-- @param #any cellOrName A cell to define the destination worldspace; can be either #Cell, or cell name, or an empty string (empty string means the default exterior worldspace).
-- If the worldspace has multiple cells (i.e. an exterior), the destination cell is calculated using `position`.
-- @param openmw.util#Vector3 position New position.
-- @param openmw.util#Vector3 rotation (optional) New rotation. If missing, then the current rotation is used.
-- @param #TeleportOptions options (optional) Either table @{#TeleportOptions} or @{openmw.util#Vector3} rotation.
-- Either table with options or @{openmw.util#Vector3} rotation.
-- @type TeleportOptions
-- @field openmw.util#Vector3 rotation New rotation; if missing, then the current rotation is used.
-- @field #boolean onGround If true, adjust destination position to the ground.
-- Moves object into a container or an inventory. Enables if was disabled.
@ -219,6 +225,7 @@
-- @field #boolean isQuasiExterior (DEPRECATED, use `hasTag("QuasiExterior")`) Whether the cell is a quasi exterior (like interior but with the sky and the wheather).
-- @field #number gridX Index of the cell by X (only for exteriors).
-- @field #number gridY Index of the cell by Y (only for exteriors).
-- @field #string worldSpaceId Id of the world space.
-- @field #boolean hasWater True if the cell contains water.
-- @field #boolean hasSky True if in this cell sky should be rendered.