeed(0.f) , mEnabled(true) , mSunEnabled(true) - , mEffectFade(0.f) + , mPrecipitationAlpha(0.f) { osg::ref_ptr skyroot (new CameraRelativeTransform); skyroot->setName("Sky Root"); @@ -1163,11 +1162,6 @@ SkyManager::SkyManager(osg::Group* parentNode, Resource::SceneManager* sceneMana mUnderwaterSwitch = new UnderwaterSwitchCallback(skyroot); } -void SkyManager::setRainIntensityUniform(osg::Uniform *uniform) -{ - mRainIntensityUniform = uniform; -} - void SkyManager::create() { assert(!mCreated); @@ -1522,7 +1516,7 @@ void SkyManager::createRain() osg::ref_ptr program (new osgParticle::ModularProgram); program->addOperator(new WrapAroundOperator(mCamera,rainRange)); - program->addOperator(new WeatherAlphaOperator(mEffectFade, true)); + program->addOperator(new WeatherAlphaOperator(mPrecipitationAlpha, true)); program->setParticleSystem(mRainParticleSystem); mRainNode->addChild(program); @@ -1576,29 +1570,23 @@ bool SkyManager::isEnabled() return mEnabled; } -bool SkyManager::hasRain() +bool SkyManager::hasRain() const { return mRainNode != nullptr; } +float SkyManager::getPrecipitationAlpha() const +{ + if (mEnabled && !mIsStorm && (hasRain() || mParticleNode)) + return mPrecipitationAlpha; + + return 0.f; +} + void SkyManager::update(float duration) { if (!mEnabled) - { - if (mRainIntensityUniform) - mRainIntensityUniform->set(0.f); - return; - } - - if (mRainIntensityUniform) - { - float rainIntensity = 0.f; - if (!mIsStorm && (hasRain() || mParticleNode)) - rainIntensity = mEffectFade; - - mRainIntensityUniform->set(rainIntensity); - } switchUnderwaterRain(); @@ -1737,7 +1725,7 @@ void SkyManager::setWeather(const WeatherResult& weather) SceneUtil::AssignControllerSourcesVisitor assignVisitor(std::shared_ptr(new SceneUtil::FrameTimeSource)); mParticleEffect->accept(assignVisitor); - AlphaFader::SetupVisitor alphaFaderSetupVisitor(mEffectFade); + AlphaFader::SetupVisitor alphaFaderSetupVisitor(mPrecipitationAlpha); mParticleEffect->accept(alphaFaderSetupVisitor); @@ -1754,7 +1742,7 @@ void SkyManager::setWeather(const WeatherResult& weather) osg::ref_ptr program (new osgParticle::ModularProgram); if (!mIsStorm) program->addOperator(new WrapAroundOperator(mCamera,osg::Vec3(1024,1024,800))); - program->addOperator(new WeatherAlphaOperator(mEffectFade, false)); + program->addOperator(new WeatherAlphaOperator(mPrecipitationAlpha, false)); program->setParticleSystem(ps); mParticleNode->addChild(program); } @@ -1843,7 +1831,7 @@ void SkyManager::setWeather(const WeatherResult& weather) mAtmosphereNightNode->setNodeMask(weather.mNight ? ~0 : 0); - mEffectFade = weather.mEffectFade; + mPrecipitationAlpha = weather.mPrecipitationAlpha; } float SkyManager::getBaseWindSpeed() const diff --git a/apps/openmw/mwrender/sky.hpp b/apps/openmw/mwrender/sky.hpp index f32c40192d..f8c501dda6 100644 --- a/apps/openmw/mwrender/sky.hpp +++ b/apps/openmw/mwrender/sky.hpp @@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ #include #include -#include namespace osg { @@ -88,7 +87,7 @@ namespace MWRender std::string mParticleEffect; std::string mRainEffect; - float mEffectFade; + float mPrecipitationAlpha; float mRainDiameter; float mRainMinHeight; @@ -157,7 +156,9 @@ namespace MWRender bool isEnabled(); - bool hasRain(); + bool hasRain() const; + + float getPrecipitationAlpha() const; void setRainSpeed(float speed); @@ -180,8 +181,6 @@ namespace MWRender void setCamera(osg::Camera *camera); - void setRainIntensityUniform(osg::Uniform *uniform); - float getBaseWindSpeed() const; private: @@ -196,7 +195,6 @@ namespace MWRender Resource::SceneManager* mSceneManager; osg::Camera *mCamera; - osg::Uniform *mRainIntensityUniform; osg::ref_ptr mRootNode; osg::ref_ptr mEarlyRenderBinRoot; @@ -271,7 +269,7 @@ namespace MWRender bool mEnabled; bool mSunEnabled; - float mEffectFade; + float mPrecipitationAlpha; osg::Vec4f mMoonScriptColor; }; diff --git a/apps/openmw/mwrender/water.cpp b/apps/openmw/mwrender/water.cpp index 51792d1baa..a938db9bc0 100644 --- a/apps/openmw/mwrender/water.cpp +++ b/apps/openmw/mwrender/water.cpp @@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ #include #include +#include #include #include @@ -209,6 +210,37 @@ public: } }; +class RainIntensityUpdater : public SceneUtil::StateSetUpdater +{ +public: + RainIntensityUpdater() + : mRainIntensity(0.f) + { + } + + void setRainIntensity(float rainIntensity) + { + mRainIntensity = rainIntensity; + } + +protected: + void setDefaults(osg::StateSet* stateset) override + { + osg::ref_ptr rainIntensityUniform = new osg::Uniform("rainIntensity", 0.0f); + stateset->addUniform(rainIntensityUniform.get()); + } + + void apply(osg::StateSet* stateset, osg::NodeVisitor* /*nv*/) override + { + osg::ref_ptr rainIntensityUniform = stateset->getUniform("rainIntensity"); + if (rainIntensityUniform != nullptr) + rainIntensityUniform->set(mRainIntensity); + } + +private: + float mRainIntensity; +}; + osg::ref_ptr readPngImage (const std::string& file) { // use boost in favor of osgDB::readImage, to handle utf-8 path issues on Windows @@ -272,7 +304,7 @@ public: mRefractionTexture->setFilter(osg::Texture::MIN_FILTER, osg::Texture::LINEAR); mRefractionTexture->setFilter(osg::Texture::MAG_FILTER, osg::Texture::LINEAR); - attach(osg::Camera::COLOR_BUFFER, mRefractionTexture); + SceneUtil::attachAlphaToCoverageFriendlyFramebufferToCamera(this, osg::Camera::COLOR_BUFFER, mRefractionTexture); mRefractionDepthTexture = new osg::Texture2D; mRefractionDepthTexture->setTextureSize(rttSize, rttSize); @@ -357,7 +389,7 @@ public: mReflectionTexture->setWrap(osg::Texture::WRAP_S, osg::Texture::CLAMP_TO_EDGE); mReflectionTexture->setWrap(osg::Texture::WRAP_T, osg::Texture::CLAMP_TO_EDGE); - attach(osg::Camera::COLOR_BUFFER, mReflectionTexture); + SceneUtil::attachAlphaToCoverageFriendlyFramebufferToCamera(this, osg::Camera::COLOR_BUFFER, mReflectionTexture); // XXX: should really flip the FrontFace on each renderable instead of forcing clockwise. osg::ref_ptr frontFace (new osg::FrontFace); @@ -432,7 +464,8 @@ public: Water::Water(osg::Group *parent, osg::Group* sceneRoot, Resource::ResourceSystem *resourceSystem, osgUtil::IncrementalCompileOperation *ico, const std::string& resourcePath) - : mParent(parent) + : mRainIntensityUpdater(nullptr) + , mParent(parent) , mSceneRoot(sceneRoot) , mResourceSystem(resourceSystem) , mResourcePath(resourcePath) @@ -464,8 +497,6 @@ Water::Water(osg::Group *parent, osg::Group* sceneRoot, Resource::ResourceSystem setHeight(mTop); - mRainIntensityUniform = new osg::Uniform("rainIntensity",(float) 0.0); - updateWaterMaterial(); if (ico) @@ -495,11 +526,6 @@ void Water::setCullCallback(osg::Callback* callback) } } -osg::Uniform *Water::getRainIntensityUniform() -{ - return mRainIntensityUniform.get(); -} - void Water::updateWaterMaterial() { if (mReflection) @@ -557,6 +583,8 @@ void Water::createSimpleWaterStateSet(osg::Node* node, float alpha) osg::ref_ptr stateset = SceneUtil::createSimpleWaterStateSet(alpha, MWRender::RenderBin_Water); node->setStateSet(stateset); + node->setUpdateCallback(nullptr); + mRainIntensityUpdater = nullptr; // Add animated textures std::vector > textures; @@ -640,17 +668,18 @@ void Water::createShaderWaterStateSet(osg::Node* node, Reflection* reflection, R shaderStateset->setMode(GL_CULL_FACE, osg::StateAttribute::OFF); - shaderStateset->addUniform(mRainIntensityUniform.get()); - osg::ref_ptr program (new osg::Program); program->addShader(vertexShader); program->addShader(fragmentShader); - if (!mResourceSystem->getSceneManager()->getFFPLighting()) - program->addBindUniformBlock("SunlightBuffer", 0); + auto method = mResourceSystem->getSceneManager()->getLightingMethod(); + if (method == SceneUtil::LightingMethod::SingleUBO) + program->addBindUniformBlock("LightBufferBinding", static_cast(Shader::UBOBinding::LightBuffer)); shaderStateset->setAttributeAndModes(program, osg::StateAttribute::ON); node->setStateSet(shaderStateset); - node->setUpdateCallback(nullptr); + + mRainIntensityUpdater = new RainIntensityUpdater(); + node->setUpdateCallback(mRainIntensityUpdater); } void Water::processChangedSettings(const Settings::CategorySettingVector& settings) @@ -733,6 +762,12 @@ void Water::setHeight(const float height) mRefraction->setWaterLevel(mTop); } +void Water::setRainIntensity(float rainIntensity) +{ + if (mRainIntensityUpdater) + mRainIntensityUpdater->setRainIntensity(rainIntensity); +} + void Water::update(float dt) { mSimulation->update(dt); diff --git a/apps/openmw/mwrender/water.hpp b/apps/openmw/mwrender/water.hpp index 3787ef4268..ec7dc95db8 100644 --- a/apps/openmw/mwrender/water.hpp +++ b/apps/openmw/mwrender/water.hpp @@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ #include #include -#include #include #include @@ -46,11 +45,12 @@ namespace MWRender class Refraction; class Reflection; class RippleSimulation; + class RainIntensityUpdater; /// Water rendering class Water { - osg::ref_ptr mRainIntensityUniform; + osg::ref_ptr mRainIntensityUpdater; osg::ref_ptr mParent; osg::ref_ptr mSceneRoot; @@ -112,6 +112,7 @@ namespace MWRender void changeCell(const MWWorld::CellStore* store); void setHeight(const float height); + void setRainIntensity(const float rainIntensity); void update(float dt); @@ -119,8 +120,6 @@ namespace MWRender osg::Camera *getRefractionCamera(); void processChangedSettings(const Settings::CategorySettingVector& settings); - - osg::Uniform *getRainIntensityUniform(); }; } diff --git a/apps/openmw/mwscript/transformationextensions.cpp b/apps/openmw/mwscript/transformationextensions.cpp index 103c6629d2..e8b4069775 100644 --- a/apps/openmw/mwscript/transformationextensions.cpp +++ b/apps/openmw/mwscript/transformationextensions.cpp @@ -270,20 +270,17 @@ namespace MWScript Interpreter::Type_Float pos = runtime[0].mFloat; runtime.pop(); - float ax = ptr.getRefData().getPosition().pos[0]; - float ay = ptr.getRefData().getPosition().pos[1]; - float az = ptr.getRefData().getPosition().pos[2]; - // Note: SetPos does not skip weather transitions in vanilla engine, so we do not call setTeleported(true) here. - MWWorld::Ptr updated = ptr; + const auto curPos = ptr.getRefData().getPosition().asVec3(); + auto newPos = curPos; if(axis == "x") { - updated = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->moveObject(ptr,pos,ay,az,true); + newPos[0] = pos; } else if(axis == "y") { - updated = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->moveObject(ptr,ax,pos,az,true); + newPos[1] = pos; } else if(axis == "z") { @@ -292,20 +289,21 @@ namespace MWScript { float terrainHeight = -std::numeric_limits::max(); if (ptr.getCell()->isExterior()) - terrainHeight = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getTerrainHeightAt(osg::Vec3f(ax, ay, az)); + terrainHeight = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getTerrainHeightAt(curPos); if (pos < terrainHeight) pos = terrainHeight; } - updated = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->moveObject(ptr,ax,ay,pos,true); + newPos[2] = pos; } else { return; } - dynamic_cast(runtime.getContext()).updatePtr(ptr,updated); + dynamic_cast(runtime.getContext()).updatePtr(ptr, + MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->moveObjectBy(ptr, newPos - curPos)); } }; diff --git a/apps/openmw/mwsound/ffmpeg_decoder.cpp b/apps/openmw/mwsound/ffmpeg_decoder.cpp index 95ed9eeed8..ec36a5cdf8 100644 --- a/apps/openmw/mwsound/ffmpeg_decoder.cpp +++ b/apps/openmw/mwsound/ffmpeg_decoder.cpp @@ -287,9 +287,9 @@ void FFmpeg_Decoder::close() mStream = nullptr; av_packet_unref(&mPacket); - av_freep(&mFrame); - swr_free(&mSwr); av_freep(&mDataBuf); + av_frame_free(&mFrame); + swr_free(&mSwr); if(mFormatCtx) { @@ -302,11 +302,13 @@ void FFmpeg_Decoder::close() // if (mFormatCtx->pb->buffer != nullptr) { - av_free(mFormatCtx->pb->buffer); - mFormatCtx->pb->buffer = nullptr; + av_freep(&mFormatCtx->pb->buffer); } - av_free(mFormatCtx->pb); - mFormatCtx->pb = nullptr; +#if LIBAVCODEC_VERSION_INT >= AV_VERSION_INT(57, 80, 100) + avio_context_free(&mFormatCtx->pb); +#else + av_freep(&mFormatCtx->pb); +#endif } avformat_close_input(&mFormatCtx); } diff --git a/apps/openmw/mwstate/statemanagerimp.cpp b/apps/openmw/mwstate/statemanagerimp.cpp index 72e4b1ae02..f605344bf7 100644 --- a/apps/openmw/mwstate/statemanagerimp.cpp +++ b/apps/openmw/mwstate/statemanagerimp.cpp @@ -539,6 +539,8 @@ void MWState::StateManager::loadGame (const Character *character, const std::str MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->changeToCell(cell->getCell()->getCellId(), pos, true, false); } + MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->updateProjectilesCasters(); + // Vanilla MW will restart startup scripts when a save game is loaded. This is unintuitive, // but some mods may be using it as a reload detector. MWBase::Environment::get().getScriptManager()->getGlobalScripts().addStartup(); diff --git a/apps/openmw/mwworld/cellstore.cpp b/apps/openmw/mwworld/cellstore.cpp index cc614133aa..73f69e2206 100644 --- a/apps/openmw/mwworld/cellstore.cpp +++ b/apps/openmw/mwworld/cellstore.cpp @@ -104,6 +104,45 @@ namespace } } + template + void fixRestockingImpl(const T* base, RecordType& state) + { + // Workaround for old saves not containing negative quantities + for(const auto& baseItem : base->mInventory.mList) + { + if(baseItem.mCount < 0) + { + for(auto& item : state.mInventory.mItems) + { + if(item.mCount > 0 && Misc::StringUtils::ciEqual(baseItem.mItem, item.mRef.mRefID)) + item.mCount = -item.mCount; + } + } + } + } + + template + void fixRestocking(const T* base, RecordType& state) + {} + + template<> + void fixRestocking<>(const ESM::Creature* base, ESM::CreatureState& state) + { + fixRestockingImpl(base, state); + } + + template<> + void fixRestocking<>(const ESM::NPC* base, ESM::NpcState& state) + { + fixRestockingImpl(base, state); + } + + template<> + void fixRestocking<>(const ESM::Container* base, ESM::ContainerState& state) + { + fixRestockingImpl(base, state); + } + template void readReferenceCollection (ESM::ESMReader& reader, MWWorld::CellRefList& collection, const ESM::CellRef& cref, const std::map& contentFileMap, MWWorld::CellStore* cellstore) @@ -134,6 +173,9 @@ namespace if (!record) return; + if (state.mVersion < 15) + fixRestocking(record, state); + if (state.mRef.mRefNum.hasContentFile()) { for (typename MWWorld::CellRefList::List::iterator iter (collection.mList.begin()); diff --git a/apps/openmw/mwworld/projectilemanager.cpp b/apps/openmw/mwworld/projectilemanager.cpp index 3ffc7bb953..f483905ddf 100644 --- a/apps/openmw/mwworld/projectilemanager.cpp +++ b/apps/openmw/mwworld/projectilemanager.cpp @@ -352,6 +352,29 @@ namespace MWWorld mProjectiles.push_back(state); } + void ProjectileManager::updateCasters() + { + for (auto& state : mProjectiles) + mPhysics->setCaster(state.mProjectileId, state.getCaster()); + + for (auto& state : mMagicBolts) + { + // casters are identified by actor id in the savegame. objects doesn't have one so they can't be identified back. + // TODO: should object-type caster be restored from savegame? + if (state.mActorId == -1) + continue; + + auto caster = state.getCaster(); + if (caster.isEmpty()) + { + Log(Debug::Error) << "Couldn't find caster with ID " << state.mActorId; + cleanupMagicBolt(state); + continue; + } + mPhysics->setCaster(state.mProjectileId, caster); + } + } + void ProjectileManager::update(float dt) { periodicCleanup(dt); diff --git a/apps/openmw/mwworld/projectilemanager.hpp b/apps/openmw/mwworld/projectilemanager.hpp index c047d90ddf..e4bcae1ae4 100644 --- a/apps/openmw/mwworld/projectilemanager.hpp +++ b/apps/openmw/mwworld/projectilemanager.hpp @@ -54,6 +54,8 @@ namespace MWWorld void launchProjectile (MWWorld::Ptr actor, MWWorld::ConstPtr projectile, const osg::Vec3f& pos, const osg::Quat& orient, MWWorld::Ptr bow, float speed, float attackStrength); + void updateCasters(); + void update(float dt); void processHits(); diff --git a/apps/openmw/mwworld/scene.cpp b/apps/openmw/mwworld/scene.cpp index 427ee3aa8b..3f050ba366 100644 --- a/apps/openmw/mwworld/scene.cpp +++ b/apps/openmw/mwworld/scene.cpp @@ -447,11 +447,17 @@ namespace MWWorld mPhysics->disableWater(); const auto player = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getPlayerPtr(); + + // By default the player is grounded, with the scene fully loaded, we validate and correct this. + if (player.mCell == cell) // Only run once, during initial cell load. + { + mPhysics->traceDown(player, player.getRefData().getPosition().asVec3(), 10.f); + } + navigator->update(player.getRefData().getPosition().asVec3()); if (!cell->isExterior() && !(cell->getCell()->mData.mFlags & ESM::Cell::QuasiEx)) { - mRendering.configureAmbient(cell->getCell()); } } diff --git a/apps/openmw/mwworld/weather.cpp b/apps/openmw/mwworld/weather.cpp index 415e69d20b..4bdd784db1 100644 --- a/apps/openmw/mwworld/weather.cpp +++ b/apps/openmw/mwworld/weather.cpp @@ -1129,7 +1129,7 @@ inline void WeatherManager::calculateResult(const int weatherID, const float gam mResult.mGlareView = current.mGlareView; mResult.mAmbientLoopSoundID = current.mAmbientLoopSoundID; mResult.mAmbientSoundVolume = 1.f; - mResult.mEffectFade = 1.f; + mResult.mPrecipitationAlpha = 1.f; mResult.mIsStorm = current.mIsStorm; @@ -1236,7 +1236,7 @@ inline void WeatherManager::calculateTransitionResult(const float factor, const mResult.mRainSpeed = current.mRainSpeed; mResult.mRainEntranceSpeed = current.mRainEntranceSpeed; mResult.mAmbientSoundVolume = 1 - factor / threshold; - mResult.mEffectFade = mResult.mAmbientSoundVolume; + mResult.mPrecipitationAlpha = mResult.mAmbientSoundVolume; mResult.mAmbientLoopSoundID = current.mAmbientLoopSoundID; mResult.mRainDiameter = current.mRainDiameter; mResult.mRainMinHeight = current.mRainMinHeight; @@ -1251,7 +1251,7 @@ inline void WeatherManager::calculateTransitionResult(const float factor, const mResult.mRainSpeed = other.mRainSpeed; mResult.mRainEntranceSpeed = other.mRainEntranceSpeed; mResult.mAmbientSoundVolume = (factor - threshold) / (1 - threshold); - mResult.mEffectFade = mResult.mAmbientSoundVolume; + mResult.mPrecipitationAlpha = mResult.mAmbientSoundVolume; mResult.mAmbientLoopSoundID = other.mAmbientLoopSoundID; mResult.mRainDiameter = other.mRainDiameter; diff --git a/apps/openmw/mwworld/worldimp.cpp b/apps/openmw/mwworld/worldimp.cpp index b609f325c9..01b90e9078 100644 --- a/apps/openmw/mwworld/worldimp.cpp +++ b/apps/openmw/mwworld/worldimp.cpp @@ -3186,6 +3186,11 @@ namespace MWWorld mProjectileManager->launchMagicBolt(spellId, caster, fallbackDirection); } + void World::updateProjectilesCasters() + { + mProjectileManager->updateCasters(); + } + class ApplyLoopingParticlesVisitor : public MWMechanics::EffectSourceVisitor { private: diff --git a/apps/openmw/mwworld/worldimp.hpp b/apps/openmw/mwworld/worldimp.hpp index bc2baafd8a..23153a31c4 100644 --- a/apps/openmw/mwworld/worldimp.hpp +++ b/apps/openmw/mwworld/worldimp.hpp @@ -644,6 +644,7 @@ namespace MWWorld void launchMagicBolt (const std::string& spellId, const MWWorld::Ptr& caster, const osg::Vec3f& fallbackDirection) override; void launchProjectile (MWWorld::Ptr& actor, MWWorld::Ptr& projectile, const osg::Vec3f& worldPos, const osg::Quat& orient, MWWorld::Ptr& bow, float speed, float attackStrength) override; + void updateProjectilesCasters() override; void applyLoopingParticles(const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr) override; diff --git a/cmake/FindRecastNavigation.cmake b/cmake/FindRecastNavigation.cmake new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8728a5e949 --- /dev/null +++ b/cmake/FindRecastNavigation.cmake @@ -0,0 +1,211 @@ +# Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD 3-Clause License. See accompanying +# file Copyright.txt or https://cmake.org/licensing for details. +# Copyright 2021 Bret Curtis for OpenMW +#[=======================================================================[.rst: +FindRecastNavigation +------- + +Find the RecastNavigation include directory and library. + +Use this module by invoking find_package with the form:: + +.. code-block:: cmake + + find_package(RecastNavigation + [version] # Minimum version e.g. 1.8.0 + [REQUIRED] # Fail with error if RECAST is not found + ) + +Imported targets +^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ + +This module defines the following :prop_tgt:`IMPORTED` targets: + +.. variable:: RecastNavigation::Recast + + Imported target for using the RECAST library, if found. + +Result variables +^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ + +.. variable:: RECAST_FOUND + + Set to true if RECAST library found, otherwise false or undefined. + +.. variable:: RECAST_INCLUDE_DIRS + + Paths to include directories listed in one variable for use by RECAST client. + +.. variable:: RECAST_LIBRARIES + + Paths to libraries to linked against to use RECAST. + +.. variable:: RECAST_VERSION + + The version string of RECAST found. + +Cache variables +^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ + +For users who wish to edit and control the module behavior, this module +reads hints about search locations from the following variables:: + +.. variable:: RECAST_INCLUDE_DIR + + Path to RECAST include directory with ``Recast.h`` header. + +.. variable:: RECAST_LIBRARY + + Path to RECAST library to be linked. + +NOTE: The variables above should not usually be used in CMakeLists.txt files! + +#]=======================================================================] + +### Find libraries ############################################################## + +if(NOT RECAST_LIBRARY) + find_library(RECAST_LIBRARY_RELEASE NAMES Recast HINTS ${RECASTNAVIGATION_ROOT} PATH_SUFFIXES lib) + find_library(RECAST_LIBRARY_DEBUG NAMES Recast-d HINTS ${RECASTNAVIGATION_ROOT} PATH_SUFFIXES lib) + include(SelectLibraryConfigurations) + select_library_configurations(RECAST) + mark_as_advanced(RECAST_LIBRARY_RELEASE RECAST_LIBRARY_DEBUG) +else() + file(TO_CMAKE_PATH "${RECAST_LIBRARY}" RECAST_LIBRARY) +endif() + +if(NOT DETOUR_LIBRARY) + find_library(DETOUR_LIBRARY_RELEASE NAMES Detour HINTS ${RECASTNAVIGATION_ROOT} PATH_SUFFIXES lib) + find_library(DETOUR_LIBRARY_DEBUG NAMES Detour-d HINTS ${RECASTNAVIGATION_ROOT} PATH_SUFFIXES lib) + include(SelectLibraryConfigurations) + select_library_configurations(DETOUR) + mark_as_advanced(DETOUR_LIBRARY_RELEASE DETOUR_LIBRARY_DEBUG) +else() + file(TO_CMAKE_PATH "${DETOUR_LIBRARY}" DETOUR_LIBRARY) +endif() + +if(NOT DEBUGUTILS_LIBRARY) + find_library(DEBUGUTILS_LIBRARY_RELEASE NAMES DebugUtils HINTS ${RECASTNAVIGATION_ROOT} PATH_SUFFIXES lib) + find_library(DEBUGUTILS_LIBRARY_DEBUG NAMES DebugUtils-d HINTS ${RECASTNAVIGATION_ROOT} PATH_SUFFIXES lib) + include(SelectLibraryConfigurations) + select_library_configurations(DEBUGUTILS) + mark_as_advanced(DEBUGUTILS_LIBRARY_RELEASE DEBUGUTILS_LIBRARY_DEBUG) +else() + file(TO_CMAKE_PATH "${DEBUGUTILS_LIBRARY}" DEBUGUTILS_LIBRARY) +endif() + +### Find include directory #################################################### +find_path(RECAST_INCLUDE_DIR NAMES Recast.h HINTS ${RECASTNAVIGATION_ROOT} PATH_SUFFIXES include RECAST include/recastnavigation) +mark_as_advanced(RECAST_INCLUDE_DIR) + +if(RECAST_INCLUDE_DIR AND EXISTS "${RECAST_INCLUDE_DIR}/Recast.h") + file(STRINGS "${RECAST_INCLUDE_DIR}/Recast.h" _Recast_h_contents + REGEX "#define RECAST_VERSION_[A-Z]+[ ]+[0-9]+") + string(REGEX REPLACE "#define RECAST_VERSION_MAJOR[ ]+([0-9]+).+" "\\1" + RECAST_VERSION_MAJOR "${_Recast_h_contents}") + string(REGEX REPLACE ".+#define RECAST_VERSION_MINOR[ ]+([0-9]+).+" "\\1" + RECAST_VERSION_MINOR "${_Recast_h_contents}") + string(REGEX REPLACE ".+#define RECAST_VERSION_RELEASE[ ]+([0-9]+).*" "\\1" + RECAST_VERSION_RELEASE "${_Recast_h_contents}") + set(RECAST_VERSION "${RECAST_VERSION_MAJOR}.${RECAST_VERSION_MINOR}.${RECAST_VERSION_RELEASE}") + unset(_Recast_h_contents) +endif() + +#TODO: they don't include a version yet +set(RECAST_VERSION "1.5.1") + +### Set result variables ###################################################### +include(FindPackageHandleStandardArgs) +find_package_handle_standard_args(RecastNavigation DEFAULT_MSG + RECAST_LIBRARY RECAST_INCLUDE_DIR RECAST_VERSION) + +set(RECAST_LIBRARIES ${RECAST_LIBRARY}) +set(RECAST_INCLUDE_DIRS ${RECAST_INCLUDE_DIR}) + +set(DETOUR_LIBRARIES ${DETOUR_LIBRARY}) +set(DETOUR_INCLUDE_DIRS ${RECAST_INCLUDE_DIR}) + +set(DEBUGUTILS_LIBRARIES ${DEBUGUTILS_LIBRARY}) +set(DEBUGUTILS_INCLUDE_DIRS ${RECAST_INCLUDE_DIR}) + +### Import targets ############################################################ +if(RecastNavigation_FOUND) + if(NOT TARGET RecastNavigation::Recast) + add_library(RecastNavigation::Recast UNKNOWN IMPORTED) + set_target_properties(RecastNavigation::Recast PROPERTIES + IMPORTED_LINK_INTERFACE_LANGUAGES "C" + INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES "${RECAST_INCLUDE_DIR}") + + if(RECAST_LIBRARY_RELEASE) + set_property(TARGET RecastNavigation::Recast APPEND PROPERTY + IMPORTED_CONFIGURATIONS RELEASE) + set_target_properties(RecastNavigation::Recast PROPERTIES + IMPORTED_LOCATION_RELEASE "${RECAST_LIBRARY_RELEASE}") + endif() + + if(RECAST_LIBRARY_DEBUG) + set_property(TARGET RecastNavigation::Recast APPEND PROPERTY + IMPORTED_CONFIGURATIONS DEBUG) + set_target_properties(RecastNavigation::Recast PROPERTIES + IMPORTED_LOCATION_DEBUG "${RECAST_LIBRARY_DEBUG}") + endif() + + if(NOT RECAST_LIBRARY_RELEASE AND NOT RECAST_LIBRARY_DEBUG) + set_property(TARGET RecastNavigation::Recast APPEND PROPERTY + IMPORTED_LOCATION "${RECAST_LIBRARY}") + endif() + endif() + + if(NOT TARGET RecastNavigation::Detour) + add_library(RecastNavigation::Detour UNKNOWN IMPORTED) + set_target_properties(RecastNavigation::Detour PROPERTIES + IMPORTED_LINK_INTERFACE_LANGUAGES "C" + INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES "${DETOUR_INCLUDE_DIR}") + + if(DETOUR_LIBRARY_RELEASE) + set_property(TARGET RecastNavigation::Detour APPEND PROPERTY + IMPORTED_CONFIGURATIONS RELEASE) + set_target_properties(RecastNavigation::Detour PROPERTIES + IMPORTED_LOCATION_RELEASE "${DETOUR_LIBRARY_RELEASE}") + endif() + + if(DETOUR_LIBRARY_DEBUG) + set_property(TARGET RecastNavigation::Detour APPEND PROPERTY + IMPORTED_CONFIGURATIONS DEBUG) + set_target_properties(RecastNavigation::Detour PROPERTIES + IMPORTED_LOCATION_DEBUG "${DETOUR_LIBRARY_DEBUG}") + endif() + + if(NOT DETOUR_LIBRARY_RELEASE AND NOT DETOUR_LIBRARY_DEBUG) + set_property(TARGET RecastNavigation::Detour APPEND PROPERTY + IMPORTED_LOCATION "${DETOUR_LIBRARY}") + endif() + endif() + + if(NOT TARGET RecastNavigation::DebugUtils) + add_library(RecastNavigation::DebugUtils UNKNOWN IMPORTED) + set_target_properties(RecastNavigation::DebugUtils PROPERTIES + IMPORTED_LINK_INTERFACE_LANGUAGES "C" + INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES "${DEBUGUTILS_INCLUDE_DIR}") + + if(DEBUGUTILS_LIBRARY_RELEASE) + set_property(TARGET RecastNavigation::DebugUtils APPEND PROPERTY + IMPORTED_CONFIGURATIONS RELEASE) + set_target_properties(RecastNavigation::DebugUtils PROPERTIES + IMPORTED_LOCATION_RELEASE "${DEBUGUTILS_LIBRARY_RELEASE}") + endif() + + if(DEBUGUTILS_LIBRARY_DEBUG) + set_property(TARGET RecastNavigation::DebugUtils APPEND PROPERTY + IMPORTED_CONFIGURATIONS DEBUG) + set_target_properties(RecastNavigation::DebugUtils PROPERTIES + IMPORTED_LOCATION_DEBUG "${DEBUGUTILS_LIBRARY_DEBUG}") + endif() + + if(NOT DEBUGUTILS_LIBRARY_RELEASE AND NOT DEBUGUTILS_LIBRARY_DEBUG) + set_property(TARGET RecastNavigation::DebugUtils APPEND PROPERTY + IMPORTED_LOCATION "${DEBUGUTILS_LIBRARY}") + endif() + endif() + +endif() diff --git a/components/CMakeLists.txt b/components/CMakeLists.txt index 2120afc1a4..822858c0bf 100644 --- a/components/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/components/CMakeLists.txt @@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ add_component_dir (resource ) add_component_dir (shader - shadermanager shadervisitor + shadermanager shadervisitor removedalphafunc ) add_component_dir (sceneutil @@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ add_component_dir (fontloader ) add_component_dir (sdlutil - sdlgraphicswindow imagetosurface sdlinputwrapper sdlvideowrapper events sdlcursormanager + gl4es_init sdlgraphicswindow imagetosurface sdlinputwrapper sdlvideowrapper events sdlcursormanager ) add_component_dir (version @@ -223,20 +223,26 @@ include_directories(${BULLET_INCLUDE_DIRS} ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}) add_library(components STATIC ${COMPONENT_FILES} ${MOC_SRCS} ${ESM_UI_HDR}) target_link_libraries(components + # CMake's built-in OSG finder does not use pkgconfig, so we have to + # manually ensure the order is correct for inter-library dependencies. + # This only makes a difference with `-DOPENMW_USE_SYSTEM_OSG=ON -DOSG_STATIC=ON`. + # https://gitlab.kitware.com/cmake/cmake/-/issues/21701 + ${OSGPARTICLE_LIBRARIES} + ${OSGVIEWER_LIBRARIES} + ${OSGSHADOW_LIBRARIES} + ${OSGANIMATION_LIBRARIES} + ${OSGGA_LIBRARIES} + ${OSGTEXT_LIBRARIES} + ${OSGDB_LIBRARIES} + ${OSGUTIL_LIBRARIES} + ${OSG_LIBRARIES} + ${OPENTHREADS_LIBRARIES} + ${Boost_SYSTEM_LIBRARY} ${Boost_FILESYSTEM_LIBRARY} ${Boost_PROGRAM_OPTIONS_LIBRARY} ${Boost_IOSTREAMS_LIBRARY} - ${OSG_LIBRARIES} - ${OPENTHREADS_LIBRARIES} - ${OSGPARTICLE_LIBRARIES} - ${OSGUTIL_LIBRARIES} - ${OSGDB_LIBRARIES} - ${OSGVIEWER_LIBRARIES} - ${OSGTEXT_LIBRARIES} - ${OSGGA_LIBRARIES} - ${OSGSHADOW_LIBRARIES} - ${OSGANIMATION_LIBRARIES} + ${SDL2_LIBRARIES} ${OPENGL_gl_LIBRARY} ${MyGUI_LIBRARIES} diff --git a/components/debug/gldebug.cpp b/components/debug/gldebug.cpp index 3c5ec728ac..37829a8c1e 100644 --- a/components/debug/gldebug.cpp +++ b/components/debug/gldebug.cpp @@ -32,133 +32,246 @@ either expressed or implied, of the FreeBSD Project. #include "gldebug.hpp" #include +#include #include // OpenGL constants not provided by OSG: #include -void debugCallback(GLenum source, GLenum type, GLuint id, GLenum severity, GLsizei length, const GLchar *message, const void *userParam) +namespace Debug { + + void debugCallback(GLenum source, GLenum type, GLuint id, GLenum severity, GLsizei length, const GLchar *message, const void *userParam) + { #ifdef GL_DEBUG_OUTPUT - std::string srcStr; - switch (source) - { - case GL_DEBUG_SOURCE_API: - srcStr = "API"; - break; - case GL_DEBUG_SOURCE_WINDOW_SYSTEM: - srcStr = "WINDOW_SYSTEM"; - break; - case GL_DEBUG_SOURCE_SHADER_COMPILER: - srcStr = "SHADER_COMPILER"; - break; - case GL_DEBUG_SOURCE_THIRD_PARTY: - srcStr = "THIRD_PARTY"; - break; - case GL_DEBUG_SOURCE_APPLICATION: - srcStr = "APPLICATION"; - break; - case GL_DEBUG_SOURCE_OTHER: - srcStr = "OTHER"; - break; - default: - srcStr = "UNDEFINED"; - break; - } + std::string srcStr; + switch (source) + { + case GL_DEBUG_SOURCE_API: + srcStr = "API"; + break; + case GL_DEBUG_SOURCE_WINDOW_SYSTEM: + srcStr = "WINDOW_SYSTEM"; + break; + case GL_DEBUG_SOURCE_SHADER_COMPILER: + srcStr = "SHADER_COMPILER"; + break; + case GL_DEBUG_SOURCE_THIRD_PARTY: + srcStr = "THIRD_PARTY"; + break; + case GL_DEBUG_SOURCE_APPLICATION: + srcStr = "APPLICATION"; + break; + case GL_DEBUG_SOURCE_OTHER: + srcStr = "OTHER"; + break; + default: + srcStr = "UNDEFINED"; + break; + } - std::string typeStr; + std::string typeStr; - Debug::Level logSeverity = Debug::Warning; - switch (type) - { - case GL_DEBUG_TYPE_ERROR: - typeStr = "ERROR"; - logSeverity = Debug::Error; - break; - case GL_DEBUG_TYPE_DEPRECATED_BEHAVIOR: - typeStr = "DEPRECATED_BEHAVIOR"; - break; - case GL_DEBUG_TYPE_UNDEFINED_BEHAVIOR: - typeStr = "UNDEFINED_BEHAVIOR"; - break; - case GL_DEBUG_TYPE_PORTABILITY: - typeStr = "PORTABILITY"; - break; - case GL_DEBUG_TYPE_PERFORMANCE: - typeStr = "PERFORMANCE"; - break; - case GL_DEBUG_TYPE_OTHER: - typeStr = "OTHER"; - break; - default: - typeStr = "UNDEFINED"; - break; - } + Level logSeverity = Warning; + switch (type) + { + case GL_DEBUG_TYPE_ERROR: + typeStr = "ERROR"; + logSeverity = Error; + break; + case GL_DEBUG_TYPE_DEPRECATED_BEHAVIOR: + typeStr = "DEPRECATED_BEHAVIOR"; + break; + case GL_DEBUG_TYPE_UNDEFINED_BEHAVIOR: + typeStr = "UNDEFINED_BEHAVIOR"; + break; + case GL_DEBUG_TYPE_PORTABILITY: + typeStr = "PORTABILITY"; + break; + case GL_DEBUG_TYPE_PERFORMANCE: + typeStr = "PERFORMANCE"; + break; + case GL_DEBUG_TYPE_OTHER: + typeStr = "OTHER"; + break; + default: + typeStr = "UNDEFINED"; + break; + } - Log(logSeverity) << "OpenGL " << typeStr << " [" << srcStr << "]: " << message; + Log(logSeverity) << "OpenGL " << typeStr << " [" << srcStr << "]: " << message; #endif -} + } -void enableGLDebugExtension(unsigned int contextID) -{ + class PushDebugGroup + { + public: + static std::unique_ptr sInstance; + + void (GL_APIENTRY * glPushDebugGroup) (GLenum source, GLuint id, GLsizei length, const GLchar * message); + + void (GL_APIENTRY * glPopDebugGroup) (void); + + bool valid() + { + return glPushDebugGroup && glPopDebugGroup; + } + }; + + std::unique_ptr PushDebugGroup::sInstance{ std::make_unique() }; + + EnableGLDebugOperation::EnableGLDebugOperation() : osg::GraphicsOperation("EnableGLDebugOperation", false) + { + } + + void EnableGLDebugOperation::operator()(osg::GraphicsContext* graphicsContext) + { #ifdef GL_DEBUG_OUTPUT - typedef void (GL_APIENTRY *DEBUGPROC)(GLenum source, GLenum type, GLuint id, GLenum severity, GLsizei length, const GLchar *message, const void *userParam); - typedef void (GL_APIENTRY *GLDebugMessageControlFunction)(GLenum source, GLenum type, GLenum severity, GLsizei count, const GLuint *ids, GLboolean enabled); - typedef void (GL_APIENTRY *GLDebugMessageCallbackFunction)(DEBUGPROC, const void* userParam); - - GLDebugMessageControlFunction glDebugMessageControl = nullptr; - GLDebugMessageCallbackFunction glDebugMessageCallback = nullptr; + OpenThreads::ScopedLock lock(mMutex); - if (osg::isGLExtensionSupported(contextID, "GL_KHR_debug")) - { - osg::setGLExtensionFuncPtr(glDebugMessageCallback, "glDebugMessageCallback"); - osg::setGLExtensionFuncPtr(glDebugMessageControl, "glDebugMessageControl"); - } - else if (osg::isGLExtensionSupported(contextID, "GL_ARB_debug_output")) - { - osg::setGLExtensionFuncPtr(glDebugMessageCallback, "glDebugMessageCallbackARB"); - osg::setGLExtensionFuncPtr(glDebugMessageControl, "glDebugMessageControlARB"); - } - else if (osg::isGLExtensionSupported(contextID, "GL_AMD_debug_output")) - { - osg::setGLExtensionFuncPtr(glDebugMessageCallback, "glDebugMessageCallbackAMD"); - osg::setGLExtensionFuncPtr(glDebugMessageControl, "glDebugMessageControlAMD"); - } + unsigned int contextID = graphicsContext->getState()->getContextID(); - if (glDebugMessageCallback && glDebugMessageControl) - { - glEnable(GL_DEBUG_OUTPUT); - glDebugMessageControl(GL_DONT_CARE, GL_DEBUG_TYPE_ERROR, GL_DEBUG_SEVERITY_MEDIUM, 0, nullptr, true); - glDebugMessageCallback(debugCallback, nullptr); + typedef void (GL_APIENTRY *DEBUGPROC)(GLenum source, GLenum type, GLuint id, GLenum severity, GLsizei length, const GLchar *message, const void *userParam); + typedef void (GL_APIENTRY *GLDebugMessageControlFunction)(GLenum source, GLenum type, GLenum severity, GLsizei count, const GLuint *ids, GLboolean enabled); + typedef void (GL_APIENTRY *GLDebugMessageCallbackFunction)(DEBUGPROC, const void* userParam); - Log(Debug::Info) << "OpenGL debug callback attached."; - } - else + GLDebugMessageControlFunction glDebugMessageControl = nullptr; + GLDebugMessageCallbackFunction glDebugMessageCallback = nullptr; + + if (osg::isGLExtensionSupported(contextID, "GL_KHR_debug")) + { + osg::setGLExtensionFuncPtr(glDebugMessageCallback, "glDebugMessageCallback"); + osg::setGLExtensionFuncPtr(glDebugMessageControl, "glDebugMessageControl"); + osg::setGLExtensionFuncPtr(PushDebugGroup::sInstance->glPushDebugGroup, "glPushDebugGroup"); + osg::setGLExtensionFuncPtr(PushDebugGroup::sInstance->glPopDebugGroup, "glPopDebugGroup"); + } + else if (osg::isGLExtensionSupported(contextID, "GL_ARB_debug_output")) + { + osg::setGLExtensionFuncPtr(glDebugMessageCallback, "glDebugMessageCallbackARB"); + osg::setGLExtensionFuncPtr(glDebugMessageControl, "glDebugMessageControlARB"); + } + else if (osg::isGLExtensionSupported(contextID, "GL_AMD_debug_output")) + { + osg::setGLExtensionFuncPtr(glDebugMessageCallback, "glDebugMessageCallbackAMD"); + osg::setGLExtensionFuncPtr(glDebugMessageControl, "glDebugMessageControlAMD"); + } + + if (glDebugMessageCallback && glDebugMessageControl) + { + glEnable(GL_DEBUG_OUTPUT); + glDebugMessageControl(GL_DONT_CARE, GL_DEBUG_TYPE_ERROR, GL_DEBUG_SEVERITY_MEDIUM, 0, nullptr, true); + glDebugMessageCallback(debugCallback, nullptr); + + Log(Info) << "OpenGL debug callback attached."; + } + else #endif - Log(Debug::Error) << "Unable to attach OpenGL debug callback."; -} - -Debug::EnableGLDebugOperation::EnableGLDebugOperation() : osg::GraphicsOperation("EnableGLDebugOperation", false) -{ -} - -void Debug::EnableGLDebugOperation::operator()(osg::GraphicsContext* graphicsContext) -{ - OpenThreads::ScopedLock lock(mMutex); - - unsigned int contextID = graphicsContext->getState()->getContextID(); - enableGLDebugExtension(contextID); -} - -bool Debug::shouldDebugOpenGL() -{ - const char* env = std::getenv("OPENMW_DEBUG_OPENGL"); - if (!env) - return false; - std::string str(env); - if (str.length() == 0) - return true; - - return str.find("OFF") == std::string::npos && str.find("0") == std::string::npos && str.find("NO") == std::string::npos; + Log(Error) << "Unable to attach OpenGL debug callback."; + } + + bool shouldDebugOpenGL() + { + const char* env = std::getenv("OPENMW_DEBUG_OPENGL"); + if (!env) + return false; + std::string str(env); + if (str.length() == 0) + return true; + + return str.find("OFF") == std::string::npos && str.find("0") == std::string::npos && str.find("NO") == std::string::npos; + } + + DebugGroup::DebugGroup(const std::string & message, GLuint id) + #ifdef GL_DEBUG_OUTPUT + : mSource(GL_DEBUG_SOURCE_APPLICATION) + #else + : mSource(0x824A) + #endif + , mId(id) + , mMessage(message) + { + } + + DebugGroup::DebugGroup(const DebugGroup & debugGroup, const osg::CopyOp & copyop) + : osg::StateAttribute(debugGroup, copyop) + , mSource(debugGroup.mSource) + , mId(debugGroup.mId) + , mMessage(debugGroup.mMessage) + { + } + + void DebugGroup::apply(osg::State & state) const + { + if (!PushDebugGroup::sInstance->valid()) + { + Log(Error) << "OpenGL debug groups not supported on this system, or OPENMW_DEBUG_OPENGL environment variable not set."; + return; + } + + auto& attributeVec = state.getAttributeVec(this); + auto& lastAppliedStack = sLastAppliedStack[state.getContextID()]; + + size_t firstNonMatch = 0; + while (firstNonMatch < lastAppliedStack.size() + && ((firstNonMatch < attributeVec.size() && lastAppliedStack[firstNonMatch] == attributeVec[firstNonMatch].first) + || lastAppliedStack[firstNonMatch] == this)) + firstNonMatch++; + + for (size_t i = lastAppliedStack.size(); i > firstNonMatch; --i) + lastAppliedStack[i - 1]->pop(state); + lastAppliedStack.resize(firstNonMatch); + + lastAppliedStack.reserve(attributeVec.size()); + for (size_t i = firstNonMatch; i < attributeVec.size(); ++i) + { + const DebugGroup* group = static_cast(attributeVec[i].first); + group->push(state); + lastAppliedStack.push_back(group); + } + if (!(lastAppliedStack.back() == this)) + { + push(state); + lastAppliedStack.push_back(this); + } + } + + int DebugGroup::compare(const StateAttribute & sa) const + { + COMPARE_StateAttribute_Types(DebugGroup, sa); + + COMPARE_StateAttribute_Parameter(mSource); + COMPARE_StateAttribute_Parameter(mId); + COMPARE_StateAttribute_Parameter(mMessage); + + return 0; + } + + void DebugGroup::releaseGLObjects(osg::State * state) const + { + if (state) + sLastAppliedStack.erase(state->getContextID()); + else + sLastAppliedStack.clear(); + } + + bool DebugGroup::isValid() const + { + return mSource || mId || mMessage.length(); + } + + void DebugGroup::push(osg::State & state) const + { + if (isValid()) + PushDebugGroup::sInstance->glPushDebugGroup(mSource, mId, mMessage.size(), mMessage.c_str()); + } + + void DebugGroup::pop(osg::State & state) const + { + if (isValid()) + PushDebugGroup::sInstance->glPopDebugGroup(); + } + + std::map> DebugGroup::sLastAppliedStack{}; + } diff --git a/components/debug/gldebug.hpp b/components/debug/gldebug.hpp index 8be747afe8..b6f32c9cff 100644 --- a/components/debug/gldebug.hpp +++ b/components/debug/gldebug.hpp @@ -17,5 +17,65 @@ namespace Debug }; bool shouldDebugOpenGL(); + + + /* + Debug groups allow rendering to be annotated, making debugging via APITrace/CodeXL/NSight etc. much clearer. + + Because I've not thought of a quick and clean way of doing it without incurring a small performance cost, + there are no uses of this class checked in. For now, add annotations locally when you need them. + + To use this class, add it to a StateSet just like any other StateAttribute. Prefer the string-only constructor. + You'll need OPENMW_DEBUG_OPENGL set to true, or shouldDebugOpenGL() redefined to just return true as otherwise + the extension function pointers won't get set up. That can maybe be cleaned up in the future. + + Beware that consecutive identical debug groups (i.e. pointers match) won't always get applied due to OSG thinking + it's already applied them. Either avoid nesting the same object, add dummy groups so they're not consecutive, or + ensure the leaf group isn't identical to its parent. + */ + class DebugGroup : public osg::StateAttribute + { + public: + DebugGroup() + : mSource(0) + , mId(0) + , mMessage("") + {} + + DebugGroup(GLenum source, GLuint id, const std::string& message) + : mSource(source) + , mId(id) + , mMessage(message) + {} + + DebugGroup(const std::string& message, GLuint id = 0); + + DebugGroup(const DebugGroup& debugGroup, const osg::CopyOp& copyop = osg::CopyOp::SHALLOW_COPY); + + META_StateAttribute(Debug, DebugGroup, osg::StateAttribute::Type(101)); + + void apply(osg::State& state) const override; + + int compare(const StateAttribute& sa) const override; + + void releaseGLObjects(osg::State* state = nullptr) const override; + + virtual bool isValid() const; + + protected: + virtual ~DebugGroup() = default; + + virtual void push(osg::State& state) const; + + virtual void pop(osg::State& state) const; + + GLenum mSource; + GLuint mId; + std::string mMessage; + + static std::map> sLastAppliedStack; + + friend EnableGLDebugOperation; + }; } #endif diff --git a/components/detournavigator/navigatorimpl.cpp b/components/detournavigator/navigatorimpl.cpp index c47cf97662..142ba590d2 100644 --- a/components/detournavigator/navigatorimpl.cpp +++ b/components/detournavigator/navigatorimpl.cpp @@ -18,6 +18,8 @@ namespace DetourNavigator void NavigatorImpl::addAgent(const osg::Vec3f& agentHalfExtents) { + if(agentHalfExtents.length2() <= 0) + return; ++mAgents[agentHalfExtents]; mNavMeshManager.addAgent(agentHalfExtents); } diff --git a/components/esm/variant.cpp b/components/esm/variant.cpp index 6ff31dc442..cbcb6e0024 100644 --- a/components/esm/variant.cpp +++ b/components/esm/variant.cpp @@ -62,10 +62,31 @@ ESM::Variant& ESM::Variant::operator= (const Variant& variant) return *this; } +ESM::Variant& ESM::Variant::operator= (Variant&& variant) +{ + if (&variant!=this) + { + delete mData; + + mType = variant.mType; + mData = variant.mData; + + variant.mData = nullptr; + } + + return *this; +} + ESM::Variant::Variant (const Variant& variant) : mType (variant.mType), mData (variant.mData ? variant.mData->clone() : nullptr) {} +ESM::Variant::Variant(Variant&& variant) +: mType (variant.mType), mData (variant.mData) +{ + variant.mData = nullptr; +} + ESM::VarType ESM::Variant::getType() const { return mType; diff --git a/components/esm/variant.hpp b/components/esm/variant.hpp index 5f179a7bdc..20b3aa76ed 100644 --- a/components/esm/variant.hpp +++ b/components/esm/variant.hpp @@ -46,8 +46,10 @@ namespace ESM ~Variant(); Variant& operator= (const Variant& variant); + Variant& operator= (Variant && variant); Variant (const Variant& variant); + Variant (Variant&& variant); VarType getType() const; diff --git a/components/myguiplatform/myguicompat.h b/components/myguiplatform/myguicompat.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..04ca11a79f --- /dev/null +++ b/components/myguiplatform/myguicompat.h @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +#ifndef OPENMW_COMPONENTS_MYGUIPLATFORM_MYGUICOMPAT_H +#define OPENMW_COMPONENTS_MYGUIPLATFORM_MYGUICOMPAT_H + +#include + +#if MYGUI_VERSION > MYGUI_DEFINE_VERSION(3, 4, 0) + #define OPENMW_MYGUI_CONST_GETTER_3_4_1 const +#else + #define OPENMW_MYGUI_CONST_GETTER_3_4_1 +#endif + +#endif // OPENMW_COMPONENTS_MYGUIPLATFORM_MYGUICOMPAT_H diff --git a/components/myguiplatform/myguidatamanager.cpp b/components/myguiplatform/myguidatamanager.cpp index c90e092215..0310e996b9 100644 --- a/components/myguiplatform/myguidatamanager.cpp +++ b/components/myguiplatform/myguidatamanager.cpp @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ void DataManager::setResourcePath(const std::string &path) mResourcePath = path; } -MyGUI::IDataStream *DataManager::getData(const std::string &name) +MyGUI::IDataStream *DataManager::getData(const std::string &name) OPENMW_MYGUI_CONST_GETTER_3_4_1 { std::string fullpath = getDataPath(name); std::unique_ptr stream; @@ -34,13 +34,13 @@ void DataManager::freeData(MyGUI::IDataStream *data) delete data; } -bool DataManager::isDataExist(const std::string &name) +bool DataManager::isDataExist(const std::string &name) OPENMW_MYGUI_CONST_GETTER_3_4_1 { std::string fullpath = mResourcePath + "/" + name; return boost::filesystem::exists(fullpath); } -const MyGUI::VectorString &DataManager::getDataListNames(const std::string &pattern) +const MyGUI::VectorString &DataManager::getDataListNames(const std::string &pattern) OPENMW_MYGUI_CONST_GETTER_3_4_1 { // TODO: pattern matching (unused?) static MyGUI::VectorString strings; @@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ const MyGUI::VectorString &DataManager::getDataListNames(const std::string &patt return strings; } -const std::string &DataManager::getDataPath(const std::string &name) +const std::string &DataManager::getDataPath(const std::string &name) OPENMW_MYGUI_CONST_GETTER_3_4_1 { static std::string result; result.clear(); diff --git a/components/myguiplatform/myguidatamanager.hpp b/components/myguiplatform/myguidatamanager.hpp index a97c6ad2e0..ca2f94899c 100644 --- a/components/myguiplatform/myguidatamanager.hpp +++ b/components/myguiplatform/myguidatamanager.hpp @@ -3,10 +3,11 @@ #include +#include "myguicompat.h" + namespace osgMyGUI { - class DataManager : public MyGUI::DataManager { public: @@ -18,7 +19,7 @@ public: /** Get data stream from specified resource name. @param _name Resource name (usually file name). */ - MyGUI::IDataStream* getData(const std::string& _name) override; + MyGUI::IDataStream* getData(const std::string& _name) OPENMW_MYGUI_CONST_GETTER_3_4_1 override; /** Free data stream. @param _data Data stream. @@ -28,18 +29,18 @@ public: /** Is data with specified name exist. @param _name Resource name. */ - bool isDataExist(const std::string& _name) override; + bool isDataExist(const std::string& _name) OPENMW_MYGUI_CONST_GETTER_3_4_1 override; /** Get all data names with names that matches pattern. @param _pattern Pattern to match (for example "*.layout"). */ - const MyGUI::VectorString& getDataListNames(const std::string& _pattern) override; + const MyGUI::VectorString& getDataListNames(const std::string& _pattern) OPENMW_MYGUI_CONST_GETTER_3_4_1 override; /** Get full path to data. @param _name Resource name. @return Return full path to specified data. */ - const std::string& getDataPath(const std::string& _name) override; + const std::string& getDataPath(const std::string& _name) OPENMW_MYGUI_CONST_GETTER_3_4_1 override; private: std::string mResourcePath; diff --git a/components/myguiplatform/myguirendermanager.cpp b/components/myguiplatform/myguirendermanager.cpp index dc771f11f2..77a5ee533b 100644 --- a/components/myguiplatform/myguirendermanager.cpp +++ b/components/myguiplatform/myguirendermanager.cpp @@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ #include #include #include +#include #include @@ -14,6 +15,9 @@ #include +#include + +#include "myguicompat.h" #include "myguitexture.hpp" #define MYGUI_PLATFORM_LOG_SECTION "Platform" @@ -263,7 +267,7 @@ public: osg::VertexBufferObject* getVertexBuffer(); void setVertexCount(size_t count) override; - size_t getVertexCount() override; + size_t getVertexCount() OPENMW_MYGUI_CONST_GETTER_3_4_1 override; MyGUI::Vertex *lock() override; void unlock() override; @@ -290,7 +294,7 @@ void OSGVertexBuffer::setVertexCount(size_t count) mNeedVertexCount = count; } -size_t OSGVertexBuffer::getVertexCount() +size_t OSGVertexBuffer::getVertexCount() OPENMW_MYGUI_CONST_GETTER_3_4_1 { return mNeedVertexCount; } @@ -438,14 +442,23 @@ void RenderManager::doRender(MyGUI::IVertexBuffer *buffer, MyGUI::ITexture *text batch.mVertexBuffer = static_cast(buffer)->getVertexBuffer(); batch.mArray = static_cast(buffer)->getVertexArray(); static_cast(buffer)->markUsed(); + bool premultipliedAlpha = false; if (texture) { batch.mTexture = static_cast(texture)->getTexture(); if (batch.mTexture->getDataVariance() == osg::Object::DYNAMIC) mDrawable->setDataVariance(osg::Object::DYNAMIC); // only for this frame, reset in begin() + batch.mTexture->getUserValue("premultiplied alpha", premultipliedAlpha); } if (mInjectState) batch.mStateSet = mInjectState; + else if (premultipliedAlpha) + { + // This is hacky, but MyGUI made it impossible to use a custom layer for a nested node, so state couldn't be injected 'properly' + osg::ref_ptr stateSet = new osg::StateSet(); + stateSet->setAttribute(new osg::BlendFunc(osg::BlendFunc::ONE, osg::BlendFunc::ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA)); + batch.mStateSet = stateSet; + } mDrawable->addBatch(batch); } @@ -560,4 +573,14 @@ bool RenderManager::checkTexture(MyGUI::ITexture* _texture) return true; } +#if MYGUI_VERSION > MYGUI_DEFINE_VERSION(3, 4, 0) +void RenderManager::registerShader( + const std::string& _shaderName, + const std::string& _vertexProgramFile, + const std::string& _fragmentProgramFile) +{ + MYGUI_PLATFORM_LOG(Warning, "osgMyGUI::RenderManager::registerShader is not implemented"); +} +#endif + } diff --git a/components/myguiplatform/myguirendermanager.hpp b/components/myguiplatform/myguirendermanager.hpp index 72abebd186..3c3fb672d6 100644 --- a/components/myguiplatform/myguirendermanager.hpp +++ b/components/myguiplatform/myguirendermanager.hpp @@ -5,6 +5,8 @@ #include +#include "myguicompat.h" + namespace Resource { class ImageManager; @@ -70,7 +72,8 @@ public: const MyGUI::IntSize& getViewSize() const override { return mViewSize; } /** @see RenderManager::getVertexFormat */ - MyGUI::VertexColourType getVertexFormat() override { return mVertexFormat; } + MyGUI::VertexColourType getVertexFormat() OPENMW_MYGUI_CONST_GETTER_3_4_1 override + { return mVertexFormat; } /** @see RenderManager::isFormatSupported */ bool isFormatSupported(MyGUI::PixelFormat format, MyGUI::TextureUsage usage) override; @@ -102,17 +105,22 @@ public: void setInjectState(osg::StateSet* stateSet); /** @see IRenderTarget::getInfo */ - const MyGUI::RenderTargetInfo& getInfo() override { return mInfo; } + const MyGUI::RenderTargetInfo& getInfo() OPENMW_MYGUI_CONST_GETTER_3_4_1 override { return mInfo; } bool checkTexture(MyGUI::ITexture* _texture); // setViewSize() is a part of MyGUI::RenderManager interface since 3.4.0 release -#if MYGUI_VERSION < MYGUI_DEFINE_VERSION(3,4,0) +#if MYGUI_VERSION < MYGUI_DEFINE_VERSION(3, 4, 0) void setViewSize(int width, int height); #else void setViewSize(int width, int height) override; #endif + // registerShader() is a part of MyGUI::RenderManager interface since 3.4.1 release +#if MYGUI_VERSION > MYGUI_DEFINE_VERSION(3, 4, 0) + void registerShader(const std::string& _shaderName, const std::string& _vertexProgramFile, const std::string& _fragmentProgramFile) override; +#endif + /*internal:*/ void collectDrawCalls(); diff --git a/components/myguiplatform/myguitexture.cpp b/components/myguiplatform/myguitexture.cpp index 598f5a14e9..ce7332cc7e 100644 --- a/components/myguiplatform/myguitexture.cpp +++ b/components/myguiplatform/myguitexture.cpp @@ -115,16 +115,6 @@ namespace osgMyGUI Log(Debug::Warning) << "Would save image to file " << fname; } - int OSGTexture::getWidth() - { - return mWidth; - } - - int OSGTexture::getHeight() - { - return mHeight; - } - void *OSGTexture::lock(MyGUI::TextureUsage /*access*/) { if (!mTexture.valid()) @@ -167,15 +157,14 @@ namespace osgMyGUI mLockedImage = nullptr; } - bool OSGTexture::isLocked() - { - return mLockedImage.valid(); - } - // Render-to-texture not currently implemented. MyGUI::IRenderTarget* OSGTexture::getRenderTarget() { return nullptr; } +#if MYGUI_VERSION > MYGUI_DEFINE_VERSION(3, 4, 0) + void OSGTexture::setShader(const std::string& _shaderName) + { Log(Debug::Warning) << "OSGTexture::setShader is not implemented"; } +#endif } diff --git a/components/myguiplatform/myguitexture.hpp b/components/myguiplatform/myguitexture.hpp index 6baeb74591..a34f1b7628 100644 --- a/components/myguiplatform/myguitexture.hpp +++ b/components/myguiplatform/myguitexture.hpp @@ -5,6 +5,12 @@ #include +#if MYGUI_VERSION > MYGUI_DEFINE_VERSION(3, 4, 0) + #define OPENMW_MYGUI_CONST_GETTER_3_4_1 const +#else + #define OPENMW_MYGUI_CONST_GETTER_3_4_1 +#endif + namespace osg { class Image; @@ -47,17 +53,22 @@ namespace osgMyGUI void* lock(MyGUI::TextureUsage access) override; void unlock() override; - bool isLocked() override; + bool isLocked() OPENMW_MYGUI_CONST_GETTER_3_4_1 override { return mLockedImage.valid(); } - int getWidth() override; - int getHeight() override; + int getWidth() OPENMW_MYGUI_CONST_GETTER_3_4_1 override { return mWidth; } + int getHeight() OPENMW_MYGUI_CONST_GETTER_3_4_1 override { return mHeight; } - MyGUI::PixelFormat getFormat() override { return mFormat; } - MyGUI::TextureUsage getUsage() override { return mUsage; } - size_t getNumElemBytes() override { return mNumElemBytes; } + MyGUI::PixelFormat getFormat() OPENMW_MYGUI_CONST_GETTER_3_4_1 override { return mFormat; } + MyGUI::TextureUsage getUsage() OPENMW_MYGUI_CONST_GETTER_3_4_1 override { return mUsage; } + size_t getNumElemBytes() OPENMW_MYGUI_CONST_GETTER_3_4_1 override { return mNumElemBytes; } MyGUI::IRenderTarget *getRenderTarget() override; + // setShader() is a part of MyGUI::RenderManager interface since 3.4.1 release +#if MYGUI_VERSION > MYGUI_DEFINE_VERSION(3, 4, 0) + void setShader(const std::string& _shaderName) override; +#endif + /*internal:*/ osg::Texture2D *getTexture() const { return mTexture.get(); } }; diff --git a/components/myguiplatform/scalinglayer.cpp b/components/myguiplatform/scalinglayer.cpp index 07a5161b2d..99ed6d07a3 100644 --- a/components/myguiplatform/scalinglayer.cpp +++ b/components/myguiplatform/scalinglayer.cpp @@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ #include #include +#include "myguicompat.h" + namespace osgMyGUI { @@ -37,7 +39,7 @@ namespace osgMyGUI mTarget->doRender(_buffer, _texture, _count); } - const MyGUI::RenderTargetInfo& getInfo() override + const MyGUI::RenderTargetInfo& getInfo() OPENMW_MYGUI_CONST_GETTER_3_4_1 override { mInfo = mTarget->getInfo(); mInfo.hOffset = mHOffset; @@ -51,7 +53,7 @@ namespace osgMyGUI MyGUI::IRenderTarget* mTarget; MyGUI::IntSize mViewSize; float mHOffset, mVOffset; - MyGUI::RenderTargetInfo mInfo; + mutable MyGUI::RenderTargetInfo mInfo; }; MyGUI::ILayerItem *ScalingLayer::getLayerItemByPoint(int _left, int _top) const diff --git a/components/resource/scenemanager.cpp b/components/resource/scenemanager.cpp index ef53bea0d4..f40cc04ead 100644 --- a/components/resource/scenemanager.cpp +++ b/components/resource/scenemanager.cpp @@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ namespace Resource , mAutoUseNormalMaps(false) , mAutoUseSpecularMaps(false) , mApplyLightingToEnvMaps(false) - , mFFPLighting(true) + , mLightingMethod(SceneUtil::LightingMethod::FFP) , mInstanceCache(new MultiObjectCache) , mSharedStateManager(new SharedStateManager) , mImageManager(imageManager) @@ -258,6 +258,12 @@ namespace Resource node->accept(*shaderVisitor); } + void SceneManager::reinstateRemovedState(osg::ref_ptr node) + { + osg::ref_ptr reinstateRemovedStateVisitor = new Shader::ReinstateRemovedStateVisitor(false); + node->accept(*reinstateRemovedStateVisitor); + } + void SceneManager::setClampLighting(bool clamp) { mClampLighting = clamp; @@ -298,14 +304,19 @@ namespace Resource mApplyLightingToEnvMaps = apply; } - void SceneManager::setFFPLighting(bool apply) + void SceneManager::setLightingMethod(SceneUtil::LightingMethod method) { - mFFPLighting = apply; + mLightingMethod = method; } - bool SceneManager::getFFPLighting() const + SceneUtil::LightingMethod SceneManager::getLightingMethod() const { - return mFFPLighting; + return mLightingMethod; + } + + void SceneManager::setConvertAlphaTestToAlphaToCoverage(bool convert) + { + mConvertAlphaTestToAlphaToCoverage = convert; } SceneManager::~SceneManager() @@ -782,6 +793,7 @@ namespace Resource shaderVisitor->setAutoUseSpecularMaps(mAutoUseSpecularMaps); shaderVisitor->setSpecularMapPattern(mSpecularMapPattern); shaderVisitor->setApplyLightingToEnvMaps(mApplyLightingToEnvMaps); + shaderVisitor->setConvertAlphaTestToAlphaToCoverage(mConvertAlphaTestToAlphaToCoverage); shaderVisitor->setTranslucentFramebuffer(translucentFramebuffer); return shaderVisitor; } diff --git a/components/resource/scenemanager.hpp b/components/resource/scenemanager.hpp index 92800df9fb..fdc7d334f8 100644 --- a/components/resource/scenemanager.hpp +++ b/components/resource/scenemanager.hpp @@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ #include "resourcemanager.hpp" +#include + namespace Resource { class ImageManager; @@ -75,9 +77,14 @@ namespace Resource Shader::ShaderManager& getShaderManager(); - /// Re-create shaders for this node, need to call this if texture stages or vertex color mode have changed. + /// Re-create shaders for this node, need to call this if alpha testing, texture stages or vertex color mode have changed. void recreateShaders(osg::ref_ptr node, const std::string& shaderPrefix = "objects", bool translucentFramebuffer = false, bool forceShadersForNode = false); + /// Applying shaders to a node may replace some fixed-function state. + /// This restores it. + /// When editing such state, it should be reinstated before the edits, and shaders should be recreated afterwards. + void reinstateRemovedState(osg::ref_ptr node); + /// @see ShaderVisitor::setForceShaders void setForceShaders(bool force); bool getForceShaders() const; @@ -100,8 +107,10 @@ namespace Resource void setApplyLightingToEnvMaps(bool apply); - void setFFPLighting(bool apply); - bool getFFPLighting() const; + void setLightingMethod(SceneUtil::LightingMethod method); + SceneUtil::LightingMethod getLightingMethod() const; + + void setConvertAlphaTestToAlphaToCoverage(bool convert); void setShaderPath(const std::string& path); @@ -187,7 +196,8 @@ namespace Resource bool mAutoUseSpecularMaps; std::string mSpecularMapPattern; bool mApplyLightingToEnvMaps; - bool mFFPLighting; + SceneUtil::LightingMethod mLightingMethod; + bool mConvertAlphaTestToAlphaToCoverage; osg::ref_ptr mInstanceCache; diff --git a/components/sceneutil/lightcontroller.cpp b/components/sceneutil/lightcontroller.cpp index cc95fe2e4f..c759fabc79 100644 --- a/components/sceneutil/lightcontroller.cpp +++ b/components/sceneutil/lightcontroller.cpp @@ -11,14 +11,13 @@ namespace SceneUtil { - LightController::LightController(bool useFFPLighting) + LightController::LightController() : mType(LT_Normal) , mPhase(0.25f + Misc::Rng::rollClosedProbability() * 0.75f) , mBrightness(0.675f) , mStartTime(0.0) , mLastTime(0.0) , mTicksToAdvance(0.f) - , mFFPLighting(useFFPLighting) { } @@ -63,11 +62,7 @@ namespace SceneUtil mPhase = mPhase <= 0.5f ? 1.f : 0.25f; } - auto* lightSource = static_cast(node); - if (mFFPLighting) - lightSource->getLight(nv->getTraversalNumber())->setDiffuse(mDiffuseColor * mBrightness); - else - lightSource->setBrightness(nv->getTraversalNumber(), mBrightness); + static_cast(node)->getLight(nv->getTraversalNumber())->setDiffuse(mDiffuseColor * mBrightness); traverse(node, nv); } diff --git a/components/sceneutil/lightcontroller.hpp b/components/sceneutil/lightcontroller.hpp index f416be7240..36b2e868e5 100644 --- a/components/sceneutil/lightcontroller.hpp +++ b/components/sceneutil/lightcontroller.hpp @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ namespace SceneUtil LT_PulseSlow }; - LightController(bool useFFPLighting=true); + LightController(); void setType(LightType type); @@ -36,7 +36,6 @@ namespace SceneUtil double mStartTime; double mLastTime; float mTicksToAdvance; - bool mFFPLighting; }; } diff --git a/components/sceneutil/lightmanager.cpp b/components/sceneutil/lightmanager.cpp index 987a95e20e..7215459202 100644 --- a/components/sceneutil/lightmanager.cpp +++ b/components/sceneutil/lightmanager.cpp @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ #include #include +#include #include @@ -29,169 +30,132 @@ namespace { return left->mViewBound.center().length2() - left->mViewBound.radius2()*81 < right->mViewBound.center().length2() - right->mViewBound.radius2()*81; } + + float getLightRadius(const osg::Light* light) + { + float value = 0.0; + light->getUserValue("radius", value); + return value; + } + + void setLightRadius(osg::Light* light, float value) + { + light->setUserValue("radius", value); + } } namespace SceneUtil { static int sLightId = 0; -//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// -// Internal Data Structures -//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// - class LightBuffer : public osg::Referenced { public: - LightBuffer(int elements, int count=1) - : mNumElements(elements) - , mData(new osg::Vec4Array(elements * count)) - , mDirty(false) - {} - virtual ~LightBuffer() {} + LightBuffer(int count) : mData(new osg::Vec4Array(3*count)), mEndian(osg::getCpuByteOrder()) {} - osg::ref_ptr getData() + void setDiffuse(int index, const osg::Vec4& value) { - return mData; + *(unsigned int*)(&(*mData)[3*index][0]) = asRGBA(value); } - bool isDirty() const + void setAmbient(int index, const osg::Vec4& value) { - return mDirty; + *(unsigned int*)(&(*mData)[3*index][1]) = asRGBA(value); } - void dirty() + void setSpecular(int index, const osg::Vec4& value) { - mData->dirty(); - mDirty = false; + *(unsigned int*)(&(*mData)[3*index][2]) = asRGBA(value); } - protected: - size_t mNumElements; - osg::ref_ptr mData; - bool mDirty; - }; - - /* - * struct: - * vec4 diffuse - * vec4 ambient - * vec4 specular - * vec4 direction - */ - class SunlightBuffer : public LightBuffer - { - public: - - enum Type {Diffuse, Ambient, Specular, Direction}; - - SunlightBuffer() - : LightBuffer(4) - {} - - void setValue(Type type, const osg::Vec4& value) + void setPosition(int index, const osg::Vec4& value) { - if (getValue(type) == value) - return; - - (*mData)[type] = value; - - mDirty = true; - } - - osg::Vec4 getValue(Type type) - { - return (*mData)[type]; - } - }; - - /* - * struct: - * vec4 diffuse - * vec4 ambient - * vec4 position - * vec4 illumination (constant, linear, quadratic) - */ - class PointLightBuffer : public LightBuffer - { - public: - - enum Type {Position, Diffuse, Ambient, Attenuation}; - - PointLightBuffer(int count) - : LightBuffer(4, count) - {} - - void setValue(int index, Type type, const osg::Vec4& value) - { - if (getValue(index, type) == value) - return; - - int indexOffset = mNumElements * index + type; - (*mData)[indexOffset] = value; - - mDirty = true; + (*mData)[3*index+1] = value; } - osg::Vec4 getValue(int index, Type type) + void setAttenuation(int index, float c, float l, float q) { - return (*mData)[mNumElements * index + type]; + (*mData)[3*index+2][0] = c; + (*mData)[3*index+2][1] = l; + (*mData)[3*index+2][2] = q; } + void setRadius(int index, float value) + { + (*mData)[3*index+2][3] = value; + } + + auto getPosition(int index) + { + return (*mData)[3*index+1]; + } + + auto& getData() { return mData; } + void dirty() { mData->dirty(); } + static constexpr int queryBlockSize(int sz) { - return 4 * osg::Vec4::num_components * sizeof(GL_FLOAT) * sz; + return 3 * osg::Vec4::num_components * sizeof(GL_FLOAT) * sz; } + + unsigned int asRGBA(const osg::Vec4& value) const + { + return mEndian == osg::BigEndian ? value.asABGR() : value.asRGBA(); + } + + osg::ref_ptr mData; + osg::Endian mEndian; }; class LightStateCache { public: - osg::Light* lastAppliedLight[8]; + std::vector lastAppliedLight; }; - LightStateCache* getLightStateCache(size_t contextid) + LightStateCache* getLightStateCache(size_t contextid, size_t size = 8) { static std::vector cacheVector; if (cacheVector.size() < contextid+1) cacheVector.resize(contextid+1); + cacheVector[contextid].lastAppliedLight.resize(size); return &cacheVector[contextid]; } -//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// -// State Attributes -//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// - - SunlightStateAttribute::SunlightStateAttribute() - : mBuffer(new SunlightBuffer) + void configureStateSetSunOverride(LightingMethod method, const osg::Light* light, osg::StateSet* stateset, int mode) { - osg::ref_ptr ubo = new osg::UniformBufferObject; - mBuffer->getData()->setBufferObject(ubo); - mUbb = new osg::UniformBufferBinding(0, mBuffer->getData().get(), 0, mBuffer->getData()->getTotalDataSize()); - } + switch (method) + { + case LightingMethod::FFP: + break; + case LightingMethod::PerObjectUniform: + { + stateset->addUniform(new osg::Uniform("LightBuffer[0].diffuse", light->getDiffuse()), mode); + stateset->addUniform(new osg::Uniform("LightBuffer[0].ambient", light->getAmbient()), mode); + stateset->addUniform(new osg::Uniform("LightBuffer[0].specular", light->getSpecular()), mode); + stateset->addUniform(new osg::Uniform("LightBuffer[0].position", light->getPosition()), mode); - SunlightStateAttribute::SunlightStateAttribute(const SunlightStateAttribute ©, const osg::CopyOp ©op) - : osg::StateAttribute(copy, copyop), mBuffer(copy.mBuffer) - {} + break; + } + case LightingMethod::SingleUBO: + { + osg::ref_ptr buffer = new LightBuffer(1); - int SunlightStateAttribute::compare(const StateAttribute &sa) const - { - throw std::runtime_error("LightStateAttribute::compare: unimplemented"); - } + buffer->setDiffuse(0, light->getDiffuse()); + buffer->setAmbient(0, light->getAmbient()); + buffer->setSpecular(0, light->getSpecular()); + buffer->setPosition(0, light->getPosition()); - void SunlightStateAttribute::setFromLight(const osg::Light* light) - { - mBuffer->setValue(SunlightBuffer::Diffuse, light->getDiffuse()); - mBuffer->setValue(SunlightBuffer::Ambient, light->getAmbient()); - mBuffer->setValue(SunlightBuffer::Specular, light->getSpecular()); - mBuffer->setValue(SunlightBuffer::Direction, light->getPosition()); - } + osg::ref_ptr ubo = new osg::UniformBufferObject; + buffer->mData->setBufferObject(ubo); + osg::ref_ptr ubb = new osg::UniformBufferBinding(static_cast(Shader::UBOBinding::LightBuffer), buffer->mData.get(), 0, buffer->mData->getTotalDataSize()); - void SunlightStateAttribute::setStateSet(osg::StateSet* stateset, int mode) - { - stateset->setAttributeAndModes(mUbb, mode); - stateset->setAssociatedModes(this, mode); - mBuffer->dirty(); + stateset->setAttributeAndModes(ubb, mode); + + break; + } + } } class DisableLight : public osg::StateAttribute @@ -325,9 +289,162 @@ namespace SceneUtil return nullptr; } -//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// -// Node Callbacks -//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// + class LightStateAttributePerObjectUniform : public osg::StateAttribute + { + public: + LightStateAttributePerObjectUniform() {} + LightStateAttributePerObjectUniform(const std::vector>& lights, LightManager* lightManager) : mLights(lights), mLightManager(lightManager) {} + + LightStateAttributePerObjectUniform(const LightStateAttributePerObjectUniform& copy,const osg::CopyOp& copyop=osg::CopyOp::SHALLOW_COPY) + : osg::StateAttribute(copy,copyop), mLights(copy.mLights), mLightManager(copy.mLightManager) {} + + int compare(const StateAttribute &sa) const override + { + throw std::runtime_error("LightStateAttributePerObjectUniform::compare: unimplemented"); + } + + META_StateAttribute(NifOsg, LightStateAttributePerObjectUniform, osg::StateAttribute::LIGHT) + + void apply(osg::State &state) const override + { + osg::Matrix modelViewMatrix = state.getModelViewMatrix(); + + state.applyModelViewMatrix(state.getInitialViewMatrix()); + + LightStateCache* cache = getLightStateCache(state.getContextID(), mLightManager->getMaxLights()); + for (size_t i = 0; i < mLights.size(); ++i) + { + osg::Light* current = cache->lastAppliedLight[i]; + auto light = mLights[i]; + if (current != light.get()) + { + mLightManager->getLightUniform(i+1, LightManager::UniformKey::Diffuse)->set(light->getDiffuse()); + mLightManager->getLightUniform(i+1, LightManager::UniformKey::Ambient)->set(light->getAmbient()); + mLightManager->getLightUniform(i+1, LightManager::UniformKey::Attenuation)->set(osg::Vec4(light->getConstantAttenuation(), light->getLinearAttenuation(), light->getQuadraticAttenuation(), getLightRadius(light))); + mLightManager->getLightUniform(i+1, LightManager::UniformKey::Position)->set(light->getPosition() * state.getModelViewMatrix()); + + cache->lastAppliedLight[i] = mLights[i]; + } + } + + state.applyModelViewMatrix(modelViewMatrix); + } + + private: + std::vector> mLights; + LightManager* mLightManager; + }; + + struct StateSetGenerator + { + LightManager* mLightManager; + + virtual ~StateSetGenerator() {} + + virtual osg::ref_ptr generate(const LightManager::LightList& lightList, size_t frameNum) = 0; + + virtual void update(osg::StateSet* stateset, const LightManager::LightList& lightList, size_t frameNum) {} + }; + + struct StateSetGeneratorFFP : StateSetGenerator + { + osg::ref_ptr generate(const LightManager::LightList& lightList, size_t frameNum) override + { + osg::ref_ptr stateset = new osg::StateSet; + + std::vector> lights; + lights.reserve(lightList.size()); + for (size_t i = 0; i < lightList.size(); ++i) + lights.emplace_back(lightList[i]->mLightSource->getLight(frameNum)); + + // the first light state attribute handles the actual state setting for all lights + // it's best to batch these up so that we don't need to touch the modelView matrix more than necessary + // don't use setAttributeAndModes, that does not support light indices! + stateset->setAttribute(new FFPLightStateAttribute(mLightManager->getStartLight(), std::move(lights)), osg::StateAttribute::ON); + + for (size_t i = 0; i < lightList.size(); ++i) + stateset->setMode(GL_LIGHT0 + mLightManager->getStartLight() + i, osg::StateAttribute::ON); + + // need to push some dummy attributes to ensure proper state tracking + // lights need to reset to their default when the StateSet is popped + for (size_t i = 1; i < lightList.size(); ++i) + stateset->setAttribute(mLightManager->getDummies()[i + mLightManager->getStartLight()].get(), osg::StateAttribute::ON); + + return stateset; + } + }; + + struct StateSetGeneratorSingleUBO : StateSetGenerator + { + osg::ref_ptr generate(const LightManager::LightList& lightList, size_t frameNum) override + { + osg::ref_ptr stateset = new osg::StateSet; + + osg::ref_ptr indices = new osg::IntArray(mLightManager->getMaxLights()); + osg::ref_ptr indicesUni = new osg::Uniform(osg::Uniform::Type::INT, "PointLightIndex", indices->size()); + int pointCount = 0; + + for (size_t i = 0; i < lightList.size(); ++i) + { + int bufIndex = mLightManager->getLightIndexMap(frameNum)[lightList[i]->mLightSource->getId()]; + indices->at(pointCount++) = bufIndex; + } + indicesUni->setArray(indices); + stateset->addUniform(indicesUni); + stateset->addUniform(new osg::Uniform("PointLightCount", pointCount)); + + return stateset; + } + + // Cached statesets must be re-validated in case the light indicies change. There is no actual link between + // a lights ID and the buffer index it will eventually be assigned (or reassigned) to. + void update(osg::StateSet* stateset, const LightManager::LightList& lightList, size_t frameNum) override + { + int newCount = 0; + int oldCount; + + auto uOldArray = stateset->getUniform("PointLightIndex"); + auto uOldCount = stateset->getUniform("PointLightCount"); + + uOldCount->get(oldCount); + + auto& lightData = mLightManager->getLightIndexMap(frameNum); + + for (int i = 0; i < oldCount; ++i) + { + auto* lightSource = lightList[i]->mLightSource; + auto it = lightData.find(lightSource->getId()); + if (it != lightData.end()) + uOldArray->setElement(newCount++, it->second); + } + + uOldArray->dirty(); + uOldCount->set(newCount); + } + }; + + struct StateSetGeneratorPerObjectUniform : StateSetGenerator + { + osg::ref_ptr generate(const LightManager::LightList& lightList, size_t frameNum) override + { + osg::ref_ptr stateset = new osg::StateSet; + + std::vector> lights(lightList.size()); + + for (size_t i = 0; i < lightList.size(); ++i) + { + auto* light = lightList[i]->mLightSource->getLight(frameNum); + lights[i] = light; + setLightRadius(light, lightList[i]->mLightSource->getRadius()); + } + + stateset->setAttributeAndModes(new LightStateAttributePerObjectUniform(std::move(lights), mLightManager), osg::StateAttribute::ON); + + stateset->addUniform(new osg::Uniform("PointLightCount", static_cast(lightList.size()))); + + return stateset; + } + }; // Set on a LightSource. Adds the light source to its light manager for the current frame. // This allows us to keep track of the current lights in the scene graph without tying creation & destruction to the manager. @@ -350,9 +467,9 @@ namespace SceneUtil mLightManager = findLightManager(nv->getNodePath()); if (!mLightManager) - throw std::runtime_error("can't find parent LightManager"); + throw std::runtime_error("can't find parent LightManager"); } - + mLightManager->addLight(static_cast(node), osg::computeLocalToWorld(nv->getNodePath()), nv->getTraversalNumber()); traverse(node, nv); @@ -378,16 +495,16 @@ namespace SceneUtil void operator()(osg::Node* node, osg::NodeVisitor* nv) override { LightManager* lightManager = static_cast(node); - lightManager->update(); + lightManager->update(nv->getTraversalNumber()); traverse(node, nv); } }; - class SunlightCallback : public osg::NodeCallback + class LightManagerCullCallback : public osg::NodeCallback { public: - SunlightCallback(LightManager* lightManager) : mLightManager(lightManager) {} + LightManagerCullCallback(LightManager* lightManager) : mLightManager(lightManager) {} void operator()(osg::Node* node, osg::NodeVisitor* nv) override { @@ -397,20 +514,35 @@ namespace SceneUtil { mLastFrameNumber = cv->getTraversalNumber(); + if (mLightManager->getLightingMethod() == LightingMethod::SingleUBO) + { + auto stateset = mLightManager->getStateSet(); + auto bo = mLightManager->getLightBuffer(mLastFrameNumber); + osg::ref_ptr ubb = new osg::UniformBufferBinding(static_cast(Shader::UBOBinding::LightBuffer), bo->getData().get(), 0, bo->getData()->getTotalDataSize()); + stateset->setAttributeAndModes(ubb.get(), osg::StateAttribute::ON); + } + auto sun = mLightManager->getSunlight(); - if (!sun) - return; + if (sun) + { + if (mLightManager->getLightingMethod() == LightingMethod::PerObjectUniform) + { + mLightManager->getLightUniform(0, LightManager::UniformKey::Diffuse)->set(sun->getDiffuse()); + mLightManager->getLightUniform(0, LightManager::UniformKey::Ambient)->set(sun->getAmbient()); + mLightManager->getLightUniform(0, LightManager::UniformKey::Specular)->set(sun->getSpecular()); + mLightManager->getLightUniform(0, LightManager::UniformKey::Position)->set(sun->getPosition() * (*cv->getCurrentRenderStage()->getInitialViewMatrix())); + } + else + { + auto buf = mLightManager->getLightBuffer(mLastFrameNumber); - auto buf = mLightManager->getSunBuffer(); - - buf->setValue(SunlightBuffer::Diffuse, sun->getDiffuse()); - buf->setValue(SunlightBuffer::Ambient, sun->getAmbient()); - buf->setValue(SunlightBuffer::Specular, sun->getSpecular()); - buf->setValue(SunlightBuffer::Direction, sun->getPosition() * *cv->getCurrentRenderStage()->getInitialViewMatrix()); - - if (buf->isDirty()) - buf->dirty(); + buf->setDiffuse(0, sun->getDiffuse()); + buf->setAmbient(0, sun->getAmbient()); + buf->setSpecular(0, sun->getSpecular()); + buf->setPosition(0, sun->getPosition() * (*cv->getCurrentRenderStage()->getInitialViewMatrix())); + } + } } traverse(node, nv); @@ -420,7 +552,7 @@ namespace SceneUtil LightManager* mLightManager; size_t mLastFrameNumber; }; - + class LightManagerStateAttribute : public osg::StateAttribute { public: @@ -439,94 +571,144 @@ namespace SceneUtil void apply(osg::State& state) const override { - osg::Matrix modelViewMatrix = state.getModelViewMatrix(); - - state.applyModelViewMatrix(state.getInitialViewMatrix()); - - for (size_t i = 0; i < mLightManager->mPointLightProxyData.size(); i++) - { - auto& data = mLightManager->mPointLightProxyData[i]; - auto pos = data.mPosition * state.getInitialViewMatrix(); - pos[3] = data.mBrightness; - mLightManager->mPointBuffer->setValue(i, PointLightBuffer::Position, pos); - } - state.applyModelViewMatrix(modelViewMatrix); - mLightManager->mPointBuffer->dirty(); + mLightManager->getLightBuffer(state.getFrameStamp()->getFrameNumber())->dirty(); } LightManager* mLightManager; }; + bool LightManager::isValidLightingModelString(const std::string& value) + { + static const std::unordered_set validLightingModels = {"legacy", "default", "experimental"}; + return validLightingModels.count(value) != 0; + } + LightManager::LightManager(bool ffp) : mStartLight(0) , mLightingMask(~0u) , mSun(nullptr) - , mSunBuffer(nullptr) - , mFFP(ffp) + , mPointLightRadiusMultiplier(std::max(0.0f, Settings::Manager::getFloat("light bounds multiplier", "Shaders"))) { - if (usingFFP()) + auto lightingModelString = Settings::Manager::getString("lighting method", "Shaders"); + bool validLightingModel = isValidLightingModelString(lightingModelString); + if (!validLightingModel) + Log(Debug::Error) << "Invalid option for 'lighting model': got '" << lightingModelString + << "', expected legacy, default, or experimental."; + + if (ffp || !validLightingModel) { + setMaxLights(LightManager::mFFPMaxLights); + setLightingMethod(LightingMethod::FFP); + for (int i=0; i >())); + setUpdateCallback(new LightManagerUpdateCallback); return; } + osg::GLExtensions* exts = osg::GLExtensions::Get(0, false); + bool supportsUBO = exts && exts->isUniformBufferObjectSupported; + bool supportsGPU4 = exts && exts->isGpuShader4Supported; + + if (!supportsUBO) + Log(Debug::Info) << "GL_ARB_uniform_buffer_object not supported: using fallback uniforms"; + else if (!supportsGPU4) + Log(Debug::Info) << "GL_EXT_gpu_shader4 not supported: using fallback uniforms"; + + int targetLights = Settings::Manager::getInt("max lights", "Shaders"); auto* stateset = getOrCreateStateSet(); - { // sunlight UBO data - mSunBuffer = new SunlightBuffer(); - osg::ref_ptr ubo = new osg::UniformBufferObject; - mSunBuffer->getData()->setBufferObject(ubo); - osg::ref_ptr ubb = new osg::UniformBufferBinding(0, mSunBuffer->getData().get(), 0, mSunBuffer->getData()->getTotalDataSize()); - stateset->setAttributeAndModes(ubb.get(), osg::StateAttribute::ON); + if (!supportsUBO || !supportsGPU4 || lightingModelString == "default") + { + setLightingMethod(LightingMethod::PerObjectUniform); + setMaxLights(std::max(2, targetLights)); + + mLightUniforms.resize(getMaxLights()+1); + for (size_t i = 0; i < mLightUniforms.size(); ++i) + { + osg::ref_ptr udiffuse = new osg::Uniform(osg::Uniform::FLOAT_VEC4, ("LightBuffer[" + std::to_string(i) + "].diffuse").c_str()); + osg::ref_ptr uspecular = new osg::Uniform(osg::Uniform::FLOAT_VEC4, ("LightBuffer[" + std::to_string(i) + "].specular").c_str()); + osg::ref_ptr uambient = new osg::Uniform(osg::Uniform::FLOAT_VEC4, ("LightBuffer[" + std::to_string(i) + "].ambient").c_str()); + osg::ref_ptr uposition = new osg::Uniform(osg::Uniform::FLOAT_VEC4, ("LightBuffer[" + std::to_string(i) + "].position").c_str()); + osg::ref_ptr uattenuation = new osg::Uniform(osg::Uniform::FLOAT_VEC4, ("LightBuffer[" + std::to_string(i) + "].attenuation").c_str()); + + mLightUniforms[i].emplace(UniformKey::Diffuse, udiffuse); + mLightUniforms[i].emplace(UniformKey::Ambient, uambient); + mLightUniforms[i].emplace(UniformKey::Specular, uspecular); + mLightUniforms[i].emplace(UniformKey::Position, uposition); + mLightUniforms[i].emplace(UniformKey::Attenuation, uattenuation); + + stateset->addUniform(udiffuse); + stateset->addUniform(uambient); + stateset->addUniform(uposition); + stateset->addUniform(uattenuation); + + // specular isn't used besides sun, complete waste to upload it + if (i == 0) + stateset->addUniform(uspecular); + } } + else + { + setLightingMethod(LightingMethod::SingleUBO); + setMaxLights(std::clamp(targetLights, 2, getMaxLightsInScene() / 2)); - { // point lights UBO data - mPointBuffer = new PointLightBuffer(getMaxLightsInScene()); - osg::ref_ptr ubo = new osg::UniformBufferObject; - mPointBuffer->getData()->setBufferObject(ubo); - osg::ref_ptr ubb = new osg::UniformBufferBinding(1, mPointBuffer->getData().get(), 0, mPointBuffer->getData()->getTotalDataSize()); - stateset->setAttributeAndModes(ubb.get(), osg::StateAttribute::ON); + for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) + { + mLightBuffers[i] = new LightBuffer(getMaxLightsInScene()); + osg::ref_ptr ubo = new osg::UniformBufferObject; + ubo->setUsage(GL_STREAM_DRAW); + + mLightBuffers[i]->getData()->setBufferObject(ubo); + } + + stateset->setAttribute(new LightManagerStateAttribute(this), osg::StateAttribute::ON); } - - mPointLightProxyData.resize(getMaxLightsInScene()); - - stateset->setMode(GL_LIGHTING, osg::StateAttribute::OFF|osg::StateAttribute::OVERRIDE); - stateset->setAttribute(new LightManagerStateAttribute(this), osg::StateAttribute::ON); + stateset->addUniform(new osg::Uniform("PointLightCount", 0)); setUpdateCallback(new LightManagerUpdateCallback); - addCullCallback(new SunlightCallback(this)); + addCullCallback(new LightManagerCullCallback(this)); } -//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// - LightManager::LightManager(const LightManager ©, const osg::CopyOp ©op) : osg::Group(copy, copyop) , mStartLight(copy.mStartLight) , mLightingMask(copy.mLightingMask) , mSun(copy.mSun) - , mSunBuffer(copy.mSunBuffer) - , mFFP(copy.mFFP) + , mLightingMethod(copy.mLightingMethod) + { + } + + LightingMethod LightManager::getLightingMethod() const + { + return mLightingMethod; + } + + LightManager::~LightManager() { } bool LightManager::usingFFP() const { - return mFFP; + return mLightingMethod == LightingMethod::FFP; } int LightManager::getMaxLights() const { - if (usingFFP()) return LightManager::mFFPMaxLights; - return std::clamp(Settings::Manager::getInt("max lights", "Shaders"),LightManager::mFFPMaxLights , getMaxLightsInScene()); + return mMaxLights; } + void LightManager::setMaxLights(int value) + { + mMaxLights = value; + } + int LightManager::getMaxLightsInScene() const { - static constexpr int max = 16384 / PointLightBuffer::queryBlockSize(1); - return max; + static constexpr int max = 16384 / LightBuffer::queryBlockSize(1); + return max; } Shader::ShaderManager::DefineMap LightManager::getLightDefines() const @@ -536,28 +718,32 @@ namespace SceneUtil bool ffp = usingFFP(); defines["ffpLighting"] = ffp ? "1" : "0"; - defines["sunDirection"] = ffp ? "gl_LightSource[0].position" : "Sun.direction"; - defines["sunAmbient"] = ffp ? "gl_LightSource[0].ambient" : "Sun.ambient"; - defines["sunDiffuse"] = ffp ? "gl_LightSource[0].diffuse" : "Sun.diffuse"; - defines["sunSpecular"] = ffp ? "gl_LightSource[0].specular" : "Sun.specular"; defines["maxLights"] = std::to_string(getMaxLights()); defines["maxLightsInScene"] = std::to_string(getMaxLightsInScene()); + defines["lightingModel"] = std::to_string(static_cast(mLightingMethod)); + defines["useUBO"] = std::to_string(mLightingMethod == LightingMethod::SingleUBO); + // exposes bitwise operators + defines["useGPUShader4"] = std::to_string(mLightingMethod == LightingMethod::SingleUBO); return defines; } - bool LightManager::queryNonFFPLightingSupport() + void LightManager::setLightingMethod(LightingMethod method) { - osg::GLExtensions* exts = osg::GLExtensions::Get(0, false); - if (!exts || !exts->isUniformBufferObjectSupported) + mLightingMethod = method; + switch (method) { - auto ffpWarning = Misc::StringUtils::format("GL_ARB_uniform_buffer_object not supported: Falling back to FFP %zu light limit. Can not set lights to %i." - , LightManager::mFFPMaxLights - , Settings::Manager::getInt("max lights", "Shaders")); - Log(Debug::Warning) << ffpWarning; - return false; + case LightingMethod::FFP: + mStateSetGenerator = std::make_unique(); + break; + case LightingMethod::SingleUBO: + mStateSetGenerator = std::make_unique(); + break; + case LightingMethod::PerObjectUniform: + mStateSetGenerator = std::make_unique(); + break; } - return true; + mStateSetGenerator->mLightManager = this; } void LightManager::setLightingMask(size_t mask) @@ -591,19 +777,18 @@ namespace SceneUtil return mStartLight; } - void LightManager::update() + void LightManager::update(size_t frameNum) { + getLightIndexMap(frameNum).clear(); mLights.clear(); mLightsInViewSpace.clear(); // Do an occasional cleanup for orphaned lights. for (int i=0; i<2; ++i) { - if (mStateSetCache[i].size() > 5000 || mIndexNeedsRecompiling) + if (mStateSetCache[i].size() > 5000) mStateSetCache[i].clear(); } - - mIndexNeedsRecompiling = false; } void LightManager::addLight(LightSource* lightSource, const osg::Matrixf& worldMat, size_t frameNum) @@ -611,11 +796,10 @@ namespace SceneUtil LightSourceTransform l; l.mLightSource = lightSource; l.mWorldMatrix = worldMat; - lightSource->getLight(frameNum)->setPosition(osg::Vec4f(worldMat.getTrans().x(), - worldMat.getTrans().y(), - worldMat.getTrans().z(), 1.f)); - if (mLights.size() < static_cast(getMaxLightsInScene())) - mLights.emplace_back(l); + osg::Vec3f pos = osg::Vec3f(worldMat.getTrans().x(), worldMat.getTrans().y(), worldMat.getTrans().z()); + lightSource->getLight(frameNum)->setPosition(osg::Vec4f(pos, 1.f)); + + mLights.push_back(l); } void LightManager::setSunlight(osg::ref_ptr sun) @@ -630,128 +814,96 @@ namespace SceneUtil return mSun; } - osg::ref_ptr LightManager::getSunBuffer() - { - return mSunBuffer; - } - - osg::ref_ptr LightManager::getLightListStateSet(const LightList &lightList, size_t frameNum) + osg::ref_ptr LightManager::getLightListStateSet(const LightList& lightList, size_t frameNum, const osg::RefMatrix* viewMatrix) { // possible optimization: return a StateSet containing all requested lights plus some extra lights (if a suitable one exists) size_t hash = 0; for (size_t i=0; imLightSource->getId()); + { + auto id = lightList[i]->mLightSource->getId(); + hash_combine(hash, id); - LightStateSetMap& stateSetCache = mStateSetCache[frameNum%2]; - - LightStateSetMap::iterator found = stateSetCache.find(hash); + if (getLightingMethod() != LightingMethod::SingleUBO) + continue; + + if (getLightIndexMap(frameNum).find(id) != getLightIndexMap(frameNum).end()) + continue; + + int index = getLightIndexMap(frameNum).size() + 1; + updateGPUPointLight(index, lightList[i]->mLightSource, frameNum, viewMatrix); + getLightIndexMap(frameNum).emplace(lightList[i]->mLightSource->getId(), index); + } + + auto& stateSetCache = mStateSetCache[frameNum%2]; + + auto found = stateSetCache.find(hash); if (found != stateSetCache.end()) + { + mStateSetGenerator->update(found->second, lightList, frameNum); return found->second; + } else { - osg::ref_ptr stateset = new osg::StateSet; - - if (usingFFP()) - { - std::vector > lights; - lights.reserve(lightList.size()); - for (size_t i=0; imLightSource->getLight(frameNum)); - - // the first light state attribute handles the actual state setting for all lights - // it's best to batch these up so that we don't need to touch the modelView matrix more than necessary - // don't use setAttributeAndModes, that does not support light indices! - stateset->setAttribute(new FFPLightStateAttribute(mStartLight, std::move(lights)), osg::StateAttribute::ON); - - for (size_t i=0; isetMode(GL_LIGHT0 + mStartLight + i, osg::StateAttribute::ON); - - // need to push some dummy attributes to ensure proper state tracking - // lights need to reset to their default when the StateSet is popped - for (size_t i=1; isetAttribute(mDummies[i+mStartLight].get(), osg::StateAttribute::ON); - } - else - { - osg::ref_ptr indices = new osg::IntArray(getMaxLights()); - osg::ref_ptr indicesUni = new osg::Uniform(osg::Uniform::Type::INT, "PointLightIndex", indices->size()); - int validCount = 0; - for (size_t i = 0; i < lightList.size(); ++i) - { - auto it = mLightData.find(lightList[i]->mLightSource->getId()); - if (it != mLightData.end()) - indices->at(validCount++) = it->second; - } - indicesUni->setArray(indices); - stateset->addUniform(indicesUni); - stateset->addUniform(new osg::Uniform("PointLightCount", validCount)); - } - + auto stateset = mStateSetGenerator->generate(lightList, frameNum); stateSetCache.emplace(hash, stateset); return stateset; } + return new osg::StateSet; } const std::vector& LightManager::getLightsInViewSpace(osg::Camera *camera, const osg::RefMatrix* viewMatrix, size_t frameNum) { osg::observer_ptr camPtr (camera); - std::map, LightSourceViewBoundCollection>::iterator it = mLightsInViewSpace.find(camPtr); + auto it = mLightsInViewSpace.find(camPtr); if (it == mLightsInViewSpace.end()) { it = mLightsInViewSpace.insert(std::make_pair(camPtr, LightSourceViewBoundCollection())).first; - - for (std::vector::iterator lightIt = mLights.begin(); lightIt != mLights.end(); ++lightIt) + + for (const auto& transform : mLights) { - osg::Matrixf worldViewMat = lightIt->mWorldMatrix * (*viewMatrix); - osg::BoundingSphere viewBound = osg::BoundingSphere(osg::Vec3f(0,0,0), lightIt->mLightSource->getRadius()); + osg::Matrixf worldViewMat = transform.mWorldMatrix * (*viewMatrix); + + float radius = transform.mLightSource->getRadius(); + + osg::BoundingSphere viewBound = osg::BoundingSphere(osg::Vec3f(0,0,0), radius * mPointLightRadiusMultiplier); transformBoundingSphere(worldViewMat, viewBound); LightSourceViewBound l; - l.mLightSource = lightIt->mLightSource; + l.mLightSource = transform.mLightSource; l.mViewBound = viewBound; - it->second.push_back(l); - - if (usingFFP()) continue; - - auto* light = l.mLightSource->getLight(frameNum); - - auto dataIt = mLightData.find(l.mLightSource->getId()); - if (dataIt != mLightData.end()) - { - mPointLightProxyData[dataIt->second].mPosition = light->getPosition(); - mPointLightProxyData[dataIt->second].mBrightness = l.mLightSource->getBrightness(frameNum); - mPointBuffer->setValue(dataIt->second, PointLightBuffer::Diffuse, light->getDiffuse()); - continue; - } - - if (mLightData.size() >= static_cast(getMaxLightsInScene())) - { - mIndexNeedsRecompiling = true; - mLightData.clear(); - } - - int index = mLightData.size(); - updateGPUPointLight(index, l.mLightSource, frameNum); - mLightData.emplace(l.mLightSource->getId(), index); + it->second.push_back(l); } } + + if (getLightingMethod() == LightingMethod::SingleUBO) + { + if (it->second.size() > static_cast(getMaxLightsInScene() - 1)) + { + auto sorter = [] (const LightSourceViewBound& left, const LightSourceViewBound& right) { + return left.mViewBound.center().length2() - left.mViewBound.radius2() < right.mViewBound.center().length2() - right.mViewBound.radius2(); + }; + std::sort(it->second.begin() + 1, it->second.end(), sorter); + it->second.erase((it->second.begin() + 1) + (getMaxLightsInScene() - 2), it->second.end()); + } + } + return it->second; } - void LightManager::updateGPUPointLight(int index, LightSource* lightSource, size_t frameNum) + void LightManager::updateGPUPointLight(int index, LightSource* lightSource, size_t frameNum,const osg::RefMatrix* viewMatrix) { auto* light = lightSource->getLight(frameNum); - mPointLightProxyData[index].mPosition = light->getPosition(); - mPointLightProxyData[index].mBrightness = lightSource->getBrightness(frameNum); - mPointBuffer->setValue(index, PointLightBuffer::Diffuse, light->getDiffuse()); - mPointBuffer->setValue(index, PointLightBuffer::Ambient, light->getAmbient()); - mPointBuffer->setValue(index, PointLightBuffer::Attenuation, osg::Vec4(light->getConstantAttenuation(), light->getLinearAttenuation(), light->getQuadraticAttenuation(), lightSource->getRadius())); + auto& buf = getLightBuffer(frameNum); + buf->setDiffuse(index, light->getDiffuse()); + buf->setAmbient(index, light->getSpecular()); + buf->setAttenuation(index, light->getConstantAttenuation(), light->getLinearAttenuation(), light->getQuadraticAttenuation()); + buf->setRadius(index, lightSource->getRadius()); + buf->setPosition(index, light->getPosition() * (*viewMatrix)); } LightSource::LightSource() : mRadius(0.f) - , mBrightness{1.0,1.0} { setUpdateCallback(new CollectLightCallback); mId = sLightId++; @@ -798,6 +950,7 @@ namespace SceneUtil // makes sure we don't update it more than once per frame when rendering with multiple cameras if (mLastFrameNumber != cv->getTraversalNumber()) { + mLastFrameNumber = cv->getTraversalNumber(); // Don't use Camera::getViewMatrix, that one might be relative to another camera! @@ -830,6 +983,7 @@ namespace SceneUtil mLightList.push_back(&l); } } + if (!mLightList.empty()) { size_t maxLights = mLightManager->getMaxLights() - mLightManager->getStartLight(); @@ -840,12 +994,12 @@ namespace SceneUtil { // remove lights culled by this camera LightManager::LightList lightList = mLightList; - for (LightManager::LightList::iterator it = lightList.begin(); it != lightList.end() && lightList.size() > maxLights; ) + for (auto it = lightList.begin(); it != lightList.end() && lightList.size() > maxLights; ) { osg::CullStack::CullingStack& stack = cv->getModelViewCullingStack(); - + osg::BoundingSphere bs = (*it)->mViewBound; - bs._radius = bs._radius*2; + bs._radius = bs._radius * 2.0; osg::CullingSet& cullingSet = stack.front(); if (cullingSet.isCulled(bs)) { @@ -863,10 +1017,10 @@ namespace SceneUtil while (lightList.size() > maxLights) lightList.pop_back(); } - stateset = mLightManager->getLightListStateSet(lightList, cv->getTraversalNumber()); + stateset = mLightManager->getLightListStateSet(lightList, cv->getTraversalNumber(), cv->getCurrentRenderStage()->getInitialViewMatrix()); } else - stateset = mLightManager->getLightListStateSet(mLightList, cv->getTraversalNumber()); + stateset = mLightManager->getLightListStateSet(mLightList, cv->getTraversalNumber(), cv->getCurrentRenderStage()->getInitialViewMatrix()); cv->pushStateSet(stateset); return true; diff --git a/components/sceneutil/lightmanager.hpp b/components/sceneutil/lightmanager.hpp index 9c478b294b..b430153b27 100644 --- a/components/sceneutil/lightmanager.hpp +++ b/components/sceneutil/lightmanager.hpp @@ -5,9 +5,9 @@ #include #include #include +#include #include - #include #include #include @@ -18,38 +18,20 @@ namespace osgUtil { class CullVisitor; } - -namespace osg -{ - class UniformBufferBinding; - class UniformBufferObject; -} - namespace SceneUtil { - class SunlightBuffer; - class PointLightBuffer; + class LightBuffer; + class StateSetGenerator; - // Used to override sun. Rarely useful but necassary for local map. - class SunlightStateAttribute : public osg::StateAttribute + enum class LightingMethod { - public: - SunlightStateAttribute(); - SunlightStateAttribute(const SunlightStateAttribute& copy,const osg::CopyOp& copyop=osg::CopyOp::SHALLOW_COPY); - - int compare(const StateAttribute &sa) const override; - - META_StateAttribute(NifOsg, SunlightStateAttribute, osg::StateAttribute::LIGHT) - - void setFromLight(const osg::Light* light); - - void setStateSet(osg::StateSet* stateset, int mode=osg::StateAttribute::ON); - - private: - osg::ref_ptr mBuffer; - osg::ref_ptr mUbb; + FFP, + SingleUBO, + PerObjectUniform }; + void configureStateSetSunOverride(LightingMethod method, const osg::Light* light, osg::StateSet* stateset, int mode = osg::StateAttribute::ON|osg::StateAttribute::OVERRIDE); + /// LightSource managed by a LightManager. /// @par Typically used for point lights. Spot lights are not supported yet. Directional lights affect the whole scene /// so do not need to be managed by a LightManager - so for directional lights use a plain osg::LightSource instead. @@ -68,8 +50,6 @@ namespace SceneUtil int mId; - float mBrightness[2]; - public: META_Node(SceneUtil, LightSource) @@ -89,16 +69,6 @@ namespace SceneUtil mRadius = radius; } - float getBrightness(size_t frame) - { - return mBrightness[frame % 2]; - } - - void setBrightness(size_t frame, float brightness) - { - mBrightness[frame % 2] = brightness; - } - /// Get the osg::Light safe for modification in the given frame. /// @par May be used externally to animate the light's color/attenuation properties, /// and is used internally to synchronize the light's position with the position of the LightSource. @@ -128,6 +98,18 @@ namespace SceneUtil class LightManager : public osg::Group { public: + + static bool isValidLightingModelString(const std::string& value); + + enum class UniformKey + { + Diffuse, + Ambient, + Specular, + Position, + Attenuation + }; + struct LightSourceTransform { LightSource* mLightSource; @@ -142,14 +124,14 @@ namespace SceneUtil using LightList = std::vector; - static bool queryNonFFPLightingSupport(); - META_Node(SceneUtil, LightManager) LightManager(bool ffp = true); LightManager(const LightManager& copy, const osg::CopyOp& copyop); + ~LightManager(); + /// @param mask This mask is compared with the current Camera's cull mask to determine if lighting is desired. /// By default, it's ~0u i.e. always on. /// If you have some views that do not require lighting, then set the Camera's cull mask to not include @@ -162,41 +144,53 @@ namespace SceneUtil int getStartLight() const; /// Internal use only, called automatically by the LightManager's UpdateCallback - void update(); + void update(size_t frameNum); /// Internal use only, called automatically by the LightSource's UpdateCallback void addLight(LightSource* lightSource, const osg::Matrixf& worldMat, size_t frameNum); const std::vector& getLightsInViewSpace(osg::Camera* camera, const osg::RefMatrix* viewMatrix, size_t frameNum); - osg::ref_ptr getLightListStateSet(const LightList& lightList, size_t frameNum); + osg::ref_ptr getLightListStateSet(const LightList& lightList, size_t frameNum, const osg::RefMatrix* viewMatrix); void setSunlight(osg::ref_ptr sun); osg::ref_ptr getSunlight(); - osg::ref_ptr getSunBuffer(); - bool usingFFP() const; + LightingMethod getLightingMethod() const; + int getMaxLights() const; + int getMaxLightsInScene() const; - Shader::ShaderManager::DefineMap getLightDefines() const; + auto& getDummies() { return mDummies; } + + auto& getLightIndexMap(size_t frameNum) { return mLightIndexMaps[frameNum%2]; } + + auto& getLightBuffer(size_t frameNum) { return mLightBuffers[frameNum%2]; } + + auto& getLightUniform(int index, UniformKey key) { return mLightUniforms[index][key]; } + + std::map getLightDefines() const; private: friend class LightManagerStateAttribute; + friend class LightManagerCullCallback; - void updateGPUPointLight(int index, LightSource* lightSource, size_t frameNum); + void setLightingMethod(LightingMethod method); + void setMaxLights(int value); + + void updateGPUPointLight(int index, LightSource* lightSource, size_t frameNum, const osg::RefMatrix* viewMatrix); - // Lights collected from the scene graph. Only valid during the cull traversal. std::vector mLights; - typedef std::vector LightSourceViewBoundCollection; + using LightSourceViewBoundCollection = std::vector; std::map, LightSourceViewBoundCollection> mLightsInViewSpace; - + // < Light list hash , StateSet > - typedef std::map > LightStateSetMap; + using LightStateSetMap = std::map>; LightStateSetMap mStateSetCache[2]; std::vector> mDummies; @@ -206,26 +200,25 @@ namespace SceneUtil size_t mLightingMask; osg::ref_ptr mSun; - osg::ref_ptr mSunBuffer; - struct PointLightProxyData - { - osg::Vec4 mPosition; - float mBrightness; - }; - - std::vector mPointLightProxyData; - osg::ref_ptr mPointBuffer; + osg::ref_ptr mLightBuffers[2]; // < Light ID , Buffer Index > - using LightDataMap = std::unordered_map; - LightDataMap mLightData; + using LightIndexMap = std::unordered_map; + LightIndexMap mLightIndexMaps[2]; - bool mIndexNeedsRecompiling; - - bool mFFP; + using UniformMap = std::vector>>; + UniformMap mLightUniforms; - static constexpr int mFFPMaxLights = 8; + std::unique_ptr mStateSetGenerator; + + LightingMethod mLightingMethod; + + float mPointLightRadiusMultiplier; + + int mMaxLights; + + static constexpr auto mFFPMaxLights = 8; }; /// To receive lighting, objects must be decorated by a LightListCallback. Light list callbacks must be added via @@ -264,8 +257,7 @@ namespace SceneUtil size_t mLastFrameNumber; LightManager::LightList mLightList; std::set mIgnoredLightSources; - }; - + }; } #endif diff --git a/components/sceneutil/lightutil.cpp b/components/sceneutil/lightutil.cpp index 6c17117d01..07ab446409 100644 --- a/components/sceneutil/lightutil.cpp +++ b/components/sceneutil/lightutil.cpp @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ namespace SceneUtil light->setQuadraticAttenuation(quadraticAttenuation); } - void addLight (osg::Group* node, const ESM::Light* esmLight, unsigned int partsysMask, unsigned int lightMask, bool isExterior, bool useFFPLighting) + void addLight(osg::Group* node, const ESM::Light* esmLight, unsigned int partsysMask, unsigned int lightMask, bool isExterior) { SceneUtil::FindByNameVisitor visitor("AttachLight"); node->accept(visitor); @@ -85,21 +85,17 @@ namespace SceneUtil attachTo = trans; } - osg::ref_ptr lightSource = createLightSource(esmLight, lightMask, isExterior, osg::Vec4f(0,0,0,1), useFFPLighting); + osg::ref_ptr lightSource = createLightSource(esmLight, lightMask, isExterior, osg::Vec4f(0,0,0,1)); attachTo->addChild(lightSource); } - osg::ref_ptr createLightSource(const ESM::Light* esmLight, unsigned int lightMask, bool isExterior, const osg::Vec4f& ambient, bool useFFPLighting) + osg::ref_ptr createLightSource(const ESM::Light* esmLight, unsigned int lightMask, bool isExterior, const osg::Vec4f& ambient) { osg::ref_ptr lightSource (new SceneUtil::LightSource); osg::ref_ptr light (new osg::Light); lightSource->setNodeMask(lightMask); float radius = esmLight->mData.mRadius; - // arbitrary multipler to reduce light popping, this is hard to avoid with per-object lighting - // we offset this multipler in shaders - if (!useFFPLighting) - radius *= 2.0; lightSource->setRadius(radius); configureLight(light, radius, isExterior); @@ -116,7 +112,7 @@ namespace SceneUtil lightSource->setLight(light); - osg::ref_ptr ctrl (new SceneUtil::LightController(useFFPLighting)); + osg::ref_ptr ctrl (new SceneUtil::LightController); ctrl->setDiffuse(light->getDiffuse()); if (esmLight->mData.mFlags & ESM::Light::Flicker) ctrl->setType(SceneUtil::LightController::LT_Flicker); diff --git a/components/sceneutil/lightutil.hpp b/components/sceneutil/lightutil.hpp index bb28276e9b..7096c38b20 100644 --- a/components/sceneutil/lightutil.hpp +++ b/components/sceneutil/lightutil.hpp @@ -32,14 +32,14 @@ namespace SceneUtil /// @param partsysMask Node mask to ignore when computing the sub graph's bounding box. /// @param lightMask Mask to assign to the newly created LightSource. /// @param isExterior Is the light outside? May be used for deciding which attenuation settings to use. - void addLight (osg::Group* node, const ESM::Light* esmLight, unsigned int partsysMask, unsigned int lightMask, bool isExterior, bool useFFPLighting=true); + void addLight (osg::Group* node, const ESM::Light* esmLight, unsigned int partsysMask, unsigned int lightMask, bool isExterior); /// @brief Convert an ESM::Light to a SceneUtil::LightSource, and return it. /// @param esmLight The light definition coming from the game files containing radius, color, flicker, etc. /// @param lightMask Mask to assign to the newly created LightSource. /// @param isExterior Is the light outside? May be used for deciding which attenuation settings to use. /// @param ambient Ambient component of the light. - osg::ref_ptr createLightSource (const ESM::Light* esmLight, unsigned int lightMask, bool isExterior, const osg::Vec4f& ambient=osg::Vec4f(0,0,0,1), bool useFFPLighting=true); + osg::ref_ptr createLightSource (const ESM::Light* esmLight, unsigned int lightMask, bool isExterior, const osg::Vec4f& ambient=osg::Vec4f(0,0,0,1)); } diff --git a/components/sceneutil/mwshadowtechnique.cpp b/components/sceneutil/mwshadowtechnique.cpp index ba903f6db3..89e001a980 100644 --- a/components/sceneutil/mwshadowtechnique.cpp +++ b/components/sceneutil/mwshadowtechnique.cpp @@ -278,7 +278,7 @@ void VDSMCameraCullCallback::operator()(osg::Node* node, osg::NodeVisitor* nv) static osg::ref_ptr ss; if (!ss) { - ShadowsBinAdder adder("ShadowsBin"); + ShadowsBinAdder adder("ShadowsBin", _vdsm->getCastingPrograms()); ss = new osg::StateSet; ss->setRenderBinDetails(osg::StateSet::OPAQUE_BIN, "ShadowsBin", osg::StateSet::OVERRIDE_PROTECTED_RENDERBIN_DETAILS); } @@ -782,7 +782,8 @@ void MWShadowTechnique::ViewDependentData::releaseGLObjects(osg::State* state) c MWShadowTechnique::MWShadowTechnique(): ShadowTechnique(), _enableShadows(false), - _debugHud(nullptr) + _debugHud(nullptr), + _castingPrograms{ nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr } { _shadowRecievingPlaceholderStateSet = new osg::StateSet; mSetDummyStateWhenDisabled = false; @@ -790,6 +791,7 @@ MWShadowTechnique::MWShadowTechnique(): MWShadowTechnique::MWShadowTechnique(const MWShadowTechnique& vdsm, const osg::CopyOp& copyop): ShadowTechnique(vdsm,copyop) + , _castingPrograms(vdsm._castingPrograms) { _shadowRecievingPlaceholderStateSet = new osg::StateSet; _enableShadows = vdsm._enableShadows; @@ -870,7 +872,10 @@ void SceneUtil::MWShadowTechnique::enableFrontFaceCulling() _useFrontFaceCulling = true; if (_shadowCastingStateSet) + { _shadowCastingStateSet->setAttribute(new osg::CullFace(osg::CullFace::FRONT), osg::StateAttribute::ON | osg::StateAttribute::OVERRIDE); + _shadowCastingStateSet->setMode(GL_CULL_FACE, osg::StateAttribute::OFF); + } } void SceneUtil::MWShadowTechnique::disableFrontFaceCulling() @@ -878,17 +883,29 @@ void SceneUtil::MWShadowTechnique::disableFrontFaceCulling() _useFrontFaceCulling = false; if (_shadowCastingStateSet) + { + _shadowCastingStateSet->removeAttribute(osg::StateAttribute::CULLFACE); _shadowCastingStateSet->setMode(GL_CULL_FACE, osg::StateAttribute::OFF | osg::StateAttribute::OVERRIDE); + } } void SceneUtil::MWShadowTechnique::setupCastingShader(Shader::ShaderManager & shaderManager) { // This can't be part of the constructor as OSG mandates that there be a trivial constructor available - - _castingProgram = new osg::Program(); - _castingProgram->addShader(shaderManager.getShader("shadowcasting_vertex.glsl", Shader::ShaderManager::DefineMap(), osg::Shader::VERTEX)); - _castingProgram->addShader(shaderManager.getShader("shadowcasting_fragment.glsl", Shader::ShaderManager::DefineMap(), osg::Shader::FRAGMENT)); + osg::ref_ptr castingVertexShader = shaderManager.getShader("shadowcasting_vertex.glsl", {}, osg::Shader::VERTEX); + osg::ref_ptr exts = osg::GLExtensions::Get(0, false); + std::string useGPUShader4 = exts && exts->isGpuShader4Supported ? "1" : "0"; + for (int alphaFunc = GL_NEVER; alphaFunc <= GL_ALWAYS; ++alphaFunc) + { + auto& program = _castingPrograms[alphaFunc - GL_NEVER]; + program = new osg::Program(); + program->addShader(castingVertexShader); + program->addShader(shaderManager.getShader("shadowcasting_fragment.glsl", { {"alphaFunc", std::to_string(alphaFunc)}, + {"alphaToCoverage", "0"}, + {"useGPUShader4", useGPUShader4} + }, osg::Shader::FRAGMENT)); + } } MWShadowTechnique::ViewDependentData* MWShadowTechnique::createViewDependentData(osgUtil::CullVisitor* /*cv*/) @@ -1606,10 +1623,11 @@ void MWShadowTechnique::createShaders() } - if (!_castingProgram) + if (!_castingPrograms[GL_ALWAYS - GL_NEVER]) OSG_NOTICE << "Shadow casting shader has not been set up. Remember to call setupCastingShader(Shader::ShaderManager &)" << std::endl; - _shadowCastingStateSet->setAttributeAndModes(_castingProgram, osg::StateAttribute::ON | osg::StateAttribute::OVERRIDE); + // Always use the GL_ALWAYS shader as the shadows bin will change it if necessary + _shadowCastingStateSet->setAttributeAndModes(_castingPrograms[GL_ALWAYS - GL_NEVER], osg::StateAttribute::ON | osg::StateAttribute::OVERRIDE); // The casting program uses a sampler, so to avoid undefined behaviour, we must bind a dummy texture in case no other is supplied _shadowCastingStateSet->setTextureAttributeAndModes(0, _fallbackBaseTexture.get(), osg::StateAttribute::ON); _shadowCastingStateSet->addUniform(new osg::Uniform("useDiffuseMapForShadowAlpha", true)); diff --git a/components/sceneutil/mwshadowtechnique.hpp b/components/sceneutil/mwshadowtechnique.hpp index 7b934b7984..de57bf1fdc 100644 --- a/components/sceneutil/mwshadowtechnique.hpp +++ b/components/sceneutil/mwshadowtechnique.hpp @@ -215,6 +215,8 @@ namespace SceneUtil { virtual void createShaders(); + virtual std::array, GL_ALWAYS - GL_NEVER + 1> getCastingPrograms() const { return _castingPrograms; } + virtual bool selectActiveLights(osgUtil::CullVisitor* cv, ViewDependentData* vdd) const; virtual osg::Polytope computeLightViewFrustumPolytope(Frustum& frustum, LightData& positionedLight); @@ -288,7 +290,7 @@ namespace SceneUtil { }; osg::ref_ptr _debugHud; - osg::ref_ptr _castingProgram; + std::array, GL_ALWAYS - GL_NEVER + 1> _castingPrograms; }; } diff --git a/components/sceneutil/shadowsbin.cpp b/components/sceneutil/shadowsbin.cpp index 520ad0362f..5a4096f5c3 100644 --- a/components/sceneutil/shadowsbin.cpp +++ b/components/sceneutil/shadowsbin.cpp @@ -1,7 +1,9 @@ #include "shadowsbin.hpp" #include #include +#include #include +#include #include using namespace osgUtil; @@ -25,9 +27,9 @@ namespace osg::StateSet::ModeList::const_iterator mf = l.find(mode); if (mf == l.end()) return; - int flags = mf->second; + unsigned int flags = mf->second; bool newValue = flags & osg::StateAttribute::ON; - accumulateState(currentValue, newValue, isOverride, ss->getMode(mode)); + accumulateState(currentValue, newValue, isOverride, flags); } inline bool materialNeedShadows(osg::Material* m) @@ -40,6 +42,10 @@ namespace namespace SceneUtil { +std::array, GL_ALWAYS - GL_NEVER + 1> ShadowsBin::sCastingPrograms = { + nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr +}; + ShadowsBin::ShadowsBin() { mNoTestStateSet = new osg::StateSet; @@ -48,10 +54,16 @@ ShadowsBin::ShadowsBin() mShaderAlphaTestStateSet = new osg::StateSet; mShaderAlphaTestStateSet->addUniform(new osg::Uniform("alphaTestShadows", true)); - mShaderAlphaTestStateSet->setMode(GL_BLEND, osg::StateAttribute::OFF | osg::StateAttribute::OVERRIDE); + mShaderAlphaTestStateSet->setMode(GL_BLEND, osg::StateAttribute::OFF | osg::StateAttribute::PROTECTED | osg::StateAttribute::OVERRIDE); + + for (size_t i = 0; i < sCastingPrograms.size(); ++i) + { + mAlphaFuncShaders[i] = new osg::StateSet; + mAlphaFuncShaders[i]->setAttribute(sCastingPrograms[i], osg::StateAttribute::ON | osg::StateAttribute::PROTECTED | osg::StateAttribute::OVERRIDE); + } } -StateGraph* ShadowsBin::cullStateGraph(StateGraph* sg, StateGraph* root, std::unordered_set& uninterestingCache) +StateGraph* ShadowsBin::cullStateGraph(StateGraph* sg, StateGraph* root, std::unordered_set& uninterestingCache, bool cullFaceOverridden) { std::vector return_path; State state; @@ -71,7 +83,6 @@ StateGraph* ShadowsBin::cullStateGraph(StateGraph* sg, StateGraph* root, std::un continue; accumulateModeState(ss, state.mAlphaBlend, state.mAlphaBlendOverride, GL_BLEND); - accumulateModeState(ss, state.mAlphaTest, state.mAlphaTestOverride, GL_ALPHA_TEST); const osg::StateSet::AttributeList& attributes = ss->getAttributeList(); osg::StateSet::AttributeList::const_iterator found = attributes.find(std::make_pair(osg::StateAttribute::MATERIAL, 0)); @@ -83,10 +94,21 @@ StateGraph* ShadowsBin::cullStateGraph(StateGraph* sg, StateGraph* root, std::un state.mMaterial = nullptr; } - // osg::FrontFace specifies triangle winding, not front-face culling. We can't safely reparent anything under it. - found = attributes.find(std::make_pair(osg::StateAttribute::FRONTFACE, 0)); + found = attributes.find(std::make_pair(osg::StateAttribute::ALPHAFUNC, 0)); if (found != attributes.end()) - state.mImportantState = true; + { + // As force shaders is on, we know this is really a RemovedAlphaFunc + const osg::StateSet::RefAttributePair& rap = found->second; + accumulateState(state.mAlphaFunc, static_cast(rap.first.get()), state.mAlphaFuncOverride, rap.second); + } + + if (!cullFaceOverridden) + { + // osg::FrontFace specifies triangle winding, not front-face culling. We can't safely reparent anything under it unless GL_CULL_FACE is off or we flip face culling. + found = attributes.find(std::make_pair(osg::StateAttribute::FRONTFACE, 0)); + if (found != attributes.end()) + state.mImportantState = true; + } if ((*itr) != sg && !state.interesting()) uninterestingCache.insert(*itr); @@ -108,21 +130,45 @@ StateGraph* ShadowsBin::cullStateGraph(StateGraph* sg, StateGraph* root, std::un if (state.mAlphaBlend) { sg_new = sg->find_or_insert(mShaderAlphaTestStateSet); - for (RenderLeaf* leaf : sg->_leaves) - { + sg_new->_leaves = std::move(sg->_leaves); + for (RenderLeaf* leaf : sg_new->_leaves) leaf->_parent = sg_new; - sg_new->_leaves.push_back(leaf); - } - return sg_new; + sg = sg_new; } + + // GL_ALWAYS is set by default by mwshadowtechnique + if (state.mAlphaFunc && state.mAlphaFunc->getFunction() != GL_ALWAYS) + { + sg_new = sg->find_or_insert(mAlphaFuncShaders[state.mAlphaFunc->getFunction() - GL_NEVER]); + sg_new->_leaves = std::move(sg->_leaves); + for (RenderLeaf* leaf : sg_new->_leaves) + leaf->_parent = sg_new; + sg = sg_new; + } + return sg; } +void ShadowsBin::addPrototype(const std::string & name, const std::array, GL_ALWAYS - GL_NEVER + 1>& castingPrograms) +{ + sCastingPrograms = castingPrograms; + osg::ref_ptr bin(new ShadowsBin); + osgUtil::RenderBin::addRenderBinPrototype(name, bin); +} + +inline bool ShadowsBin::State::needTexture() const +{ + return mAlphaBlend || (mAlphaFunc && mAlphaFunc->getFunction() != GL_ALWAYS); +} + bool ShadowsBin::State::needShadows() const { - if (!mMaterial) - return true; - return materialNeedShadows(mMaterial); + if (mAlphaFunc && mAlphaFunc->getFunction() == GL_NEVER) + return false; + // other alpha func + material combinations might be skippable + if (mAlphaBlend && mMaterial) + return materialNeedShadows(mMaterial); + return true; } void ShadowsBin::sortImplementation() @@ -139,13 +185,27 @@ void ShadowsBin::sortImplementation() root = root->_parent; const osg::StateSet* ss = root->getStateSet(); if (ss->getMode(GL_NORMALIZE) & osg::StateAttribute::ON // that is root stategraph of renderingmanager cpp - || ss->getAttribute(osg::StateAttribute::VIEWPORT)) // fallback to rendertargets sg just in case + || ss->getAttribute(osg::StateAttribute::VIEWPORT)) // fallback to rendertarget's sg just in case break; if (!root->_parent) return; } StateGraph* noTestRoot = root->find_or_insert(mNoTestStateSet.get()); - // root is now a stategraph with useDiffuseMapForShadowAlpha disabled but minimal other state + // noTestRoot is now a stategraph with useDiffuseMapForShadowAlpha disabled but minimal other state + + bool cullFaceOverridden = false; + while ((root = root->_parent)) + { + if (!root->getStateSet()) + continue; + unsigned int cullFaceFlags = root->getStateSet()->getMode(GL_CULL_FACE); + if (cullFaceFlags & osg::StateAttribute::OVERRIDE && !(cullFaceFlags & osg::StateAttribute::ON)) + { + cullFaceOverridden = true; + break; + } + } + noTestRoot->_leaves.reserve(_stateGraphList.size()); StateGraphList newList; std::unordered_set uninterestingCache; @@ -154,7 +214,7 @@ void ShadowsBin::sortImplementation() // Render leaves which shouldn't use the diffuse map for shadow alpha but do cast shadows become children of root, so graph is now empty. Don't add to newList. // Graphs containing just render leaves which don't cast shadows are discarded. Don't add to newList. // Graphs containing other leaves need to be in newList. - StateGraph* graphToAdd = cullStateGraph(graph, noTestRoot, uninterestingCache); + StateGraph* graphToAdd = cullStateGraph(graph, noTestRoot, uninterestingCache, cullFaceOverridden); if (graphToAdd) newList.push_back(graphToAdd); } diff --git a/components/sceneutil/shadowsbin.hpp b/components/sceneutil/shadowsbin.hpp index cc6fd3525c..1c63caf4bb 100644 --- a/components/sceneutil/shadowsbin.hpp +++ b/components/sceneutil/shadowsbin.hpp @@ -1,11 +1,13 @@ #ifndef OPENMW_COMPONENTS_SCENEUTIL_SHADOWBIN_H #define OPENMW_COMPONENTS_SCENEUTIL_SHADOWBIN_H +#include #include #include namespace osg { class Material; + class AlphaFunc; } namespace SceneUtil @@ -15,8 +17,12 @@ namespace SceneUtil class ShadowsBin : public osgUtil::RenderBin { private: + static std::array, GL_ALWAYS - GL_NEVER + 1> sCastingPrograms; + osg::ref_ptr mNoTestStateSet; osg::ref_ptr mShaderAlphaTestStateSet; + + std::array, GL_ALWAYS - GL_NEVER + 1> mAlphaFuncShaders; public: META_Object(SceneUtil, ShadowsBin) ShadowsBin(); @@ -24,6 +30,7 @@ namespace SceneUtil : osgUtil::RenderBin(rhs, copyop) , mNoTestStateSet(rhs.mNoTestStateSet) , mShaderAlphaTestStateSet(rhs.mShaderAlphaTestStateSet) + , mAlphaFuncShaders(rhs.mAlphaFuncShaders) {} void sortImplementation() override; @@ -33,8 +40,8 @@ namespace SceneUtil State() : mAlphaBlend(false) , mAlphaBlendOverride(false) - , mAlphaTest(false) - , mAlphaTestOverride(false) + , mAlphaFunc(nullptr) + , mAlphaFuncOverride(false) , mMaterial(nullptr) , mMaterialOverride(false) , mImportantState(false) @@ -42,33 +49,29 @@ namespace SceneUtil bool mAlphaBlend; bool mAlphaBlendOverride; - bool mAlphaTest; - bool mAlphaTestOverride; + osg::AlphaFunc* mAlphaFunc; + bool mAlphaFuncOverride; osg::Material* mMaterial; bool mMaterialOverride; bool mImportantState; - bool needTexture() const { return mAlphaBlend || mAlphaTest; } + bool needTexture() const; bool needShadows() const; // A state is interesting if there's anything about it that might affect whether we can optimise child state bool interesting() const { - return !needShadows() || needTexture() || mAlphaBlendOverride || mAlphaTestOverride || mMaterialOverride || mImportantState; + return !needShadows() || needTexture() || mAlphaBlendOverride || mAlphaFuncOverride || mMaterialOverride || mImportantState; } }; - osgUtil::StateGraph* cullStateGraph(osgUtil::StateGraph* sg, osgUtil::StateGraph* root, std::unordered_set& uninteresting); + osgUtil::StateGraph* cullStateGraph(osgUtil::StateGraph* sg, osgUtil::StateGraph* root, std::unordered_set& uninteresting, bool cullFaceOverridden); - static void addPrototype(const std::string& name) - { - osg::ref_ptr bin (new ShadowsBin); - osgUtil::RenderBin::addRenderBinPrototype(name, bin); - } + static void addPrototype(const std::string& name, const std::array, GL_ALWAYS - GL_NEVER + 1>& castingPrograms); }; class ShadowsBinAdder { public: - ShadowsBinAdder(const std::string& name){ ShadowsBin::addPrototype(name); } + ShadowsBinAdder(const std::string& name, const std::array, GL_ALWAYS - GL_NEVER + 1>& castingPrograms){ ShadowsBin::addPrototype(name, castingPrograms); } }; } diff --git a/components/sceneutil/util.cpp b/components/sceneutil/util.cpp index 2c0d8efa0c..fa3c7d26da 100644 --- a/components/sceneutil/util.cpp +++ b/components/sceneutil/util.cpp @@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ #include #include +#include namespace SceneUtil { @@ -260,4 +261,21 @@ osg::ref_ptr addEnchantedGlow(osg::ref_ptr node, Resourc return glowUpdater; } +bool attachAlphaToCoverageFriendlyFramebufferToCamera(osg::Camera* camera, osg::Camera::BufferComponent buffer, osg::Texture * texture, unsigned int level, unsigned int face, bool mipMapGeneration) +{ + unsigned int samples = 0; + unsigned int colourSamples = 0; + bool addMSAAIntermediateTarget = Settings::Manager::getBool("antialias alpha test", "Shaders") && Settings::Manager::getInt("antialiasing", "Video") > 1; + if (addMSAAIntermediateTarget) + { + // Alpha-to-coverage requires a multisampled framebuffer. + // OSG will set that up automatically and resolve it to the specified single-sample texture for us. + // For some reason, two samples are needed, at least with some drivers. + samples = 2; + colourSamples = 1; + } + camera->attach(buffer, texture, level, face, mipMapGeneration, samples, colourSamples); + return addMSAAIntermediateTarget; +} + } diff --git a/components/sceneutil/util.hpp b/components/sceneutil/util.hpp index 303d609f57..8103ed87a8 100644 --- a/components/sceneutil/util.hpp +++ b/components/sceneutil/util.hpp @@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ #include #include +#include #include #include #include @@ -60,6 +61,9 @@ namespace SceneUtil bool hasUserDescription(const osg::Node* node, const std::string pattern); osg::ref_ptr addEnchantedGlow(osg::ref_ptr node, Resource::ResourceSystem* resourceSystem, osg::Vec4f glowColor, float glowDuration=-1); + + // Alpha-to-coverage requires a multisampled framebuffer, so we need to set that up for RTTs + bool attachAlphaToCoverageFriendlyFramebufferToCamera(osg::Camera* camera, osg::Camera::BufferComponent buffer, osg::Texture* texture, unsigned int level = 0, unsigned int face = 0, bool mipMapGeneration = false); } #endif diff --git a/components/sdlutil/gl4es_init.cpp b/components/sdlutil/gl4es_init.cpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..bf9e007b65 --- /dev/null +++ b/components/sdlutil/gl4es_init.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +// EGL does not work reliably for feature detection. +// Instead, we initialize gl4es manually. +#ifdef OPENMW_GL4ES_MANUAL_INIT +#include "gl4es_init.h" + +// For glHint +#include + +extern "C" { + +#include +#include + +static SDL_Window *gWindow; + +void openmw_gl4es_GetMainFBSize(int *width, int *height) +{ + SDL_GetWindowSize(gWindow, width, height); +} + +void openmw_gl4es_init(SDL_Window *window) +{ + gWindow = window; + set_getprocaddress(SDL_GL_GetProcAddress); + set_getmainfbsize(openmw_gl4es_GetMainFBSize); + initialize_gl4es(); + + // merge glBegin/glEnd in beams and console + glHint(GL_BEGINEND_HINT_GL4ES, 1); + // dxt unpacked to 16-bit looks ugly + glHint(GL_AVOID16BITS_HINT_GL4ES, 1); +} + +} // extern "C" + +#endif // OPENMW_GL4ES_MANUAL_INIT diff --git a/components/sdlutil/gl4es_init.h b/components/sdlutil/gl4es_init.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..11371e7aef --- /dev/null +++ b/components/sdlutil/gl4es_init.h @@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ +#ifndef OPENMW_COMPONENTS_SDLUTIL_GL4ES_INIT_H +#define OPENMW_COMPONENTS_SDLUTIL_GL4ES_INIT_H +#ifdef OPENMW_GL4ES_MANUAL_INIT +#include + +// Must be called once SDL video mode has been set, +// which creates a context. +// +// GL4ES can then query the context for features and extensions. +extern "C" void openmw_gl4es_init(SDL_Window *window); + +#endif // OPENMW_GL4ES_MANUAL_INIT +#endif // OPENMW_COMPONENTS_SDLUTIL_GL4ES_INIT_H diff --git a/components/sdlutil/sdlgraphicswindow.cpp b/components/sdlutil/sdlgraphicswindow.cpp index ad7ecd9ae3..43284c216d 100644 --- a/components/sdlutil/sdlgraphicswindow.cpp +++ b/components/sdlutil/sdlgraphicswindow.cpp @@ -2,6 +2,10 @@ #include +#ifdef OPENMW_GL4ES_MANUAL_INIT +#include "gl4es_init.h" +#endif + namespace SDLUtil { @@ -91,7 +95,7 @@ void GraphicsWindowSDL2::init() SDL_Window *oldWin = SDL_GL_GetCurrentWindow(); SDL_GLContext oldCtx = SDL_GL_GetCurrentContext(); -#if defined(ANDROID) +#if defined(ANDROID) || defined(OPENMW_GL4ES_MANUAL_INIT) int major = 1; int minor = 1; char *ver = getenv("OPENMW_GLES_VERSION"); @@ -116,6 +120,10 @@ void GraphicsWindowSDL2::init() return; } +#ifdef OPENMW_GL4ES_MANUAL_INIT + openmw_gl4es_init(mWindow); +#endif + setSwapInterval(_traits->vsync); // Update traits with what we've actually been given diff --git a/components/shader/removedalphafunc.cpp b/components/shader/removedalphafunc.cpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6b701b8900 --- /dev/null +++ b/components/shader/removedalphafunc.cpp @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +#include "removedalphafunc.hpp" + +#include + +#include + +namespace Shader +{ + std::array, GL_ALWAYS - GL_NEVER + 1> RemovedAlphaFunc::sInstances{ + nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr + }; + + osg::ref_ptr RemovedAlphaFunc::getInstance(GLenum func) + { + assert(func >= GL_NEVER && func <= GL_ALWAYS); + if (!sInstances[func - GL_NEVER]) + sInstances[func - GL_NEVER] = new RemovedAlphaFunc(static_cast(func), 1.0); + return sInstances[func - GL_NEVER]; + } +} diff --git a/components/shader/removedalphafunc.hpp b/components/shader/removedalphafunc.hpp new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c744391e56 --- /dev/null +++ b/components/shader/removedalphafunc.hpp @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +#ifndef OPENMW_COMPONENTS_REMOVEDALPHAFUNC_H +#define OPENMW_COMPONENTS_REMOVEDALPHAFUNC_H + +#include + +#include + +namespace Shader +{ + // State attribute used when shader visitor replaces the deprecated alpha function with a shader + // Prevents redundant glAlphaFunc calls and lets the shadowsbin know the stateset had alpha testing + class RemovedAlphaFunc : public osg::AlphaFunc + { + public: + // Get a singleton-like instance with the right func (but a default threshold) + static osg::ref_ptr getInstance(GLenum func); + + RemovedAlphaFunc() + : osg::AlphaFunc() + {} + + RemovedAlphaFunc(ComparisonFunction func, float ref) + : osg::AlphaFunc(func, ref) + {} + + RemovedAlphaFunc(const RemovedAlphaFunc& raf, const osg::CopyOp& copyop = osg::CopyOp::SHALLOW_COPY) + : osg::AlphaFunc(raf, copyop) + {} + + META_StateAttribute(Shader, RemovedAlphaFunc, ALPHAFUNC); + + void apply(osg::State& state) const override {} + + protected: + virtual ~RemovedAlphaFunc() = default; + + static std::array, GL_ALWAYS - GL_NEVER + 1> sInstances; + }; +} +#endif //OPENMW_COMPONENTS_REMOVEDALPHAFUNC_H diff --git a/components/shader/shadermanager.cpp b/components/shader/shadermanager.cpp index b1dc145f78..12980dffcc 100644 --- a/components/shader/shadermanager.cpp +++ b/components/shader/shadermanager.cpp @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ namespace Shader { ShaderManager::ShaderManager() - : mFFPLighting(false) + : mLightingMethod(SceneUtil::LightingMethod::FFP) { } @@ -27,9 +27,9 @@ namespace Shader mPath = path; } - void ShaderManager::setFFPLighting(bool useFFP) + void ShaderManager::setLightingMethod(SceneUtil::LightingMethod method) { - mFFPLighting = useFFP; + mLightingMethod = method; } bool addLineDirectivesAfterConditionalBlocks(std::string& source) @@ -356,11 +356,8 @@ namespace Shader program->addShader(fragmentShader); program->addBindAttribLocation("aOffset", 6); program->addBindAttribLocation("aRotation", 7); - if (!mFFPLighting) - { - program->addBindUniformBlock("SunlightBuffer", 0); - program->addBindUniformBlock("PointLightBuffer", 1); - } + if (mLightingMethod == SceneUtil::LightingMethod::SingleUBO) + program->addBindUniformBlock("LightBufferBinding", static_cast(UBOBinding::LightBuffer)); found = mPrograms.insert(std::make_pair(std::make_pair(vertexShader, fragmentShader), program)).first; } return found->second; diff --git a/components/shader/shadermanager.hpp b/components/shader/shadermanager.hpp index c70085485d..2450f0d6dc 100644 --- a/components/shader/shadermanager.hpp +++ b/components/shader/shadermanager.hpp @@ -11,14 +11,26 @@ #include +#include + namespace Resource { class SceneManager; } +namespace SceneUtil +{ + enum class LightingMethod; +} + namespace Shader { + enum class UBOBinding + { + LightBuffer + }; + /// @brief Reads shader template files and turns them into a concrete shader, based on a list of define's. /// @par Shader templates can get the value of a define with the syntax @define. class ShaderManager @@ -29,7 +41,7 @@ namespace Shader void setShaderPath(const std::string& path); - void setFFPLighting(bool useFFP); + void setLightingMethod(SceneUtil::LightingMethod method); typedef std::map DefineMap; @@ -69,7 +81,7 @@ namespace Shader typedef std::map, osg::ref_ptr >, osg::ref_ptr > ProgramMap; ProgramMap mPrograms; - bool mFFPLighting; + SceneUtil::LightingMethod mLightingMethod; std::mutex mMutex; }; diff --git a/components/shader/shadervisitor.cpp b/components/shader/shadervisitor.cpp index 9dec5522ca..eae9ad2dbb 100644 --- a/components/shader/shadervisitor.cpp +++ b/components/shader/shadervisitor.cpp @@ -1,7 +1,10 @@ #include "shadervisitor.hpp" +#include #include +#include #include +#include #include #include @@ -13,6 +16,7 @@ #include #include +#include "removedalphafunc.hpp" #include "shadermanager.hpp" namespace Shader @@ -22,6 +26,11 @@ namespace Shader : mShaderRequired(false) , mColorMode(0) , mMaterialOverridden(false) + , mAlphaTestOverridden(false) + , mAlphaBlendOverridden(false) + , mAlphaFunc(GL_ALWAYS) + , mAlphaRef(1.0) + , mAlphaBlend(false) , mNormalHeight(false) , mTexStageRequiringTangents(-1) , mNode(nullptr) @@ -77,6 +86,34 @@ namespace Shader return newStateSet.get(); } + osg::UserDataContainer* getWritableUserDataContainer(osg::Object& object) + { + if (!object.getUserDataContainer()) + return object.getOrCreateUserDataContainer(); + + osg::ref_ptr newUserData = static_cast(object.getUserDataContainer()->clone(osg::CopyOp::SHALLOW_COPY)); + object.setUserDataContainer(newUserData); + return newUserData.get(); + } + + osg::StateSet* getRemovedState(osg::StateSet& stateSet) + { + if (!stateSet.getUserDataContainer()) + return nullptr; + + return static_cast(stateSet.getUserDataContainer()->getUserObject("removedState")); + } + + void updateRemovedState(osg::UserDataContainer& userData, osg::StateSet* stateSet) + { + unsigned int index = userData.getUserObjectIndex("removedState"); + if (index < userData.getNumUserObjects()) + userData.setUserObject(index, stateSet); + else + userData.addUserObject(stateSet); + stateSet->setName("removedState"); + } + const char* defaultTextures[] = { "diffuseMap", "normalMap", "emissiveMap", "darkMap", "detailMap", "envMap", "specularMap", "decalMap", "bumpMap" }; bool isTextureNameRecognized(const std::string& name) { @@ -235,49 +272,76 @@ namespace Shader } const osg::StateSet::AttributeList& attributes = stateset->getAttributeList(); - for (osg::StateSet::AttributeList::const_iterator it = attributes.begin(); it != attributes.end(); ++it) + osg::StateSet::AttributeList removedAttributes; + osg::ref_ptr removedState; + if (removedState = getRemovedState(*stateset)) + removedAttributes = removedState->getAttributeList(); + for (const auto& attributeMap : { attributes, removedAttributes }) { - if (it->first.first == osg::StateAttribute::MATERIAL) + for (osg::StateSet::AttributeList::const_iterator it = attributeMap.begin(); it != attributeMap.end(); ++it) { - // This should probably be moved out of ShaderRequirements and be applied directly now it's a uniform instead of a define - if (!mRequirements.back().mMaterialOverridden || it->second.second & osg::StateAttribute::PROTECTED) + if (it->first.first == osg::StateAttribute::MATERIAL) { - if (it->second.second & osg::StateAttribute::OVERRIDE) - mRequirements.back().mMaterialOverridden = true; - - const osg::Material* mat = static_cast(it->second.first.get()); - - if (!writableStateSet) - writableStateSet = getWritableStateSet(node); - - int colorMode; - switch (mat->getColorMode()) + // This should probably be moved out of ShaderRequirements and be applied directly now it's a uniform instead of a define + if (!mRequirements.back().mMaterialOverridden || it->second.second & osg::StateAttribute::PROTECTED) { - case osg::Material::OFF: - colorMode = 0; - break; - case osg::Material::EMISSION: - colorMode = 1; - break; - default: - case osg::Material::AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE: - colorMode = 2; - break; - case osg::Material::AMBIENT: - colorMode = 3; - break; - case osg::Material::DIFFUSE: - colorMode = 4; - break; - case osg::Material::SPECULAR: - colorMode = 5; - break; - } + if (it->second.second & osg::StateAttribute::OVERRIDE) + mRequirements.back().mMaterialOverridden = true; - mRequirements.back().mColorMode = colorMode; + const osg::Material* mat = static_cast(it->second.first.get()); + + if (!writableStateSet) + writableStateSet = getWritableStateSet(node); + + int colorMode; + switch (mat->getColorMode()) + { + case osg::Material::OFF: + colorMode = 0; + break; + case osg::Material::EMISSION: + colorMode = 1; + break; + default: + case osg::Material::AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE: + colorMode = 2; + break; + case osg::Material::AMBIENT: + colorMode = 3; + break; + case osg::Material::DIFFUSE: + colorMode = 4; + break; + case osg::Material::SPECULAR: + colorMode = 5; + break; + } + + mRequirements.back().mColorMode = colorMode; + } + } + else if (it->first.first == osg::StateAttribute::ALPHAFUNC) + { + if (!mRequirements.back().mAlphaTestOverridden || it->second.second & osg::StateAttribute::PROTECTED) + { + if (it->second.second & osg::StateAttribute::OVERRIDE) + mRequirements.back().mAlphaTestOverridden = true; + + const osg::AlphaFunc* alpha = static_cast(it->second.first.get()); + mRequirements.back().mAlphaFunc = alpha->getFunction(); + mRequirements.back().mAlphaRef = alpha->getReferenceValue(); + } } } - // Eventually, move alpha testing to discard in shader adn remove deprecated state here + } + + unsigned int alphaBlend = stateset->getMode(GL_BLEND); + if (alphaBlend != osg::StateAttribute::INHERIT && (!mRequirements.back().mAlphaBlendOverridden || alphaBlend & osg::StateAttribute::PROTECTED)) + { + if (alphaBlend & osg::StateAttribute::OVERRIDE) + mRequirements.back().mAlphaBlendOverridden = true; + + mRequirements.back().mAlphaBlend = alphaBlend & osg::StateAttribute::ON; } } @@ -323,6 +387,57 @@ namespace Shader writableStateSet->addUniform(new osg::Uniform("colorMode", reqs.mColorMode)); + defineMap["alphaFunc"] = std::to_string(reqs.mAlphaFunc); + + // back up removed state in case recreateShaders gets rid of the shader later + osg::ref_ptr removedState; + if ((removedState = getRemovedState(*writableStateSet)) && !mAllowedToModifyStateSets) + removedState = new osg::StateSet(*removedState, osg::CopyOp::SHALLOW_COPY); + if (!removedState) + removedState = new osg::StateSet(); + + defineMap["alphaToCoverage"] = "0"; + if (reqs.mAlphaFunc != osg::AlphaFunc::ALWAYS) + { + writableStateSet->addUniform(new osg::Uniform("alphaRef", reqs.mAlphaRef)); + + const auto* alphaFunc = writableStateSet->getAttributePair(osg::StateAttribute::ALPHAFUNC); + if (alphaFunc) + removedState->setAttribute(alphaFunc->first, alphaFunc->second); + // This prevents redundant glAlphaFunc calls while letting the shadows bin still see the test + writableStateSet->setAttribute(RemovedAlphaFunc::getInstance(reqs.mAlphaFunc), osg::StateAttribute::ON | osg::StateAttribute::OVERRIDE); + + // Blending won't work with A2C as we use the alpha channel for coverage. gl_SampleCoverage from ARB_sample_shading would save the day, but requires GLSL 130 + if (mConvertAlphaTestToAlphaToCoverage && !reqs.mAlphaBlend) + { + writableStateSet->setMode(GL_SAMPLE_ALPHA_TO_COVERAGE_ARB, osg::StateAttribute::ON); + defineMap["alphaToCoverage"] = "1"; + } + + // Preventing alpha tested stuff shrinking as lower mip levels are used requires knowing the texture size + osg::ref_ptr exts = osg::GLExtensions::Get(0, false); + if (exts && exts->isGpuShader4Supported) + defineMap["useGPUShader4"] = "1"; + // We could fall back to a texture size uniform if EXT_gpu_shader4 is missing + } + + if (writableStateSet->getMode(GL_ALPHA_TEST) != osg::StateAttribute::INHERIT) + removedState->setMode(GL_ALPHA_TEST, writableStateSet->getMode(GL_ALPHA_TEST)); + // This disables the deprecated fixed-function alpha test + writableStateSet->setMode(GL_ALPHA_TEST, osg::StateAttribute::OFF | osg::StateAttribute::PROTECTED); + + if (!removedState->getModeList().empty() || !removedState->getAttributeList().empty()) + { + // user data is normally shallow copied so shared with the original stateset + osg::ref_ptr writableUserData; + if (mAllowedToModifyStateSets) + writableUserData = writableStateSet->getOrCreateUserDataContainer(); + else + writableUserData = getWritableUserDataContainer(*writableStateSet); + + updateRemovedState(*writableUserData, removedState); + } + defineMap["translucentFramebuffer"] = mTranslucentFramebuffer ? "1" : "0"; osg::ref_ptr vertexShader (mShaderManager.getShader(mDefaultVsTemplate, defineMap, osg::Shader::VERTEX)); @@ -350,6 +465,25 @@ namespace Shader writableStateSet = getWritableStateSet(node); writableStateSet->removeAttribute(osg::StateAttribute::PROGRAM); + + osg::ref_ptr removedState; + if (removedState = getRemovedState(*writableStateSet)) + { + // user data is normally shallow copied so shared with the original stateset + osg::ref_ptr writableUserData; + if (mAllowedToModifyStateSets) + writableUserData = writableStateSet->getUserDataContainer(); + else + writableUserData = getWritableUserDataContainer(*writableStateSet); + unsigned int index = writableUserData->getUserObjectIndex("removedState"); + writableUserData->removeUserObject(index); + + for (const auto& [mode, value] : removedState->getModeList()) + writableStateSet->setMode(mode, value); + + for (const auto& attribute : removedState->getAttributeList()) + writableStateSet->setAttribute(attribute.second.first, attribute.second.second); + } } bool ShaderVisitor::adjustGeometry(osg::Geometry& sourceGeometry, const ShaderRequirements& reqs) @@ -477,9 +611,53 @@ namespace Shader mApplyLightingToEnvMaps = apply; } + void ShaderVisitor::setConvertAlphaTestToAlphaToCoverage(bool convert) + { + mConvertAlphaTestToAlphaToCoverage = convert; + } + void ShaderVisitor::setTranslucentFramebuffer(bool translucent) { mTranslucentFramebuffer = translucent; } + ReinstateRemovedStateVisitor::ReinstateRemovedStateVisitor(bool allowedToModifyStateSets) + : osg::NodeVisitor(TRAVERSE_ALL_CHILDREN) + , mAllowedToModifyStateSets(allowedToModifyStateSets) + { + } + + void ReinstateRemovedStateVisitor::apply(osg::Node& node) + { + if (node.getStateSet()) + { + osg::ref_ptr removedState = getRemovedState(*node.getStateSet()); + if (removedState) + { + osg::ref_ptr writableStateSet; + if (mAllowedToModifyStateSets) + writableStateSet = node.getStateSet(); + else + writableStateSet = getWritableStateSet(node); + + // user data is normally shallow copied so shared with the original stateset + osg::ref_ptr writableUserData; + if (mAllowedToModifyStateSets) + writableUserData = writableStateSet->getUserDataContainer(); + else + writableUserData = getWritableUserDataContainer(*writableStateSet); + unsigned int index = writableUserData->getUserObjectIndex("removedState"); + writableUserData->removeUserObject(index); + + for (const auto&[mode, value] : removedState->getModeList()) + writableStateSet->setMode(mode, value); + + for (const auto& attribute : removedState->getAttributeList()) + writableStateSet->setAttribute(attribute.second.first, attribute.second.second); + } + } + + traverse(node); + } + } diff --git a/components/shader/shadervisitor.hpp b/components/shader/shadervisitor.hpp index 11b37c9230..f7c6f83127 100644 --- a/components/shader/shadervisitor.hpp +++ b/components/shader/shadervisitor.hpp @@ -40,6 +40,8 @@ namespace Shader void setApplyLightingToEnvMaps(bool apply); + void setConvertAlphaTestToAlphaToCoverage(bool convert); + void setTranslucentFramebuffer(bool translucent); void apply(osg::Node& node) override; @@ -65,6 +67,8 @@ namespace Shader bool mApplyLightingToEnvMaps; + bool mConvertAlphaTestToAlphaToCoverage; + bool mTranslucentFramebuffer; ShaderManager& mShaderManager; @@ -83,6 +87,12 @@ namespace Shader int mColorMode; bool mMaterialOverridden; + bool mAlphaTestOverridden; + bool mAlphaBlendOverridden; + + GLenum mAlphaFunc; + float mAlphaRef; + bool mAlphaBlend; bool mNormalHeight; // true if normal map has height info in alpha channel @@ -102,6 +112,17 @@ namespace Shader bool adjustGeometry(osg::Geometry& sourceGeometry, const ShaderRequirements& reqs); }; + class ReinstateRemovedStateVisitor : public osg::NodeVisitor + { + public: + ReinstateRemovedStateVisitor(bool allowedToModifyStateSets); + + void apply(osg::Node& node) override; + + private: + bool mAllowedToModifyStateSets; + }; + } #endif diff --git a/docs/source/reference/modding/extended.rst b/docs/source/reference/modding/extended.rst index 98b3e7f001..cd739cb1b2 100644 --- a/docs/source/reference/modding/extended.rst +++ b/docs/source/reference/modding/extended.rst @@ -306,8 +306,11 @@ For example, we do not need to have collision or animation objects for groundcov do not need to render groundcover on the map, do not need to render it for the whole visible area (which can be very large with Distant Terrain). It allows to increase performance a lot. General advices to create assets for this feature: + 1. Alpha properties from Nif files are not used, a unified alpha settings are used (alpha testing, "greater of equal" function, 128/255 threshold). + 2. Use a single NiTriShape in groundocver mesh, or at least use same properties (texture, alpha, material, etc), so OpenMW can merge them on the fly. Otherwise animations may not work properly. + 3. Smooth fading does not work for meshes, which have textures without alpha (e.g. rock). Groundcover mods can be registered in the openmw.cfg via "groundcover" entries instead of "content" ones: diff --git a/docs/source/reference/modding/settings/shaders.rst b/docs/source/reference/modding/settings/shaders.rst index ed43b19a2a..acc8482991 100644 --- a/docs/source/reference/modding/settings/shaders.rst +++ b/docs/source/reference/modding/settings/shaders.rst @@ -147,3 +147,14 @@ radial fog By default, the fog becomes thicker proportionally to your distance from the clipping plane set at the clipping distance, which causes distortion at the edges of the screen. This setting makes the fog use the actual eye point distance (or so called Euclidean distance) to calculate the fog, which makes the fog look less artificial, especially if you have a wide FOV. Note that the rendering will act as if you have 'force shaders' option enabled with this on, which means that shaders will be used to render all objects and the terrain. + +antialias alpha test +--------------------------------------- + +:Type: boolean +:Range: True/False +:Default: False + +Convert the alpha test (cutout/punchthrough alpha) to alpha-to-coverage when :ref:`antialiasing` is on. +This allows MSAA to work with alpha-tested meshes, producing better-looking edges without pixelation. +When MSAA is off, this setting will have no visible effect, but might have a performance cost. diff --git a/extern/CMakeLists.txt b/extern/CMakeLists.txt index b4182a1053..613de8fa80 100644 --- a/extern/CMakeLists.txt +++ b/extern/CMakeLists.txt @@ -31,15 +31,11 @@ if(NOT OPENMW_USE_SYSTEM_BULLET) set(USE_DOUBLE_PRECISION ${BULLET_USE_DOUBLES} CACHE BOOL "") set(BULLET2_MULTITHREADING ON CACHE BOOL "") - # Version 3.08 with the following changes: - # 1. Fixes the linking of Threads: - # https://github.com/bulletphysics/bullet3/pull/3237 - # 2. Removes ~300 MiB of files not used here: - # rm -rf build3 data docs examples test Doxyfile + # master on 12 Mar 2021 include(FetchContent) FetchContent_Declare(bullet - URL https://github.com/glebm/bullet3/archive/ed5256454f4f84bd2c1728c88ddb0405d614e7d2.zip - URL_HASH MD5=e3c94fac35a7be885ad8843f828a0f96 + URL https://github.com/bulletphysics/bullet3/archive/87e668f6b2a883b4ef63db8a07c8e9283916e9d9.zip + URL_HASH MD5=9f13246439968494c2b595cf412d83c8 SOURCE_DIR fetched/bullet ) FetchContent_MakeAvailableExcludeFromAll(bullet) @@ -60,6 +56,10 @@ if(NOT OPENMW_USE_SYSTEM_MYGUI) set(MYGUI_BUILD_PLUGINS OFF CACHE BOOL "") set(MYGUI_BUILD_TOOLS OFF CACHE BOOL "") + # We appear to be using some obsolete properties in the XML. + # See https://gitlab.com/OpenMW/openmw/-/issues/5896 + set(MYGUI_DONT_USE_OBSOLETE OFF CACHE BOOL "") + if(MYGUI_STATIC) set(BUILD_SHARED_LIBS OFF) else() @@ -68,8 +68,8 @@ if(NOT OPENMW_USE_SYSTEM_MYGUI) include(FetchContent) FetchContent_Declare(mygui - URL https://github.com/MyGUI/mygui/archive/MyGUI3.4.0.zip - URL_HASH MD5=9e990a4240430cbf567bfe73488a274e + URL https://github.com/MyGUI/mygui/archive/MyGUI3.4.1.zip + URL_HASH MD5=952d4033854612c99a5d9bf4b8550c26 SOURCE_DIR fetched/mygui ) FetchContent_MakeAvailableExcludeFromAll(mygui) diff --git a/extern/osg-ffmpeg-videoplayer/audiodecoder.cpp b/extern/osg-ffmpeg-videoplayer/audiodecoder.cpp index 3373826793..c32794d2aa 100644 --- a/extern/osg-ffmpeg-videoplayer/audiodecoder.cpp +++ b/extern/osg-ffmpeg-videoplayer/audiodecoder.cpp @@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ MovieAudioDecoder::~MovieAudioDecoder() if(mAudioContext) avcodec_free_context(&mAudioContext); - av_freep(&mFrame); + av_frame_free(&mFrame); av_freep(&mDataBuf); } @@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ int MovieAudioDecoder::audio_decode_frame(AVFrame *frame, int &sample_skip) return result; } - av_packet_unref(&mPacket); + av_packet_unref(pkt); mGetNextPacket = true; /* next packet */ diff --git a/extern/osg-ffmpeg-videoplayer/videostate.cpp b/extern/osg-ffmpeg-videoplayer/videostate.cpp index 5858d985a8..7c4bddb01e 100644 --- a/extern/osg-ffmpeg-videoplayer/videostate.cpp +++ b/extern/osg-ffmpeg-videoplayer/videostate.cpp @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ #include #include +#include #include #include #include @@ -49,7 +50,7 @@ VideoState::VideoState() , av_sync_type(AV_SYNC_DEFAULT) , audio_st(nullptr) , video_st(nullptr), frame_last_pts(0.0) - , video_clock(0.0), sws_context(nullptr), rgbaFrame(nullptr), pictq_size(0) + , video_clock(0.0), sws_context(nullptr), pictq_size(0) , pictq_rindex(0), pictq_windex(0) , mSeekRequested(false) , mSeekPos(0) @@ -82,10 +83,11 @@ void PacketQueue::put(AVPacket *pkt) pkt1 = (AVPacketList*)av_malloc(sizeof(AVPacketList)); if(!pkt1) throw std::bad_alloc(); - if(pkt != &flush_pkt && !pkt->buf && av_packet_ref(&pkt1->pkt, pkt) < 0) - throw std::runtime_error("Failed to duplicate packet"); + if(pkt == &flush_pkt) + pkt1->pkt = *pkt; + else + av_packet_move_ref(&pkt1->pkt, pkt); - pkt1->pkt = *pkt; pkt1->next = nullptr; this->mutex.lock (); @@ -116,7 +118,8 @@ int PacketQueue::get(AVPacket *pkt, VideoState *is) this->nb_packets--; this->size -= pkt1->pkt.size; - *pkt = pkt1->pkt; + av_packet_unref(pkt); + av_packet_move_ref(pkt, &pkt1->pkt); av_free(pkt1); return 1; @@ -155,6 +158,39 @@ void PacketQueue::clear() this->mutex.unlock (); } +int VideoPicture::set_dimensions(int w, int h) { + if (this->rgbaFrame != nullptr && this->rgbaFrame->width == w && + this->rgbaFrame->height == h) { + return 0; + } + + std::unique_ptr frame{ + av_frame_alloc()}; + if (frame == nullptr) { + std::cerr << "av_frame_alloc failed" << std::endl; + return -1; + } + + constexpr AVPixelFormat kPixFmt = AV_PIX_FMT_RGBA; + frame->format = kPixFmt; + frame->width = w; + frame->height = h; + if (av_image_alloc(frame->data, frame->linesize, frame->width, frame->height, + kPixFmt, 1) < 0) { + std::cerr << "av_image_alloc failed" << std::endl; + return -1; + } + + this->rgbaFrame = std::move(frame); + return 0; +} + +void VideoPicture::AVFrameDeleter::operator()(AVFrame* frame) const +{ + av_freep(frame->data); + av_frame_free(&frame); +} + int VideoState::istream_read(void *user_data, uint8_t *buf, int buf_size) { try @@ -220,7 +256,7 @@ void VideoState::video_display(VideoPicture *vp) osg::ref_ptr image = new osg::Image; image->setImage(this->video_ctx->width, this->video_ctx->height, - 1, GL_RGBA, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, &vp->data[0], osg::Image::NO_DELETE); + 1, GL_RGBA, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, vp->rgbaFrame->data[0], osg::Image::NO_DELETE); mTexture->setImage(image); } @@ -296,23 +332,27 @@ int VideoState::queue_picture(AVFrame *pFrame, double pts) // Convert the image into RGBA format // TODO: we could do this in a pixel shader instead, if the source format // matches a commonly used format (ie YUV420P) - if(this->sws_context == nullptr) + const int w = pFrame->width; + const int h = pFrame->height; + if(this->sws_context == nullptr || this->sws_context_w != w || this->sws_context_h != h) { - int w = this->video_ctx->width; - int h = this->video_ctx->height; + if (this->sws_context != nullptr) + sws_freeContext(this->sws_context); this->sws_context = sws_getContext(w, h, this->video_ctx->pix_fmt, w, h, AV_PIX_FMT_RGBA, SWS_BICUBIC, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr); if(this->sws_context == nullptr) throw std::runtime_error("Cannot initialize the conversion context!\n"); + this->sws_context_w = w; + this->sws_context_h = h; } vp->pts = pts; - vp->data.resize(this->video_ctx->width * this->video_ctx->height * 4); + if (vp->set_dimensions(w, h) < 0) + return -1; - uint8_t *dst[4] = { &vp->data[0], nullptr, nullptr, nullptr }; sws_scale(this->sws_context, pFrame->data, pFrame->linesize, - 0, this->video_ctx->height, dst, this->rgbaFrame->linesize); + 0, this->video_ctx->height, vp->rgbaFrame->data, vp->rgbaFrame->linesize); // now we inform our display thread that we have a pic ready this->pictq_windex = (this->pictq_windex+1) % VIDEO_PICTURE_ARRAY_SIZE; @@ -360,13 +400,11 @@ public: { VideoState* self = mVideoState; AVPacket pkt1, *packet = &pkt1; + av_init_packet(packet); AVFrame *pFrame; pFrame = av_frame_alloc(); - self->rgbaFrame = av_frame_alloc(); - av_image_alloc(self->rgbaFrame->data, self->rgbaFrame->linesize, self->video_ctx->width, self->video_ctx->height, AV_PIX_FMT_RGBA, 1); - while(self->videoq.get(packet, self) >= 0) { if(packet->data == flush_pkt.data) @@ -407,10 +445,7 @@ public: av_packet_unref(packet); - av_free(pFrame); - - av_freep(&self->rgbaFrame->data[0]); - av_free(self->rgbaFrame); + av_frame_free(&pFrame); } private: @@ -438,6 +473,7 @@ public: AVFormatContext *pFormatCtx = self->format_ctx; AVPacket pkt1, *packet = &pkt1; + av_init_packet(packet); try { @@ -673,16 +709,21 @@ void VideoState::init(std::shared_ptr inputstream, const std::stri { if (this->format_ctx->pb != nullptr) { - av_free(this->format_ctx->pb->buffer); - this->format_ctx->pb->buffer = nullptr; - - av_free(this->format_ctx->pb); - this->format_ctx->pb = nullptr; + av_freep(&this->format_ctx->pb->buffer); +#if LIBAVCODEC_VERSION_INT >= AV_VERSION_INT(57, 80, 100) + avio_context_free(&this->format_ctx->pb); +#else + av_freep(&this->format_ctx->pb); +#endif } } // "Note that a user-supplied AVFormatContext will be freed on failure." this->format_ctx = nullptr; - av_free(ioCtx); +#if LIBAVCODEC_VERSION_INT >= AV_VERSION_INT(57, 80, 100) + avio_context_free(&ioCtx); +#else + av_freep(&ioCtx); +#endif throw std::runtime_error("Failed to open video input"); } @@ -756,11 +797,12 @@ void VideoState::deinit() /// if (this->format_ctx->pb != nullptr) { - av_free(this->format_ctx->pb->buffer); - this->format_ctx->pb->buffer = nullptr; - - av_free(this->format_ctx->pb); - this->format_ctx->pb = nullptr; + av_freep(&this->format_ctx->pb->buffer); +#if LIBAVCODEC_VERSION_INT >= AV_VERSION_INT(57, 80, 100) + avio_context_free(&this->format_ctx->pb); +#else + av_freep(&this->format_ctx->pb); +#endif } avformat_close_input(&this->format_ctx); } @@ -771,6 +813,11 @@ void VideoState::deinit() mTexture->setImage(nullptr); mTexture = nullptr; } + + // Dellocate RGBA frame queue. + for (std::size_t i = 0; i < VIDEO_PICTURE_ARRAY_SIZE; ++i) + this->pictq[i].rgbaFrame = nullptr; + } double VideoState::get_external_clock() diff --git a/extern/osg-ffmpeg-videoplayer/videostate.hpp b/extern/osg-ffmpeg-videoplayer/videostate.hpp index 641fce04be..015656084f 100644 --- a/extern/osg-ffmpeg-videoplayer/videostate.hpp +++ b/extern/osg-ffmpeg-videoplayer/videostate.hpp @@ -95,7 +95,16 @@ struct VideoPicture { VideoPicture() : pts(0.0) { } - std::vector data; + struct AVFrameDeleter { + void operator()(AVFrame* frame) const; + }; + + // Sets frame dimensions. + // Must be called before writing to `rgbaFrame`. + // Return -1 on error. + int set_dimensions(int w, int h); + + std::unique_ptr rgbaFrame; double pts; }; @@ -159,8 +168,8 @@ struct VideoState { double video_clock; ///= alphaRef) + discard; + #elif @alphaFunc == FUNC_EQUAL + if (gl_FragData[0].a != alphaRef) + discard; + #elif @alphaFunc == FUNC_LEQUAL + if (gl_FragData[0].a > alphaRef) + discard; + #elif @alphaFunc == FUNC_GREATER + if (gl_FragData[0].a <= alphaRef) + discard; + #elif @alphaFunc == FUNC_NOTEQUAL + if (gl_FragData[0].a == alphaRef) + discard; + #elif @alphaFunc == FUNC_GEQUAL + if (gl_FragData[0].a < alphaRef) + discard; + #endif + #endif +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/files/shaders/groundcover_fragment.glsl b/files/shaders/groundcover_fragment.glsl index 392419d92b..5464e3655b 100644 --- a/files/shaders/groundcover_fragment.glsl +++ b/files/shaders/groundcover_fragment.glsl @@ -1,5 +1,12 @@ #version 120 -#extension GL_ARB_uniform_buffer_object : enable + +#if @useUBO + #extension GL_ARB_uniform_buffer_object : require +#endif + +#if @useGPUShader4 + #extension GL_EXT_gpu_shader4: require +#endif #define GROUNDCOVER @@ -31,11 +38,7 @@ centroid varying vec3 shadowDiffuseLighting; #include "shadows_fragment.glsl" #include "lighting.glsl" - -float calc_coverage(float a, float alpha_ref, float falloff_rate) -{ - return clamp(falloff_rate * (a - alpha_ref) + alpha_ref, 0.0, 1.0); -} +#include "alpha.glsl" void main() { @@ -56,12 +59,13 @@ void main() gl_FragData[0] = vec4(1.0); #endif - gl_FragData[0].a = calc_coverage(gl_FragData[0].a, 128.0/255.0, 4.0); - - float shadowing = unshadowedLightRatio(linearDepth); if (euclideanDepth > @groundcoverFadeStart) gl_FragData[0].a *= 1.0-smoothstep(@groundcoverFadeStart, @groundcoverFadeEnd, euclideanDepth); + alphaTest(); + + float shadowing = unshadowedLightRatio(linearDepth); + vec3 lighting; #if !PER_PIXEL_LIGHTING lighting = passLighting + shadowDiffuseLighting * shadowing; diff --git a/files/shaders/groundcover_vertex.glsl b/files/shaders/groundcover_vertex.glsl index 3238bc864f..221f6528ba 100644 --- a/files/shaders/groundcover_vertex.glsl +++ b/files/shaders/groundcover_vertex.glsl @@ -1,6 +1,12 @@ #version 120 -#extension GL_ARB_uniform_buffer_object : enable +#if @useUBO + #extension GL_ARB_uniform_buffer_object : require +#endif + +#if @useGPUShader4 + #extension GL_EXT_gpu_shader4: require +#endif #define GROUNDCOVER diff --git a/files/shaders/lighting.glsl b/files/shaders/lighting.glsl index b243a90c4e..36be081efc 100644 --- a/files/shaders/lighting.glsl +++ b/files/shaders/lighting.glsl @@ -1,39 +1,86 @@ +#define LIGHTING_MODEL_FFP 0 +#define LIGHTING_MODEL_SINGLE_UBO 1 +#define LIGHTING_MODEL_PER_OBJECT_UNIFORM 2 + #if !@ffpLighting +#define getLight LightBuffer -#include "sun.glsl" +float quickstep(float x) +{ + x = clamp(x, 0.0, 1.0); + x = 1.0 - x*x; + x = 1.0 - x*x; + return x; +} -#define getLight PointLights +#if @useUBO -struct PointLight +const uint mask = uint(0xff); + +vec3 unpackRGB(float data) +{ + uint colors = uint(data); + return vec3( (((colors >> 0) & mask) / 255.0) + ,(((colors >> 8) & mask) / 255.0) + ,(((colors >> 16) & mask) / 255.0)); +} + +vec4 unpackRGBA(float data) +{ + uint colors = uint(data); + return vec4( (((colors >> 0) & mask) / 255.0) + ,(((colors >> 8) & mask) / 255.0) + ,(((colors >> 16) & mask) / 255.0) + ,(((colors >> 24) & mask) / 255.0)); +} + +struct LightData +{ + uvec4 packedColors; // diffuse, ambient, specular + vec4 position; + vec4 attenuation; // constant, linear, quadratic, radius +}; + +uniform int PointLightIndex[@maxLights]; +uniform int PointLightCount; + +layout(std140) uniform LightBufferBinding +{ + LightData LightBuffer[@maxLightsInScene]; +}; + +#else + +struct LightData { vec4 position; vec4 diffuse; vec4 ambient; - float constantAttenuation; - float linearAttenuation; - float quadraticAttenuation; - float radius; + vec4 specular; + vec4 attenuation; // constant, linear, quadratic, radius }; +uniform LightData LightBuffer[@maxLights]; uniform int PointLightCount; -uniform int PointLightIndex[@maxLights]; -layout(std140) uniform PointLightBuffer -{ - PointLight PointLights[@maxLightsInScene]; -}; +#endif #else #define getLight gl_LightSource #endif void perLightSun(out vec3 ambientOut, out vec3 diffuseOut, vec3 viewPos, vec3 viewNormal) -{ - vec3 lightDir = @sunDirection.xyz; - lightDir = normalize(lightDir); - - ambientOut = @sunAmbient.xyz; +{ + vec3 lightDir = normalize(getLight[0].position.xyz); +#if @lightingModel == LIGHTING_MODEL_SINGLE_UBO + vec4 data = getLight[0].packedColors; + ambientOut = unpackRGB(data.y); + vec3 sunDiffuse = unpackRGB(data.x); +#else + ambientOut = getLight[0].ambient.xyz; + vec3 sunDiffuse = getLight[0].diffuse.xyz; +#endif float lambert = dot(viewNormal.xyz, lightDir); #ifndef GROUNDCOVER lambert = max(lambert, 0.0); @@ -46,32 +93,33 @@ void perLightSun(out vec3 ambientOut, out vec3 diffuseOut, vec3 viewPos, vec3 vi } lambert *= clamp(-8.0 * (1.0 - 0.3) * eyeCosine + 1.0, 0.3, 1.0); #endif - diffuseOut = @sunDiffuse.xyz * lambert; + + diffuseOut = sunDiffuse * lambert; } - -uniform float osg_SimulationTime; void perLightPoint(out vec3 ambientOut, out vec3 diffuseOut, int lightIndex, vec3 viewPos, vec3 viewNormal) { - vec4 pos = getLight[lightIndex].position; - vec3 lightDir = pos.xyz - viewPos; + vec3 lightDir = getLight[lightIndex].position.xyz - viewPos; float lightDistance = length(lightDir); lightDir = normalize(lightDir); +#if @ffpLighting float illumination = clamp(1.0 / (getLight[lightIndex].constantAttenuation + getLight[lightIndex].linearAttenuation * lightDistance + getLight[lightIndex].quadraticAttenuation * lightDistance * lightDistance), 0.0, 1.0); - -// Add an artificial cutoff, otherwise effected objects will be brightly lit and adjacent objects not effected by this light will be dark by contrast -// This causes nasty artifacts, especially with active grid so it is necassary for now. -#if !@ffpLighting - float cutoff = getLight[lightIndex].radius * 0.5; - illumination *= 1.0 - smoothstep(0.0, 1.0, ((lightDistance / cutoff) - 1.0) * 0.887); - illumination = max(0.0, illumination); +#else + float illumination = clamp(1.0 / (getLight[lightIndex].attenuation.x + getLight[lightIndex].attenuation.y * lightDistance + getLight[lightIndex].attenuation.z * lightDistance * lightDistance), 0.0, 1.0); + illumination *= 1.0 - quickstep((lightDistance * 0.887 / getLight[lightIndex].attenuation.w) - 0.887); #endif +#if @useUBO + vec4 data = getLight[lightIndex].packedColors; + ambientOut = unpackRGB(data.y) * illumination; +#else ambientOut = getLight[lightIndex].ambient.xyz * illumination; +#endif float lambert = dot(viewNormal.xyz, lightDir) * illumination; + #ifndef GROUNDCOVER lambert = max(lambert, 0.0); #else @@ -84,10 +132,10 @@ void perLightPoint(out vec3 ambientOut, out vec3 diffuseOut, int lightIndex, vec lambert *= clamp(-8.0 * (1.0 - 0.3) * eyeCosine + 1.0, 0.3, 1.0); #endif -#if @ffpLighting - diffuseOut = getLight[lightIndex].diffuse.xyz * lambert; +#if @useUBO + diffuseOut = unpackRGB(data.x) * lambert; #else - diffuseOut = (getLight[lightIndex].diffuse.xyz * pos.w) * lambert; + diffuseOut = getLight[lightIndex].diffuse.xyz * lambert; #endif } @@ -109,17 +157,22 @@ void doLighting(vec3 viewPos, vec3 viewNormal, out vec3 diffuseLight, out vec3 a #endif ambientLight = gl_LightModel.ambient.xyz; -#if !@ffpLighting perLightSun(ambientOut, diffuseOut, viewPos, viewNormal); ambientLight += ambientOut; diffuseLight += diffuseOut; - for (int i=0; i