Merge branch 'blocksound' into 'master'

Play shield hit sound for the shield that was hit (#7774)

Closes #7774

See merge request OpenMW/openmw!3776
Evil Eye 12 months ago
commit 5ae878c248

@ -37,23 +37,6 @@ namespace MWClass
return true;
void Actor::block(const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr) const
const MWWorld::InventoryStore& inv = getInventoryStore(ptr);
MWWorld::ConstContainerStoreIterator shield = inv.getSlot(MWWorld::InventoryStore::Slot_CarriedLeft);
if (shield == inv.end())
MWBase::SoundManager* sndMgr = MWBase::Environment::get().getSoundManager();
const ESM::RefId skill = shield->getClass().getEquipmentSkill(*shield);
if (skill == ESM::Skill::LightArmor)
sndMgr->playSound3D(ptr, ESM::RefId::stringRefId("Light Armor Hit"), 1.0f, 1.0f);
else if (skill == ESM::Skill::MediumArmor)
sndMgr->playSound3D(ptr, ESM::RefId::stringRefId("Medium Armor Hit"), 1.0f, 1.0f);
else if (skill == ESM::Skill::HeavyArmor)
sndMgr->playSound3D(ptr, ESM::RefId::stringRefId("Heavy Armor Hit"), 1.0f, 1.0f);
osg::Vec3f Actor::getRotationVector(const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr) const
MWMechanics::Movement& movement = getMovementSettings(ptr);

@ -45,8 +45,6 @@ namespace MWClass
bool useAnim() const override;
void block(const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr) const override;
osg::Vec3f getRotationVector(const MWWorld::Ptr& ptr) const override;
///< Return desired rotations, as euler angles. Sets getMovementSettings(ptr).mRotation to zero.

@ -339,10 +339,7 @@ namespace MWClass
MWMechanics::applyElementalShields(ptr, victim);
if (MWMechanics::blockMeleeAttack(ptr, victim, weapon, damage, attackStrength))
damage = 0;
MWMechanics::diseaseContact(victim, ptr);

@ -678,10 +678,7 @@ namespace MWClass
MWMechanics::applyElementalShields(ptr, victim);
if (MWMechanics::blockMeleeAttack(ptr, victim, weapon, damage, attackStrength))
damage = 0;
if (victim == MWMechanics::getPlayer() && MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getGodModeState())
damage = 0;

@ -135,6 +135,15 @@ namespace MWMechanics
auto& prng = MWBase::Environment::get().getWorld()->getPrng();
if (Misc::Rng::roll0to99(prng) < x)
MWBase::SoundManager* sndMgr = MWBase::Environment::get().getSoundManager();
const ESM::RefId skill = shield->getClass().getEquipmentSkill(*shield);
if (skill == ESM::Skill::LightArmor)
sndMgr->playSound3D(blocker, ESM::RefId::stringRefId("Light Armor Hit"), 1.0f, 1.0f);
else if (skill == ESM::Skill::MediumArmor)
sndMgr->playSound3D(blocker, ESM::RefId::stringRefId("Medium Armor Hit"), 1.0f, 1.0f);
else if (skill == ESM::Skill::HeavyArmor)
sndMgr->playSound3D(blocker, ESM::RefId::stringRefId("Heavy Armor Hit"), 1.0f, 1.0f);
// Reduce shield durability by incoming damage
int shieldhealth = shield->getClass().getItemHealth(*shield);

@ -118,11 +118,6 @@ namespace MWWorld
throw std::runtime_error("class cannot hit");
void Class::block(const Ptr& ptr) const
throw std::runtime_error("class cannot block");
void Class::onHit(const Ptr& ptr, float damage, bool ishealth, const Ptr& object, const Ptr& attacker,
const osg::Vec3f& hitPosition, bool successful, const MWMechanics::DamageSourceType sourceType) const

@ -151,10 +151,6 @@ namespace MWWorld
/// actor responsible for the attack. \a successful specifies if the hit is
/// successful or not. \a sourceType classifies the damage source.
virtual void block(const Ptr& ptr) const;
///< Play the appropriate sound for a blocked attack, depending on the currently equipped shield
/// (default implementation: throw an exception)
virtual std::unique_ptr<Action> activate(const Ptr& ptr, const Ptr& actor) const;
///< Generate action for activation (default implementation: return a null action).
