Some camera settings are available only in the in-game settings menu. See the tab "Scripts/OpenMW Camera".
near clip
near clip
@ -103,138 +106,6 @@ while small values can result in the hands not being visible.
This setting can only be configured by editing the settings configuration file.
This setting can only be configured by editing the settings configuration file.
third person camera distance
:Type:floating point
Distance from the camera to the character in third person mode.
This setting can be changed in game using "Zoom In" / "Zoom Out" controls.
view over shoulder
This setting controls third person view mode.
False: View is centered on the character's head. Crosshair is hidden.
True: In non-combat mode camera is positioned behind the character's shoulder. Crosshair is visible in third person mode as well.
This setting can be controlled in Advanced tab of the launcher.
view over shoulder offset
:Type:2D vector floating point
:Default:30 -10
This setting makes sense only if 'view over shoulder' is enabled. Controls horizontal (first number) and vertical (second number) offset of the camera in third person mode.
Recommened values: 30 -10 for the right shoulder, -30 -10 for the left shoulder.
This setting can only be configured by editing the settings configuration file.
auto switch shoulder
This setting makes difference only in third person mode if 'view over shoulder' is enabled.
When player is close to an obstacle, automatically switches camera to the shoulder that is farther away from the obstacle.
This setting can be controlled in Advanced tab of the launcher.
zoom out when move coef
:Type:floating point
This setting makes difference only in third person mode if 'view over shoulder' is enabled.
Slightly pulls camera away (or closer in case of negative value) when the character moves. To disable set it to zero.
This setting can only be configured by editing the settings configuration file.
preview if stand still
Makes difference only in third person mode.
If enabled then the character rotation is not synchonized with the camera rotation while the character doesn't move and not in combat mode.
This setting can be controlled in Advanced tab of the launcher.
deferred preview rotation
Makes difference only in third person mode.
If enabled then the character smoothly rotates to the view direction after exiting preview or vanity mode.
If disabled then the camera rotates rather than the character.
This setting can be controlled in Advanced tab of the launcher.
head bobbing
Enables head bobbing when move in first person mode.
This setting can be controlled in Advanced tab of the launcher.
head bobbing step
:Type:floating point
Makes diffence only in first person mode if 'head bobbing' is enabled.
Length of each step.
This setting can only be configured by editing the settings configuration file.
head bobbing height
:Type:floating point
Makes diffence only in first person mode if 'head bobbing' is enabled.
Amplitude of the head bobbing.
This setting can only be configured by editing the settings configuration file.
head bobbing roll
:Type:floating point
Makes diffence only in first person mode if 'head bobbing' is enabled.
Maximum roll angle in degrees.
This setting can only be configured by editing the settings configuration file.
# Best to leave this at the default since vanilla assets are not complete enough to adapt to high FoV's. Too low FoV would clip the hands off screen.
# Best to leave this at the default since vanilla assets are not complete enough to adapt to high FoV's. Too low FoV would clip the hands off screen.
first person field of view=60.0
first person field of view=60.0
# Distance from the camera to the character in third person mode.
third person camera distance=192
# If enabled then third person camera is positioned above character's shoulder and crosshair is visible.
view over shoulder=false
# Makes sense only if 'view over shoulder' is true. First number is horizontal offset (negative value means offset to the left), second number is vertical offset.
view over shoulder offset=30 -10
# Switch shoulder automatically when player is close to an obstacle.
auto switch shoulder=true
# Slightly pulls camera away when the character moves. Works only in 'view over shoulder' mode. Set to 0 to disable.
zoom out when move coef=20
# Automatically enable preview mode when player doesn't move.
preview if stand still=false
# Rotate the character to the view direction after exiting preview mode.
deferred preview rotation=true
# Enables head bobbing in first person mode
head bobbing=false
# Length of each step
head bobbing step=90.0
# Amplitude of the bobbing effect
head bobbing height=3.0
# Maximum camera roll angle (degrees)
head bobbing roll=0.2
# Reverse the depth range, reduces z-fighting of distant objects and terrain
# Reverse the depth range, reduces z-fighting of distant objects and terrain
<string><html><head/><body><p>This setting controls third person view mode.</p><p>False: View is centered on the character's head. Crosshair is hidden.
True: In non-combat mode camera is positioned behind the character's shoulder. Crosshair is visible in third person mode as well.
<string><html><head/><body><p>When player is close to an obstacle, automatically switches camera to the shoulder that is farther away from the obstacle.</p></body></html></string>
<string><html><head/><body><p>If enabled then the character rotation is not synchonized with the camera rotation while the character doesn't move and not in combat mode.</p></body></html></string>
<string><html><head/><body><p>If enabled then the character smoothly rotates to the view direction after exiting preview or vanity mode. If disabled then the camera rotates rather than the character.</p></body></html></string>
<string><html><head/><body><p>Enables head bobbing when move in first person mode.</p></body></html></string>