@ -203,8 +203,79 @@ Shield holstering is not supported at the moment since it conflicts with any mod
An example of a mod which uses this feature is `Weapon Sheathing`_.
An example of a mod which uses this feature is `Weapon Sheathing`_.
Skeleton extensions
It is possible to inject custom bones into actor skeletons:
use additional anim sources = true
If this setting is enabled, OpenMW will seek for modified skeletons in the ``Animations/[skeleton name]`` folder in your ``Data Files``.
For example, the biped creature skeleton folder is ``Animations/xbase_anim``, the female NPCs skeleton folder is ``Animations/xbase_anim_female``,
the beast race skeleton folder is ``Animations/xbase_anim_kna``.
Note that these are the third person view skeletons, and the first person view skeleton will have a different name.
OpenMW scans every NIF file in such a folder for nodes which have "BONE" NiStringExtraData.
It is recommended to give such nodes names that start with "Bip01 " so that the mesh optimizer doesn't try to optimize them out.
Then OpenMW copies all found nodes to related skeleton. To determine the bone to which the new node should be attached,
OpenMW checks the name of the parent node of the new node in the original NIF file.
For example, to attach a custom weapon bone, you'll need to follow this NIF record hierarchy:
NiNode "root"
NiNode "Bip01 L Hand"
NiNode "Weapon Bone Left"
NiStringExtraData "BONE"
OpenMW will detect ``Weapon Bone Left`` node and attach it to ``Bip01 L Hand`` bone of the target skeleton.
An example of a mod which uses this feature is `Weapon Sheathing`_.
Extended weapon animations
It is possible to use unique animation groups for different weapon types.
They are not mandatory, and the currently hardcoded weapon types will fall back to existing generic animations.
Every weapon type has an attack animation group and a suffix for the movement animation groups.
For example, long blades use ``weapononehand`` attack animation group, ``idle1h`` idle animation group, ``jump1h`` jumping animation group, etc.
This is the full table of supported animation groups:
| Weapon type | Animation group | Movement suffix | Attack (fallback) | Suffix (fallback) |
| Short blade | shortbladeonehand | 1s | weapononehand | 1h |
| Long blade 1H | weapononehand | 1h | | |
| Long blade 2H | weapontwohand | 2c | | |
| Blunt 1H | bluntonehand | 1b | weapononehand | 1h |
| Blunt 2H | blunttwohand | 2b | weapontwohand | 2c |
| Axe 1H | bluntonehand | 1b | weapononehand | 1h |
| Axe 2H | blunttwohand | 2b | weapontwohand | 2c |
| Blunt 2H wide | weapontwowide | 2w | weapontwohand | 2c |
| Spear | weapontwowide | 2w | weapontwohand | 2c |
| Bow | bowandarrow | bow | | 1h |
| Crossbow | crossbow | crossbow | | 1h |
| Thrown | throwweapon | 1t | | 1h |
.. _`Graphic Herbalism`: https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/46599
.. _`Graphic Herbalism`: https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/46599
.. _`OpenMW Containers Animated`: https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/46232
.. _`OpenMW Containers Animated`: https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/46232
.. _`Glow in the Dahrk`: https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/45886
.. _`Glow in the Dahrk`: https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/45886
.. _`Almalexia's Cast for Beasts`: https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/45853
.. _`Almalexia's Cast for Beasts`: https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/45853
.. _`Weapon sheathing`: https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/46069`
.. _`Weapon sheathing`: https://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/46069